» Friday» January 26, 1945 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Page 3 CLASSIFIED WANT ADS • » A M E R I C A N H ER O ES B° — - Ï E • • • • RAT10N BOOK REMINDER Page 1 Cut this out and keep it in your Purse MEAT, BUTTER, CHEESE— Red stamps T5 thru X5 valid on be labor-saving in effect. They will Sunday, Dec. SL WANTED—Active woman wanted j result in fewer people being employ- . _ Red Stamps that will be good on for housekeeping position in mod ed. Since t(je November Election, 1 Jan. 28 are Y5-D2—a total of 00 ern. convenient home. Salary >50 even the Government has had the points. mo., large, private room, 1 day off Mu*t Accompany All | courage to tell women workers that Waste kitchen fats exchanged for per wk., 1 wks. vacation every 6 they will be laid off first. Bankers two points and four cents a pound. mo. with pay. Must like children. CLASSIFIED AD S and investors who have been count PROCESSED FOODS— In answeiing, please state refer ing on a big foreign postwar demand Book 4—Blue stamps X5 thru Z3, ences. age, nationality, & religion. Count each word, including Name are realizing that this is possible only and A2-G2. valid indefinitely. Write Sirs. Dan Eastman. 7925 SE aad addrese—ONLY 2c A WORD by their loaning money to European Blue Stamp,s good on Feb. 1 are Reed College Place, Portland, 2, No Phone Orders Taken Governments. H2 M2. total ot 50 points. Oregon. 1 When Congressmen were homo for SUGAR— We Publish the Christmas, they e x p la in e d that most) Sugar stamp 34 valid indefinitely CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK— BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE of our Allies are, more or less, com -1 for 5 pounds. Plowing and Discing, D. P. Mac TIOARD SENTINEL munistio. These Congressmen asked ; SHOES—Loose Stamps Invalid Donald, Ruby Ave., Rt. 2, Box 218, MULTNOMAH PRESS their constituents if the U. S. should i Book 3—Airplane stamps No’s. 1 Beaverton, Oregon. Phona Beav loan these Allies money to start so-r2 and 3 good indefinitely for one pair. ALOHA NEWS erton 2260. 50tf clalistlo and nationally-owned Indus- GASOLINE COUPONS— trios? What has happened in Bel- Not YtUid unless Endorsed Complete Eastern Washington County TRACTOR WORK WANTED gium, Greece and elsewhere Is mak- ”A” 14 expires March 21, 1915. Each aad Western Multnomah County Plowing and Grading ing many ask for what we are fight- coupon worth 4 gallons. •overage. PHONE CHerry 3437 ln*- WOOD, COAL. SAWDUST— We assume no financial responsi 2nd house North of People are beginning to wonder! Delivery by priorities based on writ- bility for errors which may appear in Kraft Cheese Co. \ hether the talk by Churchill and | ten statements of needs. advertisements published in these 50 tf Roosevelt demanding unconditional PRICK CONTROL— columns but in case where this paper surrender’’ is either Christian or Refer price inquiries and com 10 at fault will reprint that part of WANTED—Bicycle repairman, ex wise? We aro coming to realize that plaints to price clerk at your local an advertisement in which the typo perienced man preferred. Kissler world peace will exist only as every board. graphical mistake occurs. Bicycle Shop, 923 SW 4th Ave., nation surrenders unconditionally to Portland, Ore., bet. 11 a. m. and 6 .God, rather than to the British Em LEGAL NOTICE p. m. Call AT. 5438. tf pire or to Stalin or even to us Am FOR SALE crushing advance ericans. WALNUTS — FILBERTS o f American Armies in France, T /S gt. Frank M. Burford, led a small group Postwar National Income IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE FOR SALE—Two 4-months old Walnut Meats Filbert Meats Talk about a postwar national in against a bristling machine-gun strong point, knocking out two emplace STATE OF OREGON FOR THE Buck Rabbits, $2 each. Phone We Pay Cash on Receipt come of $160 billions continues. Such COUNTY OF WASHINGTON. ments and killing four Nazis. Later another position was routed and two Beaverton 3693. 52 at our plant talk is crazy. With the inevitable Department of Probate killed. The group pushed on until halted by a Battalion Commander. Sergt. THE TIGARD postwar depression in agriculture, NO. 5935 ORDER NUT PACKING CO. FOR SALE—Jersey Milk Cow, Burford, cited by the Army for gallantry in action, deserves the support railroads, shipping, aviation, and all In the Matter of the Estate of JULIA tf fresh in 2 weeks. Dessie Wood, 1st that only 'X’ ar Bonds can furnish. Buy War Bonds. v. S. Trtatwy Dttartmtni kinds of war work, there will be WALGRAEVE. deceased. hsc south of High School, on Er much WANTED—Surburban & Farm **»... 