Page 2 F e b ru a ry, 23, 1945 B E A V E R T O N ENTERPR ISE, Beaverton, Oregon Americans Repair Port custom er, pay a "loading ch a rg e" o f from 5 per cent to 7 per cent to take I cat e o f the salesm an's com m issions, i etc., and the expenses o f routine busi- I ness and m anagem ent are deducted before distributing dividends. These H. H. J K F F K lE h . Publisher | Open-end T . usts are usually honestly _ . ! rur». and som e provide excellent diver- Published F riday or aacb week by the A oneer Publishing Co , at Beaverton, s lfl, ution .except a , to m anage­ Oregon. filte r e d as s e c o n d -c lu e m atter a t the p oa tofn ce at Beaverton, O ra m e n t); but it you are willing to buy Nazi-Wrecked French Port One Year __ _____— 11.110 Subscription P ayable In Advance. and take ca re o f your ow n secu ri­ ties. corvfining you rself to a li 3 tr se­ Of Le Havre Rebuilt le c t e d by a catefu l Investm ent A d -' ______ B eaverton O ffice — E nterprise Bldg., P hone Beaverton 2321 „ . . . Portland O ffice— SOI Panam a Bldg., 3rd and Alder Phone A Tw ater 6591 I visor ,you should save m oney by not both g with an Open-end Trust. . T h ‘ g-eat F ien cu yorr o f Le Ha- Closed-Knd Trusts I vre’ w h,ch wa* considered to be ‘ 100 ! These are Trusts with a d efin ite! ptr ce " ‘ destroyed” by the Nazi be- Marnò** I capitalization which does not ch an ge i *ore **>elr capitulation to the Cana- O r tc I when shares o f the Trust are bought dlan n r s t Arm y on September 12. ¡o r sold by investors. W hen you buy i 1944' now U handlinK m oie tonnage Punis | the shares o f a Closed-end T rust y o u 1 than it did before the w a ., M ajor |do not buy them o f the T iu st but I General ^ P- (« idss . Chief o f Trans- I through a Stock E xchan ge f r o m ; Portation for the W ar Department, ’ som eone w ho wants too sell. Sim i- announce<* today. larly, you sell the shares o f a Closed- Gener al Grtfes, who recently ie- ¡end Trust, not back to the T rust but turned from an inspection tour of ¡throu gh a Stock E xch an ge w here i the E ur°P ean and M editerranean The- your broker finds som eone to buy a*res. reported that the First Liberty them. T his means you m ight lose ship paased t r o u g h the huge Lock ! m oney when selling at a greater din- n ° c hem ont at Le H avre on Dec. 16 count from each share's asset value I R ehabilitation o f this trem endous than when you bought such shares. 1 Reel*, m aking the inner basin o f the For instance, your brok er cou ld por* usable again, Increased the ca- Buying Listed Stocks give the nam es o f tw o or three In- pacit,J o f Le H avre to wel1 over ^ l 000 vestm ent T ru sts—with good m anage- tons a d ay’ However, amm unition, A t a Big Discount m ents where the market value o f ' supplies were --------- (the holdings is over 20% above the p:l8sinK through the Le Havre gate- Bahson Park, Mass., Feb. 23 At price w hich you w o u ld 'n e e d to pay way wl*h ” a m atter of days o f i t s fitst thought it would seem Impos fo r the stock o f the Investm ent £apl ure ™®ans o f LSTb’ sible to buy General K lM tr ie or any Trust. T his means that by buying I and iGIs, G G loss re-| Curfew for All other stock on a given d ay fo r per- such Trust stock indirectly buy at a Ported haps 20% less than it quota in y ou r big discount the stocks w hich it holds. 