Friday, January 12. 1945 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon Page 4 What's Doing IN THE Churches E. F. Vaia in Italy With the 15th AAF in Italy 2nd Edward F. Vala, 22, husband of rs. Maxine A. Vala. of NSA Beav- | erton, Oregon, has ai rived oveiseas I and taken up his duties at a 15th I AAF B-24 Liberator Bomber Base. Trained as a navigator on a B-24 Bomber, he has been assigned to a j veteran outfit which has flown more 'than 150 combat missions The group is commanded by Col. Thomas W. Steed of Etowah, Tenn. j Employed as an aviation - airplane and engine mechanic, Lieutenant i Vala entered the service June 11. 1943. | He won his wings and commission at | Hondo,Texas, last July. Waste Paper Collections Slumped in Nov.-Dee. Turk* Get 98c Pound For Filberts METZGER Chairman School Board Died Unexpectedly I Mrs. Cecil Smith has been critically ill, but is reported to be slowly im Funeral se:vires were held this proving. The Filbert and Walnut Market De During December, Oregon's volun week for Arch A. Eeinard. personnel Mrs. Gladys Rhea spent Tuesday in velopment committee, with C. I. Ser- teer waster paper collections slumped manager of Pointer Willamette and Portland visiting with friends. ( I l l l U 'l l or THF. N A/.ARK N E sanous, chai:man, are up in arms j to their lowest level since last June, chairman of the Garden Home school I^eonaid C. Johnson, I‘as tor M s. Fred Geil has been very ill 1 about the price of Turkish filberts ' only 643 tons being reported by coun board, who died unexpectedly Thurs 9.45 a. ni. Sunday School. with flu, but is now on the road to which are now selling in New York ty salvage committees for the month, day evening at his home Rev. A recovery. 11 a. in. Morning worship; Rev. by importers at 70c a pound, while as compared to 1226 tons In Novem- R. Schmalle, pastor of the Tigard Kicliuid Tayloi and group from Cas- Mr. and Mrs. Art Williams left Sun- 1 Northwest shelled filberts at about 1 her and 1545 tons in October. Evangelical church, officiated and t.ide College. day for Marshfield where they will W'hile some temporary decline in With the inte ment was held in Crescent Grove visit their daughters. Mrs. George j 87‘vc a pound average. 6:15 p. in. Junior Meeting. Turkish government subsidy of 40 per yolunteer effort was to be expected cemeter). 6:30 p. m. Hi-N.Y. and N. Y. P. S. West, and Mrs. Roy Kieth. cent added to the 70c the Tuiks ac during the Christmas season. It is well He is survived by his wife Best 7:30 p. in Evangelistic Service, M , and Mrs. Ed Conklin, Mrs. After 1 to emphasize that demands for waste rice' children, M s. Audrey Ann Han Robert Horton and son and Miss tually get 98c for their nuts. pastor speaking. they have paid out import duty of paper for essential war and civilian Prayer son- Portland, and Jim and Mary Lou Selliken and Miss Dorothie Conklin, Wednesday 1 30 p. m. r r » j» t uses are increasing rather than dim 8c, they still have 90c left. Bernard at home, and his mother. spent New Years Day in Corvallis. i cling. Mrs. Leonora Platt Bernard, Schene- Misses Grace Carsh and Miss Patty | Filbert growers are urged to get in inishing and that continued inten vus, N. Y. ! Conkim returned to college New touch with this market development sive activity on the part of salvage ST. C’ KC ELIA CHURCH committees, youth groups, newspa M . Kernaid p native of Sche- Years Day. Miss Carsh is attending committee for their own piotection. BEAVERTON FULL GOSPEL Masses 8:25 and 10:25 during the pers and cooperating organizations is i nevus, N Y. For several years he Spain’s 1944 crop of filberts is es Willamette University* at Salem, and CHAPEL SERVICE winter months. vitally necessary if current and fu was owner and publisher o. the Pot timated at about 10 Million; Turkey Miss Conklin is enrolled at Oiegon I. O. O. F. Hall, Beaverton ter Enterprise, largest country news State College at Corvallis. 