Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1944)
P U B L I S H E D W E E K L Y IN O U R P L A N T O N VOL. 17, NO. 39 Beaverton. Oregon. S H O R T ST. A N D C A N Y O N H I G H W A Y Friday, October 27, 1944 ESTABLISH ED 1927 Aloha-Hnber PTA Notes Here and There PCDSIOIIS (111(1 Social Security County Commissioners Hughes and l^wis were in Beaverton Thursday on business and enjoyed a good Beav- j erton dinner. The Beavers beat West Linn fo ot-; Mrs. Emerick. the president, open ball team last Friday, 31 to 12 on the ! Babson Discusses Effects ed the second regular meeting of the home grounds. Aloha-Huber P. T. A. at the school- On Investments I Funeral services were held at j house, on October 17. The secretary i 1 Pegg's Chapel Friday, October 20, for j Mrs. Wilson, read the minutes of the I Paul A Schreeck. previous meeting. Mrs. Emerick in L. G. Botce, Huber, died early Wed- Babson Park. Mass., Oct. 27 Many troduced two new chairmen: Mrs. 1 nesday morning after having a major businessmen and investors are be Jersey, hot lunches, and Mrs. Ander- operation Friday at the Jones hospi coming frightened at the thought of sonb, publications. Mrs. LaDue re ta l, Hillsboro. Brother of Mrs. Mary the huge pensions, etc., with which ported a membership of about forty Saunders, Huber, and uncle of Wrn. the nation will be burdened after th*» and said that a drive for more mem Boyd, Beaverton. War In fact, Harry L. Hopkins, bers would start soon. Mis. Schlaefli Mrs Elmer Boyd returned to New- the President’s closest advisor, in the reported on the County Council meet berg Sunday after a ten day visit with current issue of ‘‘American Maga ing held recently at Tualatin. Three the Wm. Boyd family. zine" calls also for more benefits representatives from Aloha were Mr and Mrs A. V. Butts and and bonuses. Instead of suggesting there. daughter Mrs. Bess were dinner a general tax reduction, he demands Mrs. Struger requested new curtains i guests recently of Mi and Mrs. Carl lifting all taxes m from those in the for the lunchroom and additional j Unger. lower brackets and Increasing mini dishtowels for the kitchen. Money to The fifth wedding anniversary of mum wages to fifty cents an hour. buy curtain material was voted and Mr. and Mrs. F. I'. Kilgore and birth- Certainly, this will not encourage members were asked to donate tow I day of A. V. Butts was celebrated on businessmen to enter new ventures els, potholders, etc. 1 Oct. 19th at the Butts home Those and employ more people. Mrs. Emerick explained the present j \ present spent a pleasant evening at H e d g i n g A g a i n s t H i g h e r N A V Y 'S PA C IFIC O FFEN SIVE TA K E S W IN G — Typifying the Navy’s’ powerful offensive in the W ages set-up for obtaining government help J cards Pacific, the picture above gives emphasis to Navy Day, 1944, desig nated as October 27. On that day When the price controls and the for the cafeteria. This year help is 1 The Beaverton Community Garden excess profits taxes are removed, the nation will pause to pay tribute to its Navy and to dedicate itself to the maintenance of a strong, to be given in proportion to need j Club held its fall plant and seed sale most businessmen can pass on a good enduring Navy to enforce the post-war peace. Activities hum at a high pitch on the flight decks rather than to the number served, as ' ; last Friday. of aircraft carriers like the one shown above. Here a Navy war bird awaits the starter’s signal to portion ol thei 1 taxes This however, formerly. After discussion, it w a s: Mrs. Mary Flett is seriously ill at cannot be done by those who have re decided to dispense with government | _____ take off for the combat zone. the home of her son, Leon Flett, at tired from active business except aid and for the Executive Committee Huber. She is 88 years old. through a most careful selection of to be empowered to adjust the charg-¡ J D j J . — AT The Tuesday Contract Club was en investments What are the invest es in the cafeteria as necessary. It'.