Friday, March 30, 1945 CLASSIFIED WANT ADS B F A V E R T O N ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Black Out At Noon RABBITS WANTED Top OPA. will pick up ___ LEG AL NOTICE Page 3 Worse Than in Normandy Aboard Coast Guard-Manned As­ sault Transport at Iwo, (Special) Sealed proposals addressed to the I lettered with wrecked landing boats West Slope Water District, 9025 S. W. ,lnd under continuous fire from !n- WANT—Tractor work, plowing, Rt 1. Bx 582. Tigard, Oregon Oanyon Road. Zone 1, Oregon and l!tnd Jap mortar emplacements, Iwo and cultivating O. A. Anderson, Sattlei Road and Butler Ave. 11 : _____ . sal for Water Supply Jima’s beaches were described as Pho^e Beaverton 2716. 11 The sun dimmed at noon that Fri -1 improvements, West Slope, Water ' worse than anything we «aw In Must Accompany All UOI.IJE P IP S ________ ______ _________ will be received at the of Normandy" by 19-y«ar-old Rob- WANTED—Bicycle repairman, ex­ 6 and 9 wks old. Registered stock day and darkness settled over the District'’, C LASSIFIED A D S perienced man preferred. Kissler land Christ, bearing ATs cross had fic,> ot ,he District at West Slope un er* M. Hanford, of Detroit, Michigan. HOULE’S COLLIE KENNELS Bicycle Shop, 923 SW 4th Ave., | place called Golgathae ’ ! 8 00 p M P»«lfle War Time on ' wh° returned to Ma Ship Ceunt each word, Including Name Rt. 1, Bx 85. Tigard, Oregon Portland, Ore., bet. 11 a. m. and 6 ar.d there they crucified him i ’ he Fourth day of April 1945, and | hours in a landing craft lying just and addresa—ONLY 2c A WORD PHONE TIGARD 3115 p. m. Call AT. 5438. tf Dying. God laid on Him the sins ©f thereafter will be publicly opened off the beach, at the stait of the in No Phone Orders Taken A loo Buffet 115.00 10 us all: the blackest deeds and the und read Award or award« will be I vaslon. says Stuart Parker, Coast WANTED—Berry Plants, Shrubs. \ unspeakable crimes ot the lowest hu- made ttt a meeting of the Commis- j Combat Corr espondent. We Publish the Plants of all kinds for our sales PAINTING AH that is vile Christ sl,,n *° h',M «» • l>' »*• M P W : Hanford, a landing beat vetei BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE yard. CLYDE GARDENS, Barbur became He who knew no sin was IT • on the SUth day of *PrU who ,a8t 8um*< helped take troops Blvd . at SW 28th. CHeny and TIGARD SENTINEL born into the world to become sin f o r 1 Th* ProP°8ed wo,k consists of fur- | ashore on Dday at Noimandy and 3003. 8 us Know Your Bible 2nd Cor. ni*hing and installing a 12 *’ I. D. I later in Southern France, said "As MULTNOMAH PRESS PAPEB1IANGING 5 21 | water supply line from the Portland y °u get In close to the beach, you can Al.OllA NEWS LAND CLEARING — Tractors In that hour. Christ reach«! out City water supply system along Can I •*« ahe|» fire falling into the water Available. L H. COBB, Phone Hoad and extending to the Dts-, >*e hall. I never saw anything like Pure Linseed Oil and Lead Used i and drew to Himself all the pains of Complete Eaaterr, Washington County Beaverton 2881. 48tf hell. He took over all the woe that diet's 100.000 gallon steer storage »» »»for«. There was nothing at aad Western Multnomah County FIRST CLASS WORKMEN we would have suffered out in etein -;tank and th<* installation of feeder Normandy that we saw to compare WANTED to Lease—3 acres of Soverage. truck gardening land. Address FOB ity We earned it—Christ took it. and distribution muins within the wa-|w,th ti­ Free Estimates Ws assume no financial responsi­ The distribution sys- His opininon was boine out by % Enterprise, Beaverton. 