Friday, December 22, 1944 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E , Beaverton, Oregon CLASSIFIED WANT ADS CASH Must Accompany A ll C L A S S IF IE D A D S 0*unt each word, including Name aad addrese ONLY 2e A WORD Ne Phone Order» Taken We Publish the BEAVERTON ENTERPR ISE TIGARD SE NTIN E L MULTNOMAH PRESS ALOHA NEW S Csuiplete Eastern Wasnington County aad Westers Multnomah County Ceverage. We assume no financial responsi bility for error* which may appear in advertisements published in these columns but is case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of as advertisement in which the typo graphical mistake occurs. • Petitions to be Presented T o 1945 Oregon Legislature ISazi Suprr-Rowls May A id Invasion A large amount of discussion of three important questions crystalized into the passing of three resolutions | W ANTED at the Symposium arranged by Mrs.' More Than 4,000 Miles of W A N T TO R E N T Private party George T. Gerlinger in Portland on | Them Cover the lieich . These resolu wants house with 2 or 3 bedrooms, last Septembei 22. tions in the form of petitions will be kitchen wired for electric range, WASHINGTON. — Many of nearly can give best refeience. L. De Jar- 1 presented to the 1945 Oregon Legis- half of 8,500 projected miles of din, Gen. Del., St Paul, Oregon 47 i lature as follows; that they memori alize the next Congress to pass an superhighways in Germany com W A N T E D —Bicycle repairman, ex amendment to the Constitution to pleted when 'n 1939 war forced sus- perienced man preferred. Kissler limit the tenure of office of Presi- j pension of the building program will Bicycle Shop, 923 SW 4th Ave., dent of the United States, of any par- facilitate the Allied invasion if all Portland, Ore., bet. 11 a. m. and 6 ty, to two terms of four years each are not destroyed by the Nazis them- p. m. Call A T 5438. tf for the very good reasons set forth selvps or A1Ued artiUery and air in the resolution; that they make a ■ bombs careful study of the Electoral Col W ALNUTS — FILBERTS These Reichsautobahnen (liter lege system of electing the President Walnut Meats Filbert Meats | of the United States and that their al translation: Realm’s auto tracks) We Pay Cash on Receipt 'conclusions if sufficiently unanimous arc 78-foot-wide concrete espla at our plant ; be presented to the next session of nades, double three-lane ribbons with THE TIGARIl Congress, where legislation about this 15-foot parkway between, on the pat NET PACKING CO. tf matter is already pending: and the tern of the Pennsylvania turnpike ¡third resolution relates to making between Pittsburgh and Harrisburg, P A P E R IN G — Painting & Kalso- a suitable appiopriation for statues the National Geographic society mining, neat, experienced work of two most outstanding Oregon citi says. man L. L. Seeley, R 2, Bx 180-A zens to be placed in Statuary Hall. Pirst of them accessible to United Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 2516 (or the Hall of Fame, as it is popu 40tf larly called), in the nation's Capitol. States forces was a spur from Aachen — pounded into surrender by R A B B IT S W A N T E D Page 3 T w o Japanese-Americans Lieut. Gen. Courtney II. Hodges’ First army—to Cologne, 40 miles to BEST P R IC E for Rabbit Fryers, D. the northeast. FOR SALE The honor roll for the second six P. MacDonald, R2, Bx 218, Beaver Others are within early range of ton. Phone Beaverton 2260. W e weeks’ period includes the following First Honors -Josephine American forces near Karlsruhe, FOR S A LE —Uph. Oak rocker $8. pick up. tf students: Anzalone and Catherine Anzalone; ( where a main north-south route lies Wicker Rocker $4, Dining T a b le! honor*—Catherine Blaser, i within seven miles of France's W A N T E D - L iv e UaODits, to buy second $4. Crome trimmed Bird Cage and now. Top prices paid. Rabbit Meat Freda Quinter, Teresa