Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1944)
P U B L I S H E D W E E K L Y IN O U R P L A N T O N VOL. 17, NO. 40 Still Stinging Plenty Hot S H O R T ST. A N D C A N Y O N H I G H W A Y Beaverton, Oregon, Friday, November 3, 1044 State Law Should Conform With Federal Statute to Address State Bond Issue Passed Mott Highway Officials Nov. 30 E ST A B L ISH E D 1927 Here and There Ceremony Unites Local Pair A W Buchanan, mail carrier on route 2, Beaverton, and Walter Eunice , r .u , JurgVOMn aajoyad a hunt ing trip to Eastern Oregon. They in tended to stay 10 days but Buchanan Tlie wedding ol Miss Barbara Cady had to return when his substitutes to Clarence E. Buffam, of this city, car t ,. went „ out of - commission. , , _ . «' is solemnized at an evening cere , arV ,pon;| mony at the Bethel Congregational soring a baaaar_ ^ k u e sale"imd"cai'd n»r, 8 • c“ ke * “ »• ' “ &f “ d tc^ d Church. Thursday, Octobe. 26, with m wo ^ even,n* N ov' 4 at th* the Rev. Francs E. Sturt.vant otfi- Tt nl r ®>,e' elating, Mrs. 'illzer Hargreaves was The Beaverton Red Cross , soloiat aad Miss Maxine Cady played .... .. „jp ji. i Z Z Z ) Support for the banking amend Citizens of Beaverton grade school Salem, Oregon, Nov. 3 (ongiess- ment which would relieve bank hold- disti-ict No. 48 aie definitely in favor man James W . Mott (K> of Oregon ' ers ol state banks from the dual lia of the bond issue recently adverUsed , has accepted an invitation to address bility clause already removed from in the Enterprise, whereby the dis-i the American Association of State national banks is being offered by trict will imy $30,000 and the Govern-I Highway Officials at us annual con- The "Green Hornet" is still stinging ! civic groups. labor organizations, ment $30,000 to build an addition to vention in Cincinnati, Ohio, on No plenty hot or at least it was when its : the state grange, state authorities th«. grade school, was shown by a|ventber 30th. local tail-gunner, S Sgt. Lewis W. and many other, according to J. B. vote ol 165 for and four against the | He is a ranking Republican mem- Barnekoff, left for further assign Booth of Corvallis, chairman of the measure, at the meeting this week. ; ber of the House Committee on ment, after recently visiting his sister (committee supporting the measure. Mrs. Osfield, Mrs. Myrtle W'alsh Roads and he is urging the associa Mis. Craig E. Berg, 49 Drive and his Under the proposed amendment and Merle Davies served as judges at ; tions support of the Post War High brother F. T. Barnekoff. SW Fairway only banks that protect depositors „ 4 Erneat M , . « . „ C r t . °«y ™ Drive. It was our privilege to read with federal deposit insurance will be the army news release on the Green allowed to drop the dual liability Florence Miller Head luge by her brother, Federal aid road building program to Meet e v e ^ T h u r s d ly ^ r o n " 10 a *m. ° ‘ Ven ,n mul,lu* Hornet's story, and it should have clause. BlinB you, ,unch coffee Willis L. Cady, the bride woie a two This change was made in r l o r e n c e I V l l l i e r neao | commence commence immediatelv immediately anon apon conclu conclu to 4 p m piece chartreuse dinner dress of soft gone in with the Press item about the national banking laws when the Beauty Shop Owners sion of hostilities. and tea w})i jjg served. Mrs. C. Ü. crepe with brown accessories and the sergeant’s' visit with relatives in , deposit insurance plan was created. In event the Republicans secure the Ackerman, chairman. a single orchid corsage. this vicinity, but was delayed. As : Oregon is one of three states that At a meeting of the Washington majority o fthe seats in the House as Mrs. W. H. Cady of Aberdeen, Miss Amarette Barnes was the you may recall, Barnekoff is in this has not yet acted to make the state county unit of Beauty shop ow ners1 result of the coming election, Wash., who has been . . . a4 *he i bride's only attendant and wore u two country for a furlough, after