Friday, Novem ber 24, 1944 BEA\ ER TON E N T E R P R IS E . Beaverton, Oregon CLASSIFIED WANT ADS CASH I M IS C E L L A N E O U S P. K. IIAGO Hauling Contractor Concrete, Sand, Gravel, Masons Sand, Crushed Rock and Road Gravel K6, Bx 601, Portland 1, Oregon Phone Tigard 2446 tf M u s t Accompany AH C L A S S IF IE D A D S Count each word, including Name and address -O N L Y 2c A W ORD No Phone Orders Taken Home Refrigeration and washing machine services. Call K. B. Twombly CH. 2267. 8tf ’ Vs Publish the BEAVERTON ENTERPR ISE TIGARD SENTINEL MULTNOMAH PRESS ALOHA N EW S CUSTOM TR A C TO R W O R K - L e t us plow your garden. Howard Wm. Smith, Johnson Rd. A Divis­ ion sts., Phone Beaverton 2462 4tf Dead ,tock Plchi<1 up free of charge anywhere. Call collect. UN. 1221; night call D ENLEY R E N D E R IN G CO.. Portland. tf Complete Eastern Wasnington County and Western Multnomah County : Coverage. Ws assume no financial responsi­ bility lor errors which may appear in ! advertisements published in these columns but in case where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of aa advertisement in which the typo­ graphical mistake occurs. TRIANGLE GOAT BUCK SE RVIC E—Register­ ed Pure Bred Nubian and French Alpine. R. H. Besmehn, 1 mi S of Beaverton on highway 217. 30tf M I L L I N G C O . RATION BOOK REMINDER Cut this out and keep it in your purse MEAT, BUTTER. C HEESE: Red Stamps A8 through P5 are good indefinitely. No more red stamps until Dec 3. Waste kitchen fAts exchanged for I two points and four cents a pound. PROCESSED FOODS— Book 4— Blue atamps AS through W valid indefinitely. No new stamps until Dec. 1. SUGAR— Stamps No. 3lV34 in book 4 valid indefinitely for five pounds. Eor canning only: Sugar Stamp 40 valid for 3 pounds through Feb. ! 28. 1945. SHOES— Loose Stamps In v a lid ........ I Airplane stamps No’s. 1 2 and 3 good indefinitely for one pair. GASOLINE COUPONS— Not Valid unless Endorsed A No 13 expires Dec. 21. • WOOD. COAL. SAW III sT — Delivery by priorities based on w rit­ ten statements of needs. PR ICE CONTROL— Refer price Inquiries and com- plnints to price clerk at your local board. M onito « i ^ I I N A J O ............................................... ............................... ........... ............................ ! Save 20 to 25% on your FIR E IN S U R A N C E C O STS Oregon Mutual PoUcltw are NON-ASSESSAHIJi. You NEVER pay more than the premium on the face of the policy Oregon Mutual maintain« more than three time« the surplus required hj Oregon Insurance Lam . BRICKYARD FACTORY WORKERS Essential Industry E X P E R IE N C E For quality, fair price and service N O T NECESSARY J. B. Imlay & Sons ALOHA. ORE Steady W ork with Overtime APPLY AT God Calls Time BROOD SOWS and Weaner Pigs for Sale the year around, S. A. Gotter, Scholls. 12tf I O F M cM INN V IL L K Organized 1894— . 40 year« of Reliable Service Cl B ru n e tti FISHER THORSEN PAINTS FO R S A L E - Buck Service, Does Kids, and young Bucks. H. V. Turner, CHerry 3959, Metzger 46 SYLVAN PLANT COLUMBIA BRICK WORKS 1320 S. E. Water Ave., Portland F O R S A L E —4 ft green slab. Aloha , With the birth of Christ, God rang district $6 per cord. Block & Ed-j down the curtain to set the stage tor ging $7 per cord. Beaverton-Ti-1 a new scene. gard-Garden Home district 4 ft. I He had promised his Chosen People— green slab $7 per cord. Block A the Hebrews—that they should have Edgings $8 per cord. H. F. Elford. all earthly blessings if they would Farest Grove. Phone 56. tf search out his will to know it and to do it. But for 1500 years, the Chos­ Wood, Old Growth Fir en People went their own way and . now the curtain drops to rise on a W H IL E IT LASTS 12 or 16 In. heavy Green Block new scene. God is to create a New & Slab $8 per Cord Delivered Race of men on