Pape 2 Fridav, February 2, 1945 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E , Beaverton, Oregon S T S H S iW ^ ^ ^ BIG LEAGUE BACK­ STOP FOR T he VANIKS AND CHI­ CAGO WHITE SO *, N.y. Pdblisbtd Friday or tacb week by the Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton, Oregon. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at Beaverton, Ore. One Tear $1.00 Subscription Payable In Advance. Beaverton Office—Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2321 Portland Office—308 Panama Bldg., 3rd and Alder Phone ATwater 6691 WAS UNDERSTUDY lb ya rn s' b il l d i c k e y M f t eia* ESI •“ tcPiU A" 1 ATI 0 1 ■ri'jft’- i . '.*»*♦ f Yank Soldiers A Healthy Lot K S/SGT. SILVESTRI HAS BE EM STATIONED OUT IN DUTCH NtN GUINEA -HELP BRlUG Taller and H e a v ie r Th an Their Fathers of W orld W ar I. Whip Laid Find Method of Saving Beauty Delicately T in te d Flowers May Be Preserved in Natural Colors. W A SH IN G TO N . — A process by which the most delicately tinted wildflower or rainbow hued crusta­ cean may be preserved indefinitely in its natural color has been de­ veloped by an agricultural depart­ ment scientist in Washington, D. C., and specimens are now on display at the national museum. This preservation method, created by G. R. Fessenden, specialist in plant preservation, is the “ first time the fugitive colors in nature have been preserved,” according to Dr. Waldo Schmitt, head curator of bi­ ology at the museum. Until now scientists using alcohol as a preservative have contended with faded, yellowed, and often dis­ torted specimens, many of which would disintegrate at the slightest jar. There was no way to depict faithfully the color of a flower, the effects of plant diseases, or the rav­ ages of pests, because the ordinary U . S. 1 reusury D e p ar tm e n t ; preserved specimen is brown or discolored. Color photographs or paintings were the only means of Down reproducing nature’s colors. YEN AM HIS BUPP/ES BACK HOME SOONER. BUV M O RE Flesh Bare ' Mid-night. Down in the deepest dungeon, their backs torn with lash­ es laid on by the whipping master, Paul the Apostle and Silas weie pray­ ing and singing praises unto God and the prisoners were listening to | them. M IR AC LE S—Suddenly a great earthquak jailer awakens—sees the cell doors sprung open—thinks pris­ oners gone and drew out his sword to kill himself. Do thyself no harm, fo. we are all here, cries Paul. The jailer now calls for a light and comes trembling before Paul and Silas with W H A T MUST I DO TO BE SAVED? You don't do, Mr. Jailer. God has already done it for you. Our way in this world is DO-DO-DO and E A R N -E AR N -E A R N . But that is not so with God. He makes us a gift—a free gift. Out of his vast love for us he has already done it. God did it—You ac­ cept it—That settles it. What did God do for us? He sent his only begotten Son to die for our sins. Down in your heart know your sins are blotted out and ONE—God counts your page cleared of sin and TW O— God writes in his own righteousness and T H R E E —He breathes his Spirit into your soul. He touches your spirit with life eternal. Stand on it that you sinned and that Christ paid the debt.. Yes—Be­ lieve on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Acts 16:31. And grow up in the new life. Obey the Bible and look to Christ to see you through. W A S H IN G T O N . — Ten million soldiers of this w ar aggregate 98 miles taller than a sim ilar number T o Celebrate Social of their fathers would have totaled Hygiene Day Feb. 7 in World W ar I. They weigh 46,100 more tons. Oregon will again participate In the They are, it is beginning to ap­ observance of National Social H ygi­ pear, a healthier lot. ene Day February 7, with an all-day The L ow The height and weight figures program In the Multnomah Hotel in i From H ickory G rove Stay Fresh Looking. Portland. Leaders In the field of so­ come from adding up data in a re­ m m m m port of the arm y service forces, of­ Preserved by the Fessenden proc­ cial hygiene and venereal disease con­ Jim Shelton, I been talking to him. ess, a cross-section of a strawberry Continued from Page 1 trol will lake part In the piogram, the fice of the surgeon general, medi- He is one of those fellows where, if remains red and fresh looking. Au­ general theme for which is, “ A Com-1 Cal statistics division, Washington. you keep your own mouth closed— munlty Pattern for Social Hygiene j This report says that the 1943 in- ity payment is to give you “ ten to He got to tumn leaves retain their incompar­ Education. 