A PUBLISH ED W E E K L Y IN OUR P L A N T ON VO L. 18, XQ . 9 SHORT ST. A N D C A N Y O N H IG H W A Y Beaverton, Oregon. Friday, March 30. 1945 Ration Board Moves Monday N ew Lumber Co. In Beaverton GO TO CHURCH ON E ST AB LISH E D 1927 Here and There To Conduct Mosdames J G. Eisenhauer, J. R. P K n /llr Talbert, L. S. P rieske and M. C. M>- U llV V l/ift K ercher attended a m eeting o f the j representatives ot the O regon Tuber- . ---------• i-uiosis association of W ashington Officers to Check Brakes ¡cou n ty F riday night at the o ffice o f * • I , r . , . Mrs Zola M oigan, executive secretary ^ April 15 to June 1 ¡the county public health association .! , Special gifts this w eek from local I b’ atal tra ffic accidents in which . organisations to the Red Cross W ar ! failure was a causative factor ¡fu n d were $10 from the Cub Scout > sho'ved an tni-r«*ai4e of 28 per cent in I P ack No. 517 and $10 from the j ° rekon in 1844. com pared to 1013, C heerio Club, also <12 from Gil 1 Scout 18ecretary o f State R obert S. Farrell said today. There were nine fatal troops No. 49 and No. 76 There are now tw o differen t con ­ accidents involving this factor last cerns at the Bernard A irport teaching year, com pared to seven the previous people how to fly C. Chadw ick has yeai. "A s vehicles get older, there is just returned to his place after three Leave Contributions at Bank brakes will years with the U. S air forces. The greater possibility that S. it M. 8 lying Service also opened not be in good operating con d ition ,” I A nyone who wishes to donate to the "F o r that reason, it is up an o ffic e on the same field at the Farrell said. . ” KTIIE1- ; CH URCH O F T H E N A Z A R E N E > Red Cross W ar Fund, and has been ch eck their NE end on Cedar Street. T heir men im portant that drivers C O N G R E G A T IO N A L C H U RCH ! Leonard C. Johnson Pastor j overlook ed in the canvass o f this dis­ brakes m ore often, to assure they were in the U. S. air forces and are R ev. F. T. Sturtevant, P astor 9:45 a. m. E aster Sunday School t r i c t . can send their con tribu tion to are capable o f stopping the vehicle _ 6 45 a .m . Easter Dawn Service in program . Pastel Easter drawing ready to teach flying to civilians. the First Security Bank or to M is. J. In the issue o f M arch 9th First Lt. within a safe distance. IR. Talbert. R eceipts, sticker, and ! B e ,h e * Church garden conducted by Lasting m om ento to all who are in "D uring the period A pril 15 to Juno W arren J Smith, pilot o f a Liberator the young people o f the com m unity, attendance lapel tabs will be mailed to donor. 1, law enforcem ent officers in Oregon A large num ber o f Beaverton busi­ 9 45 a. nt. Church School. Miss j 11 a. m. Easter S e rv ice—"B ehold B om ber was reported missing over Y ugoslavia Since that tim e he has will be con ductin g brake ch eck s as A m arette B am s, Supt. ness men and the City C ouncil met I He is Risen". Easter music. Red Gross Drive Returns been reported killed in action. Sym- 1l,art a national program sponsored with the city fi.e m e n at their regu­ 11 a. m. E aster Service. 6:30 p m Hi-N Y. and N Y. P S. pathy is extended to his m other, Mrs. by the International A ssociation of A ll o f the district areas in W ash- lar m eeting T uesday night to discuss 5:30 p. m. Vesper service. Spec- 7 * p m The Last Pavs o f Christ rZ, s * th 7 , m i?n e r ’ I Chief ' '"h iefs o f Police. I earnestly sug plans for housing the O P A rationing ‘ n£ ton County have not com pleted ; ial ch oir music, Fellow ship hour. that every m otorist ch eck his ? iw m o„T h . and board in the city hall and the need th ei‘ Quota for the Red Cross drive, | and music. An unusual Kastei Pvt. H