« PUBLISH ED W E E K L Y YOL. 18, NO. 17 Schools Get Millions IN OUR P LA N T ON SHORT ST. A N D C A N Y O N H IG H W A Y Beaverton, Oregon. I'ritlav, Ma\ 25. 1c>45 Here and There ESTABLISHED 1927 Aloha-Huber Class Graduated Wednesday Softening Okinawa High School Reserves honored the graduating girls Wednesday at a tea at the home of Mrs. J. R. Talbert as- Washington County Schools ¡ s**tlng Mrs. Talbert was Miss Dorothy To Receive $534,205 ¡Lundquist. Mrs H. Kramers, who cut J ices, and Mrs. William Cameron, who ! poured. Musical numbers v^ere given Washington county public schools,. .. will receive *>34,205 from Oregon by the glrls state income taxes during the coming Tlle Ladies Aid of the Congrega­ 1945-46 school year. tional church held their last meeting All public schools in Oregon will re­ May 16 at the church with Mrs. Os- ceive roughly $13,000,000 of income field, Mrs. Ericson and Mrs. Sturte- tax revenue, or $12,903,872 based on vant as hostesses. The year's pro- 1944-45 figures. This amount of ... in- gram will be closed with the annual _ ___ . . come tax to_ jju b lle , plcnic in th- church gardens on June schools throughout Oregon partly as result of laws enacted by the 1945 News should be in our office by at state legislature. Washington county's share of the least 6 p. m. Wednesday for this $12.903,872, or $534.205 will consist of weeks issue. Mr. and Mrs. K nepp will be hosts the following amounts: State elementary school tax (2-mills Tuesday, June 5 to the Tuesday club. Mrs. R h od a Beaty o f Newberg, is tax on property that is cancelled by living at the K eebaugh home. state income tax revenues)) $84.415. C arr’s G arage on B roadw ay m akes j State school support fund $5,000,000 of Income tax money diverted by the ’ a spic and span appearance with its j ; fresh coat o f white paint applied last i 1942 measure), $206,395. ?• dfSA • • •’ j . Good Report On Bond Sales Commencement exercises were held Wednesday evening at the Grange hall for the 1945 class of Aloha-Huber school before a large crowd of friends and relatives. The program con­ sisted of music by the orchestra, presentation of awards by Homer Oregon Has Sold 1-4 of Earl, principal, and presentation of Bonds Alloted to Her diplomas by Geo. Gordon of the school I ■ board, and several other numbers. Oregon has already sold one fourth Graduates include Melva Anderson, of its $110 million 7th War Loan Laurel Arthur, Gean Bergstrom, Do­ quota and everyone is well pleased rothy Christensen. Inez Grimm, Eula with the news. Series E has reached Howard, Bevery McKnight, Shirley $16,258,376. Total sales Tuesday of McIntosh, Lois Diace. Jean Robins, : all series were $1,390,549. Jean Senn, Betty Sntyser, Jeanette Multnomah county has reached the Sperling, Phyliss Gifford, Robert Cas- $15-mi!lion step on its $68,670,000 | feel, Jimmie Chunn, Kenneth Far- quota Total of E bonds was $408,934 | low, Billy Greer, Bohlin Hanna, In Washington County $402,113.27 Ralph Hanna, Donald Harris, Frank worth of Ebonds were sold. A total Lamb, Louis Martin, Harold Mull, of $589,770.37 bonds were sold includ- Alvin Kitts, Russel Place, Richard j ing May 21 receipts. Rasmussen, Richard Schwab, Louis In the Beaverton area $50,684.25 ; Voorhies, Dwayn Williams, and Lois ! in bonds were sold. i Walker. ¡Tigard area report $42,587.50. An Evening of Music ALOHA NEW S A whole evening devoted to orches- The C ooper Mt. Sewing clu b met at This cou nty’s share o f $2,000,000 o f j week. E xtensive alterations are be- | tra program will be featured at the i borne o f Mrs M. VV. Johnson Tues inconte tax m oney that was added to ing made in the salesroom also, ! Church o fOhrist next Sunday evening ^ay. with a pot luck dinner at noon. the $5,000,000 sch ool support fund by j R onald W ebb enjoyed a short fur- j I com m encing at 8 p. m. W alter Payne ^*P' Joseph Gassner left recently jlfH- *!»