Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1944)
PU B LISH E D W E E K L Y IN OUR P L A N T ON Y O L . 17, N O . 36 Solicitors Working SHORT ST. A N D C A N Y O N H IG H W A Y Beaverton, Oregon, Iiitlax. ( Vtol>er <>. l l>44 ESTABLISHED 1927 What About Real Estate Here and There Mrs. E. E. McClintock of Chicago, 111., secretary of Women’s Work of I the Congregational Christian Church es, will speak at the annual meeting of the West Willamette Association of 500 Volunteers on i Congregational Churches in Bethel Church, Beaverton, this Sunday, Oct. The Job Monday 8. She will lead a group meeting of Washington county’s drive to raise women at 3 and speak at the evening Rev. Cloyd H. Con $3U.500 as its share of the Oregon service at 7:30. War Chest to aid our fighting forces, nor, Supt. oi the Montana conference, our brave allies and our home front will lead the men’s meeting at 3 and families got away to a flying start also speak at the evening service. The Monday morning with more than 500 public is cordially invited. Donald Conser, Navy, is spending volunteer solicitors working in all parts of the county. Every effort a thirty day leave with his parents will be made to achieve the quota by in Sorrento. George Shively, enlisting only last October 17, according to Thomas H. Decembei in the Navy, is now in Bailey, county chairman. "The war chest campaign consoli France. Warren Hohnstein is home on leave dates the fund-raising activities of -22 national war fund agencies, eight visiting his parents in Sorrento and state-wide child and family care agen school friends in Beaverton. Howard C. Johnston A M M 2-c and cies, and the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and Camp Fire Girls in Washington wife are visiting his parents at New- county," Bailey pointed out. * **The ; berg. James A. Lovett 3rd Mate Merch need is great and every family is be ing asked to contribute at least $5 ant Marine and bride, are spending several days at the home of his par- toward the county's goal. “ Nothing seems impossible to mem ! ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lovett of bers of the armed forces in the Pa jSW 8th St. Mrs. Eddie Valla returned from cific, in France and in Italy. They are filled with enthusiasm to reach their Idaho Tuesday after visiting her hus goal in this campaign in the shortest band who is in camp. Roger Nace returned to I t . Lewis possible time. When the solicitor Wednesday after a short visit with his calls, be ready to give generously.” Washington county has been di | family. Mrs. Thayne Smith has been quite vided into 10 areas for the 1944 campaign and a definite portion as | ill in a Vancouver hospital but hopes j to go home this week. signed to each district. Mr. and Mrs. W . F. Dessinger who 1 have been on the sick list for some | time were reported some better on Sunday night. Mrs. Dessinger had the misfortune to have a fall at her bedside and while no bones were bro ken, the shock was severe, i Monday night was inspection night | for the Job’s Daughters. Mrs. Netanis Waters has been re Mrs. M. C. McKercher will have ceiving some very interesting letters Christmas Seals for those who wish from her three boys in the service to purchase them for overseas mail- which she has kindly agreed to share ' ing. with our readers. John writes from 1 , Mrs. Betty Cadell and Mrs. Virginia somewhere in Belgium on the 11th i Crisp spent the week end with their quote: “ Today I have added anoth er country to the list on this tour of parents in Sorrento. The Stevens Barber Shop near the Europe. We saw our first fir trees since arriving here and it reminds us Post Office, has been sold to Mr. very much of the country at home, Orville Poulin of Huber, who has ta- high rolling hills and in spots very ’ ken possession and fall housecleaning well farmed. France proved very is in progress. The ladies of the Christian Church interesting and we hope Belgium will be as rich in interest. At this time I served a dinner last week to nearly of year, due to the harvest, France ! a hundred members of the 90 and 9 seems in fair shape as far as food j Club. goes. Paris and such cities are the i Paul Shellenberger and family re- places that have suffered the most ! turned Sunday night to their home due to the lack of transportation in Tacoma, Wash., after spending his which was taken by the Germans 