Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1945)
February, 23, 1945 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Page 3 ( dead for judgment. He has already died for your sins. Receive Him into your heart and let Him prove His I power and love to lift and keep you. This space paid for by Oiegon- Washington people. If you would CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK— | have fellow ship in so upholding and WASHINGTON, D. C.—Urging each of natural or war-caused emergency. Plowing and Di»cing, D. P. Mac i extending this Gospel by Newspaper, More than 3,000,000 volunteer solid- Donald, Ruby Ave , Rt. 2, Box 218, American citizen to consider the Red — | would welcome your gift, large or Beaverton. Oregon. Phono Beav Cross as his personal emissary to his | tors stand ready to aid in local collec- Must Accompany All By a word, Christ cast out the de- small- Geo. N. Taylor, 3101 SW Me- erton 2260. 50tf particular serviceman, Colby M. Ches I tions in every American community, mons that indwelt tho man of Ga- Chesney Road, Hortland-l-Oregon. C LASSIFIED AD S ter. chairman of the 1913 American i Each will devote his time and efTort Being cast out, the demons j --------------------------- .. W’ ANTED -Couple, man do milk Red Cross War Fund campaign, today toward reaching the goal so that men dara. Count each word, including Name took up in a herd of swine feeding An Albuquerque filling station ope- ing-chore* morning and evening, asked all Americans t'o give to their and women in military service will nearby and two hundred of them i an | rator saVl>, word8_ and addreaa -ONLY 2c A WORD P -drapes his gas wife candle and grade eggs during fullest ability in support of the 1913 know the Red Cross “ is staying right down a steep place into the sea. No Phone Order* Taken pump in black. day. Route 3, Bx. 670 Beaverton, national goal of 1200.000,000. w th them ri it up to and beyond th* The man of Gadarn is now set free Farmington Rd., X mi beyond Ha- We PubU*h the “ Those of us who must stay at home day of peac and victory. Mr. Chester ¡of the demons. He no longer goes While in Beaverton be sure to eat zeldale School. Phone Beaverton BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE about shrieking night and day and at the Greyhound Coffee Shop. 2163 House <& garden spot furn- and tight by doing our daily tasks as | explained. IJe no longer snaps efficiently as possible,” he said, "like TIGARD SENTINEL Without personal gain or remunera ■ cutting himself. nished. 4 to feel that though we are not beside tlon. the 3,000,000 men and women vol* | °ff ft*® chains put on to bind him. Applications for the positions of MULTNOMAH PRESS TRACTOR WORK WANTED longe, lives away in the tombs. employment officer and senior em John or Jim or Bob on the battle field, ■nteev canvassers will represent 3.75« | “ e ALOHA NEWS Plowing and Grading .we do have a personal ambassador in Red Cross chapters throughout the na- InM eai1’ he s,ts at Je8U* feet clothed ployment officer for tho U. S. Em j and in his right mind. PHONE CHarry 3437 ployment sei vice thruout Oregon and each of the ten thousand Red Cross tlon. Seeking from door to door those Complete Eastern Washington County 2nd hniM« North of DEMONS TO-DAY—Just of late for Patrol Inspector (trainee) for U. workers now serving with the troops contributions which will not be made and Western Multnomah County Kraft Cheese Co. iword comes fiorn out the Far-East of Immigration and Naturalization •overage. overseas.” through factory, office, school or thea I a native indwelt by a demon who services in States of Idaho. Montana, * 60 tf Opening March 1 and continuing tre, each will carry an official identi ¡called himself The Murderer. W* assume no financial responsi Ho Oregon and Washington, are being bility for errors which may appear in WANTED—Bicycle repairman, ex throughout the entire month, the third fy ition card for the protection of th# j said he had already killed seven men sought by U. S. Civil Service Com- advertisement* published in these perienced man