Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1945)
PU B L IS H E D W EEKLY V O L . 18. N O . 19________ Now 4th In E Bond Sales IN O U R P L A N T O N Beaverton, Oregon, Bits of News About Our Boys SH O R T ST. A N D C A N Y O N H IG H W A Y Friday. June 8, 1945 E S T A B L I S H E D 1927 The B A D G E of C O U R A G E Phones will be Available Within Few Years Here and There Absentees Can Vote j Within three to five years a f t e r '_____ ___ __________ _ __________ ¡men and material are again available,) A new cleaning establishment, the telephone service will be extended to ldea, Cleaner8> will be open for busi- .another million rural homes. This ne88 nPXt Monday June „ in the (extension is made possible through bric { building a t ' 621 Canyon High Fort Lewis. Wash., May 27, 1945 ; telephone industry plans aided by a ! way. nea. Cedar Street, Beaverton Oregon Voters May Vote Washington County forging Dear Sir: j number of technical developments, The regular cleaning service will be; a i ■ . * p . As my return address shows. I am 77 ,1 „ . . . . . . . r ___ 1 _____ (according to information receiveu dayg one day 8pecial AtlCdfl in L o a n C a m p a i g n , in the army, also except two of o u r 1 ,ed four days, special if re- ' "MTIC ZZ tn O I W i y fr O R l hoiTIC ■here by Harley J- Barter, manage, o f ; irpd This firm W1U a,so handie * ! group sent here, are in some branch ! j the West Coast TelephoneCo. 1 laundry. Washington county ranked fourth of service. That is what I understand . | Oregon voters who will be away Upon completion of the work, o v e r; among Oregon’s 36 counties Satur- One and all of us wish to thank the , from home and thus unable to vote j 95'r of the rural homes will have j Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rasmussen i on election day in the special election day night in the sale of series E war 1 very kind ladies of Beaverton for the telephone service available almost at lecentl.. purchased this building and Friday, June 22, may vote by absen bonds during the seventh war loan nice presents given us. Thanks a i campaign, according to J. L. Searcy, I million. | Remember, . any man who wears their very door step, Mr. Barber said. | have been making extensive remod- tee ballot any time up to June 17, drive chairman. At that time the Yours, this button has offered his life for Telephone service fs already available: eling to care for their business. They five days prior to election Friday, to 80'r of our rural homes giving con are experts in their line and h ad| june 22, Secretary of State Robert county showed sales of these securi-I Pvt. C LA Y TO N COVINGTON his country, 1 elusive evidence that not only does owned and operated their business, S. Farrell said today. ties totaling $690,206.87} or 61 per \ ASN 39490682 Co A WOPCSCO 192nd ¡the United States have the best and the New Method Cleaners in Port It has come to our attention that cent of the $1,122,000 quota. Sales j Fort Lewis. Washington ¡most extensive rural telephone ser- land, for 12 years. there are a number of conventions of all types of campaign bonds ------ - | vice in the world, but it also has the amounted to $1,360,574.87 or 66 per j Dear Mrs. Gilham: The Tuesaay Club of Bethel Church scheduled in Oregon during June and (greatest potential for further expan will have as its guest speaker Thurs some of them may cause voters to be cent of a $2,062,000 goal. I am in San Diego working harder sion. Beaverton stood fourth among the ' than I ever worked In my life but I day Mr. Hannn of the Council fo r , away from home on election day,” Mr. ‘Voters who will not six county areas in total sales Sat- sure enjoyed it. Only two of us made Social Action, who will lead a discus® 1* arrell said urday night with $198,885.50 report- j the Navy—myself and William Bren- sion on the San Francisco conference be home to vote on June 22 should Wholesale & Retail Prices ed, or 69 percentof its $289,000 quo- i ner. If you have time we would meeting will be at the home of obtain their absentee ballots now and On Berries Stated by Board The cast them prior to the deadline, five nut. 48 to Elect One Director ta. Tigard was fifth with 63 per appreciate some mail, Mi. and Mrs. Paul Knepp. cent. Yours truly. A meeting is being held at the The Ladies Aid of Bethel Church days before June 22.” prices for