PUBLISH ED W E E K L Y IN OUR P L A N T ON VOL. 17 * so . 50 SHORT ST. A N D C A N Y O N H IG H W A Y Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, January 12, 1945 The March Of Dimes Begins EST AB LI SH ED 1927 Mrs. M artha Mason left M onday for Southern C alifornia to visit relatives and friends. A Big Question Born to Mr. and Mrs. Reynold W il­ son ot Seattle. W ash., January 3rd, a bo>, R obert Melvin. Babson Appeals for Better School Committees Here and There The M arch o f Dim es for polio suf­ ferers starts January 14 and con tin ­ ues to January 31 and since no one knows where, or how hard, polio may strike in 1945. an extra e ffo rt should be m ade to finance the project so that no victim o f infantile paralysis will go uncared for, regardless o f age, race, creed or color. K °y r,. Antrim of Aloha will again head the W ashington county drive. tieo. H. B uckler has been selected to chairm anship o f M ultnom ah cou n ­ ty. Lt. R obert G. S hephe.d. w ife and Babson Park, Fla., Jan. 12 “ A rm j daughtei Suzanne spent the holidays at their hom e here. Lt. Shepherd R ejects M illions." “ S.iMKl.i’hO R etu rn ­ and w ife returned to Camp W illard ed for Physical or Mental D isability". Buegens, Ohio, where he will he a These are headlines w hich we see In newspapers. Let us hope the fig u ies few weeks before going overseus. The Glenn Putm an fam ily have are exaggerated; hut if not, the situ ­ m oved Into their new home on F ar­ ation is bad for our brave men, our m ington Road which they purchased overburdened taxpayers and fo r post­ from J. J. McM ahon. They fo.m erly war business .lohs im pend I ' pon Brains lived on Studio Avenue. I repeat that unem ploym ent can Mrs. L. E. H olcom b is able to be only for a short time he relieved by out again after an Illness o f several governm ent relief, pensions, bonuses weeks. and even by public w orks. T o solve Mrs. Lulu P erry Gunderson of the unem ploym ent problem w c must M arshfield. Oregon, was a dinner have more em ployers and must give guest ot Mrs. W alter Cavaness Sun- greater freedom to all em ployers day. The> attended the con cert at The only alternative is Com m unism . P a cific UniveOstiy, F o.est Grove. More brains' must com e before rao. c W ord com es from Dr. Albert Hisey jobs. Released by U. S War Department. Bureau o f Public Relation» m inistei ol Beaverton M. K Church ONWARD INTO GERMANY— Left, four U. S. Army infantrymen, framed by the shattered walls W e war.t a higbei standard o f liv that he is enjoyin g his visit with his 'in g ; but we cannot raise the stand- o f a wrecked building, as they file through an open area in Puttelange, France. Right, Vehicles move The Spanish A m erican W ar V eter­ son in Fayette. N. Y. He is exp ect­ lard of living without first raising through Beggendorf, Germany, as the new offensive inside Germany gets under way. ans and Auxiliary installed their new ed home this week in time to fill the ¡the character, health and intelligence officers on Saturday afternoon last. pulpit at his church next Sunday. of the people. W e cannot have long A lunch was served at 1:30 follow ed Mrs. John G. H ohnstein o f S orren ­ postw ur prosperity if our business by a joint installation. State to Get $7 Million to had a fall at her home and broke ilea d eis and future C ongressm en are For the cam p the new o ffic e r s are: hei right wrist. I to be arm y physical rejects and re­ For Postwar Road Work Com m ander, H. M. B arton ; Sr. V ice.) Mrs. Charley Straley is suffering turning soldiers broken dow n in Jas. F. B oyd ; Jr. Vice, Otto E gb erg ; from a severe cold. 1 health or m ental powers. O regon will receive $7 Million for, Chaplain, John P arson s; Quai te r m a s -{ Mr. and Mrs. Elm er Stipe, Mrs. Our business boosters talk about a postwa