1 Before its capture. LeH avre under­ A m idnight cu rfew all over the na­ eix m onths siege o f aerial daily newspaper. Yet there are ! W hy m ore people do not avail them - went a tion on am usem ent places becom es and shelling from times when this can be done if selves o f these bargains is beyond me. i b o ro ^ rd m e n t effectiv e next M onday night, a cco rd ­ j both field annd naval guns which left bought in con ju n ction with other S. E. C. C om m ended ing to the o ffic e o f W ar M obilization 1 can understand w hy it "gets the the city ' and Particularly the port, a good listed stock s at the sam e time. D irector Byrnes. This is to save fuel. T o do this you must buy the stock g o a t" o f su ccessfu l m ature business­ mass of broken con crete and twisted T oo bud they didn't think o f it last W hen Allied troops m oved In, of an Investm ent Trust. But first let men and experienced law yers to have steel. full many thousands o f tons o f fuel me explain the d ifferen ce between the to go to Philadelphia and "sit on a the o ffice o f the assistant ch ief o f could have been saved tow ard the hard ben ch" aw aiting to get the a p - , poUce estimated that only one-sixth tw o groups o f Investm ent Trusts. w ar effort. Now m aybe the younger , proval o f som e young chap w h o p e r - .0^ ° i i y 8 homes were habitable, people o f the nation will be able to O pen-E nd Trusts I baps never ow ned a bond or sh are, " nd barely another one-sixth get m uch needed sleep and— give It also is probable t h a t lwere w o, th ' * pairing A prelim in- These Trusts are often lim ited to I o f stock m ore attention to their w ork or ow n ing certain groups o f SecuYltle's. Ithe Com m ission is far too slow and ary survey b y A r m y E ngineers agreed m aybe their studies. Som e o f them buy only bonds; others 'p erhap s too fussy about crossin g T 's 1 with lia e*tlm te' p o,tln g ,t hat 7 which and dotting I’s. On the oth er hand p®r ce j 1 t h e c t y had h®en d est’ °y - s i o c k s wm en pav pay divl-1 Better w atch your step when next buy only listed stocks stocks which pay dlvi ^ & Kx4.httn(f,, ComlnlH_ ed, and 100 per cent o f the port des you g o to the Big M etropolis and dends; and others con fin e them selves »Ion 1» «»very year Having Investor» lr°yed w a tch the tra ffic signals. Jay w alk­ to definite industries such as the Faced with the necessity o f reliev- hundreds o f m illion» o f odollar». ing is out too. The 1945 Portland railroads, or the utilities, or the in­ the already over- The Com m ission gives special a t - 1 ing im m ediately dustrials. T he total quantity o f se­ tra ffic table shows there was 18 tr a f­ ^ N o i burdened supply lines from C herbourg Trusts. curities which they hold m ay increase j tention to Investm ent fic deaths, o f whom 14 were pedes­ m o ic raw deals can be pulled o ff as j to the front, T ransportation Corps trians. Tim e to stop, look, and think. or decrease, accord in g to the am ount w eie done during the "good old d ays” i.units helped the E ngineers to clear o f m oney the Trust obtains from or refunds to the shareholders; but the U nscrupulous persons, in the position j the devastated beaches o f the city to provide sm ooth landing areas for Na- Would Not Work relationship betw een the se e m itie s ° f Investm ent Trust Managers, can i val landing cra ft and for the A rm y's held for Investment and the shares no longer sell to them selves the good For Japanese | Ducks, the fam ed am phibian trucks outstanding usually is stable. In o th ­ securities and sell to the T rust ques­ tionable ones which they own. T h at | which carried supplies direct to in- Guam, (D ela y ed )—Joaquin P edro er words, the m anagers o f the Trusts day is over, T he Com m ission also ; 1 " d duIT.?8. „ . Carbullldo is ready to resum e cutting d o not exercise m uch discretion un­ The W hitehall H ighw ay, com pan ­ less the Trust A greem ent sp ecifica lly w atches carefu lly to protect investors ion to the m ore fam ous R edball H igh­ tonsorial capers on M arine