1 ductees average .62 of an inch tall- fifty-six dollars” per month (depend­ you learn something. talking about his boss. His boss is able colors, a tiny, brightly col­ Award of an honorary membership er than recruits of 1917. Average ing on years of employment) when past 60. And when he turned 60, he ored hermit crab looks just as it In the American Social Hygiene Assn, height: Present war, 5 feet, 8.11 you get too old to work, plus ’4 ups and did 3 things. He quit play­ did when picked up at the seashore 3101 SW McChesney Road. will be made to Walter W. R. May’ Inches. World W ar I, 5 feet, 7.49 worker's benefit for wife when she is ing golf because he knew he no lon­ in 1939, and a plague ravaged al­ Portland, Oregon publisher of the Oregon City Enter­ inches. 66 years of age; while the Unemploy­ ger had a chance of being champion. falfa leaf shows its wounds in This space paid for by an Oregon prise. In recognition of the thirty In weight this w a r’s inductees ment Insurance is to give you from He quit dancing because he had seen | meticulous detail, in clear plastic businessman. years of service In the social hygiene average 9.22 pounds heavier. The re­ two to thirty dollars a week, depend- others past 60 making a monkey of j cases safe from dust, mildew, in­ field. He got out of debt. spective weights are 150.76 against I ing upon State in which you reside themselves. sects, or mechanical injury. j for the first weeks of your next per­ Getting out of debt—that is the 141.54. The process begins with the use iod of unemployment to be caused by main part of the plot in this essay. As to the 4-F’s. of a mild preservative in concen­ ¡the labor saving machines and pro- But. if I had space I would also like The nation’s 4-F’s fall in a class | cesses which employers are now be- to talk more about Jim. He has 3 trated form, M r. Fessenden ex­ Cut this out and keep it. in your purse between the present inductees and ; ing forced to install. Boy Scouts in his family. Jim claims plained. The fresh specimen may MEATS, FATS— the 1917 recruits in both heights and ¡Uncle Sam’s Credit Good Last Date for Use he can cook eatable corn bread over either be treated by putting it into weight. The 4-F's are .29 of an inch Because some reports claim that an open fire, outdoors. He says he the preserving fluid while still fresh I Red Stamps Q5—S5 March 31 shorter than their brothers of this I Uncle Sam is spending your Social did it—but that is alright-jmost like­ or it may be pressed carefully and I Red Stamps T5— X5 April 28 Speeds Up .Mann facture of w ar. They are .62 of a pound light­ Security payments for current expen­ ly it was his boys who did it, but dried before the preservative is ap­ RedStamps Y5—D2 June 2 er. ses instead of Investnig the money or any guy who goes with his boys on plied. It is cured, preferably under j PROCESSED f o o d s - Delicate Instruments. He will have refrigeration, so plant enzymes may j Blue Stamps X5-—B2 This 4-F height is about midway “ saving it up” as an insurance com­ a Scout hike, is okay. March 31 Blue Stamps C2—G2 April 28 b e tw «;n the tops of the two wars. pany would do, some people are fear­ no delinquent youth on his hands j rendered inactive. D ETR O IT. — Too many Am eri­ But he is almost as heavy as the ful. They are afraid that when they later. Blue Stamps H2—M2 June 2 The specimen is then dehydrated ¡________ SUGAR— cans believe that the most impor­ inductees and almost nine pounds get old or become unemployed, Uncle But back to getting out of debt. Sam or the State will not have the Operating on borrowed money is by the use of a desciccant, or dry- ¡stamp 34 tant scientific research and enter­ over the 1917 boys. February 28 money “ in reserve” to pay the prom proper, if your business is sound and ing agent, to remove any remaining ¡stamp 35 June 2 prise has been developed in foreign This greater weight and height ised benefits Don’t let any insur-^you are under 60—but beyond 60, owe water. Then it is put into its final FUEL O I I ^ countries, according to A. J. Lang- trend of the 4-F’s probably is sig­ ance salesman scare you with such no man a dime—that is the advice of mount by encasing it between Far West—Period 4 become good hammer, president of the Amplex nificant as an indicator that despite foolish talk. The U. S. Treasury is Jim's boss, for comfort and peace of plates of moisture resistant plastic. February 5, 1945. division of Chrysler corporation. their rejection, they are physically Investing your weekly payments in mind. SHOES—Loose Stamps Invalid " I t ’s time to advise the American better than their opposites of World Government Bonds or their equival­ Keep Indefinitely. Yours with the low down, Book 3—Airplane stamps No’s. 1 public that scientific research here War I. ent which is the very best investment “ Indications a re,” says M r Fes- 2 and 3 good indefinitely for one pair. JO SERRA equals or surpasses that of any other M ilitary evidence is now accumu­ any insurance company ever made senden, who began work on the GASOLINE COUPONS— nation,” Langham m er said, "an d it lating that