Roos. Margery northeastern corner: westward near stand 5, large Bird Cage $3.25. Co., 8917 SE Stark St. .Portland Campbell, Margaret Heineck. Jane Saarbruecken, where a spur runs stand $5, large Bird Cage $3.26. Phone SUnset 1722. Open week Rivers. Vera Berntng, Betty Lou Du-; 47 i from the Ludwigshaven-Mannhcim days only until 7:30 p. m. tf gan, Patricia Harden, Bernice Hertel FOR S A LE —White enamel wood Coreen Packard, Jeanne Ringuette industrial center on the Rhine; and Cook Stove. Boy’s Victory Bicy- | ) L O S T Mary Ann Sohler and Inez Leis; j at Wesel, northwest of the Ruhr, 35 Ade- i miles from Netherlands battlefields cle. Orville Thomas, Rt 2, Bx 288. third honors Delores Ble er Sunset Rd., W ill take care of child LOST—In Joy Theatre late Satur laide Hlavinka, Beverly Kosmalski, I around Arnhem and Niimegen. ren my home, day or night. Mrs day night Dec. 9th a string of Geraldine Shaver, Mary Sigris. Betty | Begun in 1933, the German motor Thomas. 47 pearl beads. Reward for recovery ; Vanderzanden, Hermke Bruder, Col-1 roads program was made the re _____________________________________ ! will be paid. Write Mrs. Wm. F. Ieen Crapeau, Alice Hcartley, Jean j sponsibility of railroad construction Electrical Appliances Repaired Holtz, Rt 1, bx 279 or call Tigard Marchant, Helen Maschino, Mary Jean | engineers. Rudios, Refrigerators, Washing J 2381, Sentinel Rep C. V. Wallace Rutledge. Pauline Sohler, Ann Baum- j Machines, Sewing Machine and all 47 gardner, Rosalita Beller, Olive Ethell,, Six principal routes form a super household appliances See Telma Farraguia, Mary Heineck, , highway grid in Germany. Two were ED D IE OLDM AN ( Merrilee Herrick and Rosemary Roos. i north-south: Hamburg to Basel in M IS C E L L A N E O U S Johnson Road Music pupils of the grade depart-' the west, Stettin to Munich and Opp. N. W. Christian Home or F. E. HAGG ment celebrated the feast of their j Berehtesgarien in the cast. The four Marshall Wells Hdw., Beaverton patroness, St. Cecelia, with an enjoy west to-east were to run from Ham Hauling Contractor tf j Games and re burg to Koenigsberg. from Cologne Concrete, Sand, Gravel, Masons able part> last week. freshments made the occasion very to Frankfort -on - the - Oder, from Sand, Crushed Rock and FOR SALE—Walnuts: Large orch- | pleasant for the young musicians. Road Gravel Cologne to Breslau, from Karlsruhe ard run 30c lb. Meats 80o lb Carl | R6, Bx 604, 1‘ortluad 1, Oregon The annual three-day retreat f o r ; to Munich. Seiffert, Scholls. Phone Scholls I Phone Tigard 2446 tf the high school students will open De R A T IO N BO OK R EM IN D ER 8274. Bring container. 48 cember 11. The director will be the i The program was acknowledged to Home Refrlgerution and washing Rev. James Harrington, C. S. P. of • be far in advance of Reich traffic H O LLY W R E A T H S -H o lly by the machine services. Call K. B. Portland. needs. The first reason for it was Cut this out and keep it in your purse Pound, IL E X N U R SER Y, L mi. Twombly CH. 2267. 8tf to provide high-speed military roads MEAT, BIT T E R , C HEESE: West of Beaverton, Main Highway. Red Stamps A8 through S5 are Be you prepairing roast beef, tur to support blitz invasions of neigh Phone Beaverton 2614. 48 CUSTOM TR A C TO R W O R K —Let good indefinitely. key or perhaps a baked ham for bor countries. us plow your garden. Howard your family’s Christmas feast, do Wm. Smith, Johnson Rd. & Divis your bit for victoiy by saving every ion sts., Phone Beaverton 2462 4tf drop of waste fat. No amount is too 300 Jamaicans Quit Jobs D e a d stocl{ Plct4ed up free of trifling to save as thousands of ar As Workers on U. S. Farms charge anywhere. Call ticles, ranging from soap to muni PHOENIX, ARIZ. — About 300 collect. UN 1221; night call tions, need used fats for their manu D ENLEY R E N D E R IN G CO.. facture. * Strain the fat into a tin Jamaicans — of some 800 who came Portland. tf can and turn it in to your butcher. to Arizona recently—have quit farm He’ll give you four cents and two red jobs and started for their homes, a GOAT BUCK SERVICE—Register points for every pound. farmers’ representative said. ed Pure Bred Nubian and French About 36 Billion feet of lumber will i The workers apparently were dis Alpine. R. H. Besmehn, 1 mi S of Beaverton on highway 217. 