f Friday, April 13, 1945 BEAVERTON’ ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon P «ge* What's Doing IN TH E Churches W ednesday 7:30 p. m m issionary study . CHURCH OF CHBI8T George W. Springer, Pastor Morning worship and preaching at 9:46 a. m. T op ic— Be Not Overcome with Evil. Follow ing the serm on, the L ord's supper will be observed. Bible School class session 11 a. m. Christian E ndeavor 6:30 p. m. E ven ing w orship 7:30 p. m. T op ic—The A ltar o f Incense. M idweek Bible study and prayer service W ed. at 8 p. m. HT. CECELIA CHURCH M asses 8.26 and 10 25 during w inter months. TU ALATIN P rayer and Lester Allen M cC olm cam e by plane from Florida to spend a tw elve day furlough with his folks. He is in com m and o i a gun crew on a B-29. His next station will be Lincoln, Neb. Mr and Mrs. M N. H etb eih ol* have as theii guest Mrs. O xenfelt o f M on tana. Installation o f o ffice rs o f M ajor Ax- : el R asm ussen Post U. F. VN and aux- i iliary will be held A pril 28 instead ot the date form erly announced. Mrs. E. M L ocker returned Satur day trom P ortland where she spent tw o days with Mrs. G eigei. Mr and Mrs. E. W. M on fer:atos are visiting hei father Joseph H. Schum oni. Mr. and Mrs. Leo B erger have j bought a new hom e on B oekm an Rd. ; near W ilsonville. Miss C harlotte R oun sville m ade a | surprise visit on her fathei at Sandy I Point, Idaho. She left W ednesday j and returned Sunday. Mrs. G race R obin son had dinner | Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E llw ood : Dunm ire R. M Scott is in a P ortland hospi tal with an attack o f pneum onia. W EST I tU X * LUTHERAN CHURCH Canyon R oad, near Sylvan Werner J. Fritz, M inister 2nd Sunday a fter Easter Church School 9:45 a. m. M orning worship 11 a. m. Serm on—Christ Our Exam ple. Baptism o f Children. Y ou are invited and w elcom e. ALOHA «O M M UNITY CHURCH G raydon P . Loree, P astor Sunday School 9:50 a. m. M ary Antrim , Sbipt. M orning w orship 11 a. m. Serm on by Rev. M aurice W agner, of W est Linn. Y outh Fellowship Groups, 6 30 p. m E vening Service 7:30 o. m. the Serm on—A cres o f Diam onds, by the pastor. METHODIST CHURCH BETHEL A lbert S. Hisey, D. P.. Minister CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Sunday School 9 45 a. m. A well organized school with class Rev. F. T. Sturtevant, Pastor es for all ages. * Ruth P ace Supt. 9:45 a. m. C hurch School. Miss W orship H our 11 a. m. A m arette Barns, Supt. Sermon The Christian Fellowship. 11 a. m. M orning service. I f you want a church home, you 5:30 p. m. Intermediate Y oung w ill find it at the Methddist Church. People. T he Methodist Youth Fellow ship 7 pm . Senior Y oun g People. m eets at the Sunday School hour. R E K P V H X E COMMUNITY PR LSB YTBR IAN CHURCH CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Sunday School 10 a. m. Mrs. Otto Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor George, Supt. 9.45 a. m. Sunday School. Young People's C. E. 7 p m. 11 a. m. M orning worship. Prayer Meeting and Bible Btudy, 6 30 p. m. H i N. Y. and N. Y. P. S. Thursday. 7 p. m. 7:30 p. m. E vangelistic service. Worship Service 11 a. m. R ev. Hugh Glass guest speaker. HEAR BEN LAR SE N Sunday, April 15, 11 a. m. at Aloha Sunday, April 15, 7:45 p. m., at Beaverton Tuesday, April 17, at Aloha, 7:45 p. m. Thursday, April 19, at Aloha, 7:45 p. m. Sunday, April 22, at Aloha 11a. m. Sunday, April 22, at Beaverton, 7:45 p. m. REPUTATION FOR Wins Good Conduct Medal Will be Closed APRIL 16 To M A Y 12 For Repairs For your Mothers' Day Dinner reservation call Beaverton 2471 after Nay 6 C orporal E dw ard Bauer o f T i gard, Oregon, has been awarded the Good C onduct Medal for exem plary behavior, e fficie n cy and fidelity, it was announced here today by head quarters P ortlan d A rm y A ir Base. The G ood C onduct Medal is award- ed exclusively to enlisted men who achieve an efficien cy and ch ar a c t e r rating o f “ excellent" for a per- j lod o f not less than one year while ! on active duty in the United States I Army. A LO H A A SSE M B L Y O F GO D Sunday S ch ool 10 a. m. W orsh ip 11 a. m. T hursdays 7:45 p. m. T H E VALLEY COMMUNITY CHURCH UNITED PR ESBYTE R IA N 4110 SW Gabel Lane Rev. H. A. Armltage, pastor 10:30 a. m. M orning W orsh ip