their brothers, the in­ with your money. process in 1928, “ that when sealed Not Valid unless Endorsed is part of industry’s job to prove it." ductees, are really healthier than When you deposit money in a Sav­ School Census Shows “ A ” 14 expires Match 21, 1946. Each j into thp plastic in such a way that Langham m er, who directs pow­ their father’s generation. From sev­ ings Bank, the bank does not lock Increases all over County all ‘free moisture’ is excluded, pre­ coupon worth 4 gallons. dered metal and research produc­ eral sources recently has come a i your money in its vault and wait until served specimens will retain their WOOD. COAL. SAWDUST— The bank tion for Chrysler, charged that for­ statement that the better recovery I you want to draw it out. Delivery by priorities based on writ­ Increase in Washington county appearance indefinitely under indoor ten statements of needs. eign developments frequently have from wounds in this w ar is due to I loans it to some one to build a school census has been about 25% in lighting conditions.” I house or do something else, or the the past seven years, and most of this PR IC E CO NTRO L— been more spectacular because so better health of the men. The success of the Fessenden I hank itself may use it to buy Govern- gain has been made in the east part Refer price inquiries and com- often concentrated on devices to kill, Definite Improvement. jment Bonds! In this case the mon­ of the cousty, according to A. T. method opens many possibilities for plaints to price clerk at your looal such ns Germ any’s robot plane. M a j. Gen. Paul R. Hawley, chief ey is being treated just the same as the future. Science professors may board. "In this country we have designed surgeon, European theater of opera­ your Social Security money is being Scrafford, county school superintend­ demonstrate to their students by ent. for peace, but when faced with war tions, made this statement in a for­ ¡treated. As to how much your So- i In 1944 there were 6360 boys and actual example the findings of the While in Beaverton be sure to eat our scientists a n d » research men m al release passed by censor in iclal Security money will buy,—in i 6858 gi. Is, while the previous years past. County agents may show at the Greyhound Coffee Shop. have met the challenge. And we had October this year: ¡food, clothing nnd shelter—when you totals showed 6173 boys and 5741 girls. farm ers precisely how to recognize the know-how to build mass pro­ Total for 1944 shows 12,208, com- the beginnings of costly and dan­ For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry “ The physical condition of the 'get old is another question.This de­ duction machinery to finish the job, fighting men in this w ar shows a pends upon how long the war lasts j pared with 11,914 in 1943. Barnes. Phone Beaverton 3231. tf gerous crop plagues in time to avert There, and build the greatest w ar machine definite improvement over the physi­ and the postwar inflation. them. A rare or unique orchid or Turn war stamps into Bonds in world history,” Langham m er cal condition of soldiers in the Civil ! however, is nothing to fear from the even a goldfish may be preserved in G IR L S C O U T N E W S argument that "the Federal Govern- ■aid. w a r and World W ar I. This is due | ment has no reserve funds” for you. its original beauty for posterity. The Am plex chief pointed to ad­ to • large extent to an improve­ lloth Slate and Federal Funds Needed Troop 76 had their weekly meeting A poison ivy leaf, preserved in its Fruit, Nut, Flowering and Shade vances in powdered metallurgy as ment In nutrition of infants and in The girls are planning disarmingly bright garb, will serve One more thing: Because the on Jan. 23. Trees, Roses, Berry riants one of research’s most important public heulth measures. ■present Social Security rate of 1% a party in celebration of Valentine to educate nature lovers who un­ Shrubs, etc. contributions to w ar production, “ It is credited with having much j now provides moie than enough mon- Day and theit Girl Scout birthday. wittingly gather the treacherous making possible mass production of to do with the ability of soldiers to j ey" to meet all requirements, it Mary Ellen Bailey entertained the Large supply of peaches, apples, foliage to enhance their wild bou­ intricate parts at incalculable sav­ recover from wounds, but there are probably, nevertheless, should be in­ girls by a game. pears, cherries, prunes, plums, ap­ quets. Jean Clawson, Scribe ings in time, labor and strategic other reasons.” creased Immediately after the war to ricots. walnuts and filberts as well 2%. This would be according to the materials. as roses, flowering shrubs, and These other reasons include such berry plants. Large oi chard plant­ "R ecord after record was broken things as improved surgery, plasma, advice of expert insurance statisti­ C A M P F IR E N E W S Recruiting Guardsmen cal actuaries. The fact that the ers. Order Now while our stock is In getting under way fast,” Lang­ and sulfas. States now have a reserve of five bil­ still complete! Our new 1945, 40- hammer said. 