having law conform with the federal statute. in Hillsboro this week Florence Mill- Congressman Mott « i l l become the . home of her mother, Della Fisher, for piece ___ coral-pink dress with brown ac been through over fifty missions. er of Beaverton was chosen as presi- | c^a**man of the House c ommittee on several days, has returned home. cessories and corsage of gardenias As with most of the boys who have dent: Lena Turnei ot Aloha, vice-1 Roads, I^ast week an erroi was made in Best man was William H. Butfam, been through the heat of the battle, president. Florence Miller was also 1 the account of the Merriwether j brother ot the bridegroom. he is adverse to telling about his ex Ushers named as a member of the legislative , Insure Your launching. The name Mrs Mary Bean I periences, but admitted that the news were David Cady and David Buffam. should have b«"cn Mis. Mary Dean, committee. School’s Future A reception followed in the social release concerned him and his bomb as matron ot honor. er, a B-24. hall ot the church. Receiving were The Cub Scouts had a Hallowe'en It seems that the Green Hornet, ! This proposed amendment makes party Tuesday night in the grade Mrs. John Bankus, of Rortland, Mrs. Willis Cady and Mrs. Laura Buftam. so named for the sound her engines permanent for the next five years the school play room. Cocoa, doughnuts, made when they started winding, | present $5,000,000 reduction in the apples and pop corn was the treat. t Miss Miriam Doty presented a pro- I gram oi background music dflung the was scheduled for the ash-heap, be j local property tax for school purposes Registered voters may vote for The Jobs Daughters had a Hallo cause of her being designated by the either party candidate« at the coming j in Oregon. In addition to this it pro- we'en dancing party at the Masonic reception. Mrs. Harold ..Flower, aunt ot the salvage expert at the sub-field as be general election, and their vote is ab ! vales for a furthei annual offset in Hall Monday night. BY R A Y L. D U DLEY ; bride, cut the bride's cake, and Mrs. ing junk—with too much damage to solutely secret, it was announced to ______ I local property ta\« « Oft $3,000,000, or a The young people of Bethel Congre 1 Anha Barnes poured. Serving were her for rehabilitation. This was fol day by Secretary of State Robert S. _ _ _ . „ . . 4t_ total annual reduction of $8,000,000. Ray L. Dudley, publisher of the Oil This would materially reduce the bur- gational Church held a Hallowe’en Mrs. W. H. Butfam, Mrs. Delbert An lowing the terrific beating she and Farrell, as elections officer. party Tuesday evening in the assem Harnett, Mrs. her crew had gone through on her Misinformation and misunderstand Weekly, Houston. Texas, has lost two den of achool expenditures from the bly room and attic of the church, ! derson, Mrs. Tim Latest mission over Weiner Neustadt ings have caused some confusion in of his three sons In this war. shoulders ot local property owners which was interestingly decorated for Wayne Edwards and Misses Evelyn Below is what he wrote in the Oc and place that burden where it right the occasion, Bankus and Maxine Cady. Austria—the place described by the the minds of many Oregon voters, es tober 9th, 1944, issue. Read every fully belongs, upon the state as a ( p R , . . . Assisting about the room were Miss captain of the ship as "that point on pecially newly registered citizens, word. Harris has started construe-1 c* no)y Mr, ^ Butcher, You will never forget it. Flak Street where Jerry makes the Farrell said. whole I tion of ft new house at Third and I stood in the blazing sun at Ell air at 20,000 feet blacker than that and Mrs. J. L. M cKn I “Any voter, duly registered in Ore It guarantees that the future of vVashington Streets. hole in Calcutta. Being pegged for gon, be he democrat or republican, ington Field, in Texas, last Monday Oregon School System and the edu- ¿ a r o lT n n Gaine'tt w » , born Oct. 10 A “ er a few days at Seaside, the and watched the cadets file by, fin e » a clay pigeon over a priority target may vote for candidates of the oppo cat onal opportunities ot Oregon boys « Hel He, mother was Katherine Denney, couple are now at horns in Beaverton. manly chaps, watched them come i n t o mother was Katherine Denney, n n .l n i e l.i c V i n ll *■» /> ♦ l . n Ito ln U ’ i n u t h f . ^ — isn't seven days at a rest camp for site ticket, eithei individually or as da^ hter Ml and Mi s » * " anybody. Especially when a 20-mile a whole,” he emphasized. “ Split tick the hall in which they were to re -: “ S e ,* i i a t S « the union ot Beaverton. Vote 314 Yes bomb-run is picketed with nothing et voting is perfectly permissable in ceive their wings as commissioned of- Members of Tuesday Contract Club ' ficers in the United State Army A ir ' ___________________ but heavy guns." This particular the election on November 7th." were entertained at luncheon and j Force. My third and last boy, a lad v r n r • clay pigeon did its jobs with its The misunderstanding probably are cards last week Friday by Mrs. A1 1 Young r O ik s L llJ O y bombs, and then seemed to have be due in part to the fact that in the pri of IS, was among them. Junnsen at her home. Mr«. Jay Gib ! Two years ago his mother and l j Recreation Night come the main target for the Jerries. mary election, voters must cast their son was a guest also. By the time the crippled Green Horn ballots for those candidates of the had seen a similar group file into C H U R C H OF T H E N A Z A K E N E Mrs. Alice Scott and daughter Mrs. Ovei 200 high school students at- et reached the home field, after a party in which they are registered. the chapel at Ellington to receive Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor John Houtz (nee Margaret Scott) their wings, and our second boy was tended thp p T A sponsored R ecre- hairraising return trip, one of her en But in the general election, there is 9.45 a. m. Sunday School. and little son, was calling on Beaver gines had been shot out; the control no such restriction and the voter may among them. Today, he and his elder aUon NiKht at thr , 0 0 F hall. fol. ton friends recently. Walter Levett, acting Supt. brother, who had chosen Navy A h , iowing the football game Friday, Oct. cables were gone, so that the ship vote for candidates of any party. 11 a. m. Morning Worship. Miss Maxine Cady was home from are memories, precious memories It ^ A „ enjoyed the evening's fun had kept bucking her nose down all 6:15 p. m. Junior meeting. the University of Oregon over the is true, but boys to be spoken of in K,.eatIy Mrs Jack Cul.tia of West the way home; the right wing was 6 30 p. m. Hi-N. Y Sr., & N.Y.P.S. week end. Oregons 1944 hushed tones as boys who would have ( g,ope and he, commUtee supplied the more holes than wing; there were no 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic service. William McIntyre ha» come from made good citizens, two boys whose r e {les'iments, supervised the games trim tabs and whole sections of the Registered Votes Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Prayer and R^hett A llen 'an T 'iiei Utah’ t o m a k e h is body of the plane had been blown A total of 602,013 persons in Oregon memories will never be dimmed in and He has bought f***3 *“ study. „ i Oregon. w T i i u“ ” ¿ 7 " »----" “ t apart. Momentarilly the crew ex will be eligible to vote November 7 in the eyes of their father and mother. , committee decorated the hall; Bill acreage of W. R. F ______________ Baker, Sorrento, f ___ and pected the tail section to leave them, the general election. Of these 302,805 They, with thousands of others, have , Duane and Jim WalIace cleaned up ac.eage made the supreme sacrifice for Am Ifte r the fun” ........ ~ UP |l* building. j C H U R C H OF UH1US1 taking tail-gunner Barnekoff with it; were registered Republicans and 284,- erica as thev knew it and loved it . .. . . , ... . Eugene Hanson and wife have muv- George W. Bpi-lugur, Pastor the radio-operator’s parachute had 816 Democrats. Then Monday we heard again the | the" H n S o J g a m e i ^ V e' no" “ ‘ "ear Gene’s Morning worship and preaching at been ripped to shreds, with him in it; However the totals do not include officers take the oath ne acr0rdimr to Mrs Russell (»rant te n -1" 0'^ ' *lav*n*! decided to go thirty-five 9.45 a. m. the captain and co-pilot were bracing the soldier ballot application. A total prospective 1 F miles daily to work was Just too far Topic—A Voice Crying in the Wil- » I eral chairman, 18-ru- their feet against a shot-up instru of 41,000 soldiers ballots have been re cessary to theii commissions: Albert Hanson and Hugh Lewis left , derness. ment panel. To add to the horror quested, plus 2500 federal war ballots do solemnly sweai that I will support announccd later Tuesday morning to go elk hunting. F'ollowlng the sermon, the Lord s and defend the Constitution of the j through which they were going, with whidh have been received. c l t in n n r T in , c W. E. McCloskey surprised acquain-1 supper will be observed. United States against all enemies, for- \ shells booming up through the shat Republicans made gains in Multno L A I V l^ , r I K E V j I K L o ! tances a few days ago by dropping in Bible School class session 11 a. m. eign or domestic, that I will bear true tered wings to explode not a hundred mah and Washington counties. — 1 to say hello after a fifteen months \ Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. ni. faith and allegiance to the same; that feet above, a burst exploded the sig Multnomah registered 101.406 repub Evening worship 7:30 p. m. The Kimunka group of Camp Fire i stay in Arizona for his health. nal flares in the waist of the ship. licans and 110,574 democrats. Wash I take this obligation freely, without T4 Stanton Coleman, Beaverton, but ! Midweek Bible study Wed. 8 p. m. any mental reservation or purpose of j Girls had their Hallowe ’en party at One of the burning torches lit in the ington county 13,695 republicans and Subject of study—^will be Galations evasion; and that I will well an:» I the home of June Carpenter on Fri- more recently of Tigard, was wound- lap of the waist-gunner, who said it 11.270 democrats. faithfuliy discharge the duties of the day evening from 7 to 9:30. Singing i ed ia the European Area and is now ! chapter 4. sounded funny later, but certainly In 1942 general election there were office upon which 1 am about to en- j and games were played. Prizes were i in a hospital. wasn't at the time. The control 272.323 republicans and 255,484 demo ter SO H E L P ME GOD". given to the best dressed and to the Mrs. C. H. Laartz of Watson St.. P IL G R IM LU TH E R A N ClIUBUH wires were “strung out all over the crats, while in 1944 primary election The Bible Church Then my mind went back to the j funniest. Janet Davis rook first left Tuesday to visit a daughter In floor like spaghetti." there were 260.785 republicans and pledge I made when my first two prize with a brownie costume. Box 697, Beaverton The Montana and the two will go to Chi- But the Green Hornet, with her 229,305 democrats. boys volunteered: "To the best of other prize went to Beverly H arter,; cago where the daughter will attend Farmington Rd. at Menlo Drive three wounded men (all of whom are Walter R. Buhl, Pastor my ability I shall do all I can to de- j the boy of the party. Doughnuts and a convention as a delegate and then flying again today), got back, and fend against foes at home the instttu-1 cider were served by Mrs. Carpenter, on to New York City to Visit another1 ; Sunday School 10 a. m. it was the loyalty of her crew that Divine services 11 a. m. tion you boys have enlisted to uphold | Camp Fire meeting ol Oct. 30 was daughter and sister. saw her through the repair depot. She and I shall do that without spent in mounting symbols. W ood1 John T,' v' r' Mason