P U B L IS H E D W E E K L Y IN O U R P L A N T O N V O L . 17 ,NO. 45 Council Meets December 12 _______ Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, December 8, 1944 4 Library Notes j One of the new books now available at the Library which will be a delight to the lovers of short stories is a book entitled The Best American | Short Stories of 1943. This book con- County P T A to be Held tains 30 fine stories by such authors At Garden Home as James Thurber, William Saroyan, — i Vicki Baum-Vardis Fisher, Rachel The Washingtton County Council c fi Field, W a*lace Stegner and many Parent Teacher Association will be others- held December 12th, at Garden Home Library hours are from two to five Grade School. The Garden Home p- m- eve,y day except Sundays and P. T A. will serve a 25c luncheon. All holidays. members are urged to attend. ------------------------ The regular monthly meeting of the Shipping Carloads of Fruit Beaverton Parent Teacher Associa- __________________ tion was held November 28th at the R. I McLaughlin & Co., of Beav- grade school auditorium. erton. shipped a carload of frozen I he Christian Church Orchestra fruit last week and will ship two under the leadership of Mrs. Walter carloads next week to eastern mar- Meyers gave a half hour program, kets where it will ultimately be made Special features were a duet by Geo into jams, jelly, or used for com me r- Springer and Virgil Meyers. cial use. Mrs. Russell Grant, Hi Recreation This company has been canning chairman, ne|x>rted that the ‘T u n fruit for only a few years, yet its Night is a success and that the stu- output has increased every year, dents now have a bank balance and showing a definite need for such are saving to purchase a Juke Box a concern to care for fruit grown in and Records. the eastern end of Washington Mrs. Krieske, Ways and Means county. Chairman announced plans for a Food Last spring the company purchased Sale to be held December 2nd. two lots adjoining its building on Mrs. Mills, Treasurer, submitted the Front street through to the highway Budget for the year which was ap- about 130x120 feet, from Mrs Harri- proved as read. sor) ancj built a large tile and brick Mrs. Shofner, Membership Chair- building to be used for cold storage man, announced that Mrs. Carlson’s 0f fruit. This building has about second grade won the attendance 165 load capacity for frozen fruit, prize for the night. The teachers of ! a crew of people are now busy the Grade School have a 100% mem- overhauling the machinery and equip- bersip and the total membership is rnent getting ready for another big now 273. 'crop of fruit next summer. The Girls Glee Club under the d i- 1 ___________ ________ rection of Mrs. Buffum gave several I - I ¡ „ L t i n o S e r v ic e numbers which were very well pre L , g n ll" g s e r v ic e sented and enjoyed. At Nazarene Church Rev. Francis Sturtevant introduced ------- the guest speaker, Doctor W. Giers- a service reminiscent of "brush bach, president of Pacific University, arbour” days, characteristic of many' The text of Dr. Glersbach speech was rural religious meetings in the deep "How to be Thankful." South will be conducted Friday night, 7:30 at the Beaverton Church of the Nazarene. The entire church auditorium will Help Install Officers be Illuminated by kerosene lamps and lanterns. A group of members from Beaver- ; ton Grange have installed the new j officers in a number of the Granges In the county. Saturday, Dec. 2, Washington Grange, near North Plains, Tuesday, Dec. 5, Kinton and Scholls at Kinton and Wednesday, Dec. 6 Tigard, Sherwood and Winona, at Tigard. The group consisted of ' Derle Perkins, installing officer; Ber-; neice Dobbins, marshal, and Fern Graham, Alfreda Wooden, Belle W al­ ker and Mamie Downing assistant. C O M IN G S — G O IN G S and D O IN G S The speaker at Klwanls Club this ednesday was the editor of the Ore- n Labor Press, and chairman of e Board of Education of the Port- id Public Schools. His presenta- in of the needs and desires of Am- ican labor in relation to the lole of American society was very :ere8ting. friday the ladies Aid of the Bethel ngregatlonal Church will hold their nual bazaar and dinner. W E. Pegg was operated on last iday and he is getting along very tisfactorily and is looking forward be being home for a family gath- ng on Christmas. Mrs. Walter Myers was notified nday that her son Melvin had en wounded in battle. Robert Myers is home for a visit th