1 vacation with his parents. Mrs. Doy Gray entertained the when they pulled out. W e keep run Tuesday Contract Club at a luncheon ning into a great number of Polish people who have been captured and la ! at the Campbell Court Hotel, spend Ad ter escaped from Germany. They tell us ing the afternoon at her home. ditional guests were Mrs. A1 Jannsen they have suffered and that there is nothing left in Poland. The air is i and Mrs. Charles Straley. J. J. McMahon has sold the Charles plenty nippy which reminds us that winter will soon be here. His com Straley place on Allen Avenue. The Hiteon School District was un pany is in the best of health." T-5 John able to secure a teacher so pupils of is in the 595 Laundry Co., APO 350 the district are registered at Beaver- while T-5 Basile E. Waters is in 460th Ordinance Evac. Co. APO 350 and ; ton. A large attendance at Bethel Cong. writes that he was up to the front through Paris and spent sometime in ! church on World Wide Communion ! Sunday and potluck dinner after Paris Pvt. Don E. Waters. Co. A which a short program of after din 85th Inf., Tng. B N 3rd Platoon, Camp Roberts, Calif. He was look ner speeches was enjoyed. Lloyd Lee Ellis, husband of Eunice ing forward to a trip to Los Angeles some weak end. He writes of his 1 A., Beaverton, passed away on Sept. surprise at seeing Crandall Peck and ! 29th. Mrs. Martha Mason has returned closes by asking his mother to sub scribe for the Enterprise to be sent after a short stay in San Francisco. , California. him. • tf Babson Says Now is Time To Sell Old Houses Babson Park, Mass . Oct 6 1 don’t know what is happening in all sec tions ot the country; but I am getting many bullish reports on the demand i for small and medium sized houses. Houses that could have been bought 1 for $7.000 six months ago are now be- | ing sold at $10,000. There has not . been much activity us yet In vacant I land, but houses are turning over very rapidly at large price increase. H hat Are the Reasons? As birds instinctively build nests, \ so married couples like to have a home. Up to the present time many of them have not had the money to buy a home. Furthermore, there have been enough vacant houses which could be rented. All at once people have realized that they now have enough money to buy a house on a safe mortgage and, at the same time. 1 find it very difficult to rent a house. These people might he doing the wise ! thing if they can get the housse at reasonable prices; but it would be better for them to "sleep in a tent" ■ for awhile than to pay foolishly high prices. The real estate murket today is I where the stock market was in 191. ■ Then when people suddenly dlscov- I ered that the supply of good stocks I was limited, they stampeded one another to buy stocks. Hence, the 1 market went to unwarranted high ' prices and then collupsed In the fall Continued on page two • Bits of News About Our Boys M e lfU ix l by U .1 ’ U e p a r tiT iv iit , b u is .u l • *! k 'u h lio lU lu t in n * W ASHING I ON H MON DM EN I IN PAItlS When a lone (¡1 stopped before the equestrian status of Ccnrge Washington in Paris he was instantly surrounded by French cyclists. The scene symbolized the great day of liberation for France. (II. S Signal Corti» photo.) Glen Shellenberger Married October 1 The wedding of Mrs. Maxine Me Claren and Glen Shellenberger, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Shellenbergei, was solemnized Sunday, October 1st at the Unitarian Church, Portland. Rev. Steiner officiated. The bride is the niece of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Gillette of Seal Rock, Oregon. I t ’s here at last—Recreation night. _____ ! Registration books will close Sat-j Mrs. Marie Hennessy was matron of Starting October 6th at 9:30 p. m., ' At the regular election on Novem-i u,,bl^’ October 7 3(r days before the i honor and the groom was attended —after the football game—at the Hi 1 bei 7th, Beaverton voters will elect a I Keneral election. Residents who have j by p aul Shellenberger. Paul ll.i School Gym—there is to be an ev«-li- I voted the last two years do not have , linger was usher. ing ot fun for the Hi students. I ^ aV01 and four, Councilmen Under! . A reception was held immediately the provisions of the new City char-1 lo H . 