arrived last Friday ■ Sermon Double Christian Joy. was finally fitted up with replace fear of the sacrifice if it costs me e v -' Gatherers worked on their designs for from I»ouisinna to spend his furlough ! Confirmation class Friday at 4 p. m. ments for the hardware that had been with his wife and home folks and ! erything I have, including my life, so (headbands shot away, a new wing, yards of new W E S T H IL L S Barbara Schurman, scribe will be leaving about Nov. 13th for | help me God". paneling above and below her waist LU T H E R A N CHURCH Texas to report for a new assignment. I There are thosuands of fathers In guns, a new engine. Abdomen and Canyon Road, near Sylvan Mrs. Mae Darland was up from Sea- j A Dies subcommittee of the hoase Mr. and Mrs. Pegg Better side left wing are spotted with hundreds said Sunday the National Citizens this country who also have lost their Werner J. Fritz, Minister for the Cady-Buffum wedding, re- | of bright yellow tin patches, scabs Political Action committee “ repre sons in the service— I only claim to 21»t after Trinity Sunday turning on Sunday. be among those to whom this wai is a Mis. VV. E. Pegg who has been con- on the scars of her battle-torn body. sents the communists’ supreme bid Sunday School 9:45 a. m deadly serious thing, and I wish my fjned her bed by illness nearly a 1 The salvage crew counted 640 flak for power" in this country. Divine Service 11 a. m. claim to be listed among those who monty, ¡s gradually improving. She C O M I N G S — G O IN G S holts and then decided they couldn’t Missionary Guild Thanksgiving In a formal report the committee resent with every atom of theii ie- was visited Tuesday by her niece, ! spend any more time counting! and D O IN G S Sermon:: A Fruitful Christian Life. said the N. C. P. C. and the Political ing. the efforts which are being made j jq Kessler and husband and 1 The waist-gunner remarked that by Action committee of the C. I. O., "are the t(Mi| ¿aughUr, Mrs Gao Drfeka, all! Mr. and Mrs. John Bankus of Port- j th< trade he was a dairy man. but "the now the rallying point for the com by the Hillmans, the Browders M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H including our of West Slope. land, and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cady ( farm w-as never like this." In like munist party and its allied groups Murrays and others, Albert S. Hisey, D. D., Minister ol Beaverton entertained at Nendel’s I President, to nulify the sacrifice of Friends will he glad to know that manner Barnekoff, who is an ex and organizations to rise to power by Worship Hour 11 a. m. thousands of American boys. Mr. Pegg is somewhat improved, ac- ' n honor of their sister, Miss Barbara, longshoreman. could have mentioned taking control of a major political Sermon topic—Our Reading Habits The situation under which the Com- cording to latest reports from a on Wednesday of last week. the comparatively tameness of his party." Sunday School 9 45 a. m. Guests included members of the munistic Front of America is trying Portland hospital. Mr Pegg is great toughest day in his profession to one . . i - i j control » of ,r « . . . P f i i i n t t v t thru h r u I 1, . _ v “The public utterances of the lead a to _ . wield Mrs. Ruth Pace, Supt. oui country mjssed Beaverton he always wedding party. Miss Amarette Barnes, on a bombing mission. But he's’ off ers of the Political Action committee Mr. and Mrs. William Buffam, C lar-; Womens Society Christian Service for more training, more missions no reveal their cynical contempt for the the capture of one of cm gieat pt»b | ^ad a f r jend|y smile or a wave of the ence Buffam. David Cady and David Zona Circle every Wed , all day. tical parties is so preposterous as o >e ^and foi everybody, even the little doubt, and with him and all our boys processes of democracy”. Buffam. | Friendly Circle 2nd and 4th Tues. almost incredible. But ma ip no mis —in the air, on the sea and