Friday, May 11, 1945 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E , Beaverton, Oregon Page SK E E T S Need More Money for State Building Fund By Dow Wallin* Blood Saved Boy's Life The measure to be voted on June ¡28 to earmark $10 million excess in H. H. JKFKULLS. Publisher come tax money for the state build-1 'ing fund will be systematically pre "Yea, Ehud, you must die this very Published Friday of each weak by the Pioneer Publlablng Co., at Beaverton, sented to voters by a state wide citi-1 night." But Ehud answer« that he Oregon. Entered ae eecond-oiaaa matter at the poatofflce at Beaverton, Ora zens committee will not die. for he saw hia father The urgency of this measure can be lamb and lu bIood on the .$1.00 Subscription Payable In Advance. One Year scaled by the importance of providing , * and he \ nQWB hg wl|| be educational opportunities for boys as v , . , . Beaverton Office— Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2321 they return from the army. If only , u" der the bl£°d- . . .. Portland Office—$08 Panama Bldg., 3rd and Alder Phone ATwater 8691 10 per cent of Oregon's enlisted boys , , R 'gh‘ yoU ar.e * * * : t0,i and girls desire to go on to college bl°<>d the an8el of Ad*atb " “J after being mustered out, the pres- y° “ r * ° Ua^ *"d “ ent classroom facilities will be utterly d« tb did and in al‘ K * ypt' incapable of hanging the enrollment. tba‘ night, the first-born was .lain ltc ] ® N L < js (M ft« These boys and girls should obtain a • Hebre^ aS V * * T h I higher education in preparation for ■ * od *lad •n*ald en see, .h* P a n i s i » u ‘t e o M i m o » the years to come blood' 1 wlU pass over you and the plague shal lnot be upon you to des troy you, when I smite the land of Egypt." From that night the blood Red Cross Worker ------- I of the slain lamb had more meaning Mrs. Ida Deatherage, 84-year-old! for the Hebrews. The blood told Red Cross production worker of Clay them their sins were covered over. County, Missouri, has crocheted hun- In the fullness of time, God himself dreds of wash cloths from salvaged ' offered up a Lamb—his Son, our bits of string. The cloths are sent Lord, Jesus Christ.—"Behold the by the Clay County Red Cross Chap- U m b of God that taketh away the ter to soldiers in hospitals in this sin of the world.” T A K E T H AWAV country ta d to our fighting men in the sin of the Hebrews who believed and taketh away ours also as we combat areas overseas. have heart belief that Christ’s blood Babson Prefers cancels out our sins. The blood of Something Else Jesus Christ, his Son, cleanseth from SPECIAL* ELECTIO N NOTICE all sin.”—BIBLE. x Babson Park, Mass., May I I —Mark The door of blessing is now open. NOTICE IS H E R E B Y GIVEN, That Part of the War la over, but the Twain would say that money is some B ER TH A W A T E R DISTRICT, Mult With sins put out of sight. God waits thing like the weather,—everyone War ia only H A L F won. nomah County, Oregon, a Municipal to pour in the new life with its talks about it; but no one does any There’s VIC Corporation, will hold a Special Elec cheer, joy and hope. Everyone wants ì >< m ) 4 Sunday, May 13, we honor the love thing about it. tion at the B E R TH A W A T E R DIS TO R Y in the new life and Power liest ladies in the nation, our moth money; only to exchange it for some T R IC T Office, at SW 19th and Ne- From On High. Hence, few do anything ers. Everybody ahould be remem thing else. Will you lie in a Christless grave or ! braska Streets, Portland, Oregon, bered if only by a poatcard. Make to protect it. Your within said District, on Friday, the are you set for the gloryland? her happy one day during the year— What Is Money? 