> Page 4 February 16. 1945 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE. Beaverton. Oregon W hat's Doing IX THE Churches General Electric Present Check for $10,000 Motor Convoy in F rance W ashington, D. C.—A check fo r ; $ 10,000 was today presented by the iy, 1 p. in. World Day of General E lectric CV, to the Future P ri a t Church of Christ. Furm ers of A m erica, a national o>* ganization to stim ulate interest and ALOHA COMML.MTY CHURCH I knowledge of farm boys in electricity , Graydon P. Loree. P asto r and its application to the farm . The Sunday School 0.90 a. m. ’ piesentation w as made by G. A. Kietz, M iry Antrim , Supt. m unager of the Farm Industfy divis Morning worship l l a. m. ion of G eneial E lectric's Industrial S i mon The B asis of B. otherhood. | divisions to Dr. W. T Spanton chief E vening Service 7 30 d . m. 1 of a g i ¡cu ltu ral service of the U. S. I Get Acquainted Hour —8 30 p. m. Office of Education and national ad- | visor of the FFA. C IIIH CII OF TIIK XAZAHKXK This farm boy organization h a s } Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor ' 6900 active chapters in high schools 9 . '> a. m. Sunday School. of the country with an active mem 11 a. m. M orning Worship. bership of 240,000 and is recognized 0 V and N. V. F S. as the la ig e st farm boy organization 7 'io i m. E vangelistic service. I in the country. Since its organization W ednesday 7:30 p. m. p rayer and in 1928 more than 1,000,000 boys have B ible study. j been members. ALOIIA ASSEMBLY OF GOD Sunday School 10 a. m. W orship 11 a. m. T h in sd ays 7:45 p. m. Rl KMVIIJ.E c o m m u n it y Not Physically Possible, l ’l.S ItV T K R IA N CHURCH u u , , A Sun day School 10 a. m. Mrs. Otto DUt Mere It IS Anyway ". Supt. ____ I NEW ORLEANS. - A 185-pound, P ra y e r ‘ Meeting"* and' Bible study, J ^ f i L Î Î “ "0 ÌnSÌdC ; New Orleans’ city limits. T hursday, 7 p. m. Unusual? Wait, you haven't heard W orship Service 11 a. m. I all. I The deer had a normal head and eyes, but a snow-white body and i legs. j “A biological impossibility,” com- ( mented Dr. Jam es Nelson Gowan- ! loch of the state wildlife depart- | ment. W. F. Watson, who shot the deer, the daintiest thing l ever brought the skin to Dr. Gowanloch. <>t l Sgt Tony Cairo, hurt In The biologist said that if the deer N 1 l,u: 1 n,sh *ur' had been an albino it would have lH,m>,el m ission, oveiaeas. j hgd re(j e y e s and „ w h ite h e a d . “ Yes, I see it, all right,” he n r not against high wages, but added, “but it's still bard for me ist tnflntton G eneral Mo- '«tem en t on U tile Steel for to believe.” 1-IEGKIM E IT H E R AN CHURCH T M Bible Church Box 697, Beaverton Farm ington ltd. nt Menlo Drive W alter II. Buhl, Pastor Sunday Service 11 a. ni. Sunday School 10 n. m. n, ti' ii ' vlv,B« Wi m ula h cn iln g In W ashington. ÛL, - !:3 (there is no undue stress, the bladders | remain deflated. | B efoie entering the A rm y A ir For- ces in March, 1942, the sergean t lived at 2927 NE 7th Ave., P ortland. He is a 8° n ,of™Mrs' . Elizabeth K. Helzer, ; 1<MI e ’ l>;n" ’ !eKOn; Pair To Live in Seattle i The home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Leo Gholson of Tignrd w as the scene of | the w edding F eb ruary 3 of th eir daughter, F ian ces Louise and Lloyd Moore R ickm an, son of Mr. and Mrs. T O. R ickm an of B illings, Mont. The ceremony w as performed by Rev L. O. W hite. The bridegroom’s p aten ts were out-of-town guests. The bride wore an ivory satin dress w ith double veil of m atching net held In place by a tia r a of m atching m a terial. Her tiouquet w as a shower of roses and sweet peas centered w it h 1 : orchids Mrs. R. L. Schm