his mother, sister and grand- >ther. Surly Sipe is home on furlough af- ■ two years spent in the Aleutians. TaCk Manges had a few hours be- een trains last week with home Iks. He was on his way to San ancisco for Harbor Patrol duty. Mrs. Lee Richey, after a day of iristmas shopping and leaving the s had the misfortune to turn her kle and fell scattering her pack es about She managed to reach e house but has since been nursing badly bruised knee. Mr and Mrs Albert Schulz and lighter Margaret, Mr. and Mrs. E. Webb and Mr and Mrs. L W. icker attended the wedding of Miss ace Rich and Mr William Jenne the Bethany Baptist Church last iday evening. Miss Margaret Fox was th# guest honor at a bridal shower held re- ntly at the home of Mrs. Leo Ber- rdini. Many lovely gifts were ceived from friends in Portland and isverton. Refreshments of cake d ice cream were served. Findley iwman of Portland, told the girls rtunes from their tea leaves Mr and Mrs. O. A. Anderson were jner guests at the Walter Van eek home Tuesday night E P. Drew has returned from ten ys visit with his son at Medford Monday. Dec. 4th. a group of oplo tendered Rev Francis Stur- .ant a surprise birthday party and ft. The group consisted of Messrs d Mesdames Paul Knepp Lester -Keel. Jo Bates Clarence Buffum. rs. Sturtevant and the Misses Ber- ee Conoly and Amarette Barnes. Mr. and Mis. George Thyng re­ ived word that their nephew Staff rgeant Georg# N Klein had arrived San Francisco Tuesday after hav- l spent thirty-three months in the uth Pacific with the Forty-first Di lion After ten days of hospital- itlon he will return to his home in irtland to his wife and the litttle enty-eight months old daughter adra he has never seen. S H O R T ST. A N D C A N Y O N H IG H W A Y A poignant moment in 20th Century W erfel’s "The Song of Bernadett*^' Joy Theatre, Tigard, Jennifer Jones ery-of-the-year. makes her screen More Purchases Of War Bonds Urged Observance of "Pearl Harbor Day” with a deluge of series E war bonds purchases that will put Washington county “over the top" on its sixth war loan quota of $1,750,000 was urg­ ed this week by the county war fin­ ance committee. Sixth war loan funds will speed the day of complete vic­ tory over the Japanese who started the current war just three years ago today with the infamous attack on Pearl Harbor. 76.5 per cent of the county’s quota has already been raised, sales totaled $1,337,171.17, leaving a balance of *412,829. j ____ £. Sales of E bonds were lagging be­ hind on the overall quota, according to Saturday's reports, only 59.4 per cent of the goal of $700.000, or $415,- 972 had been sold. The Beaverton district had sold 74.6 $182,924.50 of a $245,000 quota; and Ti gard $82,352.50, or 47 per cent of a $175,000 quota. Almost Double Quota The McKay District under the able i leadership of Mrs. Henry Erickson, have almost doubled their quota in the Sixth War Loan campaign. Boxes for Boys in Hospitals The Legion and Auxiliary are spon- ! soring boxes for service men in hos- j pitals in the state of Oregon—Astoria, Roseburg and Klamath One feature of the service will be Portland, the “ living of a hymn”. Come and Falls. It is thought that many people enjoy this old fashioned service— it will bring back memories of “ other would also like to contribute to this : worthy cause. People are urged to days.” An attempt will be made Sunday pack a box about the size of a shoe morning at 9:45 to establish a beach­ box with cookies, candies, cigarettes, head by reaching a new record in toilet articles, handkerchiefs, games, writing paper,—not razor blades or attendance. Rev. Harding will preach Sunday razors.- The boxes should be wrapped morning at 11 and bring his conclud­ ; as a gift and marked whether for Cash will be accept­ ing messages in the evening at 7:30. women or men. able. Contact Isabelle Butcher at Millers Store or Geo. Eisenhour, or : any Legion member. B IT S O F N E W S REV. W HITCOMB H ARD IN G Mabel Caroline Olson, late of Gar­ Makes Lovely Fur Coat den Home, sister of Mrs Jenny C. Mrs. R. H. Besmehn is the proud Davies, route 1, was buried from the • owner of a beautiful fur coat made Pegg Chapel on Saturday up of Blue Beverens, in which they The Cub Scouts are going to send are specializing in breeding It took Jig-saw puzzles to the Barnes hospi­ two years to save enough skins to tal again this year along with the : make the coat, believed to be the only scrap books. I f anyone have jig­ one of