E r¡>lav, D ecem ber 22, 1044 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E , Beaverton, O regon Paire 2 II. 11. JE F F R IE S , Publisher Published Friday oT each week by the Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton. Oregon hl/itered as second-class matter at the poetofflce at Beaverton, Ole. ____41.00 One Year Subscription Payable in Advance. Baaverton Office—Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2321 Portland Office- 308 Panama Bldg., 3rd and Alder Phone ATwater 6691 P ublisher Keep It Flying THE SAME STAR The W ise Men suw it over the hills o f old Judea . . . it glow s in the ky tonight . . . although obscured by clouds w hich all hope will soon roll nway. It stands us do the light houses on the rocky coasts, a beacon nt light to the w eary sailor. A symbol of Hope in a w orld in which there is ever so much room fo r improvement. In lieu o f a personal message, we end you dear readers and advertis ers, our Gieetlngs on this Christmas Day May it be a happy one and bring you good cheei for Christmas t om es but on ce each year. L ad ies! M aybe You Will H ave Silk Hose Soon! WASHINGTON, D C. - A glim mer of "hope for small scale pro duction of silk stockings (remem- I . i appeared recently when the WPB announced the way had been cleared fur importation of raw silk from China for private use. It said the combined raw mate rials hoard had agreed to recom mendations that United States im porters be allowed to purchase the silk. Heretofore the entire supply has gone to the government for mili tary needs. About 60,000 bales of silk a year were available from China before the war, as compared with approxi mately 273,000 bales from Japan. Paris Editor Given 20 Years in Prison PARIS. — Stephanne Lauzanne, 70-year-old editor of the news paper Le Matin, was convicted of colluftion with the enemy and sen tenced to 20 years in prison. The French journalist's deit- nt s was aided by his 65-ycnr-old American wife, the former Ca mille Gros of San Francisco, it was reported. Gave Their Four Sons, Fifth Is to Come Home WASHINGTON. - Lieut. Gen. A Vandegrift, marine corps comman dant, heeded the plea of Mr. and Mrs. Alben Brogstrom of Tremon- ton, Utah, who have lost four sons in this war, that he permit their fifth son in service to retur nand help run their farm. A navy spokesman said that Van degrift, by special order, honorably discharged Marine Pfc. Boyd D. Borgstrom, now at Camp Lejeune, N. C. Three of the Borstrom sons were killed in action and a fourth is miss ing in action in France. Another son, 15, is at home. H. A. Starr Million Maps Attest to German Invasion Plans BRUSSELS, BELGIUM. - Evi dence that Germany was still pre paring to invade Britain as late as last year is contained in the dis covery in a Brussels garage of a million maps of England. Wales and Ireland. The maps were originally printed in 1940 and 1941, but many had been brought up to date and bore the printer’s mark 1943. Intricate German markings dis close keys to railway crossings, electric plants, industrial centers, and military objectives of all kinds. Many maps of English cities had been "improved” and corrected by German reconnaissance. Contractor fo r Concrete W ork Estimates gladly given on Jobs Large or Small 2425 N. Commercial UNiversity 1054 Portland 12, Or. l ï J I.. Packer — ilretêler Editorial Lurloon», Inc. MS M I ra a ^ s M «iiK iliM<»Miem a ^ * i « e s i K ^ a s i a i m Plane Flies Atlantic in 10 Hours and 13 Minutes MONTREAL, QUE. — A trans- Atlantic record of 10 hours and 13 minutes—one hour and one miriute less than the previous one set last January — was chalked up by a Trans-Canada Air Lines Lancaster flying nonstop from here to Britain, it was announced recently. There were no passengers aboard but the aircraft was carrying 6,031 pounds of mail and 2,036 pounds of priority freight. Thirty Years’ War The besieged people of Augsburg were stnrving. On a hunch, a bakery threw the lust loaf of bread over the wall to the hungry enemy, saying the city had plenty of food. The ruse worked and the enemy lifted the siege. "The planners plan much better for themselves than they do for the peo While In Beaverton be sure to eat ple. The payroll proves it.” Indiun- nt the Greyhound Coffee Shoo h poi is News. SEPTIC TANKS “Concrete” S E E YOUR BUILDING M A TER IA L D EA LER Portland Concrete Pipe and Product« Co. r> I!» SVV Macadam Ave., Portland, 1, Oregon AT. 83*4 Beaverton Full Gospel Chapel Services Upstairs Oddfellows Hall Sundays 7:45 p. m. e v a n g e l is t ic , f u u , g o s p e l I hursdays 7:45 p. m. p r e a c h in g , m u s ic and s in g in g O R V IL L E J. POULIN, Minister E V ER Y B O D Y W ELCO M E CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES 1 I miche* of The Mother Church, The First Church of Chrl»t. Scientist, in Boston. Massachusetts. Subject of Sunday's Lesson Sermon “CHRIST JE S U S ” attention of Churches \ S o c ie t ie s : FIRST 181» MV Everett St. SECO Nil M l NE llo t lu d a y St. THIRD . t r a S E M a d is o n S i. FOURTH IO» N. E m e r s o n Si FIFTH 42*4 S E JOnd Ave. SIXTH ISSI SW Park A v e . SM F.NTII 1WOI1 N. S m itlt St. EIGHTH 3ÛOÔ N I M u li n o n i.ih NINTH .1 NI s o li, \ l, TENTH 712« S E M llw a u k ie Masonic Hall NE I02d near S a n d v W READING ROOMS M f'iisn ln »' M oor A m e r ic a n H ank - I Sifts .V kVN •Wit s i Powell A Towle Ave., The hope chest is definitely a high fashion item these to lighten your heart, and economical operation. days . . . not only for the war bride who is filling her And remember, . . the magic blue gas flame is first one, but for every woman who is dreaming of con trollable. It clicks on to any degree you want,gives a peacetime home . . . dreaming of the things she’s instantaneous heat, clicks off w ith no wasteful reserve of heat. It's the m odern fu e l fo r peacetim e kitchens. going to have when war production is finished The range you w ant in your hope chest is a new "CP- . . . C er lifted P erform ance (¡as Range, because it w ill offer every cooking advantage . . . the perfect oven, the perfect broiler, the perfect top unit performance. Gresham 7707 SW Capitol Highway. Multnomah Service#: In the new "CP” Gas Range you’ll get performance to lighten your work In the kitchen, beauty of design This Certified Performance seal on any modern gas range is the mark of compliance with the highest standards of manufacture. Available after war production is finished . . . the gas industry'! contribu tion to postwar prosperity and millions of man-hours of productive employment. Grand let K S. I B u ild in g is there a gas range in your hope chest? Broadway K ix lr r I t ild . M i l » a n k le Ave. IWl N. Emerson Street «ou* N. -»noth Street Sunday Morning at II Sunday Even. Mrs! and Third at 7 o'clock; Fourth and Sixth at 8 o'clock Sunday Schools for Pupils under 20 Wednesday Evening Meetings 8 o cloek Public Is invited to Attend Church Services and use Reading Booms PORTLAND GAS & C O K E BUY WAR B O N D S N O W . . . . A COMPANY B E A U T I F U L * C P # GAS R A N G E A F T E R T H E WAR