T P U B L I S H E D W E E K L Y IN O U R P L A N T O N VOL, 18 ,yo, 2, Dinner To Be Held Monday Republicans will Hold Annual Dinner at Hillsboro A Lincoln Day dinner will be held by county republicans at the Hills boro Grange hall at 7 p. m Monday, February 12, with Senator Coe. A. McKenna of Portland, as the prin- pal speaker. * John E. Meeks of Hillsboro and Aloha will be chai.man and toastmas ter for the dinner. Program numbers will include a trumpet vocal solo by Smith of Hillsboro an da vocal solo by Virginia Petroff of Pacific university. Dinner tickets may be seemed from precinct committeemen. Boy Scouts to Celebrate 35th Anniversary Starting next Thursday and continu ing for a week the Boy Scouts and Cubs everywhere will observe Boy Scout week. They will wear theit uniforms during the week. Since February 8, 1910, more than 12,000,000 men and boys have been in scouting. The present-day active en rollment is more than 1,800,000 Cubs, Scouts, Senior Scouts and Scouters. The Cub Pack No. 517, Beaverton, gave a fine program at the grade school Wednesday. February 7. The second annual Scout dinner will be held at the Bethel Congregational church on Friday, Feb. 9th. Tioop MS are entertaining their parents at a pot luck dinner. Scout Troop 319 of Aloha are spon soring a get acquainted program at the Aloha Grange hall Monday even ing, February 12 at 8 p. m. Sound movies will be shown and demonstra tion of Scout work given, followed by refreshments served by the ladies of the grange. There will be no admis sion charge. Friends aie urged to attend. Don’t forget the boys are sponsor ing a paper drive. Save paper for them. Visits Brother And Mother In California George F. Gordon and son Glenn have just returned from a trip to see his mother Alice Gordon at San Jose. California. She had been ill but is improving. Mr. Gordon and his son spent a month in California. Mr. Gordon spent a day at Berkeley University in the Geological depart ment where his brother Wesley Dex ter Gordon exhibits geological find ings. He found one of the very rare prehistoric antelope skulls in good condition. It had four horns, two set up on the forehead and two where the nose was supposed to be. It was thought to have lived about 60 million years ago. The day that Mr. Gordon arrived they went out in the country, and within 20 miles of the university Wesley dug up a leg bone and a rib of another ancient antelope. Mr. Gordon advises anyone that in tends to visit San Jose to have a hair cut and shave before going. Shaves down there are 75 cents and haircuts are $1. ALL ABOUT TO W N Palmer Torvend, county agent gave a talk on Garden Pests at the Janu ary meeting of the Beaverton Garden Club. Mrs. F. W. Blakeney, Mrs. George Davis and Mrs. C. DeYoung acted as hostesses. The annual birth day meeting will be held this month. Ned Siebert was in town this week. Mrs. Talford Strain returned home aftei a two weeks visit with her aunt Mrs. Maude Miller in Portland, Ore. Mr. and Mrs H i Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Anthony of Portland. Mrs. Maude Miller and Mr. William Dietrich of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis and family, Miss Anna Hylund and Mrs. Talford Strain were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Davis on Sunday Feb. 4 Mrs. Maude Miller, Mrs. Delmer Anthony and Mrs. Talford Strain called in Miss Lois Livermore, who is a student nurse at Providence hospi tal in Portland. Pete Stock has been ill at itis home for the past we«k. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Barnes of Santa Rosa. Calif., came up this week to attend the funeral of his mother, Mrs. Lottie Barnes this week Mrs. Cecil Barnes is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Stock. Funeral services were held Friday at Hillsbo.o for John T. Croenl, late of route 1. Beaverton. He was 71 years of age. husband of Lydia; also 5 brothers and 3 sisters, including Bernard Carl. Beaverton; and Eleanor Rich of route 2, Beaverton Cuttom House Hatching The Ross Hatchery of Aloha are now hatching Western-Bred New Hampshire. White Leghorn. Parmen ter and Barred Rock chicks and Broad Breasted Poults. Their cus tom hatching is from tested flocks. Located as they are on the high way near the clubhouse it is a very convenient place for their customers to leave the{r o-ders. SH O R T ST. A N D C A N Y O N H I G H W A Y Beaverton. Oregon, Friday, February 9, 1945 E S T A B L I S H E D 1927 Bloodmobile Due Friday The regular meeting of Troop 491 was held Feb. 7 at the Methodist ' j church. Virginia Talbert and Mary I i lvokick have earned their 