Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1945)
Fri.lay, April 6, 1945 L eonard C. Johnson. Pastor 9.45 a. m. Sunday School. W alter | L ovett, Supt. 11 a. rn. M orning worship. 6 30 p. m. Hi N. Y. and N. Y. P. S. W ednesday 7 30 p rayer meeting. p. m. m id-week ou u u ajr aivtn c « m v v i C hurch School 9.45 a. m. M orning w oish ip 11 a. m. S e r m o n -T h e V ictory o f Faith. E veryon e welcom e. M ETHODIST CHURCH A lbert S. Hisey, D. D.. M inister Sunday School 9:45 a. m. BETHEL A well organized sch ool with class C O N G R E G A T IO N A L C H U R C H es fo r all ages. R uth Pace Supt. W orsh ip H our 11 a. m. R ev. F. T. Sturtevant, Pastor 9:45 a. m. Church School. Miss Serm on them e A fter Easter. A warm hearted friendly church A m a r e tte Barns. Supt. hom e to w elcom e you invites atten 11 a. m. M orning service. dance. ALOHA ST. C E C E L IA Masses 8.25 and 10:25 during w inter months. CHURCH C O M M U N IT Y CHURCH G raydon D. Loree, P astor Sunday School 9:50 a. m. M ary A ntrim , Supt. M orning w orship 11 a. m. Y outh Fellow ship Groups, 6:30 p. m. E ven ing Service 7:30 p. m. CHURCH the O F C H R IS T G eorge W . Springer, Pastor M orning worship and preaching at 5 ■ 45 cl < m. T op ic—T hey That W a it Upon the L ord. H ow about you r su bscrip tion ? Turn w ar stam ps in to B onds O regon 's volunteer waste paper col lections during M a .ch m aintained the same approxim ate level as January and F ebruary, 1268 tons being re ported by cou nty salvage com m ittees for the month. School Lunch Projects H eavy rainfall w as a con tribu tin g fa cto, in retarding collection s in the Shows Big Returns western part o f the state, in p articu E xpenditures for food in com m un- lar. Best M arch show ing was com piled 1 ity school lunch projects cooperating in the W ar Food A dm in ist.ation pro i by Sherm an cou n ty w hich recorded a better than 17 gram totaled $257.783 in the Oregon collection gain o f 'd istrict from the period Septem ber, pounds per pe:son . M ultnom ah cou n ty with a p opula 1944, through January 1945, a ccord ing to fig u .e s com piled by the P ort tion o f 476,126, con tribu ted 8393 tons i in Decem ber. 357 tons in Jan., 566 in land W F A O ffice o f Supply . C. R. Tulley, district representative, I Feb., 676 in M arch. W ash in gton cou n ty w ith a popula said this sum represents direct pur chases o f food from local m erchants tion o f 45,238, collected 459 ton s In and farm e.s. O f the total the W F A Dec , 26 in Jan., 37 in Feb., and 16 in contributed $159.448 out o f funds ap March. propriated by con gress for the pur- ' pose. The rem aining food costs and Marine Trio Served expenses foi labor and equipm ent w e.e puid by the individual com m un- Chicken a la Iowa ■ ity lunch sponsors and the school , children. , Iow o Jim a (D e la y e d )—T h ree Ma "T h e nutritional benefits o f the rines w ere com in g back from their school lunch program long have been front-line observation post to dig In. recognized by parents, ed u ca to.s and for the night when they heard a sponsors, but the volum e o f additional fluttering in the brush. business developed locally is im p ort "W e thought it w as Japs," s a id -P fc. ant, too." David M ovshov o f A tlan tic City, N. J., “ but it turned out to be fou r fat ch ick en s.” Reports for Active Duty "T h ey w ere tu n n in g around like must have been shell Carol Johanna Cron o f route 1, box crazy, they 808, Beaverton, w ho lecen tly enlisted