Friday, M arch 2, 1945 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon CLASSIFIED WANT ADS CASH ( Must Accompany All C L A SSIF IE D AD S Oaunt each word, including Name aad address—ONLY 2c A WORD Na Phone Orders Taken We Publish the BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE TIGARD SENTINEL MULTNOMAH PRESS ALOHA NEWS v Complete Eastern Waantngton County and Western Multnomah County •overage. We assume no financial responsi bility for errors which may appear in advertisements published in these columns but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part o f ' an advertisement in which the typo graphical saietaka occurs. m FOR SA L E FOR SALE—Baby buggy. Beaverton 3424. Phone 5 FOR SALE—Shingled Pigeon Pen 4 ftx4 ft., 5 nr 6 ft tall, good condi tion, good floor, $20. Mrs. Geo. Francis, 4207 SW Gabel Lane, Port land 1, Or., BE. 5952. 5 FOR SALE—Wood Range $12. On Menlo Dr., 8th house on left from Farmington Rd., After 6 p. m. and Sundays. 5 FOR SALE—% Bed and springs; Innerspring mattress; 1 oak rock er; 1 porch chair; 1 dining chair; Edison phonograph; complete set of carpenter tools in chest; 1 nice mirror. Mrs. Evans, 215 Lombard, Beaverton. 5 FOR SALE—Folding Play Pen $8; Collapsible Baby Buggy $4. Call eve. after 6 or Sunday, Mrs. Ray Jewett, SW 1st and Main, across from City Hall, Apt. 1, Beaverton.5 FOR SALE—Drop head sewing machine, good condition. $25. 8117 SW 35th Ave., Multnomah. 5 FOR SALE—Premier Everbearing Strawberries 15c dox.; Improved! Oregon. Mixed Dahlias 10c apiece. Annual and perennial Hydrangias $1. 6 blks S Hillsdale Junction Robert J. Thoendel, 7101 SW Ber- | tha, Multnomah, Ore. 6 I El M etrical Appliances Repaired Radios, Refrigerators, Washing Machinée, Sewing Machine and all household appliances—See EDDIE OLDMAN Johnson Road Opp. N. W. Christian Home or Marshall Wells Hdw., Beaverton tf I BROOD SOWS and Weaner Pigs for Sale the year around, S. A Getter, Schells. 12tf FOR SALE—4 ft green slab. Aloha district $6 per cord. Block & Ed- : ging $7 per cord. Beaverton-Tl- j ' gard-Oarden Home district 4 ft. green slab $7 per cord. Block Ar Edgings $8 per cord. H. F. Elford, Forest Grove. Phone 56. tf Home Refrigeration and washing machine seivices. Call K. R. Twombly CH. 2267. 8tf FOR SALE - Special Dry Fireplace and Furnace Wood. Dry Heavy old growth slab 16 in.. Green Slab 16 in. Immediate delivery in 2-cord loads only. Call Tigard 2281. 5 W ANTED W A N T -F ry Cook for night work. Lamberts Drive In on SW Canyon Rd., mile from Beaverton. Top Pay. 5 WANTED—Position as housekeep er in Beaverton. Call collect Ore gon City 2-1771, ask for Miss Sor- j ensen. 5 ; BOARDING SCHOOL—Individual attention. Special diet for nervous1 anemic children. 1111 NW 25th Avs., Portland-10-Oregon. 8 WANT TO BUY—Small modern 3 or 4 room house close in Beaver ton. Write Mrs. May Williams. Beaverton. 5 Commercial Orchard A Town STRAYING All Purpose Spraying CLINE BROS. I^favette. Oregon. Box 163 PHONE* IAFAYETTF. OREGON WANT—Boy or man to care for garden all summer. Kabal. in West Highland. 1*45 SW Upland Dr. I Portland. 8 CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK— j Plowing and Discing. D. P. Mac Donald. Ruby Ave.. Rt. 2, Box 218, Beaverton, Oregon. Phone Beav erton 2260. »tf TRACTOR WORK WANTED Plowing and Grading PHONE CHerry 3437 2nd house North of Kraft Cheese Co. 50 tf WANTED—Bicycle repairman, ex perienced man preferred Kiseler Bicycle Shop. 923 SW 4th Ave. Portland. Ore., bet. 11 a. m. and 6 p. m Call AT 5438. tf WAJ-NUTS — FILBERTS Walnut Meats Filbert Meats We Pay Cash on Receipt at our plant THE TIGARD NUT PACKING CO. tf f ANTED—Berry Plants, Shrubs, lants of all kinds for our sales ird CLYDE GARDENS. Barbur lv d , at SW 28th. CHerry 10 $ • Red Cross Faces Greatest Peg« 3 Dead Men Read This Food Affects / . Q. Task in Fourth War Year O f Tots Before i WANTED—Surburban A Farm WASHINGTON. D C. — Facing the' Red Cross service on the home front I properties We have the buyer, you have the propetty, let's get togeth- ! greatest task In its history in serving has expanded with the ever-increasing Surrey Reveals Results of er. We are in contact with many American Qghting men on advancing demand upon It, Mr. O'Connor said. In OHI LOOK! The street is full of Eastern buyers who have cash and war fronts overseas, their families at addition to collecting more than ten Good Nutrition. dead men. They are in and out of want to locate here. Our appraiser home, their buddies returning to the n 1 lion pints of blood for plasma since! God will call on you. No obligation. United States after discharge, and the the beginning of the war, the Red i NEW YORK.