P U B L IS H E D W E E K L Y IN O U R P L A N T O N V O L . 18 NO. 13 County-Wide Tin Pick-Up May 7-10 5 H O R T ST. A N D C A N Y O N H I G H W A Y Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, April 27 , 1045 Selects Three-year Program Postwar Hiwy Construction E S T A B L I S H E D 1927 Here and There The Oregon State Highway Conimis- [sion announced today that it has tentatively selected its three-year pro- County-wide pick-up of prepared tin * ram of P°stwar highway eonsti uc- cans has been announced for the per- ' tio.n This Pr° e ran' is to be finan- iod of May 7 through 10 by J. A H 1 ced by federal and state funds in the Dodd of Hillsboro, county •salvage P10P01ti0n of 60 Per cent of federal committee chairman Housewives who funds and 40 Per cent of state funds have been saving cans for the war Amount of federal funds available; effort during the past six months are dU,inK eaCh of the thlee >’ea,s is ap- requested to take or send them to the Prodmately $7,100,000, plus -4.900.000 nearest school during the collection 1 . 8tat- is urgently needed in the war effort. bur Blvd ' Boones Fer*Y Rd. $ 200 . 1)00 No cans will be accepted at the county schools after May 10. Beaverton Hi Tops Vacancies A t Academies The last week Guy Carr developed a bad case of "spring fever" which i faulted in his big service station be-1 — ing cleaned up and painted in fin.- Examinations to be Held style. Of course some people with 1 i i •>() D as "spring fever" go fishing, but Guy is | JU*y ¿8 says K e p . Mott made of "sterner stuff.” I ■ Russel's Five Sharps will give a ! Washington, D. C., Representative dance in the Beaverton Masonic Tern- James W. Mott of Oregon announced today that the First Congressional pie Saturday. May 12th, 8:30 p. m. A group of members of ladles of the District of Oregon will huve In 1946 | Nile met this week at the Shrine hos­ one vacancy at the U. S. Naval Acad­ pital to mend. Included were Mrs. emy Annapolis. Maryland, and ono R. R Summers, chairman, Mrs Char­ vacancy at the U. S. Military Acade­ les Straley. Mrs. Elmer Stipe. Mrs. A. my, West Point. New York. July 28, 1945. the Civil Service Com­ M Jannsen, Mrs F. H. Schoene, Mrs. mission will hold a preliminary quali­ H B. Shofner. Two Beaverton servicemen have ar- fying examination to determine the ! rived in the United States on furlough eligible candidates of the First Ore­ from overseas. They are: Master Ser­ gon District, which embraces Benton. geant Ivan J. Strayer, son of Mr. and ClHckaniHs. Clatsop, Columbia. Lin­ Mrs. William H. Strayer, 476 E. 7th coln, Marion. Polk, Tillamook. Wash­ street, who has served 32 months in ington and Yamhill Counties. Lions on Track The qualifying examination is open the Mediterranean Theatre of Opera­ tions with the finance department. to all candidates from the First Ore­ j Beaverton high school won many And, T 5 Clarence M Mertex, brother gon District within the eligible age. | events at a dual track and field meet Marine First Lieutenants William February to shoot down two of three I of Mis E. A. Taube, route 2, box 624A including those who ara serving with ! held at Beaverton Tuesday with West who served 26 months in Italy with the arnifd forces. Congressman Mott I T. Stratton. Jr., (left) son of Mr. and attacking Zeros and sa\e each oth­ IJnn. said arrangements will be made foi the combat Engineers er's neck in the battle. Each shot Biggi and Young each won two Mrs. W. T. Stratton Sr„ of Beaverton Mrs. Geo. Chaffin and daughter boys serving in the Army, Navy, Ma­ down a Zero which was on the oth- A new depot for collecting of tin f fi,st Places for Beaverton, and James O. Seay, of Kansas City, tail. They have returned to the Gwen ot Seattle, Wash., are visiing at rine Corps, and Coast Guard to take Mrs. Scott the examination at whatever place cans and papers will be at the Kings- ! _ Blgh hurd1?8 Walker, Beaverton. l carrier based Marine pilots, executed