■•'* •* Mfesjsì k the 1945 legislature will be $82,976. lough at the home o f his parents. will assist with a trum pet solo, A rleta ^or u ca m P in Maryland after a short -■V 4 . »Ni-ejV This am ount is distr ibuted on a | The Union V acation C hurch School Boge. and Katherine A ckerm an, piano f ul'l»u gh here. “ teacher unit” basis am ong the var- w ill be held in the C hurch o f Christ ■ \ duet. C harlotte Thom pson, piano solo, j Mr. nni* Mrs. J. H. W agenblnst of ious school district in our county, ¡fr o m June 11 to 22 in the m orn in gs.! ! Mrs. R uth Zim bric, vocal solo. , B each. Calif., are visiting their W ash in gton cou n ty ’s share o f $1.- Mrs. Vern H opper entertained rela- _____________ ^ daughter Mrs. A. M. Mathlesen and 000,000 o f incom e tax m oney that was ' tives from Billings, Mont.. N ew berg j added to the $5,000,000 sch ool s u p p o r t. and Sheridan on M other's Day, also ! B um per H ay G rop A report from the war departm ent fund by the 1945 legislature, will be Bob Z im bric and fam ily, ¡brings the news that Bgt. John J O m citl U. S. Navy Photo about $41,279. This am ount is dis - 1 Mrs. Carlson had her father Mr. j I From all reports W ashington cou n- Savage, son o f Charles J. Savage, had Pin-point bombing by Navy bombardiers sends a tremendous column of tributed on basis of “ actual days at- R oss from C alifornia, and a sister j ty will harvest a bum per hay crop in ■ been w ounded In action In Europe. smoke skyward from Naha City dork area in Okinawa. Your purchase of ten dan ce" ratio am ong the various and daughter from Shelton, W ash., as 1945. Spring sown grain never did A group o f friends called on Mrs. more and more War Bonds can also speak with telling elici t in the .Mighty school districts. guests on M others day also a broth- j h ook better in the great East E n d ! Nell W illiam s on her birthday to ex- Seventh War Loan. From U. S. Treasury In addition to the above am ounts, er and fam ily from Portland. ! tend greetings. this cou nty will receive at least fo r Mrs. E lm er Stipe entertained Mrs. I ________________________________ Mr. and Mrs. O scar Huhn are en- Market Open Soon the next tw o fiscal years, about $119,- Reed from W ashington, D. C., and j ______ ; Joying a short visit with their son 142 from the incom e tax revenues, oth er friends Tuesday evening. A * tm i* * l F ln titA « , ...... _ , . . .... Pvt Vu tiu Hahn from Cam p R ob Ida and B id s new m arket but d nK ertg w h o u here on R Bhort t ' r l o n g h This am ount will wipe out any le v y 1 Be sure to leave your news either J ^ J | I l | l C l l i l O W G l ¡ju st east o f Beaverton is re c e iv in g ; N orm an ^ „on o f Mr Rnd Mr8 on property fo r the cou n ty sch ool at M iller’s or at the E nterprise o ffic e V ** tax o f approxim ately $10 per sch ool early in the week. | finishing touches and will soon b e ' jR m cs 0 r r w ll, alw ays celebrate V-E census child. i At the m orning service last week ready for business, _ ¡d ay as that was also his birthday, A lm ost one-half o f the cost o f p u b -,a t the C ongregational ch urch the _ .. . -- n i ¡h avin g arrived on that day at Wil He schools in O regon is now being 1 new H onor R oll was dedicated. The lea Honoring Mr». reck .¡c o x M em orial hospital. paid by revenue from the tw o state roll has a picture of each servicem an ■ ______ ■ j Mr. and Mrs. Paul Miller have incom e taxes, personal and corporate, in the service flag and his co rre ct j B eavertonC om m unity Garden Club Members of the Beaverton Parent m oved into the Y oung hom e on Huber A building campaign was launched A lthough m uch o f the $13,000,000 o f m ailing address. T he H onor R oll ¡is staging its annual spring flow er Sunday night for the construction of Teachers A ssociation were Invited t o : avenue w hich they recently pur- incom e tax revenue now being d iv er-i will hang in the church entry, above , show Saturday, June ?, in the I. O. a $100,000 edifice to house the Valley attend un inform al tea which was (chased. ted to public schools is supposed to i the servicem