30tf be required in 1944. 75CI will go for satisfied with wages, the type of direct and indirect miltary uses. The ' work and housing, said W. E. HIDES A WOOL, CASCARA— A balance will be used for essential civ- Springer, president of Agricultural specialty LEE BROS., 25 SW lian needs. War Commodities, Inc., a farmers’ Clay Portland. AT. 5334. tf agency to contract labor. FOR S A LE — Iron cot with springs, and pad. Suitable for g ro w in g child or grown up. Call Beaver ton 2321 tf l BROOD SOWS and W ean»r Pigs for Sal» the year around. S. A. Getter, Scholls. 12tf FOR SALE—4 It green slab. Aloha district $6 per cord. Block & Ed ging $7 per cord. Beaverton-Ti- gard-Garden Home district 4 ft. giteti slab $7 per cord. Block Ar Edgings $8 per cord. H. F. Elford. Forest Grove. Phone 56. tf J : W ood, Old G row th Fir W H IL E IT LASTS 12 or 16 In. heavy Green Block i Slab $8 per Cord Delivered Also Straight & Chip Mix Sawdust Curb or Side Door Delivery W ilson Fuel Yard P. O. BOX 398, BEAVERTON Phone Beaverton 2491 48 St. M a ry’s of the Valley FDR TO W CAR call V E R M IL Y E MOTOR CO., Rhone Tigard 3381 tf # P A IN T S Im lay’s Fresh Mixed Feeds FISHER THORSEN PAINTS W ANTED BRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS Essential Industry For quality, fair price and service J. B. Im lay & Sons REED V IL L E Riverview Cemetery ALOHA. ORE During a Transatlantic crossing Morton Downey gave a concert on i the S. S. Leviathan's outdoor deck. 1 While singing. Mort took a few steps 1 backward and before anyone could ' stop him, he fell down an open ; hatch. He dropped 60 fe et-b u t es caped injury. A pile of life-belts cushioned his fall. W EST EN D BELLWOOD BRIDGE C R E M A T O R IU M M AUSOLEUM CEM ETERY -Buy Christmas Seals— Complete Funeral Service In New Cathedral Chapel at No Extra cost Riverview is a co-operative asso ciation with assets of over $ 800,000 from downtown. CENTR ALLY LOCATED Close to bus trans portation and walking distance Kepler Davenport Co. BEAVERTON, OREGON Recovering and Modernizing Beaverton 3762 Open 8:30 to 6 Evenings by Appointment W ANTED I. P. Finley &Son & M O R T IC IA N TURKEYS 8 \\ FOURTH AT MONTOOMFRY ALSO VTorstet 2181 L ive Poultry and E gg* $ CAR WASHERS; Receiving A Dressing Planta: Portland, McMinr.ville, Salem, Albany, Eugene, Roseburg, Redmond, Oregon Main Office and Plant MECHANICS Mechanics work 48 hr*, per week 40 hours straight; —1 s — - . “ 8 hours time .... and a half. Good working condì % lions Permanent employment. ^ Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products Co. E X P E R IE N C E N O T NECESSARY Steady W ork with Overtim e COLUMBIA BRICK WORKS 1320 8. E. Water Ave., Portland “ I LO ST WEAR SIZE 52 Lbs.! 14 AGAIN" M R S . C. O. W E L L S . F T . W O R T H A » Pictu red H er* ^ Y o u m ay lose pounds and have a more slender, gr.iceful figure N o ' exercise. N o drugs. N o laxatives. Eat meat, potato«**, gravy, butter. The experience of Mrs W eil* may or may not be differen t than vours, but why not try the A yds Plan? Look at th e s e results. In clinical test* conducted by medical doctor* more than 100 p erso n s lo st 14 to 15 p o u n d s a vera g e in a fe w w eeks w ith th e A Y D S V ita m in C a n d y H e lm In it P la n . A I » Y4» W ith this A vd * Plan you don't cut ftn out any m»*als, starches, poi . s, I..