arold Peterson arrived l a s t ibrakes now, so that there will be no fo r housing a truck. W hen the fire- but ' « P o r t s com in g in as o f M arch , M E T H O D IST C H U R CH ening sei-vice. ,, , Saturday tot a ten day furlough at occasion foi citing drivers with tnade- station was built it was intended to i 24 are given A dditional m oney is A lbert S. H isey, D. P., M inister VVednesday 7:30 p. m P r a y ., and :the hom e o( hi„ MeX m e . > U» te broken. ’ house three trucks and now the city i being received daily and it is hoped M issionary Study. Palm Sunday H airy B aines and Milton M etcalfe. ' D ining the brake em phasis program has fou r and som e shelter would have ,h e f ntire county will he ovet the top Sunday School 9:45 a. m. The O. E. S Social club held a par- I April 15-June 1 o ffice rs will conduct to be made to care fo r the fourth one. i by Saturday. R uth P ace Supt. W E S T IIU .I.S ! ty at the M asonic T em ple on the 24th. i the brake ch eck on all passenger cars A fter som e discussion it was d e c id -' Area 1. quota o f $11.500 have turned Classes fo r all ages. L U T H E R A N CH URCH stopped for any tra ffic violation. T here were eleven tables in play. ed to build an addition to the fire in *9807 or 86.06%. Area 2, quota of W orsh ip H our 11 a. m. Canyon R oad, near Sylvan Maxine Cady is spending her E as­ house for the truck and the recorde 53.600, 106.97% or $3851.16. Area 3 A cordial w elcom e for all. W erner J. Fritz, Minister ter vacation from U. o f O. with the w as asked to have the architect, Mr. quota $4000, quota 87.88% or $3,514.79. Easter Sunday home folks, and Ida Felsher is home A nnand, w ho had planned the orig- This includes M etzger with $579 63, ALOHA ST. C E C E L IA CHURCH Children's Service, 9 45 a. m. R eci- front O. A. C. inal structure, to m ake d .a w in g s fo r , Tigard, $1594.66: Tualatin $282.30. Easter Sunday m asses 7 and 9 a. m. [ teaUonT‘and music. M is. Elm ei the addition. Mrs. V. D. Calw ay is chairm an. Stipe was installed W alter T u rn er, S 2 /c is spending a Festival Service 11 m. Serm on M arch 21st as Princess Marshall o f short leave with his parents Mr. and O ver $300 was raised at this m e e t-' A rea 4— Mrs. J. R T a lb e.t ch air­ ALO H A COM M U N ITY CH URCH Easter R ealities.” Nydia Tem ple No. 4 D aughters o f the Mrs. W . G. Turner. ing tow ard the addition and petitions man Beaverton. $2135.60; Cedar Mill, He is just re­ G raydon D. Loree, P astor Choir anthem ; “ In Joseph’s Lovely Nile. are being circulated to raise addi- ,5154.34; Garden H om e $387.00; St. cov erin g from an attack o f scarlet Garden." Solo: "H e is R isen ’’ by Wultei Van Kleek is convalescing fever. tional m oney . ' M ary’s Girls school, $20. Q u o ta ! Sunday Sch ool 9:50 a. n i M ary A ntrim , Supt. M. Arthur Sheasley. at his hom e after eight weeks spent —----------------------------- $3.700, 109.07% or $4,035.44. Mr. and Mrs. W . I^mir a ie now em ­ 12:30 p. m. Baptism al service for in a Portland hospital. « p .4 ! Area 5— A. N. W etterborg, c h a ir m a n ; M orning w orship I I a. m. ployed at H art's H atchery. The choir will present special E as - 1 children, i r e m e n tSusy IV Ien ¡W est Slope, quota $2750 turned in | Mr. und Mrs. U nderw ood nee Lutie Mr. and Mrs. T. W illiam s have left ter music. Serm on: "Idle Tales or j B oring o f Salem w eie calling on for Fort M organ, C oloiad o. --------- ¡88.13% or $2423^65. Mr. and __________ C H U R CH O F C H R IST B eaverton friends Tuesday. They Mrs. K olstcad plan to Yeturn to their N um erous fires have kept the local j Area 6 --C . J. Stickney, chairm an. Living Truth.” firem en busy recently, but they al- ; $208 from Coope. Mt., Bethany $382, Y outh Fellow ship Groups. 