preferred. Kissler Red Cross War Fund will not only All householder. For the most part, how- i and would yet kill the man whom he | mission. See Florence Giddings ,Io- column* but in caa* where this paper Bicycle Shop, 923 SW 4th Avt intensified needs on advancing war . ever, such identification will be tin- I indwelt. ) cal secretary . io at fault will reprint that part of Portland, Ore., bet. 11 a. m. and 6 fronts, but will provide needed services necessary because the solicitor will be The visiting M P front America -------------------------- aa advertisement in which the typo p. m. Call AT. 6438. tf to those who have returned from ac a neighbor or friend. To each contribu said the man was not insane but I Using a captured German mobile graphical m ista k e occurs. tion, their families, their buddies await tor. he will give a red, white and blue possessed. To this day, our Lord bakery unit, one Mediterranean The WALNUTS — FILBERTS ing transportation overseas, and their window sticker bearing the well-known still fiees such victims. still ,ater quartermaster bakeiy company Walnut Meats Filbert Meats FOR SALE friends and neighbors at home in time Red Cross emblem. works His deeds of compassion as ¡turns out 31,000 pounds of white We Pay Cash on Receipt ------------------------------------------------------------------ - | told by Dr Chas. Ernest Scott, late of bread for troops each dnv at oar plant FOR SALE—M*del A Roadster, | j China. i _________ ___ THE TIGARD with small box in lear A 16 inch Italian Se.vice Unit members re- I Jesus Christ ,the same yesterday; ..Th„ nt ... NUT PACKING CO. wheels. Call evenings or Sunday. LEG AL NO TICE as a privilege, one-third of ; and to-day and forever.- BIBLE. ’ chJ ,e L * all Z 1 „ i x tf! R. R. Crawford, Rl, Bx 708, near th, u $24 monthly pay in cash instead j Yesterday, He proved God’s love to: I oan ind , H u t I n r * V w°h e h *v Greenburg store. 4 Wanted — FARM FARMS-FARMS j Order for Final Hearing and rubU- of " h°»y in canteen coupons and the oppressed. To-day He is joy W t> a£ai(J „ f a chalienge””- Do you teally want to sell your) ration of Final Notice FOR SALE—20 New Hampshire cr. lit. as do prisoners of war. ¡and peace foi such as put their trust I Prea Harvov s Firestone I, ir. suburban home or your farm?! No .5949 Hens, 1 yr. old, laying. 624 East 7th - 'in Him. To-morrow He is to raise I , tone Xire * Rubber. ’ " Beaverton. 4 | 1945 is the year to sell. List your j IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE His people to glory and later the lost property with Portland’s very ag-j STATE OF OREGON FOR THE PORTLAND OPTICAL CO. FOR SALE—1939 Mercury 4-dr Se- j gressive Real Estate Company. | COUNTY OF WASHINGTON. COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE dan, good condition. 624 East 7th. ' “ We Sell ’Em”. Call us collect \ In the matter o f the Estate of Beaverton. 4 now or write. We appraise, j EDWARD A. IVEY, Deceased. Or. Leighton E. Roy, Optometrist SLAYTER REALTY COMPANY j Christine Hand, administiattix of Mr. Min. II. Smith, Opticimi FOR SALE—35 foot pole, Rt 1, Bx I "In downtown Portland,” 528 SW the estate of the above named de 418 S. W. Washington St. 909, Beaverton, nr Cooper Mt. I 51tf Salmon Street, BR. 1146. ceased, having filed herein her final Portland, Oregon HE. 5014 School. 4 I. account and report, CLEARING — Tractors LAND IT IS ORDERED that Monday, the FOR SALE—Kitchen table and L. H. COBB, Phone 5th day of March, 1945, at the hour of Available. benches, chest of drawers with Beaveiton 2881. 48tf 9:30 a. m., of said day, at the Court) mirror, both very good condition. . Room of said Court in Hillsboro, Ore- | 5721 SW 48th Ave., off Cameion t T O RENT gon, is hereby fixed as the time and WANTED Rd. CH. 1294. b * ■----- I place for the hearing of objections to acres) said final account and report, if any, WANT TO RENT—4 or 5 FOR SALE — Single Bed, coil horse pasture, near Beaveiton or and for the allowance and settlement spring, mattress nearly new. Bi d Aloha. L. H. Stout, Bx. 283. Aloha 4 thereof. cage; 12 gal. crock; rug lino IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that leum 9x12. Claud Thorp, 1 ml E of ALSO publication of said notice be duly ) RABBITS W A N T E D Beaverton, Canyon Rd., R2. Bx given in the manner provided by law. 138. 