P U B L IS H E D W E E K L Y V O L . 17, N O . 44 IN O U R P L A N T O N S H O R T ST. A N D C A N Y O N H I G H W A Y Beaverton. Oregon, Friday, December 1, 1944 E S T A B L I S H E D 1927 Premier Shows Tuesday What About Govt. Bonds Free Ticket Given With Bond Sale Many volunteer workers have been working in Washington county this weak so as to complete the county’s quota of bonds as soon as possible They report that there have been many requests for tickets for the big premier show at the many the atres in the county. Already $523,070 worth of bonds have been sold out of a total quota of $1,750,000. In the Beaverton area, with a quota of $245,000 sales of $3512.50 or 16% have been made; in Tigard area $3693.75 or 20% of $175,000. Mr Jay Gibson, local Sixth War Bond Campaign Chairman announces that Standard Oil Co. of California and Standard Stations Inc. have again purchased bonds in the amount of $9000 locally. This is the Beaverton committee's share of the $56,000 Standard are in ; vesting in bonds in Washington I County. As in previous campaigns Standard j Oil Co. is again investing $2,000,000 in bonds in Oregon and $15,000,000 in their marketing area. Mr. Gibson states that the extra work and expense involved in Stand-! aid ’s purchase of bonds thru local committees, so as to stimulate en thusiasm among the campaign work ers, is very much appreciated by those who are responsible for a sue- > cessful conclusion of the present ; campaign. West Slope was reported as over the top. Their uota was $12,000 but up to date have sold $35,000 worth of bonds. Rev. W. J. Fritz is chairman Babson Advises Investing ,In Other Things Also I _________ • Babson Park. Mass. Dec. 1—How ¡can the huge postwar U S Govein- ' ment Debt be serviced? When the total annual expenses of the Govern ment under President Coolidge (in cluding Army, Navy, Pensions, Debt Interest, etc.) were only three billions how can we now provide the money to pay interest alone of six billions? Increasing National Income Prewar national income was about sixty billions Our bankers state that Washington will provide the ne cessary money to pay Interest on the $300,0.10,000.000 debt by doubling this national income. By increasing prices, land values, etc., this can per haps be done; but I am not too sure I Ce.t&inly inflation would be a dan gerous way out. Statisticians believe that all na tions must make some readjust ments in their huge debts after the | War. They see no reason why the U «le»$ «d by U. S. VNur l>cpartment. Bureau o f Publio Halations. United States if we want our share STREET FIGHTING, P H IL IP P IN E STYLE— Y'es, there is house to-hou.se fighting in clearing out the Japs in the Southwest Pacific ! of foreign trade should not do the area just as American soldiers are obliged to mop up retreating Germans who fortify themselves in cities and towns in Europe. Here an ! same thing. If so, how may our American patrol on the island of Leyte advances along a thoroughfare in the village of Pawing to clean out the last of the enemy from . debt be readjusted? that area. Government Ownership Some day the banks, together with the railroads, public utilities, and | certain large corporations, may be More Men Inducted Beaverton Post to Build taken over by the Government. This j however, will not happen until the Army, Navy, Marine Corps Legion Hall next business depression. One step however, we may expect any time. Men inducted recently by Washing- The Beaverton Post American This will be nationalize the twelve ton County, Local Board No. 1, Beav- Legion is planning to erect a Legion erton, Oregon: Hall on the corner of First and Approximately 950 letters contain Federal Reserve Bunks anil thus save ! AR M Y Earl D. Garvin, Wilmer L. Washington in the near future. Ac- ing Christmas Seals were mailed over the Government the interest on bonds Continued on Page 2 , Hadley, Vernon L. Lusby, James R. cor ding to their plans the hall will the week end by Mrs. M C. McKer- Lyons, James M. Highley, Jack M be available for community purposes, j eher, Seal Sale Chairman for the Leave “Prepared Cans” Rath. Fred H. Snyder. Wilbur G. Sny- To start the building fund they are Beaverton community. ALOHA By 5 p. m. At County Grade Schools der, Ralph E. Johnson, Charles E. giving a turkey dinner at the Masonic Monday returns from 76 persons with Mrs. Earl Anderson