—Evidence that good the stores and everywhere. loves them one and all, and he yearns 8LAYTER REALTY COMPANY American people in emergencies on the Cross has met requests of the Army 1 nutrition before the age of lour to give them life eternal and make "In downtown Portland." 528 SW home front, the American Red Cross at.d Navy for whole blood shipments to raises the I. Q., the intelligence, of them his sons and daughters forever. Salmon Street, BR. 1146. 51tf will launch its third War Fund cam European and Pacific battle areas. Ten children, is reported in the Ameri- And why are they dead? It is be paign March 1. LAND CLEARING — Tractors centers on the East and West coasts can Journal of Digestive Diseases cause they sinned and the wages of That the American people will re a ready participate in the collection of by Dr. I. Newton Gugelmass of New sin is death, eternal separation front Available. L. H. COBB, Phone God. KNOW YOUR BIBLE. So Beaveiton 2881. IMf spond with overwhelming generosity Type O whole blood, while others stand York City. they are travelling toward the pit to the appeal for $200.000,000 to carry ready to Join in that program as mill- He studied 182 children for 14 and some day the door will close be on this world-wide program is already tary needs warrant. > R A BBITS W A N T E D j years. Some were well nourished hind them and they will be out in indicated in the nation-wide determina At four packaging centers, manned ar>d others ill-nourished, divided the awful despair—out in the dark BEST PRICE for Rabbit Fryers, D. tion to meet all its war needs and to by volunteer workers, more than 20.- evenly. In each group also nearly forever. Out with the weeping and P. MacDonald, R2, Bx 218, Beaver- I bring the five-year struggle to an early 600,000 food parcels have been turned half were mentally retarded and wailing, where the gun never rises ton. Phone Beaverton 2260. We ! and successful conclusion. out In a steady stream for shipment to the other half mentally normal. and spring never comes. Out In the pick up. tf | In every invasion during the past prisoners of war and civilian .nterneea The intelligences of all were land of eternal woe. W AN TED -Live Harm its, to buy jreafy Chairman Basil O'Connor of the in Germany and the Ear East. __ Yes. God loves them all and he Surgical „ ___ tested, and then the ill-nourished now. Top prices paid. Rabbit Meat American Red Cross said. Red Cross dressings—775.000.000 of them —were were given good diets continuously paid high to win them—"For God so Co., 8917 SE Stark St. .Portland. ' workers have either gone with the prepared in the past year alone Tor for some time and retested. At the ||“ ve<J the world that he gave his only Phone SUnset 1722. Open week troops, or have followed within a very front line and hospital use Production same time those who had been well ! i« days only until 7:30 p. m. tf short time Red Cross field directors workers in hundreds of communities nourished all the time were retested, have eternal ltte .- b i b l e *' ' internal were with General Eisenhower's men h ive continued the never ceasing pro- j as a check against influences other ufe for WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH. ^ M IS C E L L A N E O U S in the great amphibious invasion of of making warm garments for than nutrition. (Your heart must believe that Christ France, and with General MacArthur's destitute civilians in war-torn countries The ill-nourished children all died for your every last sin. From CATS TO GIVE AWAY—Mrs Ev-| forces when they returned to the Phil overseas, and In those countries the showed a rise in intelligence due to | now on. ns believing, confess your ans, 215 Lombard St., Beaverton. 5 ippines and 1 ‘-----*“ keep in **“ step. KNOW YOUR Red Cross has assisted the Army in good food. The children who had sins "*-------- Ten thousand men and women wear caring for refugees and homeless peo- j been well fed all the time showed i BIBLE. 