Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1945)
/ PUBLISH ED W E E K L Y IN O UR P L A N T ON VOL. 18. XO . 14 7th War Loan Planned Beaverton. Oregon, Telephone Equipment Saves Lives SHORT ST. A N D C A N Y O N H IG H W A Y Friday, Mav 4. lc>45 ESTABLISHED 1927 Here and There Final Red Cross Report Somewhere in the Philippines, tele phone equipment is saving the lives of American men. Somewher e in; Tin cans and papers can be left at I Europe thousands of boys are in less \ the Kings ley-Beaverton Lumber Yard ( < danger because of complete telephone ' but cans must be serviced and untied | j facilities. These facts make wait-1 p apers will not be accepted. Washington County I ing for the telephone you need at ‘ Campaign Opens.on Basil Waters in a recent letter to 1 i home just a little easier. Yes, when j Over the Top Monday, May 14 his mother. Mrs. N. Waters, announ- j we realize that almost every bit o f 1 ces his engagement to a lovelv girl, j a . ; new telephone equipment is at the I and plans to be married sometime I ashington County has Just coni- Seventh war loan quota of $289.000; front helping to get this war oven this summer. The laws of England pleted ,ts ' » ‘ Sest drive foi a philan- has been assigned to the Beaverton sooner or in use in war plants, it’s requlres three months notice by ser-> troPl° by subscribing 50,485,-$ area, according to word received this j easier to remember PATIENCE I S ! vice men >32 on a quota of $39.500.00 or 127.82'i week from the Washington county ! PATRIOTIC. As soon after Victory I Monday evening. April 23rd the ! of, U>l ‘lu°tu. for the 1945 Red Cross wai finance ..committee. Re-appoint as it is physically possible, unlimited j Beaverton Grange held its regular 1 ^ ^ ^ad C anipaign. ment of Jay Gibson and Mrs. Robert j telephone facilities will be available meeting. Candidates from Aloha and! U is needle“ to say that the c * m Summers as co-chairman for the area . . . . telephones improved and per- Beaverton were Initiated by the Beav- I >>a‘ Kn committee are very much was also announced. j fected beyond your highest hopes. Till | « ith erton officers. Guests were also presI pleased with the outcome, and we Over all Quota for W ashington i then, picture in your mind the vital cut from Skyline and Leedy Granges. know the residents of Washington county will be $.,062.000 in the cam- war role of the telephone, a comfort- ' The evening of April 30th the offi- County have every reason to be proud paign which is scheduled to open May | ¡ng, competent companion of our The success of the ; cers of the Washington County De of the results. 14. This is an increase of nearly 21 fighting men per cent over the sixth war loan goa l, ’_______________ gree Team conferred the third and :can,puiKn WM made P°“ ‘ ble ° n>y b>' of $1,750,000. P . s rv . r fourth degrees upon candidates from the cooperation and generosity of the Special emphasis is being given to E iX ie ilu S UAX.e Ol Aloha, Leedy, Forest Grove and Beav public and untiring efforts of the series E Bonds during the seventh ! Cancer Drive erton at the Beaverton Grange Hall. campaign workers. The over 400 area and community war loan, according to J. L Searcy of _____ Mrs. N. C. Lyman and daughter chairmen, and solicito! s. who freely Mary Louise of Eugene are visiting Hillsboro, county drive chairman. Eric Johnston, national chairman , KeleaMd by U. S. War Department. Bureau of Public Relations. Mrs. Lyman’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. gave