* .. » meat* or butter, you »im ply cut u. m j * down. It's simple and ra*ier when ■ * A you en joy delirious vitami i fort* J ** Red A Y D S b e fo m - a r h m e .ii V m g ? lu tely harm l-** 30 days supply of A v i s only $2 25. If not del • f with results, M O N E Y B A L K w ith the very h ist L h > x . Phone BEAVERTON PHARM ACY Phone Beaverton 2311 Spol on Map of l.eyte WITH i HE 24TH DIVISION, I LE Y T E .—A Japanese sniper solved a problem in geography for Sgt. Er j nest Martin of Terre Haute, Ind., assigned to the map section of this division. Sergeant Martin was seated he- 1 fore a large map tacked to an up right board propped against a palm tree, trying to locate the Leyte val- | ley town of Alangalang on the map. I Suddenly there was the report of , a sniper’s gun and the zing of a bul let. It struck the map L..ard and knocked it down. Martin hit the dirt while a patrol hunted down the sniper. Then he examined the map. The bullet had gone through the town of Alangalang. f f Gifts for Him BELAI R rr S H IR T S ,3 i*5 Sports Cheney, Arrow Ties *1°° Fashion Craft Tru-Val S H IR T S Gabardine Sports »2 50 Interwoven (Short or S O X '* f ° r Phoenix Long) $1.20 iiickok Or Pioneer Suspenders *1 00 Columbia knit $ 5.95 SW EATERS Gift Boxes Frei 414 S. W. Workington Portland, Oregon P O R T LA N D O PT IC A L CO. I COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE 1 Dr. Leighton E. Roy, Optometrist ! Mr. Wm. II. Smith, Opiieian g 418 S. W. Washington St. Portland, Oregon BE. 5014 jj Save 20 to 25% on your F IR E IN S U R A N C E COS I S Oregon Mutual Pollrl.w are NON ASSESSABLE. You N EV ER pa» more ttian the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mulnal maintains more than three times the surplus required hy Oregon Insurance la w * Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company OF McMINNVILl.K Organized 1894--..40 year* of Reliable Service fhaa. I. Walker, Agent New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. "Every Form of Protection” Phone 173.’ Hillsboro, Oregon Toys, Bicycle Accessories, & Repairing of All Types W h e e l Goods R etiring For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry Barnes Phone Beaverton 3231. tf While shopping In Beaverton stop in at the Greyhound Coffee Shop for I Lunch. KISSLER’S 923 S W 4th Ave., Portland A T . 5438 u s De Laval SEPARATOR* — MILKERS COMPLETE EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES FOR THE DAIItt INDUSTRY iVfomek ^ N*n«'drtirws i f»|.»H Kntor, 1 V 1 R Y T H IS O -#r A *- A / « - PAI r V»SAN~ W - 'i " g jjf ! O VE R LO AD S OF CHEER TO YO U A L L i Pawn * mo C m .- fa ir la w Dry 8. E. Oak StreH. Portland. Or*. Phone l'Ast 5141 M O R T I C I A N Beaverton, Oregon Estab. 1910— Serving 33 years I’llONK BEAVERTON 3411 B u lle t Helps Yank Find SYLVAN PLANT Waste kitchen fats exchanged for two points and four cents a pound. PROCESSED FOODS— Hook 4—Blue stamps A8 through B2 valid indefinitely. Blue Stamps X-5 to B-2 became valid Dec. 1. SUGAR— Stamps No. 30-34 In book 4 valid l indefinitely for five pounds. For canning only: Sugar Stamp 40 valid for 5 pounds through Feb. 28, 1945. SHOES—L oom stamp* Invalid Book 3- Airplane stamps N o’». 1 2 and 3 good indefinitely for one pair. GASOLINE COUPONS— Not Valid unless Endorsed A No. 13 expires Dec. 21. WOOD. GOAL. SAWDUST— Delivery by priorities based on writ ten statements of needs. PRICE CONTROL— Refer price Inquiries and com plaints to price clerk at your local board. Springer said the Jamaicans re garded cotton picking as “ peon la bor.” They were paid 50c an hour for general farm work. Thirty-five of the workers, Springer said, left cotton fields because one of them was refused service at a bar be cause of his color. The Jamaicans, imported into While shopping eat at the Grey- the United States by the war food at the Greyhound Coffee Shop. administration to help in labor i shortage areas and brought here at government expense, previously had been working