p»gg ? Friday, June 8, 1945 B E A V E R T O N ENTERPRISE. Beaverton, Oregon NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION IL IL J E F F R IE S , Publisher Published Friday or each week by the Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton, Oregon. Entered as second-class m atter at the poetofflee at Beaverton, Ore. n.oo One Tear Subscription P ayable in Advance. B eaverton O ffice— E nterprise Bldg., P hone Beaverton 232! Portland O ffice— 308 Panam a Bldg., 3rd and A lder P hone A Tw ater 6891 Meat-¿4 * O r e c | o ( n ^ l i â s [F â p e * P übush I e l s ‘H s JÒ iatio * classes the ballots shall not be count- 2 p. m. and 3 p. m. ed until one hour afte rthe tim e set In districts of the second and third for the m eeting to begin. Until ths classes the ballots shall not be count- N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N to the legal voters o f Union School count begins, any legal voters o f the ed until one hour after the tim e set D istrict No. 10 Jt, 01' W ashington County. State ..of ..Oregon, that a district shall be entitled to vote upon for the m eeting to begin. Until the any business before the m eeting. ' count begins, any legal voters o f the SCHOOL M E ETIN G o f the said district will be held at B eaverton Dated this 21st day o f May, 1945 district shall be entitled to vote upon High School on the 25th day o f June. 1945, at 2:00 o'clo ck p. m., ATTEST: ¡any business before the meeting. for the purpose o f discussing the budget fo r the fiscal sch ool year, L. W. S H O R T . ! Dated this 26th day o f May, 1945. beginning July 1, 1945. and ending June 30, 1946, herein after set C hairm an B oard o f D irectors A TT E ST : E. H. M A ST E R S , | W . D. C AM E RO N , forth. D istrict C lerk j Chairm an B oard o f D irectors Date o f first publication May 25, JE N N IE W A LTO N , a 1®I5. j D istrict Clerk Date o f last publication, June 8, First date o f publication June 1, ’ ! 1945. ------------------------- --- Last ,jate Qf publication, June 8, Schedule 1 Estim ated R eceipt« and A tailable Cash B alances N otice of Annual S ch ool M eeting 1945. N O TICE is H E R E B Y G IV E N to ----------------------------- the legal voters o f S ch ool D istrict No. N O TICE OK BONO S A L E T otal A ll General ITEM Union High S ch ool num ber 10 Jt. of Funds F und W ushington-M ultnom ah County, State | N O TICE IS H E R E B Y G IV E N that I o f Oregon, that the A N N U A L sealed bids will be received by the Estim ated R eceipts from SCHOOL M E E T IN G o f said D istrict j undersigned until the hour o f eight I Delinquent Taxes ................................ .. $ 2300.00 $ 2300 00 will be held at B eaverton H igh School o ’clock p. m., on the 19th day o f June, | High School T u i t i o n .......................... 3000.00 3000.00 to begin at the hour o f 2 p. m. o ’clock 1945, and im m ediately thereafter pub- Estim ated Total Receipts. $ 5300.00 $ 5300.00 to t p. m. on the third M on day o f licly opened by the school district June, being the 25 d ay o f June, A. board o f school d istrict num ber 48. Available Cash Hal. or D eficit $ 5300.00 $ 5300.00 D L w1M5’ W ashington County, Oregon, at the ^ I he m eeting is called for the pur- B eaverton Grade School building, in BUD6ET . held at B eaverton Grade S ch ool; to begin at the hour o f Eight o ’clock P. N O TIC E O F M. on the third M onday o f June, be­ ANNU AL SCHOOL M E E T IN G ing the 18th day o f June. A. I>. 1945. N OTICE IS H E R E B Y G IV E N to This m eeting is called for the pur­ the legal voters o f School D istrict No. pose o f electing one d irector and the 48 o f W ashington County, State o f transacting o f business usual at such Oregon, that the AN NU AL SCHOOL meeting. E ST IM A T E D E X P E N D IT U R E S r e T v e ^ o r'a 0 five v e L b? » r d m e!T^er tC> B e“ Vert0n’ 0reK on ’ for an issue o f Schedule U —G enera, Fund M E ETIN G o f said D istrict will be In districts o f the second and third se iv e tor a rive y ea r term and to re- bonds o f said d istrict in the amount view the bu d get betw een the hours of of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00» ---------------------------------------------- said bonds to be dated June 1, 1945, and to m ature serially in num erical j Estim . E x ­ Estim. E x­ order as follow s: penditures penditures High THE OLD JUDGE S A Y S . . . IT E M $5,000 00 on D ecem ber 1, 1952 School for ensuing for ensuing $5,000.00 on D ecem ber 1, 1953 S ch ool Y r. Sch ool Y r. Said bonds to bear interest at the j in D etail , by T otals rate o f not m ore than 4% per annum payable sem i-annually, principal and | Interest payable at the o ffic e o f the t G E N E R A L CON I HOI. C ounty T reasurer of W ashington Personal service: County, Oregon, or at the fiscal agen- j Superintendent ............................... $ 4000.00 $ 4000.00 cy o f the State o f O regon in New Clgrk ............................. 