Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1944)
» PUBLISH ED W E E K L Y VOL. 17, NO. 47 IN OUR P L A N T ON SHORT ST. AN D C A N Y O N H IG H W A Y Beaverton, Oregon, Friday. December 22, 1944 A little Christmas Cheer ESTABLISHED 1927 What's Doing IN THE Churches Business Brains WEST HIJ.IS LUTHERAN CHURCH These times are strenuous, every- ! Canyon Road, near Sylvan body is so busy working every day— ! Werner J. Fritz, Minister Babson Discusses It will soon be Christmas! We are PROGRAM OF SERVICES 4th Sunday in Advent, Dec. 24th thinking of two persons who live Our Public Schools Sunday School 9:45 a. m alone in this vicinity—they are in- I Program reheurset. valids and have to move about in Babson Park, Mass , Dec. 22—Brains Divine Service 11 a. m. wheel chairs day by day and have a | -not wealth or military power—are Sermon The Joy of Faith. hard time to keep warm and get Christmas Eve service by the Sun j the basis of national progress, in enough to eat on these chilly winter cluding physical and spiritual as day School, 5 p. m Carols and reci (well days—and do not have many visitors as mental. tations. to see them. One is Mrs. George Employment and Federal Debt CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICE 11 Newman, Cedar St., Beaverton, and This country's postwar employment a. m. Sermon: The Glad Nativity. the other is Miss Jeanie Barry, route problem is really up to our educators Everyone invited and welcome 2, box, 79, Hi mile East of Beaverton, j Ii there is much unemployment after Canyon Highway. Wouldn’t it be | the War. it will be because out na CHURCH OF THE NAZARKNK fine to bring a ‘‘Little Christmas tion's school, committees have not Cheer” to these two persons this Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor 1 properly backed their school super- Christmas—they will be glad to see 9:45 a .m. Sunday School, Walter intendents and teachers. Whether you. Ixivett, Supt. i or not $300 Billions of government EARL E. FISHER 11 a. m. Christmas service, music. bonds are to be paid, refunded or re 6 15 p. m. Junior meeting. pudiated. will depend upon the at *30 p. m. Hi-N. Y Sr.. & N.Y.P.S titude of the young people now in our 7 3C p. m. Christmas program by public schools. Hence, the future of S. S. and young people oui huge Federal Debt depends upon out local school committees. ST. t’ECEI.IA CHURCH It Is true that these educators like Masses 8:25 and 10 25 during the t to pass the buck to us parents. winter months. i Without doubt the homes are not do ing theli part toward a better Am CHURCH OF CHRIST Several school districts in the erica. We parents, however, are not George W. Springer, Pastor Beaverton area went over the top in brain specialists and are no more Christmas program for the Bible responsible for the city’s educational the Sixth War Bond Drive. They are School and morning worship services plant than for its water, light and as follows: 9 45 a. m. Union District No. 6—Mrs. Gredvig, sewage system. The education of our To you is born a Saviour chairman. children is the responsibility of our Following the sermon, the Lords’ school committees. McKay District No. 18—Ina Erick supper will be observed son chairman. Who are Vour School Committee? Bible School class session 11 a. m. | The human brain Is the most deli Sylvan and Bentz Park No. 104— There will be no Christian Endeav cate, most complicated and most won Rev. J. Fritz, chairman. or service this Sunday. Lt. Beach Sends Jap Shell Cooper Mt. No. 94—Mrs. A. T. derful machine In existence. The Sunday evening the entire worship future of every community depends Caviness chairman Home to Beaverton period will be devoted to a special fundamentally not upon its banks, Aloha, No. 107—Mrs. Marian Klatt, , Christmas program. There will be buildings, streets, utilities, factories, chairman. With the American Infantry Divis f special musical numbers both instru- I or stores. These are but tools. The The young people of the Church of ion somewhere in the Southwest Pa Hazeldale No. 60—Mrs. W. P. Brook, mental and vocal also piano and or future depends upon the bruins of its chairman. ’ Christ are preparing a beautiful cific Now in his tenth month of chestra numbers, tableaus will be a young people,—little mnsses of “in These chairmen are to be congratu Christmas program again this year. overseas seivice with