^DlLS O l , * V © W o tertained last week by Mrs. Albert ments by which investors can com the cafeteria is to operate without this help, it is particularly Important Being Met Together, a new novel Hanson at luncheon and cards. Mrs. pensate for these Federal expendi that parents help by donations of „„ by Vaughan Wilkins is an extrava-. A1 Jannsen and Mrs. John Summers tures for pensions. Social Security, re lief, etc.? I believe that one answer Wheieas. the United States Navy is gant lomantic and engrossing story were additional guests eggs, potatoes, apples and other such Mrs. John Barnes and son returned lies with putting one's money into now fighting the battle foi fieedom OJ a moihei who was obsessed with produce. Dear Folks: Mrs. Burchell, the Southwest Dis- j 1 am in the Army. Life here is in the home waters of the aggressor hatred foi the English and raised hei home last week from a months visit good merchandizing stocks. with her parents in Richland, Oregon. You see that people who are to get trict Leader of the Girl Scouts in j really quite a change from a civilians. nations, and Whereas, the United States Navy, grandson Anthony Purvis, with the Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Straley are veterans or old-age pensions and, In Portland, spoke on the need for scout j I appreciated very much the box one purpose to avenge herself thru spending a few days in Seattle. fact, Social Security will not save the groups and of the value of scouting, ' that was made foi us, also the little C0-)0' ned with its f » med coordinated him against them. The plot is laid Mrs. Boh Summers entertained the money; but will immediately spend It not only to the girls, but also to the kit and Bible. arms, the United States Marine Corp in 1781 and is full of historical inter Cheerio Club at luncheon and cards at the food- variety and chain stores community and to the parents. Mrs. j Time is getting short, so will close and 1 ni,ed States Coast Guard, has est as well as exciting adventure. last week Wednesday. consistently established footholds on tn the neighborhood. Hence, ono Rands, the new scout leader for this t for this time, Dust Tracks on the Road is an A number of ladies from Beaverton way for investors to protect them _ ^ _____ _ ____ ^ area, asked ____ for _ helpers. j Pvt. LEO NARD J SENZ soil be*d by the enemy, and is battling The meeting was then turned over • ASN 39480765 Co AWDPC SCU 1907 j hero'cally to extend that advantage, autobiography by Zora Neale Hurston attended the ceremonials of the selves Is to own stocks tn these stores. to Mrs. Boswell, the seventh grade 1 Fort Lewis, Wash. and a younR negro girl. The road she Daughters of the Nile in Portland Instead of fighting pensions, bene They have some hund- fits, Hopkin’s' minimum wages or teacher. She explaind that her class | ______ [ VVheas, by national tradition the traces in this book begins in Eaton- last Friday. is studying the settlement of America; Dear Mrs. Gilham: debt the people of the United States ville, Florida, which was the first in- dred and twenty-five new members. Hillman’s labor union rates, it may W. F. Dessinger, for many years a be safer in the end to let the politi and at the moment, is particularly in- • Well I guess it is time to drop you ovve their Navy *8 annually empha corporated negro town in America terested In the place of the Indian in a few lines cause I haven"t forgotten !’1Ztd 1 lough the setting aside ol one Out 0f her childhood memories she resident of Beaverton, passed on last cians give this money to the people back ngaln early American history. Inette Pfen- ! about you and how are you and the day \0 acclalm that branch of the C1 eates ti picture full of humor, gusto Saturday night and a host of friends and then collect it ning played Indian Drums on the pi- family? OK I hope. armed forces, and whereas this city amJ vitality of the life of colored fami- expressed the high esteem in which through the stores at which they he was held by the many beautiful trade. ano; a group recited the American j When I came back off my leave I ltse[ * bas made vallant contribu lies. floral pieces at his funeral on Wed Buy Merchandizing Stocks Creed: Doris Livengood and Barbara : told