P a ^ Friday, June 15, 1945 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon 2 dering states a dtgeetable allce o f | Hunland. and they will have space chased from France, which had se- T h e C o w D o w n and elbow room to keep what is left cured possession from Spain, and p i_ l' l r secrecy was no longer necessary. r rOITl i l l C K O r y t i l O V e o f Germ any, at a r m s length. But back to the bloody and guilty CHAPTER 2 I --------- Jackson our top -everybody thought that they flx- The Purchase of (Louisiana. j #ee where M r . ______ . H. II. JKFFH1KM, Publisher Get us digress for a short tíme iaw man ¡n France, is getting ready ed that up at the Y alta m eetln ’, or , before we send Lewis and Clark on j to open court to see if G erm any is party, or w hatever It was but she Published Friday o f each w eek by the Pioneer Publishing Oo., at Beaverton, their m em orable expedition, to re- 1 guilty o f som ething, and he says up j looks now like they m usta talked Oregon. E ntered as second-class m atter at the p oetofflce at B eaverton, O ra late briefly the highlights o f that t0 now no pian D( going ahead has about som ething eise— like m aybe T he Great A m erican Odyssey very im portant transaction, the Lou- been agreed upon between the Allies w hat the catch er whispered to the One Year ..n.oo Subscription P ayable in Advance. isiana Purchase Out fighters wade in and win wars pi tcher—and then the batter hit the The history o f old Louisiana reads j _ and then the cu taw ay-coat boys ball over the left field fence, Beaverton O ffic e - E nterprise Bldg., Phone B eaverton 2321 A Condensed Story of the like a chapter from a book o f fic- . dilly-dally. By the time a lot of Ger- Y ours w ith the low down P ortland O ffice— 308 Panam a B ld g , 3rd and Alder P hone A T w ater 6891 Historic Expedition j tion. Men, wom en and children mang ever com e to trial, the sob ¡ JO 8 E R R A died in wresting it from the I n -, a.rtists will be on deck with bouquets! ■-------- ---------------------- * of 1804-6 dians and fightin g the fevers which f or the prisoners ,and we can turn F or Stove and Diesel OU Call H arry M tftU * low er regions Old half 0¡ em loose to start planning | Barnes. P hon e B eaverton 3331. tf Copyright 1945 by W alter M eacham infested its i W orld intrigue swayed its destinies I the next war, which we will be ex- 0 R E C | 0 ® H ^ Ä s [ P Ä P t ll and its governm ent under I am a m em ber o f the H itler French, pected to get into— and quell. CHAPTER I Spanish and A m erican rule offers soldier W e need to get o ff the dim e and Y ou th —52-year-old G erm an Pi) BUS IlELS 4 s [ s 5£)|AT I ON picture at once alluring and fasci­ clam p down on the guilty, and then captured by G Is in F rankfurt. (Continued from last w eek ) start trim m ing Germ any down to In a secret m essage to Congress, nating. (T o be continued next w eek) controllable size. Give D en m ark ! W hile In B eaverton be sure to oat ¡January 18, 1803, Jefferson, now and Belgium and all the little bor- %t the G reyhound C offee Shop. Used Car Ceiling Cut July 1 President of the United States, urged .... * that trade with the western Indians A navy searchlight only 24 inches i be cultivated and that an expedition |across can shoot a beam o f light 23 The O P A has announced that ceil­ | be sent to explore the cou n try as I ra*'es- ing prices for used passenger cars I far as the mouth o f the C olum bia j Cleaning and Repairing will be reduced July 1. Rival on the P a cific slope. C on-! through governm ent ends At the same tim e there will be a 4 K re s s received this idea favorably 1 ultim ately in som e degree o f Individ-1 Free Estimates per cent reduction in charges allow ­ and voted the sum o f 32,500 fo r the ual ^ & v r y .