Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1944)
Page 2 BEAVERTON Friday, November 17, 1044 E N T E R P R IS E , Beaverton, Oregon Babson Says Continued from . Page 1 1 warehouses, then we rationed It, and then we gave it away to all the rest No one can fairly say that we oi the world. i haven't tried everything during the last ten years- first we b .rned food, Double taxation of dividend Income then plowed it under, then dumped it into rivers and even into the ocean, is one of the plainest forms of taxing then paid folks for not raising it, job-creation.” ’—Committee for Eco then we froze it on shelves and in nomic Development. Zig-Zag To the People of this Community The Victory Voianlter goes by coming Administration at Washington J t i i 'H I h s , Publisher many names in the Sixth War I.oan , . , will do this. Sometimes he or she is called a Published Friday of each week by the Pioneer Publishing Oo, st Beaverton, Ald Farmer» Gallant, sometime:- a Elue Star Brigadier or per Both farmers and union labor have Oregon. Fnlered as second-dess metter et the pastofflce et Beaverton, Ore. haps a Bor.dcdier. had their honeymoons. Both will get Whatever the des tt.oo 8 uhscrlptloB Payable In Advance. less consideration during the next One Veer ignation. he or she four years. We may, therefore, ex is performing a Beaverton Office—Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2321 pect lower farm prices and only a practical patriotic Portland Office—308 Panama Bldg., 3rd and Alder Phone ATwater 6691 few if any wage raises. service. In this community in the The hourly rate foi wages may not 1 next few weeks | be cut; but "overtime” will be out the I you will meet many window. We will go back to the for of them at work, in Oltcl ty-hour week. I strongly advise Here are ways in which you the theatres, at 101 I both farmers and wage workers to can help yourself to better tele your workshop, in Fi m s | begin immediately to "save up money j the banks and in phone service: ; for a rainy day’. It surely is com U l -’ I/'-" your home. • Handle telephone equipment Remember one thing: you do not ing. Moreover, this would still b e ! with care, true if the election had gone th e, do them a favor when you buy an e Please be brief. extra War Bend. You help your Pick-a-Back Plane, New other way. country, vour fighting relatives and • Speak clearly into telephone Free (enterprise to he Tested friends and your '■li. The Victory Air Weapon, Fails Nazis mouthpiece. Both candidates at heart believed in Volunt cer gives his time and his ON THE BRITISH FRONT IN “ free enterprise" so long as It will • If you are on a party line, energy in a great cause lie or she consider other subscribers. FRANCE.—A German attempt to keep people employed. When, how-; makes it easy for you to do your duty by buying at least one extra exploit a new aerial weapon—a pilot ever, it does not prevent unemploy • Don't call "Information” for $100 War Bond over and above your less pick-a-back bomber crammed ment the voters surely will demand numbers listed in directory. regular Bond purchase:. that something be done. This "some with high explosives—ended in a THE EDITOR. spectacular but harmless crash into thing” will be quack remedies con- W E S T COAST the sea off a British beachhead, it tr^ly_.!:"_,t.he_8p! " t. .?,f, _ent*.rpri ? ‘ T E L E P H O N E CO . Certainly, much will be done for the was disclosed today. returning- soldiers, sailors and airmen, j Flying ovpr FYance Sgt. Ray Allen j The crewless plane was shot down Some of this aid will be uneconomic spotted a defective bomb which men- i by a Royal air force fighter several and wasteful; but Washington will be aced his crew. With destruction im- nights ago. driven to it. Such action will help mlnent, Allen opened the bombs bay "It made a colossal splash but along the inevitable Inflation and and hanging by his legs, released the that's all,” said Capt. R C. Lewis, some day cause us a lot of trouble, bomb! Too many people look for charity who witnessed the end of the bomb This, however, should not come until instead ut opportunity. er from his beach anti-aircraft post. around 1950. L E G A L N O T IC E “ The idea is old but the Germans Conclusions The election of November 7th In short, conditions make Presi have given it a new twist. It's a places nine women In the House, NOTICE OF BOND SALE dents; rathet than Presidents make when the 79th Congress meets In Janu Messerschmitt-109 fighter ‘married’ conditions. Notice is hereby given that sealed The masses of the entire ury, the most in history. Six of the ] to a Junkers-88 bomber,” Captain world are on the march. Neither bids will be received by the under- seven women were returned. Wo- I Lewis said. "The Junkers