came home Reedville Church Burned Still, Raymond P. Strickland, William Temple Saturday, December 16. a total of $91 were reported. A list with Miss Margaret Imlay for a few e s ----------------------- She lives at Carlton. A ’’Prepared Tin Can" collection E. Fitzgerald, William M. Lilly, J a m of the earliest purchasers of one or days visit. Sunday services of the Reedville A deep well has been drilled on the more sheets of seals follows: Mrs. L. Community Presbyterian Church drive will be held throughout Wash W. Schmidt, Robert E. Trappe, Leon B IT S O F N E W S W. Reuter; Mrs. George Butcher; Scott Ferguson place, water was were held in the Reedville school due ington county December 4 to 7, inclu ard J. Senz, Calvin M. O’Connor, Al H. C. Miller of Miller's; Mrs B. E, found at a depth of 180 feet with a to a fire which burned the church sive, under the direction of the coun fred D. Boyles. A daughter, Carleen Lillian, was Evans; H. B. Shofner; S. Sinclair; I f>ow of ™ gallons a minute. N A V Y —John K Butler, Robert N. shortly after 4 a. m. The fire was ty salvage committee. Grade schools born Wednesday afternoon to Mr Miss Mabel Norris; R. C. Doty; {i. L. The Reedville school are the proud discovered by a passing motorist in will serve as collection depots and Paillette, Melvin W. Weaver, Earl T and Mrs. C. F. Golde. She weighed Swagger; M. A. Ferrlngton; Sidney : possesors of a junior encyclopedia one end of the building. Neighbors 1 everyone who has been saving tin Wilson, Arnie W Siltanen, Richard 7 pounds, 6 ounces. MacDougall of Tlllicuin Tavern; Mrs Riven to them by Sears Roebuck Co., succeeded in saving a piano, pulpit,! cans is a8ked to take them to thelr E V ° n H “ llen Save the date Friday, Dec. 8th Ba Marie Watson; Dr, J. R. Talbert; W. through the kindness of Mrs. Robert communion table and pews, service I neare8t Srade school sometime prior Marine Corps Harvey C. Bernash, zaar 4:30 p. m. Harvest Home Din-i flags, and framed pictures of boys In t0 December 7. ^ e o ig e R. Peterson. Wright; K. E. Hall; J. R. Harrl- Chastain of Tobias, who is secretary • ner 5:30 p m. Congregational tioni C h u r l » « U e n i r l r k The company only the service. i H no transportation is available ------------- ' --- Mnv M a n g e s ; to the manager. church. Gordon Heughen; D. W. Klmsey; nad four sets or tnese enoycloprnuis. The Multnomah Presbyterian Com-! for a person to take their cans to A Correction Mrs. Katherine Denney Garnett Miss Gertrude Schoeler; C. T. Hunka- Richard Wilcox is spending a short munity Church was also badly burned * *he nearest school contact should be ------- and baby from Texas are with the pillar; Linda M. Thorpe of Mary El- furlough with his parents Mr. and made with some nearby school child, j The Beaverton Church of Christ or last week. who will assist in getting the cans to chestla piayed at the Parent Teacher 0f° ' kS the R> B< Dcnney'8 of len Beauty Shop; W. L. Newcomer; I Mrs. W. J. Wilcox after completing »ho s.nni * _. ___ _________ roll i e one. i Dr. w C. L- U r. Co-i i h officer s training course E Mason; Mrs. Earl Conor- Enger; . i h hi* officer’s course. the or>tioo»<nn collection depot. meeting on Nov. 28th under the direc- , Pvt. Alpha Williams left last week P T A Chicken Dinner Instructions Given tion oi Mrs. Walter Myers. The or Wednesday night for her camp in Ernest H. Masters; Donald Walker; I Mr and Mrs. Carl Trachsel of Otto Kell; Thrifty Meat Market; | Reedville. are grandparents of a baby Only cans prepared in accordance chestra had been designated as a com Saturday at School | with the following specifications will munity orchestra in a story sent in Texas after spending her furlough Mrs. Carrie I»onard and Florence k L’L Linda Adelle, who was born No with relatives and friends. There Miller of Florence Beauty Salon. vember 19 In Portland, to Mr. and The Aloha-Huber P. T. A. will g iv e ; accepted last week. was much entertaining for her pleas Through your purchase of Christ I Mrs. Loren Trachsel. a chicken dinner at the school caie ' The can a"111** washed clean, ure by her associate teachers of Port mas Seals we are able to continue on ! Mrs. Mrs E. J. LaRue entertained the teria Saturday, Dec. 2. Proceeds will I 2. Paper labels must be removed, land where she taught for several to our ultimate goal of ridding the Orange Home Economics club at her New Food Stamps Due 3. Both ends must be cut out. go into the cafeteria fund. years before joining the W AC’s. The world of tuberculosis. The next meeting This year, home last week. The meeting of the Association on , 4 Ends must be inserted, step on Five more blue ration stamps, used night before she left she entertained, too, we are planning for a visit of the will be held at the Ted Nault home Tuesday, Nov. 21, was very interest ! can sufficiently to flatten unit in Washington on December 20. 