Blue Beverens on the coast saw puzzles that they would like to give to the Cubs, contact any Cub or Dane Wins Three Prizes leave with Mr. Pace at the Beaverton Cleaners. Mrs. Lilian Gilham is the proud A marriage license has been issued to William Albert Jenne and Grace possessor of three ribbons which her dog. Maximilian von Birkenhof a Helen Rich. A daughter was born Nov 22 to Great Dane, won at Salem dog show- Mr and Mrs Lynn Green of Beaver­ last week. Many people will remem­ ber this fine dog which is seen often ton. • A son was born Nov 21 to Mr. and at the board number one office in Beaverton. It is very friendly and Mrs. L. Dudgeon, Aloha Mrs To Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Wales. a great pet with the visitor*. Nov 27. of Reedville. a daughter was Gilham has reason to think a lot of this dog as was given to her on Moth­ bom. A marriage license was issued to er’ Day by her two sons Bob and Bill Patrick S. Calhoun and D Jean Mill­ two years ago. Bob Gilham is attending naval of- er both of Beaverton. Funeral services were held Tuesday ficei training at Unlversty of Penn­ for George E Burton late of route 2. sylvania. while Rill is in military po­ marine corps at San box 633 Beaverton, father of George lice training A. Burton. Interment Riverview Diego. California The Great Dane won first ribbon cemetery. . Sarah Anderson of route 3 Beaver­ American bred; Best male Dane; first ton passed away Dec. 2. She was prize best of breed, male 95 year old. mother of Seth Lewis, Marriage license was granted to at home. Robert Lewis. Viola, Ark W El Pegg was in charge of services William Raymond. Beaverton, and The General Petroleum Corporation Verna Jean Dunham. Portland Mrs E. P Hedberg entertained the has allocated »5 500 to the Beaverton area for purchase of war bonds In the Tuesday Contract Club at luncheon and cards. Mrs. L. W Short was a Sixth Drive This Sunday evening at 8 p. m the guest. Bethel Congregational Church there ’What do you think of governmeri will be shown a series of 26 beauti­ ful kadarhrome slides illustrating ownership of defense industries’ " When the government th# Christmas stories prepared by I ’m for it. Cathedral films. There will also be own* everything It will have to pay earol singing and other special music all th# taxes itself.”— Florsnc# Vidette l E S T A B LISH ED Here and There Postwar Employment 1927 Mr and Mrs. Rufus Williams and • Mrs Rebecca Eggiman had Thanks-1 giving dinner with the Harvey Wil- ! hums family. Mr and Mrs. Doy Gray were enter- | tained Thanksgiving Day at the Babson Recommends Cape Cod by Mt and Mrs. Leslie Merchandize Field Spencer of Portland. The Guy Alexander s had as their Babson F*ark, Mass., Dec. 8 Men guests Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. who had good jobs before they en Glen Alexander and Mesdames Hor- tered the service should take thesi tence Keith and Helen Uranthum of jobs back, even if they do not want LaCenter, Wash. : to stay in them forever. Men whe Mr. and Mrs. R R. Summers and ! did not have jobs before should gi Mr and Mrs. Elmer Stipe were to school and become expert ir guests of the Harris Hanson's Thanks­ something The best Investment giving anyone can make is in a practical Mr. .and Mrs. F'rancls Sturtevant education whether it is a business, oi and children spent the holiday with a mechanical or a professional edu­ her parents. Mr. and Mrs. White of cation I especially recommend train­ F'orest Grove ing which will make men experts In Mr. and Mrs. Doc Chandler and son distribution This inijLuldes storie- 1 spent Thansgiving with relatives in keeping, outside selling, advertising, Salem. market research, etc. Mrs. Roy Manges entertained at 6 (1) 500,000 small stores have been o’clock dinner for Mrs. Hariett Snyth closed by men who have entered the of Ixis Angeles, Calif., daughter of service. During this time there Mr. and Mrs. Hunkupillar who were has been no increase in the numbei guests also as was Mr. and Mrs. I^eo j of chain stores Hence, the postwar Richey. j competition will he less. Mr and Mrs. Charles Shively at-1 (2) The population of the United i tended the wedding of Dorothy; States Is increasing at about 800. O'Conner at Multnomah on Sunday. 