Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1945)
% Friday, March 23, 1945 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E , Beaverton, Oregon amount equal to or exceeding five per ■ g n u W H U íia g m = iii = iii= iB = iu * iH 5 iif= iu a W 5 iir s jn 5 m = m 5 iii= m = in E iii= iii= 'it = lUCiM cent <5*v) of the total bid A one mH hundred per cent (100r'< ) corporate Notice to Contractors m ¡surety performance bond will In- re quired to guarantee the faithful per- WANT TO BUY—5 or 6 room hse Sealed proposals addressed to the foi mance of the contract. The suc- Beaverton vicinity. Call BR. 0720 ^ est Slopjp W ater^Dlstrict^9Q25 S. oessful bidder must also show evi- ' CULVERT SEWER DRAIN Canyon Road, Zone 1, Oregon and dence of adequate liability and prop- ü.' collect. § endorsed ‘Proposal for Water Supply erty damage insurance a Must Accompany All ili SEE YOUR BUILDING M ATERIAL DEALER ill Improvements. West Slope. Water, The right is reserved to postpone - WANT CARPENTER WORK — CLASSIFIED ADS by hr or contract. J. R. Hobbs. District” , will be received at the of- making the award for a reasonable ¡B I M Portland Concrete Pipe & Products Co. c Beaverton 26 o 7 io ficc of the District at West Slope un-; lernrth of time oi to reject any or j 3} C«unt each word. Including Name Ü* * 1 _'Lar .T1" ,e OI] hid.- for good and sufficient rea- = 5819 S.W. Macadam Av\, Portland, 1, Oregon ATwater S384 5 and address—ONLY 2c A WORD WALNUTS — EII.BERTS the fourth day of April 1945. and sons, and to accept the proposal or | III III No Phone Order» Taken Walnut Meats Filbert Meats thereafter will be publicly opened proposals deemed in the best interest I iu=iii=iii=iii= ni=iii=iii= iM2iiisiii=iii=uisiii=iii=iiisiii=iiisin=iiiGin£ni=nr?tii=iiiEin=iii=ui We Pay Cash on Receipt and read. Awa:d or awards will be of the District regurdless of bid pri- We Publish the ¡made at a meeting of the Comm s- Ces at our plant BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE sion to be held at 8:00 P M , P. W. THE TltlAKI) A priority rating of AA-3 has been T , on the Sixth day of April 1945. NUT PACKING CO. TIOARD SENTINEL granted for the project by the War tf The proposed work consists of fur- Production Board. MULTNOMAH PRESS —-------------------------------------------------- nishing and installing a 12 " I. D. By order of the Board of Commis ALOHA NEWS BOARDING SCHOOL —Individual water supply line from the Portland sioners of the attention. Special diet for nervous City water supply system along Can- West Slope Water Distiict Complete Eastern Washington County anemic children. 1111 NW 25th yon Road and extending to the Dis- Portland. Oregon. and Western Multnomah County Ave., Portland-10-Oregon. 8 trict’s 100.000 gallon steel storage By W. D. Cameron. Chairman, and •overage. tank and the Installation of fe<d< By Carl B. Salts. Secretary We assume no financial responsi j and distribution mains within the wa-1 Dated at Portland, Oregon this 20th bility fer errors <which may appear in ter District. The distribution sys- day of March 1945. advertisements ’ published in these TO RENT—8 acres good garden tern work includes the laying of pri- j Date of first publication March 23. columns but in case where this paper ground, summer fallowed. fall , mary feeder mains, the bulk of which 194a. la at fa lit will reprint that part of plowed, no rocks. Reasonable. are 12 " I. D . some of which is to be Date of last publication March 3(1 aa advertisement in which the typo mile South Tigard on Highway 99 114 ” I. D. as well as some 8 ” and 6 ” 1945. graphical mistake occurs. at Trailer House. 