you that I have had to report to to be (. avy' „ M nesday afternoon at Peggs Chapel. M a-1 But there are other reasons for DeHaan sang Redwing. This was I San Diego, well am still here and like, inereiore, 1 , L. rl M AS1 E R S --- r , . Rev. Francis Sturtevant preached the buying good chain store stocks be followed by an Indian dance and a ; it better every day. ! yo1 o1 the City °.f O v e r to n , do here Large Crowd Inspect services. Mr. Dessinger had been a sides those above given. Consider demonstration of the Indian sign j The work I am doing here- well l j by proclaim 1 riday, October r ;on 2 School Building member of Beaverton Grange No. 324 the following: language by two of the pupils. A j am an engineer on a LCM boat and seventh, nineteen hundred and forty for many years. 1. Very few of these merchandiz group of girls sang the Indian Love we take guys from Boot Camp and four as "Navy Day” ’and call on all A large crowd attended the last Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Drorbaugh at ing chains have bonds outstanding Call. Mrs. Watson played the piano ; show them how to operate and handle citizens of Beaverton to take part in regular meeting of the Beaverton P. tended the reception of Mrs. Dror- and a number have no the observance of this day through preferred accompaniment. Booklets depicting j these boats. T. A. held Oct. 24 at the glade school baughs aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs stock. I like best common stocks the many channels open to them and Indian life, art work, and other work , This week I am with the army, auditorium. Samuel Trachsel of Portland, honor which are not preceded by either of the pupils was on display In the 1 making landing on the beach. It's lots to join in a salute to the United The meeting was called to order by ing their 50th wedding anniversary. bonds or preferreds. States Navy and its coordinated sea seventh grade room. 1 of fun too. the president Mrs. N. Peck, Rev. Beverly Gene Besmehn had the end 2. Many of the chain store stocks The meeting then adjourned to the ; Mrs. Gilham I am going to close power- the Marine Corps, the Coast Leonard Johnson lead the community of her middle finger on her right are selling for not more than their Guard, and Naval Aviation. cafeteria by a number of ladies from ) fot tonight cause there's a gang of us I f we are headed for Whereunto, I have set my hand singing with Mrs. Jack Johnson nt hand smashed while swinging on a book values. srved by a number of ladies from fellow's going to a show. ring at school. The iron chain hold further New Deal interference with j this 21st day of October, nineteen the piano. Stacey Avenue, under the direction of j Your truly A motion was made and carried ing the ring broke. business, book values are an import , hundred and forty four. Mrs. Schwab. i FRANK that the PTA sponsor the Hi Recre Miss Margaret Woomack of Hills ant factor to consider. E. H. MASTERS, Mayor ation night to be held Friday, Oct. boro, soloist, from the music depart 3. Most of the chains rent their 27 nt the Odd Fellow Hall on Broad ment of Pacific University favored stores and, hence, are not tied down, Ship Launching of G IR L S C O U T S way. Mi Grauer spoke on measure the members of Kiwanis club with a like a manufacturing company or a Mayor and All Councilmen Merriwcther of Interest No 314 on the ballot, state aid meas musical number at their meeting last large department store, to one spot. ______ Girl Scout Troops 49 meeting w as1 y r» r i . i ure. A piano solo by little Gale En- Wednesday. She was accompanied They can move when as and if desir Th. . . » » . h i « th . "Meriwether" ¡ .J .he B.lh.1 Church T u rk e y I » Be t le d e d gar was well played. Carol Jean by Miss Catherine Enschede. At the able. . |24th at 3:30. A Halloween masque-: Sheeley sang two numbers, she was next meeting Nov. 1st, nominees for 4. These chains have a fairly low ple°f Thel<A F5 tlan^port 'w a s ‘ launch- ,a(,p Party w ij> be « feature of next. .no new City Charter which be- accompanied by Dolores Newt. officers for next year will be present labor cost; but any