10 He paid in full for us. He himself ter District. bility for errors which may appear in tern work includes the laying of prl- the statement of all Coast Guard bore our sins in His own body on the advertisements published in these CAU . CH. 2491 EVENINGS WANTED Surburban & Farm tree Herein is love. Not that we mary feeder mains, the bulk of which boat crewmen returning to the ship columns but in case where this paper Most of them are experienc­ properties. We have the buyer, you loved God but that He loved us and are 12 " I. D . some of whichxis to be today. is at fault will reprint that part of 14 ” I. D. as well as some 8 " and 6 ” ing their first Pacific island assault have the property, let’s get togeth­ g b ■ Boa to die for out sins Rt. 6, Box 479E. Portland, 1, Ore. s i advertisement in which the typo­ ......................... distribution mains. The 12 " supply i aftet participating in the amphib- er. We are in contact with many 12 BIBLE SAYS IT graphical mistake occurs. Eastern buyers who have cash and Feelings oi no feelings, you have |UM i* to be placed in a treach now *OUS operations in Ituspe want to locate here. Our appraiser Hanford and two other teen-age FOR PAINTING, PAPERING, Etc. eternal life when your heart can sav occupied by a 6 ” O D. steel pipe that the blood of Jesus Christ has hne having dresser couplings, and crewmen spent D-day and most of will call on you. No obligation. # FOR SALE CALL TIGARD 3159 cleansed away all our sins He died -water service is to be maintained by the following day operating a beach 8LAYTER REALTY COMPANY for your sins and arose fiom the keeping the present 6 ” supply line squadron craft Just a short distance "In downtown Portland." 528 SW’ FOR SALE—White Easter bun­ AFTER 5 O'CLOCK grave to give you a new life. Look m service on top of the ground dur- island landing area. Mortar Salmon Street, BR. 1146. 51tf nies. J. R. Hobbs, Junction Rd. 12 to Him Live by Power From On ir>g the installation of the new supply shells fell close aiound them fre- Phone Beaverton 2607. 9 WANT CARPENTER W ORK— _ hope, " j line. quently and when they returned to High. So comes joy peace by hr or contract. J. R. Hobbs, This space paid for by a business- 1 be principal items upon which the ship shrapnel fragments were STAINLESS STEEL COOKING FOR SALE—Girls Rebuilt Bicycle. Beaverton 2607. 10 sticking in the wheel housing of their UTENSILS now available, Mfg. by If you wish a part in uphold- • bids are invited are: $30. Garden Home Garage. 9 ... Water Supply Main. boat. Volroth. For information write G. ing and e. tending this Gospel by | WALNUTS _ FILBERTS 1. Furnishing and installing Class "A >°» ot the boats putting Marines FOR SALE—Furniture. Am leav­ Denison, R4, Bx 53, Sherwood. 9 Newspaper, send your sum, large oi W’ alnut Meats Filbert ■ Meats 250, 12 ” I. D. pipe 1,000 lin ft. on »he beach were wrecked and no ing. 259 Lombard St., Beaverton. 9 small. We Pay Cash on Receipt Dressmaking. Stocking Mending, 2. Furnishing and installing Class i ong can stay on the beach very long, ’ at our plant FOR SALE Two wheel trailer. Buttonholes, etc., Aline .lung 150, 12" I D. pipe 6800 lin ft. I Hanford said. “That shell fire is THE TIGARI) Chev. axel, with or without wheels E end of McDonald Ave., red brick B. Distribution System. j awful und the beach is a terrible NUT PACKING CO. H. B. Ferguson, Oak Ave., Phone house, Rt 1, Box 628, Tigard. 12 SW McChesney Road, Portland-l-Ore. 1 Furnishing and installing Class sight. ’ tf Beaverton 2248. 