Marine Corps Air Depot. Miramar, the M M. Scott home. and Mrs. Chaffin are sisters. Mrs they are serving on July 28, 1945, ley-Beaverton Lumber yard, which I ~nd' time 16^ i an aerial double play over Tokyo In 1 California. whether in the United States or over­ will be in charge of C A Bakken i 100 ya,ds benz' Beaverton, second | Chaffins husband is in the navy. ' time : 10.5. z manager. There wiill he a card party at the seas. Mile— Won by Grandy. time 5:10.4 Candidates for admission to the Masonic Temple Saturday, April 28. All papers and magazines should be A L O H A 440 yards Won by Moore, Beaver­ Naval Academy nrust be not less tliun Mrs. H. T Browrigg is chairman. securely tied in separate bundles. Mrs. Helen D Fisher is looking for­ 17 years of age nor more than 21 All tin cans must be flattened and ton, time :55.2. w At the next meeting ot the Aloha Low hurdles- Won by Biggi. Beav- tied in cartons and bags. ffa V Grange a class ol 15 candidates will ward to a nice visit next week with years of age on April 1. 1946 Candi­ ■erton, time :25.3. No unserviced cans or untied • be given the third and fourth degree hei sister Mr*. Florence D. Reid of dates for the Military Academy are P j 880 yards—Won by Biggi. 2:17.2. pers will be accepted Mi. and Mrs. C. A. Gifford have Washington. I>. C.. whom she has not eligible for admission from the day Mr». Reid will visit they are seventeen until the day they Announcement is made by Princi-j moved into their new home the seen for years This will be the central depot for \ _ * hoJ PU* r J 0“ nK' « ^ e i ton. Ross, this area (2nd, Senz. 3rd, distance 42 feet 10Si in pal L R . Metzler. that the Beaverton fol mei Lenon place Mt and Mi s. her while hei daughter Miss Helen V). become 22 years of age, on which lat­ Candi­ We are glad to report the coopera-' Pole ^ault-W on by McKnight, schools will close the last of May. ■ i,enon having moved into their new Reid is attending the United Nations ter day they are not eligible. Conference at San Francisco. Miss dates for both Academies nrust never The grade school closes May 23 home in Portland. tion of Cedar Mill area in selecting a 1 Be^ 'er' Bt ave,ton' tlp thl,d- between closes on collection center there with Mrs ( P f Haan' Beave~ on and Morland, I while the high school Pvt. C. O'Connor is visiting his folks Held is an authority on international have been married. ! May 24. Baccalaureate services are on a short furlough. He loaves the last law and has heen sent there by the In order to make the required ar­ Young in charge. ; " ®st . I' lnn' , _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j High jump— van Hymng, Beaver- scheduled for Sunday. May 20 a n d . , thp month for Fort Old. Cal 'state department as a consultant for rangements, applicants must notify» p- . | • CL ¡ton "'inner, tie between Gallien, graduation of seniors May 25. Congressman James W. Mott, U. S. , A group ot friends gave a farewell the American delegation. D l§ g C S t Ir iS o n O W Beaverton and Veelman, West Linn. Following is a list of seniors who ; arty last weeU fol Ernest Graf who The Mary Ellen Beauty Shop is House of Representatives, Washing­ The National Iris Gardens, l 1, ¡Height 5 feet, 4 inches, ton. 25. D. C., in writing not later .will graduate: Some of the young has been lnducted into , ho army I l ­ again occupied by its owner. miles east of Beaverton on Canyon Discus—Won by Young, Beaverton, men have already left for service. | ls nmv nt Folt Urwis, Wash. Sgt. Wnr. H. Spencer was reported j than June 1st of their desire to pat- Highway, will stage the greatest Iris 12nd McKnight. Beaverton. 3rd Mo- Alice Adams Roberta Allen. Robert; Dairell Jonos was re-elected pitn- missing in the Eutopeun regions by | tlclpate in the examination. In the show on earth this year May 10 to ; shofsky Beaverton, distance 111 feet, j Bacon, Hilda Balfe, Nela Beard. L% e-!