alle and Miss P a tricia Gholson attended th eir sister, i and Donald Hubbard of Seattle, | W ash., w as best man. A ssisting at the reception after- I w ards w ere Mrs. B. E. Deian, Mrs. A. | R. Schm alle, Mrs. Jen n ie Rondema, Mrs. John F redericks and M isses Car- ( ol and Betsy R ider, E stelle Upshaw, I C ath erin e and N edra Stoops and Mrs. Howard Strin ger. Based on Septem ber's fire power in ) F rance, United States ground troops j fire In 43 combat days enough amnui- j nition to equal the entire amount Am erican s fired ip all the battles of 1918, NU-L1FE $3.50 A scien tifically balanced plant food which works w ith N ature to rebuild the soil and produce lu xurian t, b eautflul lawns, flowers and gardens • • • £ We are proud of our employe* »h o have kept an avalanche of war-urgent call* flow ing de*pite diflicultic*. They neither ex pect, nor w ant, medal* for thi* splendid contribution to our war effort. Their only aim it to maintain uninterriyvted service. T hey arc worthy of a citation for merit. SHEEP ( il ANO 75 c 0 PEAT M O SS. R a l e J J 25 0 Lawn Seeds 0 Insecticides Complete L in?« • • • CREEK MONUMENT Orson Platt and Erastus Snow emerged from the East Canyon the morning of July 21, 1847, and mar- veiled at the beauty of the Great Salt Lake Valley, Utah. Later Brig ham Young, suffering from "moun- ,atn fever.” arrived with the rear guard of settlers. They "gazed with admiration upon the vast valley with he watt ra of the Great Salt Lake glistening in the r.un.” War Bonds furnish funds to keep applies going to U. S. fighting forces that keep enemies far from this region where a monument memorializes the sacri fices of settlers who made possible today’s enterprising state. / s. j j | Norman's Restaurant j j LUNCHES & DINNERS 1 j 1 8400S.W.BarberBvd. Next to Gregg-Owens I reasury Department 1 . gP % "« 7 V ''**'** V » IlÉÉI*.; Y ou will be Surprised when you come and see our store, also the selection of spring filled swing rockers $49.95 up and occasional chairs from $13.50 up. * V W A * X 0 mr* m m ,vz'iuih.ina_ Joï the y/omz P mone 3 5 3 5 B e av e r t o n ssSP® F o reca st for next sp rin g. Among your new w riu w eath er clothes will be c r i-p cottons In h igh -style colors —t!ic h a ir b ack d re ss w ith a bolero w ill be m ore popular than ever. C om bining both th ese sty le notes is thie r e r k y ensem ble of b lack with cro ss-b ars and bolero in lim e green. A hom e-sewn w ardrobe w ill save m oney for v .a r B onds. P a tte rn s it local sto res. S. Tr t aj ur y " l rtmtut | Weather Stripping and Calking Installed by T rained Mechanics For Free E stim ates CALL TIGARD tl»3 Or Write Box Ml, Tigard t . ENT R A I, C O N T R \CTING O F H O U SE S — R e p a ir in g — New W o rk — tf# /* wlv/w courts uwtA praise j LEONARD C. JOHNSON, Paator Phone 3691 LENT has BEGUN Ijist \\ ednesday, known in the church calendar as Ash W ednesday, m arked the be ginning of the le n te n season. These d ays approaching the com m em oration of the cru cifixion and the ressurrection of our Lord should be d ays of te al sig n ific a n c e ” -v "W here He leads me I w ill follow", is a beautiful hymn and sentim ent. It m ay m ean as suggested in the hym n—a G ethsem ane experience. C h . 1 s t suffered much for you—Are you Leonard C Johnson sacrificin g oi suffering much for H im ? 1dm Phone 3691 M. L. PETTIJOHN R o u te I. Bx Î I I . B e a v e rto n , O re. Francis Bros. 6319 SW Capitol Hwy. PORTLAND p i \l ITY A SI K\ICE West Coast Telephone Co. C IT Y jT . V R. E. ELLSON 0 Garden Seeds Daily Except Sunday Crisp Cottons id U or Humi Stdcs & Per 100 lbs. in the line of duty from 11 A. M. till 8 P. M. • Service only $1 Now Open I V- SEEDS for — 15th AAF in Ita ly 2nd Lt. Delmat H. Doblie. 