of their time and efforts, with a Washington county has been allocat- Gf the Cancer drive has extended the fine cooperation and determination MILES OF U. S. TANKS ROLL INTO GERMANY— Hitler’s ed the largest goal in history on this dale ot the drive to May 15 so as to Walter L Myers. Walter L. Myers has been in central to attain their goal, which they cer- superhighways, built before the war to enable the rapid movement type of government security- $ 1 , 122 ,- > increase donations in all parts of the \ 000 or an increase of 60 per cent j county. and eastern Oregon speaking |"|tainly did in a wonderful manner. of his armies to the frontier in attacks on his neighbors, now provide The motion theatres of the county Christian church conventions in the ovei the sixth war loan Since the Mrs. Isabelle Walker of Beaverton straight-way routes into the heart of the Reich for conquoring forces interest of Northwestern Christian 1 wbo Iuinished films und permitted county sale of E bonds was short of route one, is chairman for Beaverton ! ¡collections afterward turned in $1,831- of American armor and their caravans of supplies. Home. this mark in the last campaign, work -1 area and Mrs. Lillie Landingham and The Rev. Werner Fritz of West 66 of which the Joy Theatre of Tl- ers are being asaed to make a spec- • Mrs. John O’Halloran are co-chair- / 1' ' . ‘ "IT Hills Luther. 1 A p Church, attended . 'W the ' igard, ?.. ’ reported H . 7 , $254.33, Beaverton ■r. ,,,,,7 $184.- ial effort to encourage purchases o f : men fol Tigard. Mrs. Bertha Smith | __ of , the M ,, ,,10. Forest Grove $259.71, Hillsboro, annual convention on Northwest Surprise Party for these securities. [ ¡s chairman for Sherwood. Mrs. i Musical Program at ern District of the American Luther $1133.69. Following is the list of areas in the j oiadys Pallete of route 5, box 799, is - Church of Christ Church N. J. Thomas The Committee is pleased to note an Church Which met at Puyallup. east end of Washington county and .chairman in the north east part of i that the majority of subscribers all ' Wash.. April 24-27. Mr. Fritz was their '•u® ^ :trtInwniiT a d e ii ! the county. Mrs. Enid Walker, route In keeping with the spirit of the 7 A group ol friends of M. and Mrs. N. 0,pcte | serretluy of the B o u ld o f over the county raised their former BEAVERTON AREA 4 Sherwood is chairman for Tualatin. San Francisco Conference Sunday J Thomns helped him celebrate his Home Missions ’ contibutions of $1 to $5 or over. District 6 —Union, $15,300. Pomona Grange voted ten dollars to; evening the Beaverton Church of,birthday Sunday evening, April 29, at In area No. 2, with Mrs. A. M. Don’t forKot to ,eave your neW8 Dis. 18—McKay—$15,000. the Cancel •_onttol drive at theii last Christ will present an "All Nations” 'a buffet supper in their home. Mr. Jannsen. chairman of Reedville dis Dis. 37—Kinton—$13.100. either at Millers or at the Enterprise meeting in Sherwood last VVednesduy., program. The orchestra will present George F Gordon on behalf of those trict -519.75 was collected; Witch Ha Dis. 57—Barnes—12,000. , zel. Mrs. Ralph Anderson, chairman, j Anyone wishing to contlibute m ay, music from all nations, "Lochlo- present presented Mr Thomas with a office. Mrs. Dewey Pioibaugh Dis 48—Beaverton—$78,000 was Pleas-Uurned $386 M send theii donations to the local 1 mand. song of India; "Aloha", Ha- fine leathei billfold as a remembrance Dis. 60 Hazeldale—$7,000. chaiimen or to Mrs. H. H. Stannaid, t wall, Spanish numbers, etc. Geo. of the occasion. The evening was antly surprised with a dinner at Cape In area No. 3- Mrs. V. D. Oalway, Dis. 62jt —Cedar Mill—$0,200. 