( j () and teacher of the seventh and the war department. His wife Mrs. j case of applicants in the armed for- 30. Visitors will see the largest col- 6 inches. ¡lyn Benson, Hubert Bierly, Lois Blair, ,cil,hth de ,,t Reedvllle school. Hilda Ann Spencer lives in Boavertpn. | ces- preliminary notification may be lection of the most beautiful iris in Javelin—Won by Ross, Beaverton. Norman Bleakman, Thelma Broad. M|g Noroen Brookhardt of Aloha, A son. W’ iiliam R., was born April | »cot to Congressman Mott by their the world a.rranged in nine gorgeous; 2nd Young, Beaverton, distance 138 ft. Mae Burris. Mary Burris Jim Burton. Ith( fm h and sixtb grade8; Mrs. Clvde 17 at Beaverton, to Mr. and Mrs. (parent* or guardians. Such notlflea- show rows for the pleasure of the Broad jump- Won by Morlan, ■ Norman Bye. Jean Cameron, Ray | Yount third and fourth; Mrs Mattie James A Baker. ition should include the full name. public—who enjoy beautiful flowers. Moshofsky. 2nd Beaverton, third tied !C a r t « . William Chin. Judith Doty , l ilnarv room Cedar Mill is completing its United present uddress. and serial number of In addition to the big show row ' between Sumner, West Linn and Ross William Duhaime, tin Coast Guard) Fire Iaat week dc.stioyed a chicken Nations Clothing Drive this week. the applicant. display there will be thousands upon . Beaverton, distance 18 ft., 11 inches, Marjorie Flltcraft, Goldie Frank, house and 325 baby chicks also a Everyone help that can by taking thousands of iris in bloom of all the j Relay— Won by Beaverton (Senz, ; Richai-d Gallien Wayne Grandy, Jcar MUy or tools at th(, Polette home your old clothes to the Fire Station. best known varieties, also a large col-J McKnight, Biggi, Young) Time 1:38.9 ¡Hansen. Annie Husen't, Dorothy Jel- in Cedar Mill while the family were Mrs. Frank Young is in charge of lection of seedlings developed by the I Tualatin-Yamhill Valley lqague j lum, Ethel Jennings, Maxine Johnson, that district and will appreciate all! National Iris Garden to help make ' track teams will clash at Beaverton Lois Keebaugh, Jean Kramers, Jean- away. K A. Merriman of Cooper Mt. is the help you can give her. this old world more beautiful in the ; Friday afternoon at 1:30 p. m. for j ette La Due, Geraldine La Follette, Pfc. Warren Dobyns, son of Mrs. [ attending the World Peace conference realm of flowers! Don’t forget—-May j the district track meet May 5. ! Taun Lee. (Arm y) Aria Joan Linkey. at San Francisco. Elmer McCormack, who is with the | 10-30. ----------------------- Mary Mabec, John Moeks, (Arm y Air The Cavaness home is being remod­ 4th Marine Division, writes his motli-j j >'orp) Fred Moore. Mildred Mullen- eled. er that he is In tip-top shape ... , . . . n ftc ri Murine First Lieutenant William T ! burg, Joe McBride, Jean McIntosh, the bloody battle for Iwo, and is now Strfttton, Jr.t of B(>averton recentI G IR L SCO UT N E W S I Helen McKnight. Lorraine Nelson, , enjoying some relaxation at a rest returned to thl, country fr; m HervJc; Girl Scouts, troops 76 and 49 prac­ i Marian Palmer, Walter Payne, Lucille Aloha Church Annual camp based in the Pacific Young | in the Paclflc told how hp took ticed for their part of the P. T. A. ' Perin, Shirley Prink, Neva Sachs, Business Meeting May 2 Dobyn. recently received the Bronze, ln a sk bnttle ov#r flam( ToP program in the high school gym Tues­ j Mary Salts, Delina Satchell, Robert Star for heroic achievement on oa‘- Sal- while wV,n. serving as a pilot aboard a Na­ day night at 8 o’clock. 