1 ‘ 1 ygisier. There will be all kinds of games. • ter, * ir i m t the ___ Mayoi and two Councilmen Eligible to register are American following the ceremony at the home The Girls Reserve and Hi-Y will be • citizens who have lived six months in o( tbp Ktoom’ parents in Beaverton. will serve four years in charge. A small charge of 5c w ill! Thp two Councilmen receiving, res P rpF'on and are 21 years old or will T he t>, j Je’s aunt, Mrs. Gillette presld- be made foi admission and also foi | pectively, the two highest numbers of be by Nov’ 7> 1944 To avoid compli- at tbp cof f Pe urn and Mrs. W illiam - <a,p. sp‘ vlnS' 0 re M su ' un *’ votes will serve until January 1, 1949 cations voters should see they are 8on nf Lopgvlew, Wash., a cousin of The Beaverton P T. A. wip assist and thp twQ who receive Ie8pecUve. Placed In their correct precinct when thp br|de, poured the tea. The cake in pieparing the iefieshments. wa8 cut by j^rs. Khoda Hamsen. Mrs. ly, the next two highest numbers 0f j registering. registei mg Gladys Effenberger and Mrs. Paul votes will serve until January 1, 1947. Shellenberger assisted about the Nominating petitions are now being rooms. * circulated on which not less than 10 Aloha-Huber P. T. A. The young couple will be at home in j nor more than 20 signatures of elec- Plan Carnival in October Beaverton after October 15. ------- | tors are required in order to have They Shall Not Sleep, by Iceland | candidates names printed on the bal-' There was an executive committee: Stowe, will bring pleasure and i n f o r - (lot. I meeting of the Aloha-Huber P. T. A.* T O W N GOSSIP mation to the readers of non fiction, j The completed petitions must be Friday evening, Sept. 29 at the home 1 Girl Scout Troops 49 and 76 met It is great wai reporting and also a filed with the City Recorder no latei 0j jg r8 Charles Wilson on Huber I together last Tuesday at the home of discussion of the peace that may not than October 17th. Blank petitions Avenue, reuuc. m .-8 Sheelev Troop 49 was enter- come based upon what Stowe saw may be obtained at the City Hall Plans for a carnival to be held the wit„ y a |ml8ica, program by and learned in Burma, India, China part .. ot October . were ._. Is >« _ latter . . . . discussed . . a Troon 76 whose , leader Mrs Leo. and Russia, written at last, without Robert L. Myers Receives ting was well attended as . . . 1 The meeting Mann. censorship. practically all the officers and chair Kununk Camp Fire Girls held their For the mystery fan three new Blue Star at College men were there. regular meeting October 3. Some g iilj books are recomended—The Ame This years officers: President— Air Corps Enlisted Reservist. Rob Mrs. Emerick; vice-pres. -Mrs. Ewer; received their hand i>»>ks while oth thyst Spectacles. This Is Murder, and ers were given health charts. The ert L. Alyers, a student at Montana You—the Jury. ,2nd vice-pres. Mrs. Schlacfli; secré next meeting will be held in the city state College under the Army Spec U ry Mra. Wlls0n: treasurer Mrs. hall. mlized Training Program was one of Mrs. T. W. Blakeney won the ad 17 men out of his class of 2~0 to re ALOHA Mrs Wilson served refreshments. vanced amateur division in sweep- ceive the blue star for academic mer- The next regular executive commit- stakes awards at the 17th annual After seeing 18 months service in Word was received of the marriage il' .T he a" " f' was. P'*’sen*_pd this tee meeting will be held October 6 at! dahlia show In Portland last week. the South Pacific, Donald Llynn Con- , ___ ... , Aloha. month in a review held at Bozeman m i s . Rands. of i . Ilorence Ewer, i formerly •er, ship cook first class, is home on V L iu ic iic c u i i n t i * j v of i M o n t a n a __________________ | Members of the Beaverton Com- to Cpt. Claude Bowles at the Baptist ‘ , . leave. He says “ The Islands may _ muntty < lerden dub will brti church in Denver. September 30. She Tbp co .rse of instruction that these be just what Hollywood scenareo Pre-School Clinic Oct. 17 ! lar each to the October 20 meeting In is one of triplets, daughters of M r . ' " en havp to comP'<,,e ,s diffi- writers like—but for me—Willamette ,_____ ' the Beaverton I. O. O. F. hull. ThT ... ... t-i! cult and requires more than average Anothei sister Eli-, ‘ Valley suits me 4.0 It’s great to be 1 The Garden Home Community Can- ‘ and Mrs. Ewei. , . . , . . . . ability. The Blue Star, Distinctive Pre-school age children’s clinic will 1 gift is made annually through Ind'* ! nery at Progress is announcing the | zabeth. who is in the IN aves, has been . Home, It’s grand having you—Dad be held Tuesday October 17 at the ' vidual garden effort in products sort, . , . . to Vero t, .