straw- will have its regular business meeting "W e have made a good start on . FR E D JOHNSON Beaverton grade school June 18 at . The following At the special election, voters will our seventh war loan objective, bu t! AS 891-53-21 Co. 45-253, San Diego, 8 p m. to elect one director and' herTies as sent out by the Beaver- at 12:30 Wednesday. June 6 . The an be asked to authorize a post-war such other business as may come t ° n War Price and Rationing Board: nual picnic will be June 20. building program for new buildings the hardest part of the campaign | California. before the meeting. I Strawberries Producers FOB price lies ahead,” Searcy declared in call - 1 ------------------------- On Thursday evening. May 31, at and additions at the state institutions, School Election DUt. lOJt. to wholesaler, $156 producers price her home on SW 7th St., Mrs. Ruby including institutions of higher edu ing for greater activity by Victory j Notice is given in a legal on page delivered to wholesale receiving point Johnson presented in piano recital cation. • Volunteers and increased participa- Tea for Dr. Reid and 2 ot this newspaper of a school outside of fiee deliveiy area, $1.61, Barbara Kinken, Leah Wyttenberg, "It is important that voters under- tion by county residents. meeting to be held June 25 at the producers-price delivered to premises Jean Williams. Ruby and 'Lawrence stan,I they are not being asked U» au Co-operation of all county stores Mother given Last Week Carol Saunders j thorize collection of additional taxes in the "Oregon Retailers-Tokyo Beaverton High School to discuss of individual retail store or purveyor I Tay(or Bobby and Ca A tea was given Tuesday at the the budget for the'fisct cal year be-! of meal $ 2 . 01 ; producer’s price to ulti- and Dav,d springer. in this election,’ Farrell said. “ Ore- Drive" June 11 through 16. j home of Mrs. C. S. Straley honoring ginning July 1, 1945, and anH ending ending mate consume! 1 OB farm $2.61; t tnB *,- uu k ,,... B H h . k I The Hillsboro branch of the ! Bon now has ,lV’ $ 10 , 000.000 needed to u i i i i . i H Dr. Helen Dwight Reid and her June 30. 1946. wholesalers price delivered^ to premise , chllrrh l)f j csua Christ of Latter j finance the building program in in- Awarded Oak Leaf 1 mother of Washington, D. C. and 1" “The nieetYng is called also for the . of Individual retail store $2 01. Davs Saints will have their annual .come tax surplus, but under the Mrs .R E. Byrns, Seaside. Di. Reid purpo8e Qf electing one board mem-' 'conference on the 10th of June at l0|B,atPS constitution, this money cannot Cluster to Air Medal is the neice of Mrs. Helen D. Usher ^ tQ 8erve five ls T he meet. ! o’clock and 1:30 p. m. The mission 1 he expended unless the people au- and has been spending the — past j president will be there. Lunch will : thorize a ten mill tax levy An eighth air force bomber sta- 1 month in San Francisco where she ing starts at 2 p. m. and closes at 3 ¡be served. Everyone welcome at I W hen this tax is authorized by the tion in England—Second Lieutenant : was sent by the State Department ¡the American legion Hall. Hillsboro. I P«*o»»l». the tax commission can then Richard G. Lincoln of Beaverton, as one of the consultants to the Mrs. Roht. L. Johnston, formerly j aPP*y the income tax surplus to off- Oregon, 22 year old bombardier on Mrs. Reid American delegation I of Beaverton, has just returned from se* the property tax which then will the crew of a B-17 flying fortress. i a months trip in the South and Mid - 1 no^ h* collected. The levy is a me- die West. She spent Mother's Day j chantcal device necessary under Ore- Leaf Cluster to the Air Medal. He M™it h hêî Grade Scho° ' June 27 at 8 p m V l t l l l t 1 is spending a few weeks 1 with her son Howard and wife at Kon law to authorize the expenditure Legal notice is published in this is- : won the decoration for "courage, sister Mrs. Stxaley. sue. Voters will discuss increased ¡Clinton, Oklahoma. On May 28 she of the existing surplus fund from in coolness and skill” and for his out The Great American Odyssey Pouring at the beautifully decora I attended an "open house” for her come taxes. standing performance of duty during ted table were Mesdames George tax levy over 1945-46. Farrell emphasized the fact that father’s 80th birthday at Cedar a number of Eighth Air Force at York, Robert Summers, Jack Osfield. A Condensed Story of the Rapids, Iowa. She also visited w i t h . * building program is one that is tacks on German military and in Guy Carr. George Blasser and Lee Flower Show Big Event Mr. Johnston's mother and sister at j ne* ded *° enable over-crowded state dustrial targets. Historic Expedition Aria -iv Gene Lin V Q I f t w.v. h g Yeari c < u c iii >( the vii v amijr iu . - i , Richey, , assisted by faiidw « v.