000 per year. This means that Miss Margaret MacDonald of Salem there will be several million more re wa sa house guest at the Alert Schulz Continued on Page 2 home over the holiday, and Mr. and Fox’s dramatization of Franz Mrs. Reynold Rust and Mrs. Caroline ALOH A which opens Wednesday at the Schulz of Portland were Thanksgiv- young Tulsa. Oklahoma, discov- 1 ing Day dinner guests. Curtis Riley is home again after a deb.it in the title role. Miss Margaret Schulz who teaches at Vancouver, Wash., spent her! visit with his brother Ray at Tene- pah, Nev. Thanksgiving vacation at home. n 44 ? \ Crandall Peck arrived home last [ Bill Sabo from Farragut is visiting his sister Mrs. F'rank Boris and week Wednesday to spend his first family. furlough since enlisting, at home. Lester Gardner has leased his place Mr and Mrs. L. D. Shellenberger are at home for the winter at Cannon to Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Egbesg. John Walters of Hillsboro has pur­ Beach. chased three acres adjoining Base­ Miss Clement was at home from line and Market roads and has seed­ Brilliant High Mark in MrMinnville over the week end ed it to fall wheat. Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Smith have pur- ( New Movie Trend ! Oscar Granum has purchased the chased the Coffee Cup Restaurant and Weisenhach home in Reedville. took possession on the 14th. The newest Hollywood expression Mrs. Kenneth Sawtell has joined Dr. Herbert Mason is now in H oi is, "L et’s shoot It at home” . It rep­ her husband who is stationed at Camp resents the industry’s answer to the land. Parks, California. The collection at the Thanksglv- j impossibility of making long location Calvin O’Connor is now in training ing service at the Methodist Church jaunts during wartime. at Fort Lewis, Wash. 1 ot over »21, went to the Children's i An example of how this expression Mrs. A. T. Cava ness was a Port­ is put to work is seen in the film­ Home at Corvallis. Frank Tucker, Dayton Peck’s ' land visitor at the Blood Bank, giving ing ot Franz WerfeTs best-seller, her eighth pint. Mrs. Albert Ereinor ' The Song of Bernadette,” which nephew, who has been in Mobile, Ala., gave her fourth. She has a son in Is now in a California Camp. opens at the Joy Theatre, Tigard, on France. Lt. Edward Volla has gone over A'ednesday, Dec. 13. Hagg of Reedville has left ! for Henry A few years ago, a picture of such seas. Chicago, 111., t o a t t e n d t h e a n n u a l Jay Gibson Is home after visiting Importance would have been filmed meeting of the Co-op Milk Producers at least In part, by a location trip to his son and daughter In law In Texas. 1 Federation Dec. 6-8 as a delegate of but Mrs. Gibson, who was with him Lourdes. France, the scene of the the Interstate Associated Creameries story. Of course this was impossible there, stopped off on her way home The Cedar Mill Community Club so the largest outdoors set ever to visit relatives in Idaho. will meet Dec. 13 at the Grange Hall.. Boy Scout’s met at Peck's home for Cooper Mt. P. T. A. will meet Dec. 15 built was constructed on the back lot ice creeam and cake after Scout meet- j at the school house 8 p. m. at 20th Century Fox. To show the size of the project, I ing Monday night. A daughter, Vicki K., was born Miss Maxine Cady was home o v e r! Nov. 27, to Mr. and Mrs. F'rank E. 2400 one-hundred-pound sacks of casting plaster, 760 sacks of hgjd wall the week end from the University of Epplett, of Aloha. plaster, 1792 sacks, of cement, 276 fif- Oregon. ty-pound bales of hemp fiber, 150 | Twelve ladies were entertained on \ ST. CECELIA CHURCH tons of sand and 110 tons of rock Tuesday by Mrs. Elmer Stipe at her were used. The total man-hours home for luncheon and an afternoon | Masses 8:25 and 10:25 during th winter months. spent in construction amounted to at cards. Mr. and Mrs. Loren C. Trachsel, 38,400, which does not include the CHURCH OF CHRIST time used in the designing and re­ Aloha, have a daughter Linda D., George W. Springer, Pastor born Nov. 19. search for the set. Morning worship and preaching at The Wm. Boyd family enjoyed tur­ From ravine to river took Jack F’er- guson and his crew of seventy men key dinner Sunday, with Mrs. Boyd’s J 9:45 a. m. Topic—Dead to Sin but Alive Unto just three weeks which should make • mother and sister, Mrs. Mary Tatom Portiandk | God. them eligible for some sort of trophy land Misa Julia Tatom, The occasion was in honor of Mrs. j Following the sermon, the Lord’s’ from Mr. Kaiser. supper will be observed. ! Boyd’s birthday anniversary. | Mrs. Annie E. Jones, mother of: Bible School class session 11 a. m. Lilian R., Beaverton, passed on Nov. j Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. Evening worship 7:30 p. m. '.