— Dr. A lfred P. H a a k e,, & Installation ed for extra equipm ent on used cars, expedition. T oday this sum seem s econom ist. | such as heaters and radios. insignificant fo r the com m onest kind _ __. --------- ------------- ~ ~ .. „ o f an investigation would cost m any Por ®*®ve A**! Diesel Oil Call H a r r y . tim es that much. But. we m ust re-j B a rn e,‘ Phone O v e r t o n 3231. tf Must Endorse Coupons m em ber that those were not the days _ . large incom es. ' W hile sh°PPinK in B oaverton »top 3535 S W . Canby CH 1729 Canning sugar cou pons must he in­ of high prices and M embers o f the Metzger com m un i­ dorsed properly with name and ra- | M o s t o f the men served as soldiers *n at t*ie Greyhound C offe Shop fo ri ty organizations are planning a very tion book No. 4 serial num bers when fo r small pay, anil all o f them "lived L,unch- worthw hile p roject------ a living m em ­ consum ers present them to grocers o f f the cou ntry” as they went along. som e provisions, o f orial in honor o f the boys and girls to get sugar. I f the can nin g sugar , Tl}ey carried w ho have served their country. It cou pons are not indorsed they will course, but the main part o f their wild gam e is planned to establish this m em orial be debited against the store’s sugar | living cam e from the they encountered on the way. In M etzger Park, m aking Im prove­ account. It was necessary that the real pur­ m ents so as to serve social and edu­ N otice is h ereby given that the B udget C om m ittee o f W E S T S L O P E W A T E R D IS T R IC T , W a sh in gton cational needs o f the people o f the In 1944, A m erican s in intercity | pose o fthe expedition be kept a se­ C oun ty, O regon , as provid ed by S ection s 110-1201 to 110-1215, O. C. L. A., as am en d ed , prepared and adopted because the cou ntry ly in » be- com m unity. This Is a w onderful transportation traveled m ore than , cret tween ThV* MisViTslnnl’ “a n / *h « ' t h e fo r e g o in g bu d get estim ates fo r said D istrict fo r th e ensu in g fisca l year en d in g Ju n e 30. 1946, and all per- idea and we all wait with interest lOO.OOOtOOOiOOO passenger-m iles. C om ­ M ountains was hrid hv s n! , „ »on s are h ereby riotified that on W ed n esd ay, the 27th day o f June. A. D. 1945, at 8 :0 0 P. M „ at the District as their plans develop. m ercial freigh t m oved about 1,200,- u a s know n as I-ouisiana * i f a f o r- 1 O ffice , W est Slope. O regon, the B oard o f C om m ission ers o f said D istrict w ill h old a sp ecial m eetin g fo r the pub- 000,000,000 ton-m iles. eign power should invade this terri- *'c discu ssion th ereof. F or Stove and Diesel OU Call H arry Date o f F irst P u b lica tion : June 8, 1945. Barnes. Phone B eaverton 3231. tf W hile shopping in B eaverton stop | tory without perm ission, it w ould be an unfriendly act and Date o f Last P u b lica tion : June 15, 1945. in at the G reyhound C offee Shop fo r considered m ight result in war. But, before T ell it with a classified ad. Lunch. B O A R D OF C O M M ISSIO N ERS the expedition was equipped and W E S T SLO PE W A T E R D IS T R IC T r eady to start, Louisiana w as pur- B y: Carl B. Salts, S ecretary. * « Lewis And Clark « VENETIAN BLINDS De LAÑO Venetian Blind Mfg. Co. a m NOTICE D ick Kokich W ANTED Modern BRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS Teacher of AND West Slope Water District BUDGET JU L Y I, 1945 T O JU N E 30, 1946 Essential Industry Classical Accordion 1942-43 N O T NECESSARY Steady Work with Overtime ^ P P L Y AT SYLVAN PLANT COLUMBIA BRICKWORKS Î CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS 1320 ¡4. E. W ater Ave., P ortland SPECIAL “ V E N T IL A T E D ’ $ See your Building Material Dealer S Portland Concrete Pipe & ......................................................................................... ......................................................................... I ^ Products Co. 6819 S W M acadam Ave., Portland, 1 O regon THE FACT IS AT. 8384 By GENERAL ELECTRIC ^ ^ De Laval S E P A R A T O R S — M IL K E R S C O M P L E T E E Q U IP M E N T A ffD S U P P L IE S F O R T H E D A IR Y IN D U S T R Y iflonme kCrijel V l r - * Hdnofdt turtn A Dhtrlbutor* tVIRVTHING -* D A IR Y M A N t — f 133 N W r A * * /MV ‘ * JH - * o r t i am o . C m . - I alt L a k e C ity ra rk AT. MSI Kepler Davenport Co. BEAVERTON , OREGON Recovering and Modernizing EYEUDS CAN FREEZE SHUT in h ig h - FLYING. SO GENERAL ELECTRIC ENGINEERS DEVELOPED ELECTRICALLY HEATED G06GLE5. FINE WIRES ARE IMBEDDED IN PLASTIC LENSES. G.E. ALSO MAKES ELECTRI­ CALLY HEATED FLYING SUITS, GLOVES, SHOES, CASUALTY BLANKETS. a l t it u d e Beaverton 3762 Open 8:30 to 6 E venings by Appointm ent BUYERS— PACKERS — All llerrie«, Prune«, Graphs— F E R T IL IZ E R , DUST, W K K V K L B A IT S, A V A IL A B L E IN SEASON R. I. McLaughlin, Inc. 6 TONS of DIRTY PISHES ^ PRICE DOWN OVER 75 % IN 25 YEARS. AN ELECTRIC MOTOR, WHICH IN 1920 COST $28.25, TODAY COSTS ONLY $6.90 GENERAL Ü ELECTRIC 1943-44 « 34 os. L ast f Utos. * 7,285.12 $ 9,420.80 1,530.20 $ 8,091.22 2,7 6 0 .1 0 19,892.80 722.00 2,070.39 90.50 13,324.45 456.57 1,194.90 5.00 116.09 111.26 125.00 Voters have a job to do, too MV STATE BUILDING FUND /.MTV, 2,915.01 4,000.00 * 4,410.17 4.722.88 1 2 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0 8,0 0 0 .0 0 17,0 0 0 .0 0 2 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 800.00 2,000.00 9 ,0 0 0 .0 « « 614.16 549.96 9S26.082.3M 9 3 0,722.03 653.40 483.21 441.30 92.44 498.99 835.52 50,000.00 2.500.00 988. 1 2 2,500.00 889.37 2,500.00 419.96 1,109.16 2,500.00 800.00 6,5 0 0 .0 0 4 ,1 9 1 .8 7 8,557.34 2 1 ".i 2 .3 2 5 .0 0 241.91 270.00 9,791.59 34.19 2.646.46 242.51 609.50 7,450.90 17.19 2,310.00 245.65 305.00 6.000.00 20.00 2,310.00 300.00 300.00 10,000.00 40.00 4.920.00 300.00 600.00 1 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0 50 .0 0 5 ,5 0 0 .0 0 6 0 0 .0 0 6 0 0 .0 0 93.12 68.36 1,059.46 50.09 211.81 8 6 4 .9 » 33.50 19.50 16.30 200.00 26.76 201.36 157.83 95.75 19.50 35.00 200.00 250.00 75.00 250.00 1.000.00 100.00 30.00 75.00 300.00 1,000.00 150.00 35.00 64.91 182.70 75.00 200.00 150.00 300.00 150.00 5 0 0 .0 0 |< $8 25.27 83.75 268.05 545.00 198.83 28.00 86.90 51.68 75.00 35.00 100.00 50.00 200.00 50.00 122.95 3.85 7,285.12 9,420.80 1,530.20 8.091.22 -.7 2 5 .1 0 4.410.17 4.722.88 125,0 0 0 .0 0 1,800.01 3,000.00 3.231.18 $ 2 0 ,3 8 0 .9 2 $1113.042.21 $23.913.01 $ 1 0 3 .1 3 3 .0 3 230.00 9 2 0 .2 8 0 .» 2 $103,042.21 $23,015.01 $ 1 63,188.05 1 2 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0 5,0 0 0 .0 0 3.77 22.25 3.50 413.33 202.32 930.420.00 $ 3 0 ,7 3 2 .0 $ Bonds O utstanding: Iss u e d /« r a r e s t No. No. No. No. 1 2 3 4 6 rV 5 % 314 % 2 % ...................... ............................... ...............................% ............................... I P a ,4 16 , 000.00 B a la n c e *15 .000.00 9 .0 0 0 . 