1 John 8-9. WILL KEEP BOY—4 to 5 years of the Red Cross uniform overseas, serv Yield to see you through—Yes, live pie. no such rise. age on my farm day time only. by Power From On High. ing in every theatre of war and with Nor has its service to the armed The average increase in I. Q. was Located 3*s miles from Beaverton. This space paid for by Oregon- Enquire at Associated Gas Sta., every command. They work in leave forces on a global scale caused any 10 points for the mentally retarded I Washington people. If you wish a «lubs, clubmobiles. rest houses, hospi relaxation on the part of the Red Cross children and 18 for the normally Beaverton. 5 part in this Gospel by Newspaper, send tals Red Cross men attached to fight- to carry out its traditional service to healthy ones. your sum large or small. ing units are with those outfits even the American people in time of disas- Income Tax Returns Prepared But the rise in intelligence was in actual combat. Red Cross girls dis tvi‘ More than 200 domestic disasters significant up to age four and negli- MARGARITE B .FITZPATRICK pense snacks at air fields, along truck - h " H is and fli i e gd'lo hi the older ages. This was Rt. 1, Box 688 Tigard 2276 ing supply routes, behind front areas f< und Red Cross w orkers on the job to ! particularly striking in the malnour- : SW McChesney Road, Portland-l-Ore. On Greenburg Road 6 and in liberated cities. relieve stricken families and to aid in ished. retarded children. Up to age Many, both men and women, are on the rebuilding of communities. j four their increases in intelligence Congress is important for our lib PANSIES, GIANT SWISS $1 Ik«. duty at scores of Isolated outposts “The need for Red Cross services in were 5 to 10 times faster than in erty and our freedom and for our throughout the world, and give aid to the coming year will be greater than later years. Perennials, Azaleas, Violas purse. Yet it costs only half as Berry Plants. Shrubbery wounded men In hospitals and on hos ever before." Mr. O'Connor said. "In The average intelligent, malnour much to operate the entire legislative CLYDE PERRENIAL GARDENS pital ships, planes and trains. Away fulfilling the Red Cross appeal for ished children also showed a more plant that is the House and the Sen Barber Blvd. at SW 28th from the battle areas, thousands more rapid I. Q. rise before age four ate, as it does to run the office of CH. 3003 tf serve at military and naval Installa $-’00,000,000, the American people will indicate its wholehearted backing of than afterward. But among them Indian Affairs. tions within the United States. the differences before and after men in the front lines." Change of Location A new fuel tablet has been adopted were not large. ED'S AUTO SERVICE for heating combat rations by the Ar The I. Q. is something inherited Formerly of Metzger, Oregon It is known as metaldehyde The Low Down that after early childhood remains my. Will he at New Location at and Is made up Into round white tab about fixed throughout life. From Hickory Grove ARRIS GARAGE IN TIGARD lets, packed six to a small tubulAr can Phone Tigard 3465 10 of convenient size to be carried In More and more, we will hear about the pocket. Injured in Plane Crash, Photographs become Portraits what to do to take up the slack when When Colored in Oils the war work tapers. It is the right His Life Saved by Nurse Brides a Specialty—Special Rates For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry idea, so long as we don't let anybody to Service Men—BE. 8435 5tf WASHINGTON, D. C. — A fast Barnes. Victory gardeners who have a sell us a get-rich-quickie that will Phnae Beaverton 3231. tf ---------------------------------------------- ! choice of garden sites will get bet- turn out in a few years to be what thinking flight nurse was credited NOW HATCHING—Hardy West- ter results by choosing a level, or we don’t want, and be a menace ver by the army with saving the life LEGAL NOTICE ein-Bred New Hampshire, White gently sloping, free working soil with sus being a help. of a crewman on a hospital plane Leghorn, Parmenter and Barred not too much shade from buildings I got in mind the preliminary sales after his throat had been cut in Order for Final Hearing and Publi Rock Chicks and Broad Breasted or competition from nearby trees, ad- talk we see in the papers about foim- the crash of the ship. cation of Final Notice Poults. Also custom hatching vises Palmer S. Torvend, county ing 6 o p 7 more "Authorities." The She is Second Lieut. Louise Haw- No .5949 from tested flocks.. ROSS HATCH- agent. Torvend says there is much first one on the griddle is the Mis kins, 23, Redwood City, Calif., who IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE ERY, Aloha, Ore. Phone 6441. 