50 hour : service awards. The girls are busy I ¡this week with their annual cookie! More Donors Wanted sale. They plan to raise funds for \ summer camping. Carole Sheeley, I For Bloodmobile Visit scribe. j , .. ,, . . ! Appointments are now being made eredith Lovett radio operator in for tbe next * visit of the Red Cross the Merchant Seaman's has reported bloodmobile unit to the county donor for duty after a furlough at home. center in Hillsboro February 1(5. ac Jobs Daughters held a card party cording to Mrs. F. Abend,oth, donoi at the Masonic Temple last Saturday service committeeman. Goal for the night which was well attended. day has been set at 200 pints of blood Mr and Mrs. Robert E. Long have Appointment cards have been mail bought the Oscar C. Mason home on ed most donors on the county list, Stacey Avenue, west of Aloha and who are urged to send in replies at expect to take possession about Feb once . ruary the 15th. Mrs. Long's aunt is All volunteers who donated eight coming from Denver to cure for her. or more weeks ago are eligible for Lieut. C. J. Zurcher is home on the February visit of the bloodmobile. leave from submarine duty in the Pa Although volunteers without ap cific and is visiting his parents, Mr. pointments are always welcome at the and Mrs W. J. Zurcher, Beaverton. county center, donors who have ap Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Boyd visited the pointments will be given preference latter part of the week, Mrs. Elmer "Most of the donors who were dis ¡Boyd who is very ill in a Newberg appointed in Januuiy have registered hospital since the birth of her son for the February visit of the unit. j January 17th. The committee appreciates tho pa j Wm. M. Alexander S2-c on furlough triotism of these volunteers who rec ! from San Diego visited his grand- ognize the fact that meeting the blood ! mother, Mrs. J. D. Alexander this plasma quota to save the lives of ser j past week. iously wounded American fighting, I Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hageman and men must be the first consideration. baby boy have rented the new house | just completed on Tenth St, by J. V. \ Chandler. They expect to occupy ALOHA O fR c itl V S A rm y fh o t a their new residence by the end of Waiting for orders to advance against the city of Bologna. Italy, this member of the 1st Armored Division gets a I the week. Donald Johnson and brother Roy trimming from a Fifth Army barber. Back the attack. Buy at least an extra 3100 war Bond^ today! Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Wattles, daugh- were guests of honor at a dinner From U. ter and husband and small son of given by their uncle and aunt, Mr. and I Gresham were guests Sunday of Mr. Mrs. M. W. Johnson recently. They are Wattles sister Mrs. J. E. Harris, nephews of the Johnson’s. M Sgt. Survivors of Bataan ¡To Celebrate C. E. Week i Funeral services were held at Donald Johnson who has just re Death March Rescued At Hillsboro Feb. 11 I Pegg's Chapel Tuesday for Hudson turned from New Guinea on a 30 day Carter whose death occured Feb. 21 furlough, was only able to see his Among the 513 gaunt and ragged The Washington County C. E. Un at Tacoma, Wash. Interment F i r 1 brother Hoy when he received an men, mostly American survivors of ion will hold its annual Christian En- Lawn cemetery, Hillsboro. (emergency furlough for this unusuul the Bataan “ death march’’ rescued deavoi Birthday Rally Sunday after- The Oddfellows at their regular i visit, otherwise they would not have last week by U. S. and Filipino guer , noon, February 11, at 3 p m. in the! meeting Monday night had initiation1 been able to see each other. rillas was Private William H. K irk ______ i Hillsboro Christian Church. There and the ladies of the Rebekah lodge I John RohrbacK expects to receive patrick ,26, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. R e n n e t s f . nn, Rn - Antrim , c„ntv wil1 be six y ° utb talks emphasizing served refreshments. There w ere! his wings sometime In April. Ho has Kirkpatrick, Eugene, Oregon, A sis __ March i_ .4 *'rs._______ , for Wash Chri sti an Endeavoi week. All mem- visitors from Hillsboro and Tigard, been stationed at Tucson, Anz., in chairman of Dimes ter, Mrs. Greeta Taylor, lives at Beav bers and friends of Christian Bndea- Mrs. Ed Volla’s father, Mr. Thom p-! training to be a pilot. ington county shows that this county I voi are welcome erton. (son, has returned from Florida. | Lawrence Gassner is back in the is tar short ot its quota of $5000. He attended the University of Ore Miss Pearl Cooke had a fall at ¡States