road w ork accord in g to an ter and Adjutant, W m . H. W o o d co ck ; < C arrie Leonard and Mrs. Geo. Blas- postw ar national incom e o f $120 hll- announcem ent made by Maj. Gen O fficer ot the Day, T. B. H arris; O f- ; se. went to O regon City F riday nighi Hons com pared with a prew ar incom e . p. B. Flem ing Federal W orks adm in ficer o f the Guard, Carl T. E rick son ; H ow can men. who An evening meethig for poultry istra toi. Call for more first-tim e volunteers where Mrs. Stipe installed the new of $80 billions. H istorian, L. B. Haley. m isers will be held at the B eaveiton to meet a critical shortage o f blood office rs o f the P ioneer Chapter o f are unfit, or too old, or too m entally The proposed construction, worked A uxiliary o ffice rs fo r 1945 are: county will be held at the Beaverton upset to be in the arm y, be expected dono s for the January 19 visit o f the O. E. S. President, Nina B a rton ; Sr. Vice, L nion H igh School at 8 p. m. Janu­ out by the governm ent and the states, the Red Cross "blood m obile" to the Mrs. Anna Fabrique was taken to make a success entering business ’ Maude V. H aw k in s; Jr. Vice, Mary ary 17. accord in g to Don E. A nderson is designed to elim inate city traffic If we w ere not cities W ashington county donor center in Sunday to the home o f her daughter i A nother thought: bottlenecks, con nect principal P arson s; Chaplain, Vesa W ood en ; assistant county agent. H illsboro was repeated this week by Mrs. Lyle Cobb, for care, being at wai and If all .men were in nor with express highways, provide farm Secretary, Laura G ilstrap; Treasurer, , inal health who would be so optiuiis- "P ou ltry D iseases’’ will be the topic the blood bank com m itee. Every threatened with pneum onia. Mary C avaness; P atriotic Instructor, discussed by Noel L. Bennion, ex­ ers bette, roads and o ffe r reconvert eligible repeat donor on the county The W alter Lovett fam ily and tic as to suggest such an increase in Dollie B aker; H istorian, H arriet tension poultrym an for Oregon and sion jobs im m ediately after the war. list is being contacted but at least young son o f Mr. and Mrs. B aker o f national incom e during the next few Moulton, Conductress, M innie Haley. Dr. E. M. D ickinson, poultry veter- Urban and rural p rojects will be Ini­ 100 new volunteers must be obtained SW 8 th Street, have been con fin ed to | years? Then, how can it be oh- Present for the occasion w ere: Past inarjan at O regon State College, next tiated by the states with the govern- , their hom es with colds. tained with m illions o f our host men ment generally participating on a dol- to „iileel ,,le koul foi the next visit, N ational A uxiliary ..President, C ora W ednesday. Mrs. E lida Gibson, m other o f Jay Continued on P age 2 lar-for-dollar m atching basis. i. Pa.t,loU c citizen in W ash­ E. T hom pson and C. R. Thom pson, ington county is challenged to rise Gibson, passed aw ay on M onday a f­ Past National A ide; D epartm ent C om ­ : to this em ergen cy by either register­ ternoon at her son ’s hom e after a ALOHA m ander L. W . W ipperm an and sev­ Mr. and Mrs. Gibson ing as a blood donor or by obtaining weeks illness. eral o f his s ta ff; Lela E. Skelly, f new volunteer before January 19” are leaving Thursday . with her re­ The C ooper Mt. P. T. A. executive A uxiliary D epartm ent P. asident, 'M rs. Abendroth declared. "O nly a mains for M oscow , Idaho, her old | com m ittee met Tuesday at the Palm - with a num ber o f her officers. j small percentage o f the people in the hom e and where she had been In the | er home. The band from S cout Y oun g Camp (county are carrying on this p rogiam habit of spending her sum m ers and W ord has been received by Mr. and o f P ortland furnished music and the recently ! to provide