5. Place in box or sack for hand- for processed foods, became valid on at her parents home, five Portland Mobil« X ray ing. Reports of different committees Dec. 1, Willard Case, district OPA teachers for dinner, A class is being formed in home County, to offer chest examinations were made Showing that this is a live i ling food rationing representative, an- Many changes have been made to free to all of the people. hygiene and care of the sick. Those December 4 to 7 is a drive for tin The mon Parent-Teacher association. the interior of the bank at Beaverton ey derived from the sale of Christ Interested phone Mrs. I»re e . Classes cans only. No other salvage will be nounced today. Blue stamps X-5, Y-5, A-2, and B-2. carpenters have been busy for over mas seals pays for the greater part of would not begin until after tho holi collected by the county committee Nationwide Bible Reading ; during that time. No cans should be each worth 10 points—a total of 50 two weeks In the evenings. The glass this project. Seventy five percent of day«. Mr». Hollers spent the week end In taken to the school collection depots points,—were good Dec. 1 and may partitions on the counters have been the Christmas seal money is kept in Thanksgiving to Christmas i after December 7 as no provisions for he used indefinitely. replaced with beautiful wood, in nat- Washington County for tuberculosis Walla Walla with her »laughter Mrs. ural finish. Also new equip- work and sponsoring of the general | Davis. ------- 1 shipment can be made after that ment has been purchased for the health program. Hundreds of thousands of men and ! time, Extra seals may be Joe MoKenney of Scroggins Valley Lots of Custom Built Toys bookkeeping department. women in our Armed Forces and All Donating Cans had by asking for them at the Beav- i kaa bought the Max Madsen place, A marriage license has been issued erton Post Office, or by telephoning millions of their relatives at home Everyone is donating tin cans and Private Wm. Eberhart Fitzgerald, There are lots of custom built toys to tVin. Raymond ot Beaverton and Mrs McKercher Beaverton 2671. ! *on of Wm. Lloyd Fitzgerald of route are reading verses from the Bible to- I their services in this drive and the at the Whitehouse, between Aloha v erna j Pan Durham of Portland, i 2, and Pvt. Ralph Edwin Johnson, son «ether every day. Following are the J small amount of money received will They are reasonably Annie E Jones, passed away Nov. ' of Oscar L. Johnson, of route 3. Beav verses given out from Dec. 3, to Dec. be USP<j to defray expenses of the and Reedville. priced too. 2 7 . 25: county salvage committee. Be sure and look over 27 she was mother of Lillie R of I C n A tlF A V erton have been assigned to a battal- Dec. 4—Psalm 46; Dec. 5— Romans Chairman Beaverton; I Ion stressing the rifle at Camp Wolt- Chairman W W G G. Ide Ide and and the the mem- mem- ,heir big assortment. —“ ----. ' They . ' are niceh . ueavenun; grandmother grsmumoiner of oi Maurice .«iiuiu-u I U l d l l U c j t j U U I l b U l 12; Dec. «-H e b re w s 11; ‘ Dec. 7 ¡bers of the county ’ salvage committee finished and „ a joy w to ,h» “ " “ ‘ • r .------ ~ M 2-c, Hawaiian -------- ------- j l anil * * the “ youngsters. | Berg c islands, 1 ers, Texas. The Reedville eighth grade are now Matthews 7; Dec. 8—John 15; Dec. 9 1 wish to thank the housew-ives for ‘ Charles J. Berg, Portland W. E. Pegg in charge of arrangements. issuing a school paper. The staff ln- —Psalm 27; Dec. 10—Isaiah 55; Dec. their co-operation in this important Cited by President ! eludes Ann Marie Molek, editor; Bud Funeral services were held Wednes- 11—Psalm 121; Dec. 12—Phillippians war effort and assures them that pv- Washington county’s 13 granges i Sinclair, asst, editor; Neal Mclnnis, 4; Dec. 13—Rev. 21; Dec. 14—Luke Pry pound of tin and steel collected Private James R. Craughan. Metz- day. with graveside services under 15; Dec. 15—Ephesians 6; Dec. 16- ¡n this drive will be converted into ger. Oregon, a auto mechanic, has auspices.of the American Lgion, for will be responsible for this county’s sports editor; Joanne McGeorge, Hen- late of Beaverton, farm quota In the Sixth War Loan, it ; ry Fischer, Shiela Mathis and Jac- John 17; Dec . 