B E A V E R T O N ENTERPRISE. Beaverton, Oregon Paire 2 Friday, June 1, 1945 L E G A L NO TICE N O T IC E OF \ N NI u SCHOOL M E E T IN G N O TIC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N to < E quipm ent) N otice in hereby given that School the legal voters o f School D istrict No. N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N to the legal voters o f Union School D istrict No. 48 W ashington County 48 o f W ashington County, State o f District No. 10 Jt, or W ashington County. State .o f . Oregon, that a h erein after referred to as the “ Own- Oregon, that the A N N U AL SCHOOL SCHOOL M E E T IN G o f the said listrict will be held at Beaverton er” , will receive up to, but not later M EETIN G o f said D istrict will be Published Friday o f each week by the Pioneer Publishing Co , at Beaverton, than 8:00 o'clo ck P. M , P a cific W ar he,d at Beaverton Grade S ch ool; to High School on the 25th day o f lune. 1945, at 2;00 o ’clock p. m.. Oregon. Entered aa second-class m atter at the p ostofflce at Beaverton, Ore. Tim e, o f the 4 day o f June, 1945, seal- be8 in at the hour of EiKht o 'clo ck P for the purpose o f discussing the budget for the fiscal sch ool year, $1.00 Subscription P ayable In Advance. . ed proposals for the aw ard o f a con- *'’*• on tbe tb *rd M onday o f June be- One Year beginning July 1, 1945, and ending June 30, 1946, hereinafter set I tract, for furnishings and equipm ent in8 lhe 18th daY o i J o « * ’ A. D. 1945. i for G rade sch ool addition d e sig n a te d ! This m eeting is called for the pur­ Beaverton O ffice— E nterprise Bldg., P hone B eaverton 2321 forth. Portland O ffice—30$ Panam a Bldg., 3rd and Alder P hone A Tw ater 6591 is P roject No. ORE-35-179-N located pose o f electing one d irector and the ; in Beaverton, C ounty o f W ashington, transacting o f business usual at such • State o f Oregon. Such bids will be meeting. In districts o f the second and third i received in the o ffic e o f C lerk locat- ed at Beaverton and will be opened < las!i«‘s the ballots shall not be count- Estim ated R e c e i p t s and Available Cash B alances iand publicly read aloud at the above ed until one hour afte rthe thne set Schedule 1 O lE C ]0© H W Í$[M PE t stated tim e and place in L ibrary, for the m eeting to begin. Until the Beaverton, H*kh school. ’ ) count begins, any legal voters o f the PülllSl|£U f44s^lA T I O N G eneral T otal A ll E ach bid must con form and be res- district shall be entitled to vote upon ITEM Funds Fund ponsive to all the pertinent C ontract anY business before the meeting. 'I Docum ents. Copies are now on file Dated this 21st day o f May, 1945. E stim ated R eceipts from [ and open to public inspection in the A T T E S T ; Delinauent Taxes ................ $ 2300.00 $ 2300.00 o ffices o f the Ow ner located at B e a v -! W . SH O RT, 3000.00 S E P A R A T O R S — M IL K E R S High School Tuition 3000.00 erton and at the o ffice o f F reem an A C hairm an Board o f D irectors C O M P LE T E E Q U IP M E N T A N D I Hayslip A ssoc. A rchts., 304 P ostal E - M A ST E R S, Estim ated Total R eceipts $ 5300.00 $ 5300.00 S U P P LIE S FO K T H E D A IR Y D istrict Clerk Bldg., Portland, Oregon, w here copies IN D U S T R Y may be obtained by a deposit fo r each Date o f first publication May 25, A vailable Cash Bal. or D eficit $ 5300.0« $ 5300.00 set as show n below. T his deposit MM5. Date o f last publication, June 8, ¡w ill be refunded if the set*of C on ­ tract D ocum ents is returned in good 1945. Schedule II— G eneral Fund E S T IM A T E D E X P E N D IT U R E S condition within 10 days a fter the N otice o f Annual School Meeting ¡bid opening. NtnaUrtMn 4 Dntnbutori N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N to E ach bid shall be m ade out on a bid I IVIRYTHING Estim . Ex- Estim . E x- form to be obtained at either o f the the le8 al voters o f School D istrict N o .! High penditures penditures said o ffice s in w h ich the C ontract L'nion H igh S ch ool num ber 10 Jt. o f IT E M D ocum ents are on file. i W ashington-M ultnom ah County, State , School for ensuing for ensuing S ch ool Yr. S ch ool Y r. E ach bid shall be accom p an ied by a of O regon. that the ANNUAL “ W e deserve L iberty only so long certified or cash ier’s ch eck p ayablej SCHOOL M E E T IN G o f said D istrict j in D etail i by T otals as we are willing to sacrifice som e­ AT. 8461 to the Owner, or a bid bond in fa v o r j win be held at B eaverton H igh School 136 N W Park thing fo r it.”