8 more interest in victoiy gardening STATE OF OREGON FOR THE ^ a^e£ , ° ne’ aroun^ was in charge of 24 litter patients now than was expected several soaU million. When finished, instead of COUNTY OF WASHINGTON. VILLA RIDGE NURSERY months ago because world conditions creating new jobs, it will turn out aboard the air transport command In the matter o f the Estate of Fruit, Nut, Shade and have shown that home-grown vege that for every new political job it plane flying from Palau to Guadal EDWARD A. IVEY, Deceased. Flowering Trees tables will be vitally needed again opened up, it will put out of commis canal in the Pacific. Christine Hand, administratrix of Berry Plants and Shrubbeiy this year. The pilot of the plane, First Lieut. the estate of the above named de sion a job already being done by V. M. CHAUSSE How soon to work the garden plot somebody not working for the Govt. George W. Jones, 23, St. Albans, ceased, having filed herein her final 11333 SW W*h Phone CH. 2928 will depend on the type of soil, Tor So, all we get out of the clamor is W. Va., crash-landed the plane on a account and report, 12 vend adds. Sandy. soils warm early another nice, new, shiny debt of 400 tiny island when its gasoline supply IT IS ORDERED that Monday, the | ran out. All those aboard, except 5th day of March, 1945, at the hour of PAPERING—Painting & Kalso- in the spring and can be worked million. An every-day citizen, if he tried the the one crewman, escaped injury. 9:30 a. m., of said day, at the Court mining, neat, experienced work early, although they dry out more Swiftly and efficiently the war de Room of said Court in Hillsboro, Ore man L. L. Seeley, R 2, Bx 180-A rapidly and may require more fer same kind of “authority” hocus-po Heavier or clay types of cus, the Blue Sky laws would have partment related, Lieutenant Haw gon, is hereby fixed as the time and Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 2516 tilizer. soils are damaged by too early work- him in the calaboose by sun-down. kins fashioned a suction tube from place for the hearing of objections to 40tf l ing .although some gaideners success- Socialism is creeping in at every a syringe, a colonic tube, and infla said final account and report, if any, With a lot of ills, like HIDEM £ WOOL, C A SC AKA—A fully crowd the season with just a c: evasse. and for the allowance and settlement specialty. I KK BROS., 25 SW small portion of the plot worked for stomach ulcers and abscessed teeth, tion tubes from a life-saving jacket, thereof. we don't know we have ’em until and with this contrivance kept tha Clay Portland. AT. 5334. tf the earliest vegetables. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that —--------------------------------------- ------------ - A simple test for proper dryness of I the doctor says, "buddy, see me at man’s throat clear of blood until a publication of said notice be duly destroyer arrived 19 hours later. given in the manner provided by law. L. H. BRAWAND clay soils for spading or plowing is to the hospital at 7 in the morning.” Builder and Cabinet Maker squeeze a sample of soil from the b ot-1 Yours with the low down The identity of the injured man waa Dated February 1st, 1945. Metzger, Oregon tom of the furrow or spade depth JO SERRA Date of first publication, Feb. 2, not disclosed. Portland Phone—CHerry 2929 j into a ball. If the particles stick to- 1945. While shopping in Beaverton stop Unit cabinets, precision built, any gether the soil is too wet to work, Date of last publication, March 2, "Pardon me. Miss," said the sentry, style drawers and doors; finish- but if they separate easily the gar- „ but it's against regulations to swim in at the Greyhound Coffee Shop for 1945. Lunch ed all sides. Anyone can set them, den may be spaded or plowed safely. H. D. KERKMAN, "Well, for heaven's in this lake Judge ALL KINDS OF BUILDING There is danger . . . . ? ° agent ™ ! . cau ^ k e ,” exclaimed the ’ maiden, “why and CABINET MAKING .soils too wet the 1 county For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry didn't you tell me before I undress siti 1 tions. Turn war stamps into Bonds Phone Beaverton 3231. tf ed?” “ It ain’t against regulations Barnes. __ . _ _ _ — ------- ;--------- i Organic matter from farm manures. to undress."