17—Isaiah 53; Dec. 18 war materials only. served overseas 25 months with the John E Wright 1 Cor. 15; Dec. 19—John 10; Dec. 20— ------------------------- A A F ’s oldest B-2R Marauder group, who passed away Nov. 24 at Dallas, was announced by county chairman { queline Lewis, reporters. Jack Eller- He was husband of Jewel H. L. MacKenzie ; tck. manager. Psalm 51; Dec. 21—Psalm 37; Dec. 22 , c ■___ . which has been cited by the President Texas. -John I; Dec 23 Rev. 22; Dec. 24— Lhapel services at Granges of eastern Oregon are F. Sugurm of Portland has putchas- for “outstanding performance of Wright, father of Oleta. Robert Eugene McConnell of Van competlng in selling bonds in this ed the Becker home and a 15-acre Psalm 90; Christmas, Dec. 25— Luke 2. Oddfellow Hall Beaverton duty in armed conflict with the ene my." during a January 13 1944, mis couver, Wash., brother of Mrs. Ruby campaign for regis. Angus bull and peach and filbert orchard. R. A Burch has purchased part of of Beaverton, passed awny a purebred Duroc Jersey sow, while Bethel Chapel Services will be held <,ion over Rome Ciampino North and Cedar Mill P. T. A. in western Oregon granges are in block 11 Ladd A Reed's 1st add to at the Beaverton I. O. O. F. hall on South Airdromes, in preparation for lest week. Met November 30 Hans J. Hendrickson, late of 8935 competition for a registered Jersey Reedville. Sundays and Thursdays at 7:45 p. m. the Allied landings at Nettuno, Italy, Canyon lane passed away Nov. 21 bull and a pure bred Romney ram, | Lowell M. Kahr has bought 24 commencing next Sunday. Orville J. on January 22nd. 194t. ¡acres In Heaverton-Reedville tract Cedar Mill Parent Teachers Asso Poulin, minister. Everybody welcome He is entitled to wear the blue and He \ as husband of Sarah Ann and according to Morton Thompson, mas i from A. O. Westgate. ciation held their November meeting framed distinguished unit father of Mrs. Ellen Cliva of Tacoma, ¡ter ot the state grange There will be evangelistic, full gos Gold James Peter McDonald has sold on November 30 Instead of Thanks pel preaching, music and singing. Badge, the only army award worn Wash., brother of Alfred. Johnnie,: Grange quotas for this county announced by Mrs. Enid W a lk er, I part lot 34 Reedville Homes to Steve Henry and Mrs. Betty Rumfoe. giving day when their meeting should above the right hand blouse pocket Beaverton Parent Teachers Assn master of the Washington county Collins. have been held. The topic of the His Bombardment Wing was re O B IT U A R Y grange are; Hillsboro | meeting was Community Health In cently cited by General de Gaulle, are sponsoring a food sale and cloth- Pomona Guests at the A W Buchanan the Post-war World. An open forum for out- inK exchange to be held Saturday $35,000; Tigard $3»’>,5t)0; Winona Chief of the French Armies, Mrs Florence H Harris passed was held discussing modern health Allied Paces’ Cleaning establishment. For $49.500; Sherwood $19,000; Gale $34,- home this week included Mr. and Mrs. standing bombing support of away at her home In Beaverton Wed . additional information'eall Mrs Pace. 1500* Washington $13,500; Scholls $19,- J. D. Buchanan of San Francisco, problems. nesday November 20 She was born ground f° r??8 His was" the first ¿ 2 6 group In Ma- Mrs. Krishie, ways and means chair- jooO; i«ecdy $24,000; Riverside $6,500; Calif., Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Roane of April I, 1889, in Toronto. Canada, Jor General John K Wash., Dr. and Mrs. M AB LE C AR O LIN E OLSON Cannon’s 12th "'«n . Is in charge of the sale. ; Klnton $16.000; Aloha $59,000; Dixie Vancouver, Funeral services were held Monday living 55 years, 7 months and 19 \.