wage increases L) ot v.nhr.,m.r „ „ , 1 ln«t week Mrs i Tuesdays meeting. A cordial invita- ! came effective January 1, 1944, re- Mrs. Peck then turned the meeting M R -rnpit was snonsor her hus^!tion has been P’ ven to Troops 49 and quires that at the 1944 election, to be ovei to Mi. Cameron, school board di ed by the nominating committee. will apply also to competitors. Hence Good chance to practice for the big the labor expense Is not an Import band H C Barnett is superintendent i 76 to « ‘ tend Bethel Church services held November 7, 1944, a Mayor shall , J i J C a n tlin w a ite r "ext Sunday. Oct 29. at 11 a. m. Of-1 be elected for two years, two Coun- rector, who discussed at length the affair of Nov. 7th, according to Rev. ant factor. need foi the new school wing and Sturtevant. 5. A good merchandiser can liquid r officer for this rrcion ' ficers recently elected by Troop 491 cilmen for two years and two Coun- stated that the government grant for Gates security f° r • w ere: President. Connie Byrd secy oilmen for four years. The monthly meeting of the Phlla- ate quickly If necessary. Some of gate a s. t • ' - „ ( „ . „ . ' Beverly Bess; treasurer, Eleanor Boy- 1 The two candidates for the office of $30,000 had been approved, it is now thea Class of the Valley Community these merchandizing companies might tron of honor, Jimmy Barnett was J ... ’ o Q„., [ Councilmen receiving the two high up to the property owners to turn out Church met at the home of Mrs. Ar well be compared with a good bank flower boy, Rev. Francis Sturtevant , son and edd0^ Gloria Pace. chie Hendricks Tuesday evening. As or fire insurance company- as fur as I est number of votes, respectively and vote October 31 is the date. of Bethel Church gave the invocation. , _ . • D A musical number was given by sisting hostesses were Mrs. Marion their assets are concerned. shall hold office until January 1, 1949. Mrs. Sturtevant was also a guest. I liX p e n e n C 6 L O U n tS in i OSl- Following 6. I f some state enacts taxes which land the two who receive respectively Earl Bixon using two harmonicas and | Johnson and Mrs. Martin. j the business meeting a social hour are too severe, a chain can quickly tions of Public Trust 'the next two highest number of votes ] il guitar. Mr Metzger urged that all inspect ' wag enjoyed. move out of that state as leases be ------- ! shall serve until Jan. 1, 1947. At ALOHA Funeral --------- services were Tuesday I know of certain . I have helped place Washington i each n gulai City election after 1944 the five rooms that have been mnde , — held --------------- » come cancelable. ------- 'County in She sound financial position two Councilmen shall be elected, each hou8r lhd t overflow of students. for j ames Benjamin Scrugg, of Port- cases where they have started to Paul R olf is home on leave from ||t now enjoyg I to serve a term of four years and a M»ny present availed themselves of I )anrt fnther of Hubert E. Scrugg of move and, the legislature has repealed Farragut, Idaho, visiting his parents j''h a v e 'assisted In creating Postwar 1 Mayor’ to serve two years " ...... ,hi* opportunity and aftei inspection Beaverton. Remains were forwarded the taxes. Mr. and Mrs. Warner Rolf. ! plans and in providing funds to carry; Nominating petitions were filed for a*’ agreed that the need was great to Warrenburg, Tenn., for burial. 7. Merchandisers pass along Fed Mrs. Harold Lyndahl and children thcnl out i f elected I will continue Mayor E H Masters, for Mayor, and nnd ,hat ,b‘‘ ne" 1 ,>om8 8hould b* A son, Lauren J. was born Oct. 12 eral taxes by adding them to the o f Oakland, Cal., are visiting friends present public policies and expend for the following individuals for the b" ' b aF soon as possible, to Mr. and Mrs. John H. Paulson. price of goods. I f there is not u here. postwar funds fairly and impartially office of Councilman; the names be- Refreshments were served by the' Funeral services were held Oct. 21 profit in carrying certain merchan seventh and eighth grade mothers. George E Thompson the navy Sea-- for a]j ^ e County and all our return- ing arranged alphabetically