a field artillery —— feature. Every one is cordially in scrutable jelly" weighing about 40 lated on work well done. It will be presented Sunday evening battalion of the veteran Americal ___ . , .. . vited. Time of service—7:30 p. m. E bond sales are still lagging be ! at 7:30 o’clock at the church. There Division is 2nd Lt. Chester J. Beach, ounces per child. Remember that ' ' 2**hl*“ , received that War- Midweek Bible study and prayer our physical and spiritual condition hind in Washington county but the ’ will be music, by orchestra, girls chor son ot Mr. and Mrs. Chester J Bench, * S now OUl ° ‘ the hf ° 8P" Fourth Chap, is also a reaction of these brains. , . , .. ^ , tal, where he was recovering from meeting Wed. 8 p. m. time has been extended to January 1 us, solos, etc., and tableaus. The pro and j • husband of Mrs. Chester J. Beach . .. ® , of Ephesians. t . „ Beach ^ wounds received 1945, in hopes that the quota will be gram committee is Mrs. Elizabeth My Jr., Yet, todny most brain specialists are oi Beaverton. /-\ Oregon. T Lt. _ n ? in action, and back , ■ , the Americal i Division i i company. met or exceeded. giving all their time to the insane ers, Mrs. Chester Huddleston and joined in time with . his ____ .T * ... His brother Bob a PILGRIM LUTHERAN CHURCH and those having fractured skulls, *u « j t > ; »«pent some time with him, the first Mrs. Percy Bleakman. Orchestra and i The Bible Church n,k€ ° . e en °. e oll^.H time since he entered the service. Bob instrumental numbers are arranged brain tumors, etc., rather than to nor Celebrates Birthday in ville During the fight ( had ju8t graduated from Columbia Box 697, Beaverton mal people. ! by Mrs. Walter Myers and the girls against the isolated Japanese fortes Farmington Rd. at Menlo Drive Old Home Town j University, New York, and this was | chorus is directed by Miss Barbara Lt. Beach accompanied sev 8 But who—in your community di Walter R. Buhl, Pastor /e a ■ Ills first trip out to the South Pacific. Walters. Everyone invited. rects the development of these most fnntry patrols into enemy territory Schedule Christmas services: It seems good to tome back to the delicate, intricate and marvelous ma Sunday morning at 9:45 the child One sou- Sun., Dec. 24th, Divine Service at chines. The answer usually is "shop Capt. Edward M. Jannsen, son of old home town once in a while. A ren of the Bible school will present a as an artillery observer. . venit that he obtained on one of these Alfred M. Jannsen. Beaverton, has 11 a. m., Sunday School 10 a m. long time ago a boy lived with his , Christmas devotional service. Christ keepers, and second-grade lawyers, folks m South Beaverton, he liked mas treats for children and young patrols was a Japanese 7£>mm sb^ll, been awarded the Distinguished Fly- | Christmas Eve program at 7:30 p. carpenters or plumbers" Really, this which he disarmed and sent home to ing cross with bronze Oak Lcnf clus m. to hunt for quail, go fishing for people will be distributed Sunday ■ his situation is absolutely ridiculous. wife. Monday, Dec. 25- Christmas day Very few school committees have a ter for gallantry in action as pilot craw dads on Fanno Creek was fun morning. Piior to his induction into the ser of a B-26 Marauder with the Ninth service at 10 a. m. —and did not always stay home on trained physchologist on their boards' vice in December of 1942, Lt. Beach Halloween. He was a good schol In short, the trouble with most com rrh< Christmas program ot t tic Naz- was an independent business man. AAK in I ’ranee. BEAVERTON FULL GOSPEL ar in the Beaverton school, attended arene church will be given Sunday Before venturing into business for munities is that they ..have put the CHAPEL SERVICE the Debating Society at Grange Hall evening, Dec. 24th at 7:30 p. m. and himself, he was employed by the Pa Christmas Party Last Week (development of brains into the hands I. O. O. F. Hall, Beaverton on Saturday nights and sang bari will consist ot exercises, vocal and in cific Fruit and Produce Co. ot men and women who are absolute In July | -------- Orville J. Poulin, Minister tone in the old Owl Quartette—this strumental numbers, undei super of 1943, after seven months service, ly unfitted for the task. Most of The members of the Oregon Asso Sundays 7:45 p. m. fellow’s name was Floyd W. Allen— vision of Miss Edith Watts and