life-saving blood plasma winters here, having only IC. Diehl from their son Donald, that Scout Y oun g A uxiliary sent its color for seriously wounded A m erican fight- returned from Idaho. he expects to go overseas soon. team to put on the work. Mrs. Saidiie Dunbar, state Mrs. G ibson is survived by one son . .. Orr _ _ . , , T o meet requests of arm y and navy lnK men. Y ear I, 4-H C ookin g - 0101 ) will president ot the O regon T uberculosis for expanded* 8ervice in ail overseas The center in H illsboro will be Jay G ibson and a grandson in the U. meet January 20, when custard will association met with m em bers o f the theatres ot war a tota] o f 402 men open Dorn 9:30 a. m. until 12:30 p. m. S. Service in Texas. The Gibsons be featured. i executive board o f the W ashington anf| wom en must be reCruited from January 19. The unit is located in w e.e early settlers in Idaho, having Lt. W illiam K. W illiam s was m a r­ taken up a hom estead there nearly | County Health A ssociation F riday the seven western states im m ediately the M asonic temple. Second and Lln- afternoon in H illsboro to discuss du- i in various job classification s, for R ed coin streets, opposite the court house. 65 years ago and were well known ried Nov. 17 to Miss Betty Lou F red ­ rickson at Salt L ik e City. He is a 1 ties o f the newly elected executive I c .o s s overseas service. ¡ throughout the state. j — — — son of Mrs. Fredei ickson. | secretary, Mrs. Zola Morgan. VV. E. P egg in charge o f arrange- This was the statem ent of O. B. Hugh McGIlvra of the Forest Mrs. M organ’s o ffic e will be in the Gates, chairm an o f county chapter, 1 ments. v G rove News T im es has been elected ______ ' Carl P eterson building, known as the from Verne Sim m ons, m anager of Members o f a P ortland 1 odge of j ° " i w! wmiu i .“ ' ¡ ¡ ' „ “ i president of the Forest G rove Cham j Vv ells building and plans to be open P a cific area headquarters in San Spanish A m erican V eterans installed * , ,, __ , ... . .. _ . b e i ot C om m erce, foi 1945. W ith a gain o f 8.3 percent in num- , M onday. February 5. . . . he new o ffice rs o f the Beaverton A m arr, licenMi. bas been i8HUPd .. F rancisco, and a request that the lo­ bei of gas custom ers and 101 . pe r , Plans are being made to have the j c a , h t e r r e d o u b l e i t s s b a r e o f , hi8 iodge^iast Saturday after a potluck t() W altel B row n , P ortland, and cent in volum e o f gas sales, the T u - ¡m obile unit; industrialI p l a n t s | ! vitally needed personnel from the I dinner C hristina W oolfe, B eaveiton. alatin Valley areea served by P o r t-¡a n d near P ortland first, and possibly men and wom en o f T he R ev. Oliver P ow ell, general W ashington A son. R ichard E., was born Dec. Senator Paul L. Patterson o f W ash ­ secretary for the young people o f the land Gas & C oke Co. led all others ¡high schools at B eaverton and Ti- 0(nmt. 31 to Cpl. and Mrs. Donald E. Cutting ington county, was in Salem bright C ongregational Christian Churches in rate o f grow th during 1944. ac- gard. Anyone interested in this w o :k can cording to a syUistical sum m ary re- The next m eeting o f the association ; „ Hillgboro 2752. T he largest need j and early Monday to take his place in was a guest at the hom e o f Rev. and of Beaverton. T he Hom e E con om ic Club will meet the Senate and begin his first term ceived by J. A. H. Dodd, district | will be Tuesday, Feb uary 6 at 4 p, js fQ) lgg Btaff as8latant8. age 25.3 y, Mrs. I la n d s Sturtevant Tuesday , „ , . ... . . January 17 a! the home ot Mrs. Ralph M . P ow ell was a classm ate npa. nager- , , m l“ ‘ he new o ffic e ot the county w ork Ked Cross clubs, clubm o- of o ffice , having succeeded Earl E. night. A nderson. i Fisher o f Beaverton, w ho had tired of of