9 150, 14” I. D. pipe 4,300 lin ft D e a d 8tock Picked up free of 2 Furnishing and installing Class RATION BOOK REMINDER Oregon Men Healthiest FOR SALE Model A Roadster, charge anywhere. Call I RABBITS W A N T E D 150, 12” I. D pipe 12,000 lin .ft Cut this out and keep it In your purse 16” wheels; 3 doz. R. I. & New collect. UN. 1221; night call 3. Furnishing and installing Class MEAT», FATS— Hampshire hens; large size baby DENLEY RENDERING CO., Representative H. Ellsworth has BEST PRICE for Rabbit Fryers, D 150 8” I D pipe 2,000 lin. ft. Last Date for Use bed. Ralph Catchpole, Rt. 1, Box released a statement that the "Pa­ Portland tf P. MacDonald, R2, Bx 218, Beaver­ 4 Installing 6” O. D. pipe 1,900 | Red stamps Q5-S5 March 31 386, Tigard. 9 cific const and particularly Oregon ton. Phone Beaverton 2260. We J lin. ft. j Red Stamps T5—X5 April 28 FOR TOW CAR call VERMILYE is the healthiest place in the United pick up. tf 5. Furnishing and installing flit- j RedSUmps Y5— D2 June 2 FOR SALE—Male puppies, 8 wks . MOHOR CO., Phone Tigard 3381 tf I States ings 18,000 pounds. June 30 old, mother pure bred German WANTED—Live KabDits, to buy ! The percentage of men rejected fo r 1 6. Furnishing und installing fire Red Stumps E2 thru J2 Good April 1, 19-15 Shepherd,—beautiful dogs, very in­ now. Top prices paid. Rabbit Meat I physical reasons in O.egon was the i hydrants 20. Red Stamps K2 P2 July 31 PAIN TS telligent—fine for children. See Co., 8917 SE "Stark St. .Portland. | lowest in the nation, according to U. j 7. Furnishing and installing gate PROCESSED FOODS— them at Rt. 2, Bx 437-B, Portland, Phone SUnset 1722. Open week I S. statistics in this war. valves & valve boxes 50. Murch 31 Blue Stamps X5-— B2 or phone BEacon 4742. 9 days only until 7:30 p. m. tf i I m la y ’ s F re sh Plana, specifications, instructions, Blue Stamps C2—G2 April 28 to bidders and Blank Forms of Pro- j BjUe stamps H2—M2 X-Ray Unit Due; FOR SALE—4 ft Green Slab $7 June 2 M ix e d F e ed s M ISC E L L A N E O U S posal and Contract can be seen at the Good March 1 per cord in 3 cord lots Slab and ¡Sign Here FISHER TH0RSEN PAINTS office of the West Slope Water Dis- Blue Stamps N2 thru S block wood mixed $8.50 in 3 cord June 30 Civilians Can Fly Now For quality, fair price and _ , , trict or at the office of the Consult- lots. Sanford Laughlin, Rt. 1, Good April 1, 1945 bor the convenience of any people ¡n^ Engineers, John W. Cunningham service Carlton, Oregon. tf July 31 S. & M. FLYING SERVICE in Washington county who desite to & Associates, 1112 Spalding Building Blue Stamps T2 X2 SUGAR— J. B. Imlay & Sons avail themselves of the free X-rAy lemseives or tne iree A-ray Portland, Oregon. Copies may be ob- as FOR SALE - Boysenbcrry plants, June 2 Bernard Airport REEDVILLE ALOHA. ORE I service offeied^by the county public tajned upon a receipt of ten dollars FLIEI, OIL rooted tips or bearing plants. health association in co-operation <$ioo0) Phone Tigard 2468. 9 or a check for $10 00 made North End of Field on Cedar St. Far West Period 4 become good with the state tuberculosis associa- payable to the Di8trict. The deposit 1 Vebruarv 8 1 94 5 Beaverton, Ore. I'hone WE. *013 :ion, the following registration blank vvdj b(, refunded in case a bona fide SHOES—Loose SIIOK.H i i Stamps Invalid Electrical Appliances Repaired 12tf is printed. It may be clipped and ! bjd ¡H submitted and the Plans and Radios, Refrigerators, Washing Book 3—Airplane stamps No's. 1 DO YOU WANT YOUR ATTIC I mailed to: ; Specifications are returned in good 2 and 3 good indefinitely for one pair. Machines, Sewing Machine and all FINISHED?