Page Friday, December 29 ,1944 B E A V E R TO N ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon f The life of a public official must Consumers ^ill want and expect | become desirable to the young men ! more variation and greater ranges of j of ability, if we are to secure the qualities, colors, sizes and prices than flesh and brains essential for the ani - 1 have been available in the past. There ) .’nation oi the saeletons which we i are probably few if any American IL J K K H i l M , l*ubU»h«sr are so carefully creating in the con-1 citizens who are not tired of regi- mentation of product as well as : ferente rooms. Puhlished Friday of each week by the Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton, methods of distribution. Oregon. Entered as second class matter at the pastofflee at Beaverton, Oie I j Attention has been focused on driv- We would not enjoy the sun if there $1.00 Subscription Payable in Advance..1'1'’ Hitlers totalitarian and brutal One Tear _____________________ __________________________________________ __ _________ government out of France that sight were no clouds. Beaverton office Enterprise Bldg., Phone Baavwton 3181 Portland Office— *0$ Panama Bldg, 3rd and Aldsr Phone ATwater 6691 [,c o. govei nnr.ent that France had For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry before the war and the character that it may hâve from now on. Barnes. Phone Beaverton 3231. tf U P R ISE joltj | $ i b l e Kt/e/* i/ttv/us courts U H t/ip ^ u ¿é £ | LEONARD C. JOHNSON, Pastor Phone 3691 New Year’s Watch Night Service f B 1 • II “ ♦ © M W 11 10 — I AI.OIIA ASSEMBLY OF COD Sunday School 10 a. m. Worship 11 a. m. Keep KEEMVII J.K. COMMUNITY u r l s b y t e r ia n it Flying PILGRIM LUTHERAN CHURCH The Bible Church Box 697, Beaverton Farmington Rd. at Menlo Drive Walter R. Buhl, Pastor Sunday Service 11 a. m. Sunday School 10 a. m. May the New Year bring peace to a war ridden world, is our most fer­ vent wish. Don’t whisper it hut Beaverton is now listed In California, according to a news story by Rutgers News Ser­ vice. If this news is authentic— California is a very cold country and stories about its climate must be still “unusual”. What's Doing IN THE Churches WEST HILLS LUTHERAN CHURCH Canyon Road, near Sylvan Werner J. Fritz, Minister Sunday School 9:45 a. m Divine Service 11 a. m. Everyone invited and welcome ST. < E< ELIA CHURCH Masses 8:25 und 10:25 during the winter months. church Sunday School 10 a. m. Mrs. Otto | George, Supt. Young People’s C. E. 7 p. m. I Prager Meeting and Bible study, I Thursday, 7 p. m. Worship Service 11 a. m. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE COUNTY COURT OK THE j STATE OF OREGON FOR T H E , COUNTY OF WASHINGTON. No. 5935 In the matter of the Estate of JULIA WALGRAEVE, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned executor of the es­ tate of Julia Walgraeve, deceased has filed his final account in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Washington County, and that the 3 i„t day of January, 1945, at 9:30 o’clock A. M. of said day at the Court Room of said Court, in Hills­ boro, Oregon, has been fixed by said Court as the time and place for hear­ ing of objections thereto, and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published Dec. 29, 1944. Date of last publication Janu­ ary 26, 1945. MORRIS WALGRAEVE, Executor of the Estate of Julia Wnl- graeve, deceased. WILLIAM A. CARTER, Attorney for executor. _ CHURCH OF THE NA/.ARKNE D onald C. Johnson, Pastor 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. 11 a. m. Morning worship A New Year’s Message. 6:30 p m. Junior meeting. 7 p. m. Hl-N-Y and N. Y. P. S. A Lesson for the New Year. I p m. until ***** Watch Night Service. Thie service open to all will be profitable and a fitting manner In which to close the old year 1944 and begin the New Year 1945. Special While shopping eat at the Grey- singing will interspeise the service at the Greyhound Coffee Shop. as will short messages from 3 min­ isters in the local congregation and the pastor directing the service. Join us In this New Year service. Wed. 7:30 p. m. Prayer and mis­ sionary study. BETHEL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Kev. F T. Sturtevant. Pastor 9 45 a. in. Church School. Miss Amarette Barnes, Supt. 11 a. m. Worship Topic The Long Road. 5 30 p m. Junior High Pilgrim Fellowship. 7 p m Senior Pilgrim Fellowship. Chi 1st mas Sunday was observed In memorable fashion at Bethel Congre- i gallonai Church. At the morning ! worship service, eight persons were i received Into membership Miss Ber- ' nice Conoly, Mrs Vance Boa well, Mr. | und Mrs. Willard Ertcson, Mr. and Mrs. C. L Drew. Mi. and Mrs. J. B Ostermeyer Your horn* town paper I* k year Subscribe now. 1 only tl i r z ¡D ¡M 3 III >$] j / CULVERT SEWER DRAIN SEE YO U R BU ILD IN G M A T E R IA L D EALER ¡D jjj Portland Concrete Pipe & Products Co. Ili 5819 S.W. Macadam Av., Portland, 1, Oregon ATwater 8384 ill 0 > - t) CONCRETE PIPE ui=iii=m =iii=iii=iii£iii3iNsi'i=itism sHisiii=iiisiiisiusiiism snisim MUW sipiNUii«i j i H. A. Starr /A Contractor for Concrete Work W hy Not Buy Some New’ Furniture and invite your Estimates gladly given on Jobs Large or Small Friends to Celebrate The New Year with You. 2425 N. Commercial ■ UNiversity 1054 Portland 12, Or. 4 h y AM 1 7 'vz'ucth-ina. -¿oï the 9/0WL P hone 3535 B eaverton T oy s, B ic y c le A cce sso rie s, & R e p a irin g of All Types W h e fl Goods R e tirin g K IS S L E R ’S Beaverton Full Gospel Chapel Services 923 S W 4th Ave., Portland Thursdays 7:45 p. m. e v a n g e l is t ic , f u l l p r e a c h i n g , m u s ic O R V IL L E J. POULIN, A T . 