in Michigan canning W . E. P E G G factories. APPLY AT Herod Slays Own Son Hunt, Idaho, Bringing the total of Minidoka casualties to 26 killed and ¡58 wounded, the War Department has reported 3 killed and 12 wounded in action in France during late ■ October and early November. Nine of tlie 25 have been killed In France. Among those listed this week as Only three years before, King I killed was a former graduate o f the Beaverton High School. Pvt. Shin Sa i Herod had ordered the death of hi lto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Yoshinos- sons and later .Antipater, son by Dot uke Sato, was reported killed in ac ! is. Was put out of the way. Now the tion on Noveuibet 1 on the French King ought to be at ease, but anoth . front. A member of the 442nd Com- er rival comes into the scene. The Wise Men from out the E.i t j bat team, Pvt. Saty left for overseas | duty in September of this year. He ■ are in Jerusalem asking Where is was 25 years old. After finishing Beav- he that is born King of the Jews, for 'erton high school tie attended Pacific we have seen His star in the East At College at Forest Grove, Oregon. He 1 and are come to worship Him. ! was prominent us an outstanding ath- this He-.od plots to put this one also .out of the way. The prophets of t lete in football. Pfc. Roy Sato, a brpther of Pvt. old had said thnt Bethlehem was to Shin, was reported wounded in action be the birth place of this one and so in Fiance on October 30. Sato was to Bethlehem. Herod sent the men sent overseas in August, 1944. and from out the East. "When ye have was a volunteer and member of 442nd found him, bring me word again, that ! Combat Team. He. also was a gradu I may come and worship him also.” So said Herod, sly old fox. ate ot Beaverton High School. The Babe was Christ of the royal Fishermen and hunters spend line of King David He grew to man $2U.‘HX'.tkH) foi licenses yearly and hood, offered Himself as King, was hunters spend untold millions for rejected, crucified and ascended hack to glory to await God’s day when he equipment. shall return to rule the nations from The Bible is full of it. For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry Jerusalem. Barnes Phone Beaverton 32ol. tf Men Now—Nations Liter God is not now changing over the i nations. He is now putting life into men who are dead in trespasses and Fruit, Nut, Flowering and Shade sins Believe the Bible. Stand on Trees, Rosea, Berry Plants it thnt Christ died foi your sins. Shrubs, etc. Know that youi life page Is made • clean. Sin has left a crimson stain Large supply of peaches, apples, He washed it white as snow. Next, pears, cherries, prunes, plums, ap yield your days and abilities over to ricots, walnuts and filberts as well Christ and step ahead. Make Him as roses, flowering shrubs, and Lord of all you are and live by Pow beriy plants. L u g e orcliaid plant er 1 'rom On High Make 1944 youi ers, Ordei Now while oui stock is best Christmas yet. still complete! Our new 1945, 40- pagg catalogue is now available upon request. To call at our nur sery, take highway 99W. W e are 3101 SW McChesney Road located 17 miles southwest of Port Portland, Oregon land or 1 mile past Six Corners. This space paid for by an Oregon Do not leave highway 99W Watch businessman. for our sign. For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry TUALATIN VALLEY Nl RSKKtES Barnes. Phone Beaverton 3231. tf Route 3, Box 310 Sherwood, Oregon ISS N W Park AT. *441 This H oliday Season, trive the Service Men on furlough the “ The Ritfht o f T ra ve l’’ hy bus OREGON MOTOR STAGES 506 S W Mill BE. 3021 ^^^^^PO R TLAN D ÎÆ t Y i r s t ¿ION O f A I f you don’t need to take the c w 666 o v - d u se C o ld P re p a ra tio n » a » d ire c te d bus we hope you won’t. GEORGE F. GORDON PIANO TUNING and REPAIRING I “hone ALOHA 4412 Beaverton. Oregon ? OREGON MOTOR STAGES