6:39 p. m. G eorge W . Springer, P astor I lived here m any years, Mrs. Under­ form er home. ways m anaged to get to the fire M cK inley $125. A loha-H uber $693 15,1 E ven ing Service 7 30 p. m. I T here will be a special E aster pro- \ w ood will be rem em bered as an as- R ich ard and L arry G roesberk have qu ick ly and not m uch ..dam age has 112.69% or $1,408.65 o f quota o f $1.250. ; Serm on “ B lood is T hick er than gram by the Bible School at 9:45 a. at the Post O ffice, had m ore than their share o f ch ild ­ W ater.” been done by fi.e . Sunday they were m. Special m usic by church choir. I A second dry cleaning establlsh- rens diseases. T hey had just recov­ T he ordinance of baptism will be T opic o f serm on called to the B Shelton hom e at R a y A n t r i m R e p o r t s "W h y is it Judged l ment wUl be opened on B roadw ay ered from scarlet fever when they adm iniste:ed at the close o f the ev­ In c.ed ib le with You, if G od Doth 1 noai Eedai St. W est Slope and put out a fire in the _ 3 . /-> il j T he brick building cam e down with ch icken pox. ening service. g a ia g e which was threatening the r uncis Collected Raise the Dead,” 1 now *s used as a blacksm ith shop. It R eedville P. T. A. met recently and F ollow ing the serm on, the L ord ’s having been purchased by Mr. and elected new o fficers. house. M uch credit goes to Guy R ay L. Antrim o f Aloha, ch a irm a n ) T hose who will R E E D V IIJ .E COM M U N ITY supper will be obsetved. (M rs. Hans Rasm ussen o f Allen Ave. serve fo r the ensuing year are; Mrs. W oodw orth, captain, and A rchie Ol- Qf W ashington County ch apter o f the P R E S B Y T E R IA N C H U R CH A fter the L ord ’s supper there will i Mrs E lm er W alters has returned R . W . G roesbeck, president; Mrs. A Speedy Claussen and H arvey N ational Foundation for In fan tile hom e from a ten days visit to her A. C arlson, vice-p res.; Mrs. I’ Z. H ar­ W illiam s in their m anner o f handling paralysis W ednesday sent in' his re-1 Sunday School 10 a. m. Mrs Otto be a brief ciass session. C hristian E ndeavor 6 30 p. m. husband In Modesta. California, where ris secreta ry; Mrs. Jam es Becker, *'re8- port for the recent drive. He wishes j ^ ¡S i. Y ou n g P eople’s C. EL 7 p. m. T here will be a special evening pro- be is undergoing special treatm ent treasurer. ~ ~ ~ ” ¡to express appreciation to R ev. Stur- **"" P rayer M eeting and Bible study, gram at 7:30 p. m. The program will for a badly shattered light arm. Mr. Mrs. E. J. IwiRtie and Mrs. J. B eck ­ New Stamps Good April 1 tevant o f Beaverton, Mrs. N. P. John- | ; Thursday, 7 p. m. consist o f pantom ine, short play, spec- "h e r s went over seas last O ctober er were in ch arge o f refreshm ents Five new stam ps, w orth 10 points 'I ¡son. Cedar Mill and Vern O. Bishop W orsh ip Service 11 a. m. ial m usic . The m eeting will close iecelved his wound at the fron t in De- which was served In the m uslo room . each for a total o f 50 red points! have ¡o f T igard for thei: excellent m anage- with a brief m essage by the pastorj «em ber and _ spent the next tw o( The R eedville sch ool are planning been validated for the A pril rationing ment o f the drive in their com m unity, P IL G R IM L U T H E R A N C H U R C H m onths in a hospital in E ngland be-|an entertainm ent to be given April and a baptism al service. period, F rederick Janney, district i A ccordin g to his report A loha do- the States M idweek Bible study and prayer fore 'o ie returning to m o United united sta te s[p «; a t the schoolhouse to raise funds The Bible Church O PA rationing executive, announced nated $528.27, R ay L. Antrim chair- j He is looking forw ard to com ing j for a