Friday, May 18, 1945 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon I IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E For Stove and Diesel Oil Call H arry S T A T E O F O R E G O N FOR T H E Barnes. Phone Beaverton 3231. tf COUNTY O F W A SH IN G TO N . S I MMONS D t u d •toc*t picked up free of charge anywhere. Call ' IR E N E L A Y T O N , P lain tiff vs collect UN. 1221; night call W A N T E D — Suburban and Farm I W IL L IA M L A Y T O N Defendant, DENLEY R E N D E R IN G CO. properties. W e have the buyer, you T o W illiam Layton. Defendant. have the property, let'» get togeth ­ Portland. tf IN T H E N AM E O F T H E S T A T E er. W e are in contact with many OF O R E G O N , you are hereby re- Eastern buyers w ho have cash and ) quired to appear and answer the com ­ Boy My dad is an Elk. a Lion, a want to locate here. Our appraiser plaint filed against you in the above Moose, and an Eagle. B o b -Q ee! will call on you No obligation. ; entitled suit on or before the expi- What does it cost to see him ? S L A Y T E K R E A L T Y C O M P A N Y ! ration of fou r weeks from the date “ In dow ntow n P ortlan d” 528 SW o f the first publication o f this Salm on Street. BR. 1146. 51tf j sum m ons upon you. and if you fail j so to answer, for want thereof, the BUYERS— PACKERS W A N T E D - Man or husky boy to ( plaintiff will apply to the Court for — All Berries, Prunes, Grapes— cut grass, spade and w ork at odd ; relief prayed for in her com plaint, jobs. 90c per hour. See H. C. P e­ I » K i ll I/.i k . D C 8 T . W E E V K I tow it: an absolute decree o f divorce. dersen (a fte r 6 p. m.) at Rt. 1, bx. BAITS, A V A IL A B L E IN SEASON This sum m ons is published by order 389. Tigard, 1'* mi west o f T igard o f Hon R Frank Peters, Judge o f Feed Co., on T igard Av., T igard 16 j the above entitled Court, and dated ; the 12 day o f May, 1945. ) RABBITS WANTED Date o f first publication May 18. Beaverton 3271 11945. B E ST P R IC E for R abbit Fryers, D. Date o f last publication June 15, P. M acDonald, R2, Bx 218, B eaver­ 1945 ton. P hone B eaverton 2260. We Pick up. ___________ tf IJCSTER S H E E L E Y | dress. 306 Spalding Bldg., Portland. A ttorney for P lain tiff, P ostoffice A d -'O re g o n . W A N T E D —L ive ltam ilts, to buy now. T op prices paid. R abbit Meat Co., 8917 SE Stark St. .Portland. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Portland, Ore. | P hone SUnset 1722. Open w eek days on ly until 7:30 p. m. tf A nnounces = CLASSIFIED WANT ADS CASH L Must Accompany AM CLASSIFIED ADS Count each w ord, Including Nam e and addreaa— O N L Y 2o A W O R D N o R hone O rder» T aken W e Publish the B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E T IG A R D S E N T IN E L M U LTN O M AH P R E S S ALOHA NEW S m FOR SALE A FREE LECTURE ON C H R IS T IA N SCIENCE I TO RENT F O R S A L E — Fushias 35c ea, 3 fo r ; $1, P ink hardy Oxalis 25c ea; C hry-i santhsm um a—cushion and button types, 15c ea., large types 20c ea., j , M um —special m ixed varieties and , colors, not labeled—12 for $1. Add ' 15c fir postage. IL E X N U R S E R Y ,! 1-8 m i W o f B eaverton, on high-1 way. 17 LOST —G rease gun in Beaverton. H ow ard Smith, R3, Bx 1594 B eav­ erton 2462. 16 i S. W. 3rd Avenue and Clay Street Friday evening, May 18, at 8 o ’clock S. A M. F L Y IN G S E R V IC E Bernard A irport j N orth E nd o f Field on C edar St. j B eaverton, Ore. P hone W E . 7013 J 12tf DO YOU W A N T Y O U R A T T IC F IN IS H E D ?—T urn you r unused attic into attractive livable room s, D ry wall plaster board finished to suit. N o critica l m aterials used. T E D E R IC K S O N , Builder. B eav- erton 2281. tf M O R T I C I A N Beaverton, Oregon Estab. 1910— Serving 33 years PH O N E B E A V E R T O N 3411 RODEO The P ublic is C ordially Invited SUNDAY, MAY 27th 1:30 P. M. Tualatin Valley Rodeo Grounds 3 MILES EAST OF HILLSBORO ON P O R T L A N D -H IL L S B O R O H IG H W A Y Bareback Bronco Riding, Saddle Calf Roping, Wild Cow Milking, Bronco j ! ! 