F riday M arch 16, 1945 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E , Beaverton, Oregon Page 4 News From Salem iTo Help Handicapped Children in County Red Cross Notes What's Doing IN T H E Churches T he Southw est SurgicaJ Dressing At the T eachers cou nty Institute j and Sewing Unit will con vert its en T he house am ended and passed a I held M arch 9-13 C orrie Pennington, senate joint resolution calling for ergies, (at least tem porarily) to the health depart m uch needed sew ing o f hospital ga r CHURCH OF T H E N A Z A R E N E con gression al enactm ent o f postw ar , W ashington county com pu lsory m ilitary training as ment, spoke o f the w ork being done m ents and kit bags, starting next Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor The last | M onday. approved, it urged that all youths be for handicapped children 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. The present surgical dress taken fo r a yea r o f m ilitary service ! legislature passed an act designed to ing quota has been com pleted and W alter Lovett, Supt. a t age or a three-year period in help these children and help will be j new shipm ents o f m aterials have not 11 a. m. M orning W orship. the reserve o ffic e r s ' training corps, | available to those in grades 1 to 12 ¡been received. "T h e Great Outlaw". At present the au n y healing, is con ductin g an national guard o r citiaens m ilitary ¡inclusive w ho are hard o f in ven tory o f its 6:30 p. m. Hi. ..N. Y. Lois Kee- T here adequate surgical dressing supplies on baugh, president, tia in -in g cam ps. A year o f service crippled, low in vitality, etc. at 21 would be m andatory if the alter are close to 10,000 children in Oregon hand and as soon as future needs are 7 30 p. m. E vangelistic Service, nate training had not been co m sch ools w h o will benefit by this act. determ ined allocation o f quotas will W ednesday 7 30 p. m. mid-week The institute was supplem ented by pleted. be sent with necessary m aterials. It prayer meeting a w eek or m ore o f itensified exam is an interesting fact that huge I handicapped children stock piles ot surgical dressings are M E TH O D IST C H U R CH A new o ffice , director o f veterans inations fo r during the ready when and where needed and a ffairs, who will have direct charge throughout the county Albert 3. Hisey, D. P .. Minister o f virtually everything a ffe ctin g men week of A pril 9 through 13. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. due to casualties being below anti ! returning from the service, including R uth P ace Supt. cipation the surgical dressin g situa Classes for all ages. state loans for farm s and hom es and t i o n is good. T O W N GOSSIP W orship H our 11 a. m. gran ts for educational aid, will re Proving the necessity o f the sew V isitors at the Beaverton Furniture T opic—T he T ran sform in g Friend. ceive $5000 a year and its seven Store found it in "apple pie" order, ing program o f hospital garm ents m em bers will be made up o f repre a fter two weeks slow dow n with car- will not be necessary and it is ex Devotional service 7:30 p. m. sentatives o f veterans' organizations f penters and kalsom ining ciew s, and pected the loyal w orkers o f our com - The M ethodist Youth Fellowship and must include at least one world it presents a fine appearance. On munity will turn their hands to this sponsoring Miss Pearl Sherlock in a w a r II man. entering the d oor a fine assortm ent o f new field o f w ork as earnestly as service planned for both youth and adults. A ll welcom e. easy rock ets greets the eye and they have to surgical dressings. The senate taxation and ways and m akes one yearn to try each one out The Bethel Chapter of Multnomah means com m ittee decided at a meet to see w hich are the m ost co m fo rt will join forces with R ed Cross the W E ST H ILLS ing M onday, to recom m end that only able. L U T H E R A N CHURCH second and fourth W ednesday even the five-mill, tw o-year tax for higher Canyon R oad, near Sylvan T he Colum bia Food store have had ings of each m onth to w ork on in education and state buildings, and the an assoitm en t of bins built for their fant garm ents. W erner J. Fritz, Minister The garm ents are tw o-cen ts a pack cigarette tax be stock o f fruits and vegetables. They distributed by Hom e Service o f R ed F ifth Sunday in Lent placed on the special ballot June 22. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. upon carefu l investigation have been painted white and are an Cross, Lenten service 11 a. m. | and only as an em ergen cy measure, added attraction at this store. the Sermon -O ur C onfession at A fine assoitm en t o f spring plants to the fam ilies o f the tw o lowest paid O B S E R V A T IO N T he pack- Cross, and garden plants are seen at the H ol groups of enlisted men. E verybody welcom e, W h ich should re age of baby garm ents con sist o f the T he truth about w enches who say land Feed Store. mind the head o f the house that tho follow in g: 4 gow ns, 2 slips, 1 sack. that they w o n ’t BETHEL Is that som etim es they m ean it, but the icy w inds d o blow n o w —it’s time 1 cap, 1 band, 1 pr. bootees, 1 pr. mit- j C O N G R E G A T IO N A L CHURCH toi think about the hom e flow er beds tens, 1 doz. diapers. 2, shirts and 4 more often they don't. safety pins. This am ount o t clothing Rev. F. T. Sturtevant, Pastor —Sgt W ilcox, Jr. in CBI R ound Up and the vegetable garden too. 9:45 a« m. C hurch School. would tide over any em ergen cy our service m en’s fam ilies m ight face. Miss A m arette Barnes, Supt. H om e Service could relate , m any \ Special Lenten w orship service. angles from w hich these e m e rg e n cie s! 11 a. m. W orship Service. arise. The helping hands w h o do T op ic— L iving the Cross is Patience. R ed C .oss work, help to keep "T he j 5:30 p. m. Junior H igh Lenten class 6:30 Senior High Lenten Class. Red Cross by H is Side." 8 p. m. E ven ing w orship service. T op ic—T he C hristian H ero. More Appointments to be Beaverton UNION HOLY WEEK SERVICE March 2 6 -3 0 8 :0 0 P. M . Held in Speaker ....... M ethodist Church R ev. Orville Poulin Monday ......*... C ongregational Church R ev. L eonard Johnson Tuesday ......... Nazarene Church Rev. Frank Stuitevant W ednesday Thursday ........... ........ Christian Church .................. Dr. A lbert Hisey F iid a y ......................... M ethodist Church ....... R ev. G eorge Springer (The L ord ’s Supper will be served at the close o f the G ood F riday service) The Community in and around Beaverton is urged to attend these services. r*tC eri/rio /u ia > M & w M ifM iU £ \ L E O N A R D C. JOH NSON , Pastor P hone 3691 The Cross . . Man’s Only Hope Paul the A postle declared the C ru cfied ” as his Sum um B onum o f edge. "Christ kn ow l The cross to-day, telling as it does the story o f salvation, is the highest form o f theological oia tory . W ithout the shedd ing o f blood there is no rem ission of Sins” . T hus w ithout the Cru cified Christ, man would be w ithout hope. Leonard C. Johnson Phone 3691 "T h e B lood, The Blood, is all m y plea, 1 p iunge, and oh, it cleanseth m e.” HOLLAND FEED STORE Have Everything for tjie Gardener, and Advice also If He’s an Amateur Seeds, Garden and Flower plants. Fertilizer, Peet Moss, etc. Everything for your livestock, Poultry, Cows, Sheep ,etc. Beaverton 3811 Rabbits, W e are still disorganized but very proud of the im provement in our store. Have lot of new Furni ture and always glad to see our customers. R V Jh rfJL X a X / •T W m rw m - — - VE^vuih-ina. -¿oï the 9 /ome. PHONE 3 5 3 5 B e a v e r t o n Made on county Committees C H U R CH O F C H R IS T G eorge W . Springer, Pastor M orning w orship and preaching ser-l| Kenneth W ilcox has been appoint ed as Red Cross disaster chairm an I vice at 9:45 a. m. , for the county, accord in g to announ-| T op ic—In to the Deep with Jesus, cem ent by C haitm an O. B. Gates at Follow ing the serm on, the L ord's the county m eeting T hursday night, supper will be obseived. He succeeds L. C. Buchner, who re- ! Bible School class session 11 a. m. j signed because o f m oving outside the! Christian E ndeavor 6:30 p. m. county. R ev. Father G eorge O 'K eefe E vening w orship service with spec- of Beaverton, who has received a call ial m usic by orch estra and a serm on 1 to a C atholic church in Salem, re- by the pastor at 7:30 p. m. signed fion i the county board anil T op ic—T he Laver, a T ype o f S p ir-j m oved to Salem to assum e his du- itual Cleansing. ties. M idw eek service W ed. 8 p. m. Cecil Davis o f Eugene, area disas ter field representative, was not able ALOHA CO M M U N ITY CH URCH to be at the m eeting as he received G raydon D. L oree, P astor an em ergency call to go to C incinnatti | Sunday Sch ool 9.50 a. m. Ohio, to assist in the flood disaster in Mary A ntrim , Supt. Ohio and Pennsylvania. Morning w orship 11 a. m. R eports were heard from the d iffer- j Evening Service 7:30 p. m. ent departm ents and they showed an Get A cquainted H o u r—8:30 p. m. am ount o f articles made and other ac tivities. | K E E D V IL L E C O M M U N ITY The follow in g letter has been receiv P R E S B Y T E R IA N C H U