The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951, March 16, 1945, Image 1

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V O L . 18, NO. 7
Saved By
Dead Man's Grip
Beaverton, Oregon.
Friday March 1(>. 1945
Junior Red Cross Member
To Visit Schools
Here and There
On M arch 19 and 20, Miss R uby I
| Dahlin. a Junior R ed Cross represen-j
tative from the P a cific a :ea o ffice , |
i will visit W ashington cou nty chapters i
j to observe Junior R ed Cross program s!
¡a n d operations in the schools.
Thrilling Story of
j Zola M o:gan . W ashington county Jun-
Flight Over Europa
! ior R ed Cross chairm an, is m aking
j plans fo r Miss Dahlin to visit a num-
Lit. V ance R. B osw ell and w ife are i ber o f schools in the county.
now visiting his m other Mrs. Stella
B osw ell o f B eaverton, having arrived '
hom e last week.
Lt. Bosw ell w ho attended B eaverton
school, enlisted in the O regon N a­
tional Guard in 1940, and w as com m is­
sioned in the air corp s 1942, in this
He entered a ctive duty in
May, 1943 in Europe, it w as while fly-
About Our Boys
Tire Dealers
Special gifts this week to the Red
: C; oss war fund
from local
organizations were:
$15 from Boy
Scout T roop No. 208 and $25 from
order o f E astern
National “Check Your T ire
There were many expressions o f ' W eek" Starts March 19
reg:et as people have learned R ev.
_ _ _
G eorge O ’K eefe has left
B eaverton
N nti0na| ‘ch eck
you tire w eek"
this week for a larger parish in *>a- will start Monday, M arch 19th. with
His parish ion eis and
. ,
, v „ nds I nearly 20.000 tire dealers th .ou gh ou t
g r e him a farew ell dinner last Sun-|ttte country coop eratin g in attem pt to
day and presented him with a m one Drpvpn,
f thousands
hnil * . . . o f
autom obile °
tary gift
from being forced o f f the road for
R ebekah Lodge No. 248, Beaverton, lack o f tires.
Thi s announcem ent
will have
at their next has just been released by R ay Grim -
m eeting
All shaw, Portland. Oregon, president
,, ,
Í I 2 k“ h! . are ur« ent,y requested to N ational A ssociation o f Independen
ih»t°»'her S ! rn Ta " y Ln aS? tem,b? r,
Red Cross
w orkers
be present.
T ile Dealers.
l o w i n g i ? a „ _ ,f!*S f
’ n a a ^e- ^ ol" elated over the generous support to
The R ed Cross o f Beaverton are
The situation is alarm ing. Due par­
h o w fhpv «.•»
, U,n ° |the tJ 'P- am i their drive fo r funds to carry on the
having a benefit dance at the M a­ tly to the Impression that the w ar in
‘ nte/ ned ,n l_S w U ler- ! g ood work
T he bom bardier on the plane
sonic T em ple this Saturday night.
For the w eek ending M arch 10th |
Europe would soon be over and that
Em erson W alker and bride are here new tires, would be released for civ il­
" " W a r ’ is^heM*" « BoS/)V^i1
¡B ea v erton
„ 2 h
S°MSalu G en ' . S.h er'I S1631.50, Barnes, $175; C edar Mill $89;
ian use. the public generally has been
and M .s. L L W alker.
h *f! N orthern
legions ; Garden Hom e, $34; H iteon, $86.25;
lax in tire conservation.
This was
At the special school meeting Tues- '•
i h o ^ 8 an the
lneS ° f C° n‘ M cK ay *382.76; R aleigh. South o f the
, . „
- . . . . Proven by surveys m ade in several
fe d e ia c y about 8° y e a is ago
H ighw ay, $130; Tualatin View $303;
day night Melvin Beeler was elected | cities by O R A which tevealed tb
a school director to finish the unex- alm ost tw o tires per cat w ere in need
S°, Sa>'8.
