Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1944)
Tuesday is Flection Day every vo ter should vote, with the thought in his mind of the future o f our country. Our forefathers have handed down to us a sacred covenant liberty—we protect it with oui lives but do not plan for the future. What can this generation pass on to posterity. Published Friday or each week by the Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton. Oregon. Entered as aerond-oiana matter at the postofflee at Beaverton, Ore. i Ä.T»: ' y \ & ÌW ® R I But we must also have a Govern One Tear ..Si-00 Subscription Payable In Advance. ment which believes in enterprise and Government policies which en- Beaverton Of flea—Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2321 We must see to Portland Office—308 Panama Bldg., 3rd and Alder Phone ATwater 6591 couragi cntei , >.se. it that a man >vho wants to start a business is encouraged to start it, that the n,an who wants to expand a going business is encouraged to ex PER O re g ] pand it. We must see to it that the I ATI 01 job-producing enterprises of America are stimulated to produce more jobs Ui’wifVi. We must see to it that the man who wants to produce more jobs is not throttled by the Government—but knows that he has a Government as eager for him to succeed as he is him self.—Thomas E. Dewey. “K E 1 ÎP C O R D O N o n T H E J O B “ SAYS FORMER GOVERNOR CHARLES A. SPRAGUE F m i s H ELP OREGON GROW ■ ■ ** * ' *, A v ‘ *»*\ ■ j j There will be no freedom in this country unless there is freedom of competition. Our anti-trust laws pro tect the people from private business monopolies, but do not apply to mono polistic government business. A boaster and a liar are cousins. Strengthen our state banks by voting for the Banking amendment. Protects depositors through federal deposit insurance. B E A V E R S O C IA L C L U B Bazaar & Cake Sale 7:30 Card Parity 8 p. m.— Opens way for stronger capital structure. 50c Admission November 4 Puts Oregon on same plane with 45 other states. at Plan has endorsement of grange, bankers, state authorities, labor leaders and others. MASONIC TEMPLE W A Y N E O R S E • Believes all classes should have equal representation. • Wants the American markets for the American farmer. • Opposes bureaucratic controls that force farmers to hold 15-cent-a- pound lamb until it becomes 10-cent mutton. • Wants Canadian preferential re moved from Oregon lumber. • Wants a post-war organization to enforce a lasting peace. SENATOR CORDON Charles A. Sprague, the man w ho ran against Senator C ordon in the M ay prim aries w holeh eartedly endorses C ord on ’s candidacy to succeed him self on N ovem ber 7 B y his deeds since being appointed U .S . Senator by G overnor Earl Snell, Senator C ordon has w on th t approval o f the w hole state. Elect WAYNE MORSE U. S. S e n a t o r VOTE FOR Poid a d v. M ors» for Sonafor Committe« Ralph D. M o o r»«, M organ Bidg., Portland, C r » . U.S. S E N A T O R Vote 300X YES! CHARLES A . S P R A G U E J ? o ly I GUY CORDON oftke NAZ P A IO AO lA N K I N O A M IN D M IW T C O M M I T T I ! B B O O TH . C H A I AM A N C O R V A LLIS O A S O O N $ ib lc Pd. Adv Cordbn tor Senotor Committee. Im pen d Hotel Portiood. Ore %ter into /us courts w ii/i pjuds£ LEON ARD C. JOHNSON, Pastor Phone 3691 CLEAN OUT THE BUREAUCRATS AND RESTORE AMERICAN Make your calling and Flection sure. Cast your ballot for Divine Authority. • “Choose ye this day whom ye will serve!” Elect Christ as the leader and controller o f your life. l1 ifl I III D E W IY W IL L C IV E READING TELEPHONE BOOK HEADACHES Third Church of Christ, I l§ I S! Scientist hi A FREE LECTURE ON C H R IST IA Entitled N SCIENCE ¡Ü “Christian Science: EYES TIRE EASILY NEWS PRIN T NOT LARGE ENOUGH HOLDING PAPER TOO FA R A WAY Ijj I PORTLAND, OREGON Announces 'p teecC tM t! W e arc now supporting 3,000,000 employees on the Federal payrolls, more than 2200 bureaus, agen- ties and commissions. > •»* * Directive' follows direc tive. Inefficiency, waste and confusion increases. And up goes the tax bill imposed by New Deal ex<- travagance. Eyesight-Problems U O T E R IG H T ¡Ü The Gospel of the Comforting Christ” ü¡ For Complete Eye Examination hi ¡Ti -Portland Optical- hi HI Ifl Offers the Finest in Optical Science for Eye Comfort HARRY C. BROWNE, C. S. I FARM ERS A of New York City Member of the Board of lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts. DR. LEIGHTON E. ROY A W. H. SMITH in the CIVIC AUDITORIUM OPTOMETRIST OPTICIAN S. W . 3rd Avenue and Clay Street Tuesday Evening, Nov. 7 at 8 o’clock SQUARE D EAL. R EAD T H IS S U M . M A R Y OF HIS FA R M P R O G R A M : The Public is Cordially invited "Th e wide fluctuation of prices of farm products following the last war will not be tolerated. A floor will be placed and maintained under Re-elect Your Congressman farm prices w ilh assurance of seal- up crop loans. A proper farm pro gram will be created and cooper ated that the farmers will have control and operation of their program without domination oi dictation of appointed bureaucrats." I — Cov. Dewey, Minneapolis, Minn. For Appointments write Card or Phone P O R T L A N D O P T IC A L 418 S. W . Washington Suite 307-11 BEacon 5014 Cor. 4 th T H E OLD JUDGE S A Y S ... v\ A d Oct. 24, '4 4 . JAMES W . MOTT REPUBLICAN He it one o f the recognized leaders of the National House of Representatives. THIS YEAR irs TIME d He has placed the First Con gressional District o f Oregon In the most commanding position it has ever occupied in the House, and has obtained for it more beneficial legislation than it has ever received before. *V<ytz His Re-Election A s s u r e s Continued Active, Experienced and Effective Representation In Cnngn ^ e fiu é tic A tt TO CHANGE r o a Ad* R tcw thcan S i# if Ce-'T'Oi L Mo»gon íu.khng Mort l o i Oregon Carl Moi», f«< fee Beat HI« OntatanSIni Rrrnrd la Voters' Pamphlet (Paid Adv > "Quite a stack of newspapers I left you yesterday, Judge. Aren't go in' in the news paper business, are you ? ” " N o , I just en joy reading different papers so my nephew George sends them to me whenever he takes a business trip. I got a big kick out o f some he sent me from several counties uhrrt they still hart prohibitum. Particularly from some head lines that read 'Drunk Driving .Arrests Rise’, r u , 'Bootleggers must post Ceiling Prices’ , ’ Federal Agents seize' Tnck' Liquor Truck’. Doesn't that go to prove, Joe, that prohibi tion does not prohibit? " I watched conditions pretty carefully during our 13 years of prohibition in this country. The only thing I ccukl see we got out of it w as ltrotlef liquor instead of Itial liquor... plus the worst crime and corrup tion this country has ever known.” •hpHiMM h r « S w If J M h i p ♦