R CH ed from overseas telling how the men i _ „ . , „ Mrs. Otto appi eciate the help o f the R ed Cross Sunday Sch ool 10 a. m. r.n^ioo- fi„i«h „,i George. Supt. Dear L adies: Have ju st finished Y oun g P eople's C. E. 7 p. m. sew ing on som e buttons taken from a | P rayer M eeting and B ible study, kit made by you. I have had the Thursday, 7 p. m. kit a long time. E ach tim e I have W orsh ip Service 11 a. m. used it I ’ve thought o f your kindness j and have w anted to tell you o f my PILGRIM LUTHERAN CHURCH ap p reciation —S o here it is—Thank T he Bible C hurch you so much. B ox 697, B eaverton I’ m the assistant w elfare o ffice r on Farm ington R d. at M enlo D rive out ship. F or an exam ple, have ta W alter R . Buhl, Pastor ken 30 or 40 o f the boys out fishing, Sunday Service 11 a. m. w orked as though they w ere paying Sunday Sch ool 10 a. m. me. and w hen the trip w as finished Church o ffic e hours: T h u rsd a y s- had tw o ot three thank me for the 4 to 7 p. m. “ good tim e they had.” At first I was discouraged but I've learned that ST. C E C E L IA CH URCH they do appi eciate what you do for Masses 8:25 and 10:25 during t h e : them —I’ m tellinv you this because winter m onths. the R ed Cross is doing so m uch to help and I ’m afraid you m ight won A LO H A A SSE M B L Y O F GOD der som e tim es w hether we do ap Sunday S ch ool 10 a. m. preciate your efforts. W orship 11 a. m. Sincerely, Lt. Guy D. Daniel, USN’ R. T hursdays 7:45 p. m. Dewey Signs New Bill G overn or Dew ey signed a new hill j M onday after a 45 m inute public ( cerem on y in the executive c h a m b e r' The bill m akes religious or racial prejudice in selecting w ork ers a pun ishable offense. Sim ilar legislation is being consid- eied in seven other states and also try Congress. T he New Y ork law is i e ffectiv e July 1. H AL’S H A L ’S H A L’S O N L Y SPOT this side o f Port land carrying frozen foods "B ird se ye " New Low Prices. BR AN D "Pictsweet" We still give S&H Stamps Hal’s Grocery, Tigard, Ore. T H E V.ALLEY C O M M U N ITY C H U RCH U N IT E D P R E S B Y T E R IA N 4110 SW Gabel Lane R ev. H. A. A rm ltage. pastor 10:30 a. m. M orning W orship CHAPEL S E R V IC E B E A V E R T O N FU LL GOSPEL Orville J. Poulin, Minister I. O. O. F. Hall. B eaverton Sundays 7:45 p. m. E verybody welcom e. P rim e M inister Churchill has been asked for the re-exam ination o f "desk Y ou r hom e tow n paper is soldiers" for possible active w »r ser- 1 % year Subscribe now. vice. i r 'THHVS HOW / GOT MS STORTI* EOR EASTER! hr right »(art (or your thuk\ it aught) important— tec that lhe> get the right balance with Triangle Chick Starter. A tcientifically balanced ra tion built to fill the require ment» o f your chick» during fir»t eight week» o f growth. m A S H OH P E L L E T S — W ANTED TURKEYS AI.SO TRIANGLE CHICK STARTER R eceivin g Portland, Albany, R edm ond, A D ressing P lants: M cM innville, Salem E ugene, R oeeburg, Oregon. Main Office and Plant / / 7 / f/tC SU 7/ IO !fri /// Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products Co. S. E. Oak Street, Portland, Ore. Phone l'A st 5141 01.0 S unny B rook as oc Weather Stripping and Calking Installed by T rained M echanics R. E. ELLSO N w 0 + ÿ i ® I aó F or Free E stim ates CALL TIGARD UIM Or Write Box 4SI, Tigard M L. PETTII0HN annum ssssscti tm n u im ani « t ___ ami—a am • rana • n» mm n iw wams Ml $7.50 Lightw eight Asheville De Luxe $12.50 4 M I. W. Walking toe Portland, O regon Accordion Lessons Modern and Classical Instruction Dick Kokick INSTRUCTOR Route 2. Box 54 On Center St., Beaverton Route I, Ils i l l , Beaverton, Ore. on Beaverton-Prog rea* Road Benefit DANCE Beaverton Masonic Temple Proceeds to go to Red Cross SATU RDAY. M ARCH 17 $1.00 Per Couple Public Invited Save 20 to 25‘ f on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS Oregon Mutual Pollrle» are NON \SM S.SAH1JL Y ou N E V E R pa» more than the premium on it.e fare o f the policy. Oregon Mutual maintain* more than threw time* the turpiu* required by Oregon lnaurar.ee la w * íks«* G E N E R A L CON T R A C TIN O O F H O U SE S — Repairing— New W o r k — bitumi Stratoliner Live Poultry and Eggs For B e t t e r R e s u l t s P e e d 7 ! £11/71 O/l STETSON HATS W. E. PE G G M O R T I C I A N Beaverton. Oregon Estai». 1910 Serving 33 years P IIO N E BEAVERTON 3411 Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company OF M cM INN\II.LE Organized 1894 40 years of Reliable Service (h a s L. Walker, Agent New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. -Every Form of P rotection " Phone 1732 Hillsboro, Oregon