«Jib Funeral services were held on Thursday at the Pegg Funeral Par- j Special music by orchestra and a lor. Mrs. Jones was an old time resi­ sermon by pastor at 7:30 p. m. Midweek Bible study Wed. 8 p, m. dent of Beaverton and her many The Court of Honor of the Tuala­ friends held open house for her on Scripture study will be Eph. chap 3. tin District of the Boy Scouts of Am­ her 90th birthday, which was nearly a BETH EL erica was held at the Sylvan Grade I year ago. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH School Thursday, November 30. Judge Rev. F. T. Sturtevant, Pastor Bissett presided at the meeting. 9:45 a. m. Church School. Eighteen boys received advancement Miss Amarette Barnes, Supt. in rank and merit badges. 11 a. m. Worship Those being advanced to Second Nursery class for children during Clasc were Jack Ix>w and John Comer the service. of Troop 208. Those receiving second 7:30 p. m. Evening Advent worship class merit badges were Troop 204, The Christmas Story in Color In Donald Crosby, Richard Iversor, CHURCH OF TH E N A Z A R E N E Kodachrome slides. Donald Kane and Troop 208 Dean I^eonard C. Johnson, Pastor Short. METHODIST CHURCH 9:45 a m. Sunday School rally. Those receiving F*irst Class Merit 11 a. m Rev Whitcomb Harding Albert S. Hlsey, D. D., Minister Badges were Troop 204 Charles Coey, 6 15 p. m. Junior meeting. Sunday School 9 45 a. m. Dick Conant, Tom F’owell; Troop 208. 6 .30 p m. Hi-N. Y Sr.. & N.Y.P.8. Classes for all ages. Attendance Bryan Walker; Troop 228, Douglas 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic service. Invited. Anderson, Larry Bissett. Teddy Dye. Worship Hour 11 a. m. Ronald O’Brien, Russell Prier and Rev. Harding preaching Topic Your Money and Your Life. Wed 7:30 p. m. Prayer and Mis­ Norman Short. Are you looking for a church home? Robert Lee of Troop 208 advanced sionary Study A welcome awaits you. to .Star Scout. BEAVERTO N F U LL GOSPEL W. S. C. S. Zlona Circle meets each Larry Bissett Troop 228 advanced C H A PE L SERVICE Wednesday at 10, all day. to I,if.- See I Troop 228 is from Friendly Circle 2nd and 4th Tues­ I. O O. F. Hall. Beaverton Tigard. Troop 208 from Beaverton, Orville J. Poulin. Minister days. and Troop 201 is from Multnomah. Sundays 7:45 p. m. ALOIIA CO M M U N IT Y CHURCH Thursdays 7:45 p. m. Record Timber Sales Graydon D. Loree, Pastor Everybody welcome. Sunday School 10 a. m. O. and C. timber sales made in No­ PILG R IM LU TH E R AN CHURCH Mary Antrim, Supt. vember by the General I>and Office of i The Bible Church Morning worship 1 1 a m the Department of the Interior Box 697, Beaverton Youth Fellowship 7 p. m. broke all sales records for timber Farmington Rd. at Menlo Drive 8 p. m. Evening worship. value In a single month, acco ding to Walter R Buhl. Pastor W. H. Horning, Chief Forester for . Sunday Services 11 n m THE VALLEY the O A C. Administration < 08081 M T V ( III IK II Sermon Topic-—The Nature of a November sales included .37 sepa­ Christian Life. U N IT ED PR E SBY T ER IAN rate tracts of timber carryfnng an es­ Wednesday evening Advent Ser­ 4110 SW Gabel Lane timated total volume of 117.651,700 vices Dec 6th, 12th 19th. Rev. H. A. Armltage. pastor board feet valued at »547.325.56. Sermon topics—Some Prophectes of 10 30 a m. Morning Worship Mr Horning states that sustained the Old Testament. yield cutting of timber on O A C Sunday School 10 a. m. ALO H A ASSEMBLY OF GOD lands is not only a limit which must Confirmation Class, Friday at 4. Sunday School 10 a. m. not been extended, it is also the Welcome! Worship 11 a. m amount which must he produced to supply the local industry He points W EST H U L A R E E n v ilJ .E CO M M U NITY out that a steady flow of timber to LU TH ER AN CHURCH PR E S B Y T E R IA N CHURCH market must continue permanently Canyon Road, near Sylvan Sunday School 10 a. m Mrs Otto To workers, that means steady Werner J Frit*. Minister George. Supt employment. To the counties which Young People’s C. E 7 p m. 2nd Sunday in Advent receive 50G of the earnings in place Sunday School 9 45 a. m Prayer Meeting and Bible stufy, of taxes, tl means a secure source of Ouirwiav. 7 p. m Divine Service 11 a. m. county income. Sermon A Formula for Victor­ Worship Service 11 a. m. ious Living —Buy Christmas Seals- You are invited and welcome. —Buy Christinas Seals— Song Of Bernadette At loy Theatre Court Of Honor Held At Sylvan What's Doing n,T” Churches