5438 Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS Oregon Mutual Policies ure NON-ASSESSABIJC. You NEVER pa) more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual maintains more than three times the surplus required by Oregon Insurance laws. Upstairs Oddfellows Hall Sundays 7:45 p. m. • gospel Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company and s in g in g M c M i n n v i l l e Organized 1894—..40 yean of Reliable Service Chaa. L. Walker, Agent of Minister New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. E V E R Y B O D Y W E LCO M E "Every Form of Protection" Phone 1732 Hillsboro, Oregon for Ciristm«s John Ray is a foreman for Portland General Electric Co. Why he will not be home for Christmas is a story as real as today, as moving as anything could be. Bcvause, you see, it was not his fault he will not be home. It was the fault o f a ship and the circumstances surrounding it. It all goes back to a day last November when a ship, maneuvering into position, snagged its anchor on the submarine cables coming from the St. John Substation, damaging them beyond repair. Obviously it would take weeks for replacement. The arteries which fed many vitally important war plants were severed, forcing the suspension o f operations. But PGE's "know -how .” skill and manpower . . . backed by years o f experi­ ence. found a way to start, once again, the humming wheels and machinery o f the war plants and all in a matter o f not weeks or even days . . . but in a matter o f a very few hours. By morning, man-made lightning was again flow ing to the plants which are building for victors and peace, over a new circuit made possible by utilizing a newly-completed transmission line and substation. Thu new line was built to connect PGE’s Station E in North Portland with the Bonneville Power Administration main transmission line. Linemen, engineers . . . your neighbors and mine . . . had worked throughout toe night making the emergency connections. But this was not to be the end— not for John Ray’s crew o f linemen. Because these vital plants must work 24 hours a day to keep up with the tempo o f victory, they close but two days each year. Christmas and the Fourth o f July. On Christmas, then, this crew . . . the same boys who, with others, often go out into a snowy, freezing, wind-swept night to make repairs, while you are comfortable in your home . . . will work until the inadequate emergency repairs are replaced with permanent, lasting materials. At the very moment when weather is at its worst. PGE's faithful linemen are out in the storm making sure that you will have the power for heat and food and light. And they are proud they can help in this way . . . proud they can help their neighbors. N o . . . John Ray and his crew will not be home for Christmas. Thev will be working . to sr*ecd peace . . . when we can ALl. be home for Christmas . . . together. ALOIIA COMMUNITY CHURCH Graydon D. Lore«, Pastor Sunday School 10 a. m. Mary Antrim, Supt. Morning wonhip 11 a. m. While shopping In Beaverton stopj in at the Greyhound Coffe* Shop for Lunch. BROADWAY AT WATSON home BEAVERTON FULL GOSPEI. UllAPEI. SERVICE I. O. O. F. Hall, Beaverton Orville J. Poulin, Minister Sundays 7:45 p. m. Thursdays 7:45 p. m. Everybody welcome. METHODIST CHURCH Alhert S. Hlsey, D. D.. Minister Sunday School 9 45 a. m. Classes for all ages. Attendane* Invited. Worship Hour 11 a. m Are you looking for a church home? A welcome awaits you. W. S C. S Zlona Circi# meets each Wednesday at 10. all day. Friendly Circle 2nd and 4th Tues­ days m .■i Beaverton Furniture Store ll=IH3lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lllslllsill=lll=lll=lllsllls /¡as HiS CRiVt CHURCH OF CHRIST George W. Springer, Pastor Morning worship nnd preaching ser­ vice at 9:45 a. m. Topic- Two Minds Contrasted. Following the sermon, the Lord’s' supper will be observed. Bible School class session 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. Evening worship service 7:30 p. m. The Home Builders class Is spon­ soring a watch party In the basement of the church at the close of the evening service. Everyone Invited. As the midnight hour approaches there will be a program In the audi­ torium. Midweek Bible study and prayer meeting Wed. 8 p. m. The Scripture study will be Eph. Chap. 5. TIIK V l i . LEY COMMUNITY CHURCH UNITED PRESBYTERIAN 4110 SW Gabel Lane Rev. H. A. Armitage, pastor 10 SO a. m. Morning Worship BUT DEAR. IF yOU REALLY WANT TO C E L E B R A T E N E W Y E A R S LET'S DO IT BY REFURNISHING- OUR. H O M E AT #» "The first step in securing post-wai employment is to get more employ­ ers. I am sure the government can­ not compel men to become employ­ ers.!’—John M. Hancock, co-author Baruch-Hancock report. “ Women voters now outnumhei | male voters by about 600,000.” U. S. 1 Census Bureau. 8 P. M —12:01 A. M , DEC. 31, 1944 Special Music, Trios, Duets, and Solos. SPECIAL SPEAKERS—Rev. G. E. Baker. Rev. Walter Lovett, and Rev. Elmer West Join in this service—the close of the Old Year—-The Beginning of the New 'I i PortlniuS General Electric Company for ’A century, p io n e e rin g in electrical " k n o w - h o w ” ■