Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1945)
Pa*re 2 Friday March 16, 1945 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon H U AMERICAN H£P°£S Victory Garden Notes City Had Bad Breath Some gardene.s are already prepar ing their ground for this year's gar by JULIAN OU-ENDOOTF- den. Aside from preparing the fe - II. J F -F F R LES, 1'ulWlnht-r tility and organic matter for the gar den considerable planning should be Published Friday or each week by the Pioneer Publishing.Co., at Beaverton, done to provide valuable and piac- Oregon. Entered as second-ciass matter at the paetofflce at Beaverton, Ore. tical foods for the family -both fresh, Yes, the old city of Corinth sent up canned, frozen and dried, according a stench. Sin was for sale in every .*1.00 Subscription Payable in Advanca One Year to Don E Anderson, assistant county! corner. In the heathen temple above agent. .I1*1« cRy. two thousand lewd women Beaverton Office— Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2321 First of all. ordei seeds early, but I save themselves to shameful practice Portland Office—*08 Panama Bldg., 3rd and Alder Phone ATwater 6591 don't order more seed than needed, or . in the name of their religion, plant more seed than what the family All in God's good time, the Apostle can use while that vegetable is in its Paul a: rived in Corinth to give out prime. Seeds are not too plentiful the Message of Life. God spoke to MereuLes It is bette to plant successive plant- him in the night by a vision'^—Be not 0 N L tfjS | P A P E R ings of most vegetables so that you afraid, but speak, hold not thy peace, will have a fresh supply every fe w : fo1 1 have much people in this city." l ä '^ s t s j ä n n o » Could it be true? Could God expect weeks. Early cabbage seed should have to save any out of such a vile center started 3 or 4 weeks ago in the house, as Corinth? ¡hotbed or greenhouse. Tomato seed I he Apostle gave out the Message Angell Has Introduced a bill ! could be started anytime now. Plant oi Life and the Holy Spirit pressed For Federal Annuity for cabbage seed 7 to 8 weeks before the it home. The Spirit threw the spot date of setting out in the ga den; light on the cross of Christ and con ALL Persons Over 60 'head lettuce. 6 to 8 weeks; And to vinced them that at the cross their Homer D. Angell, representative of The Spirit matoes and peppers, 8 to 10 weeks. sins were blotted out. the third Oregon district in congress, If you have no proper facilities for also lighted up the empty tomb and has introduced a measure which starting vegetable plants at home, it Corinth was made to know that U P would provide every adult citizen in TH E GRAVE C H R IST is often preferable to buy these FROM the United States with equal basic plants from your g:ocer, feed, or seed AROSE and that by the same mighty federal insurance permitting retire dealei I power. Christ shall raise back to life ment with benefits at the age of 60. While there is now sufficient a" who put their trust in Him. Yes, The measure also covers disability amounts of Victory Garden fertiliz-l—Christ came from the grave and as- J— /T. T. Comdr. George L. Earnshaw, U SN R ., Swarthmore, fro mwhatever cause, for certain citi ers in stock, it is well to estimate cended back to glory, to give life and Pa., form er pitcher fo r the champion Philadelphia Athletics and the zens under 60, gives protection to your needs and get your supply now victory to all who put their trust in I widows with children and aims to Chicago W hite Sox, was awarded the Commendation Ribbon by Admr. This month now, gardeners may be Him. A GOOD IDEA piovide an ever-expanding market for C. W . N im itz fo r meritorious performance as gunnery officer o f a U. S. The men of Corinth were rich but ¡making plantings in the garden of All car owners should heed the ad- , Koods and services through the pay- aircraft carrier at Truk. So effective was his antiaircraft fire that three ¡spinach, peas, onion sets, lettuce, rad wicked, and—"The wicked shall be s iso given by Ray Grimshaw, presi- ment and distribution of such bene- fast, low-flying enemy torpedo planes were destroyed in their repeated ish, and turnips. Have successive turned into hell.” —K N O W YO U R Natlonal Association o f flt* to " ‘ " ' " I by «vary c it i» n in BIBLE. Psalm 9-17. In chooosing ¡plantings every 2 weeks or so. efforts to damage his ship. H e used equipment bought with W ar Bond funds. Independent Tire Dealers in an ar- j proportion to the income privileges he , I f new plantings of asparagus and Christ, you choose more than riches. U. S. Treasury Def'artineitt tide in this weeks paper urging ob- enjoy*, rhubarb are to be made, plants should I for He alone can save from wrath to Funds for payments are to be de servance of "check your tire week” ~ be set out during latter part of March come and He alone can keep and sat commencing March 19. Tire dealers rived from collectlorf of a 3 per cent isfy.