Mr. Sturtevant at Union T h eologi­ At the end o f 1944 the 85th yea o f secretary in the W ells building in bi)es and recreation program s. The A loha G range will hold a card 1 w earing the o fficia l title. the gas com pan y's existence, there H illsboro, c a l Sem inary in New Y ork City. party Saturday night at the hall. Mrs. Mr. Patterson will be a very busy were 4,290 gas users in the Tualatin Mr. and Mrs. Milton M etcalfe en­ O ert.u d e Andross Is chairm an o f the j man during this session as he has tertained a few relatives and friends area. T his was an increase ot 330 com m ittee on arrangem ents, the Farmers Should Hear | been appointed on five differen t com - at a W assail party New Years eve. over the previous year. ¡oth ers being Mrs. Carlson and Mrs. ! mittee? by President H ow ard C. Bel­ Dem and fo r gas in the district to­ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Blank and New Feature on K A L E La Due. ton. T hey are: A griculture, engross- daughte. taled 267,360.000 cu bic feet fo r the j B everly Ann spent the Ellis Nyburg returned to San F ran- ; ed and enrolled bills, industries, in- year, an increase o f 24.623.00 cu bic f, 8pendtng a 30 day fu - R adio listeners o f this area will ¡ surance, ju diciary and m unicipal af- Christm aa holidays with relatives at ^ feet over 1943. ' C ottage Grove. hear the inaugural program o f the ! fails. lough with his fam ily at Aloha. Com m unities in the district include Di Heisey returned from New York new farm service departm ent of Pvt. Joseph Gassner is now at R epresentative J. O. Johnson of W ednesday, and will he in his pulpit Aloha, B eaverton, C o.nelius, F orestl K A L E , Portland, Monday, January 15 Fort Lewis. He is a son of Mr. and Metzger, has been appointed to serve W ord has been received by Mr. and Grove. H illsboro and Newberg. next Sundav He said he never want- 3 uT when Burton S. Hutton, director, l on tw o com m ittees, insurance and ed to see any m ore snow, it seems B riquet deliveries for the com pan y ^ Mrs. H enry J. H ecker, route 5, box broadcasts his first program s. m ilitary and postw ar planning by also reached a new high in 1944 w ith r 518, that their son Gordon F. Heckei i ns though everyw here he went there The new program will be named Speaker E u g ere Marsh. a total o f 94,562 tons an in c.ea se o f I ha* been prom oted Lorn ensign to "P a y D irt", sym bolizing 'w a s snow and m o e snow, so he was Real Estate Moving its dedic 1 - Mr. Johnson has served in the L eg­ , really glad to get hack to O regon and 2.962 tons over 1941. the previous rec- lieutenant, junior grade, in the nava^ tion to m ake d iit pay bigger profits ord year 1 a *r corps. Lt. H ecker is at K ings- for P a cific N orthw est farm ers. Pro­ islature several times and know s “ the .the Spring w eather here, J. J. M cM ahon real estate denier, of ropes.” Industrjal im portance o f the gas ville, Texas naval air station where gram s will be aired j A m arriage license hag been issued Beaverton, has sold several pieces o f daily, except com pany ’ was In jicated by its 1944 he is an instructoi He entered the .Sunday at 6:30 to 7 a. m. and 12:15 to to W illiam F ackler and G ertrude E property recently. A m ong them be­ pay .oil. w hich total $1,927,000, i n - ' service in 1941, follow ing graduation 1 12 30 p. m. Stout, both of route 3, B eaveiton. ing the Barney Mill*, house on Allen Starting Fourth Term eluding con stru ct .on work. T his was from B eaverton high school, ; A pplications for the position o f .avenue to Mi. und Mrs. Fred Clay, re- a gain o f 7.5 per cent over 1943 "J im " Lew is started his fourth Personnel U tilization Repreaentatlve | cently from Belfalr. W ash He even To Serve Uncle Sam Transferred to Washington te :m as county com m ission er o f