for William F. Dessinger aged 82 dise, the stores will not carry such bees is visiting at his home. ing veterans years, beloved husband of Katherine ! merchandise. For re-elecMon J. V. Chandler In fact, I believe that Elizabeth Ewer, who has just VOTE 30 X for H. D Kerkman. Louise Dessinger, fathei of Katherine J most taxes are ultimately paid by Otto Keil For re-election Lord Petrillo graduated from a naval training __ _______________ Beaverton, William K., Jr., and Carl | those manufacturers or wage work For re-election M H Metcalfe ____ of that Portland. Henry of Hillsboro, also M. D. Murphy shame the • . ers who are tied down to one locali- We blush with S f V S T w E tS C been a9,'L'n Motorist, Contribute ap- 3 grandchildren. Services were held , ty, not by the storekeepers. Carl J. Rasmussen President of the United States finds Mrs. Kenneth Sawtell is enjoying a proximately 25% of Budget Elmer Stipe 8. Various new inventions process For re-election himself compelled to request A FofL 9 e* 24 1 P'™ ” ChaPe1' ‘ " ‘ «rment visit with her husband who is in the | ______ Crescent Grove cemetery. es and products are coming on the W. C. Wright J. C. Petrillo to relax his racket navy and has been stationed in Alas- Approximately $146,000.000 passes The Cedar Mill Community Club ■ market after World War II. This Names of other candidates mat he enough to permit a lawful Industry to ka for the past 18 months. through the state treasury annually. written in on the ballot. will hold its fourth annual harvest | will be beneficial to many Industrial produce with A F ofL labor. John The Bennett place on Baseline road Dess than 50 per cent of this reve but will be harmful to I-ewis brought our government to its dance at the Grange hal 1 on Saturday concerns, ls being improved by Warren An mg- nue comes from taxes. No ad valor- October 28. for members and friends. many others. This Is a problem, knees, Petrllla mr^tes it grovel. Sure ton of Hillsboro, who has purchased em property taxes in fact, except a A Correction A „ marriage license has been ,, issued however, which the merchant nerd ly an administration which defies Am- the place Old buildings have been gma]] sum f or 1940, were levied for He is in a position to ertcan tradition packs our court, and ,to Hollis Cheater Cronn. R3, Beaver not consider. razed and the other buildings painted 9tate purposes for the years 1938 to wants, An error was made in the report of abuses itself before its own pressure <” >• and Grace Che8ter Melton- Port' sell whatever the public inside and out. ! 944i inclusive. the Washington County Council. It groups should be rebuked by the land whether old or new, and by whomever Raymond Stern is home again a f- , 0 f the J291.000.000 collected by the was stated that Mrs. D. Ewing of For- Earl Frank is recuperating from It Is manufactured. ter spending 26 months in the South ti-^ngury during the biennium of 1942- j est Grove was elected second vice votes of every American citizen to an emergency appendicitis operation. 9. The merchandising stocks yield whom our Institutions and the dig Pacific war zone . 44 $118.491.761 came from taxes- president. It should have been Mrs nity of out government have meaning He is in a Portland hospital but is well and most of them are listed. The The school cafeteria, which opened ¡ncome, insurance, inheritance, gift, Carl Ott is the second vice-president. expected home soon. chains cover large areas and many Oregon Voter. last week, is being well patronized by gasoliiie alcoholic and malt beverage She is a daughter of the Kinnamans Hence, they give an impoi t- The Florence Beauty Shop now states. the children. Mrs. Rayburn^ is in taxea an(j taxes in the form of con- of Aloha. Oregon. have two operators, Florence Miller ant geographical diversification. charge of the kitchen. Mrs. Nylund tributions for workmens accident and Genevieve Sundberg. They speo- 10 Merchandising stocks should not METZGER is assistant. and unemployment compensation. ' ialize in all kinds of beauty work and 1 be harmed by Inflation. Of courre, Louie G. Boie, brother of Mrs. Mary The