P ig e $ September 29, 1944 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE, Beaverton, Oregon 1 New Navy Weapons What's Doing Shown First Time IN TILK Chûrches _________ Sgt. L. A. Blunck Back In the United States To Cross On Plank Word From Ne.. Guinea , I’m full of darned Malu’ a; Sergeant Lawrence A. Blunck, 22, I shake the whole day long, ; of Beaverton, has been returned to 1 The quini-ie :< tinging in my ears, CHURCH OF THE NAZAKKNE ntul sruns (i, mis useu Used in ill m the United / Plant’ lanes < ana e . |the monthB in state8 the »tt*r serving He many la a I'm anything but s'rong Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor Mosqdto bite? all o%’er me, veteran of four major battles. 9.45 a. m Sunday School, Rally Invasion l nveiled. He now is stationed at the Marine In my last hour on earth. I shall You’d think I had the itch. Day, souvenirs for all. Contest closes. Corps base, San Diego, Calif., await throw away all the sermons I ever My ears are full of guinea mud, 11 a. m Morning worship, World Communion Sunday will be observed. WASHINGTON Ihr n.ivy has ing reassignment and a furlough. 1 preached and all the prayers, all the My bunks a muddy ditch. 6:15 p. m. Junior meeting Permitted brief mention of a whole Sergeant Blunck, whose mother, | calls on the sick and all the help I I’m living in a jungle. Ample Parking—Form Fitting Seats a 6:30 p. m. Hi-N. Y. and N. Y. P. S. batch of secret, new, or improved Mrs. R P. Kueneke, lives at route 2, ever gave. And I will look to the It’s hot as merry hell, TIGARD, OREGON—TEL. £425 weapons, some of which even now fought with the famed Second Ma good plank Grace to carry me across f ’-ration is my mequ. 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic service. Best Pictures — De l uxe Sound So said the No cooking can I smell. Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Prayer and are being tested on the European rine Division at Guadalcanal. Tara- to my Father's house. Admission 50c, children 20c, lnclu tax wa, Saipan and Tinian. He wears aged minister, as he came on toward For this I get 2 bucks a day, invasion front. missionary study. M_-n in Uniform 20c Anytime And chance for a little ground. for being the end Thursday 1:30 p. m. Women’s Mis These weapons—along with many th,‘ **urPle Heart Medal 2nd Show Approximately 9 o'clock That measures 4x6x4 and, others which may not even be mounded in action, and two Presiden And what is Grace? sionary Society meets. Continuous Show Sunday at 2:30 J tial Unit Citations. Grace is everything for the man A covered grassy mound. hinted at— were unveiled fur news My pal. who came down here with me WEST I1UJ.S who deserved nothing and who could men in a recent tour of naval estab The lad was just 18, LUTHERAN CHURCH not pay for anything. Friday-Saturday, Sept. 29-30— lishments authorized by Secretary of Chamberlin Honored God is the God ol all grace. Many Got him a bed he’ll never leave— Canyon Road, near Sylvan Jean Gabin—Allyn Joslyn the Navy James V. Forrestal. Guest at Rome USO Club a time we have set ourselves against The coverlet is green. Werner J. Frits, Minister A brand-new twin-engined fighter THE IMPOSTER -------- his holy will, to go our own way. Anothei one will see no more. 17th Sunday after Trinity plane of unprecedented fire power plus Grace Macdonald and Leon Errol Cpl. John L. Chamberlin, who lives j Yes, these human hearts ot ours Another lost his arm, Sunday School 9:46 a. m which climbs practically straight at route 1, Eeaverton, Oregon, was an spout out a lot of sin, first and last A thousand more I do not know— in Divine Service 11 a. m. Hat Check Honey Sermon: How Shall We Keep up. The navy version of the jet- honor guest at the Rome USO Club and the Good Book says—All have Are now safe from all harm. propulsion plane, known to the men last week, according to an announce- sinned. Sunday? But God gave us his Son But when I hear a bunch of guys— Coming in the early Fall to who fly as “ swish,” because that is ment by Rev. Rubin R. Dobin, Direc- to die for our sins. You are Invited and welcome. God gave us the Tha*’s’ safe and far away, THE JOY Wednesday, Oct. 4, 7:30 p. m Mis the way it goes. Refuse to work, because they want tor ol the Club. Cpl. Chamberlin is Saviour. For Your Pleasure sionary Guild and Church Council Improved rockets and rocket guns now stationed at Battey General Hos-1 Having laid our many sins