1 0 1 n' ,mo : Schaudt. The annual business meeting of the pan. vy carrier. Bob Stewart (Army Air Corps) Joe Aloha Baptist Community Church will Don't forget to bring in your news. "My wingman. Lieutenant Seay, of 2nd Lt. Voget in N. C. Leave at Millers Grocery or at our o f­ heW W ednesday evening. May 2 The newly organized Eastern Wash­ Thomas (N avy) Mary Ann Thorne. Kansas City, and I were taking part w|11 beKln ,,t 6 30 with pot fice in the Enterprise building. ington County Semi-Pro League got Fred Van Horn, (Coast Guard) J a m m in the raid," he said. "W e were In n A former Beaverton high school off tq a flying start with large crowds Wallace (Coast guard) Barbara Wal- £ Miss Mary Beth Ful- This is the last week of the United ! bombing dive when I spotted a Jap .. teacher, Woman Marine Second Lieu­ attending both games at the Beaver­ ;ters, Shirley Wilson, Ellsworth Young, ^ ^ bp gpecia| |fUe, t 8peaker. Of- Nation Clothing Drive. Don t delay | flyln(t wlnK on , on me. I was tenant Edith F. Voget has been as­ ton Grade School diamond. fjeers for the coming year will be any longer. Bring all the old clothes afraid to pull up. Cur­ ^ Bevei ly Zah ei. I would have been signed to duty as a mess officer at rently the County Allstars are leading spare Carr’s Garage. an s p a r e to in v a . . s u s n p . The * '■« j too good a target, so I kept going, , elected. Every member is urged to y o u c can the marine corps base, Cherry Point, the loop with a slim 8-6 win over response has been fine hut we always, Whpn atratton dropp, d £ ,mb j he present. N. C. She recently completed re­ Beaverton. The Gaytown Tigers, de­ Vershum Wears The nominating committee has sub­ want to do just a little bit better ! and leveled off the Zero closed in for serve officer training. , fending champions, are in last place mitted the following report: For than the goal set. kill, but the Jap did not reckon Lieutenant Voget was a home eco­ with a 11-9 loss to Beaverton. Beav­ Bronze Cluster _____ I trustee--A. M. Anderson. Deacon— with Stratton's wingman. After nomic teacher at the local high erton won 1 and lost 1. Little Bobby dropping his bomb. Lieutenant Seay 15th AAF in Italy—Cpl. Arnold E 5 year term Newton Thompson; 4 school She is a graduate of Oregon Whitworth pitched the Allstars to a 8- picked o ff the Zero, nnd sent it spinn­ i Vershum. Beaverton, Oregon, is au- year term Theodore Salo; 3 year— State college, and was commissioned 6 win over Beaverton. Whitworth thorized to wear a seconnd bronze term ing into the ocean, burning and Ctiester Wohler Sunday in March, 1945, having served for 21 allowed 10 hits while his team collect­ cluster to his Distinguished Unit ¡School Supt Maiy Antrim. smoking. Clerk - months in the enlisted ranks. ed ten too. Whitworth was never in Badge as a ground member of the , Mrs. C J. Stk-kney Tieasurer Mrs. A few moments later Stratton re­ danger until the ninth inning when veteran 451st Liberator group. | Nellie Antrim. Ushers Ted Salo, D. turned the favor. A Jap got on Seay's three runs came across the plate. Fine Jahn Rohrbach Completes tail and Stratton shot it down In Corporal Vershum. an nirplane m e- 1 G. Niles, H J. Livengood. Music com- individual performances were made chanic, arrived overseas in Dec., 1943 mittee H. E. Ewer. Mrs. Ixiuise An- The new retail store for Hart’s flames. Training in Arizona by Karl Unger, Jack O’Connor and with his present Liberator group now derson, Dorothy Dee Riggs. No Hatchery on the Highway in Beaver-1 Three days later Stratton scored a playing Manager, Elwin Paxson for commanded by Col. Leroy L. Stefu- nomination was made for Deaconess, ton neai the Old Heidelberg will be | direct hit on a Jap destroyer at Okl- the Allstars. For Beaverton, Ed Har­ nowlcz. Wildrose. N. D. open Saturday, April 28, for the sale : nawa. "W e came in low,” he said, and Assistant Sunday School Supt. vey was the losing pitcher but a great of dressed chickens and eggs. "The ship was Just outside the har- The 451st received its latest battle brand of Semi-Pro ball was made up declaration for an August 23rd at- Albert A. Karpstein The Hart's Hatchery is well known bor. There was a terrific explosion by Beaverton who is under the man­ 'tack on the Markersdorf Airdome. all over the United States and Can- and the ship rolled over on It’s side. aging eye of Bob Sturm. This com­ Vienna. Austria ada. Started 32 years ago by W. H: I^ater it was beached." Its previous two Awarded Air Medal ing Sunday, Gaytown plays the All­ battle streamers were for 15th Air Hart on Hart roud for the sale of j The son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. stars. Gaytown's 21 game winner of Force missions over Regensburg, Gei- 15th A A F in I t a l y - S/Sgt Albert chickens for his neighbors, it has Stratton Sr., of Beaverton, he rolled 1944, Ron Whitworth will oppose Jim many, and Ploesti. Rumania. A. Karpstein. 