heads. when T rusts are finally liquidated. He was post barber here for m ore gives them such. the way, was established, linking Le H av­ W hen sulesm en call upon you to sell T his fact alone should m ake than 20 years. Then, D ecem ber 8, stock s o f Investm ent T rusts som e re to Beauvais, w h eie supplies were 3941, Jap bom bers roared overhead you som e shares in an Investm ent This applies transferred to rail lines and carried and Jap troops swarm ed ashore. C a r­ Turst, It usually is an Open-end day in real dem and. both to the "O p en-end " and “ Closed- to Com piegne, T orgnier, Liege and If you invest $10,000 the bullldo took to the hills. H e was Trust. other railroads. end” groups. Both have their ad­ there 16 days before the Japs caught Trust uses this $10,000 in buying a W hile T ransportation Corps battal­ vantages and disadvantages,—lik e diversified list o f stocks accord in g him . ions, truck com panies and rail troops everything else In this wot Id. W hen you sell your L ike other C ham orros, he was o rd ­ tto its charter. worked tw elve-hour shifts, and lon­ ered to w ork fo r the Japs, first In the shares, you sell back to the Trust. ger, to m ove f.eig h t to the front, the theoratically sells the rice fields and then as a barber. Hs T he Trust F or Stove and Diesel OH Call H arsy tonnage figures for supplies m oving bad his w ay o f getting around that. proper portion o f its diversified list Barnes. P hone B eaverton 3231. tf through Le H avre mounted from hun­ D idn’t Cut Jap H air of holdings, and you get ap p roxim ­ dreds to thousands o f tons. Then In purchase "I sw ear It Is the truth," he declar­ ately the cu rren t value. W hile sh ip p in g eat at the Grey- POL (petroleum , oil, lubricants) fa ­ ed In clearly understandable, though or sale, o r In both cases, you, the at the Greyhound C offee Shop. cilities at the port were restored and som ew hat jerk y English. " I put my arm right In a nest o f bees. Then it swells up, and I m ake the Japs b e­ lieve that I have rheum atism and c a n ’t w ork. I d o that plenty o f tim es.” K eep It F lyin g HowTo Buy Now tankers arrived to discharge gaso- RATION BOOK REMINDER ngr> tanks and ; line for the ever hung, Cut this out and keep it in your purse arm ored s ehicles at the f ont. F rench civilians were quick to help ; M EATS, F A T S— Last Date for Use By the end o f Decem ber more than M arch 31 4,000 were em ployed b> the Army, Red Stamps QS— S6 A pril 23 and the assistant ch ief of police in Le R ed Stamps T5— X5 June 2 Havre announced that there will be RedStam pa Y5—-D2 no unem ploym ent "fo r a long tim e." P R O C E S SE D FOODS— M arch 81 T o one ol the T. ansportation Corps Blue Stamps X 5 — B2 A pril 21 i harbor cra ft com panies, the 332nd, Blue Stamps C2—G2 June 2 went the honor o f bringing the first Blue Stam ps H2— M2 vessel into the harbor. This was a SU G A R — F ebruary 23 sm all tug towing a 30-ton crane into j Stamp 34 June 2 the harbor on the m orning o f O ctober Stamp 35 H arbor cra ft com panies handle FU EL OIL— the troopships, freighters, LSTs, i Far W est—Period 4 becom e g ood floatin g cranes, m otor launches, February 5, 1945. "sea-m ule" barges and m iscellaneous SHOES— L oose Stam ps Invalid B ook 3—Airplane stam ps N o's. I sm all-craft requited to operate a 2 and 3 good indefinitely fo r one pair. harbor. G A SO LIN E COUPONS— Le H avre is operated by the T rans­ portation C orps' 16th M ajor Port Not Valid unless E ndorsed "A " 14 expires M arch 21, 1945. E ack under the com m and o f Colonel T h om ­ coupon worth 4 gallons. as J. W eed, who was designated dis­ trict as well as p o .t com m ander. G en­ W OOD. COAL. SA W D U S T — D