Friday, March 23, 1945 A-15 Gasoline Ration Coupons Valid Now Hunting Relatives is Legion will Help Sons Favorite Occupation of Men Get an Education Published F riday o f each w eek by the P ioneer Publishing Oo.. at Beaverton, Oregon. E ntered as second class m atter at the paatofflce at Beaverton. Ore Subscription P ayable in Advance. Beaverton O ffice— E nterprise Bldg., P hone B eaverton 2321 P ortland O ffice—308 Panam a Bldg., 3rd and A lder P hone A Tw ater 6591 O r e c ] o ® H e ^ $ ( p 1 p e i 6 11S (¿E L s '4 4 $ 2 ) l ATI 0 N I f you want to sell it quick, you'll find a buyer thru a classified ud. H AL’S Mott Has Free Books for Keeping Livestock Healthy W ashington, D. C.,—Congressm an Jam es W. Mott has received another allotm ent o f the 1942 Y earbook o f A g- ¡iculture, "K eep in g L ivestock H eal­ th y ” . Although dealing extensively with the treatm ent o f sick and in­ jured anim als, this Y earbook places em phasis on means by w hich stock ow n ers may prevent diseases. T he C ongressm an also has secured n lim ited allotm ent o f the book "D is­ eases o f the H orse.” Copies m ay be obtained free o f ch a rg e by w iltin g to C ongressm an Jam es W. Mott, 1532 H ouse O ffice i B uilding, W ashington, D. C. H A L’S H AL’S O N L Y SPOT this side o f Port­ land carrying frozen foods ’’Birdseye" BRAN D ’’Pictsweet" New Low Prices. We still give S&H Stamps Hal’s Grocery, Tigard, Ore. Apply March 26 for Gasoline For Victory Garden laical O PA boards will start accep t­ ing applications fo r V ictory garden gasolin e on M arch 26, with one addi­ tion a l lim itation not previously In e f­ fect which requires that the garden must not be more than 15 miles from the garden er’s hom e or place o f w ork. A pplicants must have an area o f at least 1500 square feet devoted to vegetables. A pplicant must show that no alternative m eans o f trans­ portation is available or must show that a ride-sharing arrangem ent has been made or is not possible. * M otorists are advised A-15 T o clear up con fu sion caused by the | Aboard a Coast Guard-M anned In- Any son o f a deceased \eteran of lecen t Ai m y-N avy announcem ent that vasion Flag Ship Som ew here in the W orld W ar I or W orld W at II who is gasoline ratlon cou pons are now avail- men between the ages of 18 and 20, in- P acific Hunting :elatives in another actually in need o f finan cial assist- abj* a,ul * ' u cou pons invalid. elusive, would be earm arked fo r i n - 1 branch of the armed forces is a fa- ance to continue h:3 edu< ition is eli- F ach A -lu coupon will be w orth 4 fa n try replacem ents by their selec- vorite diversion o f servicem en in the ' gible fo one o f the ten N ational gallons until June 11 leaving value o f tlve boards for the next three months. P acific and* fam ily reunions aboard ] C om m ander Scholarships, to be pro- A cou pons unchanged. Lt Com dr. John F. Biehler, N a vy i ship o. at remote island outposts are vided this year in the United S ta te s.1 Dealers will have through M arch 31 recruiting o ffice r in Oregon, em pha- as com m on as the gatherings o f the b The Am erican Legion to turn in A-14 c o upons.________________ sizes that the N avy is accep tin g IT clans on August Sunday in the city | No lim itation, maximum or m ini­ year-old volunteers. park back home. i mum. is placed on the age o f the Fruit, Nut, F low erin g and Shade Men of draft age w h o can qualify P ractically everyone has a b ro th e r.! ben eficiary o f a scholarship. It may Trees, R oses, B erry Plant* fo r the N avy's radio technician (ra­ or at least a cousin, with one o f the j be aw arded to high school g aduates, dar) training program will continue services out heie. Shrubs, etc. And, lack ing a n io . to college or University students at to be given directed letters o f assign ­ actual relative, there alw ays is a ' any stage o f a regular course, without L arge supply o f peaches, apples, ment to the joint induction board in schoolm ate a fraternity brother, a regard to the age o f the applicant. pears, che*-ries, prunes, plums, ap­ Fort Lewis and will au tom atically be .............._ one-time fellow worker, a "bootj A pplication by any son o f a de- ricots, w alnuts and filberts as well inducted into the Navy. 'ca m p " buddy o. a neighbor boy fro m 'c e a s e d veteran .regardless of whether as roses, flow erin g shrubs, and T he same process applies to those jow n the street who at last report or not the latter was a mem ber o f berry plants. L arge orch ard plant­ o f draft age w ho qualify for the air wag som ew here in the im m ediate v i-iT h e Am erican Legion, may be mailed ers. O rder N ow while our stock Is com bat crew m an aqd Seabee pro­ cinity. to E dgar Smith, D epartm ent D irector still com p lete! Our new 1945, 40- gram s o f the Navy C om dr. Biehler Many and fabulous are the tales o f o f E ducation o f Orphans o f Veterans, page catalogue is now available said. miraculous reunions or ch ance meet- The A m erican Legion. 