111th day of May, A. D. 1945, beginn- heart knows, The simple fact is that money of It she will remember it the rest of the ing at Eight o’clock A. M. , and con-j This space paid for by a Seattle self is no good. Certainly, this Is grade and get out another grade, or year. tinuing to Eight o’clock P. M. of said j businessman. true of paper money which has no | shape or color, the price o f which ¡day, at which there will be submitted PEACE what a beautiful word, use whatsoever except as a medium j has not yet been "fixed” . "A ll right" to the legal voters of said District j Money is good only I you say, ‘‘then fix the price of every it means so much to the soldier, hia of exchange. the following question: | grade, shape and color” . W ell—dear for what It can buy In food, clothing, family, to the conquerera and even to By President Roy M. Green "SH A LL TH E T E R R IT O R Y DES- SW McChesnev Road, Portland-l-Ore. the conquered countries. But there shelter, education and happiness. Yet, ! reader—If you did this then the manu Colorado A & M College CRIBED AS «FOLLOWS: Fort Collins, Colorado is one thing to be remembered, it is very difficult to Interest people facturers would stop making them “ Commencing at a conncrete monu- ‘ all. Under similar conditions farmers if Italy had been stopped when she In these five Important things. Whipped Cream Big crops and good prices left a ment, set to mark the section corners : ; would stop raising food. I f they Labor leaders talk some about tiled to conquer Albania, no other wheat farm er not long ago with for Sections Eight (8), Nine (9), Six- \ must pay more wages, they must In country would have dared to annex working conditions; but 90% of this $30,000 cash in the bank. Said he, teen (16), and seventeen (17) I China—American Red Cross girls They almost some way get more money for their “ If I don’t invest this in inflated territory and there would have been talk is about wages. of Township 1 South, Range here' have discovered a way to whip never discuss what wages will buy. goods or else quit. no war with Germany. land values, what can I do with it 1 East of the Willamette Meridian, canned milk, so the men visiting Red Yet, while they get a 10% wage in Cost of Living to earn anything?” I said to him, However, the out-pose of this article “ Did you ever think of using part Multnomah Codinty, State of Oregon; Cross clubs staffed by them may have crease, they lead their union mem Tips on How to whipped cream in cocoa or on cake. bers to adopt some policy which in is not to criticize my Washington of it to insure yourself a steadier thence, North 89 deg 13’ 30” West Cans of milk are placed In boiling They are doing the best farm income after the war? For $150 along the North line of Section 17 Send Mail Overseas creases prices 15%. Hence, in the friends. Only they should honestly a month, or $1,800 a year in War of said township and range, a dis water for 10 minutes, after which end although the workers get 10% they can. they are plunged into a pail of cold I f you want to be sure your letters more money, they really get 15% less tell you that while they can fix price« Bonds, you can begin to collect ten tance of 660 feet to an iron pipe; water to chjll them. The contents thence, South 0 deg 19' 30" East a dis- : they cannot fix both the cost of liv in food, clothing and shelter. years after the war $200 a month. and packages are getting through to are then poured into a cold bowl and tance of 25 feet to an iron pipe; ing and the standard of living. So As you will be getting 'dder by that your Hon, husband, or friend out there Most People are Blind Often Labor leaders are not the only ones long as people think only of money, time, wouldn't that be a better sup thence, North 89 deg 13' 30” West and beaten with a wire fluffer. with tho Navy In the Pacific, take orange or lemon sauce is whipped some tips released today from Navy to mislead the people by talking mon one of these goes down just as sure plement *to what income the farm parallel with the North line of Sec into the fluffy cream to add variety Jesus knew then produces than having to turn tion 17, a distance of 310 feet to an Bankers, brok as the other goes up. post a 1 authorities at Thirteenth N a ey, money, money. to topping for cake. val District Headquarters in Seattle, ers and others who sell securities are this when He told the world 2,000 again to the cream can and what iron pipe; thence South 0 deg 19’ 30 your w ife can make out of chicken"? East a distance of 680 feet, more or ! years ago that the “ love of money is blind also. They say .