«.., . held . v . « Saturday r , cn. £ .Rockford, Illinois. Everywhere institutions to meet demands on their Before entering army 0.0 air for- of 1804-6 ces in December, 1942, he was a stu-1 e7 an .. r ,, ------- crops were behind schedule due to j facilities. In addition, it will pro dent at Oregon State College. Lt. t . .a . interesting anecdotes of The Beaverton Community Gar- heavy, frequent rains. I vide sound employment projects dur- Lincoln is the son of Mr and M r . ' “ behind ^ n Cub held its annua. Spring Copyright 1945 by Walter Meacham Funeral services were held June 5. *nK Hie post-war period. J. A. Lincoln of route 1, Beaverton. I 8 (?Jl?e8n experiences Flower Show Saturday, June 2, in in Portland for William Henry Li [ The airman won his wings at Big Saturday Dr Reid and mother Oddfellows hall, with more than 250 C H A PTE R I vengood, uncle of Samuel Olds. Benv- More Building Going Up Spring Field, Texas, in June, 1944. ! . . . W pp, T , G-irdPn«. and entries in horticultural and ar- ierton. Interment Crescent Grove. ------- sections. A - special gar. The urge of unknown lands has I Robert BeU Medill passed away | — ■■ He is now a member of the 486th visited the Weed Iris Gardens and fC« r- turned mens footsteps toward j unp 3 at Beaverton. He w was hus- ; It is reported four new houses will Bomb. Group, a unit of the third . f qllnrf„ v fnr their re turn to den club section brought forth ex- ever turned air division, the division cited by the I w ". . . ‘ n ^ r ; hibits from the Hillsboro Club, Fi- the West The land and w ater; band Qf Mary Ada, father of James [he erected on the former Newman | property in northwest part of Beav- president fo r its England-Africa , vvasnlnKto ’ __________ I Grove Farmerettes and the Happy I trails of long ago were traversed by 1 H and Muriel Kline of Beaverton. Be* The fir and pine grove will | Gardeners Club at Aloha. The in- men of vision, courage and determi- ; Arrangements are in charge of W. erton . shuttle bombing of the Messer- [ he made into a park and lilies and | terest of the community was shown nation. The V\ est was a great u n -jg Pegg Mortuary. schmitt plants at Regensburg, Ger- Cady Makes Good 1 b ythe unusually large attendance of charted expanse with no state A son, George E., was born May bulbs will he grown in the open spa many. L ist week surveyors were sur visitors during the afternoon and boundaiies to consider and no fen- 25 to Mr. nnd Mrs. Kenneth H. ces. At Aberdeen, Wash. veying Henry street, just south of this ------- ; evening hours . ces to obstruct. Clark of Beaverton. Youngsters Harvesting Warren Cady, chairman of the C iv-• The list of prize winners will be Thomas Jefferson, third President Re sure to leave your bits of news site to mnke said street 50 foot wide, ic Affairs Committee, Aberdeen, published next week. We regret that °? the United States, was a man of j tbc Enterprise building on Short also electric posts have been placed Strawberry Crop . along north side street. Chamber of Commerce and Booster due to so many legals being publish- vision. He was keenly interested in | street or at Millers. Harvesting of strawberries will be De Luxe for the Gray’s Harbor ed this week there is not space for the country which lay in the f a r ! Don’t forget to lenve waste paper “ —------------ -----;— underway in practically all sections country—has purchased half interest them. Northwest. He foresaw that from 1 ploperly tied in bundles at the yard School Budget Meeting 18 of Washington County by the end of in the Grays Harbor Dye Works ----------------------- j PorU a «reat trade of the Kingsley Beaverton Lumber A school meeting will be held at the week, reports the Farm Labor buying out 50'i of the stock former- p a s t o r Given Farewell W,lth H** ° rl*n‘ "L“ 1) d. ^ l Co" 8,80 tin cans ProP«r,y serviced the Aloha-Huber school house June Office ly owned by Mr. Haeege, one of the _ , ... . • ed He wanted that trade foi Am-| Mrs George Forslund of Portland, .for the purpose of dis- B E. Mating. Inc., began opera- founders of the company back in Party 1 Uesday Might , er‘fa In ,re®“rding the P°8' spent Saturday with her father E. 18 at 8 p. m budget for the fiscal The other partner. W. H. Ca- ------- 1 sibility of Clark leading an expedi-, T Drew and brother C. L. Drew and|CU*s,n,{ lne tions with the 32 acre Tigard field 1905. ---- ------ ------- - - — .. ... , . ... |— ---- f a r a u A i i surprise c n r n r i c o party n a riu u was ’ m tion tion the the West. West. In In 1.86. 