—Turn your unused household appliances—See Health1 cond>Hon, otherwise the deposit will WOOD. COAL SAWDUST— Washington County Public attic into attractive livable rooms. EDDIE OLDMAN be retained. Delivery by priorities based on writ­ Assn., Hillsboio Dry w’all plaster board finished to Johnson Road All proposals must be on the iegu- ten statements of needs. I would like to have a free chest suit. No critical materials used. lar blank forms furnished with the Opp. N. W. Christian Home or PRICE CONTROL— I X-Ray when the Chest X-ray unit j Specifications and must be accom- Marshall Wells Hdw., Beaverton | TED ERICKSON, Builder. Beav­ Refer price inquiries and com­ ¡comes to this community. erton 2281. tf | ; panied by certified check payable to tf; plaints to price clerk at your local ¡the West Slope Water District in an board. BROOD SOWS and Weaner Pigs Signed amount equal to or exceeding five per KARL’S NURSERY for Sale the year around, S. A. | cent (5r/c ) ot the total bid. A one When you give to the Red Cross Getter, Scholls. 12tf j Trees, Choice Shrubbery, hundred per cent (10004) corporate War Fund you are helping to support Address Perrenials surety performance bond will be re­ the program which provides blood FOR SALE—4 ft green slab. Aloha I '^ Mechanics work 48 hrs. per weekS quired to guarantee the faithful per- plasma an d whole blood for out- district $6 per cord. Block & Ed­ IN TIGARD 40 hours straight; 8 hours tim e j ; formance of the contract. The suc- wounded; you are making it possible ging $7 per cord. Beaverton-Ti- Rand a half. Good working condi-R Tele. No. -•, cessful bidder must also show evi- for the Red Cross to maintain more Across from St. Anthony's School R tlons. gard-Garden Home district 4 ft. **■ Permanent employment. k ^ ' dence of adequate liability and prop- than 6,000 trained workers with our 6-13 TIGARD APRIL 6 green slab $7 per cord. Block Sc j I erty damage insurance. J troops abroad; you are providing for 12 BEAVERTON APRIL Edgings $8 per cord. H. F. Elford, i The right is reserved to postpone! PANSIES, GIANT SWISS $1 Doz. Beaverton Enterprise, Aloha News, making the award for a reasonable the nurse's aide training program; for Forest Grove. Phone 56. tf! Perennials, Azaleas. Violas Tigard Sentinel, Multnomah Press i length of time or to reject any or instruction in home nursing,, nutri- Berry Plants, Shrubbery Home Refrigeration and washing .. . . . , tion, first aid and water safety; and Mrs Americo Russo of Philadelphia a11 bids for good and sufficient rea- are enab|ing the Rpd Cro88 and it„ CLYDE PERKENIAL GARDENS machine services Call K. R. Barber Blvd. at SW 28th gave birth to twins, a boy being bornjson9- alJd to a*^'ePt »** P«°P°8a» °r chapte, 8 to be prepared for disaster Twombly CH. 2267. 8tf at 11 p m. on New Year’s eve and a pto^sals deemed in the best ‘ nter*st r8li(>f y ou are a|80 helping In many CH. 3003 tf FOR SALE - Wood Circulating 506 S W Mill BE 3021 i girl a few minutes after midnight. of the District tegardless of bid prl- wayB Glve go that the Red crohs Heater $27.50. 7512 SW 27th, Mult­ I Change of Location PORTLAND iCeA priority rating of AA 3 has been car” ° n throughout the year. nomah Ore. 9 ED'S AUTO SERVICE granted for the project by the War Formerly of Metzger, Oregon You can use classified advs. to ad­ FOR SALE Bailed straw, 2 Buck­ Production Boaid. Will be at New Location at vantage. Plant one in this paper. WANTED eye Broode. stoves. H. K. Morton, By order of the Board of Commis­ ARRIS GARAGE IN TIGARD Bend Rd., Tigard, Phone Tigard sioners of the Phone Tigard 3465 10 While shipping eat at the Grey- 3363. 