‘‘Give me your Wash. For Stove and Diesel OH Call Harry Wouldn’t it be a nice retirement fund less, to the South line of Sunset Boule DO be sure you have the correct ad money to invest and I will make the root of all evil." Phone Beaverton 3231. tf "Well, what is the answer?" you for a fellow that is now 55 years old? vard; therfee, easterly along the South Barnes. dress. If you fish around In your more money for you." So you let Wouldn’t vou like to have had $200 line of said Sunset Boulevard a dis ask. The answer is that we should them Invest for you. The stock you memory for that numerical designa a month cash coming in last tim e?” tance of 540 feet, more or less, to the tion and write 182 Instead of looking buy goes up In price or the dividend worship money less and work harder. In addition, if you can put in War it up and getting the correct number is Increased and you have “ made There is only on« way to get more Bonds a lump-sum as reserve for op boundary line of the Bertha Water That is District; thence, northerly along the 128. your letter will be delayed about money” . But are you any better off? food, clothing and shelter. erations in bad years, for deferred No! During the time you “ made by raising more vegetables in your purchases of equipment, t of repairs, boundary line of the Bertha Water 90 days. Don't use nicknames. Send your money" the cost of living went up back yard, making more of your own for up-keep, for new household District a distance of 5 feet, more or clothes and building more houses. letter to "W illiam Gaylord Jones, more. equipment; and then whatever the less, to a corner of said boundary But then come along the “ smart Our standard of living will never per postwar adjustment, you would have line; thence South 89 deg 13' 30" East OM3/C, USNR, 847-32-15” even though boys” in Washington who are also manently be raised by getting more an easier time of it than you had a distance of 444.84 feet, more or to you he Is "Bill." It will be raised only by last time. "Leave it to ub . money. DO wrap packages carefully. Use blind and say: less, along the boundary line of the stout boxes, the heaviest wrapping We'll fix prices right where they are thinking harder and working harder. You wouldn't have to wait on Bertha Water District to the East I also get this answer frdm the Bible. paper, plenty of strong cord, and— so that when you get more money somebody's extra special plan; you line of Section 17 of said Township when necessary metAl packing cases. you can take this money to the Jesus said, "Give good measure." Paul | would have already completed one and Range; thence, North 0 deg 19' P o n t send perishable foods. Pack ■tores and get more goods. Just leave said, “ Unless a man work he shall not of your own. 30" West along the East line of said It is okay for everyone to i Well, we have just left it ! eat." each article In shredded paper to It to us". I f you are proud of the independ Section 17 a distance of 660 feet, to prevent Its movement Inside the to them and they fixed the price of j have higher standard of living anti ence of your occupation, and jealous the point of beginning, all in the butter, sugar, canned goods and other better working conditions; but it is j of preserving as much of it as pos County of Multnomah, State of Ore package. But with what results? very foolish to have MONEY which sible, don’t orate and speculate— gon. be ahnexed to and incorporated DON'T use paper stickers on pack foodstuffs. gives neither. order W AR BONDS! ages. They fall o ff when they get We can’t get any! with the Bertha Water District, a Mu wet. Write addresses with Ink on Why We Can't Get Goods nicipal Corporation, of the County of These Washington boys give as an For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry both sides of the package. How often can people stand to look Multnomah and State of Oregon, as Phone Beaverton 3231. tf ¡at my kisser?