Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1944)
Page 4 B E A V E R T O N E N TE R P R ISE , Beaverton, Oregon Bits of News About Our Boys -*\V' , t ei * V thls life at all. I shipped as maintenance man which was easy doing fn San Fran- cisco Well I guess I shall hit the hay. I haven’t anything to do at night but read and write and smoke my pipe. I thought you might like to know that I'm still kicking and not to for get me ,which I know you won't, Ha! U.i Well so long and I'll see you when I get home again. Sincerely, JOHN W WOLFE SS Monarch of the Seas. Waterman S S Co., '/,P. M. Dear Sirs: Well here's that pesky 1-A of yours out where you want him. -It's sure a nice ship I'm on. It seems wonde«- ful to be back out to sea again. I just don't know what I've missed staying home so long. I shall as sure you that it won’t happen again if I can help it. The way i feel now I doubt if I ever will quit going back to sea. They're sure working the devil out of me though. We are getting her all shipshape which I Jack Sidden, navy, was home on a don't think has been done to her yet. day leave and enjoyed Christmas Anyway it gives me a good feeling to 30 with his family and friends. He has see the improvements. been in the South Pacific fo. over u I sure hated to leave home but yeear on a mine sweeper, and took after I got out here I’m not sorry part in the first landing of men in Bill Sidden as there couldn’t be a freerer life the Philippine Islands. He is stationed in No ration board, no draft board, buy- j was also home. ing cigarettes at any amount. All the U. S. Don is expected home the shoes I want. I have no kick at after the new year. r n u 4 > , L/cccuiuçi Since then the bombers of the 392nd at Marana, largest basic flying school have made many missions in close an assistant flying group commander l of the Western Flying Training Com support of the ground troops. The Camp and Hospital Council An Eighth Air Force liberator Sta Lieutenant Fligge attended Renton mand. through Mrs. Griffith want to thank tion: England—Second Lieuten- High School, Renton, Wash., and the Captain Roche arrived at Marana all who helped so generously to carry \ ant Sterling Grey Fligge. route three University of Washington. Oct. 20. 1942, three weeks after basic He was on the Ch istmas work. J box 14. Beaverton, Oregon, co-pllot commissioned in February, 1944. His pilot training was inaugurated at The Council has again gone over \ on a B-24 Liberator has received the wife, Mrs. Elizabet M. Fligge, lives at the desert airbase. He resides with the top and has made delivery of 475 Air Medal for his meritorious achieve His parents, Mr. his wife at Tuscon, Arizona. boxes as Christmas gift» for the boys ment in combat over Europe, Maj.- | the same address. He was cited for "extra ordinary and Mrs. Frank A. Fligge, live at 416 in the armed service. 225 boxes were Oen. William E. Kepner, Com. Gen., achievment while participating in Whitworth St., Renton, Wash. delivered to be placed on board ships Second Heavy Bombardment Division flights totaling more than 1,000 250 boxes were packed under super announced. hours in actual instruction of stu vision ol the Red Cross by the Am pilots of the Army Air Forces, The citation reads: "For excep Roche Jr. Awarded Medal dent erican legion Auxiliary and the Lions by (his) exhibition of exceptional meritorious achievement, club auxiliary donations we e taken tionally professional skill, courage, endur I while participating in bomber com- to the navy hospital in Astoria. Marana Army Air Field, Tucson, ance and diligent attention to duty, Groups from high schools, Camp ] bat mission over enemy occupied The courage, Arizona. Capt. Jack J. Roche, jr., 26, contributed notably to the war effort. Fire helped gather nuts and wrapped | Continental Europe. 1 coolness and skill displayerd by this of Redwood City, Calif., has been re How well instructors like Captain articles individually. man on these occasions reflect great warded the Air Medal at Marana Roche have done their work is best 1 credit upon himself and the Armed Arizona. Army Air Field for "excep | attested by our world-wide aerial su License Needed Fam i of the United States ". tional professional achievement" dur premacy and the fact our losses Ope: a . o i l o i motor venicles using On the 392nd log are missions to ing more than 1,000 hours of instruc- have been so far under expectations fuels othe than gasoline are :equired Berlin, Friedriehshaven, Gotha, Bre i tional flights with aviation cadets. that, as General Arnold said recently to have 1945 vehicle emblems on their men, Politz, and other targets in Captain Roche, whose father, Jorn our reservoir of pilots is filled to the cars after January 1, Secretary of Germany, Poland, Belgium, Holland, J. Roche, sr., resides at Beaverton, I bum. State Robert S. Farrell, Jr. announ Norway and France. Its 100th mis Ore., was commissioned a second ced today. Emblems may be ob sion was made on D-Day in support lieutenant pilot Jan. 9. 1942. after Calamity and prosperity are the tained from the state department at of the initial landings In France. completing cadet training. He is touchstones of integrity. Salem. Expresses Thanks Fligge Receives Air Medal rss. • PP 5 WE EXTEND HOLIDAY GREETINGS To all our customers and friends in the Tualatin Valley s e a s o n ' s O K B E T !N O S < Sewing Machine Emporium Portland Milk Producer* Assn., Inc. 5260 NE Union Ave. PORTLAND » • * * » JAMES HICKEY 826 SW 3rd Ave. Portland, Ore. GA. 3327 Dairy Co-Operative Here's to your New Year May it biing all you hope for Association A. SUSSM AN 1513 SE 12th Ave. 1330 SW 3rd Ave. AT. 3974 Amusement Games, Premiums Carnival & Festival Merchandise Portland, Oregon All through the year we aim to do our best. If at at times we M O IIA W K BLDG AT. 5291 Portland fail you, forgive us! At any rate, we want you to and thanks for your pat ronage during the yea^ just drawing to a close. enjoy a guy New Year. S M IT H ’S H U BE R ’S R E S T A U R A N T Wallpaper House 427 SW 2nd nr. Washington St. Portland New Year Greetings to our Friends nnd Customers In the Tualatin Valley C A N Y O N LODGE Wentworth & Irwin Incorporated Eastern Outfitting Co. JOS. SHEMANSKI, Mgr. CREDIT GLADLY SW 10th and Washington R 2461 H713 SW CANYON ROAD WEST SLOPE THOMAS BARCLAY, Prop. Specializing in Steaks and Chicken Dinners 123 N. E. Oregon St PORTLAND Portland, Oregon Dr. John E. La’Valley Best Chiropractic Physician Call AT. 4836 or Res. G A *4*6 Office lift Allait) Bldg. 621 SW 3rd, neai Morrison Portland. Oregon Market Value for Tour l itestock Bodine & Clark Commission Co. On T aylor St., bet. 4th & 5th NORTH PORTLAND, UN. 1661 ORE. ?***T IN < i* CLAUDE BRERETON Tatty Foods, ninnerà, I.unities Banquets SEASONS GREETINGS I'ortland’s Finest In Quality C O L U M B IA Service Portland, Oregon D IST R IB U T IN G CO WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO THANK OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS FOR PAST FAVORS. Portland Oregon *¿#¿> S A1QP/HSO» Holiday Greetings 222 S W Morrison, Portland /R O M 200 LOCAL FARMERS Ready to Serve you every day in the year KEEP ON We extend our earnest greetings to our patrons at the start of IMS May Joy and Prosperity await you In the year to come Tigard Seed & Feed Co. WITH W A K B U e lU d T H IR D TO FOURTH ON W . Y A M H IL L ST PROSPERITY and JOY to Our Patrons for tho Year we ate now entering The Coiy Lunch