1 1 8 6 , while while Jefftr- Jeffer- family t , » 11u I yea , on Wednesday. A platoon of work- dy Sr., an expert in the cleaning A a farewell Voters are urged to keep this dnte ers from Aloha under the leadership business together will continue the given Tuesday evening at the Beth- son was minister to 1- ranee, he tal«c- A ca8c Qf iiquor was taken from a. was I in mind and be sure to attend. They of Mrs. Bernice Watson will work business which was started in 1905. el Congregational Church m Beav- ed over the matter with John L*d-1 truck while Churles Zumwalt 1 to 1945. forty years keeping things honoring the Rev. Francis yard, one of the best-known Am erl-; ma king delivery to the state liquor | " ho“ ,d tak* a" lnt" * s‘ ln * M „ „ Tigard ____ ______ ___________________ _ erton ............ in lt the field. Platoons at Beaverton led by Mrs. looking "spic and span" which has Sturtevant who leaves soon to report can travelers whose ambition was to ¡,tore at Beaverton, according to a ,Mf a, B,ve the,r support to W H. Sheeley and Everett *T. Mor- made this firm famous in helping to the Naval Training School in Wil- found an American colony on the |.0niplaint made to county officers. e sc 00 s. gan and Mrs. Ruby Blank are work-lmake Aberdeen one of the most , liamshurgh, Va He surprised ev- Northwest coast of America. , and Mrs E. M Bollinger of j , ing in the Sherwood fields of W. J beautiful cities in Western Washing- eryone by coming in his uniform. Jefferson s ideas took on new " f e Beaverton visited at L. T. Woodward A L U n A Edwards ton. Mr. Cady's folks formerly re- Mrs. Clarence Buffam, program when he received news that Captain home in Orenco last week. j Many people will remember Mrs. an American American captain captain! [ Colored films showing the ship-! Gene Thomas, who was a friend of All youth workers under 18'w ho sided in Beaverton. chairman. kept the guests enter- Robert Gray, an tained w'ith games and skits. Mis on the good ship Columbia, had dls- 1 building Industry were shown a t ; the late Mrs. Viola Kearney, she is have not registered and secured the , Boswell was in charge of the re- covered the Oregon, the Great River |the Kiwanls meeting last Wednes- now ill at the Jones hospital In V FV card may do so by contacting f reshments. Ike West, in May, 1792. He then day_ Don Frederickson showed the j Hillsboro, and it would be nice if the farm labor office in Hillsboro or To Improve Beaverton- The highlight of the evening was | planned to send out an expedition fjim and answered questions. neighbors would call and see her. their platoon leaders. Bertha Highway when that super low-pressure sales- under Andre Michaux, a French , Mrs. Dewey Drorbaugh and sister She had lived with Mrs. Kearney for ’ man (Clarence Buffami palmed o ff botanist, but fate intervened a n d lMrs. Murray Wilson of Portland. 40 years and took Charge of her Old Friends Meet Again Multnomah county commissioneis Qn sturtevant some odds and that honor and glory were not tor 1 8pent from Wednesday to Sunday at household, like many of her people ------- j have announced that the Beaverton- pnds hp had ,eft ^ hand T hey Michaux. However, the vision re - 1 Seaside. 1 she was a Wonderful cook. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hillsdale road, of approximately 3 27 turnpd out to he a lovely Gladstone mained and the idea grew, for Jef-; When planting a vegetable garden Capt. Ned Ross is enjoying a 45- Grandgeorge Earl kisher was a '1st- miles will soon be improved in co- t,ravebnj{ bag, a Waterman pen and ferson could not stand Idly by and . palents should plant an extra row day furlough at the home of his pnr- tor last of this week and enjoyed talk- operation with the state highway c„ 8pt and an engraved wrist allow a foreign power to gain a foot ior the children “ to eat as is" right ents in Aloha. ing over events of other days—when commission identification band, gifts from the hold in America lout of the garden. Wednesday a Capt. Ned was awarded a silver Beaverton was the horseradish center! "rbe program includes a total of congregation, the Sunday School and j To be continued next week | little tot wanted a grocery clerk to star for gallantry In action ln New of the West That was quite a pay- : 95 76 miles of construction or im- the young people. ! ------ ------------------- sell her one cents worth of peas to ¡Guinea, nnd an air ..medal for air roll for this community in former provement, including farm-to-market The congregation regret veiy ¡ J g an£J Bills New Market I eat. Children crave carrots, onions observation in the Philippines. He days. ioads and rural free delivery and much that he is leaving, but join in and radishes and should have them was badly wounded in New Guinea. Opens Sat. at Beaverton I public school bus routes. wishing him the best of luck and Charlie Carlson is ill at the Vet- He wears the purple heart, silver ■ success in his new duties. erans hospital In Portland, star and air medal. Âllstars Down Beaverton Ida and Bills new market will b e 1 Bernard J. Boyd, who was among Two boys at Cedar Mill were bad- Want Many Afghans 7-6; Chinese win 11-7 open for business Saturday in their ithe 22 youths who left Portland on ly burned about the .face when a A Prayer lovely new building on the highway May 31 for the Naval Training Sta- can of hot tar exploded. The boys Ending the Eastern Washington ; An appeal hac been sent out by | As I sit in the twilight in East Beaverton. They will carrylj|on a^ _qan Diego, Calif., is now a chopped a hole in a can of tar near County Semi-pro league in good style,'the Red Cross production headquar- And think of God’s wonderful pb<n a complete line of groceries, fresh member of the United States Navy a bonfire and it exploded in their the Washington county Allstars eeked ters in Hillsboro for many afgbans 0 f the beautiful trees and the flowers vegetables and poultry from the fa- Reserve. Many people of Beaverton faces. out slim 7-6 win over an improved which are needed in army and navy That he gives for the pleasure of moils Harts chicken hatcheries and vicinity will remember "Benny " 1 While the children of Oooper Mt. Beaverton Buster team. The Bust- hospitals. There is a great short- man Mr and Mrs. Pesenti started busi-. a8 an employee of Holland's Feed ^school were enjoying a picnic at the ers were really out to win but fell age of these useful coverlets. | m school house a training plane made Di- Then I think of the old people so ness on the same site five years ago, 3tore for the past two years. short by 1 run in the ninth. Unger. The afghans are easily made and they have made a wonderful Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Taylor of Spo- a forced landing in the pasture land 4 x 6 helpless Allstar outfielder, saved the day for rectlons are — -----K' success of their business. A large g ane. Wash., were week end guests near the school. the Countymen by snagging a sure inch rectangles. rectang Use any wool yarn y'oung^haven" 't'lrn tTo be greenhouse 30x75 feet was built last <, fhi8 8t8ter Mrs. Maxine Moore of Mts M. W Johnson was elected * ** . J __ _ _ J l. _ _ IL I fi.nmsAM n to ro ««a ••• . « . • hit that ended the Beaverton threat except that pastel ..colored spring and • then their former store 337 We8t Seventh Street. president of the Cooper ML Sewing bothered was moved to another location on George Kline will be coming back^lub at a recent meeting at her home, L ’ a a S 'i S S * ' Ed H* " ' y ■>-. « ■ » - *»»• the highway and a large tile and t 0 Portland soon as he is getting an Mrs. F. Price will be secretary. The Oh hear my prayer at the close of brick building built last winter A honorable discharge from the Army, i next meeting will be held at the A. In Portland the Gaytown Tigers a blanket about 4x6 feet were having a time of it before going _ each day — prominent feature of the building is The Alexander family and Robert T. Caviness home Tuesday June 12. down to defeat H-7 McKnight, S. Victory Waste Paper That I won’t Vie a burden or care the glass bricks across the entire Summer* and wife, and Dr. Hetu The annual school meeting of making his first mound performance r ; D „ nnri Just to go to sleep at my journeys f r ..r. • I I building Fluroescent Hnd wlfe wpPni Sunday at (he eosd R..