is stripped Roosevelt noi Dewey nor an undecid- signed until the hour of eight o’clock, men for years have fought for the j of all armament and its glasshouse, ed election can stop them. It is a P- M., on the 29th day of November, right to vote and incidentally—hold J or nose, is filled with explosives to mistake to try to block them as did 1944. and immediately thereafter office. One wonders now what these ^ make a warhead. Avery of Montgomery-Ward; it is a I publicly opened by the school district nine officeholders are doing —are they "The planes take off together, mistake to cheer them as have many j board of School District No. 48, Wash accomplishing more for their coun pick-a-back style, with the Junkers politicians during the past two ington County, Oregon, at the Beaver- j try than their predecessors? The wise man will attend ton High School Building in Beaver-; remotely controlled by the Mcsser- months. achmitt pilot who guides it until the i to his own business, keep out Oif ton, Oregon, for an issue of bonds of j A great many parents have voiced last moment when it is set on a debt, educate his children to be useful »aid school district in the amount of thei r approval of the passage of the course to crash against a selected ¡and wait for these masses to learn thirty thousand dollars ($30,000.00) Burke Bill Nov. 7. One has but to target.” said bonds to be dated December 1, I their lesson through experience. glance at the records of the state TTiis was the first reported use of | As to the effect of the election on 1944, and to mature senally in numer- asylum where It is claimed there are ! the markets, I expect no more chang- leal order as follows: 5000 'wlnos' to realize the need of i the weapon and apparently has not I es than have already occurred. $6,000.00 on December 1, 1947 I been repeated. RAF pilots said it restricting the sale of fortified wine $6,000.00 on December 1, 1948 1 am bearish on municipals and other made a "beautiful target.” to minors. $6,000.00 on December 1, 1949 high grade bonds; but am still bullish $6,000.00 on December 1, 1950 on most well-selected stocks. I do, $6,000.00 on December 1, 1951 I however, not like the rails, aircrafts Four Japs Praying in Said bonds to bear interest at th e; or shipping stocks for the next four rate of not more than 4% per an- j Church Taken by Yankee years. To the Per. -la num payable semiannually, principal! AT SEVENTH AAF BASE, MARI c > this Community and Interest payable at the office of ANAS ISLANDS.—Sgt. Harry Bo- the county treasurer of Washington GI Joe in his Pacific foxhole— zarth, Trenton, N. J., decided re County, Oregon, or at the fiscal agen maybe he is your brother, husband, cently to inspect a fancy building cy of the State of Oregon in New ( s\ eetheart or friend - is listening in the Japanese had constructed on this York City, at the option of the pur on you today. $ island. He found four Japanese sol _ _ He knows you chaser. i| have a date with a diers Inside. His first impulse was to j Said bonds were duly authorized at Victory Volunteer, open fire. He hesitated a moment an election held on October 30, 1944. ¿/ m it v n . ■ a nc'-'hbor with a Bids must be accompanied by a 1 and then took the Japanese as pris War Bond order In certified check In the amount of One his or hdr hand. oners. Asked later why he had not j is one day old.” The two of you Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) fired on the numerically superior , —"Ralph As the young preacher began his may talk It over at The approving legal opinion of enemy, the sergeant said; "I sud 1 sermon that Sunday morning—Octo- your work bench. Messrs, Teal, Winfree, McCulloch, denly realized that the building was HORNING In your office or In j her 29th, it was he told his people of your home Will a Jap church and that the four sol ! the birth of Ralph, their first-born Schuler and Kelley will be furnished the successful bidder. GI Joe pick up diers were at worship. Somehow, it j the day before. He' said that while phrases like "I The board reserves the right to re didn’t seem right to shoot people in the little fellow was but a day old, he ject any and all bids. can’t afford It," E W S Station' church." "Why do they have to have more knew that the boy would break out in Li. W. SHORT, Chairman money?” "We'll lick Japan with sin and that he must be born again. School District No. 48, one hand tied behind our back” ? —I have a nature that turns to sin Washington County. GI Joe counts on you to have Captured German Stuff and so has his mother and so it will ATTEST; enough and knowledge of the _______________ E. H. MASTERS (acts about the Pacific war to back Car Needs White Flag be with the Babe. Then the man's voice took on deep concern Would Clerk, School District No 48, Wash- him up in his foxhole. The extra SOMEWHERE IN FRANCE.