Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1945)
B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E , Beaverton, O regon Page Lights IL IL J K K K K U A P u blish er of Friday, February 9, 1945 ■ 772*3 Save More Tin Cans NewYork b» L. L. STEVENSON Oregon failed to ship a single car load of tin cans to war during Janu Around the Town: Dr. Emmerich ary, it was disclosed Thursday by Kalman, who composed “ Countess Claude I. Sersanous, chairman of the $1.00 Subscription Payable in Advance. One Year M aritza," waltzing his beautiful State Salvage Committee. Mrs. ’round and ’round the Cotil It was the first month in nearly Beaverton Office—Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2321 two yea.s that at least one carload of Portland Office—-308 Panama Bldg., 3rd and Alder Phone AT water 6691 lion Room dance floor to the strains j of his own operetta. . . . Billy Rose, salvaged tin has not been sent to the San Francisco detinning plant, and in the producer with a long string of some previous months shipments successes to his credit, having from this state have ranged as high turkey for a change at the 1-2-3. . . . | as 12 to 18 ca:s, the state chairman Tiny Ann Pennington wrapping those F ■ i L i s lit ■> â T i o ■ ' observed. celebrated dimpled knees around a jr~t ^40* » ~ t *» 1 Obviously this slump cannot be al stool at the Cafe Pierre. . . . At the j lowed to continue if sufficient quan Colony, lovely Jane Pickens looking | tities of reclaimed tins are to be positively incendiary in a lightning made available to the war effort. blue dress with lightning flashes ap- Sersanous is urging on volunteer sal pliqued across it. . . . Paul White- vage co mmittees to supply sorely- man, clad in acres and acres of needed local leadership in arrang faun-colored overcoat, braving the ing sound, continuing methods of col breezes in Rockefeller Center. . . . I lection. Only by organizing and maintaining such collections on a Some faun! . . . Helena Bliss, belle regular basis can we hope to salvage of the “ Song of Norway,” wearing every tin that is being and will be bells in her ears—tiny ones that saved by patriotic housewives.” tinkle as she walks. . . . Morton Downey, who’ll be off for overseas i RATION BOOK REMINDER soon, spending his spare time riding up and down in Radio City eleva Cut this out and keep it in your purse tors—to find out how it feels to be MEATS, FATS— seasick. • * • Last Date for Use ANOTHER HERO Red Stamps Q5— S5 March 31 Cuff Notes: Kate-Ellen Murtah of Red Stamps T5—X5 April 28 the wacky Murtah Sisters, has a RedStamps Y5—D2 June 2 During February the nation cele-1 cure for a cold which she recom PROCESSED FOODS— I,rates the hirthdays of two national L. - V l rttuury Uetartmei.i mends as 100 per cent effective: heroes --George Washington and Ab-i Blue Stamps X5—B2 March 31 Take three genuine aspirin tablets Blue Stamps C2—G2 April 28 raham Lincoln. One helped to found —but make sure they’re genuine the nation, the other helped to pre-j Blue Stamps H2— M2 June 2 Should Have Mileage aspirin—then go down to Miami for serve it. SUGAR— three weeks. . . . Dave Cowles is Ration Records This year, we will also pay tribute Stamp 34 February 28 reviving bezique, the Gay Nineties to many new ones. Just now Gen- -------- Stamp 35 June 2 card game, at his newly-opened era! MacArthur is closest to the Here's an important ration remind- FUEL OIL— hearts of the people of the Pacific er. When applying for gasoline ra- Far West—Period 4 become good Penguin Country Club at Glen Coast. Wby not celebrate the fall | tions, all motoiists who have "A" February 5, 1945. Cove, L. I. . . . He predicts an of Manila, a return visit of the Gen cards must present to the local OPA SHOES—Loose Stamps Invalid enormous renewal of popularity for eral by calling it General MacArfhur's Boards their mileage ration records. Book 3—Airplane stamps No’s. 1 the game because it is being taken Day. Why wait until a man passes This form was given to all "A” book 2 and 3 good indefinitely for one pair, up enthusiastically by GIs in Eu holders during the re-registration and GASOLINE COUPONS— on to honor him? % rope. . . . James M. Carroll, form er must accompany all applications for Not Valid unless Endorsed Salary raising of high state offi ly manager of the Hotel Woodstock supplemental .special or fuilough ra- "A” 14 expires Match 21, 1945. Each Rabson Institute Helps cials is not necessaiy for the public and later of the Hotel Capitol in tions. If you do not have a mileage coupon worth 4 gallons, service at this time, State Treasurer New York, is now manager of the V eterans’ Relatives ration record, or have lost or des- WOOD. COAL. SAWDUST— Leslie M. Scott declared in a state Sheraton-operated Myles Standish ttoyed it, apply to your local Board Delivery by priorities based on wilt- ment at Salem, Oregon. , hotel in Boston . . . we miss Jimmy Following the magnificent work right away for a duplicate. ten statements of needs. Scott's statement was based on rs- and Helen but _____ wish ______ them ____ success which the Rabson Institute has done __ ____ -------------------------- PRICE C O N TR O L- for the U. S. Navy and its thousands cent r*P®r^ here that a bill was be- and happiness over in The Hub. L E G A L N O T IC E Refer price inquiries and com of officers during the past two years. drafted increasing the salaries j * * • plaints to price clerk at your local the Trustees have decided upon a o ' “ 18 1 Here & There: Songstress Evelyn DOG LICENSE NOTICE I board. wholly new form of war work to be 8 £ r£ j ° f state and 801,18 other Btate Knight introducing her Washington, The license fees for licenseable dogs j i T v e t e ^ n l " W^rkmTn are now ^ h action would he wasteful o f ! D. C.. fiance to the French cuisine at over the age of eight mon'hs and! While in Beaverton be sure to eat for such dogs owned or kept within at the Greyhound Coffee Shop. buay renovating and refurnishing the taxes, contrary to the thrifty habits the Chateau-Briand. . . . Romo Vin- OKLAHOMA PIONEER of Oregon people, break the promise cent, the heavyweight com ic, going the State of Oregon over 30 days for j buildings preparatory to these plans. In time there is no present, Only in America could a city arise jthe year 1945 are: After most careful study, It was de and faith upon which the officials, into an involuntary spin as he skids In eternity no future. were elected, and sounds like ‘‘bund- j on the sawdust in Jimmy Dwyer’ s from wild prairie in an afternoon, , Malt Dag ............... $ 1.00 termined that the Institute could best In eternity no past.—Tennyson. 1 emporium. . . . Jimmy Sheirr, for- yet that is what happened Septem- Female l)og ............. $1150 serve the returning boys by aiding dies for congress", Scott declared. $ 1.00 Scott suld the officials sought the mer manager of La Conga, revisit- ber 16, 1893, in Oklahoma. That Spayed Female Dog their parents In planning for their future. Babson Institute has not the l0*1* a*- salaiies provided and they jng the Broadway scene before morning 6 million acres of Cherokee | After March 1st, 1945, the license I For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry Phone Beaverton 3231. tf facilities to care for* the injured o r i Wl11 *,e klad to continue holding the. jeavjng for his new post as resi- Outlet were raw uninhabited land; fee is $ 1.00 more for failure to pro- Barne8' Ph at noon the United States opened it cure license for the dogs above stated. — thc nervously broken men. The time [ at these old salaries. "If they j , . _ manaBer Qf the recently re- Eighty percent of the fighters on Also after March x 1945 the fee has not arrived to give the required | Hult, many others will jump at the opened Blackstone hotel in Miami to white settlers and 3,000 camped where Ponca City stands now The is $100 more for failure to procure the Western front are reported to be veteran's educational couises. The i chance to fill their Jobs", Scott con- Beach. . . . Peter Donald, the radio great oil center pays tribute to 1 licenses for licenseable dogs becom- Americans. institute can, however, render a very 11 inued. com ic, chuckling to himself as he the early pioneers in the Bryant ; jn practical and efficient service for ! The 8tate treasurer stressed that Turn war stamps into Bondi 494, er 8 months of age after March men In the Naval, Army and Air raisc** should be reserved for the low-j dines at the Henry Hudson hotel Parker statue of a woman and boy over 8 .. months walking across the plains, pathfind- ’ and . for . dogs . .... Forces by aiding families in connec- !er Places where they are needed and j while going over his latest script— for those who have drawn from l 0 !dX ° ned 01 k.f?