416 N. First St. .Hillsboro, and credit, Springer will present a trumpet sola spent in singing ami visiting Among ''honortn*/ 'rthV v ^nnlvsr* ‘’hairman. Cipole turned in $151 with Dis. 67—Tualatin View—$10,000. ing h^fm her birthday birthday will be given to the proper chairmen. Preceding the program the pastor will those present were ,ad,e* hono,lnK hel annivei- ------------- ------------ Mrs. Don ----------------------------- Galbreath local chairman; Dis. 74—Bethany----- $9,300. ■ary. Included were: Mrs. Wm. Durham Mrs. A. C. Overland, $241.50; Washington County quota is $1580. ¡bring a message on the theme "God’s Mi and Mrs. C. H. Roseman, Mr Dis. 81—McKinley—$11,400. Mrs. Jay Gibson Mra F MeUger„ Mr8. Edith Elliott, $614.13; Universal Provision for Man.’ and Mis. Geo. F Gordon. Mr. and Stratton. Dis. 83jt —Bonny ^Jope —$2,200. ( *°yt. Mrs C Straley. Mrs. N. P . Tigard—Mrs. „ 1U Helen m „ i „ „ i „ hngn„ tiÄ 7 « i « Johnson. $1676.16 I Mrs. F. R. Noel. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Johnson Mrs. C. Martin Mrs. Wm. | Dis. 94—Cooper Mt.—$8,100. iTualatin—Mrs. Florence Eames, $459.- A L O H A L. Walker and Mrs. Laura Holcomb, Dis. 95—Raleigh—$29,000. Grauet and „ , . Mrs. . . D. . Drorbaugh. __ . . 72; Tigard—Joy Theatre $254.33. Out I Dr. and Mrs. Albert S. Hisey, Mr. and Dis 104jt—Sylvan and Bentz Park— j Mr. and Mrs. Howard Zoet have, Beaverton Wins Ensign Lloyd Johnson Navy Avia- L f ta of $ 4,000 $4628.18 or 115.70<;; Mrs. A . B. Clement and Susan Clem- $25,000. and “ ° n1 ^Ytnk^ instructor at Dallas, Tex- j donatod. moved into the George Susbauer Most Events jent, Mrs Pansy Weaver, Mi ax. Dis. 107—Aloha-Huber—$34,400. as, is spending his leave with his pur- j » rea j ^0 4 Mrs R. Talbert, place. The Susbauer’s have moved to Mrs Clara A. Weaver. Mr and Mrs. Dis. 108—Hlteon—$10,000. Mr and Mrs. John Johnson and | chairman, quota $3,700, $4,237.39 was their ranch at Cherry Grove. ^Beaverton continued its domination Carl Gestring and son Carlton. Mr. Total Beaverton area—$289,000. i , Marjorie at 281 SW 7th street, j co|iected. Beaverton Mrs. J. R. Tai Mrs. Charles Brown was greatly tbe leaBue and Washington and Mrs. F. Foe, Mr. and Mrs N ... 1 pei , ton .__ . .... r.o or ... wm w _ tt -____ i. TIGARD AREA suprised when a of friends j f ° unty bl 8 b school track affairs at L. Thomas and Harold Thomas, Mrs h , , , lb®rt. $2198.35; Cedar Mill Mrs. Frank Dis. 23 -Tigard—$78,000. gave her a birthday luncheon on her 4 ]® local field by winning both Robert Thomas, Miss Sally Harkson. 8 ™ r ( innrt« In n ^ ’h i Y° Un,!' $154.34; Garden H om e-M rs Dis. 1C—Tualatin Grade—$28,000. Miss Helen Haikson Mrs Gludvs 11,011 ° " s " ltl’ y °ul triends and neigh-; Kathryn Snavely—$470; Hlteon—Mrs. 73rd birthday. I T „ Dis. 82—Durham—$15,000. I ? ! . « Mrs. .!! Z t - Bourquin, Mr. w .G Rus '" d.y.8 bo«’» by leaving your news at the Mill- Walth' r Van Klcek $86 25; R a leig h - j The Cooper Mt. Sewing Club will 1 n the f ou" ty ™ee\ Beaver» Jscored “ Davies, Nan Dis. 92—Garden Home—$63,000. '581- points to 40'a for second-place er Grocery or send or bring it to the Mrs. E M Jannsen $185; St Mary’s ; meet with Mrs. Ves Bany May 8 sell A. Payton and, LeRoy White. Dis 106—Metzger—$22,000. Tigard 6 . Enterprise building. 