sh ock ed." "In fa ct” said P fc. F ran cis W . L uff, in the W A V E S, has been called to active duty, and ordered to report to o f Clayton, Del., “ they w ere acting the C om m anding O ffice r of T he Na like ch ick en s with their heads cut The M arines attacked at once val T iain in g School, Hunter College, o ff .” rep o:ts Sgt. Smith a M arine Corps New Y ork City on A pril 5, 1945. com bat correspondent. T hat night, for ch ow , they ate Y ou r hom e tow n paper is only $1 C hicken a la Iw o. a year Subscribe now. W EST H ILL» LUTHERAN CHURCH Canyon R oad, near Sylvan lI f.M « . T Vf iniotae 131 More Children Eat At School Waste Paper Campaign Same Level— 1268 tons _ _ _ _ _ _ R K K D V IL L E COM M UNITY P K L S B Y T K K IA N CH URCH Sunday School 10 a. m. Mrs. O ito IACK TEAGARDEN George, Supt. Y oung P eople's C. E. 7 p. m. 1 P rayer M eeting and B ible study, Thursday. 7 p. m. W orsh ip Service 11 a. no. Up From The Grave P IL G R IM L U T H E R A N C H U RCH T he B ible Church B ox 697, B eaverton See them take Christ's body down Farm ington Rd. at Menlo Drive fiom the cross. See them wind it W alter R. Buhl, Pastor for burial in clean linen cloths and a Sunday S e r /ic e 11 a. m. m ixture o f m yrr and aloes. See, they Sunday School 10 a. m. L E O N A R D C. JOH N SON , P astor C hurch o ffice hours: T hu rsdays— lay it in the tom b and set a guard lest it be stolen. 4 to 7 p. m. P hone 3691 On the th iid day an angel cam e down from heaven, rolled aw ay t h e , C H A P F L S E R V IC E stone and sat upon it. N ow look into BE AVE RTO N FU LL GOSPEL I the tomb. W here Christ's body lay, Orvlllo J. Poulin, M inister Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye j is an em pty shell, the shape o f a hu I. O. O. F. Hall, B eaverton man body. W hat you see is an Sundays 7:45 p. m. shall find.. Jn. 21:6. , empty casing, made up o f the linen E verybod y w elcom e. land the hundred pounds o f m yrrh W h at a d ifferen ce w hen Jesus cam e on the scene. D efeated and aloes, bound In. And you can and discou raged a fter the cru cifixion , the disciples follow ed P eter's A I.O H A A S S E M B L Y O F G O D [ look within the casing, fo r the nap- lead, and w ent fishing. The daw n found them not on ly still defeated i kin that was about Christ’s head, has Sunday S ch ool 10 a. m. but exhausted,— their nets em pty. Then the w ords o f Jesus above. W orsh ip 11 a. m. ; been folded and put to one side. It W hat a d ifferen ce— what a ca tch ' 1 is open where the face was. And T hursdays 7:45 p. m. H ave you looked to Jesus friend, when, nets em pty you about | why is it em p ty? B ecause— up from j despair? ¡the grave Christ arose. T 1IE V A L L E Y Jesus Christ, the sam e yesterday, and today, and forever." Days before this Christ had said I C O M M U N IT Y C H U R C H that He was the ressurection and ; U N IT E D P R E S B Y T E R IA N the life. He that believeth in Me, l 4110 S W Gabel Lane even though he were In the grave, <ii=iii=mHiii3!iiüi'i=m=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=m=iii=iii=iii=iii=iiisiiisiii=a R ev. H. A. Arm ltuge, pastor yet shall he live. And they w ho be- 10:30 a. m. M orning W orsh ip Ninth Church of Christ, Scientist, Portland, Ore. I iieve in Me and a :e alive on the earth, I I when I return, shall never go into in Announces Kiwanis International Vote the grave. K now Y our Bible. This I a is the B L E S SE D H O PE . It is yours To Cancel Convention ■ | when your h