—Benjam in Franklin. o f the Owner, executed by the b id d e r ,! to begin at the hour o f 2 p. m. o ’clock as Principal and a sa tisfa ctory surety j to 7 p. m. on the th ird M onday o f f G E N E R A L C O N T R O L • W hile shopping In B eaverton stop • I com pan y as Surety, in an am ou n t n o t ;^ une’ be*n8 the 25 d ay o f June, A. | P ersonal service: In at the Greyhound C offee Shop fo r less than five per cent o f the m a x i-: D - 1945. $ 4000.00 $ 4000.00 Superintendent ................................... mum am ount o f the bid. T h e ch eck The m eeting is called for the pur- C lerk _____ ______ ________ ________ 420.00 420.00 Lunch. or bid bond shall be given as a gu ar- ( P°8e o f electin g one board m em ber to 1540.00 1540.00 Stenographers and other assist. F or Stove and Diesel OH Call H arry ! untee that the bidder will execu te t h e ' serve for a five year term and to re- BEAVERTON , OREGON 500 00 Other service A rch itect ............... 500.00 Barnes. Phone Beaverton 3231. tf ! C ontract, if it be aw arded to him , in j view the budget betw een the hours o f Supplies .............. ...... ..... .................... 250.00 250.00 co n form ity with the C ontract D ocu - - P- m - and 3 P- m - E lections and publicity ............._... 200.00 200.00 inents and will provide the surety | 1° d istricts o f the second and third Legal service (clerk s bond, etc) 775.00 775.00 N O TICE OF T H E 1 bond or bonds as sp ecified therein classes the ballots shall not be count- A N N U AL M E E T IN G | within five days after n otifica tion o f ed until one hour after the tim e set Total Expense General C ontrol $7686.00 $ 7685.00 $7685.00 o f the the aw ard o f the C ontract. i for the m eetin g to begin. Until the W A SH IN G TO N COUN TY C H A P T E R The O w n er reserves the privilege o f ' count begins, any legal voters o f the A M E R IC A N N A TIO N AL rejectin g any and all bids or to I district shall be entitled to vote upon IN ST R U C T IO N — T eachin g R E D CRO SS Beaverton 3762 waive any irregularities or in form a- any business b efore the meeting, P ersonal service: lities in any bid o r in the bidding. I Dated this 26th day o f May, 1945. The Annual M eeting o f the W ash ­ T eachers .......................... $39510.00 $39510.00 Open 8:30 to 6 No bidder m ay w ith draw his bid fo r ¡A T T E S T : ington County Chapter o f the A m eri­ L ibrarian ...... — ............. ................ 11100.00 11100.00 E venings by Appointm ent ¡a period ot 30 days a fter the date s e t' W . D. C A M E RO N , can N ational R ed Cross, will be held L ibrary supplies, repairs ............. 75.00 75.00 C hairm an B oard o f D irectors for the open in g o f bids. in the H eadquarters O ffice o f the Supplies (chalk, paper, etc.) ....... 675.00 675.00 JE N N IE W A LT O N , D ate: M ay 15, 1945. Chapter, at 123 N. 3rd Ave., Hillsboro, T extbook s ........................................... 75.00 75.00 D istrict Clerk E. H. M A S T E R S , Oregon, on Thursday evening, June Other expense o f teaching, travel__________ 200.00__________ 200.00 First date o f publication June 1, W ANTED 14th, at 8:00 o 'clock P. M., fo r the C lerk S ch ool Diet. No. 48 W ash in gton C ounty 1945. purpose o f electing a Board o f Di­ T otal E xpense o f T eachin g ___ $41645.00 $41645.00 $41645.00 rectors fo r the next fiscal year, July Deposit required for one set o f s Last date o f publication, June 8, plans and sp ecifica tion s $5. 1945. 1st, 1945, to June 30th, 1946, and for O P E R A T IO N O F PLA N T the consideration o f reports and the Date o f first publication May 18. 'Tttk L E G A L N O TICE P ersonal S ervice: 1945. transaction o f such other business as P roposals for insuring all buildings Janitors and other em ployees $ 3000.00 $ 3000.00 may properly com e before the Date o f last publication June 1, and equipm ent o f the Union High Janitors supplies .................. ....... 690.00 690.00 meeting. 1945. Essential Industry School D istrict No. 10 Joint, B eaver- Fuel 700.00 700.00 E very person within the jurisdiction 1 ton, Oregon, w ill be considered by Light and pow er ..................... 