—Two | that I might know that my son would $100 War Bond you buy today Is h ington County. correspondents near Cherbourg I be born again. War Bond with the most power. It First date of publication November j gives GI Joe Ihe support he must found an abandoned German staff Yc must be born again, was his 10. 1944. have at the time when he needs it car. Two army officers with them text. He told of one of their mem East date of publication November most. It tells Tokyo you're in the patched the ignition wires and start bers who had been born twice and 24, 1944. fight to the finish. » had a double birthday. Her second ed the engine. THE EDITOR "It's dangerous driving this bus birth was of God trom above and on Estimates gladly given on Jobs Large or Small a d v e r t is e m e n t f o r b id s behind our lines,” said Marcel Wal the same day and month as her hu birth. We add that being born ' M .._, , . -, ... . The rotating statue of Mexican lenstein, Kansas City Star corre man . . , is . to die .. , but „ once. „„„ ah. . . Notice she She . . . M is hereby given that _ school 2425 N. Commercial UNiversity 1054 onyx, dedicated to the war veterans spondent. “ You stand outside and twee, .. . .wo un,,, district No. 48, Washington County', will not see the Second‘ , Oregon, hereinafter referred to as of Ramsey county, represents a group wave a white handkerchief." Portland 12, Or. of Indians crouched about their coun They did this for 40 miles, arriv soever was not found written in the th. “Owner", will receive up to. but cil fire smoking their pipe of peace . . ing at their home base safe but Eambs Book of Life was cast into not ,ater than 800 D.clock pP M Pa. ■Ms The rising smoke takes the form of challenged enough times to make ! , '" f " |ciflc War Time of the 27th day ut No- ! an Indian god of peace, one hand them vow never again. I CERTIFICATE You “ » ¡ I w a S ^ f T c o n t r a c e r contract's fori holding a peace pipe, the other ex tended in a gesture of friendliness, Wrth V -S Cthis world and1 your « " '» ‘ ruction work in connection with; symbolic of the thought that out of a certain school addition project lo-1 Red* Lacking Rifles? f i lends i in say whether you have cated in the City of Beaverton, Coun-1 conference and understanding comes been born of God, from above. To the hope of peace on earth. The ty of Washington, State of Oregon. Enemy Learns Truth the Twice-Born old things have pass Such bids shall be received in the of- i statue rotates 90 degrees on Its LONDON. — Romanian soldiers ed away. All has become new. base, requiring two hours for each ro ice of E. H. Masters, Clerk, located fighting on the eastern front were After the sermon came an altar call in the Beaverton High School build- [ tation, weighs 55 tons and stands 38 told by their officers that the Rus with three High School students and feet high. ing in the city of Beaverton in said i ¡a boy iron» the grades coming to the county and state, and shall be opened sians had but one rifle for every [front It was a United Presbyterian and publicly read aloud ut the above three men. A Jap sniper poised himself to kill church and the preacher asked Did sfhted time in the library room in "When we arrived at the front a lone Yank sentry. As he was about they believe the Bible to be the word such building. we saw that the officers were to press the trigger, the sentry’s’ alert of God And did they accept the right. There was only one rifle K 0 courier (dog) leaped at the Jap, Each bid must conform and be res- j shed blood of Christ as washing away pensive to this invitation, the Infor for every three Russians but in The sentry, hearing the scuffle, whirl ; their sins? ed and finished the Jap. addition they had two tommy- mation for Bidders, the Plans, Speci BORN AGAIN How explain the fications. and all the other documents PHONE BEAVERTON 3231 BEAVERTON. OREGON guns.” mystery of the New Birth? Howb«^ comprising the pertinent Contract | Good artions give strength to our come Children ___ selves and Inspire action In others. Tell It with a classified . __. ot God .. and „ . . his ... heirs? intn Documents. Copies of the Contract1 are now on f„ , and oppn It ,« when_God brMthM_hta_Uf«_tnto ii=iii=Hisiir=iii=iii=Hi3Hi=msui=iiisin£ui-£m ,oul Then old things r pass away j ’ t0 pub|tc inspection in , the .V offices ... your soui. ut-1. u ..