1 Special Feature Drill by Portland Mounted Posse, All entries must be in by Thursday, M ay 24 Mail T hem to R A Y DE LSM AN , KT. 3. IILLLSBOKO, P H O N E 2102 illlB III= IIIS III= lll= IIIS IIIs lllz lH s lll= lll= lll£ IIIS IU = lll= lll= IIIS III= lll= lll= lll O R E G O AGRICULTURE C L Y D E P E R E N IA L G A R D E N S B arber Blvd. at SW 28th CH. 3003 tf P hotographs becom e P ortraits W hen C olored in Oils Brides a Specialty—Special Kates to Service Men— BE. 8435 5tf P A P E R IN G — P ainting & K also- mining, neat, experienced work-» man L. L. Seeley, R 2, B x 180-A Beaverton. P hone B eaverton 2516 40tf and wasbing Call K. R. 8tf F O R S A L E — G ood C ountry Slab, Make deliveries .N o w , H ANSON F U E L CO., B eaverton 2828. 18 H ID E S A W OO L, C A S C A R A — A specialty. L E E BRO S., 25 SW Clay Portland. A T. 5334. tf F O R S A L E —D ry and green B lock and Slab W ood , delivered 2-cord 1 lots to A loha, Beaverton, Tigard. Multnomah. W rite J. O. Johnson, j Carlton, Ore., B x 584. tf( L. H. B R A W A N D B uilder and Cabinet M aker M etzger, O regon P ortland Phone— C lle rry 2929 Unit cabinets, precision built, any style draw ers and d oors; finish ­ ed all sides. A n yon e can set them. A L L K IN D S O F B U IL D IN G and C A B IN E T M A K IN G 51tf WANTED A C R E A G E A H OM ES W A N T E D W e can sell your hom e, farm or acreage. H ave hundreds o f buy-j era that have cash. Y our W ash ­ ington C ounty specialist. Located in Portland at foot o f C anyon Rd. Call B R . 1475 or w rite W A Y N E E. N A G L E 1800 SW J efferson , P ortland 1, Ore. CUSTOM T R A C T O R W O R K - L e t us plow you r garden. H ow ard W m . Smith, Johnson Rd. A D ivis­ ion sts., P hone B eaverton 2462 4tf P. E. I1AGG H auling C ontractor Concrete, Sand, Gravel, Masons Sand, Crushed R o ck and R oad Gravel R6, Bx 604, Portland 1, O regon • P hone Ttgard 2446 tf --------------------------- if D R E S S M A K IN G A S E W IN G All kinds o f C lothing Made T H E L M A DEW T igard 2484 tf tf CUSTOM TRACTOR W ORK— P low ing and D iscing, D. P. M ac Donald. R u b y Ave., Rt. 2, B ox 218, Beaverton, O regon. P h on o B eav­ erton 2260. 50tf R O C K Y M O U N T A IN N U R S E R Y B udding Plants, Shrubs Azealias, Cam elias, Prim roses, Panzies. R o ck Plants— C om plete line in season. Phone CH. 1087 or CH. 3003 Opposite M ultnom ah drug store* tf ' R A B B IT S W A N T E D T op O P A , will pick up ALDEKHROOK B A B B IT R Y R t L Bx 582, Tigard, O regon Sattler R oad and Butler Ave. 21 BU LL S E R V IC E Here or at you r d o o r— M cDutin 2nd houae N o f K ra ft Cheeae Co. T igard CH. 3437. 21 PAINTS Imlay’s Fresh Mixed Feeds USHER THORSEN PAINTS For quality, fair pries and service J. B. Im liy & Sons REEDVTLLE A LO H A , ORE. of ‘ tin The 4 big businesses that are building a greater Oregon are: 1. AGRICULTURE 2. MANUFACTUING 3. MERCHANDISING 4 .THE OREGON HOME farms successfully grow all o f the standard hay-grain-hog items that are usually identified with farm operation, but they also offer opportu­ nities not found in other sections for unusual crops o f high value. Rich soil, long growing season and dry summers, enables the production o f large yields o f specialty crops such as lawn and pasture grass seed, clover and seed peas, bulbs, flax, prunes, cherries, berries, filberts, walnuts, holly, nursery stock and others. Irrigation, feasible for many farms, enables high production o f vegetables for canning and freezing. Irrigated summer pastures yield enormous tonnage o f rich f#rage for dairy herds. Oregon’s Willamette Valley is o f about the same size and degree o f fertility as Holland but has only about 10% as much population, which facts suggest a great future for this section. F’GE provides electrical service for a large part o f Oregon’ s farm area. Over 90'% o f the farms in this area have low-cost electric service available. Oregon's agriculture rates first in size and sequence in Oregon’s four big enterprises. The other three are manufacturing, merchandising and the Oregon home. O Riding, Races Galore P A N SIE S , G IA N T SW ISS $1 Doz Perennials, Azaleas, V iolas B erry Plants, Shrubbery F O R S A L E — 4 ft green slab Aloha d istrict $6 per cord. B lock A Ed- j gin g $7 per cord. B eaverton-Tl- \ gard-G arden H om e d istrict 4 ft. green slab $7 per cord. B lock A E dgings $8 per cord. H. F. E lford. F orest Grove. P hone 56. tf O L D L A D Y would like to keep house for 2 old people or w idow er Mrs E.. Box 552. Beaverton, R es 1109 W atson St 1« W. E. P E G G um ow er Sharpening Saw Filing, A ppliance R epair 33th I Capitol iiiw a y , M ultnom ah Res. P hon e CH. 1087 Civilians Can Fly Now B R O O D SO W S and W eaner Pigs fo r Sale the year around, S. A. Götter, Scholls. 