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About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1944)
BEAVERTON Page 2 Fridas, December 15, 1944 E N T E R P R IS E . Beaverton. Oregon i H H. 4 Kt H i l f A i'ubUüher Published Friday of each weak by tbe Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton, Oregon. Unte red ae eecond-olaea matter at the paetofflce at Beaverton. Oie. Predicts Increased Investment By American Farmers During Sixth War Bond ( ¿impai“ !! The L ow D ow n F rom H ick ory G .o v e Mr. Seneca said, “Tht iuind that is anxious about the future is mise:- abie.” And anybody not knowing Mr. Seneca, I will tell em. He was makes them as liquid as a dollar bill, a Roman philospopher, born In 3 B. Mr. Seneca was no green pea. it is no longer necessary for the farm C. er to maintain a large bank account Lots of folks . today have folding to meet possible emergencies. Mr money burning holes in their jeans. Gamble stated. Therefore, he be But Mr. Seneca was not talking so lieves, farmers will convert part of much about this kind of folks. He these iepjsits into War Bonds. was talking about the kind who could not figure what today’s didos are bringing down upon us tomorrow like our present tinkering here in the U. S. A. with socialism, and mak ing the Govt, the boss of all our do ings. clean to the trfortician. Young folks with ambition and pep, and a hankering to get ahead under their own steam, don't have too much out there in the future to beckon ’em. An ofi-shoot that leans too heavy on mama and papa don't set any worlds on fire. And a person look ing to the Govt, for all the answers Joseph Grimm Honored Joseph Grimm of Beaverton, senior representative on the executive coun cil of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, has been select ed among the 20 U. of O. students named in "Who's Who Among Stu dents in American Universities and Colleges.” Students are picked on the basis of leadership, service to the university and participatioin In cam pus affairs. WASHINGTON. D C. A prediction that American farmers will invest more money in bonds during the Sixth * 1.00 Subscription Payable In Advance. One Year War Loan !lian in an) previous drive was made today by the War Finance Beaverton Office—Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 3921 Division of the U. S Treasury. Farmers bought $1.250.000,000 worth Portland O ffice- SOS Panama Bldg., 3rd and Alder Phone ATwater 06kl of War Bonds during 1943. according to the Bureau of Agricultural Eco becomes soft and half-way useless. nomics In 1944 it is believed they What this country needs is more peo can and should purchase a total of ple to write postcards to Congress. 0 iec 1 o ©N |W sb 4 p e î $2 000 000,000 Ted R Gamble, na We gotta get the Govt, back to Its tional Director of the War Finance Division, said. P I K11 S 4 e *T I 0 ■ job of keepinng the peace and being Income at Peak the umpire—nothing else. The Sixth War Loan, starting No When Uncle Sam gets back to just vember 20, comes at an ideal time and fair governing, we will forget our for agriculture, he pointed out. anxieties—and go to town. This is not only the time when Poem Found on Peleliu Yours with the low down, farm income is at a seasonal peak, JO SERRA but 1944 marks three years of record By Staff Serg. J. T. Kirby breaking farm income, he said. (Somewhere IN THE PACIFIC (De Based on Information obtained from For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry layed)--On the sands of Peleliu’» cor the BEA. the Agricultural Section of Barnes. Btaone Beaverton 3231. tf the War Finance Division estimates al airstrip, a scant thousand yards the 1944 cash f irm income at $20 600 - from “ Bloody Nose Ridge” a Marine 000.O O0, compared with $20,000,000,000 aviation mechanic stooped to pick up in 1943. a dusty package. It was a steel-clad Although net farm income, due to Bible, carefully wrapped in oil silk higher operating costs, may not be In addition to the young girl’s pic- greater than in 1943. most farmers _ . . . . . . * v,,.,. now have reduced their deBts and ture and a faded lock of brown hair, consequently will have more money the Bible contained this poem, writ- tb put into War Bonds, the division ten in a scrawling hand reports. In the twelve months ending Jan- WHAT A FRIEND Look, God, I have never spoken to you, uary 1, 1944. farmers reduced real Ted R. Gamble «-(ate mortgages alone bv $650,000,- THAT CHRISTMAS TREE But now I want to say, “How do 000 * War Bond purchasers will provide you do?” Hank Deposits Gain a farm financial reserve to protect As the writer stood by the window You see, God, they told me You didn’t 1 A/tef paying all operating costs against damage by drought, flood and necessary family expenses, and livestock disease, will assure exist, last Saturday watching cars go by farmers will have left this year for cash to replace and repair buildings with darling little Christmas trees And like a fool, I believed all this. investment and debt reduction over and machinery as well as to build tucked in the rear of the cars or on . , „ ....................... 