—Ex. TRACTOR \\ ORK—General gar- compost and cover crops is an essen- dening and tractor work. J. A. Lin tial for good garden soils. Barnyaid While shipping eat at the Grey- coln, Sorrento Road, mi. South manure or compost is applied at the BETTER GO PPCO of Beaverton. Phone Beaverton rate of 10 to 20 tons per acre, or in at the Greyhound Coffee Shop. 2713. 51tf smaller terms, 100 pounds per square Turn war stamps into Bonds rod, or 50 pounds to each 100 square TRACTOR WORK—Of all kinds Plowing, Disking, Cultivating, and feet. Ample supplies of victory garden Mowing. L A. Scheel, Rt. 1, Bx. 334, Tigard, % mi. west of Hiway fertilizer are available most places, on Gaarde Rd. 47-61 with the 6-10-4 formula favmed for ÄFfrlRST most Oergon soils. This can be With (SIGN OF A I spread at the rate of one to one and P. E. 11AGG a half pounds per 100 sq. feet before Hauling Contractor People’s Column Concrete, Sand, Gravel, Masons spading or plowing, in addition to side dressings made at planting time. Sand, Crushed Rock and Liming garden soils in western O'e Road Gravel gon is not usually as important as R6, Bx 604, Portland 1, Oregon Phone Tigard 2446 tf some think. Torvend believes, though 1 Cold P r e p a ra tio n t as d ire c te d 1 % pounds of hydrated lime per 100 j CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK—Let square feet, or not to exceed 8 to 10 us plow your garden. Howard pounds of wood ashes per hundred ' Wm. Smith, Johnson Rd. A Divis square feet may be used. A common and get ion sts., Phone Beaverton 2462 4tf error is to us* too much lime or wood ashes. Now Is Time To Prepare Gardens Get FOUR for ONE o v V FDR TOW CAR call VERMILYE MOTOR CO., Phone Tigard 3381 tf CENTRALLY LOCATED Close to bus trans portation and walking distance from downtown. PAINTS For quality, fair price and eervlce REEDVTLLE ALOHA, ORE Fruit, Nut, Flowering and Shade Trees, Roues, Berry Plants Shrubs, etc. Large supply of peaches, apples, peers, cherries, prunes, plums, ap ricots. walnuts and filberts as well as roses, flowering shrubs, and berry plants. Ldrge oi chard plant ers. Order Now while our stock is still complete! Our new 1945. 40- page catalogue is now ava'lable upon request. To call at our nur sery, take highway 99W. We are located 17 miles southwest of Port land or 1 mile past Six Corners Do not leave highway B«W. Watch for our sign TUALATIN VALLEY NURSERIES Route S, Box Sit Sherwood, Oregon WANT ADS I ! MORE RESULTS You Get MECHANICS 1 • S J. P. Finley & Son MORTICIAN SW FOURTH AT MONTGOMERY ATwater 2181 OREGON MOTOR STAGES 506 S W Mill BE. 3021 PORTLAND Riverriew Cemetery Kepler Davenport Co. W IS T END B E L L W O O D B R ID G E BEAVERTON, OREGON CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY C om plete Funeral Sorvlce la New Cathedral Chapel at No E xtra cost Riverside is a co-operative asso ciation with aaseta of over $806,000 Recovering and Modernizing Beaverton 3762 Open 8:30 to 6 Evenings by Appointment Four Time» Your Money as PPCO W A N T ADS ^Mechanics work 48 hrs. per weekS J 40 hours straight; 8 hours tlm e j J and a half. Good working condi 1 Perfnanent employment. ^ Imlay’ft Fresh Mixed Feed* FISHER TH0RSEN PAINTS J. B . I ml a y & Sons ..666 ICAR WASHERS; Dead •toclt p*c*e<J up free of charge anywhere. Call collect. UN. 1221; night call DENLEY RENDERING CO.. Portland. tf -° Run in the Four Papers For the Ordinary Price Charged by I O N E PAPER BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE TIGARD SENTINEL MULTNOMAH PRESS ALOHA NEWS You ALWAYS get MORE for YOUR Money at the BIG FOUR Family Pioneer Publishing Co. Phone Beaverton 2321 ATwater 6591