ncw stove for the sch ool kltch- B ox 697, Beaverton service Wed. at 8 p. m. today. T he new red stam ps are K-2 j m a n ; Beaverton, Rev. F .a n cis Sturte- home on a furlough in another month, j en - a M ajor B ow es" m usical p :o - thru P2. T he yare good from A pril | vant. $439.46; Tigard. Vern O. B ishop.; F arm ington R d . at Menlo Drive Capt. Jim Miller, son o f Mrs. Ned gram is planned and m any other W alter R . Buhl, Pastor AI.O IIA A SS E M B L Y O F GOD 1 thru July 31. ¡$746.46; W est Slope R ev. W erner E. | B yfield, has been hom e for a few good numbers. Sunday Service 11 a. m. The five new blue stamps, each ¡F ritz; $96.54; Cedar Mill, Mrs. N. P. Sunday School 10 a. m. hours before goin g over seas. Sunday School 10 a. m. w orth 10 points fo r a total o f 50 blue : Johnson, $198.85. City totals o f the W orsh ip 11 a. m. Mrs. O. W Cobb o f W illam lna, Ore­ C hurch o ffic e hours: T hursdays — points, are T2 thru X2 They are g o o d ^ o u n t y $6957.83. with county organiza- T hursdays 7:45 p. m. gon, m o th e r.o f Lyle H. Cohb and sis-. m _ L _ I I m U s s V I T R M a I a « I to 7 p. m. tion expenses o f $165.79, leaving $ 6 - from April 1 thru July 31. ter of Mrs. A nna M. Fahrique o f . 745.59 o f w hich 50% is retained for T H E V AJ.LE Y ] Beaverton. pnHsed to the great beyond C H A P E L S E R V IC E the cou n ty the rem ainder to be fo r­ C O M M U N ITY CH URCH ■ Sunday at her home. All her rela­ Carl G. Heisel Honored B E A V E R T O N F U L L G O SPE L warded to the N ational Foundation. U N IT E D P R E S B Y T E R IA N tives from here-n n d Portland attend- T he new unit o f the Aloha-H uber On M atch 21, Carl G. Heisel. one o f The theatre in B eaverton donated ! O rville J. Poulin, Minister j ed her funeral on W ednesday In the school was dedicated on Tuesday, the local representatives o f the Stand­ j $221.13 collected and the Joy T h ea tre, 4110 S W Gabel Lane I. O. O. F. Hall B eaverton Church Ie n u r n i o oi f C hiist, W illam lna She, M ih 20, at a program w hich preceded R ev. H. A. A rm ltage. pastor ard Oil Co., was called to their P ort- ! ¡n T igard $155.35 Sundays 7:45 p. m. had been a great su fferer ttie past ; the regular P. T A meetings The land O ffice where he was presented 10:30 a. m. M orning W orship E verybod y w elcom e. year. j Rev. Grayden D. Loree o f the Aloha with a pin representing 25 consecu-1 Miss B row n o f Salem is visiting j Baptist Church was m aster o f cere- tive years in the "ordei o f service” . her sister in law Mrs. B ertha B iow n | m onies for the follow in g program . Elm er Holstad. Asst. Dist. Mgr. for Felto-Gram Service Good Friday Service and other B eaverton friends. Invocation R ev. Loree. F lag sa­ the com p an y presented the pin in the Mrs. Bertha B row n has sold her lute T h ird Grade. 8 o n f;s—Third presence of Charles ..H. Bussey, At Nazarene Church At Methodist Church hom e on B roadw ay to make her home Grade, introduction o f school d liec. B ranch M anager for the com pan y in with her daughter whose husband tors, follow ed by sonng, First Grade, the Tualatin Valley district. The Friday night at 8 p. m. the church-1 T he last days o f Christ before the has enlisted. i Band. Mr. Bushnell director, song presentation was follow ed by a lunch­ ' es o f B eaverton will bring to a close C rucifixion will be presented in Felto- Mrs. Eliz. Johnson, m other o f Mrs. Fifth Grade, Speaker, D orothy Lynch eon.. Mr. Heisel was em ployed by this the series o f H oly W eek Services gtam and music at the Church o f the L. L M ye.s, is visiting in Dilley, O r . 