00 17 , 000.00 16 . 500.00 1 7 5 , 000.00 6 . 0 0 0 . 00 $30.000.00 8 . 0 0 0 .0 0 1 0 .5 0 0 .0 0 1 75y000.00 $103.500.00 W EST SLOPE W ATER D IS TR IC T FIRE PROTECTION BUDGET JU LY I , 1945 T O JU N E 30, 1946 Do Y o u r D u ty on Ju n e 22 The voters must .authorize the Stats Budding Fund «o O regon can d o its duty in providing adequate educa­ tional, hospital, and other facilities. O regon muvt not lag behind. Y our YFS V O T F is all that is needed. 1945-44 B udget * D ISB U R S E M E N T S : C o n stru ctio n : Serv. In sta ll.............. S y s t e m ....................... Debt S erv ice: P rin cip al .................. In terest .................... S in k in g F und In v .: P rin cip al .................. Interest .................... I O p e ra !io n s; W ater ....................... L ight and P ow er . , S u perin ten den ce . . T ru ck and A u to . . P rofession a l .......... C o l l e c t i o n s ............... Ind. In su ran ce . . . . Gen. In su rance . . . M aintenance .......... A ud it ......................... E lection s .................. M iscellan eou s . . . . L oan to F ire Dist. O ffic e : T elep h on e ............... P ostage S alaries .................... S u p p l i e s .................... M iscellan eou s . . . . G en eral .................... O th er: E xtension R efu n d s Ciuih O u t: G en eral F und . . . . S in k in g F und . . . . C onst. A ccoun t T o t a l« ................. 1944-45 B u ff« 1 7 5 ,0 0 0 .0 0 281.94 118.95 $223.500.00 M.-oraa, N i u f « , ZVJ S. » . S u lk Araaaa, r n u a f F0« VKT0MT—BUY AND H01D WAN BONOS • General t Metric Company ScNanavtatfy. N. Y. 1,683.40 T o t a ls ............... Issue Issue Issue Issue V O T E 3 0 0 X YES P*“ ( eAv . t n,u-4 C n a m < «• m m . tee . Ralph D. Hear tha S I rate pra*r»mt Thu G f AN gM Orchestra Sun 10 * M. fWT NBC-Tha Work» Today ne»t Moo 'hrou|hFrl 4 4Sp m ( WT. CBS-The« ( Houa# Party Me« through (n. 4 OCp m lNT CBS. REVEN U ES: C ash-In : G eneral F und ............... S in k in g F un d ............... Const. A ccou n t ............ Iterations: W a t e r ................................ .. Serv. In stall..................... ............ Taxes .................................. M iscellan eou s ................. .......... S in kin g F und In v .: P rin cip al .................. Interest .................... B onds S old : P rin cipal .................. In terest .................... P rem iu m .................. O th er: ............................ E xten sion D eposits Beaverton 3271 ARE WASHED EVERY YEAR FOR A FAMILY OF FOUR. DISHES CAN BE WASHED ELECTRICALLY FOR ONLY |$ PER DAY. 1944-45 first E X P E R IE N C E W E S T SLOPE ST U D IO On Canyon & Howatt Rd. 1944-45 1944-45 1 * 42-43 ¡ 944-45 L a st F ir st 9 mss 1 * 43-44 1*44 45 4 Mo* 1 * 45-44 B udget B udget REVEN U ES: Cash In: General Fund ........................ Receipts: Taxes ...................................... Loans ...................................... T o t a ls ................................... * 244.63 186.05 659.58 $ 8 4 1 .0 3 I 407.27 91.90 155 69 91.90 97.69 403.79 400.00 800.00 848.00 200.00 $ H5IIIO $ 4 0 5 .« » $ 5 5 5 .0 9 $ 8 9 1 .0 0 $ 9 4 5 .0 9 DlMBI R m EMKNTN: O p era tion «: Contracta................................ 600 00 760 00 340.00 458 00 244 63 91.90 155.69 97 69 t ’ash t»u t: General Fund ........................ Reserves ................................ Totals.............................. 700.00 • 00.00 • 191 90 $ » 4 4 03 $ » 5 1 .9 0 $ 4 9 3 .0 9 $ 3 3 3 .6 9 $ » 0 1 .9 0 145.69 $ 9 4 5 .0 0 » «