700.00 700.00 o f the Chapter, (W ashington County,) E X P E R IE N C E the B oard o f D irectors. P roperty to W ater ............................... .............. 225.00 225.00 who has paid Red Cross m em bership. be insured with a 90% co-insurance 1351.00 135.00 (W ar Fund Cam paign o f $1.00 or clause with the follow in g .valu ation s: N O T NECESSARY ov e r), within the year, or w ho 1s a High S ch ool ............................... $75,000.00 T otal E xpense o f Operation $ 5450.00 $5450.00 $5460.00 L ife or Patron M ember, Is a m em ber High School E quipm ent ...... 25,000.00 o f the Chapter, and is Invited to at­ Steady Work with Overtime Grand Stand .............................. 5,000.00 tend and vote, at said meeting. Grand Stand E quipm ent ....... 500.00 M A IN T E N A N C E A N D R E P A IR S APPLY AT O. B. G A TES, Chairman $ 1500 00 $ 1500.00 Gas H ouse and E quipm ent .. 300.00 ] R epair & maint. furn & equip..... W ashington County Chapter, R epair & Maint. o f Buildings 1000.00 1000.00 All proposals must be in w riting A m erican National Red Cross Grounds ................................. 700.00 700.00 and in the hands o f the district clerk Dated at H illsboro, Oregon On the last day o f m y life, I will | not later than 4 p. m. June 5, 1945. T otal Expense o f M aintenance This 10th day o f May, 1945. throw aw ay ail the serm ons I have M RS. L E S T E R W A LT O N . Clerk and Repairs $ 3200.00 $3200.00 ever preached, all the prayers I have $3200.00 Rt. 1, Bx 88, Beaverton, O regon | ever made and all the calls on the D ate o f first publication May 25, F or Stove and Diesel Oil Call H arry | sick. Then I will get on the good 1945. A U X IL IA R Y A G E N C IE S ISSO 8. E. W ater Ave., Portland Barnes. P hone Beaverton 3231. tf I plank G race and cross over to the Date o f last publication June 1 Health service: land o f glory. So said the old 1945. l T ransportation o f pupils ......... $ 10500.00 $ 10500.00 preacher, as he neared the end o f Sup. and other expenses, laundry 575.00 575 00 the journey. N O TICE OF BON D SA L E H om e E con om ics ............................... 200.00 200.00 It was G od ’s G race for him but Industrial Arts 250.00 250.00 what for you and m e? Many a time N O TIC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N that we have set ourselves against G od’s sealed bids will be received by the $11525.00 $11525.00 $11,526.00 % holy will and earned his fierce w r a th .! under, igne<1 untli the hour o f e ig h t 1 Total Expense o f Ailx. A gen cies K But by his grace, he found a way to ,,.clock p m , on the 19th day Qf June, | SPECIAL “ V E N T IL A T E D ” save us also. First he cleared us, F IX E D C H A R G E S fo r —“ T he blood o f Jesus C hrist— licly opened by the school district Insurance $ 1450.00 $ 1450.00 G od’s S on —cleunseth us from all sin." board o f sch ool d istrict num ber 48. Then, with sins blotted out, God W ash in gton County Oregon, at the Total Fixed Charges $ 1450.00 S 1450.00 $ 1450.00 Portland Concrete Pipe & Products Co. made these hum an bodies o f ours to , B eaverton Grade S ch ool building, in | be his temple. “ W hat know ye not j B£aVerton, Oregon, fo r an issue of 5819 S W M acadam Ave., P ortland, 1 O regon AT. 8384 (that you r body is the tem ple o f the ! ^K)n(j s Qf ^ ¡ d district in the am ount C A P IT A L O U T LA Y S Holy Spirit which is in you,” — BI- o f ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) A lteration o f bldgs., (not repairs) $ 500.00 $ 500.00 j BLE. T his was penned to certain said bonds to be dated June 1, 1945, New furni., epuip. & replcm nts 2500.00 2500.00 new believers, not yet freed from and to m ature serially in num erical L ibrary books 500 00 500.00 their evil ways. But the H oly Spir­ order as follow s: New bus equipm ent 8000.00 8000.00 Cleaning and Repairing it had created w ithin them the new $5.000.00 on D ecem ber 1, 1952 i man and they cam e throught to clean Total Capital Outlays $11500.00 $5,000.00 on D ecem ber 1. 