22, route 1, T igard , Ore., bom bardier in a B-24 L iberator Squad- 1 ron, has been aw arded the a ir m edal for "outstanding perform ance of duty in aerial fligh ts ag ain st the enem y.” Since his a: riv al in Ita ly last Sep tember, L ieutenant Doblie has become a veteran of m issions to the a irc ra ft factories and oil refin eries at Vienna, and German in d u strial in stallatio n s at Munich and B lecham m er. Othei targets, which the young bom bardier has bombed, have been a ir fields and W AR BONDS are the safest tnvest- lailro ad yard s, in N orthern Italy and oient in the wide world. A ustiia. He attended Oregon S tate College ' and w as a m ember of the Delta S ig B o r i J s -------- ma Phi fratern ity. A fter entering the a ir corps in Feb. 1943, he attended gun n ery school at Las Vegas, Nev., and leceived his : bom bardier w ings a t V ictorville ar- 1 my air base. V ictorville, C alif. His wife, Mrs. R uth L. Doblie, re sides at route 1, T iga.d . H is parents reside in Portland. Your home town paper Is a year Subscribe now. M idweek se. vice W ednesday 8 p. m .! pf<j R enneth e ye .sh u m w as re- Stud> ol pa. iial evangelism . .. I ported killed in action in the Europ- ; “G-Suit” Tested by Stray Chickens Not 1 i lends and stran gers are c o td ia lly .P th eatre ()f action th u week. His invited to all assem blies. | fHther B ernard T. V ershum of Ray Heizer Protected in Oregon | Beaverton. BETHEL An Eighth Air Force F igh ter Sta- Chickens now are recognized legally Sgt. .John R. Bozich, son of Mr. and 4 ONGRELATIONAL CHURCH _____ of ____ Mrs Tony Bozich Beaverton was tion. E ngland—Among the technic- as "livestock" in Oregon as soon as Rev. F. T. Bturtevant, Pastor reported killed on Luzon, Philippine »•■y trained men at this E ighth Air | Governor Snell sign s the bill which 9:45 a. m. Church School. Islands. ' I,’orce ,151 M ustang figh ter station passed the Senate recently. M iss A m arette Barnes, Supt. Pfc. R olland Dale Frost, son of Mr. who contributed to the successful It is expected th at the house w ill 11 a. m. W orship Service. anil Mrs. J a y Frost of R ecilvllle and tPHt8 of the "G-Suit” a garm ent which also pass this measure. It they do, 5 30 p. m. JunW r High Society. brother of Mrs F lo :a Donnel of To- h!ls elim inated “blacking out”, or tern- owners of chickens can collect dam 7 p. m. Senior P ilgrim Fellowship. bias, was killed in action. A mem- porary dim m ing or loss of vision ages for chickens which a .e killed by F rid ay, 1 p, m. World Day of oriul w ill be held at the regu lar Sun- among fighter pilots during combat dogs only when the k illers enter the P ray er ut Church of Christ. day m orning service at the R eedville m aneouvers, is S taff Sergean t Roy prem ises ot the barnyard. Even then H elzci, 30. of Portland, O.egon, an if his owner pays dam ages for w hat Church. ail plane crew chief. he m ay have done the dog can not be METHODIST CHURCH The tests which promise to benefit killed. A lbart D. D., M inister ja il A llied figh ter pilots w ere m ade in Sunday School 9.45 a. m. Rescue 7 Yank Flyers | combat by the 339th F igh ter Group. R uth Pace Supt. Too Late to Classify Who Hid for Two Months ! Sgt. Helzer worked in the in s ta lla C lasses for all ages. tions of a special valve and hoseline W orship Hour 11 a. m. FOR SALE—Davenport $75; ch air ABOARD A SEAPLANE TEND- necessary to the operation of the G- Dcvotlonul service 7.30 p. m. occasional $15; bedroom set $50; | ER, PHILIPPINES. - Seven men Suit, which is fitted w ith five rubber V isitors alwayB welcome. 