Friday, February 2, 1945 BE A V E R T O N ENTERPRISE, B e a v e rt o n , Oregon Page 4 As filbert trees come into bearing, ihe lower limbs are best left on to hasten the development of the tree and to increase the production of early filberts, says McWhorter. These lower limbs are somewhat of a prob­ Washington County's I'arm Secur lem in cultivating and ha: vesting but ity Administration committee has the fact remains that their removal been designated by the Veteran's will reduce yields materially. Administration to serve as the Coun­ ty Veterans Loan Committee to certi­ fy G1 farm loan guarantees, reports i V. S. Madsen County FSA Supervisor j Commercial Bldg., Hillsboro. Information as to GI faiai loan guarantee progiam may be obtained '.thru the County FSA office, commit­ tee members, and from the Veteran’s Advisory committee established in the County Agent’s office. To Certify G. I. Loans What's Doing IN T1IE Churches BETHEL C O N G R E G A T IO N A L C H U R C H R e v . F. T. Sturtevant, Paator r 9:45 a. m. Church School. Miss Amarette Barnes, Supt. 11 a. m. Morning worship. Youth Sunday, with young people taking part. Sermon topic: What’s the Use. 5:30 p. m. Junior High Society. 6:30 p. m. Pilgrim Fellowship meeting with Mr . Ralph Shum of Pacific University as guest leader. WEST HILLS LUTHERAN CHURCH Oanyon Road, near Sylvan Werner J. Frits, Minister Sexagesimal, Sunday, Feb. 4 Church School 9:45 a. m. Divine Service 11 a. m. Sermon: Life’s Greatest Strongs hold. Reception of new members. Wednesday, Feb. 6, 7:30 p. m. Mis­ sionary Guild meets at the home of Mrs. Carl „Schaudt, Berthold Rd., Beaverton. Vlsitois welcome. m [utfrlUf LEGAL NOTICE | Released by U. S. War Department, Bureau o f Publie Relation! LETTERS FROM HOME SI’ EED TO FRONT—Members of the armed forces arriving at their bases overseas soon hear from the Army postman. Under a new system it is announced that many now enjoy letters which the V-Mail brought across the ocean ahead of them. Left, Lt. John T. Hailey, Batavia, 111., 15th Air Force, shares news from home with his pet cocker spaniel "R oger;” right, reading letters which left the United States less than a week before. And this is Italy! Morning worship 11 a. m. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Evening Service 7:30 p. m. Leonard C. Johnson, Paator 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. 11 a. m. Morning worship. Miss ST. CECELIA CHURCH Nellie Emrlck, speaking. Masses 8:25 and 10:25 during the fl:13 p. m. Junior Meeting. winter months. 6:30 p. in. Hi-N.Y. and N. Y. P. S. Miss Emrick speaks to combined THE VALLEY groups. COMMUNITY CHURCH 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic Service, UNITED PRESBYTERIAN —Evangelist preaching. 4110 SW Gabel Lane Continuing each nite next week, ex­ Rev. H. A. Armltage. pastor cept Sat. Miss Emrick will preach 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship and sing. Join in this spiritual cru­ sade. You are cordially invited. BEAVERTON FULL GOSPEL CHAPEL SERVICE I. O. O. F. Hall, Beaverton METHODIST CHURCH Orville J. Poulin, Minister Albert S. Hisey, D. D., Minister Sundays 7:45 p. m. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Thursdays 7:45 p. m. Ruth Pace Supt. Everybody welcome. Classes for all ages. Worship Hour 11 a. m. Sermon by pastor topic, The Heart ALOHA ASSEMBLY OF GOD Sunday School 10 a. m. of God. Devotional service 7:30 p. m. Worship 11 a. m. Methodist youth and official mem­ bers uniting for a half hour of wor­ HKKRVILLK COMMUNITY ship and reporting at 8 p. m. for busi­ I’KLHliYTKRIAN CHURCH ness session. Sunday School 10 a. m. Mrs. Otto Visitors always welcome. George, Supt. Young People's C. E. 7 p. m. Prayer Meeting and Bible study, CHURCH OF CHRIST Thursday. 