Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1945)
F riday, April 20, 1945 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E , Beaverton, O regon Paga 4 Build Hutches All Should Help T he O regon State .Salvage Cim m lt- tee has again issued a strong appeal to each individual citizen o f O regon to save and prepare continuously every tin can for war salvage pur poses. “ The need fo r tin is equally as criti cal as waste paper and the salvage of tin cans is the principal m eans by w h ich A m ericans can replenish a na tional tin stockpile w hich today has been depleted to dangerously low levels,” stated Claude I. Sersanous, ch airm an o f the state com m ittee. “ I am sure," he said, that on ce Ore gon understands the seriousness o f this situation that its people can be fully counted on to meet this chal- lenge in the same splendid manner as T he departm ent o f interior T ues day urged householder* “w ith small back yards” to start ia isin g rabbits to offset shortage o f other types of meat. Quite a Loss Surplus property sales by the treas ury am ounted to about $6,000,000 in March, the lowest in four months. T he o ffic e also announced that the goods sold had a reported cost to the governm ent o f $15,823,094. "I miss nothing except m y own youth.” —W m . R andolph H earst, 81. they have met all previous war em er- gency requests.' iCertifies First Application For Loan in State of Oregon Dead Girl Raised Up The British la d io reported M onday Since 1900 Indian population in the that ProfesMOi K rafft, Hitle 's per- U. S. has increased from 237,000 to sonal astrologer, has been captured 377,000. The County Vete ans' C ertifyin g Committee last week certified the first application for a guaranteed loan under the OI Bill of Rights, j This application was received from the United States National Bank of Speed, Master, speed, fo r m y little Portland and is believed to be the daughter is at the point o f death. fi.s t application that has been certi T h e sick ch ild ’s father had located fied in the State o f Oregon. The Jesus and is urging H im to hasten to | ¡oan u’as for the purchase o f chattels the bedside, but while they w ere on for the purpose o f m aking minor the way, one cam e to tell them that ' imjiding im provem ents, and was in the girl had died. Jesus tells the fa -j the am ount o f $1,000. ther to have no fear but to have Any inquiries legarding the Veter- faith and the child will yet live, In ans program m ay be addressed to the other w oids, leave it to Him. County Agent's o ffice in the C ourt T hey reach the house to find the house or the Farm Security Adm inis- hired m ourners already setting up. 11 at ion in the C om m ercial Building, I^ a v e o ff your w ailing, Jesus tells Hillsboro. them, for the child is not dead but sleeping. A t this they laugh Him to sco :n , know ing that she w as dead. TA I Jesus puts them all out and waves j back the vast th ron g that had fo l low ed Him. He takes the little child's hand and calls out— “ L ittle maid arise." At this her spirit cam e again and she stood. H ere Jesus com m anded to give her food. So Christ proved H is pow er over i death. N ow look ahead to your hour In that hour, the Lord H im self shall descend from heaven with a shout j and the dead in Christ shall .ise first.) Then we w ho are His and here alive on earth at the m om ent, shall be Attention Civilians caught up to meet the L ord and in i the air. So shall we ever be w ith | N ow is the time to learn to the L o.d . This is the blessed hope and it is you r when you r heart k n ow s that your sins have been c le a n s e d 1 aw ay by the blood o f Christ. T he A fter 3 years w ith the U. S. A ir lost dead are raised later for ju d g- j forces and R A F I am back at m y ment. old stand. F o r in form ation call L ook to Christ and live by P ow er C H erry 2809 or F rom On H igh and may G od the giv er j o f hope fill you with jo y and peace j because you trust ih H im . T his space paid for by business at Bernards Airport people. Sums latge or sm all wel-1 BEAVERTON, OREGON com e in extending and u pholding th is! gospel by newspaper. MOTHER'S DAY Will Re May 13th W hy not pick out her gift while we have a large selection A new Chair—Davenport and Chair-Swing Rocker W hen V o u B uy at MILLERS * _ fc\er . * 00 * * ,0 ^ * 00 ' Y o u G e t the Best & V , N0 \\o * ¿to ?’ «V tw rt S 1S ° ¿ft«** 3 5 3 5 Select Your* At Beaverton Pharmacy BEAVERTON, The Swedish L egation in B udapest ] saved the life o f the N obel Prize w in- ! ner Szent G yorgy by em ploying him j as a ch au ffeu r, thus p rotectin g him from the H ungarian Nazi A rio w Cross j men. NEED ANOTHER BED ROOM? Y ou r purpose and m ine can a fford to be no less. T o serve G od and help man is the C hristian ’s goal o f achievem ent. L eonard C. Johnson P hon e 3691 TH E B e a v e r to n Such is the request and desire o f our new president, H arry S. Trum an. This is a good and w orthy p u rp ose; finding a glad response in all our hearts. ORE. ,0 WW “Servant to God and Man” 3W M cChesney R oad, P ortlan d -l-O re. HAS YOUR FAMILY OUT GROWN YOUR HOME? J CHURCH of the NAZARENE C. Chadwick <yl V * A X vz'iu.thina. -¿oí the 9/ornE ' p h o n e FLY & Z J Z X A B IG J O B S th a t w ill build a g re a te r O regon You have a very good reason for asking for a priority for building material. 1. A G R I C U L T U R E A picket fence would improve the looks of your home, and Dutch Boy paint would im 2. M A N U F A C T U R I N G prove both the home and the fence. 3. M E R C H A N D I S I N G CONE IN AND SEE US 4. T H E KINGSLEY-BEAVERTON LUMBER CO. C. A. BARKEN, Mgr. OREGON HOME .... i • The farm, the factory, the store, and the hearthside provide the four big jobs that keep Oregon's people employed and keep the State growing. In each o f these fields Oregon can Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE IN SU R A N C E COSTS Oregon Mutual Tollctea are N O N -A 88E S8A B LE. You N E V E R pay more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual maintains more than three times the surplus required by Oregon Insurance law s. Oregpn Mutual Fire Insurance Company of point with pride to some o f the highest developments ever achieved by a people anywhere. Yet, we are a long way short o f the achievements we can attain. This Company has made and distributed electricity which has played a vital part in past development. We aim that our plans'and facilities always will be a little in front o f Oregon's needs. m o m in n v il l e O rg a n iz e d 1894 - 41 ) y e a r* o f R e lia b le S e r v ls e C h a a . L . W a lk e r , A g e n t New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. "Every Form of Protection” Phone 1732 \ a Hillsboro, Oregon w \ / B r HEIDELBERG PARK BEAVERTON, OREGON Will be Closed APRIL 16 To MAY 12 AGRICULTURE MANUFACTURING M in e HA U S IS I US In 1942, Oregon's 62,000 farms produced agricultural products with cash salues o f $220,000,- 000. 29” , o f total land area in Oregon is in farms Great prog ress is being made by our farm ers and agricultural scientists in improving and increasing pro duction o f foods, fibers, furs, hides, and seeds, lhe basic ma terials from which we are fed and clothed. More and more, electricity is taking over the hard labor o f farming and mak ing life more attractive for the men, women and children on the farms. PGE is working with them, spurred on by the sa ms spirit o f enterprise which Ore gon’s agriculture has shown trom the beginning. Long before this war Oregon was emerging from the pioneer stage o f manufacturing No longer are its production plants designed merely for local needs. Many are engaged in the pro duction o f wood, metal, textile and other products for the markets o f the world. These industries were convened to war production and created outstanding records. Several large aluminum plants and chemical industries opened here to avail themselves o f our cheap and abundant electricity and will remain here. Through im proved processing and manu facture many o f Oregon’s farm products will be big business. There is a great future for Oregon industries. Most o f us take the retailer for granted. And we are hardly conscious at all o f wholesale and distributing organizations, which form the liaison between the manufacturer and the re tailer. Few o f us indeed appre ciate the value to us o f the opportunity for selection of goods which retail merchan dising affords. The fact is that the retailer's service in fitting merchandise, piece by piece, to the needs and desires o f every single consumer is one o f the most valuable elements in the goods the consumer buys. Mer chandising is big business It provides big payrolls, costs big money and gives big values. It has made many improvements sod économies in recent years. HOMI No where else in the world has home life reached a higher degree o f desirability than in Oregon Perhaps that is why 55”, o f Oregon homes are owned by the people who live in them. tOn the farms it is 8Î*,.) Oregon homes incite the admiration and envy o f visitors everywhere. O f course they are electrified well electrified— not only with abundant elec trical i.iumination and plenty o f outlets for plug-in accessor ies, but with electrical hot water, cooking, washing, ironing, elec trical firing equipment, ventila tion. refrigeration and frozen food storage PGE's low- cost electricity is a big aid and incentive in home betterment. For Repairs For your Mothers' Day Dinner reservation call Beaverton 2471 alter Nay 6 Portland General Electric Company •O P io n eer in s u p p ly in g e le ttri« lig h t a nd p o w e r to O reg on home s, o g r it v ltv r e , m a nu facture and m oreontilo e n te rp rise s