„v, x.-,.. Insignia for : cancelling of its former regulai days •' transferred Beach. Fla. , " . . . Excellence, . is , given only ' —and you Mom.” Reedville school. Dr. Miriam Luten and the money is given to the army- i at the Cannery on Monday. Tuesday | Mrs. Marvin Lutton and daughter to those at the very top of the list. i of Portland will be in charge assisted navy relief Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of Ridgefield. Wash., were guests of picking demonstration by Miss Elizabeth Panck of the coun-1 A filbert Ned Seibert, owner of the Beaver Garden produce is pretty well can her aunt and uncle. Mr and Mrs. Fire Prevention Week hns been scheduled for Washington ty health department. ton Furniture Store, was home on a ned now. and the Cannery will oper-1 Frances Livermore recent 1>. county on October 12th on the L. R. October 8 to 14 Members short furlough last week. He has ate on a limited schedule. 2nd Lt. Ronald L. Graham and his Pearson farm, 1 mile north of Rccd- are requested to call for appointments finished his training at Camp Lewis. bride have been visiting his parents, Bond Issue Passed i'irr Prevention Week, to be held! ville, Just east of Reedville scho ol, Wash., and was given a short leave during the next week and to ascer Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Graham. 1 ‘ b's year, October 8 to 14, offers to ------- reports Palmer S Torvend. county before being transferred to a new tain when the Cannery will be open Mrs. Ed Johnson was visiting everyone an excellent opportunity to, Aloha-Huber school may have Its 1 agent. It is scheduled for 1:30 p m. Mem- friends here last week. station Army life seems to agree : for removal of canned goods. She was RPt behind the slogan "Feed Fight-j much needed additicon ready for use! A meeting demonstrating Irrigated 1 hers are urged to get canned goods with him. owner of a beauty shop in Aloha Prs Not Fires." about the first of the year. At U>e; arMj ^,-y jand pastures will be hell 'within the next few days, calling when she was stricken with infantile Every year millions of dollars worth election held last week the district October 6 at 10 a. m. at the David Beaverton 2256 or CH. 1354 to find Earl Drorbaugh is rapidly recover out exact time when the Cannery will paralysis. She has been under a doc- 0f food that might feed fighters, and voted on the bond issue for $10,000 Hagg * Sons farm, 1 mile south of tors care but is greatly improved 'other millions of dollars in buildings , and it was upproved. Reedville. ing from a bad case o f pneumonia. , be open. There will be no way for i Ralph Klatt spent a leave with his and other equipment go up in smoke — » The Portland district conference or He was under the oxygen tent for can goods to be obtained after the parents Mr and Mrs. L. E Klatt. He National fire protection associations ' the Methodist church will meet at several days. He is stationed at Camp Cannery is closed for the season. is in the merchant marine service. • estimate that ¿5 percent of the fires : Patton church Monday, October 8 at Crowder, Mo. He has just returned from Alaska. I are caused by carelessness and can be ! 10 a m. This conference Is espec- Raleigh District to Vote Joseph Grimm, son of Mrs. Bonnie prevented. ' tally for the ministers. Grimm has entered the University of T>be eight principal fire hazards Mrs. Thomas K. Wilson, formerly of Oct. 25 on Consolidation I Filbert picking commences Sundov Oregon to finish his law course He tP he eliminated include: defective Richmond. V»., left last Thursday for . in many filbert orchards In this v recently received a medical discharge flues and sooty chimneys which San Francisco, to join her husband, I ctnity. Attention was called to the voting should be repaired and cleaned; flam-| who is completing a radio technician' on the consolidation of the Raleigh from the army. Ross Hart spent several days at niahle wood shingles which should be , Washington County Council of Par- I course at Treasure Island N. T S He district with the union high school on Married at Home re-covered with fire-resistant roofing I pnt Teachers is holding their first, was