Mrs. Lt. Beach was commissioned at Fort ciation of Beauty Shop Owneis of them are using the school committee Thursdays 7:45 p. m. he now resides at Cornelius and G. E. Baker. as a springboard for their personal A tableau will be giv Sills, Oklahoma, upon his graduation Washington county met last Wednes- Sunday evening special Christmas political ambitions. works in the shipyard. Three of his en under direction of Mrs Bernice from the Field Artillery School there da;, in Beaverton and enjoyed a services at 7:45. A Christmas pro sons are in the U. S. Service. What Is Education? Johnson.. Aftei being commissioned he served Christmas party and dinner. Plans On his recent birthday, he visited Three scenes from the nativity will with a field artillery battalion in the were made foi a dinner meeting on gram will be given. Education is the development of the Everybody welcome. at the home ot his sister Della C. close the program. Candy treats will United States until he was ordered January 3 at Hillsboro. This will be brain which determines whether we Fisher of this place, and enjoyed be given and the young people of the overseas. think rightly or wrongly about ev an open meeting. AI.OIIA COMMUNITY CHURCH singing some of the old quartette church will sing carols in the Beav erything! If a person neglects his The Americal Division, with which Graydon D. Loree. Pastor numbers. erton vicinity. health or judgment, something is the Lt. Beach is now serving, is a jungle Sunday School 10 a. m. Short on Short Furlough matter with hiB brain. If he fails tested division, having successfully Mary Antrim, Supt. to recognize the Fatherhood of God The choir of the Aloha Community completed two South Pacific cam Lt. Donald Short accompanied by Morning worship 11 a m. and the Brotherhood of Man, some Baptist Church, under the direction paigns. The division first saw action The choir under the direction of thing is the matter with is brain. If of H. E. Ewer, will present the when it went to Guadalcanal in the his wife and baby enjoyed a very Christmas cantata "Night of Holy fall ot 1942 to reinforce the First short furlouph at the home of his Mr. Ewer will present the cantata, parents are not properly bringing up parents in Beaverton only five days “Night of "Holy Memories their children, something is the mat- Memories" Sunday morning, Decem Marine Division there. For their ,n fact too short according to his Christmas Eve Candle light service j ter with the brains of these parents. ber 24th at 11 o'clock. part in this action, Lt. Beach s bat- r(,nts Mrs Donald Short and 7:30 p. m Juvenile delinquency is merely a sym The following will take part. Girl's A special service is planned for ptom of brain delinquency. Every choir and choir, men's two part chor talion received the Navy s Presiden- bab howevel dld not cul their vaca- thing good and bad, in your commun Beaver Chapter O. E. S. installed us, alto solo by Mrs. Grayden Loree tial Unit Citation, thus becoming one Uon ahort. and wln remain for a visit New Years eve. Donald a Kr;lduate oi OSC engi-| ity is the result of Its brains. their new officers for 1945 at the Ma mixed quartet—Janet Nielsen, Bev of the first Army outfits so honored BETHEL neering class. sonic Temple last W’ednesday even erly Rohr. C. E Riggs mil H E. Ew in this war. The relation between brains and CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH rmpla mi nt is liMr; The only way ing before a large and interested er, soprano solo, Janet Nielsen, Per- Rev. F. T. Sturtevant, Pastor sonel of the choir is as follow's: Girl’s to help these unemployed perman crowd of members. BITS OF N E W S 9:45 a. m. Church School. Mrs. Gertrude Hedberg will be choir, Melva Andersoh. Inez Grimm, ently is to develop theii brains. This Miss Amarette Barnes, Supt. worthy matron; Warren Gooding, Marylin Mull, La Rita Farlow, Doris can be done; but not by putting them 11 a. m. Worship p I I 11 The Wednesday night meeting at worthy patron; Pearl Brown rigg, as Livengoof\; soprano—Janet Nielsen, "on relief” or by giving them an. Sermon topic Christmas. Recep "education." U T lin Q G l l c l l l *he Kiwanis Club was ladii s .light sociate matron. Harry Brownrtgg, as Mrs. H. E. Ewer, Marie Reichert, An- But this Is only one ® | and a good program was given. The tion of new members. sociate patron; Myrtle Nelson, secre netta