1953 $11.500.00 $11500.00 O f la ir x r Free Estimates lives. Said bonds to bear interest at the & Installation Y ou said O.K. Y our heart believed rate o f not m ore than i% per annum G od ’s w ord that you r sins w ere blot­ payable semi-annually, principal and D E B T S E R V IC E — N O N -B O N D E D Interest on w arrants ted out. B y that, G od has now interest payable at the o ffice o f the $ 500.00 $ 500.00 taken up within you F E E L IN G S C ounty T reasurer of W ashington T otal Debt Service N on-B onded $ 500.00 O R NO F E E L IN G S. T he new life County, Oregon, or at the fiscal agen­ $ 500.00 $ 500.00 is now in effect. Make it show. Feed cy o f the State o f O regon in New 3535 S W . Canby CH 1729 out o f the Bible, be m uch in prayer. Y ork City, at the option o f the pur- EM ERGENCY $ 5000.00 $ 5000,00 $ 5000.00 Yield Him the right o f w av and live | ch aser Said bonds are part o f a by P O W E R F R O M ON H IG H . So ! 5300.00 5300.00 SW M cChesnsy R oad, P ortlan d-l-O re W ashington County Am ount necessary to balance the I A T T E S T budget ------------------------------------------ 82.655 00 E. H. M A STE RS, 82,655.00 D E D U CT: • Clerk, School District N t 1$ D eficit forw arded to next fiscal yr. 7000 00 ~ j W ashington County. Beaverton. Or 7000 00 r»»f» nt Date o f first publication, June 1, Balance to be raised by taxation $75655.00 $70655.00 ADD: 11945. Date o f last publication June 13. Estim. amount o f taxes that will 5 P IA N O T U N IN G not be collected during the fiscal 1945. I and R E P A IR IN G budget is made 7000.00 6 1*h«>ne A LO H A 6612 7000 00 ^ B eaverton, O regon IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E Total estim ated tax levies for STATE O F OREGON FOR TH E ensiling fiscal year $82665.00 $82665.00 C O U N TY O F W A SH IN G T O N . SUMMONS IR E N E IJ4YTON. P lain tiff vs. Dated this 26th day o f May, 1945 W IL L IA M L A Y T O N . Defendant. W ANTED T o W illiam Lavton, Defendant Signed JE N N IE W A LT O N W D CAM ERON IN T H E N AM E O F T H E S T A T E Chairman, Board o f D irectors D istrict C lerk O F O R E G O N , you are hereby re­ quired to appear and answ er the com ­ 3 M ILES E A ST OF HILLSBORO plaint filed against you in the above A pproved by B udget Com m ittee May 25, 1945. ALSO entitled suit on or before the expi­ ON P O R TL A N D -H IlJ.Jt B O R O H IG H W A Y ration o f fo u r w eeks from the date Live Poultry and Eggs o f the first publication o f this Signed: O T T O SCH U LTZ B. D. G R A F Bareback Bronco Riding, Saddle Bronco Riding, sum m ons upon you. and if you fail Chairman. B udget C om m u tes Secretary, B udget Com m ittee R eceivin g A Dressing Planta: so to answer, fo r want thereof, the Portland. M cM innville. Salem, Calf Roping, Wild Cow Milking, Races Galore p lain tiff will apply to the Court for Albany, E ugtne, R oseburg, relief prayed for in her com plaint, R edm ond, Oregon. T w o hundred m illion cou nterfeit tow it: an absolute decree o f divorce. It's real spring fever w hen you T his sum m ons is published by order red ration coupons, have been found substitute dally d otin g for you r daily The am ount dozen. Main O ffice and Plant o f Hon. R. Frank Peters. Judge o f in a B rooklyn hom e. the above entitled Court, and dated was equivalent to one m onth’s ration allotm ent for approxim ately h alf of the 12 d ay o f May. 1945 Drill by Portland Mounted Posse. Date o f first publication May 18. (N ew Y ork ’s city’s population. A young man w h o Just m arried the 1945. cream ery ow ners daughter was heard Date o f last publication June 15, IVhile shopping in B eaverton stop Lady Bronco Rider “ My D ream ia G etting 194"' in at the Greyhound C o ffe Shop for to rem ark Butter All the T im e.” A E. Oak St re -4. Portland, Ore. LESTER SH EELEY Lunch. Mall entries to R A Y D E L 0M A N . R T 3, HU I 'B O R O PH O N E l l t t A ttorney for P la in tiff P ostofflce A d­ rttone I’Ast 3141 W h ile in B savsrton be sure to sat F or Stove and Diesel Oil Call H arry dress. 906 Spalding B ld g , Portland, Oragen B arnea P hone Beaverton 3231. tf tt the Greyhound C o ffe Shop A D V E R T IS E M E N T F O K BIOS NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION BUDGET 0e Laval Keep It Flying ifíwron (riseli Kepler Davenport Co. Recovering and Modernizing BRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS More Than Human Urge SYLVAN PLANT COLUMBIA BRICK WORKS 'TmEmTmmfiimi See your Building M aterial D e a le r. VENETIAN DLHMDO De LANO Venetian Blind Mfg. Co. RODEO SUNDAY, JUNE 3 1:30 P. M. Tualatin Valley Rodeo Grounds. [ " g M R G e T GORDON S TURKEYS Special Feature Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products Co.