7 p. m. George W. Springer, Pastor Morning worship and preaching ser­ Worship Service 11 a. m. vice at 9:45 a. m. FILGRIM LUTHERAN CHURCH Sermon—Christ The Word. The Bible Church Following the sermon, the Lord’s’ Box 697, Beaverton supper will be observed. Farmington Rd. at Menlo Drive Bible School class session 11 a. m. Walter R. Buhl, Pastor Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. Evening worship service with spec­ Sunday Service 11 a. m. ial music by orchestra and a sermon Sunday School 10 a. m. by the pastor at 7:30 p. m. Midweek service Wednesday 8 p. m. Dear Land to which Desire forevei Study of personul evangelism. flees; Time doth no present to our grasp AIAIIIA COMMUNITY CHURCH allow; Graydon D.'Loree. Pastor Say In the fix’d Eternal shall we seize At last the fleeting Now? Sunday School 10 a. m. —Bulwer-Lytton Mary Antrim, Supt. \ I Cub Scouts at Grade School World Brotherhood Week Program Feb. 21 February 7 . . . $2 COLONIAL DAMES ALL-PURPOSE CREAM, The Kiwanis club is sponsoring a Do you remember the National j program to be given February 21 at Scout Week program that Cub Pack SPECIAL AT $1 00 517 was responsible for one year ago? 7:45 p. m. at the Beaverton Grade Well, another good program is about 1 school featuring ’’World Brotherhood” Rich and luscious, this to take place. The date Wednesday, The program is to be in connection February 7th,, the time, 7:30 p. m.— I with World Brotherhood week. Judge fine cream is delightful the place Beaverton grade school ■ Crawford, a Protestant, J. C English. for cleansing, softening, ' a Catholic, and David Robinson, a auditorium Cub Pack 517. has been functioning Jew, will speak . smoothing Regular 8- very successfully for the past three ounce $2.00 size, for this years and has been responsible for Red Cross Appreciate Help many good and valuable deeds for the sale only at $1 00 A community and the building of good The camp and Hospital Council of real treat for skins made character in boys. Some of which the Red Cross. Columbia Basin area, will be mentioned at the program. T oo Late to Classify met in Portland January 24 for an all A dry by winter weather What will the program be? That day meeting. Mrs. Kenneth Hall Double S & H Stamps on all Is a secret but memories of boyhood was re-elected chairman of the Co­ FOR SALE -60 White Rock Pul­ Prescriptions days will come back to you. Don’t lumbia Basin Area and Louise Lin- lets for Sale $2 each. Beaver­ miss the opportunity to enjoy a pleas­ thicum, vice chairman. ton 2715, R. 1. Bx 427, Beaverton. 1 ant evening, a chance to encourage This area which includes Washing­ our Cubs. Let’s all go. You do not realize the efficiency ton County, packed and delivered 14,763 boxes for the high seas, armed of a classified adv. until you try one guards, posts and hospitals. The midwest sent in about 3200 boxes. Dorothy Mitchell Mrs. Dibley, regional director of On Committee Camp and Hospital San Francisco, was present and she reported 354,753 Oregon State College, Corvallis—In­ boxes given out on the Pacific Coast. cluded in the list of committee mem­ A "Patient’s Fund” has been estab­ bers just announced for the tradi­ lished, and any one desiring to donate tional Associated Women Student’s to this fund, which wil lbe used strict­ carnival for February 24 is Dorothy ly for the patients in the hospitals, Patricia Mitchell of Aloha, sophomore may do so by contacting your county in lower division, chairman of the chairman. chaperons committee. An appeal is being made for a type­ writer, musical instruments, radio, davenport, etc., which are in good condition. If you do not care to do­ Will Live in Beaverton nate them get in touch with Mia. Miss Pearl Close of San Francisco, Eslinger, thru Red Cross, and a fair was married Jan. 20 to Mr. Colin price will be paid for same. Mrs. Griffith wishes to express her Skinner ot Portlnnd, by Rev. Paul S. Wright in the First Presbyterian thanks for the cooperation received and asks that the same co-operation church In Portland. They will make their home in Beav- be given Mrs. Eslinger. erton. ¡Order for Final Hearing and Publi­ cation of Final Notice No .5949 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHINGTON. In the matter o f the Estate of EDWARD A. IVEY, Deceased. Christine Hand, administratrix of the estate of the above named de­ ceased, having filed herein her final account and report, IT IS ORDERED that Monday, the j Give Her a Valentine— spring filled Davenport 5th day of March, 1945, at the hour of ] and Chair— a new Bed Room Suite — A Swing 9:30 a. m., of said day, at the Court: Room of said Court in Hillsboro, Ore­ Rocker— We have them. gon, is hereby fixed as the time and place for the hearing of objections to said final account and report, if any, and for the allowance and settlement thereof. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that publication of said notice be duly given in the manner provided by law. P hone 3535 B eaverton Dated February 1st, 1945. Date of first publication, Feb. 2, 1945. Date of last publication, March 2, 1945. H. D. KERKMAN. ANNOUNCEMENT Judge Dean's Drug Store TH IS IS YOUR W ESTINGHOUSE STATION DOG LICENSE NOTICE The license fees for licenseable dogs over the age of eight months and for such dogs owned or kept within the State of Oregon over 30 days for the year 1945 are: Male DOR *,ow Female Dog ........... $1150 Spayed Female Dog $1.00 After March 1st, 1945, the license fee is $1.00 more for failure to pro­ cure license for the dogs above stated. Also after March 1. 1945, the fee is $100 more for failure to procure licenses for licenseable dogs becom­ ing over 8 months of age after March 1, 1945, and for dogs over 8 months old, owned or kept within the State of Oregon over 30 days after March 1, 1945. Licenses may be ordered by mail. State the name and address of the person to whom the license is to be issued, and the sex of the dog. Fees are payable to W. A. TUPPER county clerk, Hillsboro, Oregon. Published by order of the County Court of Washington County, Oregon. vz>uith.inçL -loi tke 9/ofis. 1 am now in a position to do First Class Watch and y t s . your friendly Blue Net- owned and o|>ciated by Weil- tiighinise Radio Stations Inc. A new name, and yet an old name, NU-L1FE foi Weslinghoiisc and die West are not strangers by a long shot. Wcslinglionsc lias been living and working on die (loast lor more than foity yeats, thriving in your empire o f mountains and lakes and tues and livers, anil die pioneer spirit of " l e t ’s g o !” Why, we lia\r cle'tn otliies in ( Iregon, Washington, and ( .tlifornia. .$3.50 A scientifically balanced plant food which works with Nature to rebuild the soil and produce luxuriant. beautfiul lawns, flowers and gardens S H E E T G l ’A N O 0 Garden Seeds 0 PEAT tinue to bring you the finest programs night 0 Lawn Seeds and dav . . those of the Blue Nclwoi k and local 0 Insecticides you hear the announcer say: "T his is your Westinghousc Station, KK.X,’’ we hope you’ ll be as happy about die whole thing as we arc. you like about kKX shows. W e like to get mail as much as a soldier does. M OSS. Bale $ 3 .2 5 Complete Lines • • • Francis Bros. 6519 SW Capitol Hwy. RADIO ST AT I OH K B X ALL WORK GUARANTEED PORTLAND R. V . W eaver 109 Watson Street Beaverton Opp Telephone Office 75 c Station kKX, 1190 on your dial, will con­ programs just as nice. Write and tell us what All Work Guaranteed 1 wk. service, glass watch Crystals, any size or shape Per 100 lbs. 0 Yon gursseil it. We like it here. And we hope you like its. When Jewelry Repairing SEEDS woik St.itinn, kl'.X, is now BEAVERTON NAZARENE CHURCH, Revival Continues N ext Week with Miss Nellie Emrick OF WILK1NSIHRG PENN. Preaching and Singing 7:S0 P. M. COME AND BRING A FRIEND Service Tonight— Friday— 7:30 p.m . Two Services Sunday— 11 a. m.—7:30 p. m. Q U A L IT Y * S E R V IC E Westimjhouse in the West PORTLAND. OREGON AT. 7309 Save 20 to 25r r on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS Oregon Mutual Pollrle« arc SON-A.SMSSABI.E You NEVER pay more than the premium on die face of the policy. Oregon Mutual maintain» more than three Umn the aurpliia required ky Orego» Insurance law*. Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company OF McMINNA n . I . E «Organized 1894— 40 year* of Reliable Service Ghaa L Walker, Agent New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. * '• — V *} • * . , .. u .L I Every Form of Protection” Phone 1732 Hillsboro. Oregon