5C Million and Italy 25 Million gounds. ture needs are to be met. Orville J. Poulin, Minister O u lK C U OF CHRIST paper in Pennsylvania. He lat ir re The Pacific Northwest produced Mr. and Mrs. Willis Wright have Sundays 7:45 p. m. George W. Springer, Pastor Tell it with a classified. turned to his birthplace and went been visiting their daughter, Mrs. 6,560 tons in 1944. Thursdays 7:45 p. m. Morning worship and preaching ser , into the insu ance business with his Floyd Muir. They left Tuesday foi Everybody welcome. vice at 9:45 a. m. father until he came to Oreg/ n in Modesto, California, where they will Topic That which is Well-pleasing i 1927. For six years he lived in Eu- visit indefinitely . ALOHA COMMUNITY CHURCH in His Sight. I gene and there for two terms was FAILURE TO NOTIFY AGO OF ADDRESS Mr. and M.s. Frank Carsh, Mr. and Graydon D. Loree, Pastor hollowing the sermon, the Lord’s president of the Kiwanis Club and Mrs. Ben Carsh an ddaughters Grace Sunday School 10 a. m. tapper will be observed. CHANGES CAUSES DELAY IN I was also lieutenant governor of Ki .ind Jean, and Mrs. William Wampler Bible School class session 11 a. m .! Mary Antrim, Supt. wanis district out of Eugene. He and son attended the wedding of CASUALTY NOTIFICATIONS Annual meeting with a basket din Morning worship 11 a. m. ■ continued in the life insurance busi- Corporal Virginia Hecht of the Wo ner in the basement of the church, ! ness in Eugene and after he moved men's Army Corps, and Mr. Robert BETHEL and reports from the various depart ¡to Portland until the war sta ted Davis of the L. S. Navy at the Meth The War Department has urged all emergency CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH ments of the church at 12 o’clock. t Besides acting as personnel manager odist at Stayton, Oregon, on addressees ol soldiers serving overseas to keep The Adju Rev. F. T. Sturtevant, Pastor Everyone welcome. he also started and edited the house Decembei 24th. The bride is the tant General inlormed at all times of any address changes 9:45 a. m. Church School. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. organ. The Pointer. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Evening worship service 7:30 p. m. Miss Amarette Barnes, Supt. in order to .avoid unnecessary delays in the transmission Hecht and niece of Frank, Ben and Midweek Bible study and prayer 11 a. m. Worship of casualty notifications. o Harry Carsh of Metzger. 5:30 p. m. Junior High Pilgrim j service Wed. 8 p. m. More Pressure Cookers Rev. Daniel W. Thurston, of Metz- ; Fellowship. Large numbers of casualty telegrams are being 7 p. m. Senior Pilgrim Fellow ship. | New aluminum pressure canners ger, passed away Jan. 6. He was returned undelivered to The Adjutant General's Office WEST IIUXS husband of Mabelle, father of M s. will be appearing in retail markets Zylphia HemenWay of Portland; C. LUTHERAN CHURCH because addresses of friends or next of kin to be notified AI.OIIA ASSEMBLY OF GOD during the coming winter and spring Thurston Redding, Calif.; Mis. Betty Canyon Road, near Sylvan in emergency are incomplete or incorrect. Practically Sunday SchSol 10 a. m. months. Housewives who will need Garton, Seattle, Wash.,; Mrs. Helen Werner J. Fritz, Minister Worship 11 a. m. every case of non-delivery has been directly attributable this equipment for their 1945 home Fawcett and Eugene Thurston, Holly 2nd Sunday after Epiphany canning will do well to keep an eye wood. Cal.; May and Lynnel Thurston. to outdated addresses resulting from the failure of the Sunday School 9 45 a. m K E E M V IU .E COMMUNITY out for these canners as small sup- New York City. Divine Service 11 a. m. emergency addressee to notify The Adjutant General of Alan Thuiston, U. PR LSB YTKRIAN CHURCH plies are delivered to their local ' S. army. Seimon: Christian or Churchman. J. P. Finley in charge of any change of address. More than 4,000 such casualty Sunday School 10 a. m Mis. Otto 8tore8 x^jst fall the War Produc- j Everyone invited and welcome. arrangements. j George, Supt. telegrams are delayed every month. tion Board allowed manufacturers, Young People’s C. E. 7 p. m. enough aluminum to make 630,000 Emergency addressees who have moved following METHODIST CHURCH Prayer Meeting and Bible study, pressure canners between October | Thursday, 7 p. m. Albert S. Hisey, D. D., Minister the departure of the soldier for an overseas destination 1944 and July 1945. None could be | Worship Service 11 a. m. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. should write to The Adjutant General, W ot Department, too small to hold 7 quart jars. Classes for all ages. Attendance Washington 25, D. C„ Attention: Casualty Branch, giving PILGRIM LUTHERAN CHURCH invited. both the old and new address. Also included should be The Bible Church Worahip Hour 11 a. m. COMINGS— GOINGS the soldier's full name, rank, serial number and his Box 697, Beaverton Dr. lleisy will be in the pulpit Sun Farmington Hd. at Menlo Drtve and DOINGS day. organization and APO number. Walter R. Buhl, Pastor T1IE VALLEY Sunday Service 11 u. m. Gai den Home P. T. A. will meet at COMMUNITY CHURCH (U leu ed by U. S. War Department. Bureau o f Publie Relation», Sunday School 10 a. m. | 2:30 p. m. Friday. A speaker will UNITED PRESBYTERIAN talk on Child’s Activity. Mrs. 4110 SW Gabel Isine AND DON’T FORGET Send in Charles Stubb president of the Reed- REPORT OF CONDITION OF Rev. H. A. Armltage. pastor your news NOW Help make this ville P. T A. and Mrs. Hill, who will Newspaper interesting yourself. i manage the Reedville school cafe- 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship * i teria, visited the school cafeteria and I observed how the children were serv- i ed. Garden Home school are very OF BEAVERTON, W ASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON ! proud of their cafeteria, over 5000 At the close of business Dec. 30th, 1944 * paid meals have been served since A State hanking institution organized and operating under the banking school began last fall. laws of this State and a member of the Federal Reserve System. Pub Mrs. I. L. Shiley ot route 6. Port lished in accordance with a call made by the State Banking Authori land, gave a surprise birthday par ties and by the Federal Reserve Bank of this District. ty in honor of M s. Olive Vashbinder, | Wednesday, January 3rd. The ladies; ASSETS of the Walnut Ave. Thimble Club Loans and discounts (including $118.32 overdrafts) ...... $118,379.14 were among those present and pre United States Government obligations direct and guaranteed __ 2,117,578.95 sented the guest of honor with a Obligations of States and political subdivisions ______ __ ____ 47,207.52 Telephone wires wind endlessly through far-off jungles beautiful cook book. Corporate stocks including $1,050.00 stock of Fed Res bank) 1,050.00 •»-at Guadalcanal, and oiher zones of battle where Amer The next meeting of the Walnut Cash, balances with othfer banks including reserve balance, and ican boys fight to protect communications. Ave. Thimble Club will be at the cash items in process of collection _______________________ 829,269.08 home of Mrs. Florence Hartwig Wed To provide copper for war, the telephone industry Bank premises owned $3,750.00, fur. and fix. $3,250.00 7,000.00 M I L L I N G C O . nesday, January 17th at 2 p. m. Other a Mat ■ ................................... 114.23 reduced its use from 96,000 tons in 1940 to 6,000 tons Mrs. Anton Petersen and little 6 6 5 N. Tillam ook St. P ortland. O ra. in 1943- and added 10,000 tons of scrap to the coun «laughters Shirley and Carol leturned TOTAL ASSETS ___________ $3.120,598.92 try's stock pile. This copper, converted to ammunition, last week after spending the holidays LIABILITIES finds new targets daily to bring peace more quickly. at Bakei. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations $1.763,489.38 Time deposits of individuals, partnerships,and corporations. 1.022,766.96 Deposits of U. S. Government, including postal savings) .......... 203,856.25 0 T oo Late to Classify Deposits of States and Political subdivisions ____________ 47,182.31 Other Deposits (certified and officers checks, etc . .. . FOR SALE On Tobias Ave., 2 'u 24,813.96 à TOTAL DEPOSITS ............ .... $3.062(108.86 A. modern 4 rm hse., utility rm wired for Elcc. range, auto, wate TOTAL LIABILITIES (not includ ing subordinated obliga heater and cir. oil heater, electric tions shown below) $ pump, garage, 2 chick hse $1750. CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Teims. J. J. McMAHON, Beaver Î Capital ................................................ ............. $ 25,000.00 ton 3831. 50 Surplus 5,000.00 TOR SAIJ2 Whitney collapsible Undivided profits .................................. 20 190.06 Baby Buggy, like new rubber tires ( Reserves (and retirement account for preferied capital) ...... 8,300.00 $ r. Schaad, Allen Ave., between W. tson and Lombard, Beaveiton.50 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 58(490.06 We will help you fill out ----------------------------------------------------- l ' “ .• Æ sssa sa First Security Bank T E L E P H O N E S E R V IC E IN TRIANGLE COMPANY IMPRINT Electric and Gas Water Heaters also Bathtubs Your Priority JANUARY DEWEY ' , T jf ,,sK Rev. Richard Taylor of Cascade College will speak Nearly ten thousand roll« of WAI.I.UAUEK jiint received, force» iim to clone out during January nil short lot». If you have »everal rooms that need papering you can save half and more. SU N D AY— 11 A. M. — RIGHT N O W — íe/f //rio/us courts uHtJipro/se II LhJONAUO C. JOHNSON, Pastor P J Thone 3691 Vofivl Group from college will sing ' , . Go to Church this Sunday Save 20 to 25‘ b on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS Oregon Mutual Policies are NON ANSI SS \BI-E You NEVER pay more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual maintain* more than three times the surplus required by Oreguu Insurance la w s Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company Organized 1894 OF McMIN N \ ILl.K 40 years of Reliable Service Chan I . Walker. agent New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. Phone 1732 "Every Form of Protection" Hillsboro, Oregon Dutch Boy Faints MEMORANDA THE PLUMBER Beaverton 2925 Sale S t This bank’s capital consists of Capital notes and deben tures $8.300.00. Common stock with total par value of $25.000.00 *# Starts Monday. Jan. 15 KALE’S NEW FARM SERVICE PROGRAM S-4 I E= and ENAMEL-BRUSHES 427 SW 2nd, nr. Washington JA i * m ' h u t i o h UR7 .« « PHONE BK. A VERTON S4I1 p r e a c h in g O vVILLE J. POULIN. m u s ic and s i n g i n g Minister EVERYBOD Y W ELCOM E gospel D ailftioiiday thru Saturday MORNI NGS PORTLAND OPTICAL CO NOONS A M. 223,335.42 Correct.—Attest: HARRIS H. HANSEN HARRY L. ROBINSON ' ERNEST D. HITE Directors State of Oregon, County of Wash ir^ton ss Sworn to and subscribed before me this 9th day of January, 1945. JAY GIBSON. Notary Public for Oregon. My commission expires Jan. 4 ,1947 m 3 >11 i=iM=in=m=iijsiii=ii >11 3 "Christian Scienr/e: # * Utilizing Divine Power” II i 3 . N ill 3 •II 3 III 3 If M i U = The J O U R N A L A FREE LECTURE ON C H R ISTIA N SCIENCE Entitled P. M. COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE Or, t ig h t e n F. Roy. Optometrist Mr. W m. II. Smith. Optician . ti* S. W. Washington S*. Por Hand Oregon BL. 5011 7,335.42 I. GUY F. WADE. Cashier, of the above-named bank hereby ceitify that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. GUY F. WADE * * * !. — W. E. P E G G M O R T I C I A N Beaverton. Oregon Estab 1910 Serving 33 years 216,000.00 A n n ou n m W ALLPAPER HOUSE Telephone AT. 4810 216.000.00 Christian Science Society Multnomah, Oregon 6.30 to 7 12:15 to 12:30 e v a n g e l is t ic , f u l l ...... TOTAL SMITH'S Upstairs Oddfellows Hall Sundays 7:45 p. m. T!iuridc-.ys 7:45 p. m. TOTAL 216,000.00 Secured and preferred liabilities Deposits secured by pledg ed assets pursuant to requirements of law .................. Deposits preferred under provisions of law but not secured by pledge of assets P. O. funds----------------------------------- '• R = lll= m = "l= IH = l’ls lll= H 1 S !.l 3 HI= 1 ïîîS s s S S Â Beaverton Full Gospel Chapel Services Pledged assets (and securities loaned) (booK value): U. S. Gov. obligations, direct and guaranteed .pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities ...... ......... ...... LEONARD T. CARNEY, C. S. B. of Beverly Hills, California Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church. The First Church of Christ. Scientist, in Boston. Massachusetts. In the MULTNOMAH SCHOOL S. W. Capitol Highway, Multnomah, Oregon Tuesday evening. January 16 at 8 o ’clock Tbs Public is Cordially invited H taiiiam sM tEiiiainsiH Sm am sm am aii'Si'iSM iBuiaiuaiiiBm ai'isiN siitA iM aiiis