eait believes that the ! blood o f Jesus Christ had cleansed in F or the third con secu tive year, K i aw ay all you r sins. w anis International voted today to T his space paid for by P a cific Entitled cancel its annual delegate wartim e Coast people. If you wish a part in i convention in line with O ffice o f D e upholding and extending this Gospel “Christian Science: The Science of fense T ransportation regulations. rn by newspaper, send your sum, la ig e M ore than 2,250 clubs and 140,000 Unfolding Being” ! m em bers throughout the United or small. nte/* u rlo /iis courts w ä /ip ju iis £ m ' v > • i-.'.v Preferred by Holly- wood’s cover models! A sensational all-day <2» make-up that hides V / blemishes and gives \ \ ( your skin the smoothness of a flower' petal. Hours of loveliness in every drop. \V* tit'* V* (Í* I* Eight alluring shades. l* A FREE LECTURE ON C H R IS T IA N SCIENCE I ! States and Canada will be affected by 1 the decision. K iw anis was one o f the first orgnni- 1 SW M cChesney R oad, P ortlan d-l-O re. zatlons to com ply with an O D T re quest In 1943 to cancel large meetings Save Fats fo r P oin ts and Pennies and thu;- con serve travel facilities. K iw anis con vention s atti acted 6,000 and 7,000 delegates in ordin ary times. Attention Civilians Select Yours At V"“ R E M IN D E R Y our State Incom e Tax R eturn is Due and P ayable April 15th Beaveiton Pharmacy BEAVERTON, Accordion Lessons Modern and Classical Instruction Dick Kokich SAT.-SUNDAY A PR IL 7 -8 INSTRUCTOR Route 2, Box 54 On Center St., Beaverton of Portland, Oregon !i! ÎH = H = a I C. Chadwick BONDS HERSCHEL P. NUNN, C. S. B. a FLY CHerry 2809 or W AR at Bernards Airport GAMES —On the Midway—open every evening from 7 P. M. to midnight! Sundays noon to midnight! Everything going full tilt! OLD T IM E DANCING -S u n d a y afternoons at 2 .3 0 P. M. KofC In VESTAL SCHOOL 161 N. E. 82nd Avenue Friday evening, April 6. at 8 o’clock The P ublic is C ordially invited P IA N O T U N IN G and R E P A IR IN G Phone A I.O H A 6613 B eaverton, O regon 'D j O H MUSIC BY N IG H T IN G A LE S C A L L T I G A R D 2193 U ' T TO O I THE MUSI C OP L c & lc a g á r d e m • *** V ^ éÍH €4 O P E N S A P R IL 7th Weather Stripping and Calking Installed by Trained M echanics Cornelius G ym 8 30 P. M FALCON BEAUTY SHOP 351» SW F alcon St. T A P E R E D H A IR C U T T IN G IN D IV ID U A L H A IR ST Y L IN G Quality Materials Used Freda Fisk. O perator CH 1572 iTj ¡H i 3 n jfl I i I KINGSLEY- BEAVERTON LUMBER Co. S ►ÂT'FlRSr R. E. ELLSON Adm 75c. tax Included 3 IJj a III im5nisMi=m=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii2iirsiii=iii=iii=m»iii=m=iii*MiaiM ÜII 3 IU ¿ilIGNOfA Co Id Preparationt at directed APRIL 13 in ANNOUNCING OPENING OF GEORGE F. GORDON USE BIG DANCE hi BEAVERTON , OREGON Nightly from 8 to 12 P. M. Famous name orchestras! for everyone! Open every evening from 7 P. M. to midnight! Sundays noon to midnight! I ■ I — M em ber o f the B oard o f L ectureship o f T he M other Church, The F irst Church o f Christ, Scientist, in B oston, M assachusetts. DANCING THRILL RIDES— Fun in By Now is the time to learn to A fter 3 years with the U. S. Air forces and R A F I am back at my old stand. F or in form ation call ORE. Ng0«'-° I fAM0us ni F or Free E stim ates Or W rite Box 4SI, T igard Handle Full Line of LUMBER Roofing, Millwork, Insulat ing Boards also Dutch Boy Paints and Builders Hard ware C. A. BAKKEN, Manager Front and Hall Streets Beaverton i