Thode, Elizabeth Rydman, alto feature of the unemployment prob- 5 p. m. Vespers, music by choir tary; Mildred Osfield, treasurer; Lou — Shirley Wilson. Beverly Rohr. Win lnm It is far more important to On Dec. 14. the elective officers of j Puest sPeaker was Art Kirkham ra announcer. The soloist of the Baptism of children, followed by a j develop the brains of prospective em- isa McGeorge, associate conductress; nie Antrim. Mrs. Grayden Loree Beaverton Grange joined other offi dio announcer Ernestine Beeler, conductress; Venita tenor—Grayden Ijoree,, bass- Glen cers from Leedy, Hillsboro and Aloha evening was Miss Carol Sheeley of Wassail and welcome for th new j ployers and labor leaders. , Too Boutwell, chaplain; Mary Bonlokke. Rydman. C. E. Riggs, H. E. Ewer. many employers hold power—not due Granges in a joint public installation Beaverton, who was accompanied by members. Huddleston. — ---- to their brains—but because they warder; Evelyn Hohnstein. organist; The public is invited. at the Aloha G.range Hall. Officers Miss Wednesday the ladies and friends AI.OIIA ASSEMBLY OF OOP Gladys Mills, Ada; Alyse Fair weath have inherited the business from which were installed from Beaverton B ; Congregational Church M Sunday School 10 a. m. some grandfather. In fact, Mrs. er. Ruth; Dorothy Clement. Esther; On Christmas eve, 7:30 p. m., the included Master, Vivian Lawicnce; Drusilla Godwin. Martha; Nellie Ack Sunday School and Choir of Tilgrim overseer, Beatrice Hansen: lecturer. joyed p Christmas party and ex-1 Childrens Christmas program at 101 Babson and I feel so strongly about erman, Electa; Noreen Brookl.ardt, . Lutheran Church. Beaverton, will Fern Graham; steward, A. M Ken change of gifts at the home of Mrs. a. m. | this that we have given $3,000,000 to Worship 11 a. m. I two educational institutions to help warder; Ruby Madden, lady of the present the Christmas story in a nedy; asst, steward. Alfreds Wooden; Itoy Manges. Sam Olds has been confined to his 1 parents who are truly interested In beautiful setting of music. The child ehaplain. Manie Downing; treasurer. lights. METIIOIMST CHURCH (this problem. The following degree girls helped ren's recitations will include prophe Belle Walker; secy. Elmer Perkins; bed for the past six weeks. Albert 8. Hlsey, D D., Minister Mis. Ben Shelles entertained the Memories vs Brains Install with Isabel Kemp, captain: cies of the Old Testament, Christmas gate keeper, Chas. Van Kleek; Ceres, Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Most school superintendents know Marian Young, Ila Hutton Marcv story as recorded in St. Luke and se Hazel Lynn; Pomona, Grace Funston; members of the Cheerio Contract Classes for all ages. Attendance the truth of what I am saying. They B uck Lois Keffer. Aliene Ott, Gladys lected Christmas poetry. Music will Flora. Alice Funston; musician,Mar Club last Friday at her home for Invited. hate to give so many school hours to Frazer, Carleen Jannsen, Olive Gert- consist of solos, duets, etc., by choir jorie Lewis: executive committee. their Christmas party. Worship Hour 11 a. m. The past matrons of O. E S. held teaching more "typing" and other seh and Hazel McCord. and children of the Sunday School. Hugh Lewis. Berneice Dobbins, Ethel their annual Christmas party at the j Are you looking for a church home? “ practical” courses which the carpen The congregation will also sing a Heughen ; A welcome awaits you ters and plumbers on our school com number of Christmas carols. Solo T O W N GOSSIP “ g T DeC' thT m*turkerv ' ' The'Jobs Dm^hte!^installed their W S. C. S Zlona Circle meets each mittees are demanding. This also ists and members of duets and trios and their families enjoyed a^urk. (_ ...... . , , , reguU, mMtlng Wednesday at 10. all day The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. applies to courses wherein students Donald Grandy. Dorothy Jel- dinner. There were games, Tatloek (nee Ruth Fllley) extend con are: Friendly Circle 2nd and 4th Tues- Ret h(j{h mark, because they have In Monday night. gratulations on the birth, Nov. 12th of lum, Dorothy and Mavis Simonson and a letter from a service man rep Mi. and Mrs. Al Jannsen left Satur- days hertted ^>od memories which w-IU Mrs. Walter Buhl. Mrs. Clarence Dur- resented on the Honor flag A table a baby girl. The mother has been . , . . . . ,, __ day night for Texas to spend the holi- have little to do with their future del and Mrs. Roland Wollmuth. The lamr was presented to Jennie L Gray ^ their son Wilbur who I. in an employee of the Security Bank of THE VALLEY health, happiness or success organist is Mrs. C. L Grandy: chair and Ruby W. Boyd for their years of f > Their gQn Edward Jann. COMMUNITY CHURCH Beaverton for several years. P*. director, Mrs. Walter Buhl; Sunday faithful service rendered as treasurer j sen has been awarded the Distin- ' UNITED PRESBYTERIAN The ..pageant "The Light of the | Too Late to Classify World” Sunday night at the Congre School Superintendent, Robert A and secretary. 