the earth. Men who Also Straight & Chip Mix Sawdust will do his will and live by Power ] Curb or Side Door Delivery From On High. C A L L IN G A L L MEN -C A L L IN G 'Wilson Fuel Yard A L L M EN! Hear the call Be free P. O. BOX 398, B E A V E R TO N from Penalty-Practice and Presence Phone Beaverton 2491 of sin. O NE—Free from the Penal­ 48 ty. Christ took our sins and died un­ der the penalty to clear us. Believe in His death to clear you. TW O — W ANTED Be free from the old sins that drag Christ indwells His peo- | R ID E R Wanted—to Commercial you down. Iron Works shipyard on grave- j pie and gives them the urge to live to Confess your sins yard shift. Jim Selden, 3rd and the glory of God. Tucker, Bx 112 Beaverton. 43 — Keep in step— Be an overcomer— Grow in the likeness of Christ. SH IN G LIN G — By Contract. TR. T H R E E —Delivered from the Pres­ 7774, Portland, Friese & Bradley, ence of Sin—The lost dead go out into R4, Bx 620 Beaverton. 43 the pains of hell, to be with the liars, murderers, the unclean forever. The W A N T E D —Birycle repairman, ex-j saved go to the heavenlan.1 in bodies perienced man preferred. Kisslerj glory. Bicycle Shop, 923 SW 4th A v e ,] of Calling all men—Calling all men. , Portland, Ore., bet 11 a. m. and 6 How shall we escape if we neglect so p. m. Call AT. 5438. tf great salvation. ------------- ----------------------------------- i W A N T E D —Good Farm Properties. List your farm with us. W e have numerous buyers for all types of farms in vicinity of Tigard and 8101 SW McChesney Road. Beaverton, Write or telephone us Portland, Oregon Our representative will call on you Thie «paca paid for by an Oregon No charge. S L A Y T E R R E A L T Y | businessman. CO. 528 SW Salmon. Portland. | BR. 1146. 32tf W A R BONDS are the safest invest­ P A P E R IN G — PainMng * Kalso- ' ment in the wide world. Kepler Davenport Co. BEAVERTO N, OREGON Recovering and Modernizing Beaverton 3762 Open 8:30 to 6 Blond* Hsdhsao Grayvita Vitamins W O R K — R e sto re s C o lo r N atu rally Filberts-Walnuts W A N TED TURKEYS ALSO TOP PRICES Live Poultry and Eggs Make Delivery or Call A Dressing Plants; McMinnville, Salem, Eugene, Roseburg, Oregon. HUDSON-DUNCAN CO. 325 SE Main Office and Plunt CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY Complete Funeral Service Ip New Cathedral Chapel at No Extra cost Riverview 1« a co-operative asso­ ciation with assets of over $800,000 CENTRALLY LOCATED Close to bus trans­ portation and walking distance from downtown. A T FOREST G RO VE F.Ast 5141 N e x t tim e you hear a Southern Pacific train whistle in the night, think o f it as something more than a lonely, haunting sound. It is a reassuring sound— a promise that even w hile you sleep, the war trains are rolling. I t ’s the confident voice oi an industry that’s doing the biggest job in its history, and w ill be in there pitching long after the war is over. Wouldn’t you like to know the language o f the train whistles? Below we show you: • What S. P. train MORTICIAN SW r o U R T I l AT M O N T G O M E R Y A Taster 2181 • whistles mean • Mefchanics work 48 hrs. per S J 40 hours straight; 8 hours week! tim eL Rand a half. Good working condì-R Permanent employment. I OREGON MOTOR STAGES 506 S W Mill BE. 3021 PO R TL A N D i O O O When train is running, this means it will stop at next station, which is not a regular stop. If train is stand­ ing still, this signal warns that it is about to back up. ^ fli One long whistle is sounded a mile before train reaches stations, railroad crossings, drawbridges, etc. ■ O O O Signal for brakeman to protect rear o f train. He must go down the track with necessary flagman's signals. O O O OR Signal for brakeman to protect front of train. ■ i RB BR MR This signal orders brakeman to return from the