If I Be Lifted Up Beaverton Full Gospel BEAVERTON, OREGON — “ And I, if 1 be lifted up, from the earth, will draw all men unto Me." So said our L oid . All m en— R ich Man P oor M a n -T h ie f— D o c t o r — L aw yer - M erchant—Chief. See them com e, all kinds from all nations. And w hat is it that d ;a w s th em ? Ask this man w ho con fesses to a murder. Said he— “ These hands are red with j blood. Y ears ago I had part in a lynching. I was the man w ho did ! the h anging.” So he tells it and j Christ drew this man to H im self and [ gave him pardon and peace. H ow did H e? O N E —Christ w as more than man. He was G od the Father, dw elling here am ong us in ,fle s h and blood. T he Son o f Man. He named H im self related to all m ankind. T W O - He was a Man o f Sorrow and acquainted w ith grief. He suffered the w oes o f this life and knew the [com m on lot. T H R E E —H e was tempt- I ed at every point like as w»e, yet with- [ out sin. F O U R —T hrough love for I us. Ho paid out His blood to save us from our sins. For G od so loved you and the man lowest dow n, that he gave his only begotten Son, that if you believe on Him. you shall not perish but have eternal life Y O U R H E A R T MUST S P E A K —“ If I die this minute, I die with all my sins blotted out by the blood o f Christ, G od's Son and that j being so. certain o f eternal life.” K N O W Y O U R B IB L E . W hen your heart so speaks, you have eternal life feelin gs or no feelings YOU R H E A R T M UST K N OW . Now look utterly to Christ to see you through. Live by P ow er F rom On High. So I com es the new day with its Joy. hope, [cheer and the peace that passeth un derstanding. This space paid for by a Seattle business man. If you w ould have a part In upholding and extending this Gospel by mail, send your sum, large or small. Let’s Chat The w riter ju st w ants to find out how our readers feel tow ards you r hom e tow n paper. Is it really what you wish it to b e" Can you think o f som ething to make it better? W ill you suggest h ow ? W e ask these questions in hope that you will com e out and suggest something, w h ich you feel would m ake this paper m ore readable and in te r -1 esting. All the little incidents that take place in your ow n vicinity are news items, let us have them. Use our classified colu m n s if you have som ething to sell or if you are in need o f som e item, or if you need help, these little ads get results I as- i sure you L et’s hear from you, if you have a suggestion, we can use, w hich will m ake your paper better, w e'll give it a trial. SW M cC hesney R oad. P ortland-l-O re. j Y ou r hom e tow n paper is a year Subscribe now. W e enjoy showing our furniture and making friends. Come in and select that new bed room suite W e have a large selection from $79 for 4 pieces Up. Also living room furniture with full spring construc tion. CHURCH of the NAZARENE A "GO Y E " Gospel Jesus w ords in the Great C om m ission just prio. to His ascension w ere addressed to all men, and not just to the few present that day. N ow as never b e fo ie , the w orld is open to the Gospel. H ave you seen your nam e in the Great C om m ission ? Nice ‘Bracelet’ Fit; Locksmith to Rescue Leonard C. ,lohn*on P hone 3691 D E N V E R .— A p e a ce o ffice r left his h an d cu ffs on the fron t s ca t of a c a r he took to a g a ra g e for rep a ir. T h e re p a irm a n 's 15-year- old son saw the cu ffs and tried th em on. A fter a fru itless search fo r the sh eriff and a tryou t o f k eys at the p o lice d ep a rtm en t, a lo ck sm ith w a s ca lled to free the youth. We have Materials for "O n the right fo nt p la toon !” r o a r -[ ed the sergeant. The recruit carried out som e kind o f a m aneuver which [ left the sergeant speechless. Then his voice returned -"A H right now take your partners for a d an ce."— E\. ^ When You Buy at $ MILLERS S You Get the Best HELP WANTED M ALE OR FEMALE POST W A R ! Picket Fences Screen Window Material only $1 No.4 Boards&Dimensions IN V IC IN IT Y OF GLENCULLEN Good W age» — Regular Hours Some Part Time Jobs Available at Once Glenculle n Bus Service right to the Door AIR CLEANER SERVICE CO. S. W. Phone BEacon 6389 BERTH A B E A V E R TO N M O R T I C I A N Beaverton, O regon Estab. 