8 distribution mains. The 12 ” supply \ ----------- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — line is to be placed in a trench now NlrOi#-.» R ,„ , j c_| „ •occupied by a 6 - o . D. steel pipe' N otice ot B ond bale 1 m FOR SALE RABBITS W A N TE D ---------------------------------------------------- ¡line having dresser couplings; and ‘s »»ied Proposals will be received by BEST PRICE for Rabbit Fryers. D. water service is to be maintained by the West Slope Water District Wash FDR SALE—Male puppies, 8 wks | P. MacDonald, R2, Bx 218, Beaver- keeping the present 6 ” supply line *nKton tounty, Oregon, foi the pur- old, mother pure bred German ton. Phone Beaverton 2260. We in service on top of the ground dur- chase of $175.000 par value General Shepherd,—beautiful dogs, very in pick up. tf ing the installation of the new supply Obligation Bonds of said District in telligent fine for children. See denominations of $1000 each, dated line. them at Rt. 2, Bx 437-B, Portland, WANTED—Live RaoDits, to buy The principal items upon which April 15, 1945, bearing interest from or phone BEacon 4742. 9 the date thereof, maturing as follows: now. Top prices paid. Rabbit Meat bids are invited are: $4000 on July 1st of each year, 1946, Co., 8917 SE Stark St. .Portland. A. Water Supply Main. FDR SALE—Blonde Monterey liv to 1950, inclusive: Phone SUnset 1722. Open week 1. Furnishing and installing Class ing room set, including davenport, days only until 7:30 p. m. tf $5000 on July 1st of each year. 1951 ’ 250, 12 ” I. D. pipe 1,000 lin ft. 2 chairs, desk, coffee* table, lamp to 1952, inclusive; 2. Furnishing and installing Class table, bookcase, in excellent condi. $6000 on July 1st. 1953; 150, 12" 1. D. pipe 6800 lin. ft. r MISCELLANEOUS 3 piece Maple bedroom set like $7000 on July 1st of each yeai. 1954 B. Distribution System. new. Call Errold Hassell, Tigard to 1958, inclusive: 1. Furnishing and installing Class GIVE AWAY Spayed Female Air- 3246 Saturdays or Sundays. 8 $8000 on July 1st of each year. 1959 j 150, 14” I D. pipe 4,300 lin. ft. dale, 5 yr. old. war trained, farm to 1971, inclusive. 2. Furnishing and installing Class home, gentle with children. CH. FOR SALE—4 ft Oreen Slab $7 All Bonds maturing after July 1st, | 150, 12” I. D pipe 12,000 lin ft 1151. 8 per cord in 3 cord lots Slab and ---- j 3. Furnishing and installing Class i 1953 may b‘‘ redeemed at par. plus ac- block wood mixed 38.50 in 3 cord crued interest, on any interest paying 150 8” I D. pipe 2,000 lin. ft. lots. Sanford Laughlin, Rt. 1, KARLS NURSERY 4. Installing 6” O. D. pipe 1900lda,e on 01 after July 1st, 1955, by Carlton, Oregon. tf notice in writing to the paying agent Trees, Choice Shrubbery, lin. ft. Perrenials FOR SALE—Boysenberry plants, 5. Furnishing and Installing fitt not less than Thirt y(30) days befoie such interest paying date. Interest rooted tips or bearing plants. ings 18.000 pounds. IN TIGARD Phone Tigard 2468. 9 6. Furnishing and installing fire payment dates on said bonds shall be January 1st and July 1st of each hydrants 20. Across from St. Anthony's School yeai. Electrhal Appliances Repaired 7. Furnishing and installing gate 6-1 3 ; Bidders shall name the rate of in Radios, Refrigerators, Washing valves & valve boxes 50. terest bid on said bonds, and whether Machines, Sewing Machine and all Plans, Specifications. Inst ructions, PANSIES, GIANT SW ISS $1 D oz.! household appliances—See to bidders and Blank Forms of Pro-1 the bid includes the cost of the legal Perennials, Azaleas, Violas posal and Contract can be seen at the opinion required. Rids uiust be de KDDIK OLDMAN Berry Plants, Shrubbery office of the West Slope Water D i s - 1 **vcied to the undersigned at •>_< Johnson Road CLYDE PEHRENIAL GARDENS trict or at the office of the Consult-' Railway Exchange ..Building, Port Opp. N. W. Christian Home or Barber Blvd. at SVV 28th Marshall Wells Hdw., Beaverton CH. 3008 tf ing Engineers. John W. Cunningham bind, Oregon, by 5:00 o'clock P. M . & Associates, 1112 Spalding Building,, April 9> 1945 and nuiat be accompan- tf Portland. Oregon. Copies may be ob- ' *etl by a ceitified check in the sum Change of Location BROOD SOWS and Weaner Pigs tained upon a receipt of ten d o l l a r 1 of *3500 as a good faith deposit, ED’S AUTO SERVICE for Sale the year around, S. A. i $10.09) or a check for $10.00 made Bids will he opened publicly at the Formerly of Metzger, Oregon Getter, Scholls. 