for the U. S. Civil Service Com m ission so |d one o f hia ow n houses on W ashington county the first o f the 11th Region, Idaho. Montana. Oregon. Farm ington road to Glen Putman of A num ber o f men have been in­ month and the records show he has and W aahington; and also of P roduc- B eaverton, who moved in last week, Sgt. B ruce V. M cMahon, son o f M ducted ;ecen tly by W ashington Coun- and Mrs. J. J. M cM ahon has been helped accom plish many things for tive Service Specialist (L u m ber) are ^ city lot on Sixth and Angel, went K oeber, w ho will build a 1 ty. local board No. 1, Beaverton. Ore­ transferred to B ainbridge Island, the betterm ent o f con ditions o f people being sought by U. S. Civil Service tn fvan later. The B roce Clement gon. They include— A rm y: near Brem erton. He w as overseas living here, better roads, being one o f Com m ission. A pply at your p osofflce. house hom e at Fifth and Hall has been pur- Emil S. Y urkovich. W ayne O. Mor- IS m onths, was wounded at Gaudal- his pet projects for which farm ers for details. Pvt. Clara P arkinson, WAC. w ife Phased by Mia. M ayfield. The Schell lan, L eroy E. Ellingsen. Orrin W. canal and transferred to I j . S. about and city folk s have benefitted by his Boles. M elvin C. W. Floyd. Joseph l i t years ago. adm inistia- o f Earl Parkinson, route 2. box 370, F ry place on Davis Rd. to Mr. anil Mrs. Bruce McMahon carefu l and econ om ical B eave.ton , haa returned from h e r* \ j r8 Keeton o f Portland. J II Venn | F. Gassner and G ordon A. Davis. and baby girl a :e visiting at the J. J. tion o f affairs. "A il that glitters is not g old " is a N avy—Jasper G. Cauthon. Due to the shortage of m an-pow er station at the M ountain Hom e, Idaho, place on V ennls addition to B eaverton M cM ahon home. Her son la to Mr. and Mr*. Verl L ileenor o f St. fa m ltu r proverb w hich H arley J. a new 24x36 pressure rock crukher A A F base on furlough. Barber, m anager o f the W est Coast has been added to the quarry near serving with the 7th arm y in F ia n ce Helena. Joe Grimm Tapped A m arriage license has been issued Telephone Com pany, is quoting to Hillsboro. GIRL SCOUT N E W S to Colin I'. Skinner. Beaverton, and thosr Who are insisting upon quick Awarded Bronze Star I Four university men were tapped Pearl Close. San F rancisco, Calif. delivery o f new telephone equipment. D uring th e ir w eekly U^son o f Friday d u :in g interm ission at the James O. Jones Graduates Jannis Vinke, o f 8310 SW Canyon The line began tg form when people H eadquarters 41st D ivision. Far senior ball by Friars, senior m en’s first aid many o f the gi is served as drive passed aw ay Jan 7. He was reead an item that several hundred P a c ific —P rivate R udolph M. K okich. .h on orary. Tapped by the group. “ victim s” m uch to the am usem ent of A m ong those graduating from an husband o f H edvig Jacobsen o f Pied­ thousand telephones w ere to be re­ the others in the troop. The girls intensive course of Basic E ngineering o f Beaverton, haa been aw arded the 1 was Joe Grim m of Beaverton. mont, Calif. leased for civilian uae. Bronze Star Medal fo r con sp icu ou s are m ore than half way through training at recent Service Schools Mrs. Verda Lilga, 72, o f route I, "It is true that som e telephones are their first aid course in which they b 8 ir was Jam es O. Jones. 