on Two Dollars more a day. Donald O’Connor in meeting at the parsonage, 7021 SW that "won’t do the enemy any good. P‘ta>. where he is one of the more pop-1 Christ, God is free to do for us as he i only wish we had them here, for CHIP OFF THE OLD BLOCK Canyon Crest. Battleships with 100 times the fire , ulH1' boys in the detachment. Cpl. i wills. So it is that to all who re just a week or two. power of battleships built three Chamberlin took part in the evening’s ; celve Christ as Saviour from sin, God To live in Guinea Jungles, and Robert Taylor in CHURCH OF CHRIST years ago, and a new 27,000-ton activities and told those present how acts in grace to impart eternal life. There we’d let them stay, SONG OF RUSSIA George W. Springer, Pastor proud he was of his home town and He Inbreathes us with himself. His We’d give them all malaria. ,........ ..... .. ... , 9 45 a. m. Worship and preaching battle cruiser which will be the first eternal Spirit touches our spirit into Let the mosquitos have a feast. Spencer Tracy in ¿r,. Topic will be—The Divine Imper vessel of its kind in the United I Cpl. r'v,amh„.ii„ Chamberlin Vxpressed his appro-1 life. So we have life from above. We’d make them bury lads from A GUY NAMED JOE States fleet. sonator. ciation for the many kindnesses shown We are born of God. We did not de- North. West, South and East, Aircraft carriers from whose him there. Following the sermon, the Lord’s’ serve it but in grace, God did it. We’’d make them sleep in foxholes Michael O’Shea in decks twin-engjned medium bomb supper will be observed. The people of Rome have made it a More of grace. When you said And feed ’em from a can, JACK LONDON Bible School class session 11 a. m, ers will be able to take off -and policy to make all servicemen as com- yes to God and received Christ as Sa-: Let the hot sun blister ’em, Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. much else. fortable as possible. They are doing viour and Lord, you had a flock of But not a Palm Beach Tan. The musical treat of the season Evening worship 7:30 p. m. BROADWAY RHYTHM Even the most experienced navy I this here because they know that the sinful habits. Now byshis Spirit, God ! We’d let them hear the wounded men, Midweek Bible study Wed. 8 p. m. fliers, the visiting reporters learned, people of different communities are and Christ come to keep house in And let them see ’em die, KNICKERBOCKER HOLIDAY Cary Grant—Janet Blair were amazed when they first ob- taking care ot servicemen stationed your heart. As you yield to them, With snipers bullets whizzing close METHODIST CHURCH ONCE UPON A TIME your sinful ways drop off, the Bible With star shells in the sky. served the jet plane’s speed, maneu neai them. Albert S. Hisey, D. D., Minister I becomes your delight, prayer the very Then we”d send ’em home again TW O C.IRLS AND \ SAILOR verability and climbing ability. Church School 9 45 a. m. of life and you find yourself To their ten bucks a day BRIDGE OF SAN LUIS REY Navy fliers seemed even more V. H. Bullis in Europe | breath Worship Hour 11 a. m. To tell the others what they’d seen, —Special Return Showing — ____ living in a new world. Zions Circle Wednesday and all day pleased with a newly perfected twin- So we ask—What is God’s grace to Way down New Guinea Way. NORTHWEST PASSAGE engined fighter which appears about The Friendly Circle, second and An Eighth Ail horce Fighter Sta- y0U? Do yOU merely profess Christ i ’ll bet those guys would have enough filmed in Technicolor equal in performance to the tion, England Staff Sergeant Val- or ^ yOU actually possess Him? fourth Tuesdays. At home they’d gladly stay, “ swish,” despite the fact that it is more H Bullis of Beaverton, Oregon, Cut ibis out for Future Referenoe No strikes they’d start ALOHA COMMUNITY CHURCH equipped with heavy armament and is a memtoei o f an Eighth Fighter Right soon aj.qun— Command P-51 Mustang group which Graydon D. Lor*«. Pastor armor. For two more bucks a day. recently passed the 450-mark in vic Sunday School 10 a. m. 3101 SW McChesney Road. tories over Nazi planes, becoming Morning worship 11 a. in. Portland, Oregon ‘Going to the Dogs’ Is the third American fighter group in 8 p. m. Evening worship. This space paid for by an Oregon European Theatre of Opera businessman. Easily Done in London the tions to make such a record. BETHEL LONDON. —It’s easy to go to the S Sgt. Bullis is a veteran aircraft CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Bicycle Rationing Ended dogs in London— mechanic in a Mustang squadron sta Rev. F. T. Sturtevant, Pastor tioned here and his work contributed And it’s a very popular pastime. 