, ST
Union (W est Cedar M ill) $231
T he'
Turner upon his return to Orlandi, quota was j 3700 o f which $3062.50 or
I Pin'd term o f W. D. Cam eron, w h o ; 0f recapping
, has resigned to serve as a m em be, o f I The tire situation Is m oie serious
m in t , oe ' ' ' eryv,
. a SWiSS ,n,tern; &2-77cr has been reported.
m ent cam p w here he was con fin ed
c ,p o,e reports $105 coUected; DuiJ
m 1 " " j w Kh
now than ever before.
T he dem and i
Mr. and Mrs K. T hom pson have ] Qf the armed forces have not us yel
F oT tr'enss h a m ' 1113 75; M etZRe‘ $3l8; S h erw ood
O iU citl U. S. S .t m l C orps P hoto
attack on H itler's roofless
been met
T housands o f tires m e
$200; T igard $1027; Tualatin $141.50,
An American soldier in Italy works on his tent, using shell containers and
ter visiting their daughtei Mrs. R oger ruined every day on the fightin g
total o f $190525 w hich is 47.63% o f
A lthough m ilitary censorship fo r- \
More thousands are detnol
quota o f $4000.
moored in (hr mttd while beyond i- a transport stioplj > tad. Help Uila
bids any m ention o f his return, Lt.
Mrs. G ordon H cughen o f Sorrento ished by shell file or bom bs; and are
soldier return to a real home by backing him with War Bonds,
A loha-H uber turned in $604.26; Beth-
T urner told a spine-chilling story to
is in a Portland hospital for a m a­ cut to pieces over the shell pocked
From U. S. Treasury
| any $100; C ooper
Mt. $150.75; St.
jo r operation.
a gathering o f his fam ily and fiie n d s
Even A rm istice in E urope
¡M arys, B oys School $57.50, a total o f j
M ;s. W ayne Smith and children o f would not relieve the situation, as oui
o _ t i,.
. $912.50 or 73% o f quota o f $1250.
o n the m orning o f Septem ber 6, ______________ ______ _________________
Camas, Wash., are at present with main e ffo its will then be directed
1943, Lt. T urner bom ber pilot was c a ll - !
. Mrs. W F. Dessinger and daughter, against Japan, w hich
4-H Club Leaders on KALF.
would mean
Mi Smith having enlisted.
ed into the briefin g room and shown ' R - i - f c r \ " f M / s T > r n
traveling over
Burm a and
C hina
Program March 21
the target fo r the d ay—Stuttgart,
S jl.
IV cV V o
Mrs. R uby Boyd and Mrs. G eoige where even so-called good roads are
Germ any.
It w as just an ordin ary
Blasser attended the funeral W ednes­ deadly to motor transportation.
W ashington cou nty 4-H club lead
day for this you ng pilot as he headed
d a y in Portland o f Mrs. B oyd's a u n t1 Lt Gen .Brehon Som ervell, com -
across F rance to p erform his duty.
Mrs. Jessie S. Frazier, w ho its a girl | m anding, urges support to "ch eck
D i.t" 4-H program W ednesday m ori
He and his men thought they were
lived at Progress.
your tire w eek ” with this com m ent!
Sgt. A lvin L. B ecker, son o f Mr. and ing M arch 21, at 6:30 on station
foitu n a te in not m eeting any e ie m y
The A nderson Byrd children a re, "O ur soldiers on the Germ an Fron
planes b efore reaching thé target j M rs- s - A B ecker, Beavei ton, is an air K A LE, Portland, it is announced by
quite sick ut the home o f theh g r a n d -; tier know that the road
to Berlin
area. “ It's not goin g to be a bad r a i d 'cra ft m echanic in the m aintenance Burton Hutton, K A L E farm service
parents on Seventh and W atson St.
must be traveled on rubber tires
Bloodmobile at Hillsboro
after all,” they agreed. A fter leaving ; division at a E ighth A A F service com - director.
Mrs. E lm er Stipe entertained eight E ach soldier is doing his individual
their target, they
headed fo r th eir ! mand station in England.
j A ppearing on the program will be
ladies at luncheon and con tract on j part in the greatest tire conservation
next m ission over France. A bout 1 5 1
; John Schm eltzer. Mountain Hom e, i
¡cam paign in history.