\l to cooaplst s i,M' missions and OS ‘ Mountain $16.500; Beaverton $31,500 Ralph Dresser, Mrs. E. C. Stout, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kay, and Mrs. Stella at Pegg’s Chapel in Beaverton, for days. the Presidential citation mentions Wins First Prize Boswell. She moved to Eugene. Oregon with Mary Caroline Olson of Garden Garden Home School to flew 215 missions between 1 January | M u s i c C o n t e s t Home, who passed away Nov. 22. In her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. N Stri 1944 and 31 July 1944. during which Hold Rummage Sale Dec. 8 furloughed paratrooper when ker, about 1890. receiving her educa terment Crescent Grive cemetery. period it reflected great credit on the She was Pvt. Joe H Moshofsky, son of Mr IH __ of h the big _ projects to raise asked how many Jumps he had made. As h one She was 47 years old. sister of Jen tion in the Eugene schools military service of the United States But I've been nnd Mrs George FI Moshofsky of I money .this year to carry on Parent- replied: "None. ny C. Davies, route 1, Beaverton, aunt married to Thos. B Harris in 1909 Beaverton. Oregon, who worn first | Teacher Association work, the Gar- pushed 20 times.” ot Henry Davies. U. S Service, Child In 1918 they moved to Portland, and Beaverton in November 1919. prize in the baritone division of a | den Home School will hold a Rum- 1 Turner in California ress Tex.; Lawrence and Archie Da to post-wide Music Contest held recent- mage Sale, all day Friday, December vies. soute 1, Beaverton; niece of Mrs where they have resided ever since In ad- j h at 1019 SW 2nd Ave., Portland, James Turner, box 125. Aloha. Ore ly at Lowry Field. Colorado. Lena Olaon, route 1, Tigard, and Mrs She ia survived by her husband Thos B Harris a daughter Lt Doris B gon. is now in Apprentice Seaman ditlon to receiving a War Bond as | Oregon A great many varied and Loisa Anderson, Portland. Harris. A. N. C. now in Northern training at the U. S Maritime Ser prize, he w 11 represent I«owry Field 1 useful items will be offered for sale, France, three granddaughters, Doris vice Training Station, Avalon, Cata in the Seventh Service Command Mu-*\irs Clarence Peterson, Ways and Tweed Recovering Janet, Laureli children of M J lina Island. California. Turner is sic Contest to be held at Omaha ! Means chairman, and her committee Before i are in charge of the event, Ray Tweed, son of Mrs. Roscoe Harris, who passed away Jan 4. 1942 busy gaining knowledge and exper Nebraska. Dec 1. 2 and 3 Bennett is recovering in a Maryland two sisters, Alice Arthur, of Mashing lence fia t will fit him for duty with entering the Army In April, 1944, he Also on the calendar for the flrat j E 0 0 rOJR naval hospital from a serious attack ton, Mabel. Eugene and two brothers our great Merchant Marine . . . . was employed by the Willamette Iron • part ol December, will be the P T. from pneumonia. Chief Radioman Arthur and W. K. Striker. Eugene training that will enable him to help and Steel Corp. in Portland and made a Open Board Meeting, Friday, De Funeral services were held Friday deliver vital war cargoes to our fight- his home there with his wife at 3847 cemher 1st at 2:15 p. m. This meet- Tweed it will be remembered spent At lnff Wji| be held at the home of Mrs, some time with his mother last sum at Peggs chapel, with interment in ing forces and allies throughout the SE Yamhill, Portland Oregon world The Maritime Service offers Low iy Field, one of the AAF' Train Robert Glbbe. Gant en Home. Ore- mer after he had been rescued from Crescent Grove cemetery. technical ' KOn, and will take the place of the Mrs. Harris was very much devot men 17 to 50 a chance to play a vita! ing Command’s largest Guam where he had spent nearly ed to her home She was brought part in the winning of the war, » school installations, he is a student in regular meeting. three years dodging the Japs Turrets The County Council will meet at up a Methodist later in life became chance to serve with our great Vic the Pre-Remote Control I Garden Home School on Tuesday. “ I've done my share—this is my a member of the Christian Church tory Fleet which "delivers the goods School. ------------------------- 1 December 12th. The meeting will last " —Mrs Esther Esterly, 43 Allen She was a member of the Beaverton where ever they are needed It's a great idea, civilisation. Some- start at 10 a. m. and lunch will be town, Pa., after birth of her 20th Camp of the Spanish American War ---- l a y Christmas Veterans Auxiliary. body ought to start It.—Ex terv*d 'B xthool cafsterla at noon. ch ild Tin Cans Wanted Nearly $100 Already Collected Farm Quota S H O P P IN G - WEEKS, CLost 10 ThE BUY flM m i SfAtS