1910--8ervlng 33 years PHONE BEAVERTO N 3411 Shingles and Shakes Dutch Boy Paint Attention Civilians Many other Items-— Come in and see us Now is the time to learn to E s s e n tia l I n d u s t r y HIGHWAY Glencullen, Oregon Guest Speaker Sunday, 7:30 p. m. R E V . HUGH GLASS, Portland, O regon YES FOLKS! W. E. P E G C 4624 Notice of Public Hearing HAVE IN THEIR STOßE iS T H E Iß C H AP E L SERVICE HEIDELBERG PARK T he B eaverton City Planning C om m ission will hold a public hearing on its tentative report to the City Coun cil. recom m ending the establishm ent o f zoning districs within the City at B eaverton City Hall on Monday, April 23, 1945. at 8 p. m., at which hearing the above nam ed proposed zones and regulations and restric tions to be en forced therein will be considered. Dated at Beaverton, O regon, this 11th day o f April, 1945 R. C. D O TY, S ecretary B eaverton City Planning Com m ission. N otice is hereby given that the un dersigned. E. L. Peterson, D irector o f A gricu ltu re o f the State o f Oregon, will con duct a public h ealin g in the C ircuit C ourt R oom , County C ourt house. Hillsboro, Oregon, on April 17, 1945, at 1:30 p. m. to receive evidence and testim ony pertaining to the m ini mum prices paid by d ist;ibu tors and consum ers for fluid m ilk in the V. S. Signal Corps Photo W ash in gton County M arketing A rea; View o f a battery ram p and the 90 mm. guns of an Ameriran Artillery bat to pooling regulations regulating the talion with the Fifth Army in the snow covered Apennines. Italy. The purchase o f m ilk from p rodu cers; to lighting goes on snow or rain and likewise nothing must interrupt your regulations pertaining to fair trade FOR SALE purchase of War Bonds. f r o m V. S. Treasury practices relating to the distiibu tion F O R SA L E —10 acres unim proved and sale o f fluid m ilk ; and all other land on B onita rd, In qu ite Van m atters pertaining to the production PILGRIM LUTHERAN CHURCH Cott, Bonita R d, B ishop Lane, T i and distribution o f fluid m ilk in the 1. L. Parker Now Sergeant T he Bible C hurch gard. H W ash in gton C ounty M arketing Area. E. L. P E T E R S O N , D irector B ox 697, Beaverton Fifth A ir F orce Service Com m and, State D epartm ent o f A griculture T urn war stam ps Into Bonds F arm ington R d. at M enlo Drive Philippine Islands —Ivan L. Parker, W alter R. Buhl, Pastor son o f Mrs. Maude Nichols, route 2, Sunday S e r /ic e II a. m. Beaverton, was lecen tly prom oted to Sunday S ch ool 10 a. m. sergeant. H e is an airplane m e Sunday at 8 p. m. Parent T eacher chanic with a unit o f the Fifth Air organization with R ev. F. H. K rinke F orce Service C om m and, which re ^THEY SAV T H A T TH E MOST VALUABLE as speaker. pairs and services the fighte, s and C hurch o ffic e hours: T h u rsd ays— bom bers o f the F ifth A ir Force. ASSET 4 to 7 p. m. Overseas tw enty one months, Sgt. Beaverton Furniture Store P arker has seen service in A ust.alia. iT H A T BR O A D W AY AT WATSON CH APFL SERVICE New Guinea and the Philippines. BE AV ER TO N FULL GOSPEL His brother. E ugene D. Parker, S 2 /c O rville J. Poulin, M inister is also serving som ew here in the P a I. O. O. F. Hall. B eaverton cific. Sundays 7:45 p. m. E verybod y welcom e. Aloha Assembly of God Orville J. POULIN, Minister L E G A L NO TICE Notice of Public Hearing FLY A fter 3 year« with the U. S. Air forces and R A F I am back at my old stand F or inform ation call IT Ierry -809 or KINGSLEY-BEAVERTON LUMBER CO. C. A. BARKEN, Mgr. C. Chadwick at Bernards Airport B EAVERTO N , OREGON Save 20 to 25<Tc on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS II m w a W eather Stripping and Calking Installed by Trained M echanics R. E. ELLSON F or Free E stim ates C A L I, T IG A R D *193 Or W rit* B os 431. T igard m M..4.tal l*..ll „ I ___ _ _ . V V- . ! ------- a . ____ ____ Oregon Mutual Policies are N O N-ASM ; s n ABLE. You N E V E R pa* more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual maintains more titan three times the surplus required by Oregon Insurance Lawn Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company O F M rM IXNA IL L S -40 years o f R eliable Servies (h a s L. Walker, Agent New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. "Every Form of Protection" Phone 1732 Hillsboro, Orsgon :