25. tail gunner in an grown until now Mi Hart and his | up 250 combat hours of flying before Tlggart.in what should be a battle be­ The Vienna citation describes Get Italy based 15th A A F B-17 Flying son Ross ship around 13,000 chickens | going aboard the carrier while ssr tween the best pitchers of the county man fighters in a well coordinated Portress, has been awarded the Air a week at the peak of the business vlng in the Marianas. He is now nt league. Lineups of last Sundays game: attack" breaking six to ten abrea.-l Medal for "meritorious achievement They specialize In Christie New I the Marine Air Depot, Miramar, while participating ln aerial flight.” Humps. Kock-Hamp Croes, 8. C. California j from clouds below the Liberators B EAVER TO N ! .Story released by Marine Corps. The highly aggressive enemy fight flic is the -no o f Mis. Antoni H elp ­ White I-eghoi ns and SCRI Reds. Recently the Hart’s purchased 80 | — - . , ------ H R AB ers made suicidal attempts against stein, of route 1, Beaverton. Oregon, 2 1 , . 4 Hannick IB the bombers.” the citation continues. Sgt Karpstein was graduated from acies from the Huber estate just _ 1 2 4 Geiger 2B ( -in a despet ate attempt to break up ! Beavoiton High Sc hool in 1938. and across the road from tnelr hatchery ' o i T U i r t h w a i t e t o g o t o 1 1 3 Smith CF and destroy the formation." attended Oregon State College. Be- an I • building a m *0 £ W f e lk h g t M L D . C 1 2 5 9 ’ _ Coon CF Formations unbroken, the planes i foie enteiitig the army on Feb 16, bro< d< , house to take ow e Ol their J 1 0 5 Bye LF made a "highly successful bombing 1944, he was a shipwright employed Increased business. J. Richard Smurthwaite Jr.j of 1 0 This paper Joins their many friends 2 Sturm SS run" despite heavy flak fire wrhich J hy a Portland iron and steel corpora- Beaverton, has received word of his 0 in wishing them success in their new j 1 . ._ 1 3 RF Coon K. i followed the fighter attacks i tion. 0 1 4 Mick 3B Corporal Vershum entered the aim yj The Oregon Flying sergeant flew store, which will be a great conven- | appointment » . v e t e r a n , employment larfa. Texas. John Rohrbaeh. Jr., Harvey 0 1 3 'on Sept. 28, 1942, His parents. Mr. and 'his first combat bombing mission on ience to people of thl. district, now representative for Oregon by the Vet- of Mr and Mrs John Rohrback, i — It will he ' H^place m« nt service In ash- —. Mrs. B T. Vershum. live in Beaver- i Dec. 25, 1944, when hundreds of heavy that m ea tis so scarce of route 3. Beaverton. Oregon, re -1 10 6 . ton bombers of the 15th A A F delivered a nice to purchase eggs ’the same day TO T A L charge of registering discharged vet­ •ed his silver wings today when he -—- - Christmas present to Hitler in the they ate laid. erans and finding working oppor­ ¡«Stars duated as a second lieutenant I form of heavy explosives dumped on tunities for them, a system under tho H R AB m Marfa Aim y Air Field, an ad- ¡vital Nezi-controlled oil refrinerles at Staff Sgt. C. E. Ballard A. T. Wickstrand Now Ol Bill of Rights 1 1 4 ced two-engine pilot school of the Ramsdale R F ' Brux Czechoslovakia. Sgt. Karp-, His son J. R. Smurthwaite is at­ 1 2 Honorably Discharged 3 1' Training Command, it was an- O'Connor 3B At Mare Island stein has flown 22 missions over tending officer candidate school ln 0 2 4 inced by Col. Theodore C. Castle, Paxson IB enemy railroad