—G. N. T. Those who plan to use feitilizer on i if soil conditions permit, ate attempting to prevent thousands tax on gross income of all persons or This space paid for by Oregon- Order Fertilizer E arly companies derived from all sources, crops next fall should make plans and ! of automobiles being forced off the Washington people. I f you wish a place their orders or purchase their j For Stove and Diesel Oil Call H airy except in personal incomes there shall road for lack of tires. This week Phone Beaverton 3281. tf part in this Gospel by Newspaper, send Shortage of commercial fertilizer material no\V. Most fertilizer mater- Barnes, should be observed now by having be an exemption up to $100 a month. your sum large or small. The measure says.the annuity shall can somewhat be oveicome by order ials can be stored if kept in a dry j tires looked after by experienced men ing and purchasing supplies well in be spent within the confines of the place. but this is a continual process and it W A R BONDS are the safest invest- ' tires should be checked at regular United States, its territories and pos advance of need, says Palmer S. Tor- sessions and each installment shall be vend, county agent. Manpower short While shipping eat at the Grey- l ment in the wide world. intervals thioughout the year also. SW McChesney Road, Portland-l-Ore. spent by the annuitant within 30 days age are complicating the job of con at the Greyhound Coffee Shop. While shopping in Beaverton stop About the nearest to a hermit that I after the time of its receipt, except verting all available feitilizer material While In Beaverton be sure to eat For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry i in at the Greyhound Coffee Shop for you can find nowadays is the man : that this subsection shall not become into usable form in time for use by at the Greyhound Coffee Shop. Phone Beaverton 3231. t f I Lunch. who does not read a newspaper und operative until six months following farmers when the material is desired. Barnes. cessation of hositilities of the present does not have a radio. war. a. {{Keep It Flying Want Farmers to Participate in Campaign An urgent appeal to farmers and' other private woodland owners to par-j cipate In the 1945 Wartime Forest i Fire Prevention Campaign and assist in protecting timber vitally needed by the nation's Armed Forces, was Is sued this week by the Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, and | State forestry and conservation agen cies. Extreme caution should be exer cised in burning over fields. Farm ers are advised to plow furrows around tracts being burned to prevent sudden and uncontrolled spread of flames. Burning of brush and dead grass in farm woodlands should be done only in the best of weather con ditions and when "extra hands” are near to halt any unexpected expan sion of fires that might destroy or damage trees. "When ‘burning’ has been complet ed every spark should be extinguished - put dead out.” Of the more than 210,000 fires that attack our woodlands and ranges ev ery year, nine out of every ten can be traced to the carelessness and bad judgement of people Wood is a | critical war item and the Army un<l Navy has urged us to protect it from needless destruction. ----- Bonds ----- Over America WINE GLASS PULPIT All over New England stand white churches, em blem atic of Freedom J of Religion. Nowhere is then ■ more impressive shrine than the wine glass pulpit in the Sundown, START YOUR CHICKS RIGHT * get our Fiee Chick Chait— a week by week detail instruction on Feed and Care of Chicks from first day till they »tart N H., meeting house, erected about 1773. The original pews are there, too, where the congregation listened to sermons more than 170 years ago | that would have brought banishment to concentration camps under Nazi dominion. That’s tne American w ay; liberty for each to worship 1 1 God in his own way. That is one of the reasons why our men are fight ing— and one more reason why we must buy War Bonds to the lim it to keep them winning. i U. jl. Treasury Drtarlmrul to lay. Complete Line of FEED—SEED & GARDEN SUPPLIES A TTE N TIO N HOME OW NERS Kc-Mide Your II oiino NOW with Hrtek soling or Aulirnlim Shakes . . . Save 25'V Deal Direct With Reliable Mechanic Saves Fuel . . Cooler In Summer Contractor I, leen*»*— Insured tí. W. LY O N 213« N. Terry Ml 2RH3 D K IJ V E K Y SERVICE PORTLAND OPTICAL CO. Francis Bros. 6319 SW Capitol Hwy. COMPLETE OPTICAL SKU\ ICE Hr. Leighton E. Roy. Optometrist Mr. Win. II. Smith, Optician 41» S. W. Washington St. Portland. Oregon HE. 5014 AT. 7309 BRICKYARD i FACTORY WORKERS Essential Industry EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY Steady Work with Overtime APPLY AT SYLVAN PLANT E. H i engineer. His drafting board is set up and he is working on a practical dream for $6ur o f your new "C P " Gas Range . . . they are PIANO TUNING and REPAIRING rhone ALOHA ««IS Beaverton, Oregon the exact specifications for the most won derful cooking performance you ever knew. ★ De Laval S E P A R A T O R S — M H .H ERA C O M P L E T E E Q U IP M E N T I N I ) S U P P L IE R FOR TH E D A IR Y IN D U S T R Y ISW U .H .« t » « . a « » . 4VIRV T H I S « , ^ ¡ÍT*. . < ★ ★ THE PERFECT OVEN . . . Automatically con trolled to the most minute degree of temperature. Heavily insulated on all six sides; large and roomy, with plenty of racks. BROILER, ADVANCED DESIGN High speed instantly; clean, smokeless, spatterless; no waste of food flavor or vitamins. NEW CONVENIENCES . . . Spacious table top; glareless light; timer clock; accurate controls; adequate drawer space; automatic lighting; sim mer cooking; fast boiling; constancy of heat; easy to keep clean. SUPERB BEAUTY.. . Modern lines; sparkling white finish; smooth top; rounded corners; no crevices for dirt to lodge; attractive handles and control panel. ECONOMY IN OPERATION...Controllabil- itv of heat insures against waste of fuel; no stored-up reserve of heat; no boil-overs to waste food. This Certified Performance seal on any modem gas range is the mark of compliance with V -/ the highest standards of manufacture. Available after war production is finished . . . the gas industry 's contribution to postw ar prosperity and miliums of man-hours of productive emploi ment. tikmek trife// ! É . DA H O M A S P O R T L A N D GAS & COKE C O M P A N Y A T . «4SI a answer . . . he's a "C P ” Gas Range research board indicate more than the size and shape COLUMBIA BRICKWORKS UM Portland Gas & Coke Company has the / peacetime kitchen. The sketches on his GEORGE F. GORDON WANTED Who is the man in your kitchen? BUt WAR B O N D S N O W . . . . A B E A U T I F U L ' C P ' GA S R A N G E A F T E R THE WAR