354 P ittock upon request. T o call at our nur- ings. ¡B lock , Portland, 5. Nam e, date, and M ry, take highw ay 99W. W e are T here’s the story about the Coast \ cause o f death o f the veteran should located 17 m iles southw est o f P ort­ Guardsm an who follow ed his arm y , be given with the application. land or 1 mile past Six Corners. brother all over the South P acific, i ______________________ Do not leave h igh w ay 99W. W atch som etim es m issing him by a m atter , . . , ,... for our sign. of only a day or so. Eventually they ; Congressm en introduced 9000 bills met, quite by accident, in a restau- ‘ he 78th con gress com pared to 35,- T U A L A T IN V A L L E Y N U R S E R IE S : ant in San F rancisco. °°0 in t .^ u c e d in the 61st congress^ R oute 3, B ox 310 | Coast Guardsm an Arthur "J a c k "! Mary Rulle. 16, Pasadena, is the Sherw ood, O regon Brown o f Chicago, was hitch-hiking M « l> 4K k- ^MÏtKOO* J •H a x I» 1 • IlD* S E P A R A T O R S — M IL K E R S C O M P L E T E E Q U IP M E N T AND S U P P L IE S F O R T IIE D A IR Y IN D U S T R Y r f NATIONAL DttTIUBS RODUtTS CONTORTION. NW TOON 00UII0N WHISUT-A HIND • " WOOf • 40% MAIN NEUTRI SHUTS j across one o f the Hawaiian islands, ment o f R oses. ___________________ ' He spied his brother, an arm y se i- j geant, in a jeep which was speeding [ (past in spite o f B row n's w aggling thumb. The Guardsm an shouted out DEC. 1944 JAN. 1945 FEB 1945 MAR.1945 APR.1945 MAY 1945 JUNE 1945 I his broth er’s name and the jeep halt­ ed for another fam ily reunion. In the E uropean war theatre last ¡sum m er a Coast Guardsm an left his ¡ship to visit a brother supposed to be • aboaid a nearby N avy Ship. At the same time the brother boarded this ship on a sim ilar hunt. Each spent (the night on the oth er’s ship, determ ­ ined to wait until the other showed up. The Guardsm an gave up fiist and next day disgustedly tram ped up the gangw ay and right past his still waiting brother, whom he didn’t rec­ ognize. W illiam E. Forkin, a Coast Guard GOOD FROM MAR. 4 yeoman Lorn Boston, has six brothers THRU JUNE 30 in the armed forces. T w o o f them are Marines based on P a cific islands j The next stamps trill become good m April 125 miles apart. F orkin until re­ cently had seen neither o f them for two years but his ship made the right stops finally and he visited both. G 0 0 0 THRU MAR. 31 As a rule com m anding o ffice rs are j as helpful as possible in gran tin g I special liberties or other privileges so j GOOD THRU APR. 2 8 that relatives or friends with the i same home town can get together. | They do this in the belief that such GOOD THRU JU N E 2 visits are good for morale. But men frequently resort to a va­ T riety o f dodges to get ashore or over NIP 1 QIRIS 6000 FROM MAR I to another ship for a reunion when THRU JUNE 30 □ L a H H r i permission isn’t forthcom in g. The nett stomps will become good in April Many men can 't reveal exactly I where they are stationed, but what with the m ovem ent o f men from ship to ship and island to island, m eetings, by design or by accident, are inevit­ 13 S U G A R | GOOD THRU JUN E 2 able. One seam an after a successful Another sicmp will become good 1lay ! search for a cousin said: "I never did like the guy but he hears from a lot o f people I do like.” FOOD RATION STAMPS GOOD RED STAMPS BLUE STAM PS slilali SUGAR STAMPS 86 8 ìììmoe kCrijeìl^ì Ndnstsrfunn A IA «tri butor» I 4V4KY V IH > T H IN G . r ^ f S \ Æ -> ' D D A A IR Y M A N ^ > r^ I IH j j S - f oruaho C hl . - I alt lAKtCtr 135 N W Park AT. M il f r -y - f C U P THIS C H A R T FOR FUTURE R E FE R EN C E £»■ ?" m \ $ f ' ' ! f r 1 f - v‘ 1 k ■ um m P G E ’s v it a l w a r p o w e r START YOUR CHICKS RIGHT k , „ F ? 3' ? ' ; pA f / « ' "'v-vv >•’ FLO W S STEADY M f t get our Free Chick Chart— a week by week detail instruction on Feed apd Care o f Chicks from first day till they »tart to lay. A N D STRO N G ★ % When an electric furnace that melts tons o f metal at a time is suddenly turned on or off, what happens to the flow o f current on the *x' * ^ ^ power lines? Complete Line of With all kinds o f electrical equipment being F E E D — SEED & snapped on and o ff without warning, all over G AR D EN SUPPLIES D E L IV E R Y S E R V IC E the PGE system, there has to be some way o f keeping the flow o f current firm and steady. The instrument shown here is the little Francis Bros. ’ ’ Yehudi“ that does the business. It watches 6319 S W Capitol Hwy. every electric customer on the system, deal­ A T . 7309 * ing out electric energy just where and when it is needed. A lso PCiE’s family o f 1100 capable men W ANTED BRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS Essential Industry and women, with a half century o f electrical engineering experience stands behind the magi­ cal equipment that supplies dependable current to your home and warpower to 67,000 war jo b s and 20,000 war farms. E X P E R IE N C E N O T NECESSARY Steady W ork with Overtime A P P L Y AT SYLVAN PLANT COLUMBIA BRICKWORKS U M & E. W l A tw , Portland G eneral Electric Comptiity for '/» c e n t u r y , p i o n e e r i n g in e le ctrica l " k n o w - f i o w ” r