4 BEST PRICE for Rabbit Fryers, D Dated February 1st, 1945. Live Poultry and Eggs P. MacDonald, R2, Bx 218, Beaver Date of first publication, Feb. 2, FOR SALE—Earliest of All Seed ton. Phone Beaverton 2260. We 1945. Receiving & Dressing Plants: Potatoes. Bert Hamilton. Phone pick up. tf Portland, McMinnville, Salem, Date of last publication, March 2, Tigard 2187. 4 1945. Albany, Eugene, Roseburg, WANTED—Live Harm its, to buy FOR SALE- Premier Everbearing H. D. KERKMA.V, Redmond, Oregon. now. Top prices paid. Rabbit Meat Strawberries 15c doz.; Improved Judge Co., 8917 SE Stark St. .Portland. Oregon. Mixed Dahlias 10c apiece. Main Office and Plant Phone SUnset 1722. Open week Annual and perennial Hydrangias days only until 7:30 p. m. tf $1. 6 blks S Hillsdale Junction Robert J. Thoendel, 7101 SW Ber Fruit, Nut, Flowering and Shade tha, Multnomah, Ore. 6 M ISC E LLA N E O U S Trees, Roses, Berry Plants Shrubs, etc. PART Collie DOG—To give away, FOR SALE—Oats and Vetch Hay 140 N. Hall, Beaverton, house with —no weeds, no rain. Rt. 3, Bx. Large supply of peaches, apples, S. E. Oak Street, Portland, Ore. shakes on. 4 pears, cherries, prunes, plums, ap 670, on the Farmington Road—one Phone I’Ast 5141 mile beyond Hazeldale School. i ricots, walnuts and filberts as well NOW HATCHING—Hardy West as roses, flowering shrubs, and Phone Beaverton 2163. 4 ern-Bred New Hampshire, White berry plants. Large orchard plant Leghorn, Parmenter and Barred FOR SALE—Davenport $75; chair I ers, Order Now while our stock is occasional $15; bedroom set $50; Rock Chicks and Broad Breasted still complete! Our new 1945, 40- 1 single day bed with pad $10; j Poults. Also custom hatching page catalogue is now available 1 double bed with pad $10; dressing from tested flocks.. ROSS HATCH upon request. To call at our nur table & chair $12.50. Chas. G7 ERY, Aloha, Ore. Phone 6441. 8 sery, take highway 99W. We are BEAVERTON, OREGON Dawe s, Beaverton, Ore. 4; located 17 miles southwest of Port Photographs become Portraits land or 1 mile past Six Corners. Electrical Appliance« Repaired When Colored in Oils Do not leave highway 99W. Watch Radios, Refrigerators, Washing Brides a Specialty—Special Kates for our sign. Machine«, Sewing Machin« and all to Service Men—BE. 8435 4 TUALATIN VALLEY NURSERIES household appliances—See EDDIE OLDMAN Route S, Box 310 Johnson Road VILLA RIDGE NURSERY Sherwood, Oregon Fruit, Nut, Shade and Opp. N. W. Christian Home or Beaverton 3762 Flowering Trees Marshall Wells Hdw., Beaverton Open 8:30 to 6 tf Berry Plants and Shrubbery ___________________________________ I V. M. C'HAUSSE Evenings by Appointment 11333 SM’ 64th Phone CH. 2928 BROOD SOWS and Weaner Pigs for Sal« th« year around, S. A. 12 SEPARATORS — MILKERS Gottsr, Scholls. 12tf COMPLETE EQUIPMENT AND PAPERING—Painting & Kalso- FOR SALE—4 ft green slab. Aloha SUPPLIES FOR THE DAIRY mining, neat, experienced work district $6 per cord. Block A Ed- j INDUSTRY man L. L. Seeley, R 2, Bx 180-A giag $7 per cord. Beaverton-Ti - 1 Beaverton. Phoae Beaverton 2516 gard-Garden Home district 4 ft. 40tf green slab $7 per cord. Block A < ■ BETTER GO PPCO HIDES A WOOL, CASCARA—A Edgings $8 per cord. H. F. E lford.) specialty. LEE BROS., 25 SW Forest Grove. Phone 56. tf -e - ri' “t r m J Clay Portland. AT. 5334. tf M lnitat'wrm i (Htlrlbulon y\ ’ * / 'A IVIRYTHING /* \ I Hr ~y~. Home Refrigeration and washing Y. H. BRA WAND Call K R. I machine seivices. Builder and Cabinet Maker 8tf Twombly CH. 2267. Metzger, Oregon FOR SALE -Double laundry trays Portland Phone—Cllerry 2929 $4: shower bases, second grade Unit cabinets, precision built, any With ¿Mechanics work * 48 hrs. per w eek j $2.50. John A. Stanback, Rt. 6, style drawers and doors; finish 136 NW Park AT. 6461 IV I straight; 8 hours tlmejl Bx. 620, Portland 1 Oregon, Pfaffle ed all sides. Anyone can set them. and a half. Good working condi- People’s Column ALL KINDS OF BUILDING Road. 4 J tions Permanent employment. and CABINET MAKING FOR SALE Special Dry Fireplace 5 51tf CENTRAI.!. Y and Furnace Wood. Dry Heavy old __ LOCATED growth slab 16 in.. Green Slab 16 . TRACTOR WORK General gar Close to bus trans in. Immediate delivery in 2-cord dening and tractor work. J. A. Lin por tation and loads only. Call Tigard 2281. 