en ’s prayer altar as a j K. Hall in Beaverton. Church which will rise at the corner held Tuesday, May 15, at the Grade ; Parents are udvlsed that the daily reduce property taxes fo r sch ool p ur-j continual rem inder to the church j The clu b is hoping Beaverton will of SW Brentw ood drive and G olf Club School Auditorium honoring Mrs. N or- ; vacation Bible school will begin Mon­ poses, actually m uch o f the property people to rem em ber their servicem en j turn out en masse, rain or shine, to road inn I’erk. i ctii mg president. day June 4 at the A loh a Com m unity tax “o ffs e t” state-source revenue is j in their prayers. The H on or roll is see the results o f their efforts. There, This church w as started in 1940 in Piano solos by Janet R ay Shofnei ; Church and will con tin u e through being absorbed by special levies over being made by La Verne Schm idt is no adm ission charge and many fine j the Gable day school with 59 m em bers vocals by Janet N eilson with John : June 15. Com petent teachers will the 6G- lim itation being voted by under the direction o f Mr. Hallar. th e; displays are planned on. Outside I to a com bined Bible School and Tennant at the piano. All were very ! con duct classes. many school districts. ¡high school manual training teacher. I entries are jvelcomed from 8 a. m .! church attendance today of 225. well received Mrs. Bleakm an, on be- [ Mrs. M attie Peterson received the i Mr and Mrs Jay Gibson and Mr : until 10:30 a. m. June 2, but bring! The new brick community church half o f the m em bers o f the Beaverton gift for the oldest m other and Mrs. Sunday School Revival at ¡and Mrs. Jay Gibson Jr., spent sev- your own vases for display. Classi- will be of modern Gothic design and Unit, presented a gift to Mrs. P eck j G ordon R ydm an the you ngest m other j eral days at the coast and visited; fications and programs are on dis-1 will house a sanctuary seating 350, in recognition o f her untiring e ff o r t s ' present at the M others day services Church of Nazarene ¡friends at Newport. ¡play in local shop windows and the an auxiliary auditorium for fellowship and achievem ents during her tw o ! at the A loh a C om m unity Church, j Marcia Pike is quite ill. j show will open its door to the public; services seating 240 and 22 other years as president o f the Unit. I Frances H art o f Seattle, W ash., is Rev. Eva Gardner, of Kansas City, I Fred Sylvester and wife and daugh- promptly at 2 o’clock after qualified rooms, according to Rev. H. A. Armi- Mrs. O tto George, past president o f home to be near her father W . H. Missouri, begins a Sunday School Re-! ter Eunice have been down to Can-¡judges have made their awards. tage, pastor and Fred Moore, chair the W ashington County C ouncil o f | Hart, w ho la seriously ill at a P ort- vival at the Church of the Nazarene , non beach for a week. There will be members present com man of the finance committee Parents and T eachers and Miss Merle i land hospital. Show Saturday Church Launches Building Drive Wednesday, May 30, at 7:45 p. m. We wish to thank the many friends! petent to answer gardening questions. A Scout Court of Honor will be held Davies, principal of the Beaverton The regular services will be pieced- Qf the paper for their thoughtfulness The club is entering its seventh at Cedar Mill In the Grange Hall on grade school poured. ed each nite by a 30 minute children s jjn sending in bits of news. Thank year of activity here and every year No Money Needed for May 31. service, featuring Felographs, Bible yOU so much. i pays expenses of a local 4-H Club State School Buildings CAMP FIRE N E W S stories, songs, etc. j Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Davis from j member to the meeting at Corvallis County Superintendent , Omaha, Nebraska, were called to ! and supports other local improve- It has been revealed by Secretary i The Bluebird group of Camp Fire Portland last week by the news of I inents and activities. of State Farrell that the state of Ore­ girls under the leadership of Mrs. Called to War the death of Mrs. Davis mother, Mrs. j _________________ gon has the money It needs for a MoKeel and Mrs Bailey had a gradu-, ¡Strible, whose funeral was held May; County School Superintendent Aus- $10,000,000 postwar building program ating ceremony Monday after school. 