11 .. unemployment. v.- —i.. ■ . This can tem- I Morris Walgraeve, executor of tho ickson Ave., Beaverton. 52 J / u le' ec ky more govern -1 estate of the above named deceased, properties. We have the buyer, you YILI.AGE RIDGE NURSERY ., >OIIO" in4f and inflation, but j having filed herein his final account have the property, let’s get togeth Fruit, Nut, Shade and FOR SALE—View lot 140x180, nr. er. We are in contact with many ‘ •n' , «n lo,ltlnue|j h taxes, j and report, and having applied to Flowering Trees Barbur Blvd., $435. Phone CH. l Some day taxpayers will rebel. The the Court, for an order fixing the Eastern buyers who have cash and Berry Plants and Shrubbeiy 1518. 52 only permanent cure for unemploy time and place for the hearing and want to locate here. Our appraiser V. M. CHAUSSE ment is for most cities is to throw out allowance thereof. will call on you. No obligation. FOR SALE- -Used F'urnace, good 11333 SW 64fh Phone CH. 2928 their present School Boards and condition. SLAYTER REALTY COMPANY Call MUrdock 7155 12 IT IS ORDERED that tho 31st day train children to work and think in "In downtown Portland.” 528 SW 2 of January, 1945, at the hour of 9:30 stead of to play and complain. Salmon Street. BR. 1146. 51tf BULL SERVICE—Here or at your 1945 business will not be up to 1944 A. M. of said day, at the Court Room FOR SALE—1 1936 Ford Sedan door. McDulin. 2nd house North probably off a little more than 10%. of said Court, in Hillsboro, Oregon, After many days, the lad who had In fine shape, rubber good. Coma- j FOR RENT of Kraft Cheese Tigard Phone CH. The stock market may suffer a '‘com be and the same is hereby fixed as han, Rt. 1, Box 352, Tigard. 52 strayed out into the far country, turn 3437. 3 ed hack to the hills of home. munistic scare’’ sometime during the time and place for the hearing of His FOR RENT—4 rm. farm house, objections to said final account and FOR SALE—Good Used Barbwire : father saw him afar off and out of 1945, but many selected stocks should near bus, 12 mi. from down town Fencing. Ed Stern Rt. 2, Bx 62, ultimately sell at higher figures than f ™P° rt’ ,,if any thel* n,ny be; and f° r PAPERING—Painting & Kalso- a heart of love, rnn to hint and fell Portland, share cow. and some part ____ . 'the allowance and approval thereof. Beaverton, W alker tract. 1 mining, neat, experienced work on his neck and kissed him. Then now prevailing. Commodity prices AIgo that notice „ f said hearing t . time seasonal work. Call Tigard man L. L. Seeley, R 2, Bx 180-A he ordered the fatted calf to be kill- will strengthen until Germany collap duly given. 2350. 52 There will be many labor Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 2516 ,^1 and they feasted and made mer- ses. FOR SALE—4 ft Green Slab $7 Dated December 23, 1944. strikes as the "take-home” pay de 40tf for “This is my son was dead and I y. per cord in 3 cord lots. Slab and • RABBITS WANTED H. D. KERKMAN, Judge clines; but hourly rates will hold up. -------------------------------- i is alive again; he was fost and is block wood mixed $8.50 in 3 cord Building prospect s aro especially HIDES & WOOL, CA8CARA—A found.” So Christ told of God’s BEST PRICE for Rabbit Fryers, D. i lots. Sanford Laughlin, Rt. 1, NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT I bright. I am bullish on suburban LEE BROS., 25 SW love for the strays. P. MacDonald, R2, Bx 218, Beaver- | specialty. Carlton, Oregon. 3 real estate and small subsistent, IN THE COUNTY COURT O F TH E Clay Portland. AT. 5334. tf GOD’S PART—He ton. Phone Beaverton 2260. We ! gave Christ to farms, STATE OF OREGON FOR THE Wc have much for which to pick up. tf FOR SALE—Hog House. 2 com - "■ die for your sins. COUNTY OF WASHINGTON. ! be thankful, but from now on we partments, on skids. R. R. Craw CHRIST’S PART—He, bearing His should think soberly. No. 5935 If our losses WANTED- Live Rabbits, to buy ford, Crabtree road near Green- cross, went forth to a place called in Europe will make us do so, they In tho matter of the Estate of now. Top prices paid. Rabbit Meat | burg Store. 