land—go “ Having built their huge treasuries take—the threat is a real one T h a t __________________ Mrs. F H. Sehoene entertained the ( our prayers and good wishes. in communist-dominated unions out a Russian-born radical, with all of the Tuesday Contract Club on Hallowe’en ST. C E C E L IA C H U R C H M N. D. G IR L S C O U T S of the willing and unwilling contribu class hatred of his native land should at a luncheon at the Campbell Court Masses 8:25 and 10:25 during the tions of its members, these leaders aspire to control this country ts «so winter months. Oirl Scout Troop 49 held their regu- and cards in her apartment. are apparently convinced elections in fantastic that many cannot believe it |a, meeting at the Congregational ALOHA Pvt. Mary Frances Downing, daug the United States can be bought with But it is true. Church Tuesday Oct. 3Jst. A few of hter of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Downing, A I.O IIA C O M M U N IT Y C H I K C II Graydon D. Loree, Pastor Workers are needed at the Red big money, cash which they have That he and his organization havp the girls came dressed in costume. is spending her furlough with her Sunday School 10 a. m. done nothing to earn, but have ac openly boasted that their organization Eleanor Boyson received the prize parents, Cross headquarters at Huber Hall. After the m eet-( Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Buffum re-1 Mary Antrim, Supt. Pvt. Anthony Bernotis is spending cumulated t hrough levying tribute the CIO is raising millions as a war for having the best. upon their subjects. chest to help keep Roosevelt in power ¡ng refreshments were served and the turned from their honeymoon trip to . Morning worship 11 »• m- a short furlough at home. “Testimony heard indicates that indicates a blatant confidence in their girls played games. Youth Fellowship 7 p. m. Seaside. Spencer C. Gardner A. M. 2-c U. S. — Mrs. M. A Teeling and daughter! 8 p. m. Evening worship. N A. of Jacksonville, Ha., is visiting members of CIO unions are being ex victory. pelled from membership on grounds Who was it who climbed the stalrr M A R Y ELGIN F L E T T Virginia Huson of Hillsboro, formerly | his parents. BETHEL Mrs. Jim Turner is in charge of the wdiich appear clearly to be nothing hat in hand, to Hillman's' suite in « Mrs. Mary Elgin Flett passed away of Beaverton went to Chicago last i Beauty parlor while Mrs. Don Riggs more than their refusal to contribute Chicago hotel to learn the wishes of October 31. 1944. at the home of her week to visit Mrs. Teeling's' son John’ C O NG R EG ATIO N AL C H U R C H Rev. F. T. Sturtevant, Pastor is visiting her parents In Thompson, financially and otherwise support the the boss as to who would be Demo aon Leon E. Flett on Hennessey ave- Huson who Is at the Gieat Lakes political objectives of the CIO-PAC. cratic candidate for vice president- nue, Huber. Oregon. 9:45 a. m. Church School. Naval Station. N D. "This is something new In Ameri It was Attorney General Biddle, and Mrs. Arthur Wickstrand is visiting The deceased came to Oregon with Mrs. M. C. McKercher was a dinner1 Miss Amarette Barnes, Supt. can history. It is an importation of ths man with him was the person who her parents during the late 50’s com- guest Monday evening of Mr. and I I a. m. Worship her husband at Vallejo, Cal. Sermon topic: Christ ths Word. A 4-H sewtng club was organized re the worst features of some European later was named by Hillman as the jnR by boat from New York by way Mrs. Henry Dessinger, Hillsboro, Nursery class for children during cently with Mrs. F. L. McGeorge, as systems. It is, in short, the entering democratic vice presidential nominee Qf the Isthmus of Panama. Her | Mr. and Mrs George Blasser spent parents stopped for & time in Marys- Sunday with her brother Howard ; the service leader. They will be known as Ten wedge of a brutal totalitarianism sup —Harry Truman With llillman and Browder and vd|e California