again aftei 35 months of active I f every person in the county will ~~ ~~ ~ gon before entering the army in 1940. school and was badly hurt but n o 1 duty in New Guinea with the 41st dt- give an additional dime the quota will LoOItier Awarded Air Medal He served in the coast artillery on ______ bones broken. (vision. After a shoil furlough with . | ______ Corregidoi a year before war began be filled. . ... . , _ _ . _. i Elmer Walters has arrived from ; his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Gassner Just one more dime please for those and was taken prisoner at the fall of I,. n \ A l' 1<0,c® | overseas and is in a California hospl-1 will report to a rest camp in Cali- pitiful cases of paralysis? Corregldor. i ion, England Sergeant Charles R. la j undergoing treatment for a badly I fornia to recuperate from wounds Loomer of Beaverton, Ore., 29 years ahatter#d arm from an exploded mor-Iand malaria. r i Z 'i ° " " I f . Cr6W ° f„ a ,ar' I Mrs. L. E. Klatt enjoyed a long dl3- C A M P F IR E G IR L S Signup Meetings for A A A B . Flying Fortress, has recently^ Mrs. Qeorge McKercher and smalFtance telephone t a lk with her son, been awarded an oak leaf cluster to son gteven spent Monday with Mrs. ¡Third Mate Walter Klatt. who is now Begin February 12 The Camp Fire Girls of Beaverton the ail medal, He won the decora-1 McKercher in Beaverton. at San Pedro after spending nearly a will have their annual Council Fire ration for In order to participate in the 1945 i ii a v . C ° U? f L i COO neSS. and ; Mrs. R. H. Gibbs has been quite ill (year in the merchant marine corps Saturday February 17th at Grade skill and his outstanding perform-1 with the f ju 1 AAA practice program, it will be ne- in the Pacific. School Gym at 8 p. m. Everyone is , . . . of Mr8 mmu Anna duhhk »itn .in cessary for each farmer to sign uu ¡ ance t, .. . of duty - during .. • , a number _ ¿»ns. McKenzey ciiic ji of : The Aloha-Huber P. T. A. announce old j that they will hold a food sale Satur- time uci^iiuuio neighbors mac last riiuajr. Friday. I uuy day reuruury February 17, , from 10 u o’clock a. m. lio-V,tinrr onj nvtinmiicKinr, ~ ^ a n t stated. Signup meetings will | „ , . .. , viiiic | iiurn iu ciota u. in. inch.din* many mtnv „ of f their thei. songs. « G ir irls- is be held in the various A A A communi- . “ ™ * n K. I GeorKe Kleln has beon transferred on at the C. J. Stickney office on tho including in August 1935 he was employed by f the Navy Hospital. San Fran- highway. beginning Feb. 12 as follows: I lio M n l l O ’l o a Airc i>ari t I " i ° J will be awarded their ranks and na ties list. 2 Kinton Grange Hall, Mon , i tbe DougUs Aircraft Co. of Long citc0 to the hospital In Walla Walla,! Catherine Anzalone had as her Dist tional honors. We do want support .12 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. , Beach Calif as a aircraft worker W ath. ;gue8ts on he,. birthday members of from all the parents and friends of Feb Dist. ist. 4—union 4 Union gym near v,»;»..». Cedar ¿».... Mill , i . i Ie 1 8 e s° n and J 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Ommen, Beav- the senior class. Camp Fire Girls, also any one who H OITU1 route 2, Beaverton, Oregon. erton, are the parents of a daughter! Mr. and Mrs. Byron Jack have is interested in Camp Fire work is Thursday and Friday, Feb. 15 and 16, I J Sgt. Loomer's wife, Mrs. Viola Loom Signup meetings for other com Marilyn J., born Jan. 28th. , bought a home on Blanton street. invited to hear the girls. er, lives at Loraine, Texas, The O E. S .lodge held a School of j Cpl. Charles Imlay ls now fighting The program will include: Wohelo munities will be announced later. The gunne, won his wings at K in g -, InstrucUon for their offlcor8 at the 1 ln tFhe p hl,lpp,ne. with a night fight- Call, prayer, song America the Beau le Wednesday. er squadron in the air corps. Farmers who have not reported j man H eld Gunnery School in May, T tiful, hand sign, law of the Camp 1944. He is now a member of the »»JT. Wayne t Thurman i ,;,..» Mrs. of SW Main! 1 John W olfe is home on a short fur- Fire Girl, lighting ceremony, Walk- theii 1944 A AA practices have until I a unit of the ing Song,' awarding~~oi""ranks " arid , £ e.b» “ ry 80 announced John j r ^ . / T i r ’ Division the division cited Street, has been confined to her home lough and plans are underway for Kanina, chairman. | «* ^ with a severe case of the flu. I his marriage to Miss Esther Sturm honors, Wohelo Cheer, candle extin Most of the reports are in, Kamna , T" .