Friday, October 13, 1944 B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E , Beaverton, Oregon Page 4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 5949 Notice is hereby given, that the un dersigned, Christina Hand, has been LONDON. — Italian and French Gov Thomas E. Dewey's Oklaho- oappointed Administratrix of the ea- ; patriots have started the form al ex­ | ma City speech in reply to President tate of Edward A. Ivey, deceased, by ecution of German soldieis in repri- Roosevelt's opening campaign address the County Court of Washington W EST 1IU.I.S [ sal for the shooting of hostages and j marked a definite turning point in County, Oregon. All persons having LU TH E R AN C I l l K O I Not until you have dipped your the campaign lavoiable to the Repub- claims against said estate are hereby In a midtown bank, for a long prisoners by enemy occupation Canyon Road, near Sylvan lioah candidate according to Ralph notified to present same, duly verified time, we had a savings account that forces, dispatches from Bern and A l­ spear in blood, will I be yours. Werner J. Frit*. Minister So ruled the women of the New Cake Republican National Committee­ as by law required, to the under­ was to be withdrawn only in event giers said. 19th Sunday after Trinity By man. who returned Friday from a signed, care Beaverton Enterprise. Bern reported the execution of 100 Guinea—South Pacific—tribes. of an emergency. Today, at M ay’s Sunday School 9:15 a. m Divine Service 11 a. m. suggestion, I closed that account. German soldiers by Italian under­ that, every man must first take a life business trip to Republican National Beaverton, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Sermon by Dr. George Koehler. Dick Jenkins was the cause. Dick ground men in the Milan area as before he could take a wife. He must Headquarters. »New York. kilL Further changes in public opinion | Dated May 24. 1944. Welcome. came into our lives when he was the result of the shooting of 10 prom­ Now take a look at this pile of have been registered favorable to De­ C H R ISTIN E HAND, Administratrix only a s’mall boy—22 years ago to be inent Milan hostages. stones, twenty feet square at the wey as a result of an increasing dis- WM. A. CARTER, 431 Pacific Bldg., CHURCH OF TH E N AZ A R E N K Algiers reported authoritatively exact. He was son Bill s closest base; twenty high and flat on t°P l like on the part of many Ameri- ! Portland, Oregon, Attorneys for Ad­ Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor chum. When he wasn’t at his own that the French forces of the in­ On this flat top, the human victims cans for the Sidney Hillman influ-1 ministratrix. 33-37 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. home, which was farther uptown, he terior had shot the “ first batch” of were first offered in worship before ence in the Democratic party, the N a -; 11 a. m. Morning Worship. six German prisoners som< where in being eaten.—“ Not only were most tional Committeeman stated Friday. ' Missions and the Church of the was at our house. Sunday morn­ ings, we almost invariably found France in reprisal for the German of these tribes cannibal before the I find in the East that the better'j NOTICE OF SCHOOL DISTRICT Nazarene.” him sleeping with Bill or on the shooting of patriots they had cap- coming of the missionaries, but also voters become acquainted with Mr BOND ÉLECTION 6:15 p. m. Junior meeting. tured. 1 in roasting their victims alive, they Truman .the more clearly they realize ! 6 30 p. m. Hi-N. Y Sr., A N.Y.P.S. couch in my study. As a youngster, Stockholm reported that, as part to°k a P«cullar delight in their suf- the desperate importance of changing State of Oregon he was a sweet boy with a most 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic service. ss administration," Cake stated. "The County of Washington Wednesday—Rev. Cox, State Holi­ winning smile. As he grew older, of the incipient revolt seething all ferings. tops general opinion is that a Democratic School District No. 48 TODAY— A lai^e white cross ness Pres, will speak. Cascade mu­ that smile increased in charm. He over Europe against German rule sical group will sing service at 7:30. was a gentle lad, always courteous a general ...................... strike had started in 1 this cairn—“ Instead of taking part vote is in reality a vote for Trunran i NOTICE IS H E R E B Y G IVEN in cannibal rites, the natives were who might serve as our next Presi- The community is invited to attend. and obliging and exceedingly quiet. Copenhagen. ‘ sitting In front of the cross and sing- dent This is becoming an increas- that, at the school district bond elec­ In fact, Dick’s role seemed to be ing “Jesus shall reign where er the jn^jy important reason why it is time tion hereby called, to be held at the B E TH E L that of a listener. He was the most Chinese Communist Army . | sun doth his successive journeys tQ change -- Beaverton Grade School building, CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH considerate boy we have ever known in and for school district No. 48 of I run.’ And their children are t a u g h t __________________ Rev. F. T. Sturtcvant, Pastor Said to Refuse to Fight | to read in the New Testament. This —considerate of his mother, his fa­ Washington County, Oregon, Monday ii « i_j _ _ J ' _ _ „ u,i 9.45 a. m. Church School. the thirtieth day of October, A. D., CHUNGKING, CHINA. — The Chi- I is the reading book ____ in the schools. * ° Help Handicapped ther, his brother, his friends. < Miss Amarette Barnes, Supt. 1944, between the hours of 2 o'clock • • • nese Communist army has ignored They feed on it during their early Children 11 a. m. Worship. and no one can name its value At the req Uest Qf County School [ P m. and 7 o’clock p. m. there will Sermon: “ Christ Our Leader." An ambitious boy, Dick worked as an order from Generalissimo Chiang years m n r c .. » o n K m itto/1 t r\ f h o l a o ’ u 1 v n t a i a t Nursery class for children during a movie usher in his high school Kai-shek to fight the Japanese, min- jin the,r later lives- See W O R LD Superintendent Austin T. Scrafford, be submitted to the legal voters there- ister of information Liang Han-chao DOMINION, July-August, 44. a special clinic designed to instruct I ° f the question of contracting a bond- the service. days. When he had been graduated, disclosed. M IK A ( I.E — So with the Bible, an n the afternoon of March 9 stocks and bonds had little appeal, _ ! of age and Sarah, his wife 90, God Farmington Rd. at Menlo Drive In addition to the instruction clinic erton Grade School building located The Commu- promised them a son. But with described above, another clinic will be on Farmington Road and Stott Street, so he became connected with a hotel of Shensi province. Walter R. Buhl, Pastor supply house and by and by, was nists charge they are being perse- Sarah past age, how could this be? held in the county on April 2, 3. 4,5, Beaverton, Washington County, Ore­ Sunday School 10 a. m. made sales manager. His next step cuted by Chungking and, in turn, Now Abraham staggered not at the and 6 in which the children will be gon, in and for said school district. Bible Class 10 a. m. The vote to be by ballot upon which Topic Our Church. upward was a place in the purchas­ have been accused of autonomous promise of God through unbelief but examined and educational recommen­ ; being strong in the faith, gave glory dations made concerning them. Shall be the words “ Bonds YE S” and Divine services 11 a. m. ing department of Columbia univer­ conduct. He believed that what God "Bonds NO” , and the voter shall 50th anniversary Lutheran India sity where he handled war priorities. I Mr. Liang said that during the to God. Missions. The depression brought reverses to campaign in Honan province Com- i had promised, that he was able to TOO L A T E T O C L A S S IF Y place a cross (X ) between the words "Bonds” and the word “ YES", or Confirmation class Friday 4 p. m. the family. His brother having munist troops in northern China had perform. And in due time, as prom­ ised, Isaac the son was born. between the words “ Bonds" and the been ordered by the central govern­ W A N TED —Carriers for part or married, Dick was the standby. SPOTLESS ROBE Because of his M ETIIO IHST CHURCH Apply at Multnomah word "NO ” , whichever indicates his That he might contribute more at ment to launch diversionary actions faith. God counted Abraham right- \ full time. Albert S. Hlsey, D. D., Minister P. O. See Warner Raz. 37 choice. against invaders, but had not fought home, he denied himself many eous. So as we might say, God The polls for the reception of the Church School 9:45 a. m. or even replied. things. But he never complained. robed him in spotless white and fo r-1 FOR S A L E —Two family cows, j ballots cast for or against the con- Worship Hour 11 a. m. ever. By his faith, God counted Ab- Church school board will meet at Looking back, it seems as if Dick both milking: young cow to fresh- trading of said indebtedness will, on always worked— and never com­ 7:3o p ni Sunday the 15th. Youlh F aces Tw o Charges ham righteous.” Abraham believed en in early spring. Lloyd baby said day and date and at the place A normal boy in every The Ziona Circle of the W. S. C. S. \ plained. buggy (reed) very good condition, aforesaid, be opened at the hour of 2 Donald Wahl of Beaverton, faces God and it was counted T unto Him ; meets at the church every Wednesday way, he of course liked to go out j two charges larceny of -an automo- for righteousness.”—BIBLE John J. Malsam Rt 1, Bx 39, Sher- o’clock p. m. and remain open until nil day. Faith says that God brings forth wood. Oregon. ' 37-38 the hour of 7 o’clock p. m. of the same with girls. He seldom did. To take bile and reckless' driving charges The Friendly Circle the 2nd and 4th | a girl out in New York is expensive when arrested by Patrolman R. C | life out of death, that he raised Christ j - - - - day, at which hour the same shall be Tuesdays. Meet Oct. 17th. W A N T E D «m a ll farm in Tigard closed, was on on from the dead and that he will — and in Dick’s heart his mother McKeown oi Portland, who was The public is invited to be in and father came first. I his way home when he noticed the breathe life into your soul, now dead school district. Prefer good build- By order of the District School these services. He in trespasses and sin. Faith says ings. John J. Malsam, R l, Bx 39. Board of School District Number 48, Bill m arried and moved to Wash­ i hoy go through two stop streets. I was alleged to have gone 90 miles an that God commandeth his love to- Sherwood, Oregon. 37-38 Qf Washington County, Oregon, made ington. Before that, our house was CHURCH OF CHRIST i hour in attempting to get away from ward us in that while we were yet | this 11th day of October, A. D., 1944. always full of boys, so full indeed "R IG H T-N O W ” use Kight-Now the officer. sinner#. Christ died for us. Faith George W. Springer, Pastor L. W. SHORT. that Sunday mornings, before she cleaner in your home, restaurant Morning worship and preaching at j He was fined $80 and sentenced to loves the L ords’ promise —‘T will Chairman, District No. 48 started to prepare breakfast, May ; 30 days in jail with recommendation never leave thee nor forsake thee.” or tavern for dishes, lndry., wood­ 9:45 a. m. Beaverton. Washington County, Or. work. exc. for dairies; 25c, 50c $1 ATTEST: j would make a quiet c