12tf tf; M em ber o f the Board o f Lectureship o f The M other Church, T he First C hurch o f Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts. In the CIVIC AUDITORIUM CUSTOM T R A C T O R W O R K P low ing-D lscing-M ow ing, etc. I.. A. S C H E E L 111 on « T igard 8260 « 1 = 111 = R l. Bx 462, T igard, % mi. W . o f j H ighw ay, Gaarde Ave. 21 i - ■ E lectrica l A pplian ce« R epaired R adios. R efrig era tors, W ashing M achines, Sewing M achine and all household appliances— See E D D IE O L D M A N Johnson R oa d Opp. N. W . Christian H om e or M arshall W ells Hdw., B eaverton tf W A L N U T S — F IL B E R T S W'alnut M eats Filbert Meats Wa Pay Cash oa R eceipt at onr plant T H E T IO A R D NUT P A C K IN G CO. of New York City C L E A N IN G A P R E S S IN G S E R V IC E W e do quality w ork and give prom pt service. T IG A R D C L E A N E R S F ew doors W est o f B ank at Burn­ ham and Main Street, T igard tf F O R S A L E — Zinnias, Asters, | F ren ch M arigolds at 20c a doz, & m any other plants. Sign at Hills- j dale ju n ction , R ob ert J. Thoen- ' del. 17 : ------------------------------------------------------------ j- F O R S A L E — 16 in D ry B lock and j Slab in 2 cd loads, Fresh cut Fir Sawdust, 3 unit loads, dum p only. j P hone T ig a rd 2281. 16 LAND C L E A R IN G — T ractors Available. L H. COBB, Phone B eaverton 2881. 4»tf iji B. PALMER LEWIS, C. S. B. F O R T O W C A R call V E R M IL Y E M O T O R CO.. P hone T igard 3381 tf F O R S A L E —6 rm house in Beav- | erton, 2 bedroom s, furnished, see ow ner, $3750, term s, 421 SE 3rd, j B eaverton. 16 W A N T E D B icycle repairm an, ex-1 perienced man preferred. Kisaler j B icycle Shop. 923 SW 4th A ve . | Portland, Ore., b e t 11 a. m. and 6 ' p m. Call A T 5438. tf By L A W N CON STRU CTIO N , R ota ry Plow ing, M owing. A LO H A 6437. 19 F O R S A L E —9 tube Sparton Radio, excellent condition, B ox Sewing M achine, 10 cup A lum inum perco­ lator, m eat chopper, electrio ever-1 hot cook er, large jardiniere, Bee Hives, 1*4 horse pow er gasoline engine, 20 ft pump, & other arti­ cles. Shell Service Station, B eaver­ ton. 16 i = “ Christian Science: Its Teaching and Its Practice N O W is the tim e to Buy your W in ­ ters W ood and let it “ season.” Call W ilson Fuel Yard, B eaverton 2491. 19 F O R S A L E — Babys Bassinett and baby bed, also 1 excellent 22 rifle. B eaverton 2423. 16 TRACTO R W ORK W ANTED P low in g and G rading P H O N E CH erry 3437 2nd houae N orth o f K ra ft Cheese Co. 50 tf E ntitled MISCELLANEOUS F O R S A L E — B eautiful bay saddle m are, 3 yrs old $85. cal. & qt. j jars, w ide m outh. Ball spec. W ant j pasture fo r m are and colt. Mable Jones on F arm in gton road ‘A mile ! W o f B eaverton. 16 W E C U R E AN D SM O K E Y O U R P O R K CUTS 25 years E xperience ALDER M ARKET L ew is Bros. Cor. 1st and W ashington St. PORTLAND. OREGON Speck’s Fix-it Shop R. I. McLaughlin, Inc. C om plete E astern W ashington County and W estern M ultnom ah County •overage. W e assum e no finan cial responsi­ bility fer errors w hich m ay appear in advertisem ents published in these colu m n s but in case where this paper is at fau lt will reprint that part o f an advertisem ent in w hich the typo­ grap h ical m istake occurs. Hom o R efrig era tion m achine services. T w om bly CH. 2267. Page 3 rfgon Portland General Electric Company P io n e e r in %a p p ly in g e le ctric lig h t a nd p o w e r to h o m o*, a g ric u ltu re , m a n u fa ctu re a n d m e rca n tile e n te rp rise *