1 Portland, Bureau o f Parks, song, Sev- com p an y at T illam ook 9 years, W heel- N azarene Sunday evening at 7 30. R egistrations of 350 people are ! beginning last M onday night. er 8 years. T aft 3, he spent the last 5 needed fo r each o f the six days the! Each night at a d iffe.en t church Scripture and fitting music for each i Lieut. Vic Ektund, w ife and b a h y je n th Grade, w histling solo, Mary Jane of Portland, were dinnet guests o f 1 Martyn, readings, Mrs. H otchkiss, years in Beaverton. state tuberculosis association's chest one o f the m inisters ot B w v - scene wi l l odd m uch to f H i OtM Srv Mr. and Mrs. Guy A lexander la s t ; solo, L arry W alker, quartet, Eighth Mr. and Mrs. Heisel now live alone X -ray su ivey m obile unit will be in erton, has brought a m essage per- ance o f this glad Easter Season Mr. Eklund has recent- Grade boys. —their son Peter, 22 yea a old is in W ashington county, a ccordin g to M is. taining to the days o f Christ b e fo .e T he Sunday School is presenting its W ednesday. ly returned from overseas bringing A ftei the program the m eeting w as the 7th Arm y abroad and their daugh- z Q|a M organ, exeecutive se c.e ta ry of the C rucifixion. Tonight. G ood-Fri- program at the 9 45 houi at which news o f Ted Hetu. turned over to Mrs. E m erirk. the ter Zelda is spending her first year at th e. county public health association. [ day. the day observant o f the Cruci- tim e a pastel E aster draw ing will he Mrs Guy Carr o f Sorrento is en- president for a short business m eet­ O regon State College. ; which is sponsoring the visits. ; fixion o f out Lord, R ev. G eorge Sprin- m ade by an artist in the local church. , , y , _ . . . . * . . , . ,, , „ ,,, . —. . , . . 1 1 tertainlng her m other M is. Anderson ing The secretary read the m inutes R egistrations are being taken b y . ger will speak. Com m union will be | T he m orning w orship service at 11 i s ea 8 |de and a letter from the Htate H ighw ay Mrs. J. M. P e.son , Hillsboro, I. R seived at the close of the service will have as its aim, the Present*- ‘ .. . _ . Married March 16 I * a I highway Metzler, Beaverton, and Mrs. Jack The com m unity o f Beaverton is c o .d tion o f the Glad B aste M essage with ; BnKl n4*, ^ At Beaverton Annan T igard , ially invited to participate In this m usic expiessim - the jm o f t h . Uc t „ „ u R Sl l , , (llIthllax Thl.,e M s . Jer Jersey reported on the lunch- Miss M artha E lizabeth W uthrtch M obile unit will be at the follow ing closing service. The service will be o f Christ s R esurrection J 1 were three tables in play and dainty room. A total o f 3624 meals were and Donald R obertson Smith were locations from 9 30 a. m. to 4 p. m .:|held in the Methodist Church. *i refreshm ents w eie served served during the last month. Mrs. mar: ied March 16 at the Christian 'rjj{artj high school, April 6 ; Beaver The se vice will begin at 6 45 i m S d c C I b I E a s t P r P r O R T S m The cake sale last Saturday o f the ! Butherts reported on the silverw are C hurch in B eaverton by Rev G enige t0„ M gh school A pr:: I -------------------------- K --------- Auxiliary o f W orld W ar 1 Veterans situation. It w as voted to buy six Springer. T he church w as beautifully p e .sons who have registered for the ! Easter Dawn Services A special Easter program will be was a grand success financially. I dozen fo lk s and teaspoons and one decorated with flow ers. f ree X -rays will receive appointm ent --------- given by the you ng people o f the O. E 8 . Social Club had a food sale dozen tablespoons. M oney to pay the Mr. W u th .lch gave his daughter In car(js designating the time assigned The young people of the c h u r c h e s C hurch o f Christ Sunday e v e n in g 1 and cafeteria luncheon on Thursday i co o k for the m onth o f April was ap- m arriage The brides dress