12tf payable to the District. The deposit I regular meeting of the Board of Corn- Will be at New Location at will be refunded in case a bona fid e ! mlssioners on April 9, 194.», at the ARRIS GARAGE IN TIGARD FOR SALE—4 ft green slab. Aloha e8,1 Sl££e‘ 0 ,K e: Phone Tigard 3465 10 bid is submitted and the Plans and Dist,ict0« " lIce‘ .,U district $6 per cord. Block & Ed- Specifications are returned in good ! 6 °n' al 8:30 Pl M- ° clock. 1 he tight ging $7 per cord. Beaverton-Ti- | condition, .otherwise the will -eserved to reject any or « all c bids. ---- deposit — ............ uts gard-Garden Home district 4 ft. > TRACTOR W ORK—General gar- denlng and tractor work. J. A. Lin-, be retained. : e. a i i i , ■ ’ green slab $7 per cord. Block 6r coin, Sorrento Road, 1% mi. South' All proposals must be on the tegu- j „ cr* J Edgings $8 per cord. H. F. Elford, of Beaverton. Phone Beaverton lar blank forms furnished with the Date of first publication. • an i Forest Grovs. Phone 56. tf 2713. Call mornings or even. 51tf ! Specifications and must be accom- j 494°- April 6, -----------------------------------------------------1 panied by certified check payable to 1 Date of last publication: Home Refrigeration and washing Photographs become Portraits the West Slope Water District in an l1945- machine services. Call K. R. When Colored In Oils Twombly CH. 2267. 8tf For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry Brides a Specialty—Special Rates Barnes. Phone Beaverton 3231. tf to Service Men—BE. 8435 5tf LEGAL NOTICE CLASSIFIED WANT AOS CONCRETE PIPE I CASH * y Page 3 EXPERT INSPECTION T EXPERT RECAPPING « . ► W A N TE D . fCAR WANTED—Truck Driver, perman ent job, 5'x day week. Address P. O. Box 7098, Multnomah, Ore. 8 Ì WANT TO BUY—Barred Rock Breeding Cockrel. Phone Beaverton j 3511. 8 I | • | | l j L. If. BRAWAND Builder and Cabinet Maker Metzger, Oregon Portland Phone—CHerry 2929 Unit cabinets, precision built, any style drawers and doors; finish ed all sides. Anyone can set them. ALL KINDS OF BUILDING and CABINET MAKING 51tf & Town S rR A Y T N G i CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK— j Plowing and Discing, D. P. Mac ; Donald, Ruby Ave., Rt. 2. Box 218, Beaverton, Oregon. Phono Beav erton 2260. 50tf r. E. HAGG Hauling Contractor Concrete. Sand. Gravel, Masons Sand, Crushed Rock and Road Gravel R6, Bx 601. Portland 1, Oregon Phone Tigard 2446 tf TRACTOR WORK WANTED Plowing and Grading PHONE CHerry 8437 2nd house North of Kraft Cheese Co. 50 tf W ANTED- Bicycle repatrian, ex perienced man preferred. Kissler j Blcyele Shop, 923 SW 4th Ave.. | Portland, Ore., bet 11 a. m. and 6 1 p m. Call AT 5438. tf ¡ CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK Let us plow your garden. Howard Wm. Smith, Johnson Rd. & Divis ion sts., Phone Beaverton 2462 4tf WANTED—Berry Plants, Shrubs. Plants of all kinds for our sales < yard. CLYDE GARDENS, Barbur ! Blvd., at SW 28th. CHterry ' 3003. 8 , D e u tl ■toclt P,ckc<1 UP fres °f charge anywhere. Cali eollect. UN. 1221; night cali DENLEY RENDERING CO.. Portland. tf W A IT E D —Surburban A Farm properties. We have the buyer, you have the property, let's get togeth- er. We are in contact with many Eastfrn buyers who have cash and want to locate here. Our appraiser will call on you. No obligation. S U T T E R REALTY COMPANY "In downtown Portland '' 528 SW Salmon Street. BR. 1146. 