15. Before returning to Omaha Mr. C o r p . Y e o m a n s Killed Six girls were presented with a T. Scrnfford ha* been called Into at state institutions and state schools. ¡and Mrs. Davis visited friends in • . All the voters need to do at the diploma and a stenciled leather hon-! *be service and Mrs. Florence Wlthy- ¡Beaverton, and were luncheon guests IB A ctio n These girls will join the older c°mbe, county elementary school su- June 22 special election is to approve or. (of Mrs. Ruby Boyd, Mrs. Wilmot anil' — - ■ ! Camp Fires next year. pervisor, has been appointed by the the measure. ¡other friends. | Word received last week by Mr. and Washington county Court. The ap­ The state tax commission will have | Guests at the Elmer Stipe home'Mrs. Ray E. Yoemans of route 1, box pointment will be effective June I. a surplus of Vaia Promoted i last week were Mr. and Mrs. J. C. 1 41, Beaverton, Oregon, from the War on June 30, 1945, | Huntley of Portland. , Department informed them of the ! $15,625,221.51 enough to completely I offset the five-mill, two year property The 15th Air Force In Italy has ! Montgomery Ward & Co. j Lt. Ted Hetu is reported in Boston, I death of their son, Corporal Gerald tax called for in the measure to pro­ announced that Edward F. Vaia, 22,1 Catalogue office in Hillsboro Mass., on his way home from Italy. I Reese (Bud) Yeomans in Germany. vide the amount needed. Of Beaverton, Oregon, has been pro- Guests at the Guy Alexander home, Corporal Yeomans was a member of ' moted to the rank of First Lieuten- iare Mrs. Merle Ocks and two child-|the 104th Cavalry R e c o n n . , >,,an, , The Hillsboro catalog office of the ! ant. Don’t Send Mail to Montgomery Ward & Co. opened Sat­ Troop iMecz) since its activation, into! Mothers day was a happy event a t 1 A navigator on a B-24 Liberator urday at 133 South Second avenue in the Geo. Blasser home. Guests in- the Timberwolf Division at Camp Nazi Prisoners 1 Lt. Vala is a member of a veteran Hillsboro with Mrs. Charles Anderson eluded Hubert Hingley and Howard ^ da' r’ *n Oregon in 1943. He served 15th air force group commanded by manager. The Red Cross announces that no Col. Steed of Etowah, Tenn. Hingley and Mrs. Ray Keeman and , army from Dec. 2, 1942. until T h e, Mrs. Anderson attended Pacific unl- kind addressed to Am- two children Kathleen and Michael , APri> 17- when he was killed in mail of any hcavy bomber group has been hitting | verstty and her husband, a discharged of Portland. Howard Hingley and 1 action while his Unit waj^ on one of erican or other allied prisoners of war vital enemy targets in Northern Italy, navy veteran, In now attending that , Hubert Hingley are brothers of Mrs. ¡its final operations before V-E Day. j )n Fur2 i e can be accepted for mail- Austria and Germany in support of university. This tailing does not apply to the advancing allied armies. iBlasser. | Captain Arthur S. Laundon. Com. ing. This new type of service will be a Dr. Mason and wife have been down ! manding Officer of the Troop, in his prisoners of war in the far east. Lt Vala entered the service, June convenience to those who are unable 11, 1943. and won his navigator s , to shop In the retail store in Portland jto the beach for a week. I letter to the parents said “Corporal REV. EVA GARDNER wings at Hondo, Texas i^ince his Comfortable chairs have been Install- The World of Sport I Mrs. Belle Walker spent Sunday a t ! Yeomans was a member of this or- nrrfval oveiseas. he ha* been awarded ed for the convenience of Its patrons Rev. Gardner ha* had -outstanding the Geo Thyng home. ¡ganization since its activation over since its success in this type of work, building I Jack Osfield is down at the beach I two years ago and his death The newly organized Eastern Wash­ the air-medal, with one cluster, and and sample books are ready for uao was a a class in her home church of nine for a couple of weeks, ington County Semi-Pro league laid also holds the European-Africa-MId-j jn ordering supplies, i personal loss to us all. His _________________ to over one hundred. Orville's Barber Shop has been m.