A rm y trucks
miles out, Lt. T urner spotted e ig h t' Mr. and Mrs. Paul F rederick Schu- ' leadei foi 12 years;
P rospects for a third 200-pint day .
. aei ° f route 3, has and jeep s in E urope ore not tu rn in g
enem y fighters high up to the right. ! etze, Beaverton, have received word F old. H illsboro leadei for 20 years
in a lo w were bright this week ns la ° lc' a notice fio m the G overn- over their wheels an
unnecessa y
H aving the utmost faith
in his top i that their son, M otor M ach. Mate 3d Mrs.
Louisa M cG eorge, R eedville.
m em bers ot the W ashington county ment °* the lleath o f her son ln the mile. If w e ut hom e are half as real
gunner, he called his attention to it C, U. S. naval, reserve has been w oun- and
E. Anderson,
, l*ttc as our fighting men, if we w ork
i county agent o f W ash in gton county. blood donor service com m ittee c o m - iSCI-Y ce' .
and im m ediately forg ot about them. ded.
V\ alters is visiting her ; half as hard to save the tires we do
| “ Pay D irt” K A L E 's farm
service pleted plans for the March visit o f , . * . ,IS' . Ulmer
Suddenly, a second later, there cam e
the Red Cross "blood m obile”
to the
us ¿and w ho is in a C alifornia
A r- have, we will go a long w nj tow ard
W ord has been received by Mr. and program , is heard at 6:30 a. m., and
a blinding flash o f light.
i county center at Hillsbor.
H ow ev- hospital.
solving this most vexing problem .
T he fron t o f the plane had blow n Mrs. A. M. Jannsen o f R eedville, that at 12:15 p. m., M ondays th iu Satur-
I cr, full public co-operation in t h e 1. ' 'V 'c’e . B osw ell is spending u fur- urge ull w orkers In w ar plants to
up. T he first thing entering my m ind I their son E dw ard M. Jannsen, has days.
¡m a tter ol reporting prom ptly to ap- ou8 h \'ith his w ife and m other after w atch th eir tire pressures, to repair
was the possibility o f its being the | been prom oted from captain to m a -1
pointnients will be necessary to as- m any m onths in service overseas. H e , and recap before It's too late.”
oxygen supply,” the o ffic e r said
! j°r . He was recently., aw arded the j
sure success.
spent some time In hospital
and | Jam es F. Byrnes, director, O ffice o f
"My co-pilot began m aking fran tic | Distinguished Flying C ross with a p
v C p n r o p O ’ K p p fi*
It is im perative that d on o.s report ,>n*‘ n,y ca mp-
^ W ar M obilization and R econ version
gestures at me. I looked dow n and ! b ionze Oak L eaf cluster
fo r gallantry
^ ,
prom ptly at the tim e
o f their ap-
an^ i , °^n Beaverton
O. E. S. support "ch eck you
r r tire week with
saw I no longer had a steering wheel . ! in action as pilot o f a B-26
Marau- Gets New Post
at Salem
pointm ent, those persons unable to
y " uP,er visited
M inerva Chapter,
this statem ent:
force in
Then I realized
that the instrum ent der w ith the 9th arm y air
report at the eentei at the time as- Portland, Tuesday night it being their
"B attle experience hns lesulted In a
panel had been totally dem olished. It F rance.
A fter 9'* years in the St. C ecelia signed should
con tact
Mrs. A ben- v' r<* anniversary and charter mem- substantial increase in requirements!
His w ife and infant son are m aking ch u r ch at Beaverton,
O regon. Rev. droth, so that a substitute can be ob- i
was hanging like con fetti from the
were special guests.
o f the A rm y for truck and com bat
My first thought was to their hom e with h e p a r e n t s , M i. and George O 'K eefe left M arch 15 to as­ tained
i Mr. and Mrs. W illiam O. Mundell tires. It is obvious that we must ex­
bail out and he q u ick ly reached fo r j Mrs. L S. W o lf o f R aleigh Hills,
sume his new duties at St. V incent de
A ppointm ents a .e now being made ;,I<
parents o f a d a u g h l?:, Nin- ercise every possible precaution to e x ­
the button.