5 coln, Sorrento Road. 1\ ml. Soutlj walking distance of Beaverton. Phone Beaverton from downtown. and get 2713. 51tf W ANTED CLASSIFIED WANT ADS CASH Red Cross \\ ar Fund Head Enlists Full Public Support Demons flee Man Set Free TURKEYS Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products Co. Kepler Davenport Co. Recovering and Modernizing De Laval ; c a r w ash ers ! fflometfrifelf ! ! • « MECHANICS * ! Get FOUR for ONE ! S OREGON MOTOR STAGES WANT — Housekeeper for two adults, by day or week, could go home nights. Need help urgently.1 Good Wages CH 2254. Multnomah _____ _____________________________ 'I BOARDING SCHOOL—Individual j attention. Special diet for nervous anemic children 1111 NW 25th Ave., Portland-10-Oregon. 8 WANT TO BUY—Small modern 3 or 4 loom house close in Beaver- j ton Write Mrs May Williams, Beaverton. 5 Commercial Orchard A Town SPRAYING All Purpose Spraying CLINE BROS. Lafayette, Oregon. Box 163 PHONE LAFAYETTE OREGON WANT Boy or man to care for garden all summer. Kabal. in West Highland. 1445 SW Upland Dr. Portland. * If a zipper stop has broken at thei bottom and the slide has pulled off, hold the teeth together and slip the slide on again at the bottom. A slide that pulls off at the top can only be put on again at the bottom. To do this, temove the bottom stop, hold the teeth together, and coax slide on Replace stop b> stltchlni flrmi across the end by hand. A leather bag that has become Iirrp may need nothing more than a new cardboard «tiffentng between the 1 in- ing and th« leather. Cardboard that Is tough and doe« not break eaaily (a MtUfactoiy. 506 S W Mill TRACTOR W O RK —Of all kinds— Plowing, Disking, Cultivating, and Mowing. L. A. Scheel, Rt. 1, Bx. 334, Tigard, % mi. west of Htway on Gaard« Rd. 47-61 P. E. HAGG Hauling Contractor Concrete, Sand, Gravel, Masons Sand. Crushed Rock and Road Gravel R6, Bx 604, Portland 1, Oregon Phone Tigard 2446 tf I CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK Let us plow your garden. Howard Wm. Smith, Johnson Rd. A Divis ion its . Phone Beaverton 2462 4tf D o a r i *toc,t picked up free .of charge anywhere. Call colleet. UN. 1221; night call DENLEY RENDERING CO., Portland. tf FOR TOW CAR call VERMILYE MOROR CO.. I*hone Tigard 3381 tf P A IN TS Imlay’» Fresh Mixed Feed» FISHER TH0RSEN PAINTS J. B. Imlay & Son» ALOHA. ORE A revised edition of a former bulle tin entitled Management of Turkey Breeding Stock.' by Noel L. Bennion extension poultry man has Just been ssued by the OSC Extension service a« bulletin No. 644. BE. 3021 PORTLAND M ORE R ESU LTS You Get J. P. Finley ■& Son MORTICIAN SW FOURTH AT MONTGOMERY ATwater 2181 AT FIRST SION OF A V Riverview Cemetery WEST END SKJ.LWOOD BRIDGE CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY Complete Funeral Service iu New Cathedral Chapel at No Extra cost Riverside is a co-operative asso ciation with assets of over $800,000 Run -666 W ANTED BRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS Essential Industry E X P E R IE N C E N O T NECESSARY Steady Work with Overtime A P P L Y AT GEORGE F. GORDON PIANO TUNING and REPAIRING Phon« ALOHA 6612 Beaverton, Oregon Four Time* Your Money a» PPCO W A N T ADS SYLVAN PLANT 5 COLUMRIA BRICK WORKS 1320 S. E. Water A rs, Portland in the Four Paper* For the Ordinary Price Charged by Cold Preparatiom an ^direct «d For quality, fair price and service REEDVILUC WANT ADS O N E PAPER BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE TIGARD SENTINEL MULTNOMAH PRESS ALOHA NEWS You ALW AYS get MORE for YO U R Money at the BIG FOUR Family Pioneer Publishing Co. Phone Beaverton 2321 ATwater 6591