°'' down a foundation of rules that the die Eastern Theatre ribbon, with one i Though emphasis is placed upon the freshened inside with new paint and 1 shall remain with his buddies or’ three clubs must follow this season ever ” lli< wife, Maxine, resides in Beav- G ran ger» A h oy Sunday School, people of all ages are ( wallpaper These rules are very rough on the Corp. Yeomans was born Jan. 22, teams, but they must be followed or erton. cordially invited and welcome to all Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stipe entertain- There is to be an old fashioned pie servicas. ed last Tuesday evening for Mr. and 1920. in Oakland. Calif., moved to action starts. The man that can social Saturday May 26 preceded by ——----------------------- Mrs. Jay Gibson Jr., of the U. S. Portland, Oregon with his parents in start this action is the president of Honor» Received at a c&rd party at Kinton Grange hall, Sept. 1928. He V , the league, Mr. Wallace R. Branch Virginia Jacob» Married “ rnLy a" d Mrs Reid ” f Washington, ermite æhnni i Scholls Ferry Road. The following ° _____ D. C. Covers were laid for fourteen. grade school and graduated from President Branch and his picked com­ Grand Council Fire Saturday night will offer an old time Was a mem­ Beaver Social Club served 130 Franklin High in 1939 mittee. have full charge of the Mr. and Mrs. W Jacobs, of w .land modern dance at same spot. a'" guests last Wednesday noon at a mer- ber of Portland Rose Tent-Hive No. 1 league's operations. of the Multnomah ’ . erton. announce the marriage hmch* The dinner was excel Maccabees and local 48 Electrical „ Most ,, c., . . and .. W . est1-, Good music. All Grangers and friends _ of their . T I Chants chants lunch. . * The first buying and selling of play­ Portland Camp Fire girls, Horizon daught.r Virginia to Sgt. Donald L ,ent acrordinK to rtfl workers union. Club members and Bluebirds atteni) j are we com*- Jenkins of the IF S. M C.. .on of Mr. The Chperlo C]ub met Frid Rt thp Besides his parents he is survived ers this yeai was handled by Branch. sd wtth thiMi Isadsra, the recent — J — _ The Gaytown Tigers sold pitcher, by two brothers. Corp. Arnold Yeo- L. J « " “ »"» ° f Por; lan,Y ° n F^iday Drorbaugh home and spent a very Giand Council Fire at the Civic Audi » O O ay i o p p y D a y Charley Tapper to Beaverton for a un­ : mans, with the Army in Hawaiian Is- P pleasant afternoon together named sum. And speaking of tran­ torium, when honors and rank were ( A t T i g a r d Long Beach, California. Jay Gibson Jr., and wife left last I lands, and Ray Yoemans Jr , of Beav- sactions. it has been rumored that the bestowed upon many of them. Out- * _ _ _ The bride wore a robin egg blue week for Texas where he is stationed (erton; two sisters. Mrs Evelyn Greg­ Gaytown team may be sold We hope standing feature of the evening was po#t 39„ >nd Auxlllary w, „ suit with white accessories. She or of Portland and Mrs. Geneva Hoak The Girl Scout mother-daughter to have more details later. the honoring and awarding of rank . . . V -is ... carried a white Bible and wore a cor­ banquet on Mav 10 at the Congrega- of Beaverton. ^ Y A while ago I was asked who is the to forty-six Torch Bearers, three of h° ? * tpoPpy “ le « sage of white orchids Her only a t-' «on'^T^hureh was well attended The were from Multnomah Norma and 11» aturday; May 25 a" d 28 , best leading “ Rookie” of this year’s whom tendant wasi Mrs Lee Walker of Long Udiea of the rhurch „ deli- . ,, , . . . . . ,, . Auxiliary ladies have charge of