As he did so, his eyes j
Paul's C atholic Church in Salem.
tend the life o f the tires we now have.
! for the April 20 visit of the ‘ blood- (
met a horrible sight.
T he bom bar-
An Eighth Air F orce L iberator Sta - 1
^ potluck dinner was given Sunday m obile” ,
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald B. Gray o f Y our publicity cam paign should held
G roups w anting
dier and navigator w ere lying in a ! tion in E ngland— 2nd Lt. S teilin g G. ¡n y,j3 honor, over 300 guests, both
m ents are asked to make arrange- A loha are the proud parents o f a b o y ,; m aterially to this end.”
p ool o f blood on the floor. The fron t Fligge. route 3. Beaverton, co-pilot, is f rom his parish and friends in this menta before April 5.
1 liomaa B.
John D. Mann, ch ief tire rationing;
end o f the ship had been blnow n a m em ber of the 392nd Bom bardm ent area were present to wish him suc-
M arble C ook has tendeied his r e s ig -: branch o f OPA says:
“ A carefu l re
aw a y— all the way back to the bom b-
nation to and been accepted by the j view o f this plun by anyone cognizant
sight, Turner said.
school board o f Klamath
Falls as of the seriousness o f the tire shortage
R ev
O ’K eefe
has alw ays
Both his and the co-pilot's para­ outstanding perform an ce o f duty” on
football coach and physical education | can produce nothing but the most en
The 392nd attacked gteatly interested in civ ic-a ffa irs. He
ch utes were blow n to shreds.
C hok­ 200 missions.
His resignation becom es thusiastic reaction and support. You
ing fo r breath, he lifted his hands to 120 targets in Germ any and 80 tar- w-as a mem ber o f local clubs, was on
The annual m eeting of the R eedville
effectiv e at the end o f the school I have my best wishes for its full suc-
ad ju st his oxygen mask, only to fin'd
the county board of the Red Cross. C om m unity 'P resb y teria n church will year.
Mr. C ook coach ed the B e a v e r-' cess ”
adve:se conditions and incle­ and will be greatly missed.
he no longer had one.
H e found a ! pite
be held March 29.
O. L W alter, L) ton High School football team seveia li T ire dealers throughout the country
strip o f rubber, the front o f his but­ ment weather, overcom in g fierce ene­
D S yn od ic«
executive o f P ortland , years
, have agreed to assist in a tire checE-
tered mask.
Feeling a sharp pain in m y fighter opposition on many o c c a ­
] ' m odel ate the session
Ml s j Qhn E rlcson has just return - 1 ¡ng program . Mr. G rim shaw points
in order to
assigned i
his chest, he glanced dow n and saw sions
Lee M orris Schoubee Jr. has been ^ f om seVeral m onths vacation trip out that while the public is urged to
New Studio Open
spending a lengthy furlough with his vis ,ting her son and brothe r in the have their tire* Inspected till* week,
blood oozing through his shirt.
He objectives.
T argets attacked by 392nd Libera­
and his p a.en ts
Mi and Mrs. middle west. She is now m aking her that it I* a con tin u al proves* and
m otioned to his co-pilot to dive below
D ick K okick has opened a studio in
and ca tch up with the planes lying tors includ B e.lin , Gotha, Politz, Bre- his home on Center Street, Beaverton .
with the home with her daughter Mrs. H ow ard tin-* should he carefully ch ecked by
W eed.
under them, but it was no use. T hey men, H am burg and other objectives , nd will >rive ]pssons on th(. accord- I A A I
experienced servicem en at regular
Hg w j„ Riv), lessons u , t,ofh
n oth ' The
l , ,r new
,,c ” addition
a o u in o " to
IU the
L.c n
iu n a-n u -
Miss Pearl Shei lock, director o f R e- periods.
w ere already too far ahead.
In des- in G erm any, France. N orw ay, Hoi- ,a £
seventh ,
K d.i.-.tion for the O regon Con-1
p e.ation , Lt. T urner gave ord ers to land. B elgium and Poland.