1 single day bed w ith pad $ 10 ; I of a navy Liberator crew, who have bladders which span the abdomen, 1 double bed with pad $ 10 ; dressing been reported missing, were res th igh s and calves, respectively. When table & ch air $12.50. Chas. G. ST. t Et'KLIA CHURCH cued after two months of hiding in a they inflate beneath the tigh t-fittin g Dawe.s, Beaverton, Ore. 4 Ml 1 anil 10.25 during the Japanese-held island in the Philip suit, they compress the veins of the w inter months. W ANT- Boy or man to care for pines. Among them was Ens. H. W. lower extrem etles to p; event an y rush garden all summer. K abal, in West McDaniel of Illinois (whose home of blood from the pilot’s brain during TIIE V.ALLEY Highland, 1445 SW Upland *Dr. I town is unavailable). His wife and high-speed turns and abrupt pull-outs COMMUNITY CHURCH The suit receives its pressure from Portland. 6 | baby live in Los Angeles. I NIT ED PRESBYTERIA N the vacuum pump of the airp lan e, All of the men had been injured, the bladders in flatin g in direct pro- 4110 SW G abel Lane Rev. li. A. A rm itage, pastor several seriously. One of the crew j portion to the amount of centrifugal I a. m. M orning W o rsh ip 1 was killed and two were missing, force exerted against the pilot. W hen i I The Liberator was hit by anti-air- craft fire and crashed into the China sea. W ithin a d ay a fte r the su rv iv - ors reached shore at a nearby island, a Japanese bomber was shot i down, crashed in their midst, kill- | ing one of the survivors and reinjur- I ing three. The men were finally I picked up from a native sailboat. The survivors are going to Sydney i and then to the United States. Doblie Awarded Air Medal Over America W EST lILLI.f* S. P. Campaigns for LUTHERAN CHURCH Industrial Growth of West Canyon Uoad, near Sylvan W erner J . Fritz, M inister Southe:n P acific Co. is conducting! F irst Sunday in Lent ! an intensive cam paign to interest ; Church School 9:45 u. m. D iv in e .Service with Holy C om m un- i E astern industries in locating in the ion. S imon A L ittle F arth er. ] West, and the results are gratifyin g , _____ , said Vice President W. . W. Hale, in ' CHURCH OF CIIKIST charge of system freigh t t;a ff ic for Ocoi ,:e W. Springer, P astor 't h e railroad. In a talk prepared for . mi . v. hip and preaching ser- delivery at the W estern S tates Coun Vj, , ,,t 9 1.5 a, m, | oil’s steel com m ittee confe.ence^ S, (lion Two W ays of Living. j scheduled at Salt Lake th is week Following the sermon, the L ord's’ ”We alread y have assuran ce of quite largo n atio n ally known oon- ol clu.-s session 11 a. m ., cerns that they intend locating im- p. HU portent opornttons in the West/' he E v ei n>. oi ship service w ith spec- said. "This list is being added to ial music by o ich estra and a sermon ' alm ost dally." by tl pastor nt 7:2u p. m. of the T aber Three Deaths Reported BEAVERTON FULL GOSPEL CHAPEL SERVICE I. (>. O. F. Hall, Beaverton O rville J. Poulin, M inister Sundays 7:45 p. in. Everybody welcome. ANN I! I R S A K IH S Cotton .... Paper Leather Wooden Woolen . Linen C rystal ........._... China Silver P earl Ruby Golden Diamond AT. 7309 on Beaverton-Progress Road Save 20 to 25r 'f on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS Oregon Mutual lo ltrl.s are NON-ASSESSABLE. You NEVER pay more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual maintains more than three times the surplus required by Oreroo Insurance lavra. Oregon Mutual > Fire Insurance Company OF McMINMILLE Organized 189*- «0 year* of R eliable Service th an . New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. •Every Form of Protection" W alker. Agent Phone 1732 HilUboro. Oregon