420.00 420 00 Y ork City, at the option o f the pur- i Stenographers and other assist. 1540.00 1540 00 |chaser. Said bonds are part o f a ; Other service A rch itect ............... 500 00 500.00 $40,000.00 bond issue duly authorized Supplies .................................... ......... 250.00 250.00 at an election on O ctober 30, 1944. E lections and p u b lic ity .............. . 200.00 200.00 Bids must be accom pan ied by a cer- j I.egal service (clerk s bond, etc» 775.00 775.00 tified ch eck in the am ount o f one thousand dollars ( $1000.00). Total E xp en s« General C ontrol $ 7685.00 $7685.00 $7685.00 The approvin g legal opinion o f Messrs. Teal, W in free, M cCulloch, | Schuler & K elley will be furnished the IN ST R U C T IO N __Teaching successful bidder upon request. Personal service: T he board reserves the right to re­ T each ers _________________________ $39510.00 $39510.00 ject any o r all bids. L ibrarian ________________________ 11100.00 11100.00 L. W . SH O RT, L ibrary supplies, repairs ............. 75.00 75.00 Chairm an, S ch ool D istrict 48, Supplies (chalk, paper, etc.) ____ 675.00 675.00 W ashington C ounty T extbook s .... ............. .................. .... 75.00 75.00 A TT E ST : Other expense o f teaching, travel 200.00 200.00 E. H. M A STE RS, Clerk, School D istrict N o. 48, T otal E xpense o f T eachin g ___ $41645.00 $41615.00 $41645.00 W ashington County, B eaverton, Or. Date o f first publication, June 1, O P E R A T IO N O F P LA N T 1945. Date o f last publication June 15, P ersonal S ervice: V 1945. Janitors and oth er em ployees ..... $ 3000.00 $ 3000.00 Janitors supplies ..................... 690.00 690.00 Fuel 700.00 700.00 IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T OF T H E L ight and pow er .............. 700.00 700.00 S T A T E OF O R E G O N F O R T H E Water ....................................... 225.00 225.00 C OU N TY O F W A S H IN G T O N . Telephone ........................................... 1351.00 135.00 SUMMONS TOM: ” It’s mighty nice to receive a com­ OLD JUDGE: “ Simply th is. . . can you pliment like you’ve just given us. Judge. We I R E N E LAYTON, P l a i n t i f f VS. think of any other business in which the Total KxponHo o f Operation $ 5450.00 $5450.00 $5450.00 W IL L IA M L A Y T O N , Defendant, do take our responsibilities very seriously seller is responsible for what the buyer does T o W illiam Layton, Defendant. and try to do the right thing with every­ with his merchandise? If a person eats too IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E M A IN T E N A N C E AN D R E P A IR S body. In spite of it, we get criticized now much cake and gets indigestion, the baker OF O R E G O N , you are hereby re­ R epair & maint. furn & equip.... $ 1500.00 $ 1500.00 and then.” isn’t blamed. Nor is the coffee merchant quired to appear and answ er the corn- R epair & Maint. o f B uildings....... 1000.00 1000.00 criticized if someone drinks too much coffee Grounds ..................................... ...... .. 700.00 700.00 OLD JUDGE: “ I know . . . you’ ve got to LEGAL NOTICE take the bitter with the sweet in times like these. Speaking of criticism, and I mean really unfair criticism, reminds me of the spirit beverage business.” FRANK: “ How is that, Judge?” and can’ t sleep. But the seller of spirit bev­ erages gets blamed plenty if one of his cus­ tomers overindulges. Doesn’t seem quite fair, does it, Tom ?” TOM: “ Frankly, it doesn’ t. Judge. We’ ve never looked at it that way before.” This adtet lise meni s/nmsored by C o n ju n c t 0 / Alcoholic Becerate In d u stria , I ne, I • ration o f fou r w eeks from the date T otal E xpense o f M aintenance o f the first publication o f this and R epairs sum m ons upon you, and if you fail so to answer, fo r w ant thereof, the plaintiff w ill apply to the Court for A U X IL IA R Y A G E N C IE S Health service: relief prayed for in her com plaint, Transportation o f pupils ........... tow it: an absolute decree o f divorce. Sup. and other expenses, laundry This sum m ons is published by order o f Hon. R. Frank Peters, Judge o f H om e E conom ics ............................ Industrial Arts ........................... the above entitled Court, and dated the 12 day o f May, 1945. T otal Expense o f Aux. A gencies Date o f first publication May 18, 1945. Date o f last publication June 15, F IX E D C H A R G E S 1945 Insurance ............ ...... ........ ............ LESTER SHEELEY A ttorney for P lain tiff, P ostoffice A d­ Total Fixed Charges dress, 306 Spalding Bldg., Portland, Oregon. ♦ Riverview Cemetery W EST END S E L L W O O D B R ID G E CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY C om plete Funeral Service in New C athedral Chapel at No Extra eost R iverside Is a co-operative asso­ ciation with assets o f over $800,000 Debt Service *10500 00 575.00 200.00 250.00 $ 1450.00 $ 1450.00 $ 1450.00 $ 1450.00 $ $ 500.00 2500.00 500.00 8000.00 $11500.00 Non-Bo tided EM ERGENCY $10500.00 575.00 200.00 250.00 $11525.00 D E B T S E R V IC E — N O N -B O N D E R Interest on w arrants Total $3200.00 $11525.00 C A P IT A L O U TLA YS A lteration o f bldgs., (not repairs) New furni., epuip. & replcm nt9 L ibrary books New bus equipment Total Capital Outlays $ 3200.00 $ $ 1450.00 $11.500.00 $ 500.00 $ $ 500.00 5000.00 $11.525.00 500.00 2500.00 500.00 8000.00 $ .500.00 500.00 $3200.00 $11500.00 $ $ 5000.00 500.00 $ 5000.00 S om m ar) o f Estimates of Expenditures, R eceipts and A vailable Cash Balances, and Tax Levies Kepler Davenport Co. BEAVERTON , OREGON Recovering and Modernizing B e a v e rto n 3762 Open 8:30 to 6 E venings by A ppointm ent N ow th a t th e w ar is o v e r fo r G e rm a n y , m a n y in th is c o u n tr y m a y feel th a t it is a ls o o v e r fo r u s . . . t h a t w e ca n now let d ow n , an d relax. N o t h in g c o u ld p le a se J a p a n m o r e . N o t h in g w o u ld h e w s o c lo s e ly to h er p ro p a g a n d a line. W e w estern ers u n d erstan d this d u n ger perh a p s m o re th an others. W e m ay r e m e m b e r P earl H a rb or m o r e clea rly . A n d B ataan, G u a d ­ a lca n a l, T a r a w a . . . W it h th e w a r o v e r in F.urope, th e W e s t w ill n o w b e c o m e th e g r e a t “ m a rsh a llin g y a r d s ’’ fo r the final B ig P ush a g a in st J a p a n . A n e n o rm o u s tid e o f tr o o p s an d w ar m a te ria ls u n d o u b te d ly w ill p o u r th rou g h to o u r se a p o rts. W estern ra ilroa d s, h o u sin g , fo o d su p p lies a n d sh ip p in g w ill be strain ed w ith th e full w e ig h t o f th e n a tio n 's fig h tin g effort. W e say th is b eca u se as far as th e w e s te r n r a ilr o a d s a re c o n ­ ce rn e d m a n y civ ilia n s m a y e x ­ p e c t v ic t o r y in E u r o p e to m ea n b etter tra n sp o rta tio n serv ice here. A ctu a lly , it m a y m ean ¡ess room fo r civ ilia n s o n th e train s. W h e n th e full tid e o f w ar traffic co m e s, w e sh a ll ca ll o n ev ery re ­ s o u rce to h a n d le it. W e sh a ll run th e w ar tra in s th rou gh . F irst things c o m e first until th is w a r is o v e r an d it isn 't o v e r yet. 108 S'P The friendly Southern Pacific 0e Laval HhmekimH , f l tW W ’ 4 A * Total All Funds Gen. Fund T otal Schedule 11 $87955.00 $87955.00 5300 00 5300.00 82.655.00 82,655 00 7000.00 $75855.00 7000.00 $75855.00 7000 00 7000.00 $82655.00 $82855.00 • Dated this 26th day o f May, 1945 Signed JE N N IE W A LT O N D istrict Clerk A pproved by Budget C om m ittee • W D CAM ERON Chairm an, Board o f D irectors May 25, 1945. A • P A 4 X t«W H IN O ^ ^ \ -S P A D O M A N , T otal estim ated expenditures D E D U CT: Total estim ated receipts and avail­ able cash balances (Sched I) Am ount necessary to balance the budget ...................... .............. _ D E D U CT: forw arded to next fiscal yr. Balance to be raised by taxation ADD: Estim. am ount o f taxes that will not be collected during the fiscal h this budget is made Total estim ated tax levies for ensuing fiscal year S E P A R A T O R S — M IL K E R S C O M P L E T E E Q U IP M E N T AN D S U P P L IE S F O R THE D A IR Y IN D U S T R Y NU E ST IM A TIO N OF T A X LEVY . YP9( Signed: O T T O SCH U LTZ Secretary, B udget C om m ittee B. D. G R A F Chairman. B udget C om m ittee r««TiAM oCac - I ait L a « ( n r ISS NW Park AT. 8481 VENETIAN Cleaning and Repairing BLINDS & Installation De LANO Venetian Blind Mlg. Co. 3535 S W . Canby CH 1729