Friday, June 1, 1945 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Page 4 Church Services will speak at 7:45 p. m At 7:15 each Christian E ndeavor 6:45 p. m. evening she will con d u ct ch illd ren ’s* E vening worship SI p. m. M idw eek Bible study and prayer services. All children in and around B eaverton are invited to attend these serv ice W ed. at 8 p. m. children's meetings. Tigers Lose • 11-4 ~ 1 O Llty C h i n e s e Som e folk s not only always expect | the w orst to happen but g o out to w elcom e it. t 1 66111 By B ILL M ALLOY Y our B efore a large Sunday crow d, the with a W E S T I1U.1.S C H U RCH OK C H R IST fam ed All City Chinese team from C H U R CH O F T H K N A Z A R K N K LU TH E RA N CHURCH G eorge W. Springer, Paator Portland gave the Gaytow n T igers a Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor Y our C anyon R oad, near Sylvan shellacking on the Beaverton dia I M orning w orship and preaching at 9.45 a. m. Sunday School. i year W ern er J. F rits, M inister mond. | 9:45 a. m. 11 a .m. W orship service. 1st Sunday after T rin ity W ally "H app y" Lee, was too muen 1 T op lo—T he Need o f a New Begin- R ev. EN'a G ardner speaking. Church S ch ool 9:45 a. m. for the T igers and pitched a beautiful • 6 30 N.Y.P.S. and H l-N Y . j ning. M orning Service 11 o ’clock . 4 hit game. Lee. a form er Oregon F ollow ing the serm on, the L ord 's 7:30 E vangelical service. W ednesday. June 6th, 7:30 p. m. the State Athlete, perform ed his best supper will be obseived. E vangelist Gardner speaking. M issionary Guild and C hu rch C ouncil mound job this year and he would Bible School class session 11 a. m. E ach night this week R ev. Gardner meet at the Chapel. have to d o it against the Tigers. In V acation Bible Sch ool June 4 to 15. all, the score shouldn’t have been 9 a. m. to 12. that high but a wild fifth inning cost the T igers the game. Gay- | tow n's R on W hitw orth walked in 3 runs before bow ing out in the sixth. K E K M V IIJ.E C O M M U N IT Y Cushman and M cK night, Gaytow n K R L S B Y T E R IA N C H U R C H sluggers, w ere com pletely outclassed R ev. H am pton, P astor by Lee's fa n cy pitching. Both in the Sunday S ch ool 10 a. m. O. fourth and the fifth innings. Gaytow n Geiger, Supt. has bases loaded but both tim es it W orship Service 11 a. m. was no good. T he crow d was left Y oung P eop le’s C. E. 7 p. m. spellbound by double plays and fancy ball handling by both teams. Miller. G aytow n outfielder had the best A LO H A C O M M U N IT Y C H U R C H catch in g record o f the day by p ick G raydon D. L oree, P astor ing o f four flys. The large crow d Sunday S ch ool 9:50 a. m. Sheetrock Doors was ju st a sam ple o f what good ball M ary Antrim , Supt. gam es can be it was a very nice one M orning w orship 11 a m. Perfatape Windows last Sunday. Youth fellow ship 6:30 p. m. „ Joint Filler A. W. Dewitt, president o f the Gay- Frames P IL G R IM L U T H E R A N C H U R C H l town Tigers, announced that this Chi- Plastic Wood Step Ladders 1 nese team will be out here in a few T he Bible C hurch Glue i weeks playing the T igers again in a Orchard Ladders Box 697, B eaverton ! benefit gam e. In the first gam e Farm ington Rd. at M enlo D rive Hook Scrapers Brick Sunday, B eaverton forfeited to Gay W alter R . Buhl, P astor Putty Drain Tile town. N ext week the T igers will Sunday S e r /ic e 11 a. m. travel to P ortland where they will Dic-a-Doo Paint Sunday Sch ool 10 a. m. Cement C hurch o ffic e h ours: T hu rsd ays— colaish with the sam e Chinese team. Lime Cleaner jT h e C ounty Allstars will com e to I to 7 p. m. Beaverton in an E astern County Plaster Cabinet Hardware league gam e. Garfie starts at 1:30 A LO H A A S S E M B L Y OK G4#D Paint, Varnish, Enamel, Brushes, Linseed Oil, Soon we hope to have som e pic Sunday S ch ool 10 a. m. tures o f fthe three team s o f the Coun and Turps W orsh ip 11 a. m. ty League here in the sports section. T hursdays 7:45 p. m. Be look in g fo r them. y better h alf hali-tiuth. F O R S A L E — Friers, 3 ^ to 4 lb«., alive. C. E. N ut«ch. 4420 SW Crest- dale Dr.. SE o f W est Slope, P ort land 1, Oregon. 