FridaV, March 30, 1945 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Page« Accordion Lessons Attention Civilians Now is the time to learn to Modern and Classical Instruction FLY After 3 years with the U. 8. Air forces and RAF I am back at my old stand For information call ( ’ H e r iy 2800 Dick Kokich or C. Chadwick INSTRUCTOR Route 2, Box 54 On Center St., Beaverton at Bernards Airport BEAVERTON, OREGON A Happy Easter Gift A new Dining Room set— a Swing an Odd Chair. •Ì LEONARD C. JOHNSON, Pastor Phone 3691 M V ph o n e 3 5 3 5 B e a v e r t o n surrection in Felto-Gram and Music 7:30 P. M. Easter Program by the Sunday School 9:45 a. m. FLOUR SPECIAL/ Easter Message with Victorious Easter Music at 11 SAVE 2 5 * WORSHIP THE RISEN CHRIST THIS SUNDAY! WITH COUPON 50-LB. BAG ANNOUNCING OPENING OF RUSSELL JAMES KINGSLEY- BEAVERTON LUMBER Co. well-known Health Lecturer, discuss these two topics—GOD and HHA4.TH— in u series of FREE lectures at 1119 S. W . Park Ave. M O N D A Y , April 2d to 10th. -FREE GIFTS---------------- VALUABLE FREE GIFTS—Every person who attends lectures will receive one regular $1.00 package of an Important food product. Every adult who attends every lecture will receive a $5.00 “ Mystery I’aekage of Health” Columbia Food Store (A IU O L I) SALE Handle Full Line ol SAVE LUMBER Sponsored by 811 S. W. S IX TH AVE. m w w w » w -- — - a a Last Days of Christ before the Crucifixion and Res- Hear Brammert Radiant Health Food Store ■a a v E ^ iu th in a . -¿o ï tfie 9/owLE GOD and HEALTH Masonic Temple, selection — Prices courts u>ä/ip^als£ — unless you want to know 'more about the two most important things in your life: It takes everything we’ve got to see us thru. Build up your Arsenal of Health. A sick body or a sick mind can mean misery, failure, unhappiness. maybe are Right. DON’T READ THIS AD We all need God in our daily lives, in our homes, on the battlefield, at the peace table when that time comes, as it will, and in our business. We need a strong body, a clear head, good nerves, good food W e have a nice Rocker Roofing, Millwork, Insulat­ ing Boards also Dutch Boy Paints and Builders Hard­ ware V T St çVftsbutVj1 iB tS T \ \xxxx * with this coupon when you buy a 50-lb. bag of ?¡l!$i>uri¡'$ Best * Flour ItvrtcW^ C. A. BARKEN, Manager Front and Hall Streets Beaverton OO ’ >vo6 REPORT OF CONDITION OF AU-tf (hl** V V “' .V>* „VA'*'4 * Af " C First Security Bank OF BEAVERTON, WASHINGTON .W4“ |e . 1 ° '“ „ v » 4° A » « « '* A .»»' WÍ* ' . rtVC'' y_, J '' fj ® • V's° '( ¡H P V** yV5’ Select Your* At Beaverton Pharmacy 6tj At the clone of business March 20. 1945 A State banking institution organized and operating under the banking laws of this State and a member of the Federal Reserve System. Pub­ lished In accordance with a call made by the State Banking Authori­ ties and by the Federal Reserve Bank of this District. ASSETS Loans and discounts (including $1524 07 overdrafts) $ 116.182.89 United States Government obligations direct and guaranteed . 2.353,719.93 Obligations of States and political subdivisions _____________ ». 33,700.33 ¡Corporate stocks (including $1,150.00 stock ot Fed Res bank) 1,150.00 Cash, balances with othfcr banks including reserve balance, and cash items in process of collection ... ............................. . 718,890.05 Bank premises owned $3.750.00, fur. and fix. $3,250.00 7,000.00 Other assets . TOT AI. ASSETS BEAVERTON. ORE. 24 th ANNIVERSARY SALE of furnishing you with the best reasonable prices. cannot offer many specials, but finest assortment of Wall Paper Living Room Paper’s Dutch Boy Paints Satin Eggshell or Interior Gloss Dining Room Papers 50— 75— $1— $1.25 roll Bed Room Papers 25c, 35c, 50c to $1 roll Kitchen and Nook at 25c 35c, 50c, 75c Celling 18c. 25c roll TOTAL LIABILITIES (not includ ing subordinated obliga­ tions shown below) _______ .. .........................._ 3 183 778 26 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS I Capital .................. $ 25,000.00 Surplus 5,000.00 Undivided profits . ............... 26 490.40 Reserves (and retirement account for preferred capital) ___ 8.300 00 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUN TS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Hlends. Stripes, Glass Weaves and Tapestry effects at 25c to $1.25 3.248.568.66 L I A B IL IT IE S Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations $1,888,858.94 Time deposits of Individuals, partnerships,and corporations 1,080,889.96 Deposits of U. S. Government, including postal savings) 97.089 57 Deposits of States and Political subdivisions ......... ...._...... 98,940.41 Other Deposits (certified and officers checks, etc 17.999 38 TOTAL DEPOSITS ___ .... $3.183.728.26 S M IT H ’ S Nearly a quarter of a century In Mall I’apcr and I’alnts at Owing to wai restrictions we we do invite your inspection of we have ever shown. $3.98 gal.— $1.09 qt. House Paints M’htle Stock Isats $3.45 per gallon Pabco Flat $2.80 gal.— 87c qt. Outside White $3.40 gal Oil Turpentine 1 This bank s capital consists of: Capital notes and deben­ tures $8.300.00. Common stock with total par value of $25.000 00 MEMORANDA Pledged assets (and securities loaned) (book value): U. S Gov. obligations, direct and guaranteed .pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities TOTAL Secured and preferred liabilities Deposits secured by pledg­ ed assets pursuant to requirements of law ____ Deposits preferred under provisions of law hut not secured by pledge of assets ..................... TOTAL *• *1 and belief Between Washington Y F WADE th,> *bOV,‘ 3.248.568 66 PlllSBURY «!• * t o « - - » I » ; " M 'A ; « . " ’ " l" “ 1 M I L L S , I n c. . ■ MINNEAPOLIS FLOUR SPECIAL/ SAVE 2 5 » WITH COUPON 50-18. BAG SPEEDY FREEZE O N H IG H W A Y 266,000 00 Good Friday— 8 P. M. Methodist Church Rev. George Springer, speaking 266.000 00 Communion will be served at the 126.992 .35 .131 30 Correct.— Attest H W DOWNING HARRY L ROBINSON JAY GIBSON State of Oregon. County of Wash Sworn to and subscribed before me J J McMAHON. Notary My cetnrmtsion June 1 Adä'1"" ____ — , -f0U" Closing Holy-Week Service Cashier, of the above-named bank hereby »• »rue to the beat of my knowledge OL’ Y F WADE Brushes & Stark 64.790 40 134.123 65 SMITH WALL PAPER HOUSE 427 S W 2nd COUNTY, OREGON Directors tngton as this 24th day of March. 1945. Public for Oregon 6, 1943. close ot the evening service. EASTER DAWN SERVICE 6:45 A. M. Congregational Church Christian Church Orchest a Weather Stripping and Calking Installed by Trained Mechanics R. E. ELLSO N For Free Estimates CALL TIGARD *19.4 Or AVritc Bo* 131. Tigard Garden Young People Participating