000.000. the Agricultural Sec back soil fertility depleted bv war the running board, the thought came I * wonder, God, if You d shake my hand, $3,000 tion also estimates. time food production, and will pro where did they get all these trees? Somehow, I feel that You will under- Because of the fact that new ma vide funds for education, vacations stand. chinery is not obtainable, farm de and old age security. Maybe in some store by the highway— The high farm income this year a» they Journeyed along—or maybe Funny I had to come to this hellish posits are piling up in rural banks. Demand deposits held by farmers is the result of the huge increase place with a little sharp ax by the way in these banks are estimated at in farm production to meet wartime side. Listening to farmers com Before I had time to see Your face. $4.500.000,000 and time deposits at food needs rather than a rise in plaints who own wood lots near the Last night, from a shell hole, I saw $2,000,000,000. Since the new method prices, which have been held down of redeeming Series E Savings Bonds by the OPA it was explained. highway—one fears that the modern Your sky, American motorist is ..apt to take I figured then they had told me a lie. what he can—If no one is looking. Had I taken time to see things. You It would be lots cheaper for motor made ists to patronize the neighboring lot I’d have known they weren’t calling with trees displayed on it and they a spade a spade. would also save gas -which we un derstand is needed In Europe. Well, I guess there, isn’t much more to say, Although the Creaton School ' in But I’m glad, God, I met You today. Rules Portland was burning Monday, 400 I gueas the zero-hour will soon be Poss’ bility Advanced They Pituitary H orm one children marched out In an orderly here, May Not Live to Face Production of Forces manner thinking It was Just anoth But I’m not afraid since I know er weekly fire drill. Very few Items Postwar Trials. You're near. To Fight Germs. were saved but among them was a . _ . . . . trophy case containing an award to The signal. Well God, I’ll have to go LONDON. - Persons looking for- NEW YORK —A newly isolated the Creaton school In a city wide con I like You lots that I want You to know. ward to spectacular postwar trials pituitary hormone that regulates the test for evacuating the building prompty. Many parents have been Look now, this will be a horrible of war criminals are likely to be production of antibodies with which fight. - disappointed. on different occasions deeply grateful the human body resists the invasion to the founder of the fire drills In Who knows—I may come to Your i There may not be any "war of disease, and the laboratory pro- our public schools. Whoever he was house tonight. ! crim inals" left to try. , duction of a powerful natural sub he should be honored by a monument. Though I wasn't a friend to You before The possibility of such an out stance that can clot blood almost I wonder. God, If You’d wait at Your com e emerged as the United Nations i instantly was described before the door. Corporal Vershum Honored Look, I’m crying! Me shedding tears! war criminals commission con American Chemical society here, fessed after nine months labor that With AAF In Italy—Cpl. Arnold W. I wish I’d known You these many its task of bringing criminals ta | says the New York Times. At a symposium on frontiers in years. Vershum, RFD No. 1, Box 226, Beav Estimates gladly given on Jobs Large or Small justice is proving extremely com erton, Ore., airplane mechanic in a Well, I have to go now, God. Good plicated and to some extent slipping j biochemistry, Drs. Abraham White and Thomas F. Dougherty of the B-24 Liberator Bomber Squadron, has bye. out of its hands. Yale university school of medicine been authorized to wear the Distin 2425 N. Commercial UNiversity 1054 not The commission’s headquarters in detailed studies with the hormone guished Unit Budge and One Bronze Strange, since I met You, I’m afraid to die. the London law courts has gathered and said they found it had a highly Cluster as a member of a veteran lib Portland 12, Or. voluminous files of Axis atrocities important role in body resistance erator group which twice has been and the chairman, Sir Cecil Hurst, against toxic substances and infec «A m cited by the president of the United MMAii Need More Chaplain* States for “outstanding performance said a partial list of offenders tious bacteria. The hormone is the of duty In armed conflict with the -------- ! recommended for trial has been so-called adrenotrophic factor, and enemy.” Church leaders In this area will be compiled He declined, however, to was only recently isolated in pure Commanded by Col. Robert E. L. Interested In talking with Lt O. Ka r l | say wbo or bow many are on ¡f Enton, Belleville, 111., the group re Olunder, Chaplain, USNR. who will , f haj| been suggestcd that Hitler form. It controls'the lymphoid tis sue of the body and the reticulo this week at the mjght b<? hand,ed ]ik# Napoleon_ ceived Its original gold-rimmed blue be in Portland. endothelial system. ribbon for an attack on the Prufen- Campbell Court Hotel, 11th and Main Helps Fight Germs Lt. Olander, recently re as a special case for special action ing aircraft factory at Regensburg, streets. The scientists found that the hor turned to the United States after 18 by the Allied governments. Germany, on Eebrauary 25th. The Some sections of the British press mone, acting through its influence cluster wus added for a mission over months duty as Chaplain aboard the the Ploestl, Rumania, oil refineries on lately doomed aircraft carrier USS have been voicing anxiety that on the adrenal cortex, controls the Princeton, is making a tour of the many Nazi leaders are likely to slip rate at which lymphocytes are April 5th. Graduating from Beaverton High Thirteenth Naval District In an effort through judicial fingers. washed out of lymphoid tissue, the School, Vershum was employed as a to speed the