24. husband Beaverton, suffered a right hip fra c­ valor on the field o f battle CAM P FIRE N E W S being released fo r civilian use," said During m ost recent operations have a lesson every Tuesday before o f Mrs F lorence E. Jones, route 1, ture when she fell on wet pavem ent. Mr. Barber. "H ow ever, it ia but a against the Japs, an enemy bom b the troop m eeting Beaverton. She is in a Portland hospital. trickle com pared to the stream o f Camp Fire Girls in .esponse to a This B luejacket was selected for his M Pee'renboom ¡S horn« from am ‘ dst « ' " '" 'I ' cont .m .r g M rs applications throughout the country. piece in the paper con cern in g Mrs gaaoline and am m unition Several specialized training on (h e basis o f Florida after a long visit there, People don't realize that not only Newman and Jeannie Barry, both of his recruit t.ain in g aptitude test •II J. Mailer o f Beaverton m ju .ed ;,,H lay Pvt civilian use whom were invalids, took to them a were telephone sets fo in the area in w hich exploding am - scores. is listed am ong those wounded in the discontinued, but that both war box con tain ing fruit and nuts, candy, M ed,ter anean area. M r. L oretta m unition scattered the blaring fust plants and the arm ed forces require cook ies and a small gift. T hey seem- Mailer, Ms wife, lives in Beaverton a" w el' a" "Grapnel H orne r rom Italy an am ount o f telephone equipm ent ed quite pleased at the Christm as Car- W ith utter disregard for his | Stanley Trum an Is reported w ound­ that is staggering beyond the im agi- ols the girls sang for them A fter sonal safety K ok ich made three ex­ He nation. leaving the hom es o f the ladies the Sgt CJuentin H iggins has returned ed in action in F ra n c« Nov. 30 cursions into the holocaust, each time from B eaverton high • For exam ple, the new USS Mis- girls went caroling about the town home on a 40 day furlough from Daly graduated draggin g out a casualty. By his per school. souri. regarded as the moat pow erful ending at M s Dawes for a party, and ia visiting his brother Jam es H ig­ form an ce he undoubtedly saved the D ora Stipe, past w orthy grand m i- , .. _ _______ , gins in Aloha. He has been in Italy fightin g ship afloat, has app oxim - Jan 9 1945. At our last m eeting we Z < ™ n m other o f the over 2 ' t years and is a tank c o m ­ tron o f Oregon! h a, had a busy time ately 1200 telephones and 350 m iles o f made nature books and worked on M - s. ° f Marie thJ K okich. m ands! His unit was in tee Not th­ lately installing o ffic e r s o f lodges On bem edaied Jungleer, resides on rout« telephone wire. our head bands. C am p f i r e Girls e m part o f the country. He has seen Saturday, Dec 29 she Installed o ffi­ 2, just outside Beaverton. "F urtherm ore, many war plants re- have found out that our governm ent lot*- of action as the tank division al­ cers o f St. M ary N o 9 at Corvallis, quire more than a thousand tele- tr not geeting as m uch grease as ways is nearly 20 miles ahead o f the Jan 6 W alloga chapter, Oswego, and phones each.” they need. If you have any grease Only 12 Remain front line The fam ily lived at C oun­ on Jan 5 P ioneer ch apter 2£ at Ore­ Mr B arber reports that when tele- please let som e Camp Fire Girl in gon City cil. Idaho, before m oving to Aloha phone equipm ent is again released in your neighborhood know and she will --------- ■ ——— ) O f the hundreds o f thousands o f about tw o years ago. this com m un ity for civilian use gladly collect it If you want your N othing can be pu.chased w hich is New England men w h o answered Lin- those who have had their appltca- points we will be able to keep track coin ’s call to arms in ’61. only 12 O. It is better to rem ain »lient than better than a true and firm friend. tions in first will get first call on the o f them L ong faces m ake short lives. A. R. m em bers still a rt alive. to try to con vin ce a skeptic. Barbara Schurm an, Scribe new equipment. Joint Installation U.S.W.V--Auxiliary Poultry Raisers Meet At Beaverton Ian. 17 County Health Assn. Discuss Work Big Increase In Sales--Customers Men, Women For Red Cross Overseas Washington County Well Represented Bits o f News A bout Our Boys Barber Explains Shortage Need More Blood Donations Ian. 19