* n ,.HI 1 * . »i’ an< “ i Mis. Pearl Lingo and Mi. and Mrs.'ot Hillsboro. guishing, closing song Call of the Fire. reported» ported» but there still are a few ,ll<a()> U1| e. ’OI" ° , u> ‘ Cecil J. Baines came from C alifornia1 Among the guests of Mr. and Mrs. farmers in eac hcommunity who have 'schm.tt plant at Regensburg, Ger- , t„ attend the funernl of their moth ] Ted Nault recently were her cousin not filed their 1944 applications for Zürcher Home on Leave __________________ er. Mrs. L. S. Barnes. | Lt. Com. Thomas G. Wallace ol tho I payment. * Mrs. Doy Gray entertained the ( navy air corps and Edward McElroy Tuesday Contract Club at her home j on leave from the navy, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Zurcher are en Beaverton Officer this week. Mrs. L. W. Short was a At the recent meeting of Pomona Washington county farmers will joying a visit with their son Lieut. C. Decorated in Italy guest of the club ■ Grange at Aloha, Maymie Downing J. Zurcher, home on leave from sub likely meet their 1945 production goals according to reports made by Mr. and Mrs. Guy O. Woodworth \ of Beaverton, was elected chaplain. marine duty. With the Fifth Army .Italy First having sold their _ home on ______ __ St. At the evening session a class of 21 Second Zurchei attended Beaverton high community committeemen at a recent school and graduated from Univer- county goals meeting held in Hills-1 Lieutenant Edwin L. Jenkins Beaver- have purchased Broadview Place, the ,candidates was initiated into the sity of Oregon. He enlisted in the boro, reports Palmer S. Toi-vend, t®n’ ° reKon, recently was awarded former home of Mrs. F. G. Donald- j fifth degree of the order. Nearly navy and received training at Evan- county agent. I,b<‘ Bronze Star for heroic achieve- son 200 persons attended. Mrs. Ted Nault ston, 111. After sea duty in the At- Community committeemen attend , in action. The severe wind and rain storm did wag chairman in charge, lantic aboard a destroyer, Zurcher ing the meeting generally thought; He is serving on the Fifth Army considerable damage to the roof of i ALO H A was transferred to submarine service livestock and poultry goals could pos- **ont in Italy in an engineer battal- the Bethel Congregational Church Mrs. Shepherd has returned home and sent to Connecticut for training sibly be maintained. The only ex- ' « n wilh the 85th "Custer“ Infantry Tuesday night. | after a visit with her husband. Ho in that branch. ceptions were the goals for dairy and Division. _ Lew Adams is ill in a Portland! expects to go over seas soon. spring pigs. Indications in the coun- wife. Eunice S. Jenkins, lives hospital. . | a fine time of fellowship was en- ty arc that the number of sows foi (on route 1, Beaverton. | A marriage license has been Issued j joyed at the potluck dinner and busi- Need More Waste Paper spnng fallow ing I COO*Ul«l j~ ~ to Marion M M oianty of Beaverton, ness meeting at tba Aloha Commun . .... . . short of the goal and that there had Coleman Now Staff Set. land Alice P. Morton, Portland. I ity church last Wednesday night. More and still more waste paper >s been a slight decrease in the number | ______ j A son, Patrick D , was born Jan. , Some of the items of interest was the „ a" of dairy cows- Th« Murine corps has announced 2* Mr and Mrs. Daniel L. Donivan church letters of Mr.eand Mrs. R. C. per-sponsoreo u s. v ictoty campaign Indications are that most of the ¡the promotion of Sergeant Robert O ot Beaverton. Graham from the .Seaside church goes into i s 1 h consecu i\e mo crop goals will be attained It if Coleman to the rank of Staff Her- Hfr Marvin O. Myers who is in a were read and approved A social T u f* i sat<* there is a shortage of ladino, al geant. The son of Mr. and Mrs. L hospital in England has sent home committee consisting of Mrs. Newton This states volunteer paper collec- g,jke and red clover for seed How- \V. Coleman, of Tigard, he is now on thc Purple Heart medal awarded him Thompson, Mrs. A M Anderson and totalled 111.. ever> generally speaking, if p r o d u c - duty as a radar technician at the Ma- f ° r service and wounds in Germany Miss Mary Antrim was appointed to tions during January totalled tons, a material increase over the tion can be maintained somewhere rjne A jr Base at Cherry Point, N. C. Mr Amundson who has been very \ promote the social life of the church, 643-ton December figure, but still be at the same level as In 1944, it is like- | a former Oregon State College stu- U1 is improving and was able to re low tonnage reported in preceding1 ly «hat few-, if any shortages will dent. Staff Sergeant Coleman was a turn to work Monday. months. ! mem be i ot the