9:45 a. m. Church School. Rationing of bicycles is ended, OPA All you need is a few pence trainfare to the group ’s high record of combat revealed Saturday. 11 a. m. Worship. Topic Our Lost World. to the nearest whippet track and efficiency. “This action was taken,” Janney This fighter group established a Nursery for children during the two shillings to get in at the gate. said, "because so few bicycles are on record for American units in this service., Then it’s up to you— and the dogs hand, and so few scheduled for pro- theatre when it destroyed 44 5:30 p. m. Jr. High Society. you bet on —whether you walk home duction rationing now serves lit- • v , „wen in , , that , planes in the ground and seven 7 p. m. Sr. High Society. . , , In , four I tie useful loser or ride back in style in a four- the air in one mission And , f purpose. / , ... buck taxi. low-level attacks, the group destroyed 1 Bicycle dealers are required to hold THE VALLEY all records of rationing sales, and in Even the war hasn’t wiped out the 118 German planes on the ground, an j COMMUNITY CHURCH for six months, Janney Briton’ s love of gambling. Anyone average of more than 29 per mission. ventories, UNITED PRESBYTERIAN who thinks these people phlegmatic S Sgt. Bullis was teaching school in i emphasized. 4110 SW Gabsl L*ns should spend an evening watching Beaverton prior to his enlistment in Rav. H. A. Armitage, pastor Complete Records them in the grip of betting fever at j September, 1942 10 30 a. m. Morning Worship one of the weekly dog races which Two registered Brown Swiss cows draw the attendance of many thou- Many Veterans Get FSA PILflIRIM LUTHERAN CHURCH in the Albert Meier & Son herd at sands, including many American sol- i c » _ ... r „ _ ; n „ The Bible Church Beaverton, Oregon, have recentfy dierg and officers on leave. ! L o a n s t o M a r t h a r m u l8 Box 697, Beaverton completed Register of Production rec- ] Farmington Rd. at Menlo Drlva The first of eight races starts at Postwar farming is already here [ ords according to Fred S. Idtse, sec- Walter R. Buhl, Pastor 6:30 p. m. and the last is over by ! for 1,122 veterans of the present retary of the Brown Swiss Cattle Sunday School 10 a. m. 8:35 so the crowd can get home be , world war, who up to midsummer— Breeders’ Association, Belott, Wis. 11 a. m. World Wide Communion fore the blackout. | July 15 in some regions and June 3 0 , -------------------------- Service. Sermon —The Mark of a It costs two shillings or 40 cents in others—had obtained loans from, For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry True Church. to sit in the “ bleachers," 80 cents , the Farm Security Administration to ’ Barnes. Phone Beaverton 3231. 5:30 p. m. Junior High Society. 7 p.m. Senior Pilgrim Fellowship. for a grandstand view and $3 for a enable them to go into farming “on reserved seat in the finish line sec their own.” $ Too Late to Classify War veterans with demonstrated tion where it is considered “ bad ALOHA ASSEMBLY OF GOD W A N T E D W o m a n to care for 1 fo r m " to drop*less than 10 pounds capacity for fanning may apply to We have a nice selection of Spring Filled Daven Sunday School 10 a. m. their local county FSA committee for yr old baby & boy, school age, or $40 at a clip. Worship 11 a. m. assistance. Once the loan is made, while mother works, service man’s port Sets — Chairs and D,avenos to Choose from Evangelistlo 7:45 p. nt. the veteran has the assistance of the wife. Your home or mine. Mrs Prayer and Bible study 7:40 p. w. Air Thunderbolt Tells county supervisor in working out a Ray Jewett, Apt 1, SW 1st & Main Thursday. practical plan of farm operation. Beaverton. 