9 j West Slope Water District at the Greyhound Coffee Shop. Portland, Oregon, TRACTOR WORK—General gar­ FOR SALE—6 yr old Jersey Cow. j By W. D. Cameron, Chairman, and dening and tractor work. J. A. Lin- I BEAVERTON, OREGON 2 gal when fresh, in July. Roy i By Carl B. Salts, Secretary coin, Sorrento Road, 1% mi. South: ALSO Boag, O’Mara Rd., Tigard. 9« Dated nt Portland, Oregon this 20th date on or after July 1st, 1955, by of Beaverton. Phone Beaverton I notice in writing to the paying agent day of March 1945. 2713. Call mornings or even. 51tf j Live Poultry and Eggs FOR SALE—29 Ford Coupe. Good Date of first publication March 23, not less than Thlrt y(30) days befoie condition. Aloha 6429. 9 such interest paying date Interest Photographs become Portraits' 1945. Receiving A Dressing Plants: payment dates on said bonds shall ho When Colored in Oils Date of last publication March 30, Portland, McMinnville, Salem, FOR SALE—Comb. Gas Stove with j January 1st and July 1st of each Brides a Specialty—Special Rates 1945. Albany, Eugene, Roseburg, trash burner, reasonable. 388 Can -1 year. to Service Men—BE. 8435 5tf Redmond, Oregon. yon road, nr Short St., Beaverton 9 | Bidders shall name the rate of In­ Beaverton 3762 Notice of Bond Sale terest bid on said bonds, and whether NOW HATCHING- Hardy West- Main Office and Plant Sealed proposals will be received by the bid includes the cost of the legal Open 8:30 to 6 etn-Bred New Hampshire, White | LO ST & F O U N D the West Slope Water District, Wash­ opinion required. Bids must be de­ Leghorn, Parmenter and Barred Evenings by Appointment ington County, Oregon, for the pur­ livered to the undersigned at 527 Rock Chicks and Broad Breasted LOST—Vicinity Beaverton - Aloha, chase of $175,000 par value General Railway Exchange ..Building, Port­ Poults. Also custom hatching wallet containing rationing book, Obligation Bonds of said District In land. Oregon, by 5:00 o’clock P. M., from tested flocks.. ROSS HATCH­ keys, etc. Reward. Return to denominations of $1000 each, dated April 9, 1945, and must be accompan­ ERY, Aloha, Ore. Phone 6441. 8 V CENTRALLY Fred Van Horn, Sherwood, R4 or April 15, 1945, beating Interest from ied by a certified check in the sum ,j LOCATED Phone Scholls 8367. 9 8. E. Oak Street, Portland, Ore. the date thereof, matuiing as follows: of $3500 as a good faith deposit. VILLA RIDGE NURSERY Close to bus trans­ $4000 on July 1st of each year, 1946, Bids will be opened publicly at the Fruit, Nut, Shade and Thone I'.Ast 5141 poi tation and: to 1950, Inclusive, regular meeting of the Hoard of Com­ I W ANTED Flowering Trees walking distance ; $5000 on July 1st of each year. 1951 missioners on April 9, 1945. at the Berry Plants and Shrubbety t jl from downtown. to 1952, inclusive; District Office, at West Slope. O n WANT TO RENT — Furnished 2 14 miles East of Tigard $6000 on July 1st, 1953; gon, at 8:30 P. M. o’clock. The right bedroom house, vicinity Beaverton. Fruit, Nut, Flowering and Shade 6 4 miles W. of Portland, on $7000 on July 1st of each year, 1954 Is reserved to reject any or all bids. R. G. Vernon, Veterinarian, Gen. Trees, Roses, Berry Plants Batbur Boulevard to 1958, Inclusive; CARL B SALTS. Delivery, Beavetton. 