\ H*® state tlon with postwar plans for their deserved nnd where tax withholdings the never-never land of Peter Pun. ers the earth fuel for ships, planes and l?Q,?regon over 30 days after March 1 hoys.. In fact, this piogram was sug-|aro the hardest. | , Eddie Davis, of Leon & Ed- land motor “vehicles so necessary 1945- Fruit, Nut, Flowering and Shade gested by Naval Officers. | _ Secretary of State Robert S. Farrell, die’ s, walking down Broadway and for victory in the war. Buy more I Licenses may be ordered by mail. Trees, Roses, Berry Plants The work will consist of T w o !Jr'. commenting on Scott's State- looking really broad-shouldered be War Bonds to keep fuel fidwing to j state the name and address of the Shrubs, etc. Months Courses and S|H<clul Day Clin- ment sa id : i person to whom the license is to be cause of the cast which he wears the armed forces everywhere. Large supply of peaches, apples, li t for Adults who have relatives In ; "T «Kree with Scott with the excep- as the result of a broken collar bone. V. S'. I reanry DefarimtHl issued, and the sex of the dog. pears, cherries, prunes, plums, ap thc service. The Couises will open ! ,ion ,hat 1 would not stand in the ---------------------------- Fees are payable to W. A. TUPPER ricots, walnuts and filberts as well April 2 and will discuss Employment. way o t officials in the lower brack county clerk, Hillsboro, Oregon. This “ & That: Rus- as roses, flowering shrubs, and ------ r ~ One V of u “ 7 Andy ' Cl i Business Opportunities. Educational ets from receiving an increase in sal- Published by order of the County berry plants. Large orchard plant Demands, Annuities, Trusts, Insur ary”, Farrell particularly referred to sell 3 bobbysock fans, (she is prest- 3 a y INew S a fe t y H a k ¡Court of Washington County, Oregon. ers, Order Now while our stock Is ance and other ways that parents and the salary of the state superintend-1 dent of his fan club which is known Is Used by Germans , i s the “ Russell Sprouts"), has taken still complete! Our new 1945, 49- grandpaients can best help and pro ent of public Instruction. LONDON. — The Germans are ¡Order for Final Hearing and Publl- page catalogue is now available Governor Snell declared that, | a job in a five and dime store— tect those depending upon them. The cation of Final Notice upon request. To call at our nur Institute is an endowed non-profit “never at any time have I suggested because it is diagonally across the using a new type of self-destroying No 5949 sery, take highway 99W. We are institution. This is said to be the to anyone that my salary bo increas street from the Paramount theatre anti-aircraft ammunition, RAF Ty- IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE located 17 miles southwest of Port I have always contended that so not only can she keep track of phoon pilots reported. first Course of its kind ever offered. ed.. land or 1 mile past Six Corners. The ammunition explodes in the STATE OF OREGON FOR THE Further details may be obtained by salaries of elective officials should the length of the ticket window line Do not leave highway 99W. Watch addressing Babson Institute, Babson not be raised during the term for but during rest periods, can dash air if it fails to find a target within ; COUNTY OF WASHINGTON, for our sign. which such officials ate elected.” Park 57. Mass. over and see her idol. . . . Punctu- a certain range, they said. It was r,n thc matter 0 1 the Estate of encountered riurino an nn aerial neri-il scrap I EDWARD A. IVEY, Deceased. encountered during — . .. — -------------------- j atjon mean3 a j 0t as you can see TUALATIN VALLEY NURSERIES C hristine Hand, administratrix of More children contracted infantile from the following sentence sub- over Germany and was apparently the "We cannot lot the men whose live» estate of the above named de- Route 3, Box 310 depend on this equipment pay the pnralysia In 1944 than in any com- ■ m itted by Brad Simpson: " I f you afr b o r d e r t t ^ ^ Sherwood, Oregon *>*ving ">ed herein her final price for our quarrels at home."— parable period in many tecent years j want to Ret iat don’t eat fast. If *>r / " 0rd£‘r I?°* ,0 cause damaSe account and report, Six labor lenders returning from Fight this disease. Support the y0U ^.ant to get thin, don’t eat, by falling to the ground. iT i s ORDERED that Monday, the French battlefields. March of Dimes. fast.’ ’ . . . Kenneth Daigneau, heard 5th day of March, 1945, at the hom of There is stimulation in contests. 