35. T I GARD f/L___ Invader of Baby Born ST. CECELIA CHURCH A U. S. NINTH AIR FORCE Masses 7 60 to 9:50 a. m. on Sunday FIG H TER BASE IN ENGLAND - during summer months. A U. S. Ninth air force Thunderbolt RKEDVIIJ.R COMMUNITY FKLSIIYTHRIAN CHURCH Sunday School 10 a. m. Mrs. OtU George, Supt. Worship Service 11 a. m. Young People’s C. E. 7 n. m. Prayer Meeting and Bible study, Thursday, 7 p. m. F S A L o a n s A v ailab le Loan assistance from the Farm Security Administration Is now avail able to farm families or part-time farm families where this assistance cun help them become better estab lished and increase their production. Considerable assistance has Ixsn giv e n for the improvement of rural con ditions in this way where other satis factory credit is not available. You may either apply In person at the office, or In writing to V. S. Mad sen, County FSA Supervisor, Hake your own Bread. Add rals- tns or nuts for variety.: Use molasses, and whole wheat or graham flour. For Stove and Diesel OH Call Harry Rames. Phone Beaverton 8231. tf Deer Season Opens Oct. 1 The annual deer season in Oregon flew a private courier service to opens for a month on October 1, with Sergt. Robert R. Hayes of Rome, a general bag limit of one deer hav N. Y ., a ground crewman on an ad ing not less than forked horns. The season for ducks and geese ex vanced airstrip in France. Sergeant Hayes wanted to know tends trom October 14 to January 1. Only two days" limits may be held in when he became a father. Pilot Col. Gilbert L. Meyers of possession at any one time. Milford, Iowa, gave him the news. I ~ 7 ‘ “ He flew over the field, and in broad le C » chalk Jetters on the undercarriage “ th® « r eyhound Coffee Shop ®f his Thunderbolt was the message: For Stove and Diesel Oil Call Harry 1 “ It’s a g ir l." Barnes. Phone Beaverton 3231. tf ' According to scientists the intrinsic value of a human body la about one dollar, but they have never discov ered anyone who wants to buy one. G R A Y H A IR ? The location of hell has never been determined hut there Is much evi dence that It Is close by. While shopping eat at the Grey hound Coffee Shop, Beaverton. W. E. P E G G M O R T I C I A N Beaverton, Oregon Eatab. 1910 Serving 33 years r ilO N E BEAVERTON While In Beaverton be eure to eat nt the Greyhound Coffee Hhop. 3411 Get Grayvita Vitamins Y n , nronlt* the nation over have reported GK \Y V ITA Vitamin* W ORK, and that their gray hair t* returning to its natural color. CM AYY ITA Vitamins contain the «• ime amount of ’anti gt.iy hair vitamin'* (Ptua 4nO Int units Hi) as tcutrd by a leading h market ping maga* tine Of those tested. HA* • had return of hair color G R A Y V IT A Vitamins are non fatten ing. can t harm vour "i* rmanent '* 30 day Supply $1 .'VO. 100 days, $4 00. Phone BEAVERTON PHARMACY Phone Beaverton 2311 FOR SALE 2 acres, small house garage, chicken house, nut & fruit trees, berries, grapes. ‘ t mi S of Aloha on Williamson Ave, oft Farmington Rd. D. E. K< I 3 WOR s a l e r A on Walker Rd 12 busses daily, almost new modern hse., wired for elec, range, auto. , elect, water heater, utility Rm., f elec, pump, double gaiage, chicken I hse, young fruit trees, owner trans- j ferred $6000. J. J. McMahon Beav- l erton. Or., Beaverton 3831. 35 FOR SALE 2.40 A. nt it Walker I Rd.. new modern 4 rooms, chic ten hse., garage. $3500 Cash. J. J Me- I 3H31 FOR SALE 1 Oak Dining Table j A 4 chairs $25: 3x5 shop table $4. | 3 burner gas plate $2.50; grinJ j stone and frame $4 50; 1 handmade I comforter $6 W. O. Jeffs, Scof- ] fins Ave- back of Tigard Hi. 35 Kepler Davenport Co. y z 'iu ih in a . ^0*1 the 9/0ME- PMONE 3 5 3 5 Save 20 to 25% on your FIRE INSURANCE COSTS Oregon Mutual Policies are NON-ASSESS ABIJC. You NEVER paj more than the premium on the face of the policy. Oregon Mutual maintains more than three times the surplus required hy Oregon Insurance laws Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company of M c M i n n v i l l e Organized 1894- 40 years of Reliable Service Uhaa. L. Walker, Agent New 1 oration 112 So. 3rd Ave. Beaverton 3762 Open 8:30 to 6 Evenings gy Appointment Phone 1732 “Every Form of Protection” Hillsboro, Oregon Church MOBILIZATION MONTH Begins AT BEAVERTON, OREGON Recovering and Modernizing B eaverton The Beaverton CHURCH oi the NAZARENE SUNDAY, 11:00 A. M. World Communion Sunday observed Special Services Each Sunday in October YOUTH WEEK C LOSES WITH SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY The Community is Invited to These Services HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE POST WAR Essential Industry IN VICINITY OF GLENCULLEN Good Wage* — Regular Hour* Some Part Time Jobs Available at Once Glencullen Bus Service right to the Door AIR CLEANER SERVICE CO. 4624 S. W. BERTHA-BEAVERTON HIGHWAY Phone BEacon 1238 Glencullen, Oregon LIFEBUOY * SHAVING CREAM’S try Heavy "Stay Moist" Lather 120 TO 150 No Used Tube Needed 27c BEAVERTON PHARMACY