52 Golgatha and there they crucified 'Will be a blessing in disguise. JULIA WALGRAEVE, Dec« id. Co., 8917 SE Stark St. .Portland. Him. Christ died under our sins. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that FOR SALE—Brooder House, octa Phone SUnset 1722. Open week j YOI'R PART—You don't feel re More than ten million dimes con tho undersigned executor of the es days only until 7:30 p. m. tf gon shape, on skids, d.0 feet runs; ligious? God's way is to believe, tributed by the American people was tate of Julia Walgraeve, deceased with large elect. brooder, metal not feel. Believe God, that he put spent by the National Foundation for has filed his final account in tho feeders and water fountain. R. R. | MISCELLANEOUS your sins on Christ. Next—Christ Infantile Paralysis in 1944 to provide County Court of tho State of Oregon, Crawford „Ciabtree Rd. nr Green- having cleared you and your heart the best of modern care and treat for Washington County, and that the BULLDOZING — Land Clearing, | burg Store, Tigard. 52 says YES--Now God takes up in your ment for all victims of the epidemic. 31st day of January, 1945, at 9:30 dirt moving. Beaverton 2107. 3 heart. You are his riches, forever | Your dimes are again solicited this | o’clock A. M. of said day at tho FOR SALE—6 inx6 ft wood Lathe. L. II. BRAWAXD Court Room of said Court, in Hills Also tiade 14 in. jig saw for band and forever. year, January 14-31. Weather Stripping and Calking Builder and Cabinet Maker boro, Oregon, has been fixed by said saw. CHerry 2225. 52 STEP AHEAD.—Get out of tho Be Installed by Court as the time and place for hear Metzger, Oregon Trained Mechanics ginner’s Class. Grow up; live out Electrical Appliances Repaired Portland Phone—CHerry 2929 NO PHONE ORDERS TAKEN ing of objections thereto, and the of the Bible to the glory of God, and R. E. ELLSON Radios, Refrigerators, Washing Unit cabinets, precision built, any FOR CLASSIFIED ADS—Mon settlement thereof. look to Christ hour by hour to see you For Free Estimates Machines, Sewing Machine and all Dated and first published Dec. 29, style drawers and doors; finish-! ey must accompany all ads. through. * CALL TIGARD 2193 household appliances—See ed all sides. Anyone can set them. : Data of last publication Janu Count words, which must in 1944. Or Write Box 431, Tigard EDDIE OLDMAN ALL KINDS OF BUILDING clude address at 2o a word. ary 26, 1945. * Johnson Koad MORRIS WALGRAEVE, and CABINET MAKING Opp. N. W. Christian Home or 51tf For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry Executor of the Estate of Julia Wal 3101 SW McChesney Road. Marshall Wells Hdw., Beaverton Barnes. Phone Beaverton 3231. tf graeve, deceased. Portland, Oregon TRACTOR WORK—General gar tf WILLIAM A. CARTER, Attorney for This spaco paid for by an Oregon dening and tractor work. J. A. Lin Turn war stamps Into Bonds executor. Fruit, Nut, Flowering and Shade businessman. coln, Sorrento Road, 1% mi. South FOR SALE--Buck Service, Does Trees, Roses, Berry 1’lunts of Beaverton. Phone Beaverton Kids, and young Bucks, H. Y. Someone has said that the most Shrubs, etc. “She fell on her head as a child.” 2713. 51tf Turner, CHerry 3959, Metzger. 52 While shopping in Beaverton stop enjoyable way to follow a vegetable Large supply of peaches, apples, in at the Greyhound Coffee Shop for diet is to let the cow eat It and take —Brooklyn mother explaining why bigamous daughter married three TRACTOR W ORK—Of all kinds— FOR SALE—Iron cot with springs, pears, cherries, prunes, plums, ap Lunch. yours in roast beef. Plowing, Disking, Cultivating, and men. and pad. Suitable for growing ricots, walnuts and filberts as well Mowing. L. A. Scheel, Rt. 1, Bx. child or grown up. Call Beaver as roses, flowering shrubs, and "Most of my wives have been 334, Tigard, 14 mi. west of Hiway In Italy, Ranger Donald Smith, ton 2321. tf! berry plants. Large orchard plant Tell It with a clarified. on Gaarde Rd. 47-61 ers, Order Now while our stock is ' knowing German, turned to his five named Mary.”-—Seminole. Okla., man 80, asked name of 77-year-old bride. BROOD SOW’ S and Weaner Pigs still complete! Our new 1945, 40- i Nazi captors and said, “ It's a pity I I P. E. 11 AGO for Sals the year around, S. A .s We’re having page catalogue is now available didn’t capture you. Hauling Contractor Gotter, Scholls. 