elivery by priorities based on w rlt- eral Gross reported that the opening ot Lc Havre alm ost was delayed for three m onths when a Liberty ship struck a mine at the breakw ater entrance to the port. T he ship was carrying 6,000 tons o f am m unition, but the cargo did not explode. The vessel drifted 200 yards from the en­ trance and beached, w h e.e it eventu­ ally split in half. Despite the ob­ vious hazards, nearly all o f the m uch- needed ca rgo has been salvaged. school "M orale was not good am ong the Jnp soldiers here In L ln gayen", he con fid ed . "M ost o f them were low in spirits, and took It fo r granted the A m erican s would return, even before you dropped the leaflets telling us so. "W h en we read their propaganda nccou nts in the new spaper about so m any A m erican ships and planes destroyed, we alw ays turn It around th e other way In our ow n minds.” The aged "recep tion ist” , w earing a gaily decorated bedspread w hich his w ife had tailored Into trousers, said no other clothin g was available in Llngayen "W e have made our own nhoes wooden sandals fo r the past three years. SEE Y O U R BU ILD IN G M A T E R IA L D EALER Portland Concrete Pipe and Product» Co. AT. 8334 5819 SW M acadam Ave., Portland, 1, Oregon Toys, Bicycle Accessories, & Repairing of All Types W heel Goods R etiring K IS S L E R ’S 923 S W 4th Ave., Portland A T . 5438 H. A. Starr Contractor for Concrete Work Estimates gladly givnen on Jobs Large or Small 2425 N. Commercial Portland 12, Or. what’s happened when the lights go out? I am thinking about starting a new contest. I am thinking about calling it, "w h at m akes you hottest under the collar If anything." I was pon­ dering same on nccount I been eating around a little, aw ay from home, and been observin g how food Is wasted. I see folks nibble and play around with a nice piece o f pie eat out the mid­ dle, and leave the crust. I see gals light a cigarette and flip ashes on a half-em pty plate, spoiling w hat re­ mains, even for the eat. Som ething is w rong. W ron g bringing-up, m ay­ be. Now you see the idea o f the contest. F olks having ideas, send 'em to the E ditor, and we will get started. No telling who will w in - o r what. And nnother sample, If you didn't like the i pie one. is the way they put this Mr. i deM ille o f f the radio because he ! w ouldn’t kick In with a one buck do- I nation to the political outfit that he didn't think was so hot. He ftgm ed he has a right to belong to any par­ ty or vice versa.. He thought he was In the United States. H e stuck to his guns. That gent deserves three cheers. I f you want to get into this co n ­ test, send your outburst to the edi­ tor right away. Even If you don't w in a prise. It - W i l l ..m aybe relieve you r blood pressure. Y ours with ths low do*'n. _ JO S E R R A W hile shopping In B savsrtea stop in at ths Greyhound C o ffe e Shop fo r | Lunch. only ft For Stove sad Dieoel OH Call Marry Barns« Phans Benvsrton 1291. tf The hom e tow n paper la llks bread and meat to service men. “Concrete” The Low Down From Hickory Grove Y o u r hom e tow n paper Is O yoar Subscribe now. F or Stove and Diesel Oil Call H arry Barnes. Phone B eaverton 3281. tf SEPTIC TANKS Japs Knew Americans Would Return Aboard a Coast G uard A ttack T ransport at Luzon (D elayer!)— A m on g the first to greet A rm y a s­ sault troops and Coast Guard B each p arty m em bers when they landed un­ opposed In Llngayen G u lf was an aged F ilipino w ho identified him self ns the retired principal o f the local i lsn needs P R IC E C O N T R O L — R e fe r price inquiries and com - plaints to price clerk at your local board. Portland General Eleciiic Company UNiveraity 1054