w as o f Biank applications are to be found o n j _ rt narticinating Ap 1 ill he spe< il at the T em ple. | p ropria'ed R. E. Ma island o f the K ingsley i Lum ber y a :d s announces the opening j o t the K ingsley-B eaverton Lum ber The O P A rationing board at Beav- i yard in quarters previously occupied erton, stationed fo r a long time in by the Beaverton Lum ber Co. on j the o ffic e of the Beaverton Lum ber Front Street and Hall. Y ard on Front Street, will m ove to ' Mr. Chester B akken will be the lo- ; their new quarters in the city hall, ! cal manager. F iist and Main Streets, on M onday, The yard will be open A pril 1, 1 A pril 2. The ration board will be for business. T hey will occu p y the 1 closed all day M onday and M onday o ffice also which the O P A rationing ev®n ' n* ' i board has occu pied for som e time. T he rationing board will be open to ■ T hey will handle a full line o f lum- i the public Tuesday, A pril 3 in the ! ber, roofing, mill work, insulating | city hall at 8:30 a. m. R egular hours boards, etc., also D utch B oy Paints , during the week days are 8:30 a. m. j and builders hardware, to 3 p. m. and on Saturday till 12 m. \ -------------------------------- 111 Ills To Build Addition To Fire Station F Al0llcl~llUD6r F I A NOtGS Should Register For X-ray Visit Mrs. O G eorge, president nf Coun ¡th is year in an Easte D « r m usic by the church orchestra, select- held as ' yeai in the garden ed inst:um ental num bers chorus . . ty Council was iS t l H e w d An Open Letter I • . Congregat onal Church Rev a w n b e re and epectal vocal num bers 1 Van Brown in Greece county council meets at B onny Blopt W illiam Gearhart, Men's Secretary Miss A rleta B oge will pantom ine "T h e --------- ' on April 10 from 10 to 3 o ’clock. _ , . ~~Z _. of the Portland Central Y M C. A. is Old R ugged C ross.” Ruth Zim brlnc i Captain Van Brown, son o f Mrs A bout 300 people attended the p :o - Deal Friends of Camp Fire The Kinunka and Tawanka groups to be the D evotional spea'aei ; the w m sing the num ber A short dram a i ^ e R ichey, w ho is a flight surgeon gram and open-house. R efreshm ents o f Camp Fire girls and their guard- Christian Church orchestra will play '-The Scene at the T om b " will also be attached to the A m erican Air Trans- were served In the cafeteria follow ing ____ ___ Doty a n d ; and young people of the various given d h ected hy Miss M argueriette port Com m and is now stationed i n . the meeting. ‘ _____ "a s. wish to _______ thank _ Mi Greece, writes hom e that the British i — - - other m em bers of the City Council, churches will con d uct the balance of J a ckson E veryone Is invited . ^ ^ ^ m aking o u rU h e service Y oung and old o f B o v - ----------------------------- , have taken over the adm inistration n r.n . __ after the Germ ans left. A m erican s! COOPER M T. ^ Planting project. May we ex erton and vicinity are urged to atten y 0 Share B u r d e n of a ie a rarity in the streets o f Athens. -— — and they are very well liked by th e ' T he C ooper Mt P T A are O t '. w . Nur«r> who do. High School» to Hold Policing City civilians, w ho have a great adm lra planning a cake sale Saturday. C H M ayfield and C R. Shearer t|on for anything A m erican. Much March 1 at the Adam s and McClos- have consented to share the respon- 0f their goods was made in the U S .; key real estate stores In Beaverton. ,ike to O regon State College The ann . al sibtlitles o f night w atchm an, tem por- cars, plumbing, clothes, etc. T he Mrs. A. T. Cavaness last w eek turn­ Bushnell and fhe School Band for sta't7 tournam ent 'o f the Oregon High artly. for th - Gity of B eaverton Since p* oP|, for the most part a e extrem e- ed over $208 to