¡ch ildren and adults in modern or I ber School
and eighth g .a d cs have moved in
ference, will speak at the M ethodist!
Funeral services were held Satur-
head for the ground.
-----> —
| classical instruction.
Im m ediately,
w ere met by
. . they
. a ! D esm ond O. Mead, son o f Mrs. Vic- Ij Mr. K okich
has ha9 a studio in | A daughtei was b o ,n March - to church Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clo ck day for A rdlllo A dam s o f 3107 SW II-
flo ck o f G erm an M E 110's w hich pro- to .ia Mead. 7320 SW Benz P ark drive. p ort]and over a yes
but feels that a Mr. and Mrs. H ow ard Zoet
Hei theme will i,c "Youth Adult Co lihota si . fathei of Herman C Adam
Frank Allm an and his m othe. Mrs. op eration ” .
ceeded to m ake quick w ork o f them has been prom oted to sergeant at his Kipa( m any people in this area would
She will illustrate her j st. Paul, M inn; brother H erm an E..
Only a quirk o f fate saved the lives station with a m echanized cavalry- )jke tQ takc lessons ln h is home there­
talk with a fine set o f cor do-ch rom e Priest River, Idaho; gran dfath er o f
F rank is em ployed there.
o f those men in the skeleton ship. T he reconnaisance squadron in Europe.
hy saving gasoline and tiies.
s' ' dps-
1 Leonard A. Adam s, B euverton and
R a y Tw eed, son of Mrs. R oscoe Ben- j Funeral services will be held F ri-jM rs. V ivienne Arnold. Alham bra, Cal.
turret gunner, badly wounded, d ied —
his hands closing on the grips o f his
day March 16 for R oxan n e K o lk e n -jA ls o father o f Lew Adam s, who pass-
gun, causing the ball to rotate.
T h is! tion, England -S ergean t Charles R.
A m arriage license h is been issued his work with the incentive division beck in the R ose Chapel o f J. P. F in -, ed aw ay a few weeks ago. W . E. Peg>f
dead m an's grip, accord in g to Turner, b oom er. B eaverton. Or , it 2. 26 years to E in est Elm er W entz, Portland, and and
, is stationed . , . .
. Ipy * Son but will be under a r ra n g e -; was In ch arge
Interm ent was in
fo i furthei naval ti lining
rw eed nu.nt o f w E Pegg.
kept the ball m oving, so the Germ ans old waist gunner on the crew o f a B- Thelm a Aletha Keebaugh,
C om m ittal at B ellingham , Wash.
hid in Guam ovci tw o years fugitive R tvervlaw cem etery.
thought gunner still alive and shoot- 17 flying fortress, has recently been
a daughter,
N inetto
Y , was
Surviving a r e '
ing. T hey never tried to attack from awarded a second Oak L eaf Cluster to Feb. 28 at B eaverton to Mr .and Mis. from the Japs before he was le.-cued s i„tera m Portland and Port O rfoid , I T he R ev Francis Sturtevant will be
the bottom .
In the midst o f bursting the an medal
He won the
Wm O Mundell.
“I 1 ^
and S> ,attic. W ash.
the apaakl
at the Annual T h in k s
shells, the wounded navigator craw l- tion for “ cow
' and -kill
Mr* Paul K nepp is staying m port ¡o ffe rin g Servics oi the Womeu's So
ed up to the cock -p it to give instruc- and his outstanding perform an ce of
land at the hom e o f her sister-in -la w , ciety o f
the First
C ongregational
tion fo r reaching Sw itzeiland.
His duty during a num ber o f Eighth Air
this week carin g f o r Mr. Knapp’s ; C hurch ..t Ftorssl Ol
■ Thurs-
left eyeball was bulging out o f its j force attack on Germ an war targets,
m other w ho has been ill.