4110 9W Gabel U na guished Flying Cross with a bronze i gational Church executed by the Johnson. Rev. H. A. Armitage, pastor I oak leaf cluster for gallantry in ac- The public is cordially invited to at WANT -8 H P 360 ’ Outboard Mo young people of the church, diew a 10 30 a m. Morning Worship tion, as pilot ofa B-26 Marauder with tor, prefer late model, Johnson or large audience and was an inspira tend Mrs Maiy E. Deitsrh celebrated her j the Ninth AAI in France, Evenrude CH. 1522 50 tion to all. It was given in five REED VIM.E COMMUNITY noth birthday last week at the home Mr. and Mrs J. E Davis of Omaha. tableaus with much singing of famil p r :. s b y t e r i a n c h u r c h Nebr, left last week Thursday for of hei daughter Mrs. Dean. Ala COM INGS— GOINGS FOR SALE 1 round Oak T iar carols as a background. Sunday School 10 a. m. Mrs. Otto ent was her son Frank Deitsrh of home after a few days spent with rel with 3 leaves, and 5 chairs, rocker, Mrs. Mnnie Strovts of SW 9th St., leorge. Supt. and DOINGS California, and Mrs. James Brehaut, atives in Portland. davenport, breakfast table and 3 was badly bruised and shocked by a Young People’s C. E. 7 p m. of Portland and grandchildren Mr. S 2-c Elmer Boyd is in San Diego, chairs See Mary Jacobsen, Rt 1, car going too fast, at the crossing Prayer Meeting and Bible study. Mrs Albert Johnson entertained the and Mis. Mitz Alexander. Cali., for a four weeks course in the Bx. 385, Tigard. 47 near their place of business, 11th and Tuesday Contract Club at a Christ The American Legion turkey din- Armed Guard School He expects to Thursday. 7 p m. Salmon St. Portland Fortunately mas party at her home. Worship Service 11 a m Both her ner served last Saturday night in the be assigned to a ship the first of the TRACTOR W ORK—Of all ktnda- nc bones were broken house decorations and yuletide fav Masonic Temple was very well pat- year. Plowing, Disking. Cultivating, and George Hughson had his car dam ors and refreshments were In keep ronized. Besides those coming in cars The Wm Boyd family motored to Also to Clair E Smith. Beaverton. Mowing. L. A. Scheel, R t 1, Bx. aged. while parked near the Christian ing with the holiday season Mrs. which covered the area for several Newberg Sunday to visit friends and an(j Mildred L. Canids, routs 2. : 334, Tigard. Q mi. west of Hiway Church, by an inexperienced driver. Ben Shelles and Mrs. Marguerite Scott blocks, many walkrd down to the Mrs. Elmer Boyd on Gaarde Rd. 47-61 Beaverton Seven from Beaverton attended the were additional guests hall. Over 400 pepole were served. | Mrs C. H Laartz of Watson Street, Also Richard Remington, Beaver annual Was-sail Party at the Forest Ten neighbors of Mrs. George Mar receipts nearly enough to purchase has returned from a six weeks trip ton and Dore«*n Machie, Sheridan FOR SALE 1933 Ford V-8 Coupe Grove College given by the students tin gave her a pleasant birthday sur their lot on which the Ijegion plan to ' to Ch'cago and New York City where $200. tires fair, motor In good con and faculty members Monday night. prise on Mon'day by moving in laden build a hall. dition, 16 Inch wheels. Tigard she visited a daughter . She reports Your home town paper is only tl It was enjoyed by a capacity ctowd. with a pot-luck dinner and gift. 2653. Phone after 5:30 p. m. 47 wonderful sightseeing trip. A marriage license has been Issued a m'year Subscribe now. Mrs. Dean spent several days In to Frank Bracda and Linda Thorp, Rossburg —Buy Christmas Seals —Buy Christmas Ssals— both of Beaverton. — Buy Christmas Seals — — B u y C h n e m a i (• * !• Many Districts Go Over Top Xmas Programs Bits of News About Our Boys Installed Officers Last Week Joint Installation At Aloha Granae Hall