Fridav, October 20, 1944 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R I S E , Beaverton, Oregon Pâtre 2 A woman can be beautiful and still p rized souvenirs among Midway pi- indolent. i lots are colored fishing balls which .he Japs use on their nets In place of The balls float in from Jap­ A dog is not considered good be­ corks. anese waters. cause he is a good barker. if. H. JKi'FHIKH, Publisher Published Friday of each week by the Pioneer Publishing Co., at Beaverton, Oregon. Entered as secoud-olass matter at (he poatofflce at Beaverton, Ore. Subscription . 41.00 One Tear Payable WANTED In Advance. Beaverton Office—Enterprise Bldg., Phone Beaverton 2321 Portland Office—303 Panama Bldg., 3rd and Alder Phone ATwater 6691 Oil Finis S T O " Filberts-W alnuts 101 TOP PRICES *f(,; end of his trheshing machine, put the discharge Bhoot in the loft, and did | as much work with two men as fiv e ; would normally do. People wonder how the American 1 farmer has managed to get along during the war, in the face of labor j shortage. He has done it through! j determination and ingenuity. I f it j had not been for these assets plus th effective help of his marketing or­ ganizations, the farmer would have been out of business long ago. Make Delivery or Call HUDSON-DUNCAN CO. 325 SE Water Av., Portland Forest Grove Mechanized manure removal Is the latest wrinkle now being developed for dairy farms. Agricultural engi­ neers are experimenting with a slow moving, endless belt conveyor placed in the dropping trough. It is des­ igned to deliver its load direct to the manure spreader outside the barn. This is not all that has come to light of late In the line of farm invention. A New York farmer, tired of pitching in hay by hand, cut o ff the blower Phone 51 Will receive either Green or Dry Nut* During the Revolution, Thomas Jef­ ferson missed being captured by Tar- leton’s raiders by five minutes. Pre­ monitions of a servant made possible the escape. Our acts make or mar us children of our deeds. Phone EA. 5161 AT FOREST GROVE "Business is now paying most of the cost of social security . But the cred- ' it is going to the welfare worker, the social uplifter and the politician.’” — Eric Johnston. H. A. Starr Any prosperity we've had recently will be out of your pocket. Contractor for Concrete Work Present neglect often makes future regret. Estimates gladly given on Jobs Large or Small UNiversity 1054 Grayvita Vitamins WORK — R e s to re s C olo r N atu rally TZentent& vii WE’RE ELECTING BOTH A PRESIDENT and a V IC E-P R ESID EN T NOV. 7 Yes. people the nation ovei have reported G U A Y V IT A Vitamin* W ORK, and that their gray hair is returning to it* natural color. G R A Y V IT A Vitamins contain the same amount of "anti gray hair vitamin”