'Girls School - $20; Tualatin View— ; The small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. j Hillsboro. Total Tigard area—$206,000. A son. Louis W Jr. was born April j Mrs Donald Island $306; Union Har- i Morton Miller broke her arm last i The victory margin in the T Y V , Presents Map to Church meet was even more. Beavers had 5 to Mi and Mrs. Louis W. Reuter, j ,.y Hansen, $231, Barnes A. R. Rlnge ; week. Beaverton. i $|« 8 . or a quota of 114.52%. Tigers Stop Mr. and Mrs. John Rohrbach had i 60Vi points, Tigard 7. High hurdles - Walker, Beaverton. William Burtis, the father of Mrs. Funeral services were held Thurs-, Arca No 5 . A g , Wetterborg, ! as their guest recently Mrs. Leonard; Allstars 13-12 2nd; 3rd, Stoler, Beaverton, time :15.7 Norton Peck, returned to his Califor- day at Pcgg’s Chapel for George P -1 chairman. West Slope, Dis. 1—Mrs. : Millimard ot Seattle, Wash. -------- i T h e n e w l v e l e c t e d officers of th e 1 10 °-yard dash—Won by Jerveis. nia home this week. As ,1 parting Martin, late of Tualatin. T A Ditmar, $1054 00: Dis. 2. Mrs. of the baseball! p t a m e t with vtie T L ee e e ' Beaverton; White Tigard, 3d, time gift to the Bethel Church School, he Mr. und Mrs. Michael Setka of Ab- R. O. McEwan, $639.50; Dis. 3—H. A In one vi v.w wildest .. -----------'Coooer j ------- -------- P . . . . ‘ leo presented a large relief map of the erdeen, W’ash., who have been guests 10.3. games seen many a year the G » H Sch„Puboe's home May 2. Armitage. $595.50; Dis. 4 Mrs. H. town Tigers soppe t • , Mrs. Albert Erickson initiated the 1 Mile- Won by Grandy, Beaverton; Holy Land which he had made him- of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Barnes and Samuels, $148.50; Dis. 5 Mrs. O. W. stars ^ 2 behind the nine hit 1 pitch- officerg Cooper Mt p T. A. 2nd Taggart. Beaverton, time 5:11 4. self. The map shows the topography also of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Burke of Tennant, $253 15; Dis 6 Leonard Un 1 440 yd dash—Won by Moore, Beav-1 and the cities of Palestine in the time | Buxton were recent callers at the derwood, $1(XJ; Dis. 7 John Walsh. ing of Ron Whitworth who won his j Anril 20 22nd game from last year and this|!i .®l*. nle* 1 p / . ¡erton; 3d Ross, Beaverton, time:55.5. of Christ; it is finished in colors and Fisher home $176.05. Quota $2,750, collected $2972.- A total of 16 errors were m ade ' p,ef' 1 e * “ f-ipnl Vinin„. Low hurdles- Biggi, Beaverton, 2d, will he very effective for teaching.' Wilbur Burke, who has been on fur- 50. ? ea,J Ti \ .mail president, Mrs. Glenn Vining; secre- the -mall small J « )rl9K,'.n . 1 , time :24.3. , Mr. Burtis also made several items for lough has been visiting relatives in by both teams that kept »he £ ’ . L ' Cavaness and treas- Aren No. 6 - C. J. Stickncy, chair Sunday crowd on their feet every sec- J J w ,. i 220-yard dash—Won by White, Ti-[the new nursery, kindergaten depart- Beaverton. man, quota $1,250. collected $1589 65. He wns a faithful nttendunt i Mr. and Mrs. Wester are living at Aloha Huber C. J. Stlckney, $862.15; ond Allatar pitcher Jim Taggart, Smith moved gard; Senz, Beaverton, 3d, time :24.3. ment. 880-yd dash—Won by Biggi, Bcav- at Church and Church School and the Hyland home for the summer, Bethany B. D. Graf, Rev H. O. Dlck- Mrs W’alter L. Burke of Buxton, man * 3 * 7 ; Cooper M t-M rs. A. T. gave "inf te n ° hits but the Allstars lato th® Matb‘* Uiey Iert° n; 3d Whitworth- Beaverton, time will be greatly missed. made seven errors that cost them the £d bV the Allman tam ^ j 2 ;l 4 .8. ----------------------------- I was visiting friends In Beaverton re- Cavaness, $208; McKinley Mrs. Clara game Six times the score changed' **'lpu I< las M e ’’ ‘ 1 • ' ■ ! Shot .