procurement of 500 Tiie London Star suggested that connective tissue that lodges the warehouseman for a grocery store, more chaplains for the Navy's Chap the code of international justice lymphoid cells. The reticuloendothel He was aboard the drawn up before Hitler's day is use In Portland, entering the army Sept. lain's Corpa 2$, 1942. Corporal Vershum received Princeton In the First Battle of the less now and gave the Impression ial system is a network of cells in PHONE BEAVERTON 3231 BEAVERTON, OREGON the body’s blood and lymph nutri his engineer training at Robertson Philippines, as part of Task Force 58, of showing that the war crimes com- ment structure. It includes certain Aviation Corporation. His father, the «lay 369 Jap planes were shot m m m m m m m ■ — — — — — mi; ion “ either lacks any real pow cells of the spleen and liver, the down. B. T. Vershum, lives at Beaverton. er oi is being bogged down in legal lymph and hemolymph glands and istic ii Irlracies.” parts of bone marrow. Russians Hold Own Trials. Drs. White and Dougherty re The Russians began conducting ported that injection of the hormone their own trials of war ciminals last causes a marked increase in the pro teins in the blood serum, includ ( December when the commission SP E C IA L “ V E N T I L A T E D ” ing the protein fraction that con- was still busy with details of or- ganization. Russia has already con- 1 tains antibodies, part of the germ- ( demned and executed a number of I fighting forces of the body, ( them. | The blood-clotting process, which ^ I Portland Concrete Pipe & Products Co. Battle casualties including guer- . is said to duplicate nature's own 5819 SW Macadam A n., Portland, 1 Oregon AT. 8334 rilla actions, assassinations, sui- mechanism, was reported by Drs. 1 cides, air raids and insanity almost j Walter H Seegers, Eugene C. Looiw. ' certainly will remove many war j is and J. M. Vandenbelt, and was ! criminals from the jurisdiction of developed in the laboratories of I Parke, Davis and company, Detroit. the crimes commission. It was characterized as a great new A list of such exemptions looks life saver in peacetime as well as imposing. 1. War criminals trit'd and sen in war surgery. Clotting Aid Described. tenced ind«'pendently by the Rus The process takes two main ma- sians. I terials from animal blood and from 2. Coll a bora I I Quislings. 1 3. Offenders killed in guerrilla i meat juices, and it was said un- I limited production is possible. The action or battle, blood-clotting substance was de- j 4. Those assassinated. I scribed as prothrombin, found in hu- I 3. Suicides Offenders clearly could be j man blood. It took six years to iso late prothrombin in pure form. Acti ( killed by summary ion but not vated prothrombin, the scientists punished in the lega sense. (Brit ain's most prominent Nazi prisoner, I said, is so powerful that an amount Rudolf Hess, is understood to be a | the size of an aspirin tablet can clot a pint of blood solid in a few sec- mental case now.) The status of tens of thousands of j onds. By itself, prothrombin is Inert or ordinary German. Italian or puppet inactive, just as it is in the normal soldiers who exccut«*d hostages or committed other atrocities under di circulating blood stream. However, rect command of ruper ors is some when living tissue is injured, it re what doubtful leases an activator that sets off na- ' tore's blood-clotting mechanism. Nazis May Kill llitlrr. The Frence forces of the Interior | The prothrombin and calcium in blood react with the activator to ini and Belgian patriots have already been dealing with many collabora tiate the formation of a clot at the tionists This exuberant wave of wound to stop the bleeding. The popular justice is likelv to engulf activator Is extracted from meat all Europe before the last shot is juices. The investigators reported that the fired. activator combined prothrombin with Inside Germany the situation may j be complicated by disillusioned Ger- ! the precise amount of calcium ion 1 mans inflicting vengeance on the and with the precise amount of the thousands of Nazi officials and the activator They added that this proc Gestapo presently browbeating ess makes possible the use of animal them into a last-ditch defense Th# rather than human blood to obtain I Germans might even surprise the the prothrombin, and tons of blood world by killing Hitler before the I plasma, they declared, are already postwar argument over what to do being proce- red every week The use 1 of animal blood permits high pro- ! with him could start. , duction of prothrombin without de pleting the supply of human plas "A woman fell overboard from a ma. needed now at the battle fronts. ship yesterday, and a shark cams up For Stove and Diesel OU Call Harry and looked her over and went away. Phons Besverton 32V. tf He never touched her?” No hs I Barnes was a man-eating shark ” ' —Buy Christmas Ssals— Keep It Flying War Criminals Chemists Bare May Avoid Trial Antibody Agent H. A. Starr Contractor for Concrete Work ! DIESEL & STOVE OIL Veltex Super Ethyl Gasoline McMillian Ring Free & Valvoline Motor Oil HARRY BARNES I CONCRETE CHIMNEY BLOCKS Wishing You A I Ulrrrg Ifriatmaa See your Building Material Dealer S anti SEARS A îjappii Nr ut tirar CLARENCE W. NAAS W ill Remain Open Until BANKSPORTLAND TRUCK UNE 9:00 P. M. Every Day Until Christmas Eve Who is now driving on the Burma Road and hopes soon, to be again driving on the Canyon Road Store Hours 10a .m .to 9p .m . SEARS, ROEBUCK & Co. Grand Ave. al Lloyd Blvd. Free Parking ë EA. 8171