___* of . III ill R Martw, Schoo, Clerk lopatp<| I and all thing. ^ " ' * " * * . Your E . .. ~ part is to turn to tK>d and count your at nMV>rtnn Beaverton in the County of Wash- g aj sins blotted out by the blood of tngton and of Freeman and Hyslip, I S Christ—Christ died for our sins. Assoc. Architects located at 304 P os-' ¡7. From that on you are to step ahead tal Building in the City of Portland IN CULVERT SEWER DRAIN 5 and live to the glory of (.od. of Multnomah County, in said County for Christ's name, you must and in it and statp and may he obtained at the all. you look to Him foi the power,to ,attel ,ace by depositing $15.00 for ill SEE Y O U R B U IL D IN G M A T E R IA L D E A L E R | carry on. I will never leave thee each set. This deposit will be re — AT Portland Concrete Pipe & Products Co. nor forsake thee, says He. WEARING READING GI.ASSKS BM At’ SF. funded if the set or sets of Contract A F I B HI E E FN "AFRAID” OF ItlFfM'ai s* VOI I A N "A F R A ID ” O F BIFTM 'Al.S? Documents delivered are returned in 5819 S.YV. Macadam Av., Portland« 1 # Oregon ATwater 838-4 — T. V 4 ,N t ’ ‘ »FF A N D ON M A N Y T IM E S A D A Y TO good condition within 10 days after SEE CLEARLY W IIF N L O O K IN G IF ? IN N T IT A si£m 3iiiginsiii=ni=iii=in=insiii=in=u.^.■■-■..^.»r ,r. - nrr nt-nrrnm iiY W R K the bid opening. N U IS A N C E ? Each bid shall be made out on a 3101 SW McChesney Road. O F B IF O C A L "H O R R O R * T A L E S s e e n AS: hid form to be obtained at either of •ri=ni=iM=iii=iii=i>i=iii=iii=Hi=i!i=iH=iii=msiii=iii=iii=iii=iii=m=iu=iii=m=Hisiii5 ui£i Portland, Oregon I y ! ' H. O S S T A IR S. STE P S, C l R H IN O S ALONG AA ITII This space paid for by an Oregon the said offices in which the Contract Fifth Church of Christ, Scientist I N S IG H T L Y “ N E C K -C R A N IN O ” A N D G A P IN G * Documents are on file. businessman. PORTLAND, OREGON — M ISP LA C IN G O R F O R G E T T IN G T H E M Q l I T K O F T E N ? Each bid shall be accompanied by Announces a certified or cashier’s check payable to the Owner, or a satisfactory bid bond in favor of the Owner executed by the bidder as Principal and a sat — W IT H SOME SO D1FF. KINDS OF BI FOCALS YOU CAN isfactory surety company as Surety REST ASSURED W E CAN PRESCRIBE ONE TO s i IT P IA N O T U N IN G YOUR NEEDS in an amount not less than five per and R E P A IR IN G Entitled cent of the Maximum amount of the! — HAVING BIFOCALS IKIES NOT MEAN YOU MUST AA EAR P h o n e A I .O I I A M il« bid. The check or bid bond shall be “Christian Scieno?: Its Revelation of God’s Plan THEM AIJ. THE TIME, THEY ARE SIMPLY MIR Till*. Beaverton, Oregon given as a guarantee that the bidder CO NVENIENCE OF SEEING CLEARLY and Purpose to Man.” shall execute the Contract if It be — WF. SHALL BE PLEASED TO AN A L YZE VO IR A IS| \l awarded to him in conformity with PROBLEMS BY MAKING A THOROUGH EXAM INATION the Contract Documents and shall provide the surety bond or bonds as specified therein within five days Sym ptoms of Distress Arising from after notificaton of the award of the — Optometrist— — Optician— of Chicago, Illinois Contract to the bidder. Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother The Owner reserves the privilege of t hurch. The First Church of Christ, Scientist in rejecting any and all bids or to waive FreeSeeliTeits of HoewTrwatweet that Boston, Massachusetts. any Irregularities or informalities in Moat Kelp or R WIN Cost V om Nothing any bid or in the bidding in the edifice of the O n r t w o million botM esof the W IL L A R D 3rd Floor Pearson Bldg. No bidder may withdraw his bid for T R E A T M E N T h i n t e f o sold fo r relief o f a period of SO days after the date set1 symptom* o f .tlssrsss arising fron S tem ., » - Betwn. 4th & Fifth on Washington for the opening of bids. and Pin d. m l V l r m d e e to I . n i AcM — f " ' f « . « t l . « , S m > or U o**t M i m i c a , E H MASTERS Portland 4, Oregon S h .I i » » . N sa rtS sm . S l n s l m n m . sS«., Clerk. School District No ! 4224 S. E. 62nd Avenue Hour«: L 3E I M due to Etc**« AsM. Sold on 1 5 days' trial! BE. 5014 48. Washington County. Ore Friday. Till 9 00 p M Ask for " W illard's M esta i* " « h i e b fu lly Thursday evening. November 23. at 8 o'clock Date of first publication. November 1 1 l'Ulna I tu* treatm ent - le w — at Nal. 1 «U P. M This lecture wtll be radiocast over Station KWJJ 10. 1944 BEAVERTON PHARMACY Date of last publication November The Public ia Cordially invited BEAVERTON. OREGON 34 1*44 « S T O ;;: TO BETTER TELEPHONE SERVICE Son To Sin Says Preacher ALSO EVERY AT 10:00 H. A . Starr Contractor fo r Concrete Work DIESEL & STO V E OIL Veltex Super Ethyl Gasoline McMillian Ring Free & Valvoline Motor Oil HARRY BARNES CO NCRETE PIPE BEADING GLASSES? ARE TOO- A FREE LECTURE ON C H R I S T I A N SCIENCE GEORGE F. GORDON DR. LEIGHTON L ROT Wm. H. SMITH -Portland Optical- QUICK RELIEF FROM HUGH STUART CAMPBELL, C. S. B. STOMACH ULCERS »VETO EXCESS ACID Fifth Church of Christ, Scientist niiiisii iiBntiniimsmsinswRMi I