-put -W’on by Young, Beaver- KT r II • Ctntly R. Maurer, $125; Sundry collections $7 INew otamps tor Housewives Mrs. Cora Wetherell from Baker, I hands until the last of the seventh ^ ¿ annasne^ Mrg Harold Bergquam 1 to" ; dis,an« 42 ft 4 inches, when Whitworth won his own ‘ , , it f s t gidnev 1 P° le vault““ Won bY McKnight and Five new blue stamps, worth 10 Oregon, is visiting her mother Mrs. by slashing out a hard single to Ras- i y 1 ‘ . tE 1 DeHaan Beaverton; iki Berger, Meav- points each—and five red stamps, Newnlnn and may remain for the Sugar Allotment Reduced mussen who threw wild to first ba»e Bergquam of Grafton, ^ D.. a brothi-| erton „eight 9 ft 6 inches : summer. The office of price administration worth 50 points, was valid Tuesday, Paxson and two runs came across " M ° r ®, ^ ,ua” 1’ * saw ac 1 : Discus 3d Young, Beaverton; dis- Mr. and Mrs. Antrobus who have Monday night reduced the annual May 1. the office of Price A dm ini the plate to win Whitworth checked |»" the South Pacific for four yeanr tanee 110 feet 10 inches. been visiting’ friends in the East are sugar allotment for ration book hold stration announced this week. he Allstars the rest of the ninth inn-, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 8 . Parker Javelin McKnight, Beaverton. 2d; ers from 24 to 15 pounds. The five new blue stamps are: Y2. back home again. •ing The fastest double play combi- « « " o w living in the Roos place J. Ross, Beaverton 3d. distance 140 Z2, At, Bl, and Cl. Mrs. Frank Allen of Newport, Ore The order applies to sugar stamp nation ever played at,Beaverton was' Mrs. Henry Pfenning gave a very ft. 9 inches. Five new red stamps are: Q2. R2, gon, and California, now In Portland No. 36 which became valid Tuesday. clicked by Gaytown in the seventh | interesting talk at the April meeting Relay—W’on by Beaverton iSenz, S2. T2 and U2. wns visiting her son Clarence Allen It must cover the period between May P. T. A., explain- Moore. Biggi, Young.) when Bill Chinn shuffled the ball over i of the Aloha-Huber r . 1 and September 1. This is an aver Both red and blue stamps validated and relatives this week. to second baseman Duane Cushman ‘ “ 8 tha different work of the OPA. Second Eieut. Francis T. Hetu, son I age of one and one quarter pounds of on May 1 will be good through Friday olunteers to help on ol III and Mis I <1 Unt i l , a n d b u s sugar per month for each book holder. c, »n .0 August 31. the ration board at Beaverton. McKnight. Winning pitcher was E L. Larson Promoted from The new sugar stamp No. 36 is band of Mis. Hetu. and child, arrived ( This order also applies to sugar for Whitworth, loosing pitcher Taggart. now good for five pounds through in.Italy tp *ly ®°"lbn‘ " " « « ‘on* with a ’ home canning Only 70 per cent as Captain to Major Lineups: Mother Passes On Friday. August 31, 1945. Sugar veteran B-24 Liberator group as a much w„ , be a,Iowed for this year AIX.STARS navigator. 1 . . samps 35 is void June 2, 1945. E ; -------- j Mr. and Mrs. J C. Larson of Beav- R H AB The Rev Paul A. Davies. Supt. of AmounU for home cannin(? per In- A new shoe ration stamp will be 4 1 James Turner of Aloha attended the erton have received word that their 0 0 6 Rasmussen 2B nre Umited to is pounds, 2 funeral of his mother. Mrs Sarah son Edward L. Larson was promoted come valid on August 1, 1945, for one the Oregon Conference of Congrega- 1 2 3 tional Church and Mis.. Davies were _______ _ _ Unger CF pair c^ f shoes per ration book holder. 