12tf j steak for supper, you could have the I upon request. To call at our nur Concrete, Sand, Gravel, Masons The emaciated Nazis hesi- j sery, take highway 99W. We are | same." Sand, Crushed Rock and FOR SALE—4 ft green slab. Aloha tated—then said, ‘‘Lead the way!” located 17 miles southwest of Port district $6 per cord. Block & Eld-1 Road Gravel land or 1 mile past Six Corners. R6, Bx 604, Portland 1, Oregon ging $7 per cord. Beaverton-Ti- j Do not leave highway 99W. Watch Phone Tigard 2446 tf gard-Garden Home district 4 ft. I For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry for our sign. green slab $7 per cord. Block & Barnes. Phone Beaverton 3231. tf, Home Refrigeration and washing Edgings $8 per cord. H. F. Elford, TUALATIN VALLEY NURSERIES machine services. Call K. B. Forest Grove. Phone 56. tf Route 3, Box 310 Twombly CH. 2267. 8tf Cold Preparation» a».directed Sherwood, Oregon CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK—Let WANTED us plow your garden. Howard PIANO TUNING Wm. Smith, Johnson Rd. & Divis ion sts., Phone Beaverton 2462 4tf WANTED—Elderly man. milk two , and R E PA IR IN G WANTED cows, chores, place on Cooper Mt. Phone ALOHA 6612 Dead 8toclt p*ckea up ire« of Fred Kellev, Security Bldg., P ort-1 Beaverton, Oregon charge anywhere. Call land. Phone BE. 6660. 2 collect. UN. 1221; night call DENLEY RENDERING CO., WANTED—An electrical regfrig- Portland. tf erator. Beaverton 2313. Will pay cash. 52 FOR TOW CAR call VERMILYE Essential Industry WANTED—Ride to Portland from MOTIOR CO., IPhone Tigard 3381 tf 14 mi. S. of Allen Ave. on W a t s o n -------------------------------------------------------- WEST END EXPERIENCE about 6 45 a m Carmen Menden- Southeastern states enjoyed a 25 HKJ.I.WOOD BRIDGE hall. Rl, Bx 385. Beaverton. C. Percent increase in department store John Plume on box. 52 ^ 'e e In 1944 over 1943. NOT NECESSARY CREM ATO RIU M ................................... ...... , ; Cotton yield in southeastern states WANTED—Cook for school cafe- in 1944 totaled 1,003,000—or 144,000 « S t e a d y W o r k w i t h O v e r t i m e M AUSOLEUM teria. Beaverton 3173. hales than in 1943. * 52 more CASH Stray Boy Back Home WAR BONDS K E E P ON with GEORGE F. GORDON Riverview Cemetery WANT—1 horse buggy surrey or wagon. Rubber wheels preferred. Bob Hart, R l, Bx 1038, Beaverton. 52 FISHER^^HORSElTpAINTS LAND CLEARING — Tractors Available. L. H. COBB, Phone Beaverton 2881. 48tf imiaT’. F.,h For quality, fair price and service COLUMBIA BRICKWORKS PORTLAND OPTICAL CO. ALOHA. ORE TURKEYS ALSO Live Poultry and Eggs Receiving A Dressing Plants: Portland. McMinnville, Salem, Albany, Eugens, Roseburg, Redmond, Oregon. SCAR w ash er s ! ! * MECHANICS 1 • i ^Mechanics work 48 hr*, per weekN 940 hours straight; 8 hours time9 9 and a half. Good working condl ^ ^ t ions Permanent employment. ^ M ORTICIAN SW r o i R T I I AT MONTGOMERY ATwater 2181 Northwest Poultry & S Dairy Products Co. 8. E. Oak Street, Portland, Ore. Phone I’A ft 5141 ! COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE Hr. I.Hghtnn E. Hoy, Optometrist Mr. Wm. II. Smith, Optician 418 S. W. Washington St Portland, Oregon BE. 5814 ! * Main Office and riant I. P. Finley & Son Complote Funeral Service in Now Cathedral Chapel at No Extra m t Riverside is a co-operative asso ciation with assets of over $800,000 1326 8. E. Water Ave., Portland J. B. Imlay & Sons REEDVILLE WANTED CENTRALLY LOCATED Close to bus trans portation and walking distance from downtown. SYLVAN PLANT DRIVER D O N T DRINK WHEN YOU’RE DRIVING!! CEM ETERY APPLY AT PAINTS OREGON MOTOR STAGES 506 SW Mill BE. 3021 PORTLAND C «6 6 6 7 <& BACK SEAT BRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS BANK POSITION—Young lady for teller work, some experience ne cessary. Also lady for stenograph ic and general office work. First Security Bank. Beaverton. Ore. 52 WAR BONDS ¿Ätfmsr De Laval SEPARATORS — Mil.HERS COMPLETE EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES FOR THE DAIRY INDUSTRY I MonroekfriwII J »W n e k r fu «* l Ot IV U tV TM IN G . dmr V m an " 188 NW Park jT * - /_£ * d N ( DUC AT I ONAI ADVISORY COM M UTI! to tho Oregon liquor Control Committion ■ AT. 8461