9:30 a. m., of said day, at the Court on the “ Aldrich Fam ily,” visited a While shipping eat at the Grey- For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry kennel and couldn’t resist buying a Business must bc^ allowed to compete Room of said Court in Hillsboro, Ore- at the Greyhound Coffee Shop. Barnes. Phone Beaverton 3231. beautiful retriever. . . . Convinced by trying to produce better products gon. is hereby fixed as the time and BEAVERTON, OREGON Workers should he place for the hearing of objections to that the dog hated the city, the actor at lower prices. ! advanced for good work and fired for said final account and report, if any. < n = l l l s l l l S I I I S I I I = l 'l 5 l l l 3 l l l 3 I U S I U 3 U I S I I I S I u a i U 3 U I 5 M £ l l l s l l l 5 l l l = l l l = l l l 5 l l l = l l l £ l l l = m = l l l i has bought a house in the country— loafing. i and for the allowance and settlement and no doghouse either. thereof. • • • s Second Church of Christ, Scientist, Portland, Ore. § IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that ij Fares & Places: Marion Hut Announce« publication of said notice be duly ton showing Ethel Merman the Jap ! given in the manner provided by law. knife sister Betty sent her from the Dated February 1st, 1945. south Pacific. . . . Perry Como start Date of first publication, Feb. 2. Beaverton 3762 ing an adolescent como-tion as he 1MB Date of last publication, March 2, leaves an elevator in the RCA build Open 8:30 to 6 1945. Entitled ing. . . . Richard Rodgers, com- ' Evenings by Appointment H. D KERKMAN, poser of "Oklahoma,” bowing to the “Christian Science: A Religion of Answered Judge plaudits of a Green Room assem blage as orchestra leader Ray Har- Prayer” beck plays the score in honor of his presence. . . . Ilka Chase and Ger trude Lawrence using chopsticks like natives in Ruby Foo’s Den . . . darn clever, these Chinese. . . . Barry Wood strolling up Fifth ave of Chicago, Illinois nue with Carole Landis, Phyllis Member of the Board of lectureship of The Mother Brooks and Billy Burke. • • # g Church, The Flret Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts. Addenda: Salvador Dali tripping 1 Estimates gladly given on Jobs Large or Small the light fantastic at the Wedgwood In the edifice of Room with a long run in his left sock — dancing with a Dali with 2425 N. Com m ercial U N iversity 1054 a hole in his stocking. . . . La Martinique swoon-singer, Carl Ra- Portland 12, Or. 531 NE Holladay St. ! vazza swooning himself when the night club owners, Dario and Jim- | Sunday afternoon, Feb. 11 at 3 o’clock v ; 1 my Vernon, tear up his six-weeks The Public la Cordially Invited I contract and hand him a new one | WL to run no less than six months. . . . « H S lIls lllS Ifls tlU u=m=m= A pair of diplomat-financicr-writers Toys, Bicycle Accessories, & Repairing of All Types | who have become radio figures, I nodding to one another on Fifth ave W heel Goods Retiring nue — Sumner Welles and Leland CHARLESTON'S CIIARM ANNOUNCEMENT i Rex Robinson. Charleston. S C.. retains its ISth B*ll S y n d ic » «* .— WNU r * »U ir * «. Century architecture, so full of I am now in a position to do First Class Watch and warmth, charm and beautv. It 923 S W 4th Ave., Portland A T . 5438 might not have been so well pre Jewelry Repairing served except for funds raised by Form New Courts to War Bonds that enabled eur fighting f M i - m —m - i n —m —i u ? i i i = i t i = i i i = m 3 i i i 3 i i i = m = t i r '= M i = i n s i i i s i H ^ i i i = i i i = i n s | | i s i | i s m i ^ i » m p All Work Guaranteed 1 wk. service, glass watch Try Dutch Profiteers forces to erect and hold an impene i U trable barrier against attack from ' M A A S T R I C H T , HOLLAND Crystals, any size or shape overseas. War Bonds bought row in —Premier Pieter S Gerbrandv will keep it unmarred. The quaint AM . WOKK GUARANTEED announced the formation of civil house that Col Charles Brewton tribunals to deal with collabora gave his daughter in 1733 embodies CULVERT tors and war profiteers "not li that charm. The delicate iron bal SEWER DRAIN | cony and carnage entrance leading able under the criminal code " directly to the street are character The new courts will not have SE E Y O U R B U IL D IN G M A T E R IA L D E A L E R istic touches—prevalent m Southern the power to impose the death homes in the formative years pre Portland C oncrete Pipe & Products Co. sentence, but can confiscate prop ceding the Revolutionary War Opp Telephone Office erty of defendants Beaverton l V i-N « j 5S19 S W. Macadam Av, Portland 1 . Oregon ATw.ter 83*4 | Published Friday or each week by the Pioneer Publishing Co , at Beaverton, Oregon. Entered as second-class matter at the postofflce at Beaverton, Ora 0ll4°®M?MPEI Scott Objects To A n y Raises * • Kepler Davenport Co. 8 I Bonds Over Aw erica A FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ARTHUR C. WHITNEY, C. S. Recovering and Modernizing H . A . S ta rr l n Contractor fo r Concrete W ork I Second Church of Christ, Scientist KISSLER’S R. V . W eaver 109 Watson Street CONCRETE PIPE * i * M i E i i i S m * i H 5 i i i « m * i n = " i * i i i 5 m * 'i F M i 5 i n s m * m 3 i m * i i i * m » m » - i i 5 n T » i i i * i n 5 H i i w « { f f •