first sent to Great Lakes NTS October 25th, by Mr Metzler at a Corvallis. Edward Nylund is in training at materials; defective heating plants; | meeting of the yearl»44-45 Tuesday. then Del Monte, California, where he meeting of the Beaverton P T. A. Miss Marian Marjorie Moore, daugh c a r e le s s handling of gaso'ine end i October 19. in the Tualatin grade finished with a grade of 10 point held September 26th at the Hi school Farragut. Idaho. Mrs Walter Hart has returned to kerosene, cleaning fluids; careless The meeting will open at 10 ter of Mr and Mrs W. H Moore of above average of his class, and as in Beaverton. Beaverton. And Mr Richard Robert* her home after a short visit at the ness with smoking and matches; I a m Those going by bus will get a Tommy puts lt"he was in awfully 8 1-c. navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hen Mrs Peck opened the meeting with ' ¡accumulated rubbish In the home and hlJg to Tualatin at the Fifth and Sal- good company.” Lois has been mak the reading of the Objects of the P Hart home Dorothy Riggs was elected pred- farm buildings. Paper and rags are j mon bu> dppot and tberp arp bu„ P8 ry Nelson of Kalama, Wash , were ing her home with the C. Y. Wilson s T. A.. Rev. L. Johnson lead the group married September 17 at the home o. dent of the B Y F at their recent badly needed for many war purposes ; lpavlng at 9 and 10 30 a m. for the past six months and employed in singing the bride's parents, Rev. G. W. Sprin- Reports were made by business meeting Oari Rosen« is and should be turned over to local Tb„ m„rning will be devoted to at First Security Bank during that commltees. . . . . . , ger officiating. committee* vice-pres.; Marjory DeHaan, acereiary salvi time The young couple hope to re receiving the plans for the coming i * Mrm Robprt8 wm make ! er horn» Members of different committees turn to Beaverton upon completion of spoke on their work and aims for the treasurer: Beverly Mitzel. pianist; year by the local Parent-Teacher As- ^ AnB.p, „ while M- Don DeHaar. song leader; Denny hts course for a 15 day furlough. S t a g e S e r v ic e L x t e n d e d sedations and the reports of the active duty coming year. O’Donnell and Norman Sperling, ser Oregon Motor Stages have been au-1 County Council Chairmen. For the. _______, Announcement was made that the geant at arms Washington County Council will meet H Flag» public 'afternoon there has been i Meet Oct 8 in Hillsboro The Army public relations office at utilities commission, to give service most interesting panel discussion Portland. Oregon, has announced the October 10 at 10 a. m . at Tualatin Sergeant I^iw'-ence A Blunek of b-tw -en Reedville and Huber via El- based on the use the National Parent enl.stment into the Air Corps Enlist grade school Dessert and coffee will The Hillsboro branch of the Chi ids and he- ' Teacher Magaine can be put to in a All members are urged route two. Beaverton, has returned m o r ed Reserve of Harold Guy Anderson, he served. over : meeting of Jeans Christ of Latter Day S t home on furlough. He-is one of many tween P.eedville and Hillsboro to attend. Busses leave 5th and Sal 17 year old son of Mr and Mrs Guy I Each one brings his own sandwich will have a branch reu Ion Octo E Anderson, route S. box 954 Beav mon depot at 9, 10 30 and 12 o'clock. Oregon marines recently arrived fionri Baseline road — ard the Tualatin association are serv- 8 beginning at 10 3'l a. n with htr a combat zone in the Pacific theatre -------------------- erton. Anderson enlisted in the an huijband ing dessert and coffee. All are in- at the American legion Hall in Hill* ’"W A N T E D Good. J "My spirit is wobbly, and my mind after months of overseas duty ACER to participate in the Army ind doesn't vlted to attend whether they belong boro. All members are urged to D Mrs Olllham has returned from a who gets a pension Specialized Training Program for 17- le oofifuaed.” ’—Oorneepotvdent Ernie short vacation with her two boys in drink.” -Claeelfted ad In Bedford Md , to a Parent Teacher Association or there. year olds, now being sponsored by ths Pyle, returning after 29 monthe over Seattle. Timee-Mall. |n#t. 1 Everyone welcome. sea« War Department Cannery Season Nearing Close High Recreation Night October 6th City Officers To Be Elected Register Before Saturday, October 7 Library Notes | County Council Meets Oct. 10