'Powdered m etal­ January 3rd Kineinka group. Camp In the same theater of w ar, Col. lion dollars for unemployment, etc., is Recruiting of 17-yea.-old youths by page catalogue is now available I ‘lie Girls held their regular meeting lurgy made possible immediate John Gordon, who was professor of no reason why we should suspend Tuesday. upon request. To call at our nur­ At the meeting some of the U. S. coast guard has been exten­ manufacture of scientific equipment preventive medicine at H arvard, payments to the Federal Fund. Un­ the girls passed their ranks, while ded for a nindefinite period of sery, take highway 99W. We are and apparatus otherwise unobtain­ writes: less our School Committees now others smoke printed leaves for their at least several months' duration, it is located 17 miles southwest of Port­ able.” Preventive medicine has been a wake up to prevent postwar unem­ land or 1 mile past Six Corners. Camp Fire Girls are announced by Chief Yeoman Orville Though use of powdered metal tremendous factor in cutting down ployment, State Unemployment Funds nature book. Do not leave highway 99W. Watch still collecting grease. I f you have L. Puckett, in charge of coast guard was known to the ancients, Lang­ illness and in building strong bodies may be insufficient to take care of for our sign. some don’t forget to let the gills recruiting station, Portland. hammer said Amplex was among which can better withstand wounds. you during the next depression. know. T U A L A T IN V A L L E Y NURSERIES pioneers to use it in making oil Im­ “ You bet I'm scared more than I "O n e of the most helpful aspects Route 3. Box 310 pregnated bearings and parts which j In this work has been the vast Knappenber- For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry ever was!”— Pfc. Alton NO PHONE ORDERS T A K E N Sherwood, Oregon Phone Beaverton 3231. tf may last the life of a plane, tank or amount of preventive medicine that Barnes. FOR C LASSIFIED ADS—Mon­ ger. Medal of Honor vet getting mar- ried at Red Hill. Pa. gun without needing lubrication. ey must accompany all ads. has been practiced among and by Count words, which must in­ While shipping eat at the Grey- "F ro m Oilite bearings to precision our civilian population in the United clude address at 2c a word. instruments and iron parts that are States. This building up of the at the Greyhound Coffee Shop. hard as tool steel— through newer health level in civilians has been developments that are still military reflected in the state of health of secrets — was a logical, though the men when they came into the not a simple step," Langham m er arm y.*’ said. WAR BONDS Babson Says RATION BOOK REMINDER Powdered Metal Is A id in War Effort A M E R IC A N H . A . S ta r r HEROES C o n tra c to r fo r C o n c re te W o rk i Germany and Japan thought that “ I f this war is about finished. | strong nations should kill weaker na­ somebody better tell the Germans tions. but some of us more civilized —G. I. fighting In Holland. nations didn't and don't like that idea. Estimates gladly given on Jobs Large or Small tRsllISlIIS iiiisiiismsii i 2425 N. Commercial Fin First Church of Christ, Scientist, Portland U N iversity 1054 Portland 12, Or. Announce* A FREE LECTURE ON C H R ISTIAN SCIENCE Mw Entitled »M i »M i »M i Toys, Bicycle Accessories, & Repairing oi All Types “Christian Science: The Religion of Enlightment and Glorious Liberty W heel Goods Retiring K IS S L E R ’S OSCAR GRAHAM PEEKE, C. S. B. 923 S W 4th Ave., Portland A T . 5438 of Kansas City, Missouri Member of the Board of I>ectureehip of The Mother Chursh. The First Church of Christ. Scientist. In Beaton, Massachusetts. SEPTIC TANKS In the edifice of First Church of Christ, Scientist 1819 N. W . Everett St. Thursday evening, February 8. at 8 o'clock The Publia Is Cordially Invited ■III1W W — “ Concrete” I aring an oncom ing tank at 30 yard* w ith a tonim ygun, 2h>ear-old l.iru t. H avtd ^.i% i*»ir. Piedm ont, ( a lii., knocked that tank out of rn m m i««io n and wa* fr* p o n «ib U for the rapture of three other« in the Sieilian campaign. Now recovered from fe cu nd ' reeened, he i* the h r '! to fein the t'o n g re '»io n a l M edal I 1§ of H o nor on E o r t f k sm to iL L e f t all Hark the Altai k feith that e itr* VI ar Bond. ________________________________________________________________________________ ' . 5 . T'ta jm ry Department SEE Y O U R B U IL D IN G M A T E R I A L D E A L E R Portland Concrete Pipe and Products Co. 5819 SW Macadam Ave, Portland. 1. Otegon AT. 8384