—Comedian Bob Hope, an integral part thereof. DON’T send newspapers and maga excuse that these things are going to B&rnes. Of course the army is zines. They clog the malls and hold the army. "All in accordance with that cer- i suspending movie-making for a while. This newspaper likes to obtain In up your letters. Instead clip In getting foodstuffs, but are these sol tain Act of the Legislative Assembly teresting articles and enclose them in diers getting any more than if they teresting items from its friends and of the State of Oregon, passed at its The Last Straw were at home? How about women's readers. You may phone or use a letters. regular session in the year 1927, en-1 Before the war you postcard to advantage in the newsy DO write often. The Navy Postal stockings? titled 'An Act to enable communities 15th A A F in Italy Even In Ger incorporated as municipal corpora Service wunta to help out by being could get good stockings for $1.00 at little Items about your family or many, where things are hardly nor tions for the purpose of supplying Now friends. arcurnte and cooperative, but they which the price was "fixed." mal, haystacks seldom are found their inhabitants with water for do want you to write your man frequent you go to the store to get these same | parked across railroad tracks. So mestic purposes to annex territory ly. It Is true that mall It one of this stockings and the clerk says "Sorry, Tell it with a classified ad. j 2nd Lt. Harry J. Tyndale, Staten Is- contiguous thereto; and providing war's greatest morale factors. YOU but we haven't got any of those stock I land, N. Y., swooped low in his P-38 that such territory so annexed shall She offers you only a new are the only ones that can write the ings." ¡Lightning to investigate. letters. Send them properly, and the brand, the price of which hasn't been be subject to the indebtedness of the Close inspection showed it was an department will aee that they get "fixed". E D IT O R CLEM original corporation." elaborately camouflaged locomotive. there. It Is easy enough to "fix ” the price The officers of said election shall By Kiilpli Rrnip Tyndale brought his 50-caliber ma of some one grade of stockings, cot be- Alice Wlnnard, Chairman; Ma chine gun and 20-millimeter cannon While shopping In Beaverton stop ton dresses or handbags; but just as rietta Milson. Judge; and Mrs. Tracy into play to destroy his third locomo- | in at the Qreyhound Coffee Shop for soon as the smart boys do this the J. Smith, Judge, or their duly ap tive for the day and his first mobile Lunch. manufacturers stop making that pointed successors. haystack. DATED, April B , IMS BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. M M M ta B E R TH A W A T E R D ISTR ICT Multnomah County, Oregon By Frank J. Richenherg. Secretary SKEETS 0 0 BUY MORE BONDS Everyone Wants Money 7 !” W a r 1 s Roy M. Green Tells a Farm Story Kepler Davenport Co. H. A. Starr BEAVERTO N, OREGON Recovering and s iCONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS S P E C IA L " V E N T I L A T E D " Modernizing Contractor for Concrete Work Estimates gladly given on Jobs Large or Small I I 2425 N. Commercial UNiversity 1054 See your Building Material Dealer Beaverton 3762 Open 8:30 to 6 Portland 12, Or. Portland Concrete Pipe & Products Co. 5819 SW Macadam Ave., Portland, I Oregon Evenings by Appointment AT. 8384 HELP WANTED M A LE OR FEM ALE *■ F a ttu rili« The interesting, colorful UICk R IMI story of The United Na On* of I bo N o rth w ttt't Foramoat Radio Ptraonahttta tions World Security Con* STAN Paci6c N orth» est point of v ir » ! Interesting, unusual BELAPLA\E Notod Sta Fisse lac* m * i and Untato w rits». arinnsr of ttia 1 M l Pulita«* Friso. FrottfAr to f t o ky 11611384 ference reported front the human interest stories of "Th is next stickful o’ type is *oin’ to say just one thin«—R e *ot 35 mil lions or Japs to beat.” De Laval SEPARATORS — MILKERS PO ST W A R Essential Industry IN V IC IN IT Y OF G LENCULLEN Good W ages — Regular Hours Some Part Time Jobs Available at Once Glenculle n Bus Service right to the Door COMPLETE. EQUIPM ENT .ANO SUPPLIES FOR T1IK DAIRY INDUSTRY »h a t goes on "behind-the- scenes" at the Conferente. ... liuaranlH Salisti iny BEER! ilimoPk Crifell m onday thru frid ay A IR C L E A N E R S E R V IC E CO. 4624 10:15 to 10:30 pm I3S NW Park AT. «4SI S. W. Phone BEacon 6389 BERTHA BEAVERTON H IG H W A Y Glencullen, Oregon 1 >