18 fooled w on ’t be hom e tow n paper is Subscribe now. T oo Late to Classify only SI Tell it with a classified ad. Sunday School REVIVAL MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS NO PRIORITY '■ : . y -, at the Church of the REQUIRED CONE IN AND SEE US KINGSLEY-BEAVERTON LUMBER CO. C. A. BANKEN, Mgr. Union Daily Vacation BIBLE SCHOOL June 11-2 2 at the CHRISTIAN CHURCH All children from 4 to 15 are urged to attend D V. B. S. FOR YOU FROM JUNE 11-22 C H A F F L S E R V IC E BEAVE RTO N FULL G O SPEL Make Them Longer Orville J. Poulin, M inister 1. O. O. F. Hall, B eaverton A num ber o f sailors and soldiers Sundays 7:45 p. m. ‘ are alw ays com plain in g about the E verybody w elcom e. length o f letters w h ich they receive ST. C E C E L IA C H U R C H from the folk s at home. But one Masses 8:25 and 10:25 d u rin g the sailor is happy now, he received a let w inter months. ter 44 pages long, con tain ing 37,000 j w ords from a girl friend. She hadn't | t h e V a l l e y been sure o f his address, so she kept C O M M U N ITY C H U R C H on adding to her letter until she j U N IT E D P R E S B Y T E R IA N heard from him. 4110 S W G abel Lane R e v .'H . A. A rm itage, pastor I BETHEL C O N G R E G A T IO N A L C H U R C H R ev. F. T. Sturtev&nt, P astor 9:45 a. m. C hurch School. Miss \ A m arette B am s, Supt. 11 a. m. M orning service. 5:30 p. m. In term ed iate Y ou n g | People. 7 p.m. Senior Y ou n g P eople. Junior Legion Baseball will make it's appearance in B eaverton during the next tw o weeks. I T he follow in g boys will try out for positions: O 'D onnill, W hitw orth, Biggi, Balfe, Sterm , Tapper, J. Mo- shofsky. Smith, Unger, J. Geiger, O’Connor, Payne, A .M oshofsky, Dahl, M cK night, Cushman, P axson, T ag M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H gart, Nussen, V oohries, H arvey and A lbert S. H lsey, D. D., M inister H ennick. C oaches Stern and B ar Sunday S ch ool 9:45 a. m. ron. W orsh ip service 11 a. m. B eaverton P ost No. 124 A m erican Serm on by the paator. L egion is spon sorin g the Junior base V isitors, n ew com ers and stran gers ball, T om m ie R am sdell, 'ohairnian. will receive a cord ial w elcom e. The equipm ent was furnished by Da mon T rout o f the M arine E lectric Co. The Low Down From Hickory Grove PRJSM-ATICf, l Y O U R N A T U R A L BEAUTY! P opular an d D ifferentl Y our secret o f bewitching loveliness from dawn till dusk. * I T C O V E R S B L E M I S H E S O D R Y I N G • NO C A K I N G O NEED FOR POWDER K NO L O S S OF F R E S H N E S S W ear Prismatic Make-up unchanged all day long' Amatingly easy to use! There's a texture for 'every skin, and the widest range o f shades — yours am ong them. « Select . i yours* a t . . . BEAVERTON PHARMACY BEAVERTON , OREGON AUCTION SALE 2l/i miles West and South of Beaverton, 1 mile West on Farmington Road to Hyland Ave., and follow the signs. 35 head of choice cows and heifers, tested and dean, may he inspected at any time. 5 heifers 1 to 4 months Registered Jersey Hull Farm machinery Good saddle horse T. A. BYE. Owner J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer Jay Gibson, Clerk First S scurtt) Bank. Beaverton. Or • â dtit W A LL PAPER HOUSE Another large shipm ent o f W allpaper Ju»t received m akes our assortm ent m ost com plete. C H IL D R E N 'S S E R V IC E S 7:15 EACH N IT E % ■ JT ■** * Servlet«* con tin u e until June 10 HEAR Teacher of Modern AND Classical Accordion W EST SLOPE STUDIO On Canyon & Howatt Rd. Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS O regon Mutual Policies are N ON-ASS ESS A B L E . Y ou M £ V E B P *) m ore than the prem ium on the fa ce o f the policy. O regon M utual m aintains m ore than three times the iurplua required hy O regon Insurance Laws. Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company o f M c M i n n v i l l e Organized 1894— .40 years o f R eliable Service Chaa. L W alk er, Agent New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY K L M N P THRU JULY 31' 2 2 2 2 2 j S he FROM MAY I THRU AUG. 31 Next stamps becoms good in Juns Q R 2 2 BLUE STAMPS H J K 2 2 2 THRU JU N E 2 N P Q R S 2 2 2 2 2 THRU JUNE 3 0 T U THRU JULY 2 2 ir a i FROM MAY I THRU AUG. 31 N«xt stamps btcom« good in Junt I 1UGAR STAMPS THRU JUNE 2 ] IsusAR FROM MAY I " THRU AUG 31 HELP WANTED Essential Industry IN VICIN ITY OF GLENCULLEN Good Wages — Regular Hours Some Part Time Jobs Available at Once Glenculle n Bus Service right to the Door Ceiling Paper» 427 SW Second nr. H aahington ÜJ C U P THIS CHART FOR FUTURE R EFER C R C E IIV- and M r; in white or ivory WALLPAPER HOUSE AUG. RSD STAMPS POST W AR SMITH’S JULY JUNE Dining Room Paper» Tel. AT 4810 H illsboro, Oregon FOOD RATION STAMPS GOOD MALE OR FEMALE latrge variety o f dainty patterns and stripes in most popular colors. Phone 1732 “ E very F orm o f P rotection ” In blends, stripes and grass weaves at M r to II.M per roll R ich tapestry and colon ial effe cts Papers that are d ifferen t, 50c to $1.25 EVA G A R D N E R Dick Kokich SMITH’S Bedroom Paper» 10 milk cows 5 heifers fresh about date of sale 2 unit milking machine 13 heifers, 4 to 14 tno. old 7:45 P. M. E A C H E V E N IN G Buy War Bonds TODA Y For Future Needs Y ou know , there Is m ore talk g o ing on now and less being said, than norm al anyw ay, in the striped troup ers section. Y ou d on ’t p ick up a paper but you see w h ere an oth er out fit is m eetln' to solve w h atever It was that w as solved a cou p la w eeks ago ** In som e oth er nice vacation place, by another ou tfit. And you read about D um barton Oaks, and B retton W oods, Y ou can use classified adv. to ad and M exico City, and the M editer vantage. Plant one In this paper. ranean and San F rancisco. And if the folk s w h o pick ed San F ra n cisco fo r the big m eeting place, had in m ind a quiet place fo r heavy pondering, they are not as astute as they m aybe look In their diplom atic |regalin I don 't blam e an ybody for w anting to go to San F ra n cisco to eat and look around but as a quiet place to ponder, brother. It Isn’t. The place is ov erflow in g with men and guns headed fo r the South P a cific H otels are hulging. And they are in a Jam there with their street-car men not being polite, so the C h ief o f P o lice is gonna take a hand. Sw earing at passengers must stop, he says, or It is 6 m onths in the cooler. And the cars are city Owned. But back to m eetings. At one m eeting they gassed about m oney i hut no ordin ary citizen know s what they said about it. But we d o know that gold m oney, w hich used to be real dinero. Is illegal to have in your T O W N SE N D -------------------------------------- pocket. M eetln's are funny. SCHOOL Summer Session Y ours with the low down. Prepares for— JO S E R R A College, fin is h in g School. High School or Preparatory school, U. S. Military and Naval A cadem ies or U. S. Coast Guard. Personal advise ment. IN D IV ID U A L T U T O R IN G Grace B Townsend 2346 N. W. (lltsan St. BE. Living Room Papers Saturday, June 9th at 1:00 P.M. Junior Legion Baseball NAZARENE AIR CLEANER SERVICE CO. 4624 S. W. Phone BEacon 6389 BERTHA-BEAVERTON H IG H W AY Glencullen, Oregon