51tf PRIVATE PARTY WANTS Old Wall Clocks. Mantle Clocks or Shelf Clocks In any condition. Call CHerry 3564 or write Lester Par ker, 7234 SW 29th Ave., Portland, I* Oregon * 506 SW Mill BE. 3021 PORTLAND WAR BONDS are the safest Invest ment in the wide world. In January, Colorado distributed | $3.600.000 to 41,000 persons on its old | age pension rolls. For Stove and Diesel OH Call Harry Barnes. Phone Beaverton 3231. tf While shipping eat at the Orey-j at the Greyhound Coffee Shop. t â r FIRST m ION OF A ' O V D V ..666 Cold Preparation* a* directed R A Y GRIMSHAW 525 S. E. Union Phone EA 1171 TIRE EXPERTS ! Kepler Davenport Co. THE OLD JUDGE S A Y S ... BEAVERTON, OREGON Recovering and Modernizing Beaverton 3762 Open 8 :3 0 to 6 Evenings by Appointment Riverview Cemetery WEST END SELLW'OOD BRIDGE CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY Complete Funeral Service in New Cathedral Chapel at No Extra coat Riverside is a co-operative asso ciation with assets of over $800,000 FOR TOW CAR call VERMILYE MOXOR CO., Phone Tigard 3381 tf ! ) PAINTS 1 j ( _____ Imlay’s Fresh Mixed Feed* r iS H I R THORSEN PAINTS CENTRALLY LOCATED Close to bus trans portation and walking distance from downtown. For quality, fair price and service LAND CLEARING — Tractors Available. L. H. COBB, Phone Beaverton 2881. 48tf WANTED to Lease—3 acres of truck gardening land. Address FCB 'y Enterprise. Beaverton. 10 ! TRACTOR W ORK—Of all kinds— | Plowing, Disking, Cultivating, and Mowing. L A. Scheel, R t 1, Bx. 334, Tigard, li mi. west of Hiway on Gaarde Rd. 47-9 ! — * OREGON MOTOR STAGES HIDES A WOOL, CASCARA—A specialty. LEE BROS., 25 SW Clay Portland. AT. 5334. tf All Purpose Spraying CLINE BROS. I^favette, Oregon, Box 163 PHONE' LAFAYETTE OREGON V t S WE CURE AND SMOKE YOUR PORK CUTS 25 years Experience ALDER MARKET Lewis Bros. Cor. 1st and Washington St. PORTLAND, OREGON Commercial Orchard • MECHANICS DRESSMAKING—Stockings mend ing, button holes, etc. Aline Jung, Rt 1, box 628 Tigard, red biick hse end of McDonald Ave. 11 ACREAGE & HOMES WANTED We can sell your home, farm or acreage. Have hundreds of buy- ers that have cash. Your Wash- ington County specialist. located in Portland at foot of Canyon Rd Call BK. 1475 or write WAYNE E. NAGLE 1800 SW Jefferson, Portland 1, Ore. w a sh e r s ! NOW HATCHING—« a rdy West- em-Bred New Hampshire, White j Leghorn, Parmenter and Barred ’ Rock Chicks and Broad Breasted! Poults. Also custom hatching from tested flocks.. ROSS HATCH- j ERY, Aloha, Ore. Phone 6441. 8, ■ - ....... ■ ■— - i VILLA RIDGE NURSERY Fruit, Nut, Shade and Flowering Trees Berry Plants and Shrubbery - Mechanics work 48 hrs. per week^ V. M. CHAUSSE _ 40 hours straight; 8 hours tlmejj 11333 SW 64th Phone CH. 2928 ^ and a half. Good working condì-1 12! Jtlons. Permanent employment. ^ |l PAPERING—Painting & Kalso- , e mining, neat, experienced work- J man L. L. Seeley, R 2, Bx 180-A I I Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 2516 {• 40tf J. B. Imlay & Son* REEDVILLE I ^ R 1 ALOHA, GEORGE F. GORDON PIANO TUNING and RU REPAIRING and Phone A ALOHA M l2 Phone Beaverton, Oregon Beavertoi r# # # # # # # » J. P. Finley A Son “ A d d in g an oth er War B o n d to you r collection, ch. Judge?” "Y e s , Josh, I’ ve always looked upon buying Bonds as one of the best ways older folks like me here at home can help our fighting men overseas. For the pa t couple o( years I ’ ve put every extra cent I had into them . . . not only during the War Bond d riv es...b u t on a regular ba^s. Of course, when there’s a drive on I always try to buy an extra one or two.” ‘ ‘ We’ ve done the same In our family, too. Judge. We figure the more we b u y . . . the better we equip our men . . . the quicker they’ll finish their big job and come march ing home again.” ** That’* the spirit, Jo6h. And let’* be sure o f one more thing. Le t’s be sure that they come back to the same kind o f place they left. While they areaway and can’ t ex[>ress their opinions, let's not make any decisions on tilings that are going to concern them in years to come.” MORTICIAN SW rOURTH AT MONTGOMERY ATwater $131 T k t l o u r '- t u n iu n l ip n r W by Çy n jr r tn n . / A M b t /k h tA u k rk t. tn t.