2 Hankins aged 86 . who died Monday at from captain to major. He com- 1 0 4 guests in the home of Rev. and Mrs. Nulsen SS . . . . „ 0 Hillsboro. Burial was at Fir I^awn manris an emergency air-sea rescue Airplane stamps 1, 2, and 3 are now „ 1 1 5 Blood Goal Reached O'Conner 3B Fri,nc,H st'*>’tevan‘ la*t Sunday even- 2 cemetery. squadron that saves allied airmen good and will continue to be valid ’ ing. 0 1 5 Washington county was able to Paxson IB indefinitely. $ Mrs. Hankins, who was born in Mis- who have crashed or parachuted into 2 2 4 fill Its quota of 200 pints at the Hills Whitworth LF 0 souri, Feb. 4, 1859. had been a resi- the English channel or North sen 2 1 2 boro center by volunteers blood dona Voorhies C Q.'dent of Oregon 28 years. while returning from Germany. 0 0 1 tions last Friday. The bloodmobile Biggi RF Q, Besides Mr. Turner, three brothers W I T H OUR NEIGHBORS The Major was piincipal of the 3 2 3 will again visit Hillsboro May 18 Taggart P __survive. Lewis of Tillamook, Albert of grade school at Bull Run. It is hoped the donations will be over 7 Yakima. W’ash., and four daughters, ! -------------------------- A daughtei was born April 20 to Mr. 9 12 the 2 J 0 -plnt day. TOTAL and Mrs. Harold Miller of Beaverton. GAYTOWN Donations fell off In March and It o r* ,:i!anar6B enn« Mrs. t a^d M,Si,M aui! Teachers Chosen Powell. Hillsboro. Grace Powell Born to Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. R H AB I Is hoped It will not happen again. of Portland, Mrs. Bertha Kite of T Or Next I e r m Callahan. Beaverton. April 2, a daugh - 1 0 0 6 Caldwell CF ter Patricia D Eureka, Kan.; 20 grandchildren and —----- 1 1 JOHN GEORGE WOLF 4 Schaudt SB 24 great-grandchildren survive. The following teachers were elect George Hubbel has been transferred 1 1 John George Wolf, who died March 4 Cushman 2B ed by the union high school boaid of from the Veterans Hospital at Port 1 2 30, was a brother of Mrs Hattie Ros 3 McKNIGHT IB 1 District lOjt Beaverton, Oregon, on land to the hospital at Boise. Idaho. New Blacksmith Shop 0 0 si, and a former resident of Beaver 2 Steele LF _ _ _ _ March 6 . 1945: Mrs. Margaret Stroeve was elected 3 1 ton Bom in Illinois, 1870, he came 1 Bea LF . _ „ _ _ _ _ _ _ Amarette Barnes. Science; George second vice-president of the Business' 1 - A. T. Quesnoy intends to open a . , _ , „ ,, 2 4 to Oregon with his parents in 1877, Miller RF 1 , ,7: ___ _ , Bauder, Social Science; Glen Hollar. and Professional Women's club at 4 1 1 blacksmith shop on North Vista ave - 1 . , , . . „ .. , ... 2 and lived for ma"v years near Beav Chinn SS , 3 nue , in Aloha. ,. . I, their meeting last week in Hillsboro. 2 He . has ,____Industria been employed Arts; Beth Metzler. Eng- 2 erton. He was married to Eva Wolf 2 Nyssen C lish: Kathryn Ward. Science: Eleanor Elmer Walters of Lombard Street, 0 2 1 by Union Pacific railroad and pre 0 In San Francisco in 1895. whose death 4 Whitworth P Zurcher, English; Frank E. Bush- is now visiting his family on Lombard viously taught at U. of Washington. occurred In 1900. nell. Band; Bernice Conoly, English; Street. He was wounded in Ger 10 13 9 1 He was employed by the Southern TOTAL Dorothy Lundquist. Commerce; Ger many. His parents Mr. and Mrs. John Pacific Railroad for a number of County standings Gaytown 500. All- No More Clothes Needed trude Schoeler, Home Economics; Walters live on route 3. years and also In the construction of stars 500. Beaverton. 