Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1945)
Friday, May 25, 1945 B E A V E R TO N ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon i. A m on g m anufacturing industries, restoration,—the new discovery in the Street, the explosive industry has the sec told quest for the fountam -oi-youth. Lineup of first gam e ond low est acciden t frequ en cy rate, T o regain that sch oolboy feeling, go BEAVERTON E reports the U. S. D epartm ent o f La AB H R I again*to school. TH E VALLEY 1 0 bor. It is topped only by the ladies' 2 1 | All o f us. soon or late, are at a spot 1 B. G ieger 2B COM M I NTT Y CH URCH 1 1 0 garm ent industry. 1 ! where we must go ahead or fall be-1 K Coon B F U N IT E D P K M 8H Y T E K IA N C H U R C H OK T H E N AZAKE.NK 2 1 1 0 | hind. The ch oice is to sit down, j Smith C* 2 4110 SW Gabel L a ns L eonard C. Johnaon, P&ator 4 1 | lie down, and do nothing,—or begin E. Coon C l! N E W C A N N IN G J A R S R ev. H. A. A rm itage, pastor 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. 0 0 3 ol j the repair and m odernization o f o u t -; J. G ieger LF 2 11 a .m. W orship service. now available 0 0 0 i worn and run-down brains That M ick 3B BETHEL M em orial Sunday—w elcom e Spanish 3 0 0 0 Sturm SS Babson Talks C O N G R E G A T IO N A L CHURCH A m erican W ar Veterans. 4 0 0 | it is extrem ely practical advice. In- Bye LB 01 a V To Adults 6:30 N.Y.P.S. and H l-N Y . 0 0 Rev. F. T. Sturtevant, Pastor 2 1 | vest in mental stimulus. "No stock Young 3B 7:30 E vangelical service. Babson Park, Mass., M ay 35—N ow 1 or bond, no real estate, savings ac- H arvey P 0 1 2 3 9:45 a. m. Church School. Miss MILLERS GROCERY Beginning W ednesday night. M ay A m arette Barns, Supt. that V -E day has occu rred, the m any j count, nor insurance can safeguard 30, Sunday School revival with E va | G l’s who will return to civilian life, i l ) C haracter. <2> Health, (3) TOTAL 5 8 3 11 a. m. M orning service Gardner. 7:45 p. m. Childrens ser edu- , Incom e. These "b ig threes" are the ALLSTARS 5:30 p. m. Interm ediate Y ou n g WU1 be anxious about veterans' v ice 7:15. Felto-graphs, stories, etc. cation. T hey can be assured that fruit o f education, AB H R E People. their problem s are being given deep "D ip lom as” Mean Letts 0 . I Senior Y oung People. Dahl 2B 2 7 p.m °) I thought. Both govern m en t and sch ool Than “ D og Tags' Speck’s Fix-it Shop 5 1 O 'C onnor 3B 3 ° W E ST 11UJ-S authorities are con sciou s o f their ob- ! M E TH O D IST CH URCH P axson IB 4 0 0 0 nm ow er Sharpening L U T H E R A N CH URCH A lbert 3. Hisey, D. D., M inister i ligations to returning soldiers, cal-m inded school boards, the public Unger R F 3 4 1 1 Saw Filing, A ppliance R epair Canyon R oad, near Sylvan M others Day and prayer and vis- T hey are equally con sciou s o f the educational system is corroded and V oorhies C 3 0 0 1, 35th A Capitol lliw a y , M ultnom ah W erner J. Frits, M inister iting and T hanksgiving will be ob- j help needed from servicem en for con - rusty. W ayw ard parents are acces- Nulsen SS 3 1 1 il Res. P hone CH. 1087 Itinued prom otion o f world secu rity sories. T rinity Sunday May 27 A generation o f youngsters is W h itw orth LF 0 0 served in an appropriate way. 3 . 0 ! In that spirit may I o ffe r a Church School 9:45 a. m. w ord to | Sloppy Joe in apparel, deportm ent, B iggi LF 2 1 1 Sunday School 9:45 a. m. o ! : servicem en. M orning Service 11 o ’clock. 1 m entality and character. T aggart P 0 1 W orship service 11 a. m. 2 0 Serm on A Com m and and a Prom ise Mere In form ation vs Real E du cation j tion” has lost its m eaning. O n ce the Serm on by the pastor. W elcom e. E ducation is every m an’s top in- (word im plied a step forw ard,—not a "T h e H eavenly V ision ” 3 TOTAL 8 7 Luther League 5 p. m. D iscussion H ow ever, let us be halt in education. The w hole educa- V isitors, new com ers and strangers vestm ent. su b ject— You and Your Church. specific. You m ay think that all tional system , from pre-nursery to will receive a cordial w elcom e. you will need is In form a tion ; but In -j post-graduate, needs reform , Johnson at Melville form ation is not E du cation . In for- It is the new ground, however, the CHL'RCH O F C H R IST mation is m erely the raw m aterial, fertile fields of adult education. W ord has been received that J o - 1 G eorge W . Springer, Pastor The finished product is developm ent 'w h ich beckon m ost happily. Adult seph A rch Johnson, seaman, first i M orning worship and preaching at o f your brain. F or 110 or up you ¡education appears at present to hold s? pn. ..a n H i,a, c k l.L . ,11 i_ . . . . . : ___________ ._________ . g ______ : ------------C I S S S 9:45 a. m. can buy a d iction ary ---- w hich will in- I I out . the optim um ch an ce o f m axim um ? } * O I * ] Vtd V.'/ “ ’ J i ' m . u VV i The Most High Ruleth. form you on every w ord uttered by progress Children by nature, are T d Boat T la in in g cen ter, Mel- the m aster minds o f all ages. F or som ew hat superior F ollow ing the serm on, the L ord's sponges , n.m b- | vil, p where he* j8 undergoing $125 or up you can buy an en cy clop e er learners. supper will be observed. Adults by very d efini- prlor to jo in ing a p t 8fjuad. dia w hich will Inform you o f every tion, are far superior in spirit and Bible School class session 11 a. m. ° ' ron. Christian E ndeavor 6:45 p. m. fundam ental idea know n to date. the will to learn and achieve. If you Joseph is the son o f Mr. and Mrs. The entire evening service will be H e built a ><plte fence in fron t o f Both a diction ary and an en cy clo cry, No. to this claim , thereby you at w indow s and shut pedia are blue chip, gilt-edge invest add one m ore condem nation o f our D. W . Kim sey, o f B eaverton. H e at- given over to a recital by the church his n e ig h b o rs one m ° re lu u u ciu uau u ii „ i .tended quarterm aster school at Gulf- orchestra beginning at 8 p. m. ofl their view o f the ocean. A spite ments. I heartily recom m end them. educational system . F or what is the I M idweek Bible study and prayer fence was it? W orse yet, it was a T hey put into you r possession m ore purpose o f education and o f life it- po! ’ ‘ lss' a « i In h n cn n Johnson is a graduate o f the El- ■ service W ed. at 8 p. m. hate fence, fo r hate built it. And ipform ation than any man or w om an self, if I today am nowise superior to | lensburg High School, E llensburg, 1 to God, hate is m urder, fo r —"W h o so could digest in a thousand years o f the child I w as? Wash., and also attended the Univer- hateth his brother is a m urderer.— daily study. H ow ever, you w ill not R K E m iL L K COM M UN ITY sity o f Kansas. B IB L E 1st John 9:15. find am on g the pages o f these or any P R 1 .S B Y T E R IA N CH URCH W e w ant a govern m en t by law, not Com es the Judgm ent Day. T he other reference book m any stock d i a governm ent o f men.— Rep. Kean i N ice for a child or grow n up is R ev. H am pton, P astor lost dead stand b efore the throne vidend ch eck s or bond coupons. New Jersey ,in Congress spiced milk. Add a dash o f nutm eg Sunday School 10 a. m. G. E. and are to be judged out o f those Im portance of C haracter to a cu p o f m ilk. Serve hot or cold. Geiger, Supt. things w ritten in the bdoks. Com e W ords and even ideas are on ly Pie Eating Contest and W orship Service 11 a. m. Allstars Divide Twin Bill up that spite fence and the hate back scratches on the brain until you de- Y oung People’s C. E. 7 p. m. of it- M URDER. A nd all m urder- j velop the m entality and ch aracter to Auctioning of Pies T oo Late to Classify T igers Protest Second Contest ers w ere cast into the lake that j apply them. Mentality is w hat en- burns with fire. This is the second ables you to convert in form ation into The largest crow d yet, w atched a L O S T —Part Shepherd & Collie fe- Ladies bring Pies A LO H A COM M U N ITY C H U RCH death. W a tch your step, you w ho j action. C haracter is w hat enables doubleheader played at Beaverton. male d og with collar, R ew ard. J. W. G raydoii D. L ores, P astor carry a hate. you to do things you d on ’t w ant to The B eaverton Busters finally got 17 Bennett, R3, bx 20, Beaverton. Card Games Afterwards Sunday School 9:50 a. m. C A L L IN G ALL M U R D E R E R S - , do when you don 't want to d o them — back into the win m argin by eeking M ary Antrim , Supt. C A L L IN G A LL M URDERERS i the secret o f success in any man's out a 8-7 win over the County All-1 If the allies keep dropping incend- E V E R Y O N E IN V IT E D M orning worship 11 a. m. In the sec- iaries m aybe the Japs will begin to C A L L IN G A LL W H O HATE. W ill j world. T his results in self-m astery, stars in the first gam e. Youth fellow ship 6:30 p. m. you believe God, that out o f love for j a m ost im portant requirem ent for ond feature, the gam e w as called at see the light. you, he put your m urder on Christ to health, Income and happiness, the end o f the fou rth inning due to ------------------------------------------ ------------ — — clear y o u ? Murder and all other A nother great asset w hich m ost rain. T he funny part is that the P IL G R IM L U TH K RA N C H U R CH sin is written o f and G o d ’s righteous- young people and m any adults lack . show er only lasted 6 m inutes and the T he Bible Church ness is written in when your heart is a Philosophy o f Life. As sea j rest o f the 11 sem i-pro ball gam es B ox 697, Beaverton can say that the blood o f Christ has captains need to know the port fo r | con tin u ed as well as the Portland, F arm in gton R d. at M enlo Drive cleaned aw ay all you r sins. which they are heading, so s tu d e n ts; L os A ngeles gam es have in the state W alter R. Buhl, Pastor N ow g o tear dow n th a t- fence, should have a program , purpose a n d ' where the sam e show er ham pered all Sunday Service 11 a. m. Tell neighbor you have quit the hate goal. Until then we should never i these gam es. Sunday School 10 a. m. business. F orgive him 70 tim es sev- be given a diplom a. I In the second gam e, as far as it HEAR Church o ffice hours: T hursdays— en. And let each o f G od’s people Itoiiewing One's Y outh (w ent, it was strick ly a brother duel 4 to 7 p. m. strive to please his neighbor, aim ing j “ G oing to bed m entally" is the b e s t ' with D on W h itw orth pitching 2 hit at his spiritual upbuilding. Obey diagnosis o f a m alady which besets j ball for the T igers and Bob W hit- O F K A N SA S C IT Y . MO. A I . o l l A A SSE M BLY O F GOD R om ans 15:2. too m any investors and businessmen, w orth pitching 6 hit ball in th e four T he gam e will not go down SOM E T E L L YOU H O W -S H E SH O W S YOU H O W SH E DID IT Sunday School 10 a. tn. It is what happens when the m atur innings. W orship 11 a. m. ing mind meets current doubts and in the score books, until a fin al de N ext dilemmas. A businessm an m ay ‘‘re- cision by P resident B ranch. Thursdays 7:45 p. m. 8W M cC h*sn»v Road, P ortland-l-O re. j tire” in the sense o f going to bed w eek the B eaverton Busters tackle Children’s Services 7:15 Each Eve In the C 1IA P F L S E R V IC E T his space paid fo r by a Seattle . mentally when he gets into a tax row the G aytow n T igers at 1:30. B E A V E R T O N FU LL G O SPE L businessman. Sums large or small with the governm ent, quits under fire, second attraction, G aytow n will play O rville J. Poulin, M inister w elcom e fo r the upkeep and to ex-| and goes A W O L from active life, a seven inning gam e with an All-City Gam e« I. O. O. F. Hall, Beaverton tend this Gospel by Newspaper. ¡D iscouraged investors or executives Chinese team from Portland. L E O N A R D C. JOH NSON, Pastor j really need a good dose o f adult edu- will be at the City grade school dia- Sundays 7:45 p. m. catlon. It brings rejuvenation and mond on F arm ington road at E rikson E verybody w elcom e. H ow about your su bscription ? Church Services MT. C E C E L IA CH U R CH M asses 8 35 and 10:25 during w inter m onths the Education As An Investment Tear Down That Fence P IE S O C IA L Kinton Grange Hall J Sat. Nite M ay 27 Something Different Sunday School Revival Eva Gardner May 30-'June 10—7:45 Beaverton CHURCH of the NAZARENE 3335E S HERE'S GOOD NEWS FROM WALKERS DEPARTMENT STORE "BEAVERTON'S FRIENDLY SHOPPING CENTER" Now WALKERS DEPARTMENT STORE joins the THOUSANDS of other Leading Mer chants from Coast to Coast to bring YOU extra SAVINGS on all your purchases, by issuing GREEN STAMPS- HERE’S HOW IT WORKS: cj n GQ O P F D A T l V t Extra Savings For You! Just Another Walker Fea ture to make it worth while to do your shopping here. You Get ONE i j -K GREEN STAMP with each 10 cent purchase . . . . TEN with each $1.00 purchase, etc. ALL GREEN STAMPS may be placed in the same book re gardless of where you re ceive them. Shop For Quality A nd r jn c o o pe r a tiv i SA V E ! Walkers Department Store Every Dollar you Save with S & H is a Dollar saved tow ard a War Bond. A lw ays ask for ¿¡?*C GREEN STAM PS at the following Stores in Beaverton and Vicinity: MILLERS GROCERY H AZELD ALE Hazeldale General Store DEAN’S DRUG STORE HIGHBE’S V A R IE T Y CHAPMAN S CORNER Skyles Grocery BUSHMANS HARDW ARE W EST SLOPE Valley view Service Station PACES Cleaning & Laundry GLENCULLEN W atson Lumber Company