before coming up to Hingley's family in Portland Their Thimbles club. Officers elected include ported by goon squads.” —Oregonian. THE V A LLE Y ther Ilk as arrogant as they are now, Oregon. During the Civil Vvar they daughters husband. Major Len Hicks Phyllis McGeorge. president; Darleen CO M M U NITY CHURCH w hat will their attitude he If they | were located in The Dalles Oregon, has been home on furlough for a Hill, secretary; Shiela Mathis, treas 0 Too Late to Classify U NITED I'R JM B Y T E R IA N succeed in re-elcoting Franklin I> when they lived on one of the Huma- month, left Wednesday, accompanied urer; Virginia Classen in charge of 4110 SW Gabel Lane places In 1863 the family moved by his wife, for San Diego, where he recreation. A PPL E S To Pick on Shares. - Roosevelt? Where will their pnw»r Rev. H. A. Armitage, pastor end? What will happen to the right« to Corvallis. will he stationed for several months, Joe O’Meara has completed his Northern Spies and fine ones too 10 30 a. m. Morning Worship Mrs. Flett attended the old Oregon Mr and Mrs. Harry Baines were in training at Catalina Island and is vis Phone Tigard 2348. 40 guaranteed under our Constitution" If our interest should ultlmatel> Agricultural College and It was at Pendleton on business last week, iting his parents on a short leave A L O H A A S S E M B LY OF GOD John Menzes is home from Farra- W A N T E D —Church Janitor. Short rlash with those of Russia at what (hi* school that she met and married The Leapold family have moved in Sunday School 10 a. m. His first furlough since hours, salary See Geo. Jackson, point will these- men make up their j amrs j Flett, an early Oregon news- gut. Idaho to their new home on Wheeler ave Worship 11 a. m. joining the Navy Gordon H. Berg, Tigard Drug Store. ____ 40 mind* as to where their first |oyalt> paper man. nue and Mr. and Mrs. C L. Syverson Evangelistic 7:45 p. m Mrs l lett was also the mother of Beaverton, has been promoted to have moved into the Leopold home W IN D F A L L CIDER A PPL E S Free shall lie? If England s Interests should Prayer and Blbls study 7:45 p. m. which they recently purchased Major for Picking up. Phone Beaverton clash with those of Russia, will our Mrs Orval Gilstrap. Maurice Manning in writing to his Thursday, country's’ armed forces be thrown The Cooper Mt. P T. A are plann Funeral services were private. 2945 40 mother from somewhere in the Pad-; - against a nation whose kinship to us ing a cake sale Just before Thanks REMO V IL L E COMMUNITY FOR SA LE -C hicken house win derives from a common parenthood’ Donato Lauro. veteran of World flc, tells of the extreme heat, which1 giving I ’ K .S H V T E K IA N C H I K C II dow frames, light cords with ; This ts a long way from the cere- w ar | passed away at Beaverton last no one can describe or know until The next executive board meeting Sunday School 10 a. an Mra. Otto The week He was born In Italy and is they have traveled in the area In shades, crock fountains. egg mony at Ellington last Monday o f Cooper Mt. PT A will be held at the He la a George. Supt. scales, small green house, hoops field has widened until the lives of » survived by wife Rose, and two sons which he is now assigned home of Mrs. Frit* Gindhart. Worship Servies 11 a m. for silo, gasoline camp stove, side large group of fine boys seem but a Artensio and David, of Beaverton surgeon on a submarine. Young People'« C. E. 7 p. m. drop in a great ocean three brothers, John of Sacramento. ----------------------- Mrs Anna Fabrique hss returned boards for Chevrolet pick up. Lacey Prayer Meeting and Bible stuCy, only $ 1 But It is not a long way from the Michael of New York, and Bruno of Your home town paper la from a few days visit with relative« in 1st drivs east Touag » Funeral Home fhursday. 7 p. m. 40 I pledge I mads my boy* San Francisco. a year Bubacrtba now. Molalla. The Secret Ballot "So Help Me God n What's Doing Churches Dies Group Raps P. A. C.