The Leadership
C o u rs e :
sock et, T urner said. Jettisoning their
He is now a m em ber o f the 486th
con ducted by the P ortland Council |
bom bs over the B lack Forest, the B om b, group, a unit o f the Third Air
of C hurches closed this Tuesday ev­
men headed fo r Switzerland, after f l y - ; Division, the division cited by the
A m on g the B eaverton people
ing for fo rty fiv e m inutes
H aving no president for its E ngland-A friea shut-
attending w e .e Mrs. G raydon Pace of
instrum ents to tell how high we were tie hom ing
the ^ M esserschm itt
the M ethodist Church, Miss Bernice
flyin g, or how fast, we decided to plant at R egensburg. Germ any,
Conoly, Mias A m arette
Karnes, Mrs.
land on a lake instead o f the field s!
N orton Peck, R ev. Francis
su rrou nding it. At an estim ated 180
An Eighth Air F orce B om ber Sta-
vant and M :s. L P. Putnam o f Bethel
miles an hour he m ade his approach tion. England. The Air Medal was re-
C on gregation al Church«
T he R ev.
and proceeded to land.
T he plane cently awarded to Sergeant Da\id .
L. P. Ihjtnam, w ho is on the sta ff o f
hit the water with
te rrific
force, A ckerm an for 'm erito.iou s achieve-
the P ortland Council, taught a course
k n ock in g the m en's safety belts loose m ent” while participating in bom bing
o f particular interest to C hurch of-|
and th row in g T urner and his copilot attacks aganst G erm an targets
fice. s.
against the w indshield
T he seven j Sgt. A ckerm an 22. is a ball turret
Janet R ae Shofner, Phyllis Oldman. ^
men in the radio : oom were flung in gunner on an Eighth Air F orce B-l>
Janet Felsher, David Cady. David
the bay.
T hey lost no tim e in gett- F lying Fortress in the 385th B om b­
B uffam , W ilbur Miller, Harold Steele, i
ing out o f the plane and with m uch bardm ent G roup
His w ife is the
Bonnie G risham , E m ily Sayre, V eile
d fficu lty released the life raft and form er Miss Lorrine Savage. Beaver-
H andy and Jam es T aggert of Bethel
m anaged to get on it, assisting the ton. Oregon
C hurch attended the week-end C on-,
uncon scious bom bardier.
T he body
feren ce of the O regon State Pilgrim
o f the turret gunner rem ained in the
Billy E. Duhaine. 17 graduate an
Fellow ship at Forest Grove.
plane until it was b ought to the sur- form er student body p esident o f the
R ev. F -ancia
acted as
fa ce by the Swiss harbor police T he B eaverton high school, enlisted in
Adult Adviser to a Section discu ss­
seven w ounded received prom pt rued!- the U. S Coast Guard February 28 a
ing W orship.
cal care, including
Lt Turner, w ho Portland and left the same night Tor
said, the bom bardier lost his left eye Alameda. C alif , to start his basic
and p ractically lost his left arm T h ey training
were taken into custody by Swiss
W hile in high school. Duhatme was
L C K ram ien o f H illsboro and vet­
m ilitary authorities and placed in a editor o f the school paper, president
eran o f W orid W ar I has been named
ca m p o f interm ent for tw o m onths
of his sophom ore class and partlci-
a m em ber o f th e W ashington County
___________________ pated in
V eterans' Farm Loan C ertifyin g C om ­
L u d en d orf bridge at R em agen Ger- track
His parents now live in Port-
V. S.
many. w hich was set to be blow n up land.
county farm security supervisor and
by G erm ans at 4 p m
Ten m inutes
secretary o f the com m ittee.
earlier A m ericans cut the wires and
M rs K athryn W y e k o ff has received
applications for
governm ent-
saved the vital link for invasion w ord that her husband R obe t a .
guaranteed farm and farm equipm ent
•cross the R hine. It is estim ated this W y e k o ff has recently com pleted ba-
loans as provided under tho G I B ill,'
shortsned the duration o f the war by ¡s ic trainin g and Is ready fo r co m b s, LT STERLING O FLIGOE, son of Mr«. E. Fltgge, route », Beaverton 1 will ha review ed by this committee. I
a month
•i™ 0»'*4 UB,t
Generous Support
Given Red Cross
Donors Wanted
March 17