west. De Laval This signal recalls brakeman from the SEPARATORS — Mil.KERN COMPLETE EQUIPM ENT AND SUPPLIES FOR THE DAIRY INDUSTRY iïtomei (rifell N M f « t « r A DHtrttakr / Loen amo Cat. - I a i t ¡ L a east. RB O O Thia tells other trains that a second section is following. O O This is the engineer’s answer to most signals from other trains. J N t’ ■ D A I R Y M A N 135 N W Park I. P. Finley & Son Phone 51 ■ ■ O ■ Warning whistle when train is approaching a highway crossing. BEST P R IC E for Rabbit Fryers. D. P. MacDonald, R2, Bx 218. Beaver- tan. Phone Beaverton 2260. We pick up. tf W EST EN D SELL WOOD BRIDGE Phone EA . 5161 W ill receive either Green or Dry Nutt > R A B B IT S W A N T E D Riverview Cemetery W ater Av., Portland Forest Grove Northwest Poultry & Dairy Products Co. Phone Hillsboro, Oregon WANTED BEAVERTON PHARMACY Phone Beaverton 2311 S. E. Oak Streit, Portland. Ore. Evenings by Appointment Phone 1732 “Every Form of Protection“ Yes people the »union over have reported G R A Y V I T A Vitam in« W O R K , and that their gray hati is returning u* its natural rolor C iR A Y V IT A Vitam in* mntain t he «ame amount of anti gray hair vitamin * «Plus 4.50 Ini units Ut> as tested by a lead mk housekeeping niaga line Of thoEO tested. tfA% had return of hair color G R A Y V I T A Vitam in« are non fatten tnR can t harm your “ permanent " 3U day supply. $1.50; 100 days. $4 00 Phona Receiving Portland, Albany, Redmond, L Walker, Agent New Location 112 So. 3rd Ave. W e haven’t room to explain all the whistles, but here are the comm onest ones. Th e " o ” stands for a short sound, the dash means a longer sound. mining, neat, experienced work­ man L. L. Seeley, R 2, Bx 180-A Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 2516 40tf W A N T E D —Live Haboita, to buy now. Top prices paid. Rabbit Meat Co., 8917 SE Stark St. .Portland. Phone SUnset 1722. Open week days only until 7:30 p. m. tf m (n r O O O O O O A succession o f short sounds is a warning to persons or livestock on the track. AT. 6481 S*P J a t f i r s t j SIGN Of A The friendly Southern Pacific U S .6 6 6 Cold Preparation» a»_direcjjd I . • I I ^ADDBESS........................................................ W ANTED Imlay’s Fresh Mixed Feeds R E E D V 1LLE ’ □ Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company P A IN T S FOR S A L E —Peonies, rose, pink, red & white; Marshall Strawber- j ries. Order your Holly wreathes ; now for Christmas. IL E X N U R ­ SERY, Beaverton 2614. % mile W of Beaverton on main hiway. 45 You will And yourself one o f the best inform ed persons in your community when you read The Christian Science Monitor regularly. Y o u w ill find fresh, new viewpoints, fuller, richer understanding o f w orld affairs . . . truthful, accurate, unbiased news. W rite for sample copies today, or send for o ne- month trial subscription. Thm C t r l » » * « Helene« PubUahm* Mctoly T J jB f O b «, Norway 8tr«ft. Boston 15. M aas I I--- ì r . M M M ild f r t « SABI p i « copi«« Of T h « H i«**« Mud « on«-month trial * baertp- tton to T h « Christian Soane« Monitor L J Christian Betone« Monitor includine « cooy oI your Weoklv M m * * in « Section tot which X «nclü«« ................... l i 665 N. Tillamook St. Portland, Ora. FOR SALE— 4 ft. Green Slab wood ' $7 per cord in 3 cord lots. Sanford | FO R TOW CAR call V E R M IL Y E Laughlin, R l, Carlton, Ore. 461 MOTOR CO., Phone Tigard 3381 tf FOR SALE—Mohair Davenport A i Chair, prewar— spring filled $75; 1 . Wood Lathe, Tools, Motor, Bench, I some Wood and Lacquer $95. Next door to Beaverton Auto Wreckers No. 926 on Hiway. 43 V . X s v™>. t a JlSwrdC i y- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ([E l HIDES A WOOL, CASCARA— A specialty. LEE BROS., 85 SW Clay Portland. AT. 5334. tf FO R S A L E Pago 3 !