-dvi!le school is to beheld June is had the Chinese checked until the Campaign Keport end. j lighting has been installed and the Mrs. Della McCauley of California, i at 8 p. m. in the schoolhouse. One seventh when 9 runs came over the Deftr God, is my prayer. very newest of fixtures. 1 is visiting with Mrs. Boyd and her'director and one clerk are to be ap- plate Up to the seventh the Tigers Oregon s volunteer collections of JK N N IE SHEARER A special treat is in store for visi mother. : pointed and the budget Is to be voted had a 7-2 lead and had knocked Fred waste paper hit another high peak years tors Saturday—local grown straw - 1 Mr and M l„ Robert Summers at- on. 'Jennie is June 6 , 1945. Lee out of the box Balfe and Miller during May with 1922 tons reported old. i berries. . tended a dinner Saturday evening A pre-school childrens clinic will made heroic catches that saved the by volunteers since start of the news r«», ’ given it the facobeen home in Port- be held at the Reedville school house Portland team from scoring more paper-sponsored U S Victory Cam- B R IE F S and P E R S O N A L S land for those who helped at the Tuesday. June 12 at 1:30 p. m. Church Note» runs than It did. Sonny Dobo. came paign in Nov.. 1943. now amount to ! Mrs Verna Huntley, Mrs. York wedding of their son who was mar-.j Elizabeth Ewer, S 1/c Is enjoying in the seventh for the Chinese and 25.615 tons. a short leave at home. Monday Vacation Bible School and Mrs Hellenthaw and Mrs. Sc ho- tied recently. was the winning pitcher. Multnomah County with a popula- Frithjof Tollefsen is now home for o'clock, ene of Portland, were out to the tea | J. Stevens, who was a barber ln Since the County League has ended tion of 476.126 collected 940 tons of held its f a rest period. He has been a pris to 1 1 30 held at Mrs Straley s Friday »his vicinity for years was calling on the Gaytown Tigers have the right to waste paper in May. making a total , Classes will be held from 9 oner of war in Germany for many each day for the next two weeks. Mrs. Hunkapillar is leaving this friends Tuesday. — * of 11813 tons since Nov. 1943. represent this district in the ** Sepu Queen Esther Circle met Thursday week for Texas to visit her old * birthday surprise party was giv- months. Pro playoffs for the state champion- Washington county with a popula- The Economy Grocery Store in at the home of Mrs. Beattie. home Mrs Lillie Thyn* on Friday ev- ship The Tigers have purchased a tion of 45.238, collected 15 tons in Aloha owned by Edgar Saunders The choir was honored by a Mrs. Pike, who has been ill. is entng. Those present were Mrs. few new players for the team Ed and May. making a total of 599 tons since banquet May 31 by the Queen Es- much improved 1 H *’ ’ 1 Walker, Fay Engleke, Mrs. was sold this week to Wayne Spoor. Keith Coon from Beaverton. Sy Balfe Nov. 1943. ther Circle Two busses are going to Sherwood Margery Baron, Mrs. Jean Kapilla. of Molalla. The Saunders are mov- former catcher for the international _____________ __ eae.h day with strawberry pickers Mrs Thelma Baron. Mrs. May Bias- ing this week to Estacada where league In the East and more who will Approximately 2000 mesimges * d Members of s Mt. Vernon. Pa . to work in the fields ' Rhoda Thyng. and Mrs Thyng they will operate a locker plant. be named later This coming Sunday next of kin. written by American surprised last _____ -____ - and the three grandsons. A delict-, Mrs. Saunders has been a very effi- the Tigers will be bye A week from prisoners of the Japanese as long church were greatly us cake was served with ice cream. Icient school clerk of the A'.oha-Hu- "This is no time for windy plati this Sunday the Tigers will meet ar. ago as 1943 are now being delivered Sunday when they received money PortlsYd to~ addresses after b sln f'fou n d on .w hich'they had ¿versubscrlbed on • «idea ’V Prime Minister W’ inaton Mrs Thyng recsivsd a number of.ber school and will be greatly ml* other top Semi-pro team in lovely gifts. sd. when they cUah wtth Milter Paint. Corregldor church debt. Churchill Where To Vote And When And "".„“¡y LTiw's “*» •¿•-“Äiiv ’ “tarz-s'.rss sx: Clark a b a