500. Mrs Alcxandei Mitz of Ernest G Webb SoctsU Science: Eu-i Mr. and the Tillamook line. L*ter he was This coming Sunday. 130 grade No more clothes aie needed for the gene Duncan Mathematics A Athlet-j Eugene, were week end guests of 1 with the Portland Gas and Coke Co., school diamond Beaverton vs '»ay- United Clothing Drive in Beaverton les; Violet Elliott, Commerce; Lillian j Mrs. Mary Dean, Mrs. Mitz mother. ifor about ten years about twenty town as their quota has been filled. Maxwell. Mathematics: Geraldine | The windows of the Walker Depart- years ago. He retired to a small The Kiwanis Club wants to thank Sanford. English; Marjory Whitbei k, | ment Store with Its huge display of farm near Canby, Oregon, where he Rev. Sturtevant to Conduct everyone who has helped to make this Social Science j pictures of boys in the service and made his home until his death. drive a success. Cedar Mill sent in I sou ven i 11 sent home, has attracted a A Confernce Meeting When a boy he attended the old 'quite a load to help boost our total of The following teachers were elected great deal of attention, not only from The annual meeting of the Oregon ¿ pproximately 3 ------ local residents but outsiders stop V K ,v school on Scholl Ferry ton*. by the Beaverton Grade School Congregational conference will their cars to look at the collection. Road, where he was a gooi » u . Please do not bring any more in aa held in the First Congregational we have no place to störe them. Call Board of District 48 at a recent Harold Dean, wife and two child- <'onet Guardsman Edward J. Cald- also took an active part in school Church in Portland Friday May 4 the Good Will or Salvation Army ln meeting Later ae a a young Merle Davies. Principal; Emma ren were out from Portland last! well, gunner's mate third class, of entertainment. The opening worship service will be Portland. week visiting his mother Mrs Dean «»“ te 1. box 231, Beaverton. Oregon, man he played ball with Beaverton- Bleakman. Barbara Buffam. Florence conducted by the Rev Francis T Henry Susbauer. late of Beaverton. •« chaiged with keeping the ship’s Washington County champions In the Brownlee. Florence Bullis. Alice Carl- Stuitevant of Beaverton. The high-! He was fath- guns in top-notch shape, aboard the early nineties. All the boys liked him eon Marjorie Johnson. Margaret Gal-) passed away April 28 Agent for Water Softner in l»v Iln Hutton Fave Lite Elizabeth edr of George M Beaverton, William Coast Guard-manned troop transport light of the meeting will be the din He is survived by his daughter, ner at 6 30 at which Dr R Potter of, Dewey The Plumber is now an au- Elizabeth Cooper and son Con- Uc Mvers Fsthlr P e e r Fk^rence P a y n e Eugea, Lester. Aloha Services on which he is s.nrtng In the Pacific Mrs. Eli. two grandchildren, one Hartford. Conn., and former head of thortzed dealer for Semi-automatic “ Lily E » Wagner w £ £ « Z . Apr,, * , m l o r . . . <i™v. e m b .t C .ld w .ll, .hip i. m- r.d W olf. », the American Board of Foreign Mis- Water Softener. A boon to hard w ______ gaged in delivering reenforcements brother Loren* Wolf, and sisters Mrs. Grace Denney and Mrs Thel-i •ions will speak Mrs Fred A. R ich-, ter users the new Essex class and supplies to Allied ports, to hack Mesdames Hattie Rossi. Minnie Hoyt. Etta Evans. Martha Welsenfluh and ards Forest Grove, will preside. 12 ------------ y r » . v . w > <»» « .» « . » . » .» Gretchen Militi.