remaining $172.508.239 repre- in a bull market everything goes up, Captain and Mrs. Rodney Sims of permanents. Hoodlums Injure Driver Sgunders of route 3. Beaverton, died fees, fines, interest, contribu- while in a bear market everything Brownwood, Texas, have been visiting - ■ ■ ■■■ — Oct 25. * | tions by the federal government, pro- goes down; but after World War It Youths in a light-colored car threw at the home of Captain Simfc parents, W IL L IA M S. ROSONE Thc next meeting of the Cooper Mt. CPe(js of sales of products, and reve- a tomato through the windshield of a Mr. and Mrs. Eail Sims we may not necessarily have either a Also visit- Funeral services for Mr. William S bull or a bear market, but rather A Sewing Club will be held on Oct 25 n,Jp from n,luor saiPg I Garden Home bus The glass was Ing at home is Mis Robert Maul at the home of Mrs Floyd Price They The following is a list showing the broken The driver Margie Ander- (Virginia Sims), who is leaving soon Romine. 5940 SW Tex-rs Street, will be selective market held at Multnomah Church of Christ. What Htocks to Buy arc to meet every two weeks now tn- ^ ^ p t , f rorn various sources for the j although bleeding from nose and for Denver. Colorado stead of once a month Don't write me to make selections The Woman's Society of Christian 3824 SW Troy St., this Friday after- years ending 1943-44^ , cuts, brought the bus to a stop. Servire met at the home of Mrs Her- noon. Oct. 27th. at 1 30 o’clock Elery for you. Here Is a simple rule *0 Receipts Passengers praised her courage There A Partisi^ minister of the Church follow - Make a list of the chains op 1943-44 | Two other busses following were beit Ensoi on Wednesday. erating In or near the busiest corner were twenty-six ladies in attendance will officiate N E W S and V I E W S Income, excise intang taxes $15.426,195 also struck by tomatoes. Take a list to your Insurance fees and taxes 1.289.483 , Mrs. George Boynton and Mrs. C O Mr Rumine passed away at his 1 of your city. Pattlson presented the program on home about 4 30 o'c'lock on Tuesday 1 banker and have him check those Funeral services were held Oct. 20 Inheritance taxes New Shoe Stamp No. 3 Week of Prayer and Self-Denial. afternoon He would have cele- ¡whose stocks are listed on the Big at Pegg s Chapel for Paul A Schreeck Gift taxes 24 402 r The Metzger Woman’s Club will brated his 79th birthday on the 29th Board In New York City. Then visit formerly of Roseburg Oregon Vault Gasoline taxes 11.687,052 Good November 1 meet on Wednesday. Nov first at the of this coming November. He lived and compare these stores yourself. entombment Crescent Grove cemetery. Alcoholic and malt bev taxes 856.874 for many years In th# Maplewood Buy the stock of the store which Airplane stamp No. 3 in war ra clubhouse Fred Uebel and wife are leaving Indus Accident fund pymnta I I_____________ ______ district and was well known by many you think to be the best operated. soon for an extended stay in Arizona by employees & employers 11,735 420 tion book ? may be uscif for buying 1 Willis Cady Jiad the miefortune to people in the southwest Portland think all will be tn excellent financial 17 805 641 pair of rationed shoes beginning Nov. over ths winter months. (Unemployment compen condition. I f you believe that two or 30.616 605 1. 1944. Glen Fox Dis. OPA shoe ra- break one of his fingers while at area Mr. and Mrs C. J. Taylor of Salem. Liquor sales w orl, He was husband of Liza May. broth- three are equally well-operated, then 51.524 tnioning executive announced today. Mrs Ida Seegner and daughter and Fire Marshal taxes — er of May Phlltrout, Elkhart. Ind. divide your money among all of 3.806.377 The new stamp, like airplane stamp Mrs Chris Emel and daughter of Gar- Motor Vehicle fees Diversification never harmed The worst of slaves Is he whom paa- Interment will be made at the Cres- these. 306 795 1 and 2 now in use. will be valid In- den Home were guests at the A. J. Corp fees and ’ axes Anyone. sion rulea. cent Grove cemetery. 2 136.828 definitely Kolkenbeek home Sunday Public utility taxes J About Our Boys Navy Day Library Notes