9 Shrubs, etc. 11SS3 SW 64th Phone CH. 2928 $8000 on July 1st of each year, 1959 Secretary 12 DRESSMAKING—Stockings mend­ to 1971, inclusive. I+irge supply of peaches, apples, Date of first publication Murch 23, All Bonds maturing after July 1st, 1945. ing, button holes, etc. Aline Jung, pears, cherries, prunes, plums, ap­ PAPERING—Painting & Kalso- 1955 may he redeemed at par. plus ac­ ricots, walnuts and filberts as well Rt I, box 628 Tigard, red btlck hse Date of last publication: April 6. mlning. neat, experienced work­ as roses, flowering shrubs, and crued interest, on any Interest paying 1945 end of McDonald Ave. 11 man L. L Seeley, R 2, Bx 180-A berry plants. Large oi chard plant­ Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 2516 ers, Order Now while our stock Is ACREAGE Si HOMES WANTED 40tf still complete! Our new 1945, 40- W’ e can sell your home, farm or , •Tfcey’r« growing l i k o w o o d » page catalogue is now available acreage. Have hundred« of buy- , HIDES A WOOL CAST ARA—A since I o to r to d them o n . . . upon request. To call at our nur­ ers that have cash. Your Wash- , specialty. LEE BROS., 25 SW MORTICIAN sery, take highway 99W. We are ington County specialist. Located TRIANGLE CHICK STARTER* Clay Portland. AT. 5334. tf SW FOURTH AT MONTGOMERY located 17 miles southwest of Port­ in Poitland at foot of Canyon Rd. ATwater 2181 land or 1 mile past Six Corners. Call B R 1475 or write L. H. BRAWAND The firti eight week* are a critical period Do not leave highway 99W. Watch WAYNE E. NAGLE Builder and Cabinet Maker fo r your chicks. Play safe by starring them on for our sign. 1800 SW Jefferson, Portland 1. Ore. ; Metzger, Oregon ihe road to sturdy health with Triangle Chick TUALATIN VALLEY NURSERIES Portland Phon«—CHerry 2929 WE CURE AND SMOKE Starter--« carefully balanced ration built to fill Unit cabinets, precision built, any Route 3, Box 310 YOUR PORK CUTS their requirements for proper development. style drawers and doors; finish­ Sherwood, Oregon WEST END 25 years Experience PCLLITS-AT VOyR TRIANCll DCAURS I MASH OH PILLET! ed all sides. Anyone can set them. ALDER MARKET SEJ.LWOOD BRIDGE ALL KINDS OF BUILDING Lewis Bros. and CABINET MAKING Cor. 1st and Washington SL CREMATORIUM Sltf PORTLAND, OREGON ( MAUSOLEUM For Bottor Results Food TRACTOR WORK Of all kind» Commercial Orchard Si Town SEPARATORS — MILKERS CEMETERY Plowing, Disking, Cultivating, and SPRAYING COMPLETE EQUIPMENT AND Mowing. L A. Scheel, Rt. 1, Bx. All Purpose Spraying SUPPLIES FOB THE DAIRY Complete Funeral Servlre In New 334, Tigard. % mi. west of Hiway CLINE BROS INDUSTRY Cathedral Chapel at No Extra cost on Gaarde Rd. l.afav ette, Oregon. Box 163 Riverside Is a co-operative asso­ PHONE LAFAYETTE OREGON ciation with assets of over $800.000 P. E. HAGG Hauling Contractor CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK— Concrete, Sand. Gravel. Masons Plowing and Discing. D. P. Mac Sand. Crushed Rock and Donald, Ruby Ave.. Rt. 2. Box 218. H lM C ir t N r 4 D M r fta k r t * P |v R SPECIAL "V E N T IL A T E D ” Road Gravel Beaverton, Oregon. Phone Beav­ R6, Bx 694, Portland 1. Oregon erton 2280. 50tf DAIRYMAN Phone Tigard 2+46 PIANO TUNING TRACTOR WORK WANTED t o e n a n o Cea - la ir L a m ( i r r and REPAIRING Plowing and Grading Portland Concrete Pipe & Product» Co. CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK Let phone ALOHA 6612 PHONE CHerry »437 us plow your garden Howard 5819 SW Macadam Ave., Portland, 1 Oregon AT. 8384 Beaverton, Oregon AT. «Ml 13« NW Park 2nd house North of Wm. Smith. Johnson Rd A Dlvls Kraft Cheese Co. L ion sts , Phont Beevsrton 2463 4tf >0 tf l ALDER BROOK RABBIT RV CASH Notice to Contractors [iiS Ì S MECHANICS I Ü * Ì 1 S OREGON MOTOR STAGES s Kepler Davenport Co. TURKEYS Recovering and Modernizing Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products Co. J. P. Finley & Son Riverview Cemetery 0 e Laval TRIANGLE CHICK STARTER illhme ifnieff, I S CONCRETE COMNET BLOCKS GEORGE F. GORDON c. See your Building Material Dealer