Mr Stickney. collec­ their muairal n um ber., which helped c v hool Speech league will be held Mr A ntrohus left to visit the scene ly poor and there , , . great Infla- tions from the Red Cross drive. »o m uch to m ake our tree planting h, re A pn l 12 13. and 14 unde a new o f his childhood after 25 years ab- t|on, with a big black m arket. A m er ( „ . T he P T. A are giving a card par- project a success. A fter our visit to plan for alternating this event he- sence , it has been alm ost im possible ¡can CjK aritts sell for as m uch as $2 ty and com m unity gathering_on April secure anyone to take his place a p a citt and for a few can dy bars, a ' 7 at C ooper Mt. school. T he pro- the City Park, the Cam p Fire girls tw r„ n the , ta, e college and state uni- to entertained their guest at a party Ve rsity cam pus First second and , The new o ffic e r s will w ork altern- can 0j beans or a bar o f soap you gram and refreshm ents will be In can bargain for most anything in the ¡ch a rg e o f the men in the association, held in the School Play Shed Lunch- third piace winners will be selected ate nights. ght d _ shopa. He a I the spring there Members are w ondering what the re- Kirat GIRL SCOUT N E W S 1 really delightful, and will be a wel- freshm ents will be They arc trary Tuesday marked another T aw anka from the follow ing high schools ex- com e change after a rather dam p oecrativs about th e lf plans but say a . _ _ l n i . e s n rfhdav - tem ----------- m I i I . « P eaverton .A v .rf nn : after- h i_ . h‘ . . . . _ m Camp Birthday pore m speaking B r ;it| S couts I IS ate having a clou dy winter In E ngland and S cot- with stron g em phasis -’’T h ere will ¡be no cake, no sandwiches, no salad” , week Mrs M adden invited the Ta- gtnner speaking. Grants Pass: poetry w ood carvers display in the cleane a land : everyone is w ondering if it will be — wanka group to a surprise party, giv- „.„d in g . Cottage G ove; debate Beav- w indow It will be there a few weeks _ . - *trin a ^ ^ ,ia ^ghtei U Patricia Leen „ r. Q^ o r a to n C oivalli* group di»- T he Girl Scouts went to the Aloha A pp-oxim ately 26 000 enumerator«! iB e a n a B eans B e a n y en for her daughter Patrie:ia speaking. D airy Tuesday M arch 20, 1945 to . pass are con ductin - g the 1945 U. . S. agrtcu! B oge a new mem ber, won a tongue CUa*ton M edford; radio . --------, -------— , . ---------------- - , _ . #fttved for a pr je co rv a i:i* and hum « oua reading Sa- s requirem ent in their cook* badge ture censua which under w ey o n , T ou r hom e tow n paper ta only $1 tw w ter^fem * an . c # r y j J##n ghorti g c r l b 4 j , nuary a y^r Subecrlhe now. an autograph book. r n 'l l ^ ^ ^ H e r ^ m g e r t ^ T o ^ t a V h ’eld another page ° f^ h is j> a p e r . sw eetheart halo. prayer book w ith, bouvardia. Mrs. Helen Hul- l>Urt'i "J1* w e n T " irH hcarr?ed sweet peas Miss D onnis Katterm an wAro rT r * « aln frlhlue the wore m e bridesm aid, aid w on « cm o f blue rwertUp e a / " “¡ 1 ,^ 2 ::« « • I .. . .m.Xh-r^p"r.of. p . x . Ted B lotter was the other attendant rhMrAbr*b !rIm en t Ww ith h Mir s r Clara H a«km « n T M r s M artha T horne p e- hv tbe usherettes f * A f U r * * * short y w edding trip the c i r ui tlTeir home near Es- couple will m ake their hom e - “ ‘ m V . « .« th . «laiiehte o f the b rid e g ro o m s father is A. O- Smith. —■ -- not a toes Use o f only c * rtlfl^ ^2 . „ a is m u ch m IIIU1S ------------------------ is mu m ore Im portant ^than seea potato treatm ent in avoiding crop _ . .. rn n n tv loaae* and diaappointm env voum y Agent P alm er 8 T onend adviaes Victory gardener». , f «. u .«osc - in place by a lace She car led a white gardenias and pink The bride s sister.