varsity football team Walker’s Department store has a occur. Multnomah county with a popula for two years. Prior to his enlist- lart?e display of different things which tion of 476,126 people gave 8750 tons of Ing he was employed as a shipwright the hoys have sent home from the paper in January. engineer by the Kaiser Company in South Pacific, among them are dolls Deputy Collectors to Visit Washington county with a popula- . , _ Funeral services were held Wednes- made from rags, Japanese man's robe i Vancouver, Wash tion ot 45238 people contributed »85 Cities Throughout Oregon gun etc., they were sent by Walter j day, February 7 for Lillie L Barnes, tons in January . - Dobyn and Donald Taylor to the ; wife of Leslie B Barnes, who passed Taxpayers in Washington county Will Announce Farm Fire* away February 4 at her home in home folks do not have to travel to Portland to Over K A L E I The Kiwanis Club are anxioua to Beaverton. ALOHA Mrs. Baines wna born Dec. 9, 1873, receive aid in making out thei. Fed i secure the names of boys who are In eral Income report. Deputy collec at Linnville. Iowa. Offered as a new service to farm the service from this area who did Robert Lee and Dwain Miller were tors will be at the following places listeners of KALE, the Farm Service not graduate from the high school She was the mother of six children, accepted as candidates for baptism Beaverton, Feb. 8-10, incL; Forest Department of the station has inaug- They want to write letters to them. living, four of whom reside in Bcaver- to full membership of the church. Florence Grove, Feb 20-21, incl.; Sherwood, mated a policy, whereby announce- The high school have arranged for a ton and two in California, The finance committee for the Feb 22; Hillsboro, Mardh 1-15, incl. ment of a fire in any rural area will group to write letters to their gradu- McCalten. Hazel Fuller. H *rry Barne building fund consisting of Mr. Riggs, Assistance is available to taxpayers ^ g|v*n an emergency broadcast. In- ates, but this does not cover every Lucille Barnes, all of Beaverton; Mrs. Antrim and Mrs. Stickney was at the branch the .............. Collect' r terruptmg any program . . . ------ - r office ------ of *K- upon re enlistee Please contact Mr. Zumwalt Pearl Lingo. Santa Monica Calif.; an Ptt- eeipt by the station of the message, or Mr. Jacobsen of the Texaco Oil .Cecil Barnea Santa Rosa Calif. C°A f Town and Country Church Con- ?nt" na1| eet |— - “ 8 — ______ ...... Station who have been appointed on i Services were held at the Beaverton ference will be held in this church „'~i according to Burton Hutton, farm Rev. air. r, nr a committee to secure names. i Congregational church with Tuesday, February. 20. from 2 to 9 •nd 9th Ave.. Portland. Oregon, each In- A potluck dinner was held In honor Francis Sturtevant officiating, P There will be a pot-luck din n er'da> u" t" * ' th " i Listeners phoning in a fire alarm Conference w ill discuss final ^ oHfUlng period^ are asked to give their name and of the retiring president of the com- terment Crescent Grove cemetery. VI. at 6 p. m Larson at his E Pegg in charge of arrangements such problems as Worship Services in phone number and the name of the munity club, A G Awarded Scholarship farmer on whose property the fire home Saturday night by 18 guests, i Mrs. Barnes came to Oregon she the Rural Church, Surveying the ! is burning full description of the husbands and wives of board mem- made her home *un. Field. Evangelism in Rural Areas, Miss Do.othy Kirkwood, s o p h o m o re f arm location, what building is burn- bers of the club for last f t of Hills .oro n etc The public is invited. st Lewis and Clark college, has been Ing and when it started. Phone BR Cedar Mill Farmers union will meet sHe married Leslie 8. Barnes in Beav- “The weekly press and the farmers awarded a music scholarship for the 3484 Portland. Feb. IS at 8 p m. in the Barnes erton. They have resi .. • t together have a laige part to play in second semester which begins Feb 5 --------------------------'school AM members sr# urged to be maintaining the American system of Miss Kirkwood is a major in music “Takes too long to clean dirty present. Refreshments will be served, i Besides her enuaren ne lea free enterprise "—Albert S. Goss Mas- and an honor student, having earned windows."—Cleveland, O, wfndow . ---------------------—— ¡grandchildren and 13 grea gr .n ter of National Grange. an academic scholarship last year. washers, spurning tba job. Turn war stamps Into Bonds children. Just One More Dime S 3 ^ ,,m T«L S n S F L Z L '* » ~ » « .« * » »»» i i Lillie Barnes