yaids. oil refineries, 0 0 3 Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Ballard Europe, after returning to duty from Arthur T Wickstrand. CM2 c. imanding officer. hi idges and Industrial concentrations Geer 2B wounds suffered In battle 1 3 he new pilot, a former resident of Tiggart SS 3 now at Mare Island and receiv in Germany. Austria. Northern Italy, of Beaverton, have received word of 0 0 the honorable dischaige of their son 4 te 3, Beaverton, completed a Rasmussen CF training from navy of power velo< y | Hugary and Czechoslovakia. Cheerio Club Generous 0 2 rse in training in twin-engine Shay LF 5 tools, fire fighting. C O 2 rechargi 8- His wife. Mrs. Jean Knrpsteln. re­ Staff Sgt Charles E Ballard, from « 3 ■raft and he has been assigned to Unger C 4 he was maintenance carpenter i sides at 4025 NE 13th St. Portland, the army at the army air forces con­ valescent hospital tit Fort George 0 The Clieerlo Club met for a social 0 rana Army A ir Field, Ttirson, Whitworth 4 Sept 13. 1944 His wife Mildred r.d Oi egon B P — Wright. Washington, after serving 3 afternoon this week at the home of — daughter Gail Patricia and parent zona. years in the AAF. 10 8 Mrs. J. R. Summers, after which a Mr. and Mrs. P T Wickstrand 1!\ Extends Selective Service Ir. Rohrbaeh is a former student TO TAL He is credited with destroying five business meeting was held The record Beaverton High School, In Beaverton » . i »» enetny fighters. Flying as a tall showing that another $10 had been ror Another Tear gt W Rohrbaeh. who has heen Get Dog Licenses Now are made of picked men. chosen ftom I Congress has extended the current gunner in a B-24 Liberator bomber of given to the Red Crosa and $5 to the ting his parents left April 25 for Each member Is shipbulding and allied trades in civil- «elective service law which expires the 8th and 12th air forces. Sgt. Bal­ March of Dimes. itehorse. Youkon. for 18 months Owners of dogs who have no licen­ ian life. Under training such as that | y ay f or another year or until the lard had 55 missions over Europe, in­ busily finishing a scrap book for over ses should get a license at once as given at Mare Island, their skills are end of global war, whichever is cluding the first low-level raid on the seas veterans. the dead line on dog tax was March broadened so they will be equipped sooner Ploesti oil fields and raids on Berlin. The next meeting will he held on For Mother s Day Dinner 1. 1945. and the enforcement office’- to perform the greater variety of ( Another law bans the use of 18- Hamburg and Cologne. He wears the May 4 at the Shelles home. Make dinner reservations for your D. K Kanneman will be in town next tasks demanded of them overseas year-old draftees in combat without distinguished flying cross, the air medal with 13 oak leaf clusters, the O ffice boy- Please sir, may I have Mother's Day dinner by calling the week to pick up all stray dogs with­ . —-------- ----- ( six months training. out tags License fees are now- as Boas It’s your Heidelberg Park after May 6. Medical men are astonished by a Enlisted men 42 year, or older will European theatre of operations ribbon the afternoon o f f ’ follows Male dog $2;'spayed female Boy Old Heidelberg Park is being leno- rare case just called to their atten- be discharged from the army upon with three campaign stars and ths ¡grandmother again, I suppose? License payable tion She » making her first vated and will be better than ever $$2; female $2 50 a man suffering from a cigsr- theli request. 50 000 men art eligible presidential unit citation award with i—Yes sir. one duster, 'parachute Jump' Cx. after the carpenters snd painters fin­ at County Court Hous# or enforce­ ' rtU cougfa—Pittsburg Pres. ¡for such d l.ch .rg. ment officer. ish their work. Collection Depot For Tin Cans And Paper Schools To Close In Stratton Now At Miramar, California Baseball League In Third Week Hart's New Retail Store Opens