the being awarded the rank I sale, , * .. _ .. « c« » An unusually interesting talk was , league It took me quite a while to Lou _ Gavlord .. , In _ Folklore direction of Beach, California. !ci0us dinner Mr. Paul Knepp acted that given Wednesday night at the think that problem and I told this of , Torchbearer and Mrs. i,., . under , . the , , .. __ E. A. ... ... . . . . . . . ! Woodard, chairman of the committee The couple will reside at Oceanside, as chairman. Mrs. Sturtevant led Kiwanis meeting by Howard Holman sportsman this, “Gaytown has the Allen W. Davis and her daughter Lu _. Calif., where Sgt Jenkins is taking cibel. who received their rank In So- on. r,pPy y' the group in a number of songs and late of the U. S. Army, who spoke on best picked in Bob Schaudt, Bill further tech training in communi- . . . leadership, _, _. ._ . the . . highest . . . . award _. of . As is awarded the girls their proficiency , "A GI Joe and His Experiences in the Chinn, Victor Nyssen or Otis Caldwell, cia .. well . known , ._ the _. . proceeds . __■ . ___. . _____ . . . from the sale of poppies will cal school. badges. Carol Seeley sang a solo ] South Pacific.” Beaverton has Don Smith, Johnny Ge- Camp lire, which is comparable to .. . . , . . . go into ,_ „ , „ , , __ T J „ __ , the fund for the aid of disabled veter- accompanied by Miss Eva Strayer Lillie Jones is now residing with iger or Bill Bye. The County All- Eag e Scout rank among Boy Scout*. . . . _ , .. , _ _ ans and as the cause Is such a good Looking Backward Dolores Nute played a piano solo, some people at Forest Grove Her stars have Jack O'Connor and Karl Norma Lou and Lucibel were among ... . . . .. • - .. . . . who . helped . . . . to one, It I* hoped that the citizens of and Mary Ann Kokich and Delores mother the late Annie Jones of this, Unger.” the six _ Torchbearer* .u - W,H ^ P e r a t e with the pro- May 25. 1803. Ralph Waldo Emer­ Nute sang a duet. Beverly Bess gave place died recently and left Lillie an Baseball has finally come to Beav- form the picture around which the son was born at Boston. Mass the toast to mother* and Mrs. Alfred orphan. erton as a sport and to stay. Be- Council lir e was built National **ct in " ° miaerly way~____ . . . . . u May 25 1864, women of Chicago gave the response The mothers joined Word has been received of the sides the new Semi-Pro league, we Birthday honors were received by Z50UU M o w n H o m e began an agitation for dress reform, in the friendship circle with the girls death of Cpl. R Yeomans, son of Mrs have heard that the American Junior several Multnomah Guardians and —— May 25. 1914, Irish Home Rule en- and sang songs. Elizabeth Yeomans of Beaverton. League is starting a team for boys girls and the Uta and fthuta nation-1 acted by British Parliament. Recent visitors at the Fisher's home from the war department We wish you the best of al awards were presented Mrs. Davis' American soldiers are being flown under 17. for contributions in literature. The home from Europe at the rate of 25.- May 25. graduation exercises at Ti- were Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Barnes The ladies of the Pilgrim Lutheran luck. Torchbearers and girls working on 000 a month. Gen Hoag declared gard Hi Last year this occurred on Forest Grove Miss Betty Lou Burke Church gave a shower for Mrs Wal May 2». of Buxton, and Mrs Mae Thomas ter R Buhl at the home of Mrs There should bs no hurry to es- that rank were entertained on ftatur- that It would be Increased to 60,000 - - - — - ■ - and Herbert Jr of Cooper Mt Mr Wacher There were 2> present and tabh h col with Mars. day at a tea at the